Star wars dark star lego
Не успел весь мир отпраздновать «День Звездных Войн», как прошёл фестиваль «Star Wars Celebration», на котором выкатили целую массу анонсов сериалов игр и мультсериалов по далёкой-далёкой Галактике. Разумеется, The Lego Group не осталась в стороне, и продемонстрировала миру сразу 5 новеньких наборов как раз по готовящимся к выходу (и выходящих прямо сейчас) сериалах.
На наших глазах происходит отвратительный реткон любимой вселенной, и стравливание знаменитейших персонажей ради поживы. Сколько можно доить SW? Когда наестся Disney, и при чём тут Дарт Вейдер? Поговорим уже прямо сейчас, поехали!
75333: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter / Джедайский истребитель Оби-Вана Кеноби
Зайдём в неоднозначную тему максимально осторожно. С очередного перевыпуска «Джедайского истребителя». Новые версии старых наборов – это хорошо. Они позволяют совершенно новым коллекционерам и любителям вспомнить о втором эпизоде. А опытным фанатам Лего – дополнить коллекцию и сравнить звездолёты.
Перед нами знаменитый полёт Оби-Вана (новой первой звезды ЗВ на ближайшее время, т.к. вышел одноименный сериал) на планету Камино. Самая ходовая категория наборов – за 30 $, прекрасный и узнаваемый космический корабль, дроид, Магистр Джедай и как вишенка на торте – фигурка Тон Ви. Будем покупать? Деталей: 282 шт, цена: 30 $.
75335: BD-1 / БД-1
Всё больше игр по ЗВ становится каноном, и всё дальше я отдаляюсь от этой, когда-то самой любимой мной вселенной. На этот раз перед нами очень крутая модель дроида БД-1 из игры 2019 года «Джедаи: Павший Орден».
Далее дроиды появлялись в сериале Мандалорец (и в наборах Лего, кстати), и вот теперь он дорос до самостоятельности! Безусловно, перед нами великолепный набор: подробный, качественный, дизайнерски совершенный, узнаваемый и просто милый. Но лично у меня он оставляет странное послевкусие. Как будто ешь борщ в ресторане. Он вкусный, и интересный, но вроде бы и не борщ вовсе, совсем не такой, как в твоей семье. Вот и тут: в ЗВ уже столько милых, пугливых, неловких, различных дроидов, что они перестали вызывать эмоцию, и даже ощущение, то это ЗВ. Деталей: 1062 шт, цена: 100 $.
75336: Inquisitor Transport Scythe / Транспортная коса Инквизиторов
И вот мы потихоньку переходим к реткону. Ситхов Диснею плодить нельзя (помним о правиле двух), зато непонятных мужиков (и конечно же чернокожих дам) с световыми мечами – это пожалуйста. Точно так же, как и Рыцари Рен в своё время, так сейчас бесят эти высосанные из пальца инквизиторы. Всё ради зрелищности, и денег разумеется! Ведь нам же надо больше сражений на световых мечах?
Но зачем этот орден вселенной ЗВ? Ведь Джедаи уничтожены приказом №66, а всем остальным занимается армия и флот? Но нет, вот вам и спасшиеся джедаи, и кучи падаванов на разных планетах, даже беглые магистры придуманы, и как противовес готические чуваки с красными суровыми мечами.
У Disney есть идеальная машина, или породистая собака, но к прекрасному прикоснуться очень хочется, поэтому машине делают пятое колесо, а собаке пятую ногу. Затем любуются, гордятся своими достижениями и начинают их активно продвигать, хвалить и продавать.
Но если выключить брюзжание, то перед нами довольно «годный» набор. Ведь мы получаем 4 уникальных фигурки с классными, брутальными элементами, которые можно использовать в собственной кастомизации. А также довольно крупный новый звездолёт (правда подозрительно напоминающий Шаттл Кренника). Деталей: 924 шт, цена: 100 $.
