Все розовые блоки в lego marvel superheroes 2
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Эпилептические припадки, связанные с повышенной чувствительностью к свету
Небольшой процент людей подвержен припадкам от воздействия визуальных эффектов, например, мерцающего света или изображений, которые могут появляться в видеоиграх. Люди, не испытывавшие ранее подобных приступов и не страдающие эпилепсией, могут не знать о своей болезни, которая может спровоцировать эпилептические припадки, связанные с повышенной чувствительностью к свету.
Симптомы этих приступов могут быть различными: головокружение, искажение визуального восприятия, судороги лицевых мышц, нервный тик, подергивание либо дрожание рук или ног, потеря ориентации, спутанность либо кратковременное помутнение сознания. Припадки также могут сопровождаться потерей сознания или конвульсиями, в результате которых можно упасть или удариться о находящиеся рядом предметы и получить травму.
Если вы обнаружили у себя любой из этих симптомов, немедленно прекратите играть и проконсультируйтесь с врачом. Родители должны следить за состоянием детей и спрашивать у них о наличии вышеописанных симптомов, так как дети и подростки более подвержены таким приступам, чем взрослые. Риск возникновения эпилептических припадков, связанных с повышенной чувствительностью к свету, можно снизить, если принять следующие меры: сидеть как можно дальше от экрана, использовать экран с меньшей диагональю, играть в хорошо освещенной комнате, не играть в сонном или усталом состоянии. Если вы или ваши родственники страдаете припадками или эпилепсией, перед началом игры обязательно проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
Меры предосторожности во время игры
- Всегда сидите на достаточном расстоянии от монитора.
- Не играйте, если вы устали или не выспались.
- Помещение, в котором вы играете, должно быть хорошо освещено.
- Делайте перерывы на 10–15 минут каждый час во время игры.
Here’s how to find, unlock & buy hidden vehicles in this guide for Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
42 (15 Air & 44 Land) vehicles have been confirmed so far. To unlock all Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 playable Vehicles, you basically have to finish the Story Mode levels and explore Chronopolis’s open world hub. This goes especially fast if you have access to flying vehicles and/or superheroes in between playing levels, races or challenges.
Hint: Vehicles have different speeds and abilities. If you’re stuck on a race or challenge, try using another vehicle.
How To Buy Unlocked Vehicles For Play: You can buy the vehicles you’ve unlocked (with our tips from this page) — by pressing the Y button on Xbox One or Triangle button on PS4 or X button on Switch — which shows you the characters & vehicles grid, to bring up the vehicle grid — by pressing the X button on Xbox One or Square button on PS4 or Y button on Switch — and selecting them to buy them. After that you can finally play with them from that same vehicle grid screen.
Tip: It is important to note that this vehicle buying/selecting menu cannot be accessed while you’re in Story levels/missions, it’s only accessible when you’re in the Chronopolis open world hub.
You will earn yourself several achievements or trophies for finding vehicles in the open world area of Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
Note: Vehicles are also part of the game’s collectibles that will count towards unlocking the 100% LEGO Stud Fountain in your Trophy Room in the Avengers Mansion.
Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 Unlockable Vehicles
Below we’ve listed the secret vehicles in roster order. Take the following steps to unlock each one; where available.
Video Guide: In this video you can take a look at all the vehicles in the game. You will need 100% completion of all activities in Chronopolis to get them.
1. Taxi (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
2. Saloon (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
3. Snowmobile (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
4. Mobster Getaway Car (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
5. Mobster Heist Car (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
6. Quinjet from Captain America: Civil War (Air) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
7. Avenjet (Air) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
8. Kree Cruiser (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
9. Egyptian Chariot (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
10. HYDRA Attack Plane (Air) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
11. Attilan Podship (Air) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
12. Attilan Air Breezer (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
13. Xandarian Distributer (Air) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
14. Air Streamer 3000 (Land & Air) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
15. Horse and Cart (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
16. General Ross’ Tank (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
17. Ghost Rider’s Motorcycle (Land) — How to unlock: Already unlocked by default.
18. Shocker’s Van (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Who’s The Boss” Challenge.
All 11 Secret Boss Fights Locations Guide:
19. Asgardian Skiff (Air; build on Water) — How to unlock: Complete the “Underwater Avenger” Challenge.
20. Octomec (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “The People’s Hero” Challenge by saving 25 citizens in peril in the Chronopolis open world.
