The lego batman movie wiki
Лего Бэтмен: Фильм - Объединение супергероев DC это прямо на видео компьютерно-анимированный комедийный боевик о супергероях по мотивам видеоигры Лего Бэтмен 2: Супергерои DC. Он охватывает большинство катсцены из игры, а игровой процесс заменен новыми сценами. Фильм вышел на Blu-ray и DVD 21 мая 2013 года и получил в целом положительные отзывы с похвалой за анимацию и действия, хотя рекламный тон фильма подвергся критике. [1]
Бэтмен и Супермен прибыть в LexCorp и наткнуться на гигантского робота в стиле Джокера, пилотируемого Лекс Лютор и Джокер. Злодеи используют робота криптонит оружие, чтобы подчинить Супермена и сокрушить Бэтмена с большим ящиком. Затем фильм возвращается на два дня назад, в Готэм-сити, где проходит церемония награждения, в которой принимают участие лучшие представители города. Лютор проигрывает награду «Человек года» Брюсу Уэйну, но церемония прерывается бандой злодеев во главе с Джокером, которые грабят аудиторию, пока Джокер крадет награду; в процессе Джокер представляет фильм о себе, который включает в себя демонстрацию своего веселящего газа, который может ненадолго заставить людей его обожать. Выскользнув наружу, Брюс надевает Batsuit и, наряду с Робин, поражения Харли Куинн, то Загадочник, Два лица, а Пингвин. Джокер пытается сбежать на моторной лодке, но терпит поражение на ближайшем карнавале. Злодеи заключены в тюрьму Arkham Asylum, пока Супермен прибывает, чтобы поздравить Бэтмена и Робина, к большому разочарованию первого.
Позже, полагая, что газ Джокера может помочь ему быть избранным Президент, Лютор вырывает Джокера из Аркхэма, используя «Деконструктор» - криптонит-энергетическое оружие, которое разбирает нерушимые черные объекты. Джокер использует Деконструктор, чтобы освободить других заключенных, прежде чем он и Лютор сбегут. Бэтмен и Робин отвечают на Комиссар Гордонсигнал бедствия и поймать Пингвина, Двуликого, Харли, Загадочника, Женщина-кошка, Бэйн, и Ядовитый плющ после погони за ними во дворе приюта. Затем Бэтмен понимает, что Джокер сбежал, и находит несколько кирпичей, на которые действует Деконструктор, которые излучают энергетическую подпись.
При ответе на взлом в Ace Chemicals, Бэтмен и Робин понимают, что это сделал Джокер, и ищут подсказки относительно того, что он планирует, но фабрика разрушена серией взрывоопасных химических реакций, вызванных Джокером перед его уходом. Пара спасает Супермен, который тушит огонь, но Бэтмен отказывается от его помощи в разобраться с ситуацией. Позже Бэтмен узнает, что химикаты, украденные Джокером, могут быть смешаны с синтетическим криптонитом, и использует Бэтмобильбортовой компьютер для отслеживания подписи в мобильном операционном центре Лютора. Бэтмен и Робин садятся в автомобиль и забирают кусок синтетического криптонита, но их выбрасывают, и они не могут продолжить преследование из-за того, что Бэтмобиль уничтожен Разрушителем. Пара возвращается в Batcave, не подозревая, что внутри синтетического криптонита есть устройство слежения, которое Лютор и Джокер используют, чтобы найти их. Злодеи разрушают Бэт-пещеру и сбегают с запасом Бэтмена настоящего криптонита - который был их целью все время - в то время как Бэтмен и Робин снова спасены Суперменом, которому первый неохотно позволяет помочь.