40547: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Vader / Оби-Ван Кеноби и Дарт Вейдер
А вот новый Брикхэдз это чистое Зло. Для начала всмотритесь в Вейдера. Что вы видите? Красные глаза. Зачем? НУ ЗАЧЕМ переделывать совершенство? А я вам расскажу – это чтобы те, у кого классические черные глаза пошли и купили любимого злодея, теперь с красными глазами. А дальше что? Зеленые визоры? Антенна из шлема или коньки на ногах?
Теперь вообще к сути этого набора. Уже помимо спойлеров, ожиданий и прямого показа на картинках в наборе конструктора Лего четко видна очередная дуэль Оби-Вана и Вейдера на мечах. Скорее всего мы снова увидим драматический поединок, который скорее всего ещё раз окончится победой Джедая на Ситхом. Но ведь мы все хорошо помним фразу Вейдера на Звезде Смерти в классической «Новой Надежде»: «Я ждал тебя Оби-Ван. Наконец-то мы снова встретились! Круг замкнулся. Когда я покинул тебя я был учеником, теперь я мастер» Даже эту фразу отретконили третьим эпизодом, ведь там Энакин был уже Рыцарем, а не падаваном. Но точно было известно, что со времён дуэли на Мустафаре эти персонажи не встречались. А теперь выходит, что всё же скрещивали мечи? Или всё же не будут переписывать историю? Очень меня злит, что ради денег сценаристы, режиссёры и люди, имеющие власть из руководства Disney, творят абсолютно всё, что пожелают. Деталей: 260 шт, цена: 20 $.
LEGO Star Wars includes many stories and products that combine the LEGO brand with Lucasfilm Ltd.'s Star Wars, including:
LEGO subthemes [ ]
- LEGO Classic Star Wars
- LEGO Ultimate Collector's Series
- LEGO Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- LEGO Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- LEGO Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
- LEGO Star Wars Expanded Universe
- LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars
- LEGO Star Wars Rebels
- LEGO Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
- LEGO Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
- LEGO Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
- LEGO Star Wars Rogue One
- LEGO Star Wars Solo
- LEGO Star Wars: Resistance
- Video games [ ]
- LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (2005)
- LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Quest for R2-D2 (2009)
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (2011)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2016)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles (2013)
- LEGO Star Wars: Microfighters (2014)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2022)
- LEGO Star Wars Battles (2021)
- LEGO Star Wars: Castaways (2021)
Animation [ ]
Short films [ ]
- LEGO Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick
- LEGO Star Wars: The Han Solo Affair
- LEGO Star Wars: Bombad Bounty
- LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace
- LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out
- LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special
- LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
- LEGO Star Wars: Summer Vacation
Series [ ]
- LEGO Star Wars Movie Short
- LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles
- LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales
- LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures
- LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises
- LEGO Star Wars: All-Stars
Books [ ]
- LEGO Star Wars: Anakin: Space Pilot
- LEGO Star Wars: Darth Maul's Mission
- LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out
- LEGO Star Wars: Anakin to the Rescue
- LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles
- LEGO Star Wars: The Dark Side
- LEGO Star Wars: Save the Galaxy!
- ' LEGO Star Wars: These Aren't The Droids You're Looking For
- LEGO Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
- LEGO Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
- LEGO Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
- LEGO Star Wars: A New Hope
- LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
- LEGO Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
- LEGO Star Wars: The Last Jedi
- LEGO Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
- LEGO Star Wars: Free the Galaxy
- LEGO Star Wars: Rise of the Sith
- LEGO Star Wars: Fall of the Jedi
- LEGO Star Wars: Rogues and Villains
- LEGO Star Wars: Dooku's Army
- LEGO Star Wars: Defenders of the Republic
- LEGO Star Wars: Into Battle
- LEGO Star Wars: Chronicles of the Force
- LEGO Star Wars: Vader's Secret Missions
- LEGO Star Wars: Tales of the Rebellion
- LEGO Star Wars: Great Adventures
- LEGO Star Wars: Brick Adventures 1: Stormtrooper Class Clowns
- LEGO Star Wars: Brick Adventures 2: Jedi Master Class
- LEGO Star Wars: The Official Stormtrooper Training Manual
- LEGO Star Wars: The Official Force Training Manual
- LEGO Star Wars: Brick Adventures: Awesome Jedi Tales
- Lego Star Wars: Stories from the Galaxy
- LEGO Star Wars Yoda's Galaxy Atlas
- LEGO Star Wars Awesome Vehicles
Activity books [ ]
- LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary
- LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia
- LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary: Updated and Expanded
- LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
- The Amazing Book of LEGO Star Wars
Sticker books [ ]
This is a disambiguation page—a navigational aid that lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. If an article link referred you here, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will almost certainly feature a number of classic Sith powers, but it could introduce some new ones too.
All signs indicate it will be more fun to play as a Jedi than ever in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga thanks to its innovations. Lightsaber wielders now have a combo system of light and strong attacks that will diversify their playstyle. While they'll certainly still be simple combos, the mere existence of combos makes LEGO Star Wars combat sound more engaging. What's more, trailers suggest LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga lets players bring the Force into combat more than ever, potentially using all kinds of LEGO objects as projectiles.
Integrating the Force is exciting, but it's far from the only time that the Force has come into play in LEGO Star Wars games. Longtime fans can probably remember certain opportunities to throw enemies around with the Force or toss a lightsaber into clusters of foes. Aside from a Jedi's powers, there's always a couple of Sith characters who bring some special techniques from the Dark Side into LEGO Star Wars. Since The Skywalker Saga promises to have a plethora of playable Sith, certain classic Dark Side powers will probably return, and there's potential for something new to crop up.
The Force Choke in LEGO Star Wars
There's a case to be made that the Dark Side's Force Choke is its most iconic technique. One of Darth Vader's most famous scenes involves him using the Force to nearly choke an Imperial officer to death when he mocks Vader. There's tons of other instances where this power crops up - even Luke Skywalker briefly uses the technique in Return of the Jedi. Considering how omnipresence of this power in Star Wars, it's no surprise that it has a solid presence in LEGO Star Wars that'll probably translate to The Skywalker Saga.
In previous LEGO Star Wars games, Darth Vader commonly has the power to Force Choke enemies. It's likely he'll have the same power in The Skywalker Saga, and certain other Sith characters like Darth Maul and Kylo Ren might be able to use this technique too. It's possible that the Force Choke will play into The Skywalker Saga's combo system, leading Sith to briefly throttle and damage characters during certain combos before tossing them aside with the Force. At the very least, players will probably get the traditional option to simply choke out humanoid enemies.
The Skywalker Saga's Force Lightning
Force Lightning is arguably the biggest competitor with Force Choke as far as the popularity of Dark Side powers. Emperor Palpatine' iconic blasts of lightning during the climax of Return of the Jedi is incredibly memorable. The ability instantly became a high-tier power of the Sith, cropping up again in the hands of characters like Count Dooku, and becoming a crucial combat technique in games like Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
There's no separating Palpatine from his mastery of Force Lightning, so when he's in his Darth Sidious guise in The Skywalker Saga, players should have access to his Force Lightning. Count Dooku will almost certainly use Force Lightning, and if Supreme Leader Snoke is playable, he might have access to the technique too. Aside from Force Lightning's applications as a combat technique, it might be helpful outside of combat too. Some LEGO games ask players to charge up batteries with electricity in order to complete an objective; if these kinds of batteries appear in The Skywalker Saga, then Sith Lords might be good at solving puzzles.