21. Miniature Avenjet AKA Aerial Avenger (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Mini Avenjet” Challenge.
22. Black Panther Jet (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Tiddles Tracker” Challenge.
23. Black Widow’s Motorbike (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Billboard Day” Challenge.
24. Captain America’s Jet (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Trivia Time” Challenge.
25. Captain America’s Motorbike (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Animal Lover” Challenge.
26. Captain America’s 4×4 (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Guided Tour” Challenge.
27. Crossbones’ Truck (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Stunt Hunt” Challenge.
28. Daily Bugle Helicopter (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Wanted: Anonymity” Challenge.
29. Gwenpool’s Motorbike (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Dynasty Downer” Challenge.
30. Hydra Interceptor (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Antifreezer” Challenge.
31. Deep Sea Hydra Diver (Water) — How to unlock: Complete the “Cartographer” Challenge.
32. Mob Boss Attack Car (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Top Hat Toppler” Challenge.
33. Lola (Land & Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Drone Destroyer” Challenge.
34. The Milano from Guardians of the Galaxy (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Vibranium Vanquisher” Challenge.
All 10 Vibranium Soldier Groups Locations Guide:
35. Starblaster Spaceship from Guardians of the Galaxy (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Helicarrier Clean Up” Challenge.
36. Captain Stacy’s Boat (Water) — How to unlock: Complete the “Vistas Not To Be Missed-A” Challenge.
37. Taserface’s M-Ship (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Announcer Trouncer” Challenge.
38. Roxxon Truck (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Treasure Hunter” Challenge.
39. Necrocraft (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Spore Or Less” Challenge.
40. Police Quad (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Rapper Round-Up” Challenge.
To unlock this Challenge you must first solve all the puzzles in Egypt.
All 5 Rap Battles Locations Guide:
41. Winter Soldier’s Bike (Land) — How to unlock: Complete the “Minigame Master” Challenge.
42. The Laser Drill (Air) — How to unlock: Complete the “Change Of Address” Challenge.
Thanks for the vehicle locations videos to Jay & Packattack.
Please comment if you have any additional Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 vehicle location tips of your own. Credit will be given. – Thanks for visiting!
Click on any of these Red Brick location thumbnails to see the full-size picture gallery:
Note: This guide is now 100% finished. All new red brick location info is discovered.
How to find Red Bricks: The Red Power Bricks are now also known as “Deadpool Bricks”. When you find one in each of the game’s 11 Deadpool Bonus Missions (after you finish the Story Mode), then you can buy it off of Deadpool in his room aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier (along with the 4 other red bricks that are automatically unlocked from the start). — Scroll down on this page for instructions on how to get all Red Bricks in Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
Buying Red Bricks is done on the SHIELD Helicarrier in Deadpool’s Room. All blue Vehicle Call-in Points can be used to return to the SHIELD Helicarrier. From the deck go down the elevator into the Control Room where you go into the left-side door. In the hallway enter the 1st door on the right
Where to buy the unlocked Red Bricks?: Many people have asked “Where’s Deadpool’s room?”, since it’s the location where you go to to buy the Red Bricks, so here it is… When you’re on the SHIELD Helicarrier, take the elevator down into the main room. There you’ll go through the door to enter a hallway to the central Control Room area, where you can go through a door on the left side. There you’ll find Deadpool’s room, it’s the first door on the right, the one with the pink neon sign. Take a closeup look at the map once you are there (press Select). — Buying Red Bricks will unlock new cheats you can then activate via the game’s pause menu.
