Spider man iron man lego
Всем привет! Сегодня в статье увидим наборы конструктора LEGO по ещё не вышедшему кино «Человек Паук: Нет пути домой» (выйдет 27 декабря 2021), а также покажу зарисовки датской компании на тему безумной «Что если…», вместо Капитана Америки – девушка, капитан Великобритании и другие сумасшедшие идеи. А на сладкое культовый пузатый Тор из Мстителей
76184: Spider-Man vs. Mysterio's Drone Attack / Человек-паук против атаки Дронов Мистерио
И начинаем мы с Человека-паука. Как всегда, наборы Лего слегка приоткрывают завесу тайны сюжета будущих фильмов, так что во избежание небольших спойлеров и негодования в комментариях лучше закрыть статью прямо сейчас. Но если честно ничего особенного мы тут не увидим, так что не страшно.
Итак, первый набор относится к категории наборов для юных строителей «Juniors 4+», поэтому состоит из лёгкой сборки, а также обладает кучей редких и уникальных деталей – так все детали с картинками – это принты! В комплекте сразу три фигурки – отличный подарок для маленького супергероя! Деталей: 73, цена: 20 $ (примерно 1750 рублей в магазинах РФ).
76185: Spider-Man at the Sanctum Workshop / Человек-паук в мастерской святилища
А вот тут наконец те самые спойлеры. Мы видим объединение Человека-Паука с доктором Стренджем, к тому же у паука новый модный костюм (меняет прям как форма у футболистов, каждый год что-то новенькое). А еще в наборе есть какая-то скользкая чупокабра черно-зеленого цвета. Что это до конца непонятно, но уже сейчас мы видим, что набор очень интересный.
В комнате присутствуют три различные локации – мастерская с инструментами, полочка с артефактами и какое-то зазеркалье. Все расставленные предметы – велосипед, подсвечник и даже сундук с монстром в нём выглядят не удивление хорошо и сбалансированно, видно, что набор по-настоящему с душой сделан. Да и наличие целых четырёх фигурок делают его довольно желанным. Деталей: 355 шт, цена: 40 $ (примерно 3500 рублей в магазинах).
76195: Spider-Man's Drone Duel / Дуэль дронов Человека-Паука
Последний набор, посвященный Человеку-пауку, совсем получился каким-то вычурным, и необычным. Снова видим переодевание паучка в новый костюм, на этот раз черный с золотом. Паутина вся цыганская, стреляет герой не чем-нибудь, а чистым золотом 585 пробы!
Видим мы какой-то огромный паучий дрон квадрокоптер и старого доброго злодея Стервятника. Как все эти суперзлодеи объединяться в новом фильме очень интересно, но совершенно непонятно. Деталей: 198 шт, цена: 20 $ (примерно 1750 рублей в магазинах РФ)
76194: Tony Stark's Sakaarian Iron Man / Сакаарский Железный Человек Тони Старка
Переходим к наборам по серии «Что если…» и сразу же сталкиваемся с небольшой несуразицей, не правда ли? Но название не оставляет никаких сомнений. В одной из альтернативных вселенных Тони Старк вместе с Валькирией будет сражаться в качестве гладиатора на планете Сакаар (в обычной вселенной там сражались Халк и Тор, помните этот момент?).
Сам набор представляет крупный, и разноцветный костюм железного человека, классную фигурку Тони, у которой очень любопытный торс с принтом шлема из серии «Эксплориенс», очень мне хочется заполучить себе такой торс, т.к. эта винтажная космическая серия мне очень нравится. А в довесок к прелестям набора получаем пьянчугу Валькирию и Наблюдателя, от лица которого будет вестись фильм (или мультфильм?). Получаем набор, который очень понравится детям и приглянётся коллекционерам. Хорошее сочетание! Деталей: 369 шт, цена: 35 $ (около 3000 рублей в магазинах РФ)
76201: Captain Carter & The Hydra Stomper / Капитан Картер и Топотун Гидры
Тут уже лютая альтернатива. Вместо Стива Роджерса сверхчеловеком становится его подруга и любовь Пегги Картер. Оказывается, она тайный агент Великобритании, и становится видимо Капитаном Великобритания. Вот это поворот! Чувствую очень любопытной получится серия и анимационный фильм.
