Star wars barc speeder lego
Догоните Дроидов–Коммандос на мощном спидере BARC!
Возьмите Мастера–Джедая Оби–Вана Кеноби в стремительную погоню на супер–обтекаемом спидере BARC! Свирепые Дроиды–Коммандос на своём проворном Сепаратистском Спидере пытаются «оторваться» от Оби–Вана , управляющего BARC–Спидером с Капитаном Рексом на боковом приставном сиденье, которое напоминает мотоциклетную коляску. Остановите их на полпути! Поворачивайте коляску, стреляя из бластеров Капитана Рекса в потрясающей боевой погоне LEGO ® Star Wars ! Набор включает в себя 2 Дроида–Коммандос и 2 Минифигурки с различным оружием (Фото № 9): Оби–Ван Кеноби и Капитан Рекс . Вот из–за этой Фигурки Рекса данный Набор и считается чрезвычайно редким и ценным. Дело в том, что Минифигурка Капитана Рекса в броне «Фазы–2» и синим Тканевым Наплечником ( Captain Rex with “Phase II ” Clone Armor and Blue–Colored Cloth Pauldron ― смотрите Фото № 7 ) является редчайшей версией по классификации Фигурок–Персонажей LEGO–Star Wars. Она встречается только в этом эксклюзивном Наборе и больше ни разу не выпускалась в таком исполнении до настоящего момента. Обратите внимание на чрезвычайно деталированные при́нты, нанесённые на боевой шлем Минифигурки (Фото № 11). Да и на броне Кпитана нанесены методом тамповки многочисленные разводы грязи и ржавчины. Одним словом, эта Фигурка ― настоящий шедевр! А Минифигурка Оби–Вана, кстати, на момент выпуска Конструктора тоже встречалась только в этом Наборе.
BARC Спидер (англ. BARC Speeder) ― модель одноместного модифицированного спидера, изначально испульзуемая элитными Республиканскими Коммандос при выполнении опасных заданий во время «Войн Клонов » . BARC ― является аббревиатурой от длинного английского названия ― Biker Advanced Recon Commando, которое переводится на русский язык примерно так: «Элитный Летучий Отряд Клонов–Разведчиков». Хорошо себя зарекомендовав, данный транспорт стал использоваться в дальнейшем и другими военными Великой Армии Республики . Выпускались эти высокоскоростные и сверхманевренные машины Компанией «Аратек» (Aratech Repulsor Company). Но в этом Наборе ЛЕГО представлена очень редкая разновиднось BARC–Спидера ― с приставной капсулой (коляской). Такая конструкция использовалась для эвакуации с поля боя раненых Клонов или, изредка, для срочной доставки небольших грузов на короткие расстояния. В Наборе также находится Спидер элитных Боевых Дроидов (см. Фото № 8), воюющих на стороне Сепаратистов.
- Включает в себя 2 Дроида–Коммандос и 2 Минифигурки с различным оружием: Оби–Ван Кеноби и Капитан Рекс.
- Транспортные средства включают Спидер BARC и Спидер Сепаратистов.
- Спидер BARC оснащён действующими «щелчковыми» ракетами (имеется механическая функция стрельбы) и поворотной коляской.
- Включает в себя 4 вида оружия: световой меч с жёлтым лезвием, 2 короткоствольных бластерных пистолета, 2 среднествольных бластера и 4 гарпуна (Фото 13).
- Уклоняйтесь от Дроидов–Коммандос! Они весьма опасны.
- Поворачивайте коляску, стреляя из бластеров!
- BARC–Speeder имеет в собранном виде размеры более 6 см в высоту, 20 см в длину и 12 см в ширину.
Вот, как всегда в конце описания, табличка с именами и названиями всех Минифигурок из этого Набора:
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Набор содержит модели двух спидеров. Основная часть BARC-спидера предназначена для водителя и имеет сидение с ручкой, перед которым вытягивается длинный нос с бластерами, а сзади - чуть более крупный двигатель также с парой бластеров. К спидеру прикреплена коляска меньшего размера так, что она может повернуться по и против направления движения; перед пассажиром установлена небольшая пушка и две щёлк-ракеты ниже. Вражеский спидер, раскрашенный в синий цвет в отличие от республиканского красного, имеет более плотную форму с двумя треугольными ответвлениями на хвосте и имитацию педалей для водителя. Дополнительно в набор входят минифигурки Оби-Вана Кеноби со световым мечом, капитана Рекса и двух дроидов-коммандос с бластерами.
В ходе Войны клонов отряд республиканских солдат был отправлен на мирную планету Кирос, захваченную силами графа Дуку. Приземлившись, однако, они не обнаружили требующих спасения жителей, а только боевых дроидов, увязавшихся за ними в погоню на спидерах. В ходе сражения выяснилось, что население было отправлено в рабство, и джедаи отправились на Зайгеррию для возвращения народа Кироса на родную планету.