Пока Робин пытается спасти то, что осталось от оборудования Бэтмена, он и Супермен отправляются в Мегаполис и проникнуть в LexCorp, что приведет к первой сцене фильма. Лютор и Джокер улетают на своем роботе, не подозревая, что герои поменялись костюмами за несколько минут до этого и выжили. Они следуют за злодеями и сражаются с ними в воздухе, повреждая летающее оборудование робота и обнажая его криптонитовый источник энергии, который ослабляет Супермена, заставляя его и Бэтмена совершить аварийную посадку в Готэме. Пара пробирается к мэрии, где план Лютора дает обратный эффект, потому что люди, пострадавшие от газа Джокера, могут только обожать его, как показано, когда избиратели начинают болеть за Джокера, а не за Лютора. После очередного боя Супермен повреждает источник энергии робота, в результате чего из него вытекает жидкий криптонит, но он остается полностью ослабленным. Робин прибывает на разноцветном Бэтмобиле, который может противостоять эффектам Деконструктора, и он и Бэтмен обманывают Лютора и Джокера, заставляя их преследовать их по Готэму. Криптонит создает гигантское лицо Джокера, которое видно из Сторожевая башня к Марсианский Охотник, который связывается с остальными Лига Справедливости: Удивительная женщина, Киборг, Зеленый Фонарь и Вспышка. Когда они прибывают, чтобы помочь, Лютор признает поражение и решает уничтожить Башня Уэйна в ответ на Брюса Уэйна, прежде чем герои смогут уничтожить робота Джокера.
Супермен восстанавливает свои силы, и он и Чудо-женщина пытаются спасти Башню Уэйна, в то время как другие сражаются с роботом Джокером наверху, отправляя его вниз на улицу. Затем Зеленый Фонарь восстанавливает опоры Башни Уэйна, стабилизируя ее, в то время как Лютор и Джокер арестованы. Комиссар Гордон благодарит Бэтмена за спасение дня, и он признает, что не смог бы сделать это без помощи друзей, и что он рад иметь друзей, на которых он всегда может рассчитывать. Пока Лига готовится восстановить Бэт-пещеру, Зеленый Фонарь стреляет из своего силовое кольцо в космос в победе, которую видит Brainiac, который произносит "Я нашел это".
The Lego Batman Movie is an American-Danish superhero action comedy film by Warner Animation Group. It is directed by Chris McKay, produced by Roy Lee, Dan Lin, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, and written by Seth Grahame Smith. It is a spin-off of the 2014 film, The Lego Movie, focusing on Batman, who was previously established in that universe. It stars Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson, Jenny Slate, and Ralph Fiennes. The film was released on February 10, 2017 by Warner Bros.
Within the DC superhero dimension in the Lego Universe, Batman continues to protect Gotham City and fight crime. During his latest mission to stop the Joker from destroying the city, Batman hurts Joker's feelings by telling him he is not as important in Batman's life as he thinks he is, leading Joker to seek the ultimate revenge on him. The following day, Batman's alter-ego Bruce Wayne attends the city's winter gala which is celebrating both the retirement of Commissioner Gordon and the ascension of his daughter Barbara as the city's new police commissioner, only to be infuriated by Barbara's plans to restructure the police to function without the need of Batman. Joker crashes the party with the city's other villains, all of whom surrender except Harley Quinn, who mysteriously disappears during the confusion.
Suspecting his archenemy is up to something, Batman plots to steal Superman's Phantom Zone Projector (a device that can banish anyone to the Phantom Zone which houses some of the most dangerous villains in the Lego multiverse), only for Alfred to intervene and advise him to take care of Dick Grayson, whom Batman accidentally adopted as his ward during the gala earlier. Reluctantly agreeing to do so, Batman fosters Dick as Robin, whereupon the pair successfully recover the Projector from the Fortress of Solitude and break into Arkham Asylum to send Joker to the Phantom Zone. Suspecting that the Joker wanted to be sent there, Barbara locks up Batman and Robin.
While the Projector is being seized as evidence, Harley steals it back as part of Joker's plan and frees him, allowing him to return to Gotham with all the villains he had recruited in the Phantom Zone, including King Kong, the Gremlins, the Wicked Witch of the West and her Flying Monkeys, a Tyrannosaurus rex and a Velociraptor (presumably from Jurassic Park/ Jurassic World), Lord Voldemort, Sauron, the Jaws great white shark, the Daleks, Lord Vampyre, The Evil Mummy, Swamp Creature, Medusa, Agent Smith and his clones, Skeleton Warriors, General Zod and the Kraken. Realizing that the city does in fact need him, Barbara releases Batman and Robin and teams up with them and Alfred to stop the Joker. Although Batman finds himself able to trust and rely on his new team upon reaching Wayne Island, he chooses to send them away rather than losing them like his parents. Upon facing him alone, Joker believes that Batman is incapable of change and zaps him to the Phantom Zone before stealing the Batcave's stash of confiscated bombs. Arriving in the Phantom Zone, Batman witnesses the harm his selfishness has caused to everyone and slowly accepts his greatest fear. Making a deal with the Zone's gatekeeper Phyllis, a talking Lego brick, to be allowed back to Gotham in order to retrieve the Zone's escaped prisoners, Batman arrives in time to save his teammates, apologizing to them for leaving them and requesting their help to stop Joker.