This video guide shows how to walk to Deadpool’s room to buy Red Bricks and read comics:
How to activate Red Brick cheats?: In case you don’t feel like finding every Red Brick in the game, you can use simple cheat codes too. To turn on cheat codes, you first have to be in-game. Next, during gameplay press pause. Like in every Lego game you can enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code”. After which you can activate the cheat (where available). — Remember that the next time you play the game, you’ll have to activate the cheats again.
Activating Red Bricks can be done in the pause menu’s “Enter Code” Extras section
Tip: After you’ve bought the first score multiplier Red Brick, they will become increasingly expensive. So after you buy the first “Studs x2” Red Brick, you can increase your studs total at the SHIELD Helicarrier by smashing stuff (like consoles and boxes) into studs as you walk the decks. This is like farming studs, because if you keep going up and down in the lift the consoles and boxes on the deck will re-appear!
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier Red Bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Red Brick 1: Studs x2
Description: This first Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x2”. This and the other four Stud multipliers are very handy to turn on at the same time at the start of your game, because you’ll make your Stud counter number go up and up and up, so you’ll always have enough Studs to buy characters & vehicles, as well as easily get True Believer status at the end of each level.
Location: This red brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Deadpool’s room on the SHIELD Helicarrier (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually four red bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 11 red bricks to find out of the 15 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 1,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is UZFBG4.
Where exactly to find the Studs x2 Red Brick: It’s shown in this video guide with map directions where to buy the red brick at Deadpool’s room on the SHIELD Helicarrier. — The voice-over guide begins at 1:57 (about 2 minutes) into the video:
Red Brick 2: Studs x4
Description: This second Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x4”.
Location: You will find this red brick in the Daily Bugle level, in New York City, called “Deadpool Bonus Mission 1: Tabloid Tidy Up”. Although some of the Deadpool Bonus Missions that are hiding the Red Bricks have a Gold Bricks requirement to enter, this one luckily gets unlocked as soon as you finish the Story Mode’s 15 levels. — You’ll need a character with the Telekinetic Powers ability (like Jean Grey or Galactus) to lift the multi-colored objects (to rearrange the trophies) — in the room off to the left.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 2,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Studs x4 Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 3: Studs x6
Description: This third Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x6”.
Location: You will find this red brick in the “Feeling Fisky” Deadpool Bonus Mission 5 at Fisk Tower, after you have completed the mission. There’s a 50 Gold Bricks requirement to enter. — You’ll need characters with Telekinesis and Gold Heat Beam abilities, like Phoenix/Jean Grey and Iron Man (Mark 47). Get the red brick from behind the Kingpin painting by first using Telekinesis to get behind the painting and second use the Gold Heat Beam to get through the golden vault door to reveal the Red Brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 3,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Studs x6 Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 4: Studs x8
Description: This fourth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x8”.
Location: You will find this red brick in the “Deadpool Bonus Mission 8: Reptilian Ruckus” level at the Reptile House in Central Park. This level requires 125 bricks to enter. After the Lizard introduction. An Electric and Magnetic character (like Doctor Doom) is needed, since you’ll need the former to charge a transformer, and then use the latter’s magnetic power to open up a metal container that’s hiding the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 4,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Studs x8 Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 5: Studs x10
Description: This fifth Red Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x10”.
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier red bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Location: You will find this red brick in Stark Tower during “Deadpool Bonus Mission 3: House Party Protocol”. At the Tony Stark “Post-Credits Victory Party” with all the disco lights, it’s inside the pinata. You’ll need someone with Telekinesis (like Jean Grey) to open the pinata.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 5,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Studs x10 Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 6: Disguises
Description: This sixth Red Brick is called “Disguises” because it’ll put funny masks on your character.
Location: This red brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Deadpool’s room on the SHIELD Helicarrier (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually four red bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 11 red bricks to find out of the 15 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 300,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Red Brick 7: Gold Brick Detector
Description: This seventh Red Brick is called “Gold Brick Detector” as it’ll point you to all gold bricks in your general area. Helpful!
Location: The Gold Brick Finder can be found in the “Nuff Said” level in Marvel Headquarters. During this mission you will encounter a warped Deadpool picture, on the back corner wall, that you must rearrange to make it look like Deadpool again. You’ll need a character with the Telekinetic Powers ability (like Jean Grey or Galactus) to move the puzzle pieces into place on the picture. Completing the picture puzzle will unlock the red brick.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Gold Brick Detector Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 8: Minikit Detector
Description: This eight Red Brick is called “Minikit Piece Detector” as it’ll point you to all minikit pieces in your general area. A handy way to find all 10 in each level!
Location: The Minikit Finder can be found in the “Put Up Your Dukes” level inside the Fogwell Gym, which you can find on the map as a dumbbell icon. To unlock this red brick you have to activate the control panel next to Captain America. Wait until you have finished the Story levels up to where you get Iceman, so that you can get the items easier. You’ll also need at least 75 gold bricks to open this Minikit Detector Level*.
* Accessing Free Play: Use the SHIELD Helicarrier station (the blue Vehicle Call-In Point) to switch characters, because this unlocks Free Roam. This Free Play Mode allows you to replay any story level with all the characters you need to unlock Red Bricks and other collectibles. Then run around until the Marvel HQ (Marvel Headquarters) pops up on radar. Depending on how far along you are into the story, you might not be able to get to it yet, so try to complete the game’s 15 main story levels first.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is 7VKCT2.
Where exactly to find the Minikit Piece Detector Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 9: Mini Characters
Description: This ninth Red Brick is called “Mini Characters” because when you turn on this Red Brick all of the characters become ant size! Which actually allows you to access the areas that only Ant-Man and Wasp can normally access. If you ride vehicles, however, the characters will look their normal size.
Location: Can be found at the “Bro-tunheim” level at the northwest docks. It can only be accessed and entered when you have collected 200 Gold Bricks. This is the 11th and final Deadpool Bonus Mission in the game. — To unlock this red brick you need Iron Man (Mark 42) at the start of the level (under where you see the gate close) to melt the ice with his Heat Beam on the left side of the closed gate’s bottom; just walk straight forward from the start of the level and you’ll get there. Once molten quickly walk forward to grab the Red brick before the teeth-mouth gate hiding the brick closes.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 100,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Mini Characters Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 10: Collect Ghost Studs
Description: This tenth Red Brick is called “Collect Ghost Studs” because that’s what it enables you to do.
Location: Can be found at the “A Shock Withdrawal” level at the Federal Bank. To unlock this red brick you need someone with fire (like the Human Torch) to remove the Gold Bricks next to the green bank truck.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 100,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Collect Ghost Studs Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 11: Fast Build
Description: This eleventh Red Brick is called “Fast Build” because it allows you to build objects out of Lego bricks super fast.
Location: The Super Build is found at the “Stranger Danger” level in Sanctum Sanctorum. It’s been recommended that you must first move through the sand pit (as Sandman), then as you continue through the level use Telekinesis (Jean Grey has this ability) to access a crate and put all the pieces together, while pulling the web-grapple (with Spider-Man’s help).
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 100,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Super Build Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 12: Attract Studs
Description: This twelfth Red Brick is called “Attract Studs” because it pulls all studs around you directly to you.
Location: You will find this red brick in the “Stunt Show Surprise” level, in the Circus Tent. You’ll need Magneto or another character with magnetic powers to get the red brick out of the metal cage.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 600,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Attract Studs Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 13: Character Token Detector
Description: This thirteenth Red Brick is called “Character Token Detector” because it’ll point you to all Character Tokens in your general area.
Location: You will find this red brick in the “The Thrill of the Chess” level, at The Raft. You’ll need Venom to be able to go through the symbiotic-oozing left wall, behind it the red brick is hiding.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 800,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Character Token Detector Red Brick: It’s shown in the video guide at the bottom of this page, which shows map & in-game locations.
