Star wars lego republic gunship 7676
Настоящий символ трилогии приквелов «Звездных Войн», и олицетворение «Войн Клонов». Любимый фанатами и признанный критиками Десантный корабль Клонов из конструктора Lego вот-вот пополнит Ultimate Collector Series. Познакомимся с одним из двух самых значимых наборов Лего Stat Wars 2021 года, и поговорим о плюсах и минусах громадного набора.
Начинаем знакомство с крупной новинкой с разговора о дизайне коробки. Перед нами стандартная, брутальная черная коробка от наборов 18+. И тут, на мой взгляд, очень не хватает каменных пейзажей планеты Джеонозис.
Безжизненный черный вакуум словно бы подчеркивает нереальность набора конструктора, вместо показа его лучших частей. А вот сзади имеется несколько кадров из фильма, на которых уже видно наш Ганшип во всей красе. С другой стороны, такой дизайн выбран не случайно, чтобы покупатель четко понимал, что он покупает. У меня есть некоторый опыт, когда после постройки классного набора осознаёшь, что он совершенно не вписывается в твою собственную квартиру, и чтобы раскрыть его потенциал необходимо целый уголок сделать тематический. (имею в виду набор по сериалу «Очень Странные Дела»).
Забавным моментом стало то, что на наборах, высланных изданиям и блогерам для обзоров был логотип Империи, вместо Республики. Ошибку оперативно исправили, но ляп очень некрасивый.
Набор довольно интересный и даже знаковый для TLG. Подавляющее большинство крупных новинок UCS было посвящено оригинальной трилогии (Звездный Разрушитель, А-винг, Кантина Мос-Эйсли и др.). Поэтому появление набора из приквелов, быть может, откроет ящик Пандоры и мы получим технику Клонических Войн (может крупный Венатор? Или Базу Дроидов?), а может быть даже и сиквелов? Хотя хотим ли мы увидеть что-либо по 7-9 эпизоду? Большой вопрос.
Следующим, и довольно спорным моментом набора – становятся минифигурки. Фигурки человечков из конструктора Лего – основной, и самый частый предмет коллекционирования. Не редко крупные покупатели прежде чем приобрести набор смотрят именно на них, а потом принимают решение.
Здесь фигурок всего две – это Магистр джедай Мейс Винду, и безымянный командир клонов. Винду возглавлял оперативную группу джедаев, отправленных на Джеонозис, а его слегка запыленный торс выглядит просто отлично, тоже самое можно сказать и о его уникальном лице.
Командир Клонов не имеет имени, хотя довольно очевидно, что это Коммандер Пондс (КК-6454 « Ponds» ), прикомандированный к Мейсу. Многие поклонники конструктора очень ждали, что в наборе будет коммандер Коди (один из самых известных Клонов), но получили вообще по сути безымянного бойца. К тому же лишь слегка перекрашенного и почти не уникального.
В таком крупном наборе – всего две минифигурки – это довольно скупо, но давайте признаем – сделанный не в масштабе минифигурки LAAT вообще выглядит невероятно пусто.
7676 Republic Attack Gunship was released on July 26, 2008 as part of the LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars line. This set consists of 1,034 pieces used to build the Gunship itself, the small Speeder Bike, or the 74-Z Speeder, a small, removable Command Center (similar to the one released in the new 2010 Clone turbo Tank), Bacta Tank, and spy droids. There was an earlier version of the gunship released, 7163 Republic Gunship, released in 2002 under the Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones line. The ship is used mainly as a transport for troops and is equipped with some weapons. Included are Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars), Plo Koon, Asajj Ventress, Commander Cody, and Clone Trooper minifigures. In the Star Wars universe, the ship is also known as a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (or LAAT/i).
The interior of the troop bay.
The Republic Attack Gunship's most notable features include the opening troop bay doors on either side of the model, removable command centre for the minifigures the 74-7 Speeder, and the other opening doors and storage compartments throughout the ship. The ship sits on a flat base, and has the ability to have its side bay doors (both upper and back on either side) opened. The larger, back halves of the doors can be opened using the small "handles" provided by the overhang of the bracket used to attach them to the rest of the ship. These doors provide access to the main interior of the ship, or the "troop bay". It is in here that the speeder is stored during flight. The speeder rests against a small rack in the centre of the bay, which also holds the minifigures' weapons, and rests on top of the back door. The back door can be lowered to give the speeder the ability to leave through the back of the ship without opening up ether of the side doors. Slightly above the troop bay on both sides are four small "locker-like" cabinets used to store additional supplies (such as electrobinoculars or ARC Trooper gear). These are built into the structure of the ship and cannot be removed.