Sith Mastery Over Force Visions
Although the Force Choke and Force Lightning techniques have a long list of appearances in LEGO Star Wars, one Dark Side technique newly highlighted in the sequel trilogy might also play a major role in The Skywalker Saga. In these films, Kylo Ren and Rey establish a Force bond that allows them to have telepathic visions of one another from halfway across the galaxy. Unbeknownst to Rey, Supreme Leader Snoke used the Dark Side to manipulate their bond, trying to lure her into a trap.
Considering how important Snoke's psychic schemes were to the events of the sequel trilogy, it could become a central mechanic in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Sith characters might be able to use the Dark Side in certain areas to tap into reality-bending Force visions, essentially unlocking hidden areas. All kinds of extra collectibles could be hidden behind barriers that require a Sith's power to access and manipulate. Snoke's influence on Force visions and bonds may be a very different technique from the more offensive Sith abilities, but it has a lot of potential.
More Sith Content in The Skywalker Saga
These are only the most likely Sith powers to get involved in The Skywalker Saga. It's possible that Travellers' Tales will introduce new Sith powers to the LEGO Star Wars franchise with this next installment. If it does, there's no shortage of Dark Side powers to choose from, be it the power to draw life energy out of other living beings or a physically empowering Force Rage. It's unlikely Traveller's Tales will push too many boundaries in this department, but it certainly has enough source material to work with if it wants to get creative.
Whether there's a lot of new Dark Side techniques in The Skywalker Saga or not, it should still be fun to collect all of Star Wars' most iconic Sith characters and take them for a spin. There's lots of Star Wars games out there where players can take control of the Dark Side, but LEGO Star Wars in particular has always done a good job of making playable Sith feel distinct from Jedi thanks to offensive techniques and obstacles only Sith can destroy. Fans may not know exactly which Dark Side powers are in The Skywalker Saga yet, but at least there's no doubt Sith will benefit from the game's combat upgrades as much as Jedi.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga releases in early 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Get a first look at the latest additions to the LEGO Group’s popular collector’s line, with insights from the designers.
Luke Skywalker (Senior Model Designer, César Carvalhosa Soares)
“ This helmet presented many challenges, but I think the biggest one was to capture the tricolor ‘fin’ on the top of the helmet. With white stripes on the top, red sides, and a bright yellow line across it, it meant that we really had to be creative. We ended up using bow elements in red with a white decoration on top and flexible yellow tubing for the side stripe.”
“This was the first time that we did an open-face helmet and it provided us with a lot of different challenges. The first one was how to secure the helmet to the base without having some structure that was very obvious and could look too obtrusive. For this we extended the black pillar all the way up to the inner top of the helmet. The inside of Luke’s helmet is dark and so we covered it in black elements and a thick dark gray padding. This, together with the chin strap and the microphone, really helped to have a nice, composed helmet without a big hollow area in the middle. Finally, with the use of several decorated elements we were able to capture all the different markings, strips and logos, just like the original helmet.”
“I’m very proud of the final result, but I would say that the visor part is the one that I am most happy with. It was also a particularly challenging task, and we tried many different options and ended up with one that uses several transparent elements in orange. The visor is then hinged in two different directions to achieve the correct shape.”
The Mandalorian (Design Manager, Michael Lee Stockwell)
“ Mando’s helmet is made of polished beskar metal, and I knew before I even started that metalizing all of the elements used in the design of the helmet was not a realistic option. When you look at any polished metal surface, it is the contrast of highlight and shadow together with the tone of the actual metal that determines how you perceive the shape of the object. In the case of a LEGO model, we typically make use of color to create these differentiations.”
“While studying reference images of Mando’s helmet, the feature that I found most prominent was the deeply carved cheek areas. There are numerous angled surfaces that merge here and create strong contrasting areas of highlight and shadow. I tried many different approaches, and I think the final solution addresses the challenges and stays true to the design language of the rest of the helmet.”