Отправляйся в быструю погоню на спидере BARC вместе с мастером-джедаем Оби-Ван Кеноби! Приближаются дроиды-коммандос на манёвренном спидере сепаратистов. Останови их, используя Капитана Рекса на боковом сиденье! Поворачивай боковое сиденье и стреляй из бластеров Капитана Рекса в увлекательной битве-погоне LEGO® Star Wars™! В набор входят 2 дроида-коммандос и 2 минифигурки с разнообразным оружием: Оби-Ван Кеноби и Капитан Рекс.
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BARC speeder
Production information
Technical specifications
Maximum speed
Cargo capacity
Other systems
- Reconnaissance
- Patrol
- Cavalry
The Biker Advanced Recon Commando (BARC) speeder was a powerful speeder bike model used by the Grand Army of the Republic as a reconnaissance craft during the Clone Wars. It was manufactured by Aratech Repulsor Company. A civilian variant, Police BARC speeder also saw extensive use on Coruscant.
Characteristics [ ]
A BARC speeder with attached sidecar
Younger than the 74-Z speeder bike employed at the Second Battle of Dorin, it was actually more closely designed after the Ripper manufactured by Aratech's competitor, Mobquet.
Originally designed for exclusive use by the Advanced Recon Commandos, the vehicle proved so effective that it came to be used by the rest of the army. [2] These speeders were painted in the red-and-white colors of the Galactic Republic.
They were powered by repulsors and a turbine engine mounted on the frontal prong. The speeder was controlled via twin steering vanes atop the bike, and pedals fitted below. Two blaster cannons protruded from the bottom of the forward prong, while two more were fixed on either side of the vehicle's rear.
The speeders were capable of flying at high altitudes and were sometimes used as escorts for LAAT/i gunships carrying important passengers.
History [ ]
Around the second year [4] of the Clone Wars, a variant of the BARC speeder was used by Coruscant police droids. The only apparent differences from its military counterpart was that it had a dark blue/gray paint job and had flashing red and blue lights near the aft thrusters and stern thruster. Jedi Master Tera Sinube and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano rode a police droid's BARC speeder to a train station to catch Ione Marcy and Cassie Cryar, following the signal of a homing beacon placed on Marcy's back by Sinube. [5] Another time when police droids rode these was when it appeared that Satine Kryze had murdered Davu Golec, and these were used to follow a civilian airspeeder, which the clone shock troopers thought she was escaping in. [6]
A BARC speeder used to transport a wounded clone trooper
Jedi Master Shaak Ti once flew a BARC speeder during the initial stages of the Battle of Coruscant, using it to transport her and Stass Allie to the Supreme Chancellor's residence to see Palpatine to safety. In the aftermath of the Siege of Saleucami, Commander Neyo and his wingman, astride BARC speeders, executed Order 66 by firing the bike's blaster cannons on Jedi Knight Stass Allie's speeder, killing her.
During a mission to capture Shu Mai, Presidente of the Commerce Guild on Felucia, Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Bly were assisted in the assault on the Presidente's headquarters by a squad of 327th Star Corps troopers riding BARC speeders. Aided by ARC-170 starfighters, these elite biker troops defeated Vulture droids during the battle.
Troops under the command of Jedi Generals Yoda, Luminara Unduli, and Quinlan Vos later rode their speeders into combat on Kashyyyk, moving alongside Infantry Support Platforms and HAVw A6 Juggernauts. [7]
Following the war, BARC speeders continued to be used by the early Galactic Empire, although they were seemingly phased out afterward, and replaced with the older 74-Zs for military use.
On Kashyyyk, many speeders were left behind, following the formation of the Empire, and were used during the Galactic Civil War by native Wookiees and visiting pilots. Some others, also obtained from Kashyyyk, came into the hands of some spacers for personal use. During the Galactic Civil War, BARC speeders were also utilized by various groups, although they often required a deed as proof of ownership. Several of these BARC speeders were also given custom paint jobs. [8] Besides civilian use, the BARC speeders also had two variants, one for Galactic Empire personnel use, and another for Rebel Alliance personnel usage. Regardless of the faction, both require their members to be Colonel-class before purchasing one.
Variants [ ]
Behind the scenes [ ]
The BARC design was developed using the precedent of the Imperial speeder bikes in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Though they are showcased on Saleucami, they can also be seen on Coruscant and were designed for use in the forests of Kashyyyk. Initially, Stass Allie was to be riding a BARC speeder, but to provide a greater link to the original trilogy, a more recognizable 74-Z speeder bike was used instead. [2]
Seven BARC speeders have been released by LEGO, one in 2005, two in 2011, one in 2013, one in early 2014, one in 2020, and one in 2021. The first one was featured in the Clone Turbo Tank. The second and variant comes in two other sets (Clone Trooper Battle Pack and Battle for Geonosis). The fourth variant is featured in a set with a Confederate speeder, with the sidecar attached. The fifth variant is featured with the set Battle on Saleucami, which has a new spring-loaded firing mechanism, the sixth variant is featured in the set 501st Legion Clone Troopers, the seventh variant appeared in the Bad Batch Shuttle, and is virtually identical to the 2020 version other than color.
