The unofficial lego technic builder s guide 2nd edition
What's the difference between a tile and a plate? Why isn't it a good idea to stack bricks in columns to make a wall? How do you build a LEGO mosaic or build at different scales? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions in The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide.
Now in full color, this brand-new edition of a well-loved favorite will show you how to:
- Construct models that won't fall apart
- Choose the right pieces and substitute when needed
- Build to micro, jumbo, and miniland scale
- Make playable board games out of LEGO pieces
- Create photo mosaics and curved sculptures
- Build a miniature space shuttle, a minifig-sized train station, and more
Of course, the real fun of LEGO building lies in creating your own models—from choosing the subject to clicking that final brick into place. Learn how in The Unofficial LEGO Builder’s Guide.
Includes the Brickopedia, a visual dictionary of nearly 300 of the most commonly used LEGO elements!
Allan Bedford is a lifelong LEGO fan and builder whose most ambitious model is a 5,000-piece replica of Toronto's famed CN Tower. An avid photographer, Bedford spends his time chronicling the streets and people of his adopted hometown, Toronto.
Chapter 1: The LEGO System: Endless Possibilities
Chapter 2: Back to Basics: Tips and Techniques
Chapter 3: Minifig Scale: Oh, What a Wonderful Minifig World It Is!
Chapter 4: Miniland Scale: The Whole World in Miniature
Chapter 5: Jumbo Elements: Building Bigger Bricks
Chapter 6: Microscale Building: More Than Meets the Eye
Chapter 7: Sculptures: The Shape of Things to Build
Chapter 8: Mosaics: Patterns and Pictures in Bricks
Chapter 9: Putting It All Together: Where Ideas Meet Bricks
Chapter 10: Beyond Just Bricks: Other Ways to Enjoy the LEGO Hobby
Appendix A: Brickopedia
Appendix B: Design Grids: Building Better by Planning Ahead
View the Index (PDF)
View the detailed Table of Contents (PDF)
Reviewed on The Brick Show (Watch it here!)
Featured on Selectism (Read More)
Featured on National Geographic's "ScienceBlogs" (Read More)
Featured on The NXT STEP Blog (Read More)
"Serves as a very good basic starting point for anyone getting into the hobby, and perhaps more importantly, it shows younger builders some tips on expanding their modelling skills."
—Ryan McNaught, LEGO Certified Professional
"Like a good Lego project, each chapter expands layer by layer on the one before, resulting in a thorough, well-rounded and indispensable source of guidance and creativity."
—Rebecca Gueorguiev, School Library Journal (Read More)
"A great addition to your LEGO library."
—Greg Barbrick, Blogcritics (Read More)
"It should be a requirement for anyone who builds their own creations. The content is awesome, easy to read and enjoy. The photography is some of the best I have seen."
—Richard Hayes, Brick Fanatics (Read More)
"The definitive book on the basics of LEGO building."
—Steven Combs, Bricks in my Pocket (Read More)
"This is essential for any avid builder's LEGO book library."
—Dan Phelps, A LEGO A Day (Read More)
"It's now in full colour and all the images have been re-rendered and now look absolutely stunning, in fact I'd go so far as to say they are the best I've ever seen in a book."
—Huw Millington, Brickset (Read More)
"Everything is beautifully laid out, and most (if not all) of the imagery is pulled right from LEGO-based CAD programs to make them look absolutely amazing."
—Dave Indish, Bricks of the Dead (Read More)
"Many of these techniques are derived from real-world examples (like the Overlap technique as seen in real brick walls) and it is all well-written, so it doesn't take much to understand the ideas being conveyed. If you have any interest in putting together your own LEGO models, this book is a good investment."
—J.R. Nip, Game Vortex (Read More)
"One word. AWESOME! If you are a LEGO lover (or know someone who is) The Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide is a must have."
—Jilleen Hays, Seaside Book Nook (Read More)
Хотел заказать на днях. Так в двух магазинах из трех доставки в РФ нет, а в третьем она стоила 27$ при цене книги в 25. В других магазинах была первая версия книги.
Никита, тут даже не в дистрибуции дело. С книжкой удобно в расслабленной обстановке посидеть, полистать. На компе или в гаджете много отвлекающих факторов, которые мешают расслабиться, ИМХО. Я б купил!
Серёга Носов ответил Дмитрию
Кстати, продвинутые мастера, расскажите, Чем вам первая книга понравилась, я полистал её, увидел кучу моделей его, с небольшими заметками по ним и всё. Мне показалось как-то скупо что-ли, а чем вас зацепила?
George, ты скорее всего путаешь его книжки. Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide - это пособие, очень полезная книжка с основами механики и введением в инженерию.
Incredible LEGO Technic - просто набор скетчей с пометками. Это разные книги от одного автора.