“This is my first LEGO Star Wars helmet, but I have followed my colleagues closely through their challenges with previous models. The shortcut here would have been to just change the color of 75277, the Boba Fett helmet, but we are driven by the idea that LEGO elements offer an infinite number of possibilities, so we continue the search for new ways to hopefully take it a step further. If you look closely at reference images, you will notice that the helmet is slightly wider at the base, and the sides slope gently inwards. This feature is addressed in the Mandalorian helmet.”
Dark Trooper (Model Designer, Hans Burkhard Schlömer)
“A lot of the menacing look is in the eyes – those glowing red eyes, surrounded by impenetrable, blaster proof black metal. Not even Darth Vader has glowing eyes! While the rest of the model was mostly another exercise in getting the shape right, designing the eyes and the surrounding area was the most fun for me!”
“ Another difference between this dark trooper helmet and other helmets we made is that it required adding a hinge at the neck. To get the menacing appearance of the original droids right I had to tilt down the front of the head — like a bull lowering its head, ready to attack. That is the way those droids’ heads are mounted. It was important to catch the menacing aura of the dark troopers, and the hinge proved to be the key element.”
“Designing uni-colored models has its ups and downs, especially with black elements. It helps with the overall shape as it makes everything blend together more easily but makes it difficult for details to stand out. The biggest design challenge was probably the snout/mouth of this helmet due to its complex shape!”
The LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker (Red Five), The Mandalorian, and Dark Trooper helmets are available for pre-order now and arrive March 1.
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Battle droids surround vastly outnumbered Jedi in the Geonosis arena. The secret Sith Lord Count Dooku watches from above, demanding surrender. There is little hope for the guardians of peace and justice.
Until a swarm of Republic gunships show up, that is, filled with clone troopers, laying waste to countless battle droids, and even giving Yoda a ride.
The Republic gunship became an instant fan favorite upon its surprise debut during the climax of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and subsequent appearances in Star Wars: The Clone Wars , and now, fans have brought it back. The iconic clone-piloted craft has won a recent fan poll on the LEGO Ideas site — besting two ships by winning 58% of the vote and pulling in over 30,000 votes — and will be made into a new Ultimate Collector Series (UCS) set for the first time ever.
Jens Kronvold Frederiksen: When designing the LEGO Star Wars models, we are always doing our absolute best to deliver the best possible building and play experiences, or the most awesome looking display model. It is the same for anything we do, from the smallest Microfighter to the biggest UCS model. However, the fact that this model was the fans’ choice, of course put a bit of extra pressure on us. We know that a lot of people have been looking forward to seeing this model, so we are, of course, extra excited to see if the live up to the expectations!
Hans Burkhard Schlömer: After designing an appropriate support structure, I could turn my attention towards some of the details. Sometimes, even small details can become big challenges! It turned out that the front guns are mounted on ball joints. But we really don’t have any such elements nearly big enough for the task. Luckily, we had recently created a new curved type of element for the engines of the X-Wing Starfighter, which allowed me to build rings around the ball joints, making them look bigger. Overall, the shaping of the ship came together quite nicely.
Jens Kronvold Frederiksen: First of all, with the UCS models we can create extremely large models. The size and scale mean that we can make complicated shapes, not possible in a smaller scale. And then, of course, we can really dial up on the level of details! That is the fun part, and what make these models looks so authentic.
The biggest challenge is stability. Even it is a large model primarily meant for display, it should be possible to handle and lift. That most often means a relatively complex construction, with a good amount of hidden LEGO Technic elements to support the structure.
Jens Kronvold Frederiksen: This whole process with the fans’ choice have been super exciting. We were really amazed about the number of people voting! It is probably not the last time we do something like that.
In fact, the interaction with fans means a lot. We are following them, and therefore we have a pretty good idea about which models are high on the wish list, and therefore, models we consider for the future.
And even if we have been in it for more than 20 years, there are still so many things we have not yet made. I am sure we have ideas for models for at least 20 more years!
The LEGO Star Wars Republic Gunship arrives August 1.
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