Realizing Joker's plans to use the explosives he took to destroy the city's Energy Facility that causes the city to come apart and be destroyed, Batman turns Barbara into Batgirl, before he, his team and Gotham City's other villains, who felt neglected by Joker, manage to successfully send the escaped villains back to the Phantom Zone. However, the group fail to stop Joker's bombs going off as the explosion begins to tear the city apart at the plates beneath it. Knowing this was his fault, Batman reluctantly convinces Joker that he is the true reason for being the hero he is before they, their friends and allies and the city's inhabitants, chain-link themselves together and pull the plates back together, saving the city.
With the city saved, Batman prepares to be taken back into the Phantom Zone to fulfill his bargain, only to be rejected by Phyllis, who chooses to let him remain after realizing he is a hero and seeing how much he had changed in order to save everyone. Afterwards, Batman allows Joker and the rest of his rogues to temporarily escape with the confidence that whenever they return, they will be no match for the Batman family.
The movie ends with Batman spending a new life with his family.
as Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Zach Galifianakis as The Joker
- Rosario Dawson as Barbara Gordon/Batgirl as Alfred Pennyworth
- Medusa
- Jenny Slate as Billy Dee Williams as The Riddler
- Zoë Kravitz as Doug Benson as Bane
- Poison Ivy
- Mr. Freeze
- John Venzon as Laura Kightlinger as Orca
- Channing Tatum as Superman
- Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
- Adam DeVine as Barry Allen/The Flash
- Lord Voldemort
- King Kong
- Sauron and The Wicked Witch of the West
- Siri as 'Puter
- Todd Hansen as Chris McCay as Brent Musburger, Chris Hardwick make cameo appearances as three unnamed reporters. Comedian and musician Mark Jonathan Davis/Richard Cheese cameos in the film, in addition to contributing to the soundtrack.
List of Batman/DC characters in the film
List of non DC characters in the film
Aside from the DC characters, the following characters that appear in the film are from various franchises. These characters include:
Batman (real name Bruce Wayne) is, the overall deuteragonist of The LEGO Movie franchise. He is one of, .the two tritagonists (alongside Vitruvius) of The LEGO Movie, one of the three main protagonists (alongside Wyldstyle and Gandalf) of LEGO Dimensions, the titular main protagonist of The LEGO Batman Movie, and the deuteragonist of The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part.
History Of Batman
Just like every version of Batman, Bruce Wayne lost his parents when he was really young, which made him develop a fear of being part of a family again. Years later, he started fighting crime as "Batman". In The LEGO Movie multiverse, he was fighting crime for at least 51 years at the time The LEGO Batman Movie came out, as Alfred remembers him going through a "weird phase" in 1966. He ended up with many villains to fight over the years.
Batman is Wildstyle's ex-boyfriend, and he fought alongside her, Vitruvius and his friend Emmet Brickowski, and his fellow Master Builders and the citizens of Bricksburg against Lord Business's forces. He married Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi who is the main false antagonist and a major character of The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part.
The LEGO Movie
Batman is one of the main characters in The LEGO Movie. He saves Emmet, Vitruvius, and Wyldstyle in the old west. He accompanies them on their mission to bring down Lord Business. As time wears on, Lucy begins to fall for Emmet which Batman notices, but doesn't mind. In the end, he gives his blessing for her to be with the hero she deserved.
The LEGO Batman Movie
Batman is back in Gotham, dealing with his Rogue Gallery. Along the way, he meets Batgirl and Robin who become a part of his family, along with Alfred. Though it takes him a while to open up and accept them as family due to fear of losing more people he cared for.
The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
Batman is back in Bricksburg, now Apocalypsberg after his "solo adventure." However, Sweet Mayhem kidnaps him, Metalbeard, Unikitty, Lucy, and Benny to take them to the Systar System. There, Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi plans to wed Batman to unite their worlds and to prevent Our-mom-aggedon, believing him to be the leader. Batman is very off-put by the idea of marriage but agrees to the wedding to outdo Superman when Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi claimed he was her first choice.