The small storage compartments above the troop bay
The wing bubble turrets
At the front of the ship under the forward cockpit, reside two large anti-personnel laser turrets which have the ability to rotate in a wide degree of angles due to their rotation on a ball. There are two of these weapons at the front of the ship, and one at the back above the speeder's back access door. Not included in the set, are the Bubble turrets manned by two Clone troopers, usually found on either side in front of the troop bay. These turrets are present at the ends of both wings as they should be, but are strangely absent from the troop bay. According to specifications of the Gunship itself in the Star Wars universe, the front troop bay doors (as found on this ship) were sometimes removed at replaced with two more bubble turrets for added firepower. In between the two large missile launchers located at the top of the ship where the two wings attach, are twelve flick-fire missiles. These are separated into two rows of six and can be moved side-to-side on their brackets.
This version provides some noticeable changes over the older version from 2002, in addition to some improvements. For example, the older model, did not have an actual seat under the bubble turret cover on the wings, but in the newer model, minifigures can be seated with their own computer in each of the two turrets. Also unlike the original, the two bubble turrets at the front of the troop bay were removed and replaced by two doors, which meet with the back doors to completely shield the entire troop bay from enemy fire. Some less noticeable changes include the addition of the speeder bike mechanism, Bacta Tank, command centre, change in supply cabinets' form factor, and removal of the "engine" from the upper compartment. This gunship was given more room for accessories especially in the lower front, whereas the original split open to reveal a much larger, more integrated command centre, and removable top section of the ship.
The included Bacta Tank
Slightly ahead of the troop bay is the compartment for the Bacta Tank. The tank itself consists of large round, clear blue sections to give the effect of a glass tube. The top half of the tank is hinged, allowing for a full minifigure to be easily placed inside. The tank is removed by lifting the two small covers at the top on either side, so "unlocking" the tank from is locked, in-flight position. In addition to the Bacta Tank, up at the front of the Gunship, is the removable Command Centre. This accessory is hidden underneath the large panels with the nose-art. Either of the two panels can be lifted to reveal a small compartment with a place to store the centre. The command centre itself consists of a place for two of the minifigures to sit, a lever/antenna, and a computer screen which can be raised or lowered. In order for the centre to fit inside the front of the gunship under the main cockpits, the lever and computer must first be folded up into itself to make it lower. Under the top of the ship is yet another door. This door, when lifted, reveals another small storage area, directly behind the main cockpits, which holds the spy droids, which are similar in appearance to Sith Probe Droids. These droids are grey in colour, and are utilized by the Republic for scout missions or in situations too dangerous for actual troopers. There are two of them included in the set, and both fit under the top door. The speeder bike is small and sleek, but still comparable in design to the older models of included in sets from 1999 like 7128 Speeder Bikes, for example.
The "back door" for the speeder bike
An interesting point of this set is its architecture and design. When building the set, the ship is build into four sections which are then connected at later stages of the build. It is built into the troop bay, lower front section (consisting of the housing for the forward guns, and command centre), the upper half which consists of the main cockpits, spy droid storage, and will hold the wings, and the wings. At various stages, these four parts are all connected and attached to each other to assemble the finished model.
The flick-fire missiles
The large sheet of decals included
This set includes two special decals that can be placed on the large plate underneath the front cockpit. These can be used to customize the gunship to be either the Crumb Bomber, a ship with a Kowakian Monkey Lizard with the phrase "Laugh This Off" in Aurebesh on the side, or the Lucky Lekku a ship with a female Twi-Lek dressed with Clone Trooper armour on the side (and Aurebesh saying "Lucky Lekku"). Both of these decals would be placed on the large plate covering the command centre module. LEGO also included two sets of special decals, much similar to these in the 2009 UCS set; 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT, allowing users to customize the look of their dropship, just like their gunship.
The LAAT/i was used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the The Clone Wars mostly for air support and troop transportation. It was capable of carrying up to thirty troops, or four speeder bikes in the back infantry bay. The ship had its own fully-armed weapons platform packing three anti-personnel laser turrets, two top-mounted mass-driver missiles, four composite-beam, pin-point laser turrets, eight air-to-air missiles on the underside of each wing, and several more various grenades and bombs. The gunships were often customized by their crews who often painted a design on the nose of the ship, known as "nose art", seen most notable on the Crumb Bomber. Several variations of this vehicle were also produced, most of which were modified versions capable of carrying other large vehicles into battle, such as the AT-TE and Clone Turbo Tank. During the latter stages of the Clone wars, when the Empire began to take over, the Imperial Army utilized the remaining gunships for a short while.