Сам набор снова представляет собой крупный железный костюм, под управлением самого Стива Роджерса! И их извечного врага Красного Черепа, в руках у которого, по всей видимости Тессеракт! Странно, что в обоих наборах нам показывают крупные железные костюмы. Но на мой взгляд этот даже лучше – у него необычный для серии зеленый цвет, который очень классно смотрится. Деталей: 343 шт, цена: 30 $ (примерно 2500 рублей в магазинах)
76200: Bro Thor's New Asgard / Новый Асгард Бро Тора
Заключительный набор статьи представляет собой настоящую жемчужину! Набор-шедевр, но не без минусов. Встречаем Новый Асгард или же просто квартиру (дом?) заплывшего жирком Тора и его друзей, которые играют в приставку, пьют прохладительные напитки и вообще весело проводят унылое время. Многим фанатам комиксов и простым зрителям очень понравилась эта сцена в Финале Мстителей. И правда это было очень смешно!
Что касается набора – то тут в лучших традициях хороших наборов для фанатов – мы видим огромное количество разных аксессуаров (как раз, то, что мы любим!), уникальные фигурки и узнаваемый сюжет.
Про фигурки отдельно – Тор с пузиком, это уже классика, однако вместо самого пузика мы видим рисунок пузика (Джек Воробей просто ликует!), что не может не огорчить. Когда уже придумают достойную накладку на фигурку? А еще обратите внимание на серые руки – это перчатки из фильма, очень классно, когда TLG проявляет любовь к мельчайшим деталям и подробностям. Следующий персонаж – а вот тут уже откровенный провал – персонаж хоть и похож на себя, но все же он 2.5 метра ростом, и когда его понижают до стандартной фигурки смотрится это не очень. И наконец фиолетовый головоногий монстр – это друг Корга по имени Миек, участник революции на Сакааре. Это девочка, и в войне она потеряла конечности, которые в дальнейшем заменят специально для неё сделанным экзоскелетом. Вот так вот, кажется всего лишь голова и две кругляшки 1х1, а на самом деле целый продуманный персонаж по комиксам! Деталей: 265 шт, цена: 30 $ (примерно 2500 рублей в магазинах)
Wresting Costume
Spider-Man 1
Spider-Man 2
4 Plus
Ultimate Spider-Man
Black Suit
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit
Captain America: Civil War
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Avengers: Infinity War
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Zombie Hunter
Advent Calendar
Spidey and his Amazing Friends
(1) (1)
- Part 3626bpb177 (1)
- Part 970c00 (1)
- Part 3626-966 (1) (1) (1)
- ―Spider-Man to Nick Fury in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Spider-Man (alias Peter Parker) is a minifigure based on the character from the Spider-Man films and TV series. The minifigure first appeared in Studios, then reappeared in its own theme, Spider-Man, and returned in the Super Heroes theme in 2012 and 2013.
Over the years, Spider-Man has appeared in various sets, and several different versions of his minifigure have been produced. The ones in the old theme all reflect his appearance in the movie continuity. The Super Heroes variation appears as his Ultimate Spider-Man TV show version and as him in the black suit.
Studios Costume
Spider-Man's first appearance in his classic suit, this variation appeared only in the Studios sets 1376 Spider-Man Action Studio, and 10075 Spider-Man Action Pack. It is nearly identical the the later Spider-Man 1 Costume, except for the addition of a red neck bracket on his back, presumably to attach web to.
