Rex lego movie 2
Доброго времени суток, уважаемый читатель! Говорит и показывает – Малефик, и сегодня мы будем подробно разбирать все 20 минифигурок Lego. Это 23 по счёту выпуск коллекционных минифигурок, здесь вы сможете подробно рассмотреть всех человечков, и решить для себя каких хотите купить.
Артикул: 71023
Название: Minifigures The Lego Movie 2 (Минифигурки Лего Фильм 2)
Дата выпуска: Начало зимы 2019
Количество: 20 уникальных фигур
Цена: 200 рублей за 1 случайную фигурку
Коробка нестандартной формы, она шире и выше чем её предшественники.
Сверху изображены все минифигурки коллекции.
Вид с другого бока, таким образом мы видим, что показаны абсолютно все фигуры.
Что же у нас внутри? Внутри, при полной коробке содержится 60 минифигур, среди них НЕТ редких, в каждой коробке ровно три, полных серии. Среди европейских покупателей ходит слух, что в каждом ряду вся полная серия минифигур без повторов, НО т.к. мы живём в России, то по нашему законодательству на зарубежных игрушках обязан быть перевод, поэтому сотрудники магазинов полностью перебирают фигуры и наклеивают на них наклейки. Они могут и перепутать, будьте внимательны.
Пакетик со случайной минифигуркой, все улыбаются. Кстати он тоже выше чем его предшественники.
А вот еще одно ноу-хау. Раньше, вкладыш был лишь свернут, а теперь он помимо большего количества свёртываний еще и заклеен скотчем. Обратите внимание, возможно это станет новой традицией среди минифигурок. К фильмовским фигуркам добавлены 4 из «Страны Оз» (Совсем как герои Фантастических Тварей были добавлены к Гарри Поттеру).
На обратной стороне огромный символ серии и всего три минифигурки, которые требуют инструкции. Так же стоит отметить, что 5 фигурок упакованы в дополнительный пакетик внутри упаковки.
Чтобы Вам было удобно фигурки будут идти по номерам как в буклете, можете посмотреть и перейти сразу к интересующей фигурке.
1. Эммет.
Итак, штаны и жилет у нашего Эммета совершенно стандартные, а вот лицо, телефон (плейер?) с «Всё у нас прекрасно» и причёска с наушниками уникальные. Стаканчик кофе на вынос встречается в трех наборах.
2. Люси, она же Дикарка.
Одна из самых скучных минифигурок набора. Штаны, лицо, торс, бинокль и колчан – встречаются повсеместно, единственная уникальная вещь – капюшон.
3. Космонавт Бенни.
Здесь и далее – обращайте внимание на лицо, вторая эмоция будет показана далее. Такой же торс у Бенни встречается в еще одном наборе, а вот лицо и ящик с инструментами – уникальны.
Сзади на торсе принта нет.
4. Парень в костюме жирафа.
Абсолютно уникальный и красочный персонаж, однако листики в руке встречаются в предыдущей серии Минифигур "Гарри Поттер" у Невилла Долгопупса, в горшке с молодой мандрагорой.
5. Девушка-Карандаш (или цветной мелок?)
Все детали абсолютно уникальные.
6. Шэрри и Шрамфилд.
Прекрасная минифигурка! Потрясающая апокалиптичная кошатница с одним из своих котов. Все детали уникальные, удивительно, почему компания The Lego Group сделала лишь первого кота, ни в одном наборе больше нет других котов. Очень жаль.
Первая минифигурка у которой нет второй эмоции на лице. Волосы снял, чтобы показать принт сзади.
7. Хула Лулу.
Пластинка встречается еще в одном наборе, микрофон довольно частый среди минифигур данной коллекции, остальные детали уникальные.
8. Парень в костюме арбуза.
Абсолютно все детали уникальны.
9. Люси из прошлого.
Кроме микрофона все детали уникальны. Мало кто знает, что Люси на самом деле исполнительница хита «Все у нас прекрасно». Именно поэтому с ней золотой хит.
10. Болотное чудовище.
Голова монстра отмечена как уникальная, но судя по всему она абсолютно такая же как в наборе Monster Fighters №9461. А вот шлем отличается цветом. Кнут встречается в 20 наборах, торс и штаны уникальные.
11. Конфетный Репер.