Send in the clones. and the Jedi Knights!
Take the battle to the Separatists with the Republic Attack Gunship! This heavily armed and armored Clone Wars troop carrier can fly and land in any battlefield or hostile terrain. Features include opening troop bay doors, removable command station and healing chamber, positionable cannons, spy droids, flick missiles, a speeder bike that deploys from the back, and multiple decals to create different gunships for your army. But will even Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon be enough to stop the sinister Asajj Ventress and her double Sith lightsabers?
7676 Republic Attack Gunship was released on July 26, 2008 as part of the LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars line. This set consists of 1,034 pieces used to build the Gunship itself, the small Speeder Bike, or the 74-Z Speeder, a small, removable Command Center (similar to the one released in the new 2010 Clone turbo Tank), Bacta Tank, and spy droids. There was an earlier version of the gunship released, 7163 Republic Gunship, released in 2002 under the Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones line. The ship is used mainly as a transport for troops and is equipped with some weapons. Included are Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars), Plo Koon, Asajj Ventress, Commander Cody, and Clone Trooper minifigures. The ship is also known as a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (or LAAT/i).
Description [ edit ]
The Republic Attack Gunship's most notable features include the opening troop bay doors on either side of the model, removable command centre for the minifigures the 74-7 Speeder, and the other opening doors and storage compartments throughout the ship. The ship sits on a flat base, and has the ability to have its side bay doors (both upper and back on either side) opened. The larger, back halves of the doors can be opened using the small "handles" provided by the overhang of the bracket used to attach them to the rest of the ship. These doors provide access to the main interior of the ship, or the "troop bay". It is in here that the speeder is stored during flight. The speeder rests against a small rack in the centre of the bay, which also holds the minifigures' weapons, and rests on top of the back door. The back door can be lowered to give the speeder the ability to leave through the back of the ship without opening up ether of the side doors. Slightly above the troop bay on both sides are four small "locker-like" cabinets used to store additional supplies (such as binoculars or ARC Trooper gear). These are built into the structure of the ship and cannot be removed.
At the front of the ship under the forward cockpit, reside two large anti-personnel laser turrets which have the ability to rotate in a wide degree of angles due to their rotation on a ball. There are two of these weapons at the front of the ship, and one at the back above the speeder's back access door. Not included in the set, are the Bubble turrets manned by two Clone troopers, usually found on either side in front of the troop bay. These turrets are present at the ends of both wings as they should be, but are strangely absent from the troop bay. According to specifications of the Gunship itself in the Star Wars universe, the front troop bay doors (as found on this ship) were sometimes removed at replaced with two more bubble turrets for added firepower. In between the two large missile launchers located at the top of the ship where the two wings attach, are twelve flick-fire missiles. These are separated into two rows of six and can be moved side-to-side on their brackets.
This version provides some noticeable changes over the older version from 2002, in addition to some improvements. For example, the older model, did not have an actual seat under the bubble turret cover on the wings, but in the newer model, minifigures can be seated with their own computer in each of the two turrets. Also unlike the original, the two bubble turrets at the front of the troop bay were removed and replaced by two doors, which meet with the back doors to completely shield the entire troop bay from enemy fire. Some less noticeable changes include the addition of the speeder bike mechanism, Bacta Tank, command centre, change in supply cabinets' form factor, and removal of the "engine" from the upper compartment. This gunship was given more room for accessories especially in the lower front, whereas the original split open to reveal a much larger, more integrated command centre, and removable top section of the ship.
Slightly ahead of the troop bay is the compartment for the Bacta Tank. The tank itself consists of large round, clear blue sections to give the effect of a glass tube. The top half of the tank is hinged, allowing for a full minifigure to be easily placed inside. The tank is removed by lifting the two small covers at the top on either side, so "unlocking" the tank from is locked, in-flight position. In addition to the Bacta Tank, up at the front of the Gunship, is the removable Command Centre. This accessory is hidden underneath the large panels with the nose-art. Either of the two panels can be lifted to reveal a small compartment with a place to store the centre. The command centre itself consists of a place for two of the minifigures to sit, a lever/antenna, and a computer screen which can be raised or lowered. In order for the centre to fit inside the front of the gunship under the main cockpits, the lever and computer must first be folded up into itself to make it lower. Under the top of the ship is yet another door. This door, when lifted, reveals another small storage area, directly behind the main cockpits, which holds the spy droids, which are similar in appearance to Sith Probe Droids. These droids are grey in colour, and are utilized by the Republic for scout missions or in situations too dangerous for actual troopers. There are two of them included in the set, and both fit under the top door. The speeder bike is small and sleek, but still comparable in design to the older models of included in sets from 1999 like 7128 Speeder Bikes, for example.