Wrestling Costume
This variation was originally intended to appear in two sets, 1375 Wrestling Scene and 4850 Spider-Man's First Chase, however, 1375 was never released. The variation is taken from the sequence in the movie Spider-Man where Peter Parker fights in a wrestling match as "Spider-Man" to raise some money. In this variant he wears a long-sleeved shirt with a complicated spider design printed on it, and blue pants. This costume, unlike any of his other variants, shows Peter Parker's eyes and eyebrows, which are a light brown.
Spider-Man 1 Costume
The variant of Spider-Man used in the Spider-Man 1 sub-theme: blue pants with red hips with webbing printed on them, a red and blue torso with a web design printed on it in silver, and a spider in black, blue arms, and red hands. His head is red, with silver webbing and eyes printed on it.
Spider-Man 2 Costume
For Spider-Man 2, Spidey's costume was updated once again. Now his legs, arms, and a small section on his torso were dark blue, although, like previous versions, he still has a red torso, head, and hips. His spider symbols on the front and back are also different.
As a 4 Plus Figure
When Spider-Man (4 Plus) was released in 2004, it required a special 4+ Figure Spider-Man. In this incarnations, Spider-Man was exactly the same as his Spider-Man 2 version, except for the facts that his hips were dark blue, that he was all one piece, and has differently molded limbs.
Ultimate Spider-Man
Spider-Man is the same design as his previous variants, but has been altered in order to represent a more cartoony version. He has a red head without any head accessories to represent his mask, and it is printed with a web design and large, white eyes. His torso is blue instead of red with red printed on. The web design is black rather than silver, his black spider logo is smaller, and printing to show the suit's cut against his body is added. Like previous verions he has back printing on his head and back.His head has the same design but in black. His back printing is mostly blue with a large red spider and the top and bottom is red with black webbing, also printing is added to show the cut of the suit on his back.He has blue hips, legs, and arms with red hands. Spider-Man comes with a white rope to represent webbing.
Black Suit
This SDCC-exclusive version of Spider-Man is completely black and is based off its Ultimate Spider-Man TV series appearance. The minifigure only has two areas of printing: the head and the torso. The head is decorated only with large, plain white eyes, and the torso details his spider logo, which covers most of the torso. The torso is also exactly the same as Venom's torso.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit
He has a red head printed with the same web design as the Ultimate Spider-Man but slightly smaller white eyes, with a hexagonal pattern in the eyes. The torso is red and printed with a larger web design, a larger spider whose bottom legs extend to the end of the torso, the dark blue triangles on either side with a sequence design, and the suits cut on his body. He has dark blue arms and red hands. He has dark blue hips and red legs that are printed with blue short with the sequences type design that forms red boots.
Advanced Suit
A Comic-Con exclusive, this Spider-Man is based on his appearance in the 2018 PlayStation video game Marvel's Spider-Man. He features a large white spider on his front and back, as opposed to the standard black and red spiders, has similar face printing to his MCU variants, and has red and black web patterns on the thighs of his otherwise blue legs.
2019 Redesign
The 2019 redesign is based on the Spider-Armor MK IV that Peter Parker wore in Amazing Spider-Man vol. 4 from 2015 to 2017. He comes in two sub-variants: one with all-blue legs and one with blue legs and red boots.
2021 Redesign
This new design features red and black web printing along the arms and similarly-shaped eyes to his MCU variations. He comes in two sub-variants: one with all-blue legs and one with blue legs and red boots. While similar to the 2019 redesign, he is seemingly inspired by the "Classic Suit" from the 2018 PlayStation video game Marvel's Spider-Man, based on the chest web pattern, eye shape, and the design of both of the spider symbols on his torso piece.
This version is identical to the Ultimate Spider-Man, but it uses a red hip piece.
Mighty Micros
In the style of the theme, this Spider-Man has short legs and a simplified, yet exaggerated design. His head is very similar to his Ultimate Spider-Man variant, but his right eye is narrowed in concentration. His torso has a more basic version of the previous variant.
Video Game
His appearance is identical to the Super Heroes sets he appears in. His black symbiote suit is playable in a DLC.