Очень милая фигурка, все детали абсолютно уникальные, кроме микрофона, как вы уже догадались. Кстати, а вы знаете, что за предмет у неё в руке? :) лично, у меня такие есть дома, даже есть где это использовать, а у Вас?
Потрясное второе выражение лица!
12. Президент Бизнес.
Если честно, не могу припомнить, был ли гольфист в других сериях минифигурок? Удивительно, но вроде бы ничего связанного с игрой в гольф не было. Включаю режим предсказателя, т.к. создана клюшка, в самых ближайших сериях появится спортсмен игрок в гольф. Бизнесу уделили мало внимания в фильме, однако фигурка его получилась неплохой. Свитер способен разнообразить одежду жителей Лего Города!
Счастливое второе выражение лица!
13. Президент Линкольн.
Если быть честным – я не очень люблю Американскую культуру, и, особенно, политику, почему в детском мультике присутствует любимый президент? Чтобы навязывать детям по всему миру себя любимых. Но, давайте отвлечёмся, забудем кто это. Сама минифигурка просто великолепна, выше всяких похвал – шляпа в стиле стимпанк, кустистая борода, стильные черные одежды, украшенные блестящими черепами и вооружённый секирой – он получился очень крутым.
Решительное выражение лица.
А вот задний принт к сожалению, подкачал, какой-то символ дровосеков, а могла быть просто кожаная куртка.
14. Ковбой Рекс.
Считаю эту фигурку не лучшей в серии. Жилет встречается в пяти наборах, а динозавр в двух, штаны, лицо и шляпа уникальные.
На шляпе имеются карманы, наверно это круто.
15. Поп-исполнитель Кошечка.
Большое место среди фигур занимают музыканты, танцоры и певцы, отдавая дань сюжету фильма, мягко говоря, насыщенному музыкой. Снова Классная минифигурка, цвет называется – «Живой коралл (или энергичный коралловый?)» цвет хвоста, гитары уникальны, вообще все детали кроме микрофона уникальные и такие живые.
16. Дороти (Элли) и Тотошка.
Как я уже говорил ранее, среди традиционных желтолицых героев Лего Фильма 2 присутствуют главные герои Страны Оз (Волшебника Изумрудного Города). Они лицензированы, поэтому имеют телесный цвет.
Когда я только вытащил фигурку из пакетика, мне показалось, что тканевая деталь не соответствует принту на торсе, но по факту они идеально подходят и дополняют друг друга. Все части фигурки абсолютно уникальны и очень интересны – волосы мягкие, резиновые, Тото имеет уникальную расцветку, однозначно одна из лучших фигур набора.
17. Трусливый Лев.
Второй лицензионный персонаж. Вы не поверите, но цвет, в котором он выполнен называется – «нуга», вот такой вот вкусный Лев. Все детали уникальные, имеет два выражение лица, а аксессуар — это видимо орден за отвагу.
18. Страшила.
Третий персонаж - это страшила, ему всегда казалось, что не достаёт ума, но мы видим, аксессуаром ему служит «Сертификат о Достижении», видимо добился своего, некий диплом получил. У него лишь одно выражение лица, все детали уникальны.
19. Железный Дровосек.
Последний из лицензионных персонажей вышел просто прекрасно. Металлические детали чудесно блестят на солнце, продуманные принты и огромное количество запасных аксессуаров удивляют. Огромный топор, как и все детали, уникален.
20. Кисонька.
Последняя минифигурка набора, почему она идёт после лицензионных для меня загадка, считаю это провалом дизайнеров. У неё довольно редкий хвост, встречается лишь в двух наборах, и уникальное выражение лица. Конечно же присутствует большое количество запасных деталей.
Все фигурки в хоровод!
Выводы и итоги:
Очередная потрясающая серия минифигурок Лего, 23 по счёту. Целых три переодетых фигурки (жираф, арбуз и мелок), четыре тематических фигурки "Страны ОЗ" и постапокалиптические фигуры из лего-фильма, отдельно выделю четыре фигурки ярких певиц и танцовщиц. На этот раз мало животных ( Тотошка и Шрамфилд) ни одного человека в плаще, всего 2 тканевых юбки.
Вступайте в группу Вконтакте и Инстаграме - бурные обсуждения и прикольные картинки не дадут вам заскучать.
Emmet Joseph Brickowski also known as Radical Emmet Xtreme "Rex" Dangervest is the main antagonist of The LEGO Movie franchise.
