Steam lego minifigures online
Великолепная смесь жанров
ММОРПГ в мире Лего еще не собирала так много персонажей, сюжетов и миров известных франшиз в одном месте. Игра совмещает драму и комедию Пиратов Карибского моря, фантастику, принадлежащую киноэпопеи Звездных войн, хоррор фильмов о вампирах и оборотнях, а также мифологию древнего Египта, Греции, Рима и стран Южной Америки. По мере прохождения игрок заметит множество отсылок – как прямых и легко уловимых, так и узнаваемых только фанатами определенного жанра или вселенной.
Графика и геймплей
Визуальная часть игры не вызывает никаких вопросов. Так как данная ММОРПГ представляет собой ААА-проект, пользователи могут быть уверены в качестве картинки и прорисовке персонажей. Спецэффекты выглядят сногсшибательно, трехмерные задники полностью анимированы, свет и тени созданы по улучшенной физической модели. Добавьте к этому прекрасный сюжет и динамичный геймплей, и вы получите игру, которая займет место в вашем сердце.
Игроку предстоит собрать команду отважных героев. Каждый из них имеет уникальные способности и характеристики, а также будет полезен на определенном этапе игры. Некоторых героев можно будет нанять сразу, другие станут доступны во время прохождения миссий. Но что их всех объединяет, так это возможность сражаться бок о бок. Хотели бы вы собрать Лего-команду, состоящую из Джека Воробья, Люка Скайуокера и монстра Франкенштейна? Пожалуйста. Может вы хотите видеть на их месте других героев? Запросто. Игра позволяет нанять более 50 известных персонажей кино и игровых вселенных. Изучите их сильные и слабые стороны, чтобы собрать отряд непобедимых!
После победы над противником или по завершении заданий все выжившие персонажи будут получать очки опыта. Они необходимы для прокачки старых навыков и приобретения новых. Этот стандартный РПГ-элемент привносит в игру еще больше разнообразия и заставляет стратегически мыслить.
И в заключении
Подарите себе множество замечательных часов в однопользовательской кампании или битвах в онлайне. Команда самых сильных будет увековечена в рейтинговой таблице.
- Великолепная графика;
- Захватывающий сюжет;
- Превосходный геймплей;
- Тактические битвы;
- Прокачка персонажей;
- Многообразие героев.
Все приложения и игры на нашем сайте проходят обязательную проверку антивирусом с последними сигнатурами.
Get ready to meet the Minifigures! Collect them all and bring them with you on grand adventures in LEGO Minifigures Online - an epic online adventure where you get to explore colorful locations such as Pirate World, Space World and Medieval World!
Play together with thousands of other players and battle your way through monstrous riff-raff as you develop your Minifigures’ unique and powerful abilities. Smash, build and collect - thousands of exciting adventures are just a brick away in LEGO Minifigures Online!
LEGO® Minifigures Online available at $29.99 on June 29th, featuring full cross-play in the same online world across all devices.
After a limited run as a free-to-play game on PC, LEGO Minifigures Online will now launch on both desktop and mobile platforms as a buy-to-play game. To ensure a fresh, new, and even higher-quality experience for everyone, the developers at Funcom have spent months overhauling the game in preparation for this launch. New features and content, such as unique events, cinematics, voice acting, and a fun and engaging story are included, as well as numerous gameplay additions and major improvements throughout the entire game.
"This really is the definitive version of LEGO Minifigures Online and we are very much looking forward to opening the servers for players to experience it," said Funcom CEO Rui Casais. "Not only will it feel like a fresh, new experience for those who have played the earlier free-to-play PC version, there is also so much potential unlocked now that you can play with each other across platforms on a broad range of devices. Maybe you are playing on an iPhone while your friend is on an Android tablet and your dad is on a high-powered PC; you’ll still play together in the same persistent online world, along with thousands of other LEGO fans from all over the globe."
Sorry guys i've been terribly busy with study but I'm back now and I come bearing gifts.
Be sure to check the results 2.00 PM, Sunday, 5th July 2015 (EDT)
to leave a comment below which of the following you'd like to see in the next group giveaway.
Broken Sword 1: Director's Cut
Double Dragon: Neon
Prime World: Defenders
Secret of the Magic Crystals
Worms Reloaded: Game of the Year Edition
Thanks and Good Luck All!
There isn't really any lego groups besides this one, and non of my friends nor my wifes friends play lego games, she needs 3 card for the lego pirates of the carribean (angelica, elizabeth, hector) so she can complete her collection, these cards are not available in the market either, and game has no more drops available to gain them. Anyone able to spare these cards, she would be super excited to gain her first badge.
Free Lego Minifigures Online code (Some random minifigures, I think.) for whoever plays it :)
Thanks all, peace out.
sigh, timtech is working on a game that will bring LU back, without the money part of course. Theres a number of organizations out there. In short: Lego won't bring back LU and all we have are screen shots, vids and memories. But then again, no one here has lost hope in imagination, have they?
Only 1 tiny problem to make an account. I need to fill in my parent email adress. They are 83 and don't have email :)
The all new Series 15 of Minifigures are live in LEGO Minifigures Online. Get your hands on the brand new Minifigures in the Lost Creations, the in-game Item Shop or in physical Minifigure bags sold in shops all over the world.
Series 14 of LEGO Minifigures are here, and now you can play them all in LEGO Minifigures Online! Head to the LEGO Center and talk to the Monster Scientist. He will guide you through the all new Monster Trials where you can earn parts for the all new Minifigures.
I recently had a chance to sit down with the Blue Scientist who had some neat stuff to tell me. Those Scientists always glare at me when I walk by their lab, but the Blue Scientist actually called me over! Let’s see what they had to say!
Q: What happened to the brick plates we had? I want all red!
A: The brick system design had a pretty important flaw. Everyone wanted all red! The customization options it provided were being completely ignored in the pursuit of more damage, because damage is perceived to be the most powerful stat. One of the reasons why we decided to remove the brick system was because nobody was really using it anyways (everyone was going all red). It simply added a layer of complexity that didn't contribute to the game's fun.
We've seen a lot of comments in the forums about the game becoming harder after the "removal of all bricks". There's a lot of math and a wee bit of magic involved, but it boils down to this: we didn't simply remove all bricks, we distributed the existing power you could get from bricks equally across all colors and baked them into the internal minifigure and monster stats. In other words, every minifigure is basically running an even spread of red, blue and yellow bricks behind the curtain.
Q: Why is Lost Creations SOOOooo hard?
A: In short: Lost Creations is meant to be a challenge. The first few levels of LC should be easy and doable by any player that has made it to level 30. But to make it to the higher levels, you have to find strategies and team compositions that work well together and you have to become good at the little nuances of the game. Knowing when to dodge and when to attack. Knowing how to control the position of mobs. When to fight, or run, or stop to build.
Also, Lost Creations is meant to be done as a team. You can make progress alone, but at some point you're going to get overrun by monsters and you won't be able to make as much progress alone as you could do in a team. I encourage all players that are having difficulty doing LC alone to simply get a team together and try it that way. You don't need super-skilled stellar players, just grab a couple of random players looking for a group and go in as a group and you will notice how much stronger you are as a team. Over time, you can also develop the group tactics that the best groups use to beat the highest levels of Lost Creations.
Now, like with everything else in game design, there is a fine line between difficulty and frustration. It is possible that LC is just too hard, period. We are monitoring the LC progress and if we see that we need to tweak stuff, we will.
Q: What is coming up for LMO? Do we get a new place to do battle?
A: As we briefly touched on in the Ask the Devs feature, we are almost ready to release our next content feature, which we call the Monster Trials. The Monster Trials are a short sequence of playfields, much in the light of what you'd find in Lost Creations, but with a couple of new surprises.
The idea with the Monster Trials is to have a bit of randomly generated content to break the pace or hunt minifigures alongside the Story progression of the game. The content of the Trials automatically scales to your level, so you can do them at any time regardless of how far into the story you are! The level of difficulty of the Monster Trials is tuned to be lower than that of Lost Creations. We hope that this content will also help bridge the gap between the normal story content and what you'll find once you tackle the challenges of Lost Creations.
The entrance to the Monster Trials can be found at the LEGO Center but to enter you will need to spend a Ticket. You get 3 Tickets with every S14 minifigure bag code you redeem or you can find them as random loot by completing Area Quests, Dungeons or defeating Champions in the open World.
We hope you like what we've prepared for you in the Monster Trials and all the content around them!
Q:Wow! That sounds great! Who do we get to take there?
A: Monster Trials will be the prime spot to obtain Series 14 minifigures in game. Series 14 has a variety of great, charismatic new minifigures, ranging from the Monster Scientist with his wicked experiments (which happens to be hosting the Monster Trials.. hmm, suspicious!) to an ancient Spectre or a gnarly Plant Monster! You might have spotted a recurring theme here! Yes, the S14 minifigures could all be monsters, if they weren't so helpful and adventurous! Oh and there's zombies of course, looots of zombies!
Q:This is sure to get a lot of people excited! Do you have a favorite Series 14 Minifigure?
A: The Fly Monster is one of my favourites (and I already have a specific minifigure combo in mind for him), but I really like the Wolf Guy as well. Can I pick two? Oh, wait, there's also the Monster Rocker. Can I pick three? Oh wait.
Q:Why do the Scientists glare at me so much?
A: One or more of the answers below are correct. Pick one, but choose wisely!
A) We're too busy checking out the new S14 minifigures.
B) You stood in front of the screen and we lost against the Monster Trial's final boss.
C) We're busy fighting a zombie invasion.
D) 42
Полная коллекция минифигурок Лего Гарри Поттер серия 2
Гарри Поттер и Букля
Полная коллекция минифигурок 22-й выпуск
Космическое существо
Девочка в костюме енота
Снежный стражник
Девочка и жеребёнок
Световой меч графа Дуку
Император Палпатин
Ночная защитница
Девочка в костюме перчика
Злой зеленый ниндзя
Космический мальчик
Космический полицейский
Генерал Первого Ордена
Девочка - Божья коровка
Воин скат
Гамора с клинком Таноса
Фродо на кухне
Сёрфер с веслом
Гонщик в коляске
Лего Минифигурки (Lego Minifigures)
Всемирно известная компания Lego порадовала своих поклонников новой, довольно необычной серией под названием «Лего Minifigures ». В наборах Лего Минифигурки нет привычных, разноцветных кубиков для строительства домов, роботов и машин, зато здесь можно отыскать огромное количество самых разнообразных мини фигурок.
Серия Лего Minifigures придумана специально для тех любителей наборов Lego , которые не только играют с этими конструкторами, но еще и коллекционируют фигурки из разных серий и направлений. В коллекции Лего Минифигурки можно найти огромное количество разнообразных новых персонажей, которых Вам так не хватало для игры, и которые Вам раньше не встречались в других лего-коллекциях. Персонажи наборов Лего Minifigures – это представители самых разных профессий: футболисты, моряки, ученые, художники, рабочие, скейтбордисты, маги, волшебники и тд.
Минифигурки из серии Лего Minifigures прекрасно дополнят любые игровые наборы Lego . Они помогут детишкам поближе познакомиться с представителями всевозможных профессий и узнать много интересных фактов об окружающем мире. Кроме этого, с помощью персонажей Лего Минифигурки ребятишки смогут придумать много новых интересных сценариев для игр.
Каждая игрушка из серии Лего Minifigures уникальна, а это значит, что Вы точно не найдете аналогичного персонажа ни в одной из существующих серий Лего. Дополните свои наборы Лего новыми героями из Лего Минифигурки, которые будут участвовать в придуманных Вами сюжетах и историях.
Главная особенность серии Лего Minifigures заключается в том, что любая серия поставляется в специальных коробках, в каждой из которых по шестьдесят мини фигурок. Все они упакованы в разноцветные, непрозрачные пакетики: первая серия – в пакетики желтого цвета, вторая – синего, третья – зеленого. Особенно желанными являются самые редкие персонажи Лего Минифигурки, стать счастливым обладателем которых не очень то и легко. Каждая из игрушек Лего Minifigures оснащена дополнительными аксессуарами и прекрасно детализирована.
Мы предлагаем своим покупателям познакомиться с персонажами из большинства серий Лего Минифигурки. Каждая из этих серий состоит их 16 уникальных фигурок, которые можно будет задействовать в любом из конструкторов Lego . Благодаря набору Лего Minifigures в Вашем Лего-городе поселятся новые герои: спортсмены, ученые, работники, супергерои и пр. Они помогут Вам создавать новые приключения, устраивать увлекательные шоу-программы и спортивные соревнования.