Илья Цыганков
Галим Махмутов
Читал первое издание. Для начинающих - самое то, продвинутым полезно глянуть на некоторые конструкции.
LTR, а с переводом у них как? Я понимаю что по картинкам и так понятно, но человек писал, старался, интересно ж почитать :) а сидеть параллельно читать книгу и штудировать переводчик как то не айс :)
Галим Махмутов ответил Максиму
Максим, я бы занялся переводом, но будут проблемы с авторскими правами и всякое такое:) Хотя может стоит спросить у Сариеля
Егор, может ты с Сариэлем договоришся напрямую и книги будешь через магазин продавать? Или хотябы по предзаказу, я готов сделать 100% предоплату.
Алексей, это все издательство no starch press. Я предлагал одному российскому издательству сделать локализацию - не заинтересовались
Галим Махмутов ответил Максиму
Максим, я могу купить и перевести. Потом бесплатно распространять?:) Или деньги брать? Бесплатно нельзя, авторское право. И деньги брать нельзя мне, если нет юридических договоренностей с автором. Да и мне денюжку хотелось бы за мои возможные труды. Это все не просто. Печатать на русском точно смысла особо нет. Вот электронную версию продавать на русском - это может быть.
Арсений Галкин
Галим, я тут с тобой немножко не согласен :) если уж и покупать - то бумажную версию :) хотя это тоже дело вкуса :)
Галим Махмутов ответил Максиму
Максим, сколько человек купит печатную русскую версию?:) Крайне сомневаюсь, что наберется хоть 50 человек. Может быть я и не прав, кто знает.
Vasily Lukyanov ответил Галиму
Егор, ну может просто купишь пачку книг да нам продавай с небольшим профитом, я бы взял заодно с деталями
Галим Махмутов ответил Илье
Илья, нехорошо интеллектуальную собственность выставлять в публичный доступ;) Мы ведь все уважаем чужой труд, правда?
Супер!) можно клепать модели за моделями, пробовать разные рулевые, подвески, коробки!) половину можно вырезать, но зато вторая половина зайдёт!)
Представляю как на брифинге отчитывают дизайнеров лего, что польский юнец расскрывает все секреты 40-ЛЕТНЕГО творчества))
П.с. Галим, это РАША!) тут понятие интеллектуальной собственности не катируется!) все общее)) тем более в интернетах))
П.п.с. Давайте теперь Сариэля притащим в москву!) с чемоданом книжек!) если серьезно, давайте скооперируемся на 10-20-50 книжек, доставка адекватной станет.
Степан Сапронов ответил Виктору
The Unofficial LEGO® Technic Builder’s Guide: 2nd edition
My first book, The Unofficial LEGO® Technic Builder’s Guide, now has a second edition.
Four years after the release of my first book comes its updated, extended and improved edition available directly from No Starch Press and also from Amazon, Book Depository and other sellers.
Important: the book can be currently pre-ordered from No Starch Press with 30% discount if you use code sariel30. If you’re looking for a free worldwide shipping, check Book Depository.
It’s been four years since the release of my original The LEGO® Technic Builder’s Guide book, a book that was started all the way back in 2010. During this time Lego has released a number of brand new elements, I have developed a number of new mechanisms, and also new trends have surfaced, such as 3D printing and using Lego rims with custom tires. All in all, I felt it was time to update this book, and I have also used this opportunity to improve it by rewriting much of the original content and re-creating many original figures, and to extend it by adding 4 brand new chapters and adding new sections to the existing chapters. The resulting book is 424 pages long (as opposed to 353 pages in the first edition) and includes a total of 25 chapters:
Green marks updated & extended existing chapters. Red marks brand new chapters added in 2nd edition.
- Part I: Basics
- 1. Basic concepts
- 2. basic units and pieces
- 3. studless or studfull?
- 4. axles, bushes, and joints
- 5. wheels
- 6. Gears and power transmission basics
- 7. Chains and pulleys
- 8. Levers and linkages
- 9. Custom mechanical solutions
- 10. The LEGO pneumatic system
- 11. Pneumatic devices
- 12. Building strong
- 13. An inventory of LEGO motors
- 14. LEGO Power Functions system
- 15. LEGO RC system
- 16. Wheeled steering systems
- 17. Wheeled suspension systems
- 18. Tracked vehicles and suspensions
- 19. Transmissions
- 20. Adders and subtractors
- 21. Planetary gearing
- 22. 3D printing custom pieces
- 23. Form vs. function
- 24. Scaling a model
- 25. The modeling process
Now, to explain fully what it means that the second edition is updated, extended and improved:
- Updated: all inventories of Lego pieces have been updated to the 2016 standard. This includes among others: pins, axles, gear wheels, pneumatic pieces (V2 pneumatic system), motors (EV3 motors), transmission pieces (3L driving rings) and more.