He serves as the unseen overarching antagonist of The LEGO Movie, and the main antagonist of The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part.
He was a galaxy-defender, archaeologist, cowboy and raptor trainer, who appeared to be a benevolent ally, but was later revealed to be an antagonistic counterpart of Emmet Brickowski from the future. His true intention was to bring the "Armamageddon" upon all of his kind, as revenge for being abandoned and forgotten, in a way of ceasing his pain under the dryer.
Much like Emmet Brickowski, he was also voiced by Chris Pratt.
The LEGO Movie
Though Rex does not appear in The LEGO movie, he is currently responsible for events of the film, despite being unseen.
The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
While on a mission to save his friends, Emmet crashed his spaceship into an asteroid and wound up under the dryer in the real world. After seeing all his friends continue to go on after his supposed death, Emmet became filled with hate and grew resentful towards them by trusting in only himself, changed his clothes, and name. Now named "Rex Dangervest," he built a time machine so he could travel back in time and ensure the "Armamageddon" occurred. He tamed Dinosaurs with a Tennis Ball
Meeting Emmet
Rex saved Emmet as he was about to crash into an asteroid and teamed up with his past self to venture to the Systar System to save his friends from the DUPLO Invaders. As they continued to the Systar System, Emmet began to take on several of Rex's mannerisms, hoping to impress Lucy. When they arrived, they evaded capture from the Plantimals and several "brainwashed" Systarians.
Once they escaped from the DUPLO Brickyard, Emmet is reunited with Lucy and they embrace each other. Rex tells Lucy that Emmet has managed to master his abilities, considering him tough. They made up a plan which involved switching off the pop music that was "brainwashing" the others, while Emmet would destroy the cake to stop the wedding between Batman and Queen Watevra Wa'Nabi. However, Rex and Emmet are shocked when Lucy reveals her original hair to them, suspecting her to be brainwashed. Lucy affirmed that she was not brainwashed and helped them form a plan.
Before Emmet could follow the plan, Rex gives him his vest, and Emmet thanks him for helping him, without knowing yet his true intentions. Despite Lucy's warning after she knows the real intentions of the DUPLO people, Emmet destroys the reception cake at the wedding between Batman and the Queen of the DUPLO Aliens, Watevra Wa'Nabi. Emmet soon realizes after learning that the DUPLO Invaders only wanted peace between themselves and Bricksburg and seeing a hole in the universe appear in wake of the cake's destruction. The cake being destroyed is mirrored in the real world by Finn angrily destroying Bianca's LEGO creations, causing their mother to scold them and tell them to put their toys away. Meanwhile, the LEGO universe Crumbles And gets Destroyed And the LEGO characters, including Batman, Wa'Nabi, and several known others Fall Into The Storage Bin , with the exceptions of Emmet and Rex.
After Finn and Bianca put away their LEGOs in a storage bin, Emmet tries to stop them but is prevented by Rex revealing his true colors as Emmet's future self and reveals that he travelled back in time to ensure the "Armamageddon" would happen.
Final Battle
Emmet and his embittered future self begin to fight and Rex banishes Emmet to the clothes dryer with his ship's big slingshot so that he will continue to exist. However, determined to not become as Rex did, Emmet is returned into the LEGO world when Lucy, having rallied the other LEGO characters into successfully escaping from the storage bin, arrives in front of Rex and they both embrace. Despite being amazing for the fact that Lucy came back for Emmet, Rex thinks they are too late and attempts to go back in time, but Lucy manages to trick Rex into punching a cute sentient heart, triggering an explosion, destroying the piece that is part of his time machine and Rex topples in defeat.
Lucy then tells Rex that Emmet will not become as Rex did, but Rex can be like Emmet as they ask him to join them, but Rex denies since he realizes that Emmet being saved by Lucy means he didn't end up becoming what Rex did, erasing his timeline and causing the deluded time-traveller to begin disappearing limb by limb. Accepting his fate, Rex tells Emmet to always be upbeat and thanks to Lucy for saving both of them, saying his last words: "Besides, this is a pretty righteous way to go out, no regrets! Except again not trademarking "No regrets", that was a mistake, one love!" before fading completely from existence.