К примеру, с дрессировщиком, фокусником и шоуменом из Лего Человечки Вы сможете интересное шоу, где за порядком будет следить полицейский из Лего Minifigures , а первую медицинскую помощь будет оказывать медсестра из этой же серии.
С героями Лего Минифигурки Вашим детишкам не придется скучать, ведь каждый день их будут ожидать новые, увлекательные приключения. Стройте города, осваивайте новые профессии, познавайте мир и путешествуйте вместе с Лего Минифигурки.
Although it’s more an action-adventure multiplayer game than a proper MMORPG, LEGO Minifigures Online doesn’t fail to deliver a fun (a lot of them actually) world in which you play with your minifigures. Just keep in mind that it’s a free to play game with children as the main target.
An MMO for kids that doesn’t patronise. Accessible, sometimes repetitive, but with enough adventure to hold interest.
In terms of accessing content (especially the chance to collect all the minifigures) the change from free-to-play to pay-to-play is a welcome step. But it opens the door to a whole other world of problems: Why not change the game to offline with optional online connectivity? And also with the redundant fighting system and the mission grind Minifigures has to compete with a wide variety of offline Lego games, which are almost always the better choice.
I really enjoy Lego games by Traveller’s Tales with their charm, humor and pop-cultural references. Minifigures Online however was created by Funcom and you can feel that the Norwegians just don’t understand why TT’s games appeal both to young and older gamers. What’s more, LMO is boring, rather ugly, full of bugs and dubious design choices. [09/2015, p.55]
Obviously I’m not the target audience, and sure there might be some kids that get a kick out of collecting figurines that resemble wizards and hot dog men, but I like to think the developer should have given a bit more credit to the target audience. The other LEGO games all manage to be child-friendly without being insulting to everyone else in the process.
User Reviews
This is a guilty pleasure for those who have that joyful love of LEGO in them. I'm British, and as such LEGO was a huge part of my childhood, This is a guilty pleasure for those who have that joyful love of LEGO in them. I'm British, and as such LEGO was a huge part of my childhood, it's huge here. (Our LEGO land is bigger than any other, even bigger than America's, you can look it up if you want!) Also, we know to call them LEGO bricks, not legos, which the execs at LEGO apparently hate because Americans have been calling all sorts of off-brand stuff 'legos.'
I hear they do that all the time, though. Like referring to all smartphones as iPhones, tissues as kleenex, et cetera. But I digress!
The point is is that LEGO is probably bigger in the UK than anywhere else, it was a huge part of my childhood, and even as a grown man I still screw around with LEGO sets. It is forever a guilty pleasure. I even have some of the Chima ones (better than that Ninjago rot). And my love of LEGO extends to the TT Games LEGO games, and this.
I don't think I've ever really played a bad LEGO game, and this is no exception as it's really quite good. It's not a huge, extroverted raid game. No, it's not about that. It's more of a co-op experience which means it'll work for your introverted kids as much as your extroverted one. And I speak from experience as I'm pretty much a big introverted kid myself.
You'd be hard pressed to not have fun with this, and probably more than a little soulless. … Expand
Game is very fun to play for the kids, and it is very fun to play together with friends. A tad easy, but difficulty is set this way so kids Game is very fun to play for the kids, and it is very fun to play together with friends. A tad easy, but difficulty is set this way so kids will be able to play it without too much hassle. Developers might have to adjust difficulty on the game later on. Game can be played on iOS, some Android devices, PC, MAC and Linux – and you can play with others no matter what unit you are on. There’s no mini transactions in-game, everything is unlockable, which makes it a dream for parents. Minifigures are really well made and game is fully voiced, which makes you easily connect to the cute minifigures. Of course, when the monsters in series 14 are released, they might not be so cute Codes inside the minifigure packs will unlock a minifigure. Controls are very decent, also on the iOS version of the game. Game adapts to whatever device you are on, so basically you can play in the same world on the PC and the iOS. I would say it’s a Diablo for kids, which can also be fun for grownups. … Expand
Horrible game company that tends to suspend their players at random and refuses to give players a reason (Except: Sorry, its extremely busy we Horrible game company that tends to suspend their players at random and refuses to give players a reason (Except: Sorry, its extremely busy we can't answer)). I highly recommend to not deal with this company.
Funcom games are also in general extremely buggy but every game does has its unique flavor. Its just that the company is too horrible that I can't recommend any of their games. … Expand
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