Bug dlc tabs как включить
Bug DLC — DLC, выпущенное 1 апреля 2020 года. Оно добавляет 11 новых функций, все из которых могут быть включены или отключены. Для скачивания доступны бесплатная и платная версии; половина от цены платной версии, стоящей $5 (133 pуб.) пойдёт в организацию «Врачи без границ».
Включить возможности DLC можно в настройках через вкладку [DLC] BUGS.
Activating the Bug
In the main menu, select Settings and select the [DLC] Bugs tab. In it, turn on "Halflings turn into black hole" to have black hole Halflings. It will take effect when the battle is reset.
A black hole is a region in space time that the gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from it, even light. Black holes are typically formed when a massive star dies and collapse in itself, creating a great explosion, called a supernova and a black hole.
Андрей Огнев запись закреплена
Ну там надо сначала Assembly-CSharp во вкладке TABS MODLOADER UML
Егор, помоги плиз я все сделал добавил захожу а у меня просто между фракциями пробелы а модов нету что делать
Добавленные функции заявлены как баги, в то время как не являются ими, они очень случайны, могут «ломать» игру и перегружать её.
Go to the settings, either through the main menu or pressing the Esc key while in a map. Then select the top right tabber labeled "[DLC] BUGS"; you will be presented a menu where you can add a "bug" on your own free will.
The Features added are stated to be bugs, while they are not bugs, the features are very random, game-breaking, and overpowered.
The Black Hole is a feature added in the Bug DLC of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator.
The Black Hole is an anomaly created by bugged Halflings. The buggy Halfling implodes into a black hole two seconds after the battle starts. The implosion does not deal any damage, but it creates a microscopic black hole. The Black Hole will slowly expand, becoming bigger and bigger. Units who get caught in it will get stuck in it and quickly die. As the Black Hole gets larger, it will also suck in nearby units like a vacuum, and ultimately consume the entire map before imploding back into nothing. It is extremely hard to escape, and impossible when close enough. Once created, the Black Hole cannot be destroyed and every unit within a certain range will eventually succumb to it. It is possible to prevent the Black Hole by killing the Halfling prematurely.
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