Rex's ultimate fate is unknown. Although he may have "died" in the narrative of the LEGO Universe, it must be taken into account that Rex's motivations were all just a figment of Finn's imagination, which mirrored his real-life altercations with his sister. His existence as a physical LEGO mini-figure is likely still intact in the human world, as the rate of decay when he died in the LEGO universe was greatly over-exaggerated.
Rex Dangervest has stubble dots on his face and has similar construction worker vests and patterns compared to Emmet Brickowski but in different colors. Emmet's vest is bright orange and very light gray, while Rex’s is Earth blue and dark stone grey and has a light green R on his vest. They both have blue undershirts and (Emmet’s is brighter and Rex’s is darker) share the same quiff in their hair. Rex wears dark blue gloves and wristbands. They both also have brown hair, but Rex’s is less combed and darker than Emmets. He has a chiselled jawline. He is also seen in a blue/green spacesuit with a grey Jet-pack on his back when he saved Emmet from a huge asteroid.
At first, it looks like Rex is just a pastiche of a typical 80s/90s anti-hero. He is later shown to be a cocky, arrogant, heartless, hateful, rude, bitter, traitorous, manipulative, thrill-seeking loner who, at first, appears to genuinely care for and even admire Emmet. He tries to act like a mentor to Emmet and teach him how to be more tough and "grown-up".
However, later on in the movie, it is revealed that Rex is a version of Emmet from the future where he tried to save his friends but got stuck under the dryer for years. Because his friends were too busy having fun in the Systar System without realizing that he has to be rescued. Emmet took this as a sign that it was time for him to evolve, causing him to become resentful, arrogant and spiteful in the process. He went back in time to manipulate his younger self into causing Armamageddon and when Emmet refused to become like him, Rex put him under the dryer in a desperate attempt to emotionally and break him.
Rex appears to be more aware that the events of the movie are just a story made up by Finn and Bianca than any other LEGO character.
At the end of the movie, Lucy comes to rescue Emmet, which surprises Rex. After Emmet decides that he will never become like Rex, Rex starts to disappear out of existence, but before doing so, he tells Emmet that he's proud of him and thanks to Lucy for coming back for them.
- Because Rex is Emmet from the future, his real name would be Radical Emmet Joseph Brickowski Xtreme.
- Rex is considered by far as one of the most darkest and evilest villains of the LEGO history.
- Whereas most of the previous antagonists have sympathetic aspects to their personality, Rex's ultimate end goal is destructive on a larger scale (getting the Systarians and Apocalypseburg citizens locked into storage) but motivated by a petty reason (revenge on his friends for abandoning him).
- Lord Business wanted to be seen as "special", The Joker wanted Batman to finally see him as his arch-enemy, while Lord Garmadon wants to have a good relationship with his son but has a hard time letting go of being the villain.
- Galaxy defender: Guardians of the Galaxy's Peter Quill/Star-Lord, who also appears in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame;
- Archeologist: rumors that he might act in a new Indiana Jones movie;
- Cowboy: The Magnificent Seven's Joshua Faraday (2016);
- Raptor trainer: Jurassic World's Owen Grady (2015). [1]
- All the other raptors have names that could be references to science-fiction movies (except for Sharon). Ripley might be named after Ellen Ripley, the heroine in the Alien series and Connor could be named after Sarah Connor, the Resistance member in the Terminator franchise. Cobra is the character from the movie of the same name, while Quaid is the protagonist of Total Recall.
- He mentions these occupations when introducing himself to Lucy.
- Ironically, he is a "Master Breaker" despite claiming that he builds furniture, whereas Emmet is a "Master Builder". Anther ironic thing is that he said he is a script doctor, but also likes to bust off heads.
- Rex explains how he has a chiseled Jawline hidden under baby fat, which is a reference to Chris Pratt's career before his breakthrough in 2014, where he was significantly overweight. He lost this weight while undergoing intense training for his role as Peter Quill/Star-lord in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Click here to view the gallery.This article is about the minifigure. For other uses of "Rex", see Rex (disambiguation). "'Only the toughest can get out of there alive!'" ―Rex Dangervest.
Rex Dangervest
Rex Dangervest is the main antagonist of The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part. He is a resentful version of Emmet Brickowski from the future. He is also a space traveling, galaxy defending archaeologist, cowboy, and raptor trainer, who likes building furniture, busting heads, and has chiseled looks previously hidden under baby fat. All of this referring to his (and Emmet's) voice actor Chris Pratt.His goal is to cause Armamageddon (a disaster in which it's name translates to "Our-mama-get-in".) as revenge on his friends for abandoning him, but Emmet Brickowski inadvertently kills Rex by retaining his upbeat personality. Rex eventually accepts his fate.