An interesting point of this set is its architecture and design. When building the set, the ship is build into four sections which are then connected at later stages of the build. It is built into the troop bay, lower front section (consisting of the housing for the forward guns, and command centre), the upper half which consists of the main cockpits, spy droid storage, and will hold the wings, and the wings. At various stages, these four parts are all connected and attached to each other to assemble the finished model.
The minifigures included consist of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Commander Cody, Asajj Ventress and a Clone Trooper. Since this was one of the first sets to be released in the the Clone Wars line, it marked the first appearance of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Clone Trooper's redesign for the new theme. This was Commander Cody, Plo Koon and Asajj Ventress' first appearances. Commander Cody and Asajj Ventress were exclusive to this set until Commander Cody was released in 7959 Geonosian Starfighter and Asajj Ventress was released in 7957 Sith Nightspeeder with a new variant. Commander Cody and the Clone are provided with their own bag of ARC Trooper gear, Obi-Wan and Plo Koon each wield blue Lightsabers, while Asajj wields dual red lightsabers. Asajj's small cape, connects between her legs and torso, fitting between the two. Plo Koon's head is made of a rubber material, and was not seen in another set until 2010 in the set 8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter.
Decals [ edit ]
This set includes two special decals that can be placed on the large plate underneath the front cockpit. These can be used to customize the gunship to be either the Crumb Bomber, a ship with a Kowakian Monkey Lizard with the phrase "Laugh This Off" in Aurebesh on the side, or the Lucky Lekku a ship with a female Twi-Lek dressed with Clone Trooper armour on the side (and Aurebesh saying "Lucky Lekku"). Both of these decals would be placed on the large plate covering the command centre module. LEGO also included two sets of special decals, much similar to these in the 2009 UCS set; 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker, allowing users to customize the look of their dropship, just like their gunship.
Background [ edit ]
The Republic Attack Gunship, also known as the Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry, was used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars mostly for air support and troop transportation. It was capable of carrying up to thirty troops, or four speeder bikes in the back infantry bay. The ship had its own fully-armed weapons platform packing three anti-personnel laser turrets, two top-mounted mass-driver missiles, four composite-beam, pin-point laser turrets, eight air-to-air missiles on the underside of each wing, and several more various grenades and bombs. The gunships were often customized by their crews who often painted a design on the nose of the ship, known as "nose art", seen most notable on the Crumb Bomber. Several variations of this vehicle were also produced, most of which were modified versions capable of carrying other large vehicles into battle, such as the AT-TE and Clone Turbo Tank. During the latter stages of the Clone wars, when the Empire began to take over, the Imperial Army utilized the remaining gunships for a short while.
Notes [ edit ]
The lowest-priced item that has been used or worn previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a display model or store return that has been used. See details for description of any imperfections.
- Get it by Tue, 28 Jun - Thu, 30 Jun from Rotherham, South Yorkshire
- • Used condition
- • 14 day returns - Buyer pays return postage | Returns policy
Lego 7676 Republic Attack Gunship Windscreen 6 x 6 x 3 Canopy Half Sphere with dual 2 fingers and SW Crosshairs Pattern 50747pb05 50747pb02 Trans Black. 4 available. Excellent condition. Couple of tiny marks Apologies for postage cost but due to size won’t fit in Royal Mail large letter Thanks for looking and any questions please let me know
All listings for this product
item 1 Lego 7676 Republic Attack Gunship Windscreen 6x6x3 Canopy 50747pb05 Trans Black Lego 7676 Republic Attack Gunship Windscreen 6x6x3 Canopy 50747pb05 Trans Black
item 2 LEGO Star Wars: Republic Attack Gunship (7676) LEGO Star Wars: Republic Attack Gunship (7676)
item 3 Lego Star Wars 7676 - Republic Attack Gunship Complete Box & Instructions Lego Star Wars 7676 - Republic Attack Gunship Complete Box & Instructions
item 4 Lego Star Wars 7676 - Republic Attack Gunship (Unboxed) Lego Star Wars 7676 - Republic Attack Gunship (Unboxed)
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Most relevant reviews
Great kit! Good playability and great fun to put together with the kids.