Unlike most human minifigures in Lego Movie universe, Batman has a flesh tone skin color and a jawline. He has short black hair and is depicted as muscular.
As Batman
Batman wears black latex suit with black and yellow bat logo on his huge chest, yellow utility belt black cape and black cowl with two long, pointy ears. In The LEGO Movie, his eyes are just white, but in The LEGO Batman Movie, they glow and have slight blue shade in them, which carries over into LEGO Movie 2. In The LEGO Batman Movie, Batman's utility belt is a separate piece, rather than printed on his torso.
As Bruce Wayne
In The LEGO Movie, his hair is fully groomed and he wears a grayish-blue suit, grayish-blue vest, white shirt, and green tie.
In The LEGO Batman Movie, his hair is mostly messy (mostly due to him being shown right after he takes off his cowl), and he wears a white tuxedo and black bow-tie.
"Can you imagine if having a family with someone I loved healed some of my darkest trauma?" -Batman to the Queen
Batman is often seen at the surface level, criticized for his lack of care for other's well-being. After the death of his biological parents, Bruce himself had grown far apart from others and strives to protect himself from losing any loved ones again, leaving him very lonely as a result. Especially before his change in The LEGO Batman Movie, he attempted to cover his insecurities with snarky humor or childish disobedience (much to the dismay of Alfred). After days of action and excitement, while the whole city would celebrate Batman's heroic actions, he found that hiding within the depths of his manor would ease his mind away from the stress of risking those he loved.
He finds his truest form of companionship when he meets Queen Watevra Wa-Nabi, whom he was arranged to marry to reunite their world's in peace. He wasn't interested at first, but his ego gets the better of him when she sings about preferring Superman. Afterwards, he proposes to her to prove that he's better. Despite a non-altruistic start, he comes to feel a connection with her when he hears how she was also lonely living in a palace with only a fussy British servant and nobody to relate to her. With her influence, he becomes a more cheerful person and happily marries her in the end, successfully uniting their worlds.
The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 movie and a spin-off of The Lego Movie.
Directed by Chris McKay. Written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, and John Whittington.
Batman / Bruce Wayne [ edit ]
- [first lines of the film; voice over] Black. All important movies start with a black screen. and music. edgy, scary music that would make a parent or studio executive nervous. And logos. Really long and dramatic logos. Warner Bros ("Brawss"). Why not "Warner Brothers"? I don't know. "DC." The house that Batman built. Yeah, what, Superman? Come at me, bro. I'm your Kryptonite. Hmm. Not sure what RatPac does, but that logo is macho. I dig it.
- Okay. Get your self ready for some. reading: "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make that change. Hooo." Hey, I said that. Batman is very wise. And I've got huge pecs and a nine-pack. Yeah, I've got an extra ab.
- Hey 'Puter, I'm home. [echoing]
- Looks like your plan failed.
- I can only look you in the eyes right now.
- How dare you tell me how to parent my kid I just met!
- The first lesson is: Life doesn't give you seat belts!
- What am I gonna do? Get a bunch of criminals together to fight the other criminals? That's a stupid idea! fills me with rage! Let's use it!
- Look who's bat!
The Joker [ edit ]
- Hi, Batman!
- Come catch your greatest enemy!
- Superman's not a bad guy!
- Bruce Wayne is Batman. 's roommate?
- Hey Batman! I'm rubbing my butt all over your stuff! Gonna have to rename this the "Buttmobile".
Robin / Dick Grayson [ edit ]
- Hello, secret camera.
- Do I get a costume?
- Now I'm free, now I'm movin'. Come on, Batman, let's get groovin'!
Barbara Gordon / Batgirl [ edit ]
- It's my dream to team up with Batman.
- If you call me "Batgirl", can I call you "Batboy"?
Alfred Pennyworth [ edit ]
- Sir, if you don't mind my saying, I'm a little concerned. I've seen you go through similar phases in 2016, and 2012, and 2008, and 2005, and 1997, and 1995, and 1992, and 1989. and that weird one in 1966.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel / Harley Quinn [ edit ]
- Joker, do you read me?