In an alternate timeline, Emmet's Rescue Rocket crashed into a glassteroid field while trying to save his friends from Sweet Mayhem and landed on the planet Undar of the Dryar System (the LEGO universe's counterpart of underneath the dryer in the human world). After long periods of time trapped and feeling abandoned, Emmet eventually harnessed his anger and rage (what he calls "pretty grown-up feelings") to break his way out and give himself a new look, renaming himself Rex Dangervest, Radical Emmet Xtreme.
Rex then built himself a time-traveling spaceship, the Rexcelsior, hired a crew of raptors, and saved his past self from the glassteroids. He then agreed to help Emmet rescue his friends, but in the process tried to make him "tougher" and more like his alternate self, and in the process caused the disaster Armamageddon. However, Emmet and his friends managed to overpower Rex, prompting him to flee and attempt to travel back into the past and try again, but his time machine was destroyed and, accepting his defeat, he faded from existence.
Like the first film, The LEGO Movie 2 has a big twist. However, this one doesn't quite make sense. unless you rethink the whole LEGO world.
WARNING: Spoilers for The LEGO Movie 2 ahead.
The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part has a massive twist, one so big that many audiences will be unclear if it even makes any sense in the movie's elaborate, brick-built world. Does it? That answer really depends on what you believe is really happening in this and the other LEGO films.
The first LEGO movie contained a massive if well-foreshadowed, twist: the entire world was a basement collection brought to life by a child's imagination, with the battle between the Master Builders and Lord Business a representation of the conflict between a creative son and his "for display" father. A more clearly allegorical twist on the Toy Story premise, what was so impressive about Phil Lord and Chris Miller's story was that it held up to pretty close scrutiny (bar Emmet seemingly being able to move himself at one point in the real world); everything that happened in the LEGO multiverse had a human input parallel.
Can the same be said The LEGO Movie 2's twist? The sequel takes the world established in the first movie as writ and instead goes for something a lot more abstract, weird and mind-bending. As a result, while you'll leave The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part with your heart warmed, you'll also have your mind blown. We'll try and piece it back together by explaining how the film can make sense - and where the real confusion lies.
The Lego Movie 2 Twist Explained: Rex Dangervest Is Emmet From The "Future"
The core twist of The LEGO Movie 2 is that Rex Dangervest, the raptor-training archeologist, is actually a twisted version of Emmet from the future (hence why he's also voiced by Chris Pratt) who wants to corrupt the happy builder. In the original timeline (which the movie doesn't show at first), when Emmet traveled through the Stairgate to save his friends from General Mayhem, his ship was destroyed and he was trapped underneath the dryer and forgotten about. Becoming slowly disenfranchised and embittered, he eventually saved himself and transformed into the badass that Lucy had always wanted Emmet to be. Using the time travel machines from Back to the Future, Hot Tub Time Machine, Bill & Ted and Doctor Who, he went back to intercept his past self before the ship was destroyed. Rex's plan remained the same - to defeat the Systars - but it was no longer about saving his friends but transforming Emmet into himself.
If that sounds like it would only make sense if a child came up with it, you'd be right: the entire Rex Dangervest twist is part of the story Finn (Jadon Sand) is telling with his LEGO toys. He's created a convoluted narrative because that's what pre-teens do, but there's added intent of trying to make sense of destroying his sister's constructions; he's already painted her toys as villains, now one of his heroes is from a dark timeline where he didn't stop her. This is teased in The LEGO Movie 2 early on when he out-right says that he's using time travel.
As such, the time travel doesn't really need to make sense, although The LEGO Movie 2's method does work as long as you don't overthink it. Rex uses time travel from four different franchises, so it's never going to be totally logical, but what's happened is a rather simple time loop; Rex wants to complete the mission then make Emmet into the same hardened bad guy. When Emmet refuses and finds support with his friends, Rex disappears as there's no way for him to exist. That doesn't explain where the Rex figure went to in real life, of course.
Where The Lego Movie 2 Twist Doesn't Make Sense
That said, there are some weird parts of The LEGO Movie 2's twist that don't quite hold up to scrutiny. This is less to do with the time travel and more the rules of the world as established in the first film.
