Battletech extended 3025 как установить
18 фев. 2019 в 0:22
Wanted to jump into Roguetech but stumbled on the extended 3025 mod and decided to give that a shot first since its a little less crazy and closer to the original balance of the game.
Pretty solid little mod. Really stretches out the early game and gets you alot of hours in the little mechs. Playing 4 pieces to build, unequiped and mech destruction on and its providing a nice challenge on my career run. Actually almost bankrupted myself near the start, then lost the Javelin and was stuck running the urbie or sometimes even dropping with just 3 to pay the bills.
Starting to recover and build up now, but figured id share the love after logging for the night. The unit variety is really helping keep it fresh. I remember one of the few things I didnt like about the game when it launched is the mid game was swimming in Griffins/ Shadow hawks. I havent fought many mediums yet but the light mech variety has been insane and very welcoming.
Worth an install imo
25 мар. 2019 в 15:56Not sure i have this installed correctly. No errors from ModTek, but no randomized starting mechs on career either.
25 мар. 2019 в 16:51Not sure i have this installed correctly. No errors from ModTek, but no randomized starting mechs on career either.
25 мар. 2019 в 17:20Not sure i have this installed correctly. No errors from ModTek, but no randomized starting mechs on career either.
When you boot the game does a mod loading bar go across the screen?
Also you doing career or campaign?
25 мар. 2019 в 19:29Roguetech is a collection of mods, which also includes Extended 3025 (this one). However, Roguetech is not version 1.5 compatible as of right now.
For JUST this mod. try this youtube video. it was made less than a day ago and is for version 1.5
25 мар. 2019 в 20:40For me, it was that I had an error in that I had an extra layer in my folder structure - I didn't notice that I had created an extra modtek folder, so make sure your folders are in the right place. Also make sure you've run the injector and gotten the message that says it was successful.
If modtek is good, you'll see a loading screen when battletech is booted. If you don't see something that says modtek is loading, it's not being recognized. For extended 3025, you'll see the title screen now says 'extended 3025' on it if the mod is installed. If you don't see that, it's not there.
26 мар. 2019 в 19:14 I have played Rogue Tech but I like 3025 Extended better. It's a lot of fun and can make the start of the campaign much harder if you get a bad lance at the start. 26 мар. 2019 в 20:49RogueTech doesnt include Extented 3025, we share data but its not part of our pack
RogueTech is NOT! "just" a collection mods either
That said, 3035 extented is pretty nice if you just want spiced up vanilla
26 мар. 2019 в 21:42RogueTech doesnt include Extented 3025, we share data but its not part of our pack
RogueTech is NOT! "just" a collection mods either
That said, 3035 extented is pretty nice if you just want spiced up vanilla
you may have combined them for easy installation but this is what you said
This was my intention of rt at first, a collection many tiny mods you can mix and match as you desire
The amount of people that kept breaking it all with even the most basic instructions and strict explanation what each module did, is the reason i made it into a single package that is just a simple exe to install it"
so if what you said was true then its now just a package of small mods. you may have combined the parts into a single installation .
27 мар. 2019 в 5:41Thanks for the kind words everyone, we all have our different tastes and this is why I created Extended.
To clarify the Roguetech stuff,as Lady Alekto (Boltergeist) has mentioned Roguetech does not include Extended 3025, it is it's own beast, although we share some mods in our collections like better AI etc. there is lots of stuff specific to Extended 3025.
Neither Roguetech nor Extended 3025 are 'just' a collection of mods. Both mods have 1000s of hours of work specific to the mod itself. and in Roguetech's case many multiples more hours because of the team size and how long it has been going.
This can be as small as just making these smaller mods work together, or stuff like making all the shops and the AI work with all this stuff, not to mention all the hand crafted mechs and variants.
Tons of stuff in Roguetech and Extended 3025 cannot be found on the Nexus.
Drop these smaller mods in to your mod directory and you haven't even got a fraction of the experience each mod brings, and they will probably just break each other.
So anyway, not trying to be argumentative or anything here, just trying to show why Lady A said 'not just'.
28 мар. 2019 в 18:24Thanks for the kind words everyone, we all have our different tastes and this is why I created Extended.
To clarify the Roguetech stuff,as Lady Alekto (Boltergeist) has mentioned Roguetech does not include Extended 3025, it is it's own beast, although we share some mods in our collections like better AI etc. there is lots of stuff specific to Extended 3025.
Neither Roguetech nor Extended 3025 are 'just' a collection of mods. Both mods have 1000s of hours of work specific to the mod itself. and in Roguetech's case many multiples more hours because of the team size and how long it has been going.
This can be as small as just making these smaller mods work together, or stuff like making all the shops and the AI work with all this stuff, not to mention all the hand crafted mechs and variants.
Tons of stuff in Roguetech and Extended 3025 cannot be found on the Nexus.
Drop these smaller mods in to your mod directory and you haven't even got a fraction of the experience each mod brings, and they will probably just break each other.
So anyway, not trying to be argumentative or anything here, just trying to show why Lady A said 'not just'.
Haree I don't yet use any mods but tend to run games un-modded until the game has been finished with all the DLC's and other upgrades from the Publishing company. I am in no way trying to diminish what you do, but being honest that most of the total conversions such as Rogue tech are collections of mods that have been molded together and in some cases had small alterations to make them more compatible, but in essence they are collections of smaller mods added to a large body of your own work.
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How to install Battletech Extended 3025 - Commander's Edition + 3049 Campaign Playthrough
Video guide with links to Nexus Mod explaining how to install BEX! It also has a section devoted to my 3049 Arano Restoration Playthrough to see the progression of the Clan Invasion!
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Currently (as of 8/12/2021) Battletech Extended is not available on Nexus Mods. Haree (modder) is evaluating where to place and use BEX. I'll update once I learn more.
This section is devoted to the first part of my Arano Restoration playthrough starting in 3049!
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Продолжаю публиковать хорошие моды: Battletech Advanced - 3062 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. фактически - это этакий RogueTech -только без всех этих онлайновых свистелок/перделок и в сет
Новая версия мода: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Приведена в соответствие с версией игры 1.1 Убран урон нагревом в LL и PPC, т.к. в версии 1.1 их и так сделали неплохими. Убран мод мен
Доделал новых мехвоинов согласно Лору Вселенной ,22 воина представители кланов на кого смог найти информацию и реальные картинки или изображения .Воины из Клапанов- Кречета ,Волка, Гадюки ,пиратов Тор
ПОЛНОЦЕННЫЙ РУСИФИЦИРОВАННЫЙ МОД К нему нужна "Кабина " ее можно взять здесь Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. после установить "Кабину" в ЧИСТУЮ ПАПКУ Mods. ВАЖНО. требует все DLC . H
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Присоединяюсь : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. dZ Consolidated Company Commander Mod Pack Как видно из названия это скорее модпак чем мод. Но там есть и собственные наработки автора
Для таких же старых фанатов серии как мы с Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , заменяющий звуки PPC, AC и MG на звуки из Mechwarrior 4. Этот звук ПИИ как музык
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Продолжаю публиковать хорошие моды: Battletech Advanced - 3062 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. фактически - это этакий RogueTech -только без всех этих онлайновых свистелок/перделок и в сет
Новая версия мода: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Приведена в соответствие с версией игры 1.1 Убран урон нагревом в LL и PPC, т.к. в версии 1.1 их и так сделали неплохими. Убран мод мен
Доделал новых мехвоинов согласно Лору Вселенной ,22 воина представители кланов на кого смог найти информацию и реальные картинки или изображения .Воины из Клапанов- Кречета ,Волка, Гадюки ,пиратов Тор
ПОЛНОЦЕННЫЙ РУСИФИЦИРОВАННЫЙ МОД К нему нужна "Кабина " ее можно взять здесь Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. после установить "Кабину" в ЧИСТУЮ ПАПКУ Mods. ВАЖНО. требует все DLC . H
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