- Nobody's got a smile like you, Mr. J.
- I sure do! Time for operation "Take Out The Laundry!"
- Hi there! I'm from Phantom's Own Laundry. Gonna take the bags off 'ya hands.
- No, but you're going down!
- Actually you're right. I am going up. Ding!
- Here. Comes. The. Phantom Zone!
- -Gasp- Yes!
- Boo-Boo
Voldemort [ edit ]
- Accio Lightning Storm!
- You're a fish! You're a frog! You're a fish-frog!
Dialogue [ edit ]
Joker: I’m afraid Captain Dale had to bail! I’m your new co-pilot! And I always come to work. with a smile! (Pilot Billson stares unimpressed) Joker: . You should be terrified. Pilot Billson: Why? Joker: Because. I will be taking over the city! Pilot Billson: Mmm. Joker: What? Pilot Billson: Batman will stop you. Joker: Pffft! Pilot Billson: He always stops you. Joker: No he doesn’t! Pilot Bill: Like that time with the two boats? Joker: This is better than the two boats. Pilot Bill: Mmm. Joker: Well, tonight is going to be different! Tonight is my greatest plan yet! And trust me, Batman’s never gonna see it coming. Pilot Bill: Like that time with the parade and the Prince music? Joker: Hey, quiet! Joker: Your city is under attack by Gotham’s greatest criminal masterminds! Including. Riddler! Scarecrow! Scarecrow: Pizza delivery! Joker: Bane! Bane: Hello. Joker: Two-Face! Two-Face: We need that door open baby. Joker: Catwoman! Catwoman: Meow-meow, you're in, meow-meow. Joker: And let's not forget Clayface! Poison Ivy! Cop: Freeze! Mr. Freeze: No, you freeze. Joker: Mr. Freeze! Penguin! Crazy Quilt! Eraser! Polka-Dot Man! Mime! Tarantula! King Tut! Orca! Killer Moth! March Hares! Zodiac Master! Gentleman Ghost! Clock King! Calendar Man! Kite Man! Catman! Zebra-man! And the Condiment King! Pilot Bill: … Okay, are you making some of these up? Joker: Nope, they’re all real! Probably worth a Google Joker: [after realizing that Mayor McCaskill is actually Batman] Batman?! What are you doing? You are completely outnumbered here! Are you nuts?! Batman: You want to get nuts? Then come on. Let's get nuts! Because I just wrote a song about how I'm going to kick all of your butts. Joker: [to all the bad guys] Stop him before he starts singing! Joker: Okay, look, I-I'm fine with you fighting other people if you wanna do that, but what we have is special. So when people ask you who's your number one bad guy, you say. Batman: Superman. Joker: Are you seriously saying that there's nothing, nothing special about our relationship?! Batman: Whoa! Let me tell you something, J-Bird. Batman doesn't do ships. Joker: What? Batman: As in relationships. There is no us. Batman and Joker are not a thing. (Joker's face is slowly saddening) I don't need you. I don't need anyone. You mean nothing to me. (Joker becomes heartbroken for a long pause) No one does. 'Puter: What is the password? Batman: Iron Man sucks! Alfred: Were you looking at the old family pictures again? Batman: At the what? The old family. Oh, yes! I see what you mean. Look at that! The old gang. Yeah. No, I wasn't. Alfred: I see. Sir, if you don't mind my saying, I'm a little concerned. I've seen you go through similar phases in 2016 and 2012 and 2008 and 2005 and 1997 and 1995 and 1992 and 1989 and that weird one in 1966. Do you want to talk about how you're feeling right now? Batman: I don't talk about feelings, Alfred. I don't have any, I've never seen one. I'm a night-stalking, crime-fighting vigilante, and a heavy metal rapping machine. I don't feel anything emotionally, except for rage. 24/7, 365, at a million percent. And if you think that there's something behind that, then you're crazy. Good night, Alfred. Alfred: Sir, it's morning. [clicks the remote, opening the curtains; the sunlight shines through the windows. Batman cringes] Batman: Hiss! Sun! Alfred: Master Bruce, you live on an island figuratively and literally. Batman: Yeah, I love it. Alfred: You can't spend the rest of your life alone dressed in black, listening to angry music, and staying up all night. Batman: Yes I can. 