As laid out in The LEGO Movie, the majority of the events are a brightly-colored, fun representation of serious family conflict in the real world. In the first movie, that involved Will Ferrell's father breaking up his son's creations and permanently gluing his collection in place represented as black-cube Micro Managers. Here, that's the "kidnap" of Wildstyle, Batman et al being Bianca (Brooklynn Prince) stealing her brother's toys and Momaggedon being Maya Rudolph's mother forcing the toys into storage. All of that is certainly offbeat, yet the way the LEGO movies present them makes sense; there's a clear line between the play and the world.
Things break down at The LEGO Movie 2's ending. The film's denouement is a confrontation between Emmet and Rex under the dryer. The problem is that there is explicitly no human controlling this showdown; Rex comes to symbolize what Finn could grow to be, but in doing so loses any connection to the child's play narrative he's born from. There are lines alluding to this not making any sense and being entirely figurative, but that doesn't provide a satisfactory explanation; the whole movie has to be a representation of internal, subconscious conflict, not a skewed presentation of the bickering between siblings.
Ultimately, whether The LEGO Movie 2's twist works depends entirely on your reading of the movie. If you want the world to be entirely logical to reality, it's going to be nonsense, but if you accept what the film is really trying to do - use one of the most on-the-surface cynical ideas in Hollywood and use it to promote creativity, reconciliation and acceptance - then how it stumbles on a micro level will cease to matter.
Next: Every Song In The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part
Key Release Dates
- The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)Release date: Feb 08, 2019
Screen Rant's Managing Editor, Alex Leadbeater has been covering film online since 2012 and been a permanent fixture of SR since 2016. Based in London, he oversees a global news & features team based in NY, LA and beyond. You may have also seen/heard him on the Total Geekall podcast, unaffiliated YouTube channels, BBC Radio and CBC News. Growing up in the English countryside on a mixture of Star Wars, The Simpsons and Aardman, Alex is a lifelong movie obsessive. Despite a brief jaunt in Mathematics at Durham University, film writing was always his calling. He's covered a wide range of movies and TV shows - from digging out obscure MCU Easter eggs to diving deep into deeper meanings of arthouse fare - and has covered a litany of set visits, junkets and film festivals. He once asked Tom Cruise about his supposedly fake-butt in Valkyrie (he swore it was all real).
One of the most intersting additions to the LEGO® universe in The LEGO Movie 2 is the character Rex Dangervest. When the character’s name was first revealed, he was described as galaxy-saving, raptor wrangler, cowboy archeologist. Who just happens to also be voiced by Chris Pratt, with more than a cheeky nod to some of the other roles Chris has played in recent years. As well as being a super cool vest wearing dude, Rex has a fistbump-shaped ship, manned by blue raptors. This is the smallest set to feature both Rex and one of his space-faring dino chums. So I expect to be on a lot of people’s most wanted list, especially for that rather unique dinosaur figure. It’s also one of a handful of sets in the LEGO Movie 2 range to feature a 3-in-1 build. So let’s take a closer look at set 70826: Rex’s Rex-treme Offroader!
Product Description
Display your master-building versatility when you rebuild the 3-in-1 THE LEGO® MOVIE 2™ 70826 Rex’s Rex-treme Offroader and Recon Rex-o-saurus into the Rex-o-saurus Quad or Execu-Rex-o-saurus. The offroader seats 2 minifigures and has a rotating rear turret with 2 stud shooters, while the Recon Rex-o-saurus features snapping jaws, posable legs, 2 stud shooters and a buildable removable gun (non-shooting) that can also be used as a minifigure weapon. This awesome playset includes 2 minifigures and a buildable Plantimal figure to recreate action-packed scenes from THE LEGO MOVIE 2.
- Set Name: Rex’s Rex-treme Offroader!
- Set Number: 70826
- Pieces: 236
- RRP: £24.99/$29.99/€29.99
- Measurements:Rex’s Rex-treme Offroader measures over 6cm high, 14cm long and 7cm wide.