- Extended: a number of existing chapters has completely new sections added, some of them including new building instructions, too. For example: a new transmission, new truss design, new kind of switch and also the heavy-duty custom tracks I’m using.
- Improved: I have taken this opportunity to improve the original content wherever possible. Some sections have been corrected, like the section on differential pulleys which has been completely overhauled. Many sections have been rewritten to make them clearer, easier to understand and more accurate. Additionally, I have recreated tens of existing figures (possibly over a 100) completely anew to make them look better and clearer – you can see several samples in the video below.
As for the brand new chapters, there are four of them and they cover subjects such as Lego wheels, including ways of combining Lego rims with custom tires, the Lego RC system, now discontinued but still interesting and available second-hand, the planetary gearing, its pros, cons, the maths behind it and several examples with building instructions, and finally 3D printing of custom pieces, with numerous examples, advice and ideas and discussion of issues you may run into.
It is my belief that with its second edition, the Guide is finally the book is was supposed to be from the start: it’s greatly improved, its quality is much better and it covers subjects I was unable to include previously due to volume constraints. It suffices to say that I’ve spent 7 months working on it with a number of other people, and I believe we have effectively rewritten, updated and added somewhere between 30% and 50% of the whole content. I regret that there is no way to simply give it to the people who bought the first edition, but I’m sure there will be many discounts and promotions in the future. In any case, if the first edition was any good, the second improves on it in all the ways I could think of. Yes, it even has more hamsters 🙂
The Unofficial LEGO® Technic Builder’s Guide: 2nd edition
My first book, The Unofficial LEGO® Technic Builder’s Guide, now has a second edition.
Four years after the release of my first book comes its updated, extended and improved edition available directly from No Starch Press and also from Amazon, Book Depository and other sellers.Important: the book can be currently pre-ordered from No Starch Press with 30% discount if you use code sariel30. If you’re looking for a free worldwide shipping, check Book Depository.
It’s been four years since the release of my original The LEGO® Technic Builder’s Guide book, a book that was started all the way back in 2010. During this time Lego has released a number of brand new elements, I have developed a number of new mechanisms, and also new trends have surfaced, such as 3D printing and using Lego rims with custom tires. All in all, I felt it was time to update this book, and I have also used this opportunity to improve it by rewriting much of the original content and re-creating many original figures, and to extend it by adding 4 brand new chapters and adding new sections to the existing chapters. The resulting book is 424 pages long (as opposed to 353 pages in the first edition) and includes a total of 25 chapters:
Green marks updated & extended existing chapters. Red marks brand new chapters added in 2nd edition.
- Part I: Basics
- 1. Basic concepts
- 2. basic units and pieces
- 3. studless or studfull?
- 4. axles, bushes, and joints
- 5. wheels
- 6. Gears and power transmission basics
- 7. Chains and pulleys
- 8. Levers and linkages
- 9. Custom mechanical solutions
- 10. The LEGO pneumatic system
- 11. Pneumatic devices
- 12. Building strong
- 13. An inventory of LEGO motors
- 14. LEGO Power Functions system
- 15. LEGO RC system
- 16. Wheeled steering systems
- 17. Wheeled suspension systems
- 18. Tracked vehicles and suspensions
- 19. Transmissions
- 20. Adders and subtractors
- 21. Planetary gearing
- 22. 3D printing custom pieces
- 23. Form vs. function
- 24. Scaling a model
- 25. The modeling process
Now, to explain fully what it means that the second edition is updated, extended and improved:
- Updated: all inventories of Lego pieces have been updated to the 2016 standard. This includes among others: pins, axles, gear wheels, pneumatic pieces (V2 pneumatic system), motors (EV3 motors), transmission pieces (3L driving rings) and more.
- Extended: a number of existing chapters has completely new sections added, some of them including new building instructions, too. For example: a new transmission, new truss design, new kind of switch and also the heavy-duty custom tracks I’m using.
- Improved: I have taken this opportunity to improve the original content wherever possible. Some sections have been corrected, like the section on differential pulleys which has been completely overhauled. Many sections have been rewritten to make them clearer, easier to understand and more accurate. Additionally, I have recreated tens of existing figures (possibly over a 100) completely anew to make them look better and clearer – you can see several samples in the video below.
As for the brand new chapters, there are four of them and they cover subjects such as Lego wheels, including ways of combining Lego rims with custom tires, the Lego RC system, now discontinued but still interesting and available second-hand, the planetary gearing, its pros, cons, the maths behind it and several examples with building instructions, and finally 3D printing of custom pieces, with numerous examples, advice and ideas and discussion of issues you may run into.
