Chaos mod gta sa как установить
GTA Trilogy Chaos Mod
Welcome to the official GTA Trilogy Chaos Mod repository!
This repository, together with this README, is still very much WIP.
Project On Hiatus
Seeing as I'm pretty burnt out on this project I've decided to put it on hiatus for the time being.
What I mean by that is that it's on hiatus from my side, meaning that PRs will still be accepted.
Doing this all on my own is pretty taxing and I have other, more important (and interesting) things to do and worry about.
What does this mod do?
Similar to the old Vice City Chaos% mod by Lightnat0r, it activates effects in the corresponding game every X seconds / minutes (cooldown can be defined in the GUI tool).
Which GTA games does it support?
It started off as a mod for San Andreas, which is the one that is mainly supported right now.
However, there is already basic support for Vice City and III implemented. It will take longer to bring all (if possible) custom effects over, and also implement their corresponding ingame cheats though.
Which versions of the games does it support?
GTA San Andreas: v1.0 US
GTA Vice City: v1.0 US
GTA III: v1.0 US
So far only San Andreas is officially supported.
Vice City and III have some sort of basic support in already, but the GUI Tool doesn't support them yet.
How do I downgrade my game to the required version?
What ASI Loader is recommended to play the mod with?
I highly recommend using the Ultimate ASI Loader by ThirteenAG purely due to the fact that it supports saving CrashDumps.
Download the file (not the one)
It will contain a file called dinput8.dll - move the file to your GTA directory.
Now rename it to vorbisFile.dll and replace the original.
(Good for people that use the dinput8.dll mouse fix. Also the only way I personally got the ASI Loader to work)
Silent's ASI Loader works as well, but if you want to open an issue with some crashes I'll be closing any that do not have crash dumps.
Depending on which ASI Loader you picked, the files differ in size a bit:
- vorbisFile.dll (Ultimate ASI Loader): 2,102KB / 2,152,448 bytes
- vorbisFile.dll (Silent's ASI Loader): 53KB / 53,760 bytes
The reason why the Ultimate ASI Loader is WAY BIGGER in size is because it supports more than just the original vorbisFile.dll , comes with an additional windowed mode feature, a "d3d8 to d3d9" pseudo-driver and a crash handler.
If you don't need any of that, Silent's ASI Loader will be all you need.
How do I download the mod then?
Head on over to the the Releases tab or click here.
Installation is as simple as installing an ASI Loader (see previous section) and copying all the files into your game directory. (So the chaos_mod folder, the scripts folder and the .exe )
The .exe can be anywhere you want, as long as it has write permissions since it automatically saves the settings in a file called config.cfg in the same directory.
. and how do I use it?
- Start the game
- Launch the corresponding Trilogy Chaos Mod.exe
- Now you have 2 options:
- Either press Auto-Start in the GUI, which will make it wait for you starting a new game and skipping the first cutscene (just like the autosplitter when doing a speedrun)
- Or you just press Start right away
Is there a list of all effects?
Of course! Here's a spreadsheet that has all of them!
How do I load the last autosave when ingame?
Hold down Left CTRL when hovering over the Load Game option in the menu.
Where are the autosaves being saved to?
Inside a sub-directory called chaos_mod in your corresponding GTA User Files folder.
How do I setup the Twitch voting?
In the Twitch tab you have to fill out the Channel , Username and OAuth Token fields.
Channel: The channel you want to have the voting in
Username: The username of the account to do the voting from (can be your own, can be a channel moderator)
OAuth Token: An OAuth Token for the specified username (Can be generated here)How do I use the polls feature for Twitch voting?
Polls are still very experimental due to Twitch not offering a decent-- err, an API at all, to utilize them.
You have to be an Affiliate or Partner to be able to use this feature!
SirStendec was kind enough to provide a FrankerFaceZ Add-On that provides access to the polls functionality.
First make sure to enable Use Twitch Polls For Votes in the Settings tab.
To use it, first you need to install FrankerFaceZ in your browser.
Navigate to your dashboard and open the FrankerFaceZ control center (upside-down FrankerZ icon in the top right next to your user avatar).
Then head into Add-Ons , scroll down until you see Add Unlisted. , type in poll-shim and click Add .
Afterwards, make sure to install said Add-On.Now head into the Poll-Shim menu to the left (or click on Settings after installing it).
Make sure Enable Poll-Shim is checked and enter any passphrase into the Passphrase field.
The passphrase you have entered also needs to be put into the GTA Trilogy Chaos Mod program.Also make sure to have your dashboard open (or, optionally, after doing this setup, a popout chat from your channel will work, too).
You need to have a valid Twitch setup (Channel, Username, OAuth Token) and it needs to be connected for polls to work!My game's crashing!
Great! Create an issue with the .log and .dmp files from the CrashDumps folder. (Best to archive them into a .zip file or similar)
I have a suggestion for an effect!
Also great! Feel free to create an issue with that as well, best to explain what it should do in detail.
It could be that it is pretty much impossible to implement, or that I just won't consider working on it because there are already effects that are similar to it though, so keep that in mind.
Right back at you 😉
I wouldn't mind potentially dropping by and seeing you guys suffer with the mod 😁
There's a Discord server for asking smaller questions in case they weren't answered by this guide:
In case you need help or want to easily stay up to date on what's happening, make sure to join it.
(It's my personal Discord but it has a dedicated Chaos Mod channel)Discord link has been disabled until further notice due to the ongoing hiatus of this project.
DK22Pac and everyone involved in the plugin-sdk
who has been helping me with a lot of function hooks and other things in the mod 💖
Early beta testers
Everyone in the release race that was held on the 30th of August, 2019
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Представляю вам интересный скрипт написанный мной. После нажатия клавиш "R" и "T" начнётся настоящее шоу! Сначала будет землетрясение, затем экран покраснеет. После просветления начнётся режим "бунта", будет плохая погода, время установится на 12.00 и людей станет гораздо больше что-бы было сложнее их убить. Копы вас не будут вас искать. Что-бы остановить этот ужас просто нажмите на 0 (когда все аудио и видео эффекты закончились). Экран почернеет и всё вернётся восвояси. Возможно ещё люди которые дерутся останутся и дома некоторые будут гореть.
Также есть звуковые эффекты (ранее написано). После выключения хаоса время вернётся к тому, когда экран краснел и копы будут за вами гнаться если сотворите преступление. После отключения можно повторить хаос только через 20 сек. Примечание: режим "бунта" будет только там где он возможен (например в районе Ganton).Комментарии (1)
Для того, чтобы оставлять комментарии к данной публикации необходимо зарегистрироваться .
A replica of the chaos mods found on previous GTA games for GTA V.
See the GTA5-Mods mod page for more information and instructions on how to install it.
Feel free to join the Discord Server for community support or simply to stay up to date on this (and other) mods.
Also make sure to check the Wiki!
Initialize all submodules
Open vendor/minhook/build/VC16/MinHookVC16.sln in Visual Studio
Compile libMinHook as x64 Release build
Open ChaosMod.sln in the root folder in Visual Studio
Compiling should work now. If there's an error referencing MsBuildMajorVersion when building either the ConfigApp or TwitchChatProxy projects, close and open Visual Studio again.
Adding new effects
Add a new effect enum entry to ChaosMod/Effects/EffectsInfo.h
Create a new .cpp file in the appropriate folder under ChaosMod/Effects/db/ with a fitting name
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