A Future Foundation and Superior Suit are included in the game.
His abilities include Spider-Sense, which allows him to detect hidden object, shoot webbing, swing on webbing, and pull on objects with webbing. He can also climb on special walls.
Peter Parker was a successful student at Midtown High School. Even though he was a brilliant student, he was never very popular, and was often bullied. When his high school went on a field trip to a science museum, he was bitten by a genetically altered spider. Soon he started to develop superhuman abilities, including the ability to climb walls, as well as the proportionate strength of a spider (effectively giving him "super strength"), web spinning and the ability to sense impending danger, which he calls his "spider sense".
Peter's family has never been very rich, and he decided to use his powers to earn money by entering a wrestling competition. With his winnings, he intended to impress his crush, Mary Jane Watson, with a car.
Peter chasing Uncle Ben's killer
His uncle decided to drive him to the match, thinking he is going to a library to study. After Peter won the match, he was not paid the money he was promised. As Peter was leaving the building, a criminal ran in and stole all the money. He exited the building the same way Peter does. Peter had the chance to stop him, but wanted revenge for not being payed, so he let the criminal escape. Later that night, that same robber killed Peter's Uncle Ben. After this incident, Peter decided that he would use his powers with responsibility, and takes the name of Spider-Man.
Later in his career, Spider-Man battled against a variety of criminals and super villains including the Green Goblin, who seemingly died when impaled by his own goblin glider, and Doc Ock, a scientist who went mad after four electrical arms were attached to his body. Doc Ock was killed when he destroyed his creation, an artificial sun, after it went out of control.
After being Spider-Man for a year, Nick Fury offered to train him to become the "ultimate" version of himself. He was in high school along with Flash Thompson, a classmate who bullied him despite being a huge fan of Spider-Man, Harry Osborn and Mary Jane, along with the alter egos of his teammates with Agent Coulson as the principal. He led a team previously led by Deadpool and consisting of Nova, Iron Fist, Power Man, and White Tiger. He fought his own rouges gallery, which included Sandman, the Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Venom, Beetle, the Lizard, the Rhino, Kraven the Hunter, and Electro, as well as teamed up with other Avengers, including Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Wolverine, the Thing, Dr. Strange, and Hawkeye to take down more powerful foes, such as the Living Laser, Loki, Sabretooth, Mesmero, or Dr. Doom. When Spider-Man moved to Boston (he was sick of how New York was treating him) for a weekend, he dealt with the Boston Terrorisers, which included Salem's Witch, Slam Adams, the Plymouth Rocker, and their leader the Steel Spider (a kid named Ollie, who made all Spidey's Boston tech and wanted to be Spidey's sidekick, but Spider-Man said no and never thanked him for the tech, and Ollie wanted revenge on Spider-Man, until Spidey apologized and he turned into a hero).
The Green Goblin later returned and inject Peter Parker with the Goblin serum which turned him into Carnage. Iron Fist had to briefly take on the role of Spider-Man to avoid suspicion. Peter was able to shake the symbiote off with the help of Harry Osborn who turned back into Venom. The Venom symboite ended up in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.
The origins of his powers was due to a spider bite. Peter was on a class field trip touring Oscorp's spider lab when a radioactive spider bit him. The bite gave him most of his powers and his "Spider-Sense", but he developed his web shooters on his own. The shooters were later upgraded by S.H.I.E.L.D. , also given to him were a communicator watch and from Dr. Curt Connors, the Spider-Cycle. Tony Stark took an immediate liking to Peter and built him the Iron Spider suit, which had the basic capabilities as the Iron Man suit but modified for Peter's use as Spider-Man.
He lived with his Aunt May, while his Uncle Ben had already been murdered. The latter Nightmare tried to use against Peter to no avail. Spider-Man was also criticized by J. Jonah Jameson.
His teammates also started to live with him and Aunt May after the Green Goblin destroyed the Helicarrier, until the Tricarrier was built and they started to live there aboard it.