Kids love Lego and especially Star Wars. Even though they are not in a 'targer group' of this kit (both are way younger than nine) they can build kits like this. It certaily looks like the bigger the better. When playing the functional parts are very important (e.g. opening wings and doors). And of course, the mini figs they just love! Legos are good and and developing toys. The only real down side is the relatively high price. But even here eBay comes to help.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I love it, it is in great condition and is amazing.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Lego Star Wars Gunship
I bought this as a birthday present for my number one grandson, who is eight today. (I only have one, and the other three are grandaughters. ) Unfortunately, because of the bad weather he will not be able to get it until 17th of this month, but he knows he is getting it, and can't wait. I can't wait either, to see his face!! I did promise him it, but his parents have told him it is too much for Grandad to pay, and he is not expecting to get it.
Very happy with my purchase. However it did state it was complete, but it is missing the speeder bike that fits into the gunship.
Check out what this set is worth here, both new and used!
BrickWars Sets Description
Lego Star Wars 7676 Republic Attack Gunship was a gunship utilized by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It was also know as the Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT) because it could transport nearly thirty clone troopers, and support them in battle. Its rear hangar could house up to four speeder bikes for reconaissance duty, or as a search and rescue operations. At first, it was capable of transporting troops in-atmospheres only. But sometime later, they could operate in space and assist in ship to ship battles. Republic gunships were armed with two mass-driver missile launchers, four light air-to-air missiles under each wing, four composite beam pinpoint laser turrtets, with two manned by Clones and one on each wing, and three anti-personnel turrets. In combat, the Republic gunships were excellent while in-atmosphere, as its maneuverability made it a hard target for most other aircraft, and its own weapons were nearly impossible to dodge.
The Lego 7676 Republic Attack Gunship contains 1,034 pieces and includes 5 minifigures.
Post your review on this set or any Star Wars Lego set here.
Average View Rating: 7.85/10
Send in the Clones. and the Jedi Knights!
Ages 9-14. 1,034 pieces.
Take the battle to the Separatists with the Republic Attack Gunship! This heavily armed and armored Clone Wars troop carrier can fly and land in any battlefield or hostile terrain. Features include opening troop bay doors, removable command station and healing chamber, positionable cannons, spy droids, flick missiles, a speeder bike that deploys from the back, and multiple decals to create different gunships for your army. But will even Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon be enough to stop the sinister Asajj Ventress and her double Sith lightsabers?
Set includes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Asajj Ventress, Clone commander Cody and a Clone trooper minifigures!
The Republic gunship features 8 positionalble flick-fire missiles on top and 2 rotating missiles in front!
Posted June 17, 2010 by MrMeerKat
The LEGO star wars 7676 republic attack gunship is in my opinion a very good set, although it's quite heavy!:)This makes it somewhat difficult to play with, but I can't blame LEGO's designers for that.
Once you do get a grip on it, it has great play value.I love the fact that it comes with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, commander Cody, and Asajj Ventress.So many great minifigs!Excellent detail aswell.
What this set is really crying out for though is a clone pilot!That's the one thing it needs to make it a 10/10.
Without it's just going to have to put up with a, still very good, scoring of 9/10.
Posted May 17, 2009
I hope that I proved to you that this is an awesome set because if you don't buy it you will relay miss out on the Best lego star wars set ever created.
Posted May 9, 2009 by D.M.
I am reviewing kit number 7676, Republic Attack Gunship. I thought that overall this kit was good but too expensive for what it included. I think it was a good idea to have it though and that they made a good choice redoing the Clone Wars kits.
cool minifigs, speader, bacta tank and little command center
Posted April 25, 2009 by Mandalore23, Australia
7676 Republic Attack Gunship
This set has great features, such as probes, opening blast doors, swivel turrets, bacta tank and mobile command station. Commander Cody is great and Assajj Ventress's lightsabers are nice and unique. Also, this set came with a wealth of spare parts including lightsabers and extra ARC trooper gear. Plo Koon is also a nice new figure.
This set did not come with even one clone pilot, leaving a single clone trooper to man both wing turrets and the two cockpits at the same time. Obi-Wan Kenobi is not a very good figure, with a hairstyle that shouldn't have been worth the effort. Also, some features of the gunship aren't very accurate, including the lack of beam turrets on the sides of the nose. Also, they seem to expect Jedi and ARC troopers to man the gun turrets. This set also would have done well to include a couple more clone troopers.