Lego Star Wars 75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar Рожденственский Календарь Star Wars 10 850 P- В корзину
Lego Star Wars 10198 Tantive IV Крейсер Тантатив 4 36 990 P- В корзину
Lego Star Wars 8037 Anakin's Y-wing Starfighter Звездный истребитель Анакина 12 560 P- В корзину
Lego Star Wars 75020 Jabba’s Sail Barge Пустынный корабль Джаббы 11 690 P- В корзину
Lego Star Wars 8095 General Grievous´ Starfighter. Звездный истребитель Генерала Гривуса 11 890 P- В корзину
Lego Star Wars 10215 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter Звездолет Оби-Вана Кеноби 25 990 P- В корзину
Lego Star Wars 75058 MTT Транспорт торговой федерации 13 990 P- В корзину
75012 BARC Speeder with Sidecar was a 226 piece Star Wars set with 4 minifigs released in 2013. It contains a BARC speeder, wo Commando Droids, an Obi-Wan Kenobi and a Captain Rex minifigure.
It was retired in December 2014 with a lifespan of 24 months. The current value for a new and sealed BARC Speeder with Sidecar is estimated around 262,00 € today with current average yearly gain of about 26% but will level off in the next year closer to a 17% annual growth making it a solid investment. On the secondary markets the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between 224,00 € and 321,00 €. On the open market, a used set will fetch in the range of between 99,00 € and 212,00 € depending on the condition.
- All regions 9
- United States 4
- European Union 3
- Canada 1
- Germany 1
For Sale (New/Sealed)
Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days)
This chart shows the distribution of sales for the last 3 months of new/sealed 75012 BARC Speeder with Sidecar.
Sale Trends
Contained In Sets
66456 Star Wars Super Pack
Sets in Star Wars / The Clone Wars
75013 Umbaran MHC Mobile Heavy Cannon
75004 Z-95 Headhunter
75024 HH-87 Starhopper
75002 AT-RT
75022 Mandalorian Speeder
30240 Z-95 Headhunter
30241 Mandalorian Fighter
30243 Umbaran MHC
30242 Republic Frigate
My Collection
Set Details
Set Pricing Very Good Investment
Quick Buy
Set Facts
- In the United States the set was a Walmart exclusive.
- The set is contained in 66456 Star Wars Super Pack
BARC Speeder with Sidecar Reviews
“For a Star Wars set, 75012 LEGO BARC Speeder with Sidecar is a very good investment as it has been outperforming the theme's average annual growth by 61% with an annual return of over 26% compared to the expected 10%. If you are a Star Wars collector you might want to consider picking this up.”
“ The original BARC speeder was a minor add-in with the 2005/2006 Clone Turbo Tank that was probably actually the best part of the set (given that LEGO has yet to make a version of the CTT that looks at all like the CTT in the movie or cartoon). In this set, the BARC is the . More feature player, complete with a little sidecar, to go up against a Separatist Speeder.”
Subtheme Analysis
About Star Wars The Clone Wars
LEGO Star Wars, The Clone Wars is one of the subthemes of the Star Wars theme and was released in 2008 to coincide with the release of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and TV series. The Clone Wars sets recreate various vehicles, characters, and locations from the Star Wars universe in which the Clone Wars existed. The Clone Wars was a conflict fought between the Confederacy of Independent systems known as the Separatists, and the galaxy-governing Galactic Republic for control of the galaxy.
The Clone Wars was introduced in 2008 and currently consists of 78 sets. As of today, 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker is the most valuable The Clone Wars set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of 1 264,00 €.
Star Wars The Clone Wars BARC Speeder with Sidecar set 75012 was released on December 28, 2012, retailing for 30,00 €, it has since been retired. New, unopened sets are valued at 262,00 €, while used sets sell around 109,00 €.
Take Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on a fast-paced chase on the super-sleek BARC Speeder! The Commando Droids are closing in on their nimble Separatist speeder. Stop them in their tracks with Captain Rex in the sidecar! Swivel the sidecar as you fire Captain Rex's blasters in an awesome LEGO Star Wars battle chase! Includes 2 Commando Droids and 2 minifigures with assorted weapons: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Rex. Includes 2 Commando Droids and 2 minifigures with assorted weapons: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Rex. Vehicles include BARC speeder and Separatist speeder. BARC Speeder features flick missiles and swiveling sidecar. Includes 5 weapons: lightsaber, 2 blaster pistols and 2 blasters. Evade the Commando Droids. Swivel the sidecar as you fire the blasters. BARC Speeder measures over 2" (6cm) high, 7" (20cm) long and 4" (11cm) wide. Separatist speeder measures over 1" (4cm) high, 4" (11cm) long and 1" (4cm) wide.
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