Monster fighters game lego
К братии монстров мы уже привыкли давно. С книжных страниц, экранов и мониторов на нас нападают, угрожают расправой вампиры, зомби, духи, скелеты, оборотни, пришельцы из космоса, злые колдуны, мутанты и другие. Из советов специалистов по борьбе с ними мы заучили, что бороться с ними можно осиновыми кольями, святой водой и серебром. Если воспринимать эти советы серьезно, то в каждом доме должны быть вышеперечисленные атрибуты так, на всякий случай, мало ли в какой ситуации окажешься. Не верите? Тогда лучше открыть игры Лего монстры и изучить обстановку на местности мира виртуального, где полно возможностей проявить свою храбрость и знания оружия. На каждом уровне затаилось чудовище, поджидая, когда вы приблизитесь, чтобы поглотить вас. Закатывайте рукава и приступайте к зачистке Лего охотники на монстров игры от потустороннего врага. Вы встретите самых разных героев, которые проявляют отвагу и доблесть в сражении. В Лего зомби времени на отдых не будет – с кладбища движутся отряды ходячих монстров. Вы распознаете это место по крестам, обозначающим территорию захоронения. Хорошо, что у вас есть ресурсы для борьбы, а в магазине всегда можно прикупить дополнительное оборудование разного уровня действия. Они направляются на территорию, обозначенную на карте сердечками. Если им удастся проникнуть туда, они погибнут, но и у вас отнимут приличный кусок здоровья. Расставляйте оружие на разных участках так, чтобы оно охватило всю территорию. Попадая в зону излучения, зомби теряют часть жизни, а постоянная на них атака волн убивает их навсегда. Но не расслабляйтесь – на их место уже идут новые армии и вам потребуется самое смертоносное оружие. Далее игры Лего борцы с монстрами вас знакомят c Джеком Хаммером. Он уничтожает зомби мощными ударами, вооружившись кувалдой. Но среди них попадаются и простые люди, и чтобы не покалечить их, будьте внимательны и осторожны. В этом случае зомби совсем не страшные и распознать их можно только по искривленной рожице на фигурке. А вот антураж придает задний фон, где синева ночи скрывает очередную страшную тайну. С оборотнями будет вести борьбу Фрэнки Рока, о чем расскажет новая игра Лего монстры. С наступлением полнолуния некоторые граждане городка превращаются в волков. Чтобы понять, кто является порождением ночи, а кто просто заблудившийся путник, надо подождать несколько секунд, пока лицо человека не исказиться в оскале. Это всего лишь картонные фигