Call of duty back2fronts ошибка
30 мар. 2017 в 17:26
I am trying to install the b2f mod and i try and start the game but everytime the mission is almost done loading it crashes and gives me this error: "recursive error after: hunk_allocalign failed on 252656 bytes (total 200 mb, low 1mb high 198 mb)"
anyway to fix this?
1 апр. 2017 в 8:09 8 сен. 2017 в 13:04 How do you instal it, puting in main folder does not help. 22 сен. 2017 в 17:37 How do you instal it, puting in main folder does not help.For the back2fronts mod there are two ways to install (both provided in the readme given in moddb as well as the files you download.)
Give me a day to look back at them as I don't have it in front of me.
23 мар. 2018 в 14:16I just put the Back2Fronts files in the main folder and it worked once I fixed the hunkerror thing by putting it up to 300 instead of just 200. It's AWESOME having so many more firearms but there's a couple things that are annoying. the custom mission things that are made exclusively for the mod are more annoying than anything for the Russian campaign. Haven't experienced the British or American ones yet but I'm not looking forward to it. The sniper one was outrageously annoying, especially because the guy in the red building I'm supposed to shoot didn't show up. Those missions were easily the worst part of the mod.
WCP2.92 fuelled by Back2Fronts+Merciless2 and more
Call of Duty 2 mod | TBD
Many features added, fixed and improved but also some features removed.Some folks will stay with 2.91 but I presume most will go 2.92 ;) Just hang on for more screenshots and video`s. Regards,WCP.
Some people might encounter this while loading certain levels; Hunk_AllocatteTempMemory: failed on 1048621 byte (total 200MB, low 2MB, high 197MB), needs283965 more hunk bytes Its not an error,here`s an explanation on how to solve this issue.
Posted by WCP75 on Jan 10th, 2011
Hunk_AllocatteTempMemory: failed on 1048621 byte (total 200MB, low 2MB, high 197MB), needs283965 more hunk bytes error.
Check your system memory, if it is 1024mb ram or higher you are ok,if under 1024mb you have a bad system. Go to the Call of Duty 2 main->players->"profile name" folder and open the file config.cfg, notepad will do.
Search for the line;
seta com_hunkMegs
Default this will say;
seta com_hunkMegs "200".
This is too low, you will have to change it.
Change the figure "200" to "512".
Save the file and try the level,again.You can also do this through console,ofcourse.
Start the game.
Open the console and type;
com_hunkMegs 512
Press enter,close console and load the level.
I've made this change, I have more than 1024mb of ram, but it still crashes on Defend the Pointe.
ERROR: xmodel 'viewmodel_hands_cod2' not found
ERROR: Cannot find xmodel 'viewmodel_hands_cod2'.
WARNING: gun and/or hand model file for weapon [WEAPON_DEFAULTWEAPON] could not be found, switching to default weapon.
WARNING: Part 'tag_weapon' not found in model 'DEFAULT' or any of its descendants
recursive error after: Hunk_AllocAlign failed on 166080 bytes (total 200 MB, low 1 MB, high 198 MB)
IT took me several times but finally it worked, I don't know what it is.
I noticed the scripting was off for the Defense of the Pointe, however, the Tanks never showed up to attack and the enemy stopped attacking 30 seconds before the reinforcements arrived.
how did you fixed it, i got the same eror as you
yo dude plz tell us how u fixed hunk error
where is the folder playes cod 2 not be Dunde this could help me please
If You can't see the players folder, try clicking Compatibility files on the top of the window while in the cod 2 folder, then go hghb3.
9 янв в 22:10Don't know exactly if it works for COD2 too but I had the same crash bug on COD 1 United Offensive when I saved my game at the later campaign.
Fixed it with going into the config file and edited the line:
seta com_hunkMegs "128"
seta com_hunkMegs "512"
and saved it of course.
For COD1 config files are at:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\Main\config.cfg
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\Main\config_mp.cfg
For COD1 United Offensive addon:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\uo\uoconfig.cfg
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\uo\uoconfig_mp.cfg
For COD2:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\main\players\"playername"\config.cfg
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\main\players\"playername"\config_mp.cfg
For COD2 mods probably here too:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\mod\players\"playername"\config_mp
Plus you have to start the game at least once before and make a profile to get the config files created, then set everything up like you want and at last do the hunk edit to make sure it doesnt gets overridden by changes to the config file cause of changing something else ingame.
Don't know exactly if it works for COD2 too but I had the same crash bug on COD 1 United Offensive when I saved my game at the later campaign.
Fixed it with going into the config file and edited the line:
seta com_hunkMegs "128"
seta com_hunkMegs "512"
and saved it of course.
For COD1 config files are at:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\Main\config.cfg
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\Main\config_mp.cfg
For COD1 United Offensive addon:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\uo\uoconfig.cfg
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty\uo\uoconfig_mp.cfg
For COD2:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\main\players\"playername"\config.cfg
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\main\players\"playername"\config_mp.cfg
For COD2 mods probably here too:
X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty 2\mod\players\"playername"\config_mp
Plus you have to start the game at least once before and make a profile to get the config files created, then set everything up like you want and at last do the hunk edit to make sure it doesnt gets overridden by changes to the config file cause of changing something else ingame.
Back2Fronts is an extensive mod that will overhaul your Call of Duty 2 game to a next level. This mod brings more variety, intensity, realism and battle-like experience. Try new weapons, fight new enemies, fulfil new missions and explore new options. Mod is SP and MP friendly (although primary part is SP).
Back2Fronts 1.0 full release for Call of Duty 2 singleplayer game (and minor multiplayer).
Posted by MCh2207Cz on Dec 26th, 2015
After some quite extensive tests along with Wicopp I am proudly announcing the full release of Back2Fronts mod version 1.0.
Let me briefly sum up the whole mod. Back2Fronts is an extensive mod that will overhaul your Call of Duty 2 game to a next level. This mod brings more variety, intensity, realism and battle-like experience. Try new weapons, fight new enemies, fulfil new missions and explore new options. Mod is SP and MP friendly (although primary part is SP).
M A I N _ F E A T U R E S :
M E D I A _ U P D A T E :
De Lisle new anims. Note the animated bullets and firing pin. De Lisle is a fast-shooting suppresed bolt-action carbine. It's pretty effective even at close range.
Mosin Nagant new anims, including bayonet. Note the animated bullets during rechamber and reload. Actual stripper clip was added for reload. For those who have good eyes - the firing pin is animated as well.
Kar98k new anims, including bayonet. Note the animated bullets during rechamber and reload. For those who have good eyes - the firing pin is animated as well.
Lee Enfield new anims, including bayonet. Note the animated bullets during reload. For those who have good eyes - the firing pin is animated as well.
All bolt-action snipers have new anims and one small change - the rechamber motion is transfered into aiming through scope which makes it more realistic but also harder to aim. Also the bullets are animated during rechamber and reload.
Luger new anims. Note animated bullets in magazine during reload.
Market Garden SP map played for Germans done. Mod now has 2 German missions (Market Garden is 2nd mission, 1st one is Red Square Massacre).
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