'Cause I'm Batman. Alfred: But don't you think it's time you finally faced your biggest fear? Batman: Snakes? Alfred: No. Batman: Clowns? Alfred: No. Batman: Snake-clowns? Alfred: Bruce, listen. Your greatest fear is being a part of a family again. [Batman looks at the family pictures] Batman: Nope, now it's Snake-clowns, because you put that idea in my head. Alfred: Sir- Batman: Time for push-ups! One! Two! I'm going to a thousand. Alfred: I'm afraid that's not possible, sir. Batman: It is possible. I'm already at twenty. Alfred: You're scheduled to go to Jim Gordon's retirement party. Batman: What? No! I don't wanna do that! Alfred: You're going to have a good time. Batman: No, no, no, no! Alfred: You might meet some new people. Batman: No, no, no, no! Alfred: Even make some new friends. Batman: No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no! [to the tune of the Adam West theme song] No-no, no-no, no-no, no-no! [beatboxes] No!! Alfred: And before you go, we could do your favourite thing. Batman: [gasps] Tuxedo dress-up party! Robin: My name's Richard Grayson, but the kids at the orphanage call me Dick. Bruce Wayne: Well, children can be cruel. Barbara: It is my dream for the Police Force to someday team up with Batman! Bruce Wayne: I hate everything you just said. Barbara: Batman has been on the job for a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, long time. Bruce Wayne: He has aged phenomenally. Robin: Wait, does Batman live in Bruce Wayne's basement? Batman: No, Bruce Wayne lives in Batman's attic! Batman: Sometimes, in order to right a wrong, you have to do a wrong-right. Robin: Did Gandhi really say that? Batman: I'm paraphrasing. Batgirl: Batman! Why'd you build these thing with only one seat? Batman: Uh, because last I checked I only had one butt. Joker: I've got a surprise for you guys! And it's gonna make you smile! Batman: Uh-oh! His smile is our grimace!
(At Joker Manor. )
The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 American-Danish-Australian computer-animated action superhero comedy superhero film produced by the Warner Animation Group, DC Entertainment, RatPac Entertainment, Lego System A/S, Dan Lin's Lin Pictures, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's Lord Miller Productions, Roy Lee's Vertigo Entertainment, and Animal Logic, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It was directed by Chris McKay, and written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern and John Whittington, and produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Based on the Lego Batman toy line, the film is an international co-production of the United States, Australia and Denmark, the first spin-off installment of The Lego Movie film series and the second installment overall. The film's world premiere was conducted in Dublin, Ireland on January 29, 2017, whereupon it went into general release from February 8; it was released in Denmark on February 9, and in the United States the day after. The film was released in Australia on March 30, 2017.
There are big changes brewing in Gotham, but if Batman (Will Arnett) wants to save the city from the Joker's (Zach Galifianakis) hostile takeover, he may have to drop the lone vigilante thing, try to work with others and maybe, just maybe, learn to lighten up. Maybe his superhero sidekick Robin (Michael Cera) and loyal butler Alfred (Ralph Fiennes) can show him a thing or two.
Why Friends Are Family
- The idea of having Lego Batman theatrical film is good idea and it is well-executed.
- Its decently faithful to the Batman franchise and has tons of references to the 1960's Batman show featuring Adam West, the Burton Batman films, and more.
- The action scenes are a blast to watch, highly helped by the animation.
- It pokes fun at the DC lore. For example, part of the opening does poke fun at Batman's rivalry with Superman.
- The animation is amazing, to giving more fresh backgrounds and style. Like The Lego Movie, it uses the CGI animation instead of stop motion, which is unique, not a rehash, provided by Animal Logic.
- Batman is a likable and well-developed protagonist and Will Arnett is still great at playing him.
- Robin is very likable and cute, and Michael Cera does a great job voicing him.
- The Joker is a excellent villain and Zach Galifianakis did a fairly good job of voicing him (even though it doesn’t quite fit all that well).
- It teaches its audience about teamwork and knowing when you should tell others that you need help.
- The soundtrack is pretty epic by Lorne Balfe. Special mention goes to "Battle Royale", which even found a way to incorporate the original Adam West theme.