You'll have to be cautious with how you hold it; wrap your fingers around the top and support it from beneath the troop section if you don't want it to become a lego junkpile.
This is a pretty good set, and although there are a lot of cons, few are ones that can't be relatively easily fixed (Perhaps it's a scheme to get you to buy more sets).
Ship: 9.5/10
Minifigures: 6.8/10
Posted April 20, 2009 by Woods-runner
I want too share with you the big, beautiful set although pricey, it's really quite cool. The Lego attack gunship is packed with cool gadgets, just like the real one.
-Comes with Plo Coon and Commander Cody.
-Heaped with weapons.
-Medical capsule
-Control station.
-Troop-bay doors open very well.
-Swoop bike in rear.
-Flick-fire missiles.
-Ventress has two lightsabers(and two extra lightsaber handles with no beams.
-No Pilots.
-No Gunners.
-Not enough Clones troopers.
-Troop-bay doors should be one door.
This set really needs a biger and better crew to control it, including a medical droid. This set also needs two round gunner bulbs just behind the medicle capsule(like in the movies). Also the cockpit should ba able to detach from the main fuselage as a escape pod, but all in all this is a pretty good set and I would rate it as a 9. Keep up the good work.
Posted February 25, 2009 by A.G.
7676 Republic Attack Gunship: This lego is soo awesome. First of all it comes with a new clone and brand new Obi-Wa Kenobi, Plo Koon, and Asajj Ventress. Also, the gunship has a healing pod, a communication pod, and a super cool speeder bike! My first brand new Star Wars Clone Wars lego was this one, and I use it as a key ship in my lego battles. If I could I would rate this lego as 100 out of 10 but I can't so I rate ths super, awesome, special, lego: 10 out of 10. WORD TO ALL: BUY THIS LEGO.
Posted February 20, 2009 by R.P., United States
My review is on the Republic Attack Gunship 7676.
Pros: It comes with extra gear for the clones, it comes with a healing chamber which is cool, it comes with a speeder bike which is just perfect for the set, finally it comes with a command center and that is pretty cool.
Cons: What is bad about it is it dosen't give you to many clones to put in the ship you have to buy more sets to get more clones to put in there, you can't put to many clones in the middle part, and when you put the clones on the wings they flop around.
Posted February 19, 2009 by E.T., Hong Kong
my review is on set 7676, republic attack gunship.
detailed exterior
many features (like the bacta tank)
new minifigures like commander Cody, Plo-Koon and assajj ventress
it looks quite like the one in star wars clone wars
it looks better than the old one
the speeder
probe droids
this set has way too little clones (only Cody and a normal clone)
flick-firing missiles fall off
there is too little room in the cargo bay because of the speeder and weapons rack
this set would be a great infantry carrier (add a few 8014 clone walker battle packs to fill it up) and i give it an 8 out of 10
Posted January 31, 2009 by Starwarsgeek101, United States
7676 was a rip-off to me. 1034 pieces is not a good deal for $119.99. Heres what I have to say:
Plo-Koon minifigure
Brown Speeder
Commander Cody
Almost resembles original Republic Gunship
Doors can open by levers in the back
Clone Wars (I hate Clone Wars)
Extremely Fragile (especially on top)
Expensive price
Obi-Wan looks horrible
Asaaj Ventress is not even in starwars
As you can see, I hate it. I should not have bought it, but hey, I wasn't going to buy the original republic gunship for $249.99 on eBay.
I give this set a 5 out of 10.
Posted January 15, 2009 by theromeguy, United States
My review is on Lego 7676 Republic Attack Gunship.
hase weel made clones
it is very acuit and look like a gunship
well made
too little clone
need more bad guy (not one droid)
the price was 10-20 high
7 out of 10 stars
Posted December 16, 2008 by C.C., United Kingdom
LEGO 7676 Republic Attack Gunship By C.C.
The pros: It comes with obi-wan kenobi and Plo koon and Asajj Ventress. The opening doors are really cool and work very well. It comes with a lot of lego guns and it strongly resembles the Gunship in the films. The misiles fire well.
The cons: It is very delicate and so it is best only on display, which is bad because Lego is meant to be a toy. Also, it only comes with 2 clones, and the whole point of the interior of a gunship is to carry clones, so the Lego version should include at least 4 clones.
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