It is my belief that with its second edition, the Guide is finally the book is was supposed to be from the start: it’s greatly improved, its quality is much better and it covers subjects I was unable to include previously due to volume constraints. It suffices to say that I’ve spent 7 months working on it with a number of other people, and I believe we have effectively rewritten, updated and added somewhere between 30% and 50% of the whole content. I regret that there is no way to simply give it to the people who bought the first edition, but I’m sure there will be many discounts and promotions in the future. In any case, if the first edition was any good, the second improves on it in all the ways I could think of. Yes, it even has more hamsters 🙂
“This is one of those books that just amazes me—complex ideas made easier to follow with what are basically toy pieces of plastic.”
—James Floyd Kelly, GeekDad“This book boggles the mind! Even if you're an accomplished builder, some of the techniques that Sariel shares are sure to expand your repertoire.”
—Kris Bordessa, Wired“Sariel is a legend in the LEGO world. His machines are fantastic.”
—Jesus Diaz, Gizmodo
This thoroughly updated second edition of the best-selling Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder’s Guide is filled with tips for building strong yet elegant machines and mechanisms with the LEGO Technic system. World-renowned builder Paweł “Sariel” Kmiec covers the foundations of LEGO Technic building, from the concepts that underlie simple machines, like gears and linkages, to advanced mechanics, like differentials and steering systems. This edition adds 13 new building instructions and 4 completely new chapters on wheels, the RC system, planetary gearing, and 3D printing.
You’ll get a hands-on introduction to fundamental mechanical concepts like torque, friction, and traction, as well as basic engineering principles like weight distribution, efficiency, and power transmission—all with the help of Technic pieces. You’ll even learn how Sariel builds his amazing tanks, trucks, and cars to scale.
- Build sturdy connections that can withstand serious stress
- Re-create specialized LEGO pieces, like casings and u-joints, and build custom, complex Schmidt and Oldham couplings
- Create your own differentials, suspensions, transmissions, and steering systems
- Pick the right motor for the job and transform it to suit your needs
- Combine studfull and studless building styles for a stunning look
- Build remote-controlled vehicles, lighting systems, motorized compressors, and pneumatic engines
This beautifully illustrated, full-color book will inspire you with ideas for building amazing machines like tanks with suspended treads, supercars, cranes, bulldozers, and much more. What better way to learn engineering principles than to experience them hands-on with LEGO Technic?
New in this edition: 13 new building instructions, 13 updated chapters, and 4 brand-new chapters!
“The most comprehensive guide to engineering plastic machines and mastering tricks of the trade. Its usefulness makes it a text you’ll keep for years if you’re a fan or hopeful. I couldn’t imagine it being any more valuable a resource.”
—The News Wheel“If you are a Technic fan or build with LEGO Technic elements (e.g. for use in MINDSTORMS), The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide, 2nd Edition should be at the top of your shortlist of must-have titles.”
—Hispabrick Magazine“Whatever your level of knowledge in engineering is, if you read this cover to cover you will almost certainly learn something new. The author provides explanations from the very basic right through to the advanced, but the best thing is you can keep coming back and even try out some of his build ideas with the included instruction sections.”
—Brick Fanatics“It's an absolutely indispensable wealth of mechanical information broken down into manageable and delicious bite-sized bits. It takes the staggeringly complex Technic system and makes it approachable and inviting.”
—Bricknerd“Whether you are a skilled builder or a novice, this book contains a wealth of interesting information. It is without a doubt the most comprehensible builder's guide to LEGO Technic.”
—Eurobricks“The book will save you hours of puzzlement and pain, with its example building instructions and inspire you to play with solving harder technical challenges. You’ll want to start experimenting (playing) and building your own creations: it’s what LEGO is for.”
—The LEGO Car Blog“The illustrated instructions will create a child-like enthusiasm for building again as you easily grasp more complicated instructions and let your mind’s imagination soar. You’ll turn the first page and find hours have gone by before you are pried away from the information.”
—Amazing Kids! Magazine“The text is easy to read, the graphics are clear and the binding allows the book to flat when you open it. the new and improved material makes it almost a whole new book.”
—Think Bricks“Had I owned a book like this when I was a child there is no telling what elaborate models I would have built.”
—JK BrickworksCheck out a review in German on 1000steine!
“The full-color, durable pages make this a great book to keep around your home LEGO studio. Kmieć includes lots of pictures and renderings to help bring his designs to life. The author does an excellent job describing his designs and any potential pitfalls.”
—Milluzzi Labs“I would recommend this book for any adult builder who is interested in becoming more familiar with Technic and using Technic in their own creations. It is definitely an asset that deserves a place on the shelf.”
—Josh Wedin, The Brothers Brick“This book is a gem.”
—Ryan McNaught, LEGO Certified ProfessionalЧитайте также: