Cinematic fx dark souls 3 как установить
ReShade preset using the Magic HDR shader combined with a few others to simulate a cinematic "HDR" effect. Low performance impact!
Off-site requirements
Mod name | Notes |
ReShade | The file will not do anything without ReShade and the necessary shaders |
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- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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(Updated for version 1.3)
SweetFX by
Color effects by prod80
Insane-Shaders by Lord of Lunacy
FXShaders by luluco250
Curves.fx from SweetFX
PD8003_Curved_Levels.fx from Color effects
ReVeil.fx from Insane-Shaders
MagicHDR.fx from FXShaders
Copy my preset file "Dark Souls 3 HDR 1.3.ini" into the DARK SOULS III > Game folder, wherever you have game folders installed on your PC.
Launch the game and hit the Home key to pull up the menu for ReShade. It might have you go through a tutorial so just click through that. Once you have access to the menu select the drop down bar at the top and select Dark Souls 3 HDR 1.3.ini from the list.
Make sure you have the ingame brightness set to the default setting (5)
And you should be good to go!
1.1 - Fixed a bug I found with the original shaders used. Replaced with 2 different shaders and rearranged shader order to fix overly bright areas.
1.3 - Completely fixed ALL color banding problems, and has better contrast/colors. Overall effect is much more accurate.
This is a slightly tweaked version of my Global HDR preset I've been working on for a while now. The global version works pretty well with every game I've tested so far, but the black level in Dark Souls 3 is messed up so I had to make a specific version for this one. You can find the global version here Magic HDR ReShade preset for Nioh 2 at Nioh 2 Nexus - Mods and community
This guide will show you how to enhance the graphics of Dark Souls 3 through the usage of a ReShade/SweetFX preset called 'Rekindled FX' and the Nvidia Control Panel.
The goal of this preset was to reduce the overall sepia tone from the game and add various post-processing effects to enhance the visual quality, along with additional anti-aliasing to reduce jagged edges on objects. This is the real cinematic Dark Souls 3 experience.
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As the PC version of Dark Souls 3 releases on April 12th, visual enthusiasts around the world, such as myself, will want to know how they can make their copy of Dark Souls 3 look better.
In the past, there have been tools such as GeDoSaTo, which helped you downsample your resolution or hide the HUD, among other things. I'm happy to report that this time around, such tools are not needed for the majority of gamers. As an Nvidia user, you can downsample through DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) without any issues that result in the game crashing. Additionally, there is now an auto-hide HUD feature in the options menu.
While playing with this graphical preset turned on, you will notice additional anti-aliasing, ambient lighting, changes to the color hue, sharpening, vignetting, a tiny bit of chromatic aberration and much more. In my opinion, this is a huge step forward from the vanilla version of Dark Souls 3, which throws a distasteful sepia filter across every object.
Outside of using the above-mentioned preset, there are additional things you can do to make Dark Souls 3 look as gorgeous as can be. Once again, as an Nvidia user, open up the Nvidia Control Panel and apply additional anti-aliasing under Program Settings. Additionally, set Texture Filtering to 'High Quality' for smoother looking textures. I'd like to note that for SLI users, Dark Souls 3 currently uses the same SLI compatibility bits from Dark Souls 2 and will run at an average of 50fps on a GTX 980 video card. You are able to downsample the game via DSR with minimal FPS loss.
Here is a screenshot to show some of settings you need to apply:
If you're a Windows 10 user then you may run into framerate drops caused by using an Xbox controller on the PC version. While this is a nuisance to anyone’s gameplay experience, it can easily be remedied with a simple fix. Initially found by reddit user LarryCulpepper, a guide on Reddit details the issue and also provides a solution. According to the post, you need to open up the Device Manager in Windows and find your Xbox controller device. Next, right click it and select 'Update driver software'. When it asks how you would like to update, select "Browse computer for device software" and then select "Let me select from a list of device drivers on my computer", which should show you a list of driver versions. The post says to select version and then reboot your computer. After all is done, you will be able to play Dark Souls 3 on Windows 10 without any major framerate hiccups.
• Place all the files in your root Dark Souls 3 Game directory.
This should be located at:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game"
• Run the game normally and it should load with your new ReShade/SweetFX Preset.
• Make sure that FRAPS, Dxtory and other third-party programs that may interfere with this preset are not running in the background. You can only run FRAPS after the game is launched.
• Ignore the yellow text that appears in the left corner of the screen for a few seconds, it is normal.
• If you are having an issue with the Steam Overlay, simply launch the game in Windowed Mode and then change it to Fullscreen once it has launched.
• You can press the "Scroll Lock" key on your keyboard to toggle the preset on and off.
I've discovered some pretty simple ways of increasing overall FPS and smoothness in Dark souls 3 so i thought i would share them.
Unparking CPU
What is CPU unparking ?
Cores are unparked by default. Parking is something that an operating system can do to put a core to sleep when there's not enough work to do to justify keeping it powered up.
When threads (and/or processes depending on the operating system's model) become ready for execution the operating system has a decision to make. If one or more cores are parked it can wake them up and load the thread/process onto the logical processor representing that core. However, this causes the microprocessor to consume more power. Alternatively it can keep the cores parked and simply throw the thread/process onto the ready queue. This causes the thread/process to wait longer in the queue than it would normally, but avoids waking the core.