Red Brick 14: Festive Hats
Description: This fourteenth Red Brick is called “Festive Hats” as it dresses your current player character in funny hats.
Location: This red brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Deadpool’s room on the SHIELD Helicarrier (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually four red bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 11 red bricks to find out of the 15 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 100,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
Red Brick 15: Extra Hearts
Description: This fifteenth Red Brick is called “Extra Hearts” as that’s exactly what your character gets when you turn it on, more health.
Location: This red brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Deadpool’s room on the SHIELD Helicarrier (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually four red bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 11 red bricks to find out of the 15 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Red Brick is 100,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Red Brick is ?
All 11 Deadpool Red Bricks in Lego Marvel Super Heroes
Here’s how to collect 1 Red Brick from each of the 11 Deadpool Bonus Missions.
Most of these Red Bricks need to be collected in Free Play mode, so you can choose your own characters with special abilities you need to find the stage’s Red Brick. Once you have all 11 Red Bricks collected, you need to head to the SHIELD Helicarrier to purchase each Red Brick. The time when each red brick in this video is found is listed below.
Timeline in minutes for the Red Bricks Locations Guide:
PS: Although unconfirmed, it’s being rumored there may be 20 instead of 15 Red Bricks in the game (like it was in prior Lego games). These rumored Red Bricks include Friendly Fire, Vine Grappling, and Deadpool Rockets.
Thanks to Joe, Swaggers, Brian, Packattack, Brader, Mooney910, BrokenGrunty, Mfitt, Killr, LegoGirl, Hozie, Matt, Hyruler & Anon for the red brick tips.
If you have any questions or know of new Lego Marvel Super Heroes Red Brick locations, please post them below! – Thanks for visiting!
How to find Pink Bricks: The Red Power Bricks are now called Pink Brings, but are also known as “Gwenpool Bricks”. When you find one in each of the game’s 10 Gwenpool Bonus Missions; After you finish the Story Mode you can find them across the Chronopolis open world hub’s map. Then you can buy the Pink Brick off of Gwenpool in her room in the Avengers Mansion (along with the 7 Pink Bricks that are automatically unlocked from the start). — Scroll down on this page for instructions on how to get all Pink Bricks in Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
How to Unlock Gwenpool and All Gwenpool Bricks Video Guide:
Where to buy the unlocked Pink Bricks?: Many people have asked “Where’s Gwenpool’s room?”, since it’s the location where you go to to buy the Pink Bricks, so here it is… Gwenpool’s room can be found in the Avengers Mansion. In the Mansion’s Foyer, walk up the stairs on the left side to find Gwenpool’s poster on the first floor that leads to her room door. — Her room allows you to access the cheats entering menu via her TV. — Also, buying Pink Bricks in her room will unlock new cheats that you can then activate via the game’s pause menu under the Extras option.
This video guide (at 24:30 minutes in) shows how to walk to Gwenpool’s room to buy Pink Bricks and read comics:
Tip: After you’ve bought the first score multiplier Pink Brick, they will become increasingly expensive. So after you buy the first “Studs x2” Pink Brick, you can increase your studs total by mostly just smashing stuff (like consoles and boxes) into studs as you walk the floors.
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier Pink Bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Pink Brick 1: Studs x2
Description: This first Pink Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x2”. This and the other four Stud multipliers are very handy to turn on at the same time at the start of your game, because you’ll make your Stud counter number go up and up and up, so you’ll always have enough Studs to buy characters & vehicles, as well as easily get True Believer status at the end of each level.
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 800,000 studs.
Pink Brick 2: Studs x4
Description: This second Pink Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x4”.
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 1,500,000 studs.
Pink Brick 3: Studs x6
Description: This third Pink Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x6”.
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 5,000,000 studs.
Pink Brick 4: Studs x8
Description: This fourth Pink Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x8”.
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 50,000,000 studs.
Pink Brick 5: Studs x10
Description: This fifth Pink Brick is called “Studs Score Multiplier x10”.
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier Pink Bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 100,000,000 studs.
Pink Brick 6: Hat Mode
Description: This sixth Pink Brick is called “Hat Mode” as it dresses your current player character in funny hats.
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Pink Brick 7: Gravity Mines Affect All
Description: This seventh Pink Brick is called “Gravity Mines Affect All” as it does exactly as its description reads, increasing the effect of Gravity Mines. Helpful!
Location: This Pink Brick is already unlocked for you from the very start of the game, without having to find it. All you have to do is go to Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion (directions are in the intro above) with enough money and buy each of them. There are actually seven Pink Bricks already unlocked from the beginning, which is why when you pause the game, it only show 10 Pink Bricks to find out of the 17 in total.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Pink Brick 8: Helium Mode
Description: This eight Pink Brick is called “Helium Mode” as it’ll give all characters a funny high-pitched voice!
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Helium Mode Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations. Note that this guide also includes the Squirrel Girl unlock quest.
Pink Brick 9: Big Head Mode
Description: This ninth Pink Brick is called “Big Head Mode” because when you turn on this Pink Brick all of the characters’ heads become supersized!
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Big Head Mode Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Pink Brick 10: Minikit Detector
Description: This tenth Pink Brick is called “Minikit Piece Detector” as it’ll point you to all minikit pieces in your general area. A handy way to find all 10 in each level!
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Minikit Detector Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows the in-game location.
Pink Brick 11: Character Token Detector
Description: This eleventh Pink Brick is called “Character Token Detector” because it’ll point you to all Character Tokens in your general area.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 250,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Character Token Detector Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Pink Brick 12: Stan Lee Detector
Description: This twelfth Pink Brick is called “Stan Lee Detector” because it’ll point you to the Stan Lee in Peril in your general area.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 250,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Stan Lee Detector Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows the in-game location.
Pink Brick 13: Attract Studs
Description: This thirteenth Pink Brick is called “Attract Studs” because it pulls all studs around you directly to you.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Attract Studs Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Pink Brick 14: Fast Interactions
Description: This fourteenth Pink Brick is called “Fast Interactions” because it allows you to interact with the Lego world super fast.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Fast Interactions Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Note: In case you need it, here’s the Agent Venom unlock quest guide.
Pink Brick 15: Infinite Power Gauge
Description: This fifteenth Pink Brick is called “Infinite Power Gauge” because it grants your player character an infinite Power Gauge.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 250,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Infinite Power Gauge Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Pink Brick 16: Demolition Mode
Description: This sixteenth Pink Brick is called “Demolition Mode” as that’s exactly the destructive effect it has.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Demolition Mode Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Pink Brick 17: Party Mode
Description: This seventeenth Pink Brick is called “Party Mode” as that’s exactly what it starts!
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 1,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Where exactly to find the Party Mode Pink Brick: It’s shown in the video guide, which shows map & in-game locations.
Tip: Completing the final Gwenpool bonus mission also unlocks Gwenpool as a playable character.
Thanks to Packattack, Afguides, Blitzwinger, Mike & Anon for the Pink Brick tips.
If you have any questions or know of new Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 Pink Brick locations, please post them below! – Thanks for visiting!
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier Pink Bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Pink Brick 1: Studs x2
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 800,000 studs.
Pink Brick 2: Studs x4
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 1,500,000 studs.
Pink Brick 3: Studs x6
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 5,000,000 studs.
Pink Brick 4: Studs x8
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 50,000,000 studs.
Pink Brick 5: Studs x10
Protip: Turn on all five stud score multiplier Pink Bricks to multiply every single stud you collect times 3840!!
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 100,000,000 studs.
Pink Brick 6: Hat Mode
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Pink Brick 7: Gravity Mines Affect All
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Pink Brick 8: Helium Mode
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 9: Big Head Mode
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 200,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 10: Minikit Detector
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 11: Character Token Detector
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 250,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 12: Stan Lee Detector
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 250,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 13: Attract Studs
Description: This thirteenth Pink Brick is called “Attract Studs” because it pulls all studs around you directly to you.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 14: Fast Interactions
Description: This fourteenth Pink Brick is called “Fast Interactions” because it allows you to interact with the Lego world super fast.