- The opening music, "Black", is so Batmanesque, it would work even for a non-parody/satire/homage. It manages to combine elements from all the incarnations of the Batman theme into one.
- Then there's the more introspective, melodic "A Long Farewell".
- It's not an original piece, but "(I Just) Died In Your Arms" was the perfect song to play during the two scenes where Bruce is gawking over Barbara. It makes the scenes even funnier, and in a strange way, beautiful.
- "Who's the (Bat)Man" by Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy is an epic heavy metal song describing how awesome Batman is. In the movie proper, it plays when Batman is beating up his entire Rogues Gallery. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds.
- "Friends are Family" by Oh Hush is this movie's equivalent of "Everything is Awesome", being an upbeat and extremely catchy pop song. To make it better, Batman starts rapping in the middle of it.
- "I Found You" is a sweet little tune that pops up in the movie's soundtrack from time to time, especially in relation to Robin. It's sung by a talented 10-year-old boy from Robin's point of view.
- The recurring song in the movie is Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror", which is covered very well by Alex Aiono, to the point some people like it more than the original.
- While not in the movie itself, trailers and other ads had a very catchy electronic remix of "We Built This City" as background music.
- Most of the jokes are funny, such as when Batman opens the doors to his home by saying "Iron Man sucks!" for Batcomputer.
- There are some fairly emotional and suspenseful scenes, such as when Alfred nearly falls off the Jet, and with Batman being almost a father to Robin is heartwarming.
- The voice acting is great.
- It has a pop culture reference where Batman laughs maniacally at Tom Cruise saying "You complete me" while watching Jerry Maguire.
- In Alfred's flashback, they manage to reference Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the Christopher NolanBatmantrilogy, and much more.
- A stellar blend of action, adventure, humor, and drama.
- Awesome minor apperances from Superman and the Justice League, and Batman's rogues gallery.
- The villains from the Phantom Zone were a great addition to the villains in the movie, some were also referenced in LEGO Dimensions, so it was fit that some of the villains were in both Dimensions, and The LEGO Batman Movie, such as The Wizard of Oz, Dalaks from Doctor Who, and Voltomort from Harry Potter, etc., though it was little confusing and supposed to focus on Batman/DC Comics and the Bat-Family.
- Batman's rapping and Beatbox is so rewatchable to listen to.
Bad Qualities
- The joke about Dick Grayson's name may have gotten a little too inappropriate for its target audience, even if it was kind of funny.
- It was a little confusing and invasive to add villains from other media, such as Agent Smith, the Wicked Witch of the West, Voldemort, the Gremlins, Sauron, the Daleks, King Kong, etc., considering the movie was supposed to focus on Batman/DC Comics and the Bat-Family. But it was justified and make sense, since it was referencing to Lego Dimensions.
- Speaking of villains, while most of the extra villains such as Orca Man, Zebra Man, Condiment King, etc. were interesting, many of them were kind of pointless and didn't really fit at all, making them underutilized.
- Sometimes it ignores its source material.
- While he does a fairly good job at it, Zach Galifianakis as The Joker doesn’t quite fit all that well. (It would have been better if Mark Hamill voiced The Joker.)
- The unnecessary faster pacing can make the movie hard to follow sometimes.
- While the animation is amazing, some of the effects like water and smoke are not made of Lego like the first movie did it for having the effects from Lego.
- Some continuity errors, especially when Superman mentions to have imprisoned General Zod at the Phantom Zone, thus inspiring Batman to do the same with the Joker, but once the Joker arrives at the Phantom Zone, Zod is nowhere to be seen. However, he does appear multiple times when Joker returns to Gotham with the villains from the Phantom Zone, albeit not as prominently featured.
The Lego Batman Movie received generally positive reviews from critics, audiences and fans alike for its animation, voice acting, soundtrack, visual style, and humor. On review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 90% based on 304 reviews, with an average rating of 7.54/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "The Lego Batman Movie continues its block-buster franchise's winning streak with another round of dizzyingly funny—and beautifully animated—family-friendly mayhem". It was ranked the 14th best superhero movie of all time on the site. On Metacritic, the film has a score of 75 out of 100, based on 48 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A–" on an A+ to F scale.
DeviantArt user JacobHessReviews gave this movie an rating of 9/10 (Amazing), saying how this is a very well built animated film. [1]
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