After Spider-Man saved his team and stopped the Goblin from turning New York City into Goblins, he was asked by Iron Man, Thor and Captain America to be a part of the Avengers.
Spider-Man arrives to the battle at Grand Central Station and saves the Hulk and Iron Man from Sandman and helps defeat him. Fury tells him what there's always a place in their operation for a hero like him, but he declines.
He later arrive to the scene after the fight between Captain America and Mr. Fantastic and Doc Ock spills from the Baxter Building into Times Square, and helps stop him, but they fail to retrieve the cosmic brick that S.H.I.E.L.D. sent to the Baxter Building for study after the fight between Sandman and Abomination, and it was taken to Oscorp by the Green Goblin.
Spider-Man went with Hawkeye and Black Widow to Oscorp to retrieve the cosmic brick from the Green Goblin but had to deal with Venom instead.
He, Iron Man, and Thor go to Dr. Doom's submarine to fight MODOK.
Spider-Man was later asked to defeat Galactus ultimately with all of the heroes and villains.
Peter Benjamin Parker is a high school student and a superhero with spider-like abilities, fighting crime as his alter ego Spider-Man.
After receiving his abilities from a spider's bite, Parker chose to protect Queens from crime with his powers, juggling his superhero duties and the demands of his high school life. Despite his best efforts to keep his identity secret from the world, he was found and recruited by Tony Stark in the Avengers Civil War, gaining a new suit and technology in exchange.
Following the Clash of the Avengers, Stark allowed Parker to keep the suit in his operations as Spider-Man. Parker forged a reputation for himself in New York City and became a well-known local neighborhood hero. He later stumbled into a group of criminals led by the Vulture, who were creating advanced weapons from stolen Chitauri technology, and went on a quest to defeat their leader in order to prove to Stark that he was worthy of being an Avenger. Only after defeating the Vulture did Parker discover the true responsibilities of a hero — so he declined an offer of membership in the Avengers in order to continue "helping the little guy" until he's ready.
Bitten by a radioactive spider, the teenaged Peter Parker gained incredible arachnid-like abilities. Knowing that with great power comes great responsibility, he has dedicated himself to protecting innocents, saving lives, and battling an ever-growing gallery of super villains.
Gallery of Variants
Video Game Variants
Appearance history
The Spider-Man minifigure first appeared in the set 1376 Spider-Man Action Studio in 2002, as part of the Studios theme. The version of Spider-Man wearing his wrestling outfit was set to appear in the set 1375 Wrestling Scene, but it was never released (however, the suit returned later in one of the first sets in the Spider-Man theme, 4850 Spider-Man's First Chase).
In 2003, three sets were released, this time as part of the separate Spider-Man theme, two of which (4851 The Origins and 4852 The Final Showdown) included him in his normal suit, and the other in his wrestling costume outfit.
In 2004, seven sets were released, this time relating to the second movie, and released under the Spider-Man 2 theme. All of them included Spider-Man in his dark blue variation.
In 2012, Spider-Man returned in the Marvel Super Heroes theme. This version depicts him as his appearance in the TV series Ultimate Spider-Man.
He also appears as his black suit as it appears in Ultimate Spider-Man.
In 2013, he appeared again in 76004 Spider-Man: Spider-Cycle Chase and 76005 Spider-Man: Daily Bugle Showdown, both with his Ultimate Spider-Man variant.
In 2014, his Ultimate Spider-Man variant appeared in 30302 Spider-Man Glider, 76014 Spider-Trike vs. Electro, 76015 Doc Ock Truck Heist and 76016 Spider-Helicopter Rescue. A slight variation of the Ultimate Spider-Man appeared in 10665 Spider-Man: Spider-Car Pursuit.
In 2015, he appeared in 76037 Rhino and Sandman Super Villain Team-up with a slight variation.