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 15: Infinite Power Gauge
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 250,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 16: Demolition Mode
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 500,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Pink Brick 17: Party Mode
Price: The cost to buy this Pink Brick is 1,000,000 studs.
Cheat Code: The code to enter for this Pink Brick is ?
Tip: Completing the final Gwenpool bonus mission also unlocks Gwenpool as a playable character.
Проходим уровни LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 на 100% - добиваем шкалу монеток до "Верного последователя", находим и спасаем Стэна Ли, забираем дополнительный значок персонажа.
Неожиданной особенностью второй части Super Heroes оказалось то, что все необходимые для полного прохождения персонажи даются после окончания сюжета. При этом бонусные розовые блоки с множителями деталек доступны для покупки с самого начала игры. В общем, уровни можно пройти на раз-два, чего не скажешь о зачистке открытого мира. Большая часть испытаний, открывающих в LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 транспортные средства, представляют собой поиск кучи иголок в огромном стоге сена (особенно весело искать по всему миру кольца с рыбами и птицами). Но всего каких-то 50 часов, и игра пройдена на 100%.
Не мой Эсон (No Eson of Mine)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. Обсуждения, отзывы и помощь по игре.
привет, кто то может дать сохранения с открытым миром уже и хотябы половиной персонажей?
Данил, пока ни в чем, но там всё равно наступит же момент, когда надо будет и за них играть.
Алексей, я имел ввиду, что вылет может вызывать сам выбор персонажей. Но когда они останутся последними, выбора тебе не дадут и сразу начнется загрузка уровня.
Данил, а, если так, тогда хорошо. Я просто не был уверен, сразу ли дадут персонажей или мне придётся опять через это окошко проходить. Спасибо за помощь.
Кто-нибудь знает где гонка для разблокирование маэстро а то никак найти не могу? Она у меня просто в мире не отображается.
ребзя? пж помогите играю на репаке и каждый раз играю в миссию и пк зависает ивсе только перезагружать. помогите изза этого на 2 уровне застрял
Psihopat, У тебя предыдущие Лего игры тянут? Если нет, то лучше удаляй игру.
Именно пк зависает с таким гулом из динамиков. Такое только в этой игре
Как в 8 миссии Гвенпул в оскорпе собрать розовый блок? (Манипуляции временем не помогают, это баг или фича?)
ребят, почему то я когда играю, начинает белый экран, звук игры есть, а картинки нет, а потом всё вылетает, это репак от qoob
Нужна помощь. В начале миссии в Ваканде, загружается уровень, но ни герои, ни полосы с жизнями не появляюс. Репак от FitGirl
Как сделать управление более отзывчивым, а то я Стервятника одолеть не могу. Может есть какой-нибудь патч для этого?
22.В игре не видна (не доступна) часть элементов. Например, нет подсказки о необходимом количестве золотых блоков для доступа к заданию; не удаётся найти персонаж для завершения дополнительного квеста; на миникарте пропадают метки и целеуказатели; "сползают" или становятся белыми текстуры и т.д. и т.п.
О: Изредка (по неизвестным причинам) игра загружается с ошибками. "Лечится" только перезапуском.
23.В миссиях "Цирк" и "Это дурное предчувствие" (прохождение под водой, по дну), на экране появляются цветные полосы, на половину экрана или на весь экран.
О: Выйти в главное меню игры -> Параметры -> Настройки эффектов -> включить опцию "Глубина резкости". Изображение станет "замыленным" вдали, но полосы исчезнут. Если вам не по душе эта опция, после прохождения проблемного места её можно отключить.
В других случаях помогает установка всех графических настроек на максимум.
24.Не удаётся пройти последнюю сюжетную миссию "Странная опасность" (битва с Галактусом на Вертоносце). Во второй команде героев не разбивается золотая панель, блокирующая переключатель.
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