Using software like CPU core parking manager will Unpark your CPU cores for you but you can do it manually though it can be a little difficult for non-techsavy people.
Unparking your CPU cores definitely increases FPS at least on AMD CPU's. Remember FPS increases will wary depending on your system but primarily your CPU. Some report getting higher increases on AMD CPU's and Intel CPU's so keep this in mind.
Keep in mind that Unparking your CPU's will only help if your CPU is bottlenecking the games performance.
Overclocking your CPU and/or GPU
Capping the game at 30 FPS
If you can't reach the golden 60 FPS mark in Dark Souls 3 and are experiencing stuttering you should consider capping the game at 30 FPS. This is most likely reduce the stuttering you experience dramatically since your CPU/GPU don't have to work overtime do get the next frame ready. This will make the game appear less choppy and hopefully smoother. Since Dark souls 3 doesn't support capping the FPS we will need to "Trick" it into that we're running a 30Hz monitor. This can easily be done in your GPU provider's control panel.
For Nvidia users:
Go to Nvidia Control Panel(Search for it in the start menu) then Manage 3D Settings then click on Program settings. Find darksoulsiii.exe and click add. Now find the feature Maximum pre-rendered frames and set it to "2" . For the last setting scroll all the way down until you find Vertical Sync set it to "Adaptive half refresh rate". Next click the apply button and you're done.
For AMD users:
AMD users can cap their FPS to 30 FPS by RadeonPro program and go to the Tweaks tab. Set VSync control to "Always On (Double Vsync)".
-Thanks to Void of Entity for pointing that one out.-
My system
CPU: AMD FX-8320(4.4GHz)
GPU: GTX 960(4GB, +200 Core, +200 Memory)
Dark Souls 3 on SSD: Yes
RAM: 14 GB(1688 MHz)
Post below if you have any questions or tests i can do.
• При нажатии клавиши "Scroll Lock" на клавиатуре пресет включается и выключается.
Мод на любителя, может черезчур синюшный, но мне нравится!
Самое стремное в графике ДС - это освещение, свет проходит через поверхности статичных предметов, не отбрасывая тени
Короче сделал яркость на 6, в игре, ща ваще эпик, особенно атмосферно в Иритилле, шедеврово и в остальных, ща на нем буду сидеть короче))
Илья Радзинский Нихера непонятно запиши видео подробное неработает скачал на рабочий стол делаю все шаги на шаге 4 пишет не удалось найти часть пути вконце указан файл ReShade.fx данный файл есть в твоей папке я пробовал его сувать в папку с игрой он все равно на 4 шаге выдает эту ошибку
Roman Хелпер Хогс S В общем надо в корне папки создать папку game, после инструкции файлы будут лежать в ней. Потом их кидаеш в основную папку где ексешник, а сам медиатор можно в папку на рабочем столе скинуть.
Чутка бы синевы убрать а то в темноте синего много, думается мне это просто сделано в отместку более темной картинки в общем, чтобы в темноте видеть, проверял на 0 яркости, может надо покрутить там, хз.
пишет "устройство не готово", всё делаю по инструкции
Денис Дубов А можно скрин ошибки?
Илья Радзинский
Илья Радзинский а сам синематик в папку с игрой кидать надо?
Денис Дубов Нет. А попробуй от администратора.
Илья Радзинский непомогло
Так то неплохо но синевы многовато все таки(
Я бы с удовольствием бы попробовал, версия где синевы по меньше выглядит очень даже неплохо, но боюсь бан в игре получить, так как в дс2 на шадов сервере играть было сущий ад
Нихера непонятно запиши видео подробное неработает
Тоже не работает.
Обычно подобные цветастые решейды не нравятся, но этот хорош) Только эти черные полосы сверху и снизу экрана напрягают немного, а в целом хорошо, понравилось. Спасибо)
сколько фпс сжирает, играю в 30фпс не хотелось бы слайд-шоу
Инструкция к инструкции: Знач берем создаем папки на пути D:\games\Dark Souls III\Game Туда кидаем dxgi.dll, его нужно где то найти. Дальше идем в разархевированный архив с этим решейдом сверху по ссылке. Делаем все по инструкции, появляются по тому пути 3 файла, их копируем в папку с exe файлом самой игры и запускаем и играем, к сожалению без синевы файл удален(тот что в коментах) доработка от автора. Но есть замена без создавания папок от Eddward West ссылка в коментах выше рабочая. Остальные решейды мутное говно, и те что новые на сайте валяются полное говно.
Согласен, мод весьма хорош, картинка как бы оживает, но убрать бы эффект синевы на 5-10% и вообще красота.
мод кал полный, при том еще и ресурсов дохера жрет !!
Eddward West Сделай не кал, и тогда посмотрим на твоё творение!
Eddward West Каково оно - играть в ДС3 с читами? В чем смысл?
pochtipushkin для скринов прочитерил чтоб время не тянуть
pochtipushkin Это не читы а улучшение освещения.
А кстати неплохо, некий стиль картинки появляется. Цвета насыщенные, мне норм.
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