In 2016, he appeared in 76067 Tanker Truck Takedown and this version depicted him as his appearance in the movie Captain America: Civil War.
In 2017, he appeared in 76082 ATM Heist Battle and 76083 Beware the Vulture. This version of the minifigure depicts him as he appears in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Spider-Man is one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe. He appears in both LEGO Marvel Super Heroes and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, and as a DLC character in LEGO Marvel's Avengers.
Raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, Peter Parker is a kind-hearted 15-year-old science prodigy, who tries to make it through every day of high-school without getting picked on too badly. While on a field trip to Oscorp Labs, Peter is bitten by a genetically altered spider and gains incredible arachnid like powers; strength, agility, a spider sense that warns him of danger, and most amazing of all, Peter can walk on walls. When a burglar killed his beloved Uncle Ben, a grief-stricken Peter vowed to use his abilities to protect people as The Amazing Spider-Man.
Appearances in LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes
Spider-Man is one of the heroes that helps prevent Doctor Doom and his team of villains from creating a weapon of mass destruction from the remains of Silver Surfer's surfboard.
Spider-Man is first seen in the middle of the first level in which he aided Iron Man and Hulk in the fight against Sandman. After managing to defeat Sandman, Nick Fury offers Spider-Man a position on the team, but Spider-Man declines.
Spider-Man appears yet again in the following level where he battles Doctor Octopus with the help of Captain America and Mister Fantastic. After defeating Doctor Octopus the cosmic brick was stolen by Green Goblin.
Spider-man with the aid of Hawkeye and Black Widow fight Venom but are unsuccessful in capturing Green Goblin. The next appearance of Spider-Man is when him and other Avengers battle with M.O.D.O.K. After defeating M.O.D.O.K., the team finds and defeats Doctor Doom.
After Loki's plan is revealed Spider-Man along with other heroes and villains team up in order to defeat Galactus, who attempted to devour both Asgard and Earth.
Real Name:
Figure Type:
Voice Actor:
Comic Debut:
"Like I have time for that! I've got a trigonometry exam tomorrow, my Aunt needs me to pick up a dozen eggs, and I'm drowning in angst."
- Spider-Man to Nick Fury, after the battle of Grand Central Station
Spider Man is a playable character in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.
When high school student Peter Parker attended a public exhibition, demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials, he was bitten by a spider that had been irradiated by a particle accelerator used in the demonstration. Making his way home afterward, Peter discovered he had somehow gained the proportionate powers of an arachnid. With his newfound abilities, Parker attempted to cash in on them. In a turn of events following his first wrestling match, Peter's uncle died. Peter soon discovered that with great power comes great responsibility.
Role in the story
Spider-Man comes together with the heroes of the Marvel Universe, such as the likes of the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four, to help stop Loki, Doctor Doom, and their villainous cohorts from building a weapon of mass destruction (Dr. Doom's Doomray of Doom) from the shattered Cosmic Bricks of the Silver Surfer's Surfboard.
After Iron Man and Hulk's battle against Abomination at Grand Central Station, Sandman carries them outside, Spider-Man arrives to help defeat his old enemy. With the help of Bruce Banner, Spider-Man manages to create a water gun turret, that solidifies Sandman. After the battle Spider-Man is approached by Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.), who offers him a position on his team. Spider-Man, however, declines this offer, stating that he has no need to join a superhero team, much less any time. He is then carried away, having been standing on a truck that Hulk moves to the battle debris junk pile.
Spider-Man later joins with Captain America and Mister Fantastic in their fight against Doc Ock when they broke through the Daily Bugle building in the process. They defeat him, but the Cosmic Brick gets stolen by the Green Goblin who heads to Oscorp Tower.
Spider-Man VS Venom
Spider-Man heads there with the aid of Black Widow and Hawkeye, Green Goblin sets them into a trap and the heroes are forced to deal with Venom. The heroes arrive too late to stop Green Goblin as he escapes. Spider-Man then tells Black Widow and Hawkeye to get other Avengers to track him down as he has to do dishes and deal with his girlfriend and leaves the place.
Spider-Man later appears teaming up with Iron Man and Thor at tracking Doctor Doom at the submarine. They encounter M.O.D.O.K. and defeat him, but then the submarine starts to sink. Luckily, Jean Grey arrives and saves the heroes with her telekinesis powers. They managed to catch up to Doom, but then Magneto shows up with the Statue of Liberty alive and they are thrown into the island and Doom and Magneto escapes.
Spider-Man, Iron Man and Thor then head to Asteroid M using the Stark Jet to track the villains. Magneto attempts to stop them by setting up traps, but they managed to avoid them. They catch up to Magneto where they battle him at his throne room. Magneto is defeated and the heroes head off to stop Loki and Doom. However, they take down Iron Man and Thor, leaving only Spider-Man until he is joined up by Captain America, Thing and Storm, who snuck in earlier. They are able to defeat Doctor Doom. Iron Man and Thor catch up to help stop Loki, who reveals his true plan, unleashing Galactus to destroy Earth and Asgard. With no other choices, Nick Fury calls upon the villains to help the heroes defeat Galactus, he is sucked into a portal with Loki and the villains leave the Helicarrier as part of their agreement with the heroes.
Default Spider-Man: Spider-Man has a red mask with white lenses and a web-design pattern, a red-and-blue shirt with a web-design pattern and a black spider insignia on the front and a larger red spider insignia on the back, blue pants, and red gloves.
Symbiote Spider-Man: Spider-Man's alien symbiote "black suit" is a black bodysuit with a large white spider insignia that extends across the torso, black pants and gloves, and a black mask with white lenses.
Superior Spider-Man: The Superior Spider-Man (truly Doctor Octopus's mind in Spider-Man's body) wears a red mask with white lenses and a web-design pattern, a shirt with a red upper torso area that bears a web-design pattern and a black spider insignia and a black lower torso area and sleeves, black pants, and red gloves. He also has four mechanical arms on his back.
Future Foundation Spider-Man: Spider-Man's Future Foundation costume consists of a white mask with black lenses, a white-and-black shirt with a large black spider insignia extending across the torso, white-and-black pants, and white gloves. Spider-Man can switch back to Peter Parker in this costume, but if he tries to change back, he will find himself in his default Spider-Man costume.
- Web-Swinging: Spider-Man can navigate through New York City using his webs. He can traverse almost any surface, having a web-swinging system similar to games such as Spider-Man 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man.
- Spider-Sense: Spider-Sense allows Spider-Man to detect hidden bricks in the environment. Similar to how Spider-Sense looks in the comics, Spider-Man emits a red ripple effect from his head at the tap of a button. In turn, the hidden bricks may allow the player to pass obstacles for level progression, or gain rewards.
- Web-Grapple: Spider-Man can latch onto special grapple points with web lines.
- Wall-Crawling: Spider-Man can crawl on special walls, similar to the way that Robin can walk on special walls using his magnet suit, in LEGO Batman: The Video Game and LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Unite.
- Impact Webbing: Spider-Man can also fire impact webbing (web balls/bullets) at his enemies in order to knock them out or ensnare them in webs. This works in a similar way to other characters gun targeting system.
- Change back to Peter Parker: Spider-Man can change himself back to Peter Parker.
- Take Photo: Peter Parker can use his camera to take pictures on certain spots.
How to Unlock
Spider-Man: Complete Level 1- Sand Central Station
Symbiote Spider-Man: DLC
Superior Spider-Man: This costume can only be obtained by finding it in the hub.
Future Foundation Spider-Man: This can be unlocked by entering the code WFOZXQ or racing Ghost Rider in the city for the unlock of the character.
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Der MARVEL - Sammelthread - Filme, Serien, Superhelden - Seite 6 - Tipp, Witz, Spiel & Rätsel-Ecke - NOX Archiv - Forum
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