- Minifigures:Emmet, Rex Dangervest, Plantimal & Rex-o-saurus
- Availability: From December 26th
The Build
The build actually begins with that dino-mounted gun and the Plantimal buildable character, but I shall focus on them later. Much of the build is focused on Rex’s uniquely coloured 4×4 buggy. It’s an intersting build, largely using dark blue elements, with a dash of lime green. There are three seats, two up from and on in the rear, for when someone is needed to mount those two stud-shooting guns. These are mounted on a simple gear system, on which you can twist a dial to move the guns from side to side. There are few sticker decals on various parts of the set, including the a strip on the bonnet, a couple computer screens and on each of the gun mounts. Plus Rex’s R logo on the side.
As you can see above, the buggy is built in such a way, it slopes forward, giving it a cool dragster-type look. This is emphasized by a hinged panel on the front and a small fin. It’s a fun looking vehicle with a striking colour scheme. Although not overly complex to build, the base of the buggy is fun to put together and I like the studless finish with the two different coloured elements. It has a Galaxy Squad/ Alien Conquest feel to it, which is always a bonus. I do miss the original LEGO IP story themes.
Alternate Builds
There set offers two addition builds alongside the 4×4 buggy, those two alternate builds are each based around the dinosaur element. These are the Rex-o-saurus Quad or Execu-Rex-o-saurus, now I don’t often like rebuilding sets. I know that’s the whole idea of LEGO but once I’ve chosen which build to build, most often the main build, that’s me done. But you can’t review a set if you don’t build everything that’s on offer. To create any of these alternate builds you’ll need elements from 4×4 buggy and of course, you’ll then be left with a number of unused parts. The most extreme of the two builds is the Quad, which physically connects to the body of the dinosaur. As the current LEGO ad campaign states, “it’s not a brick, it’s their wildest wishes”, should you have every wanted to build a dinosaur-based vehicle, then this is the set for you. It’s nuts and I love it.
The Minifigures
The set includes four characters, including a brick-built alien being known as a Plantimal. The odd looking creature usee some pretty strange parts including quite a few re-coloured elements, such as a pink jungle leaf, orange plant leaf and a purple crab. Plus a couple of cool glitter-infused pieces. It’s an odd little thing, and proof you really can build whatever you can imagine with LEGO.
There are two standard minifigures Emmet, who looks just like Emmet, apart from his two different faces, he’s exactly the same minifigure as he was in past sets and other The LEGO Movie 2 sets. Something which is part of the joke regarding his character, the world can collapse around you but always stay upbeat. However his polar opposite is the charismatic space jock, Rex Dangervest. He has a brand new hair element and a couple of chiseled faces. The closer you look at Rex you can see how similar he is to Emmet. Both have vests, both have ‘original’ eyes, and both hair pieces have a notch on the back. If it isn’t revealed that they are related, I’d be very surprised, especially as they are both voiced by Chris Pratt.
But the most unique part of the entire set is this oddly coloured dinosaur. As seen in the various trailers for the new movie, Rex has a workforce of blue space raptors. Obviously inspired by Chris Pratt’s Jurassic World characters, Rex has raised them from younglings and they are literally blue, there is no subtlety here. The space raptor includes a buildable turret mount, which connects to the 4 studs on the back of the dinosaur. Surprisingly this doesn’t feature a stud shooter. The actual mount for the Rex-o-saurus is exactly the same as the raptor from the Jurassic World sets, obviously differently coloured and the eye is a little bigger on the new version.
Together they are a pretty cool set of characters, especially Rex and his blue dino chum. I love Rex’s rugged, cheesy grin face and a blue dinosaur, sounds odd but it actually looks really good, strangely but good. Emmet is just Emmet, however it fun to see him next to Rex. If nothing else they are ripe for being used to create fun photos. Or should that be family portraits?
Although not a complex build, the buggy part of the build uses some cool elements, which results in an interesting looking set. I like how elements have been used to give the vehicle some unique looking angles. I also like how all the parts you need to build the main model and the alternate builds have all been incorporated into the main build, even though some of those parts aren’t necessarily needed on the main build. Talking of alternate builds, the Rex-o-saurus Quad is the craziest thing I’ve seen in an official set. I like how the movie and the sets have embraced what every kid has probably tried with LEGO before, using random bits to build weird creations. Even so I doubt anyone has come close to creating something this nuts. The minifigures are fun especially Rex and that strange looking Plantimal continues with the sets strangeness. That’s a good strange not a bad one.
This set was provided by the LEGO Group for the purpose of review. The opinions expressed in this review of that of BricksFanz and do not reflect those of the LEGO Group or Warner Media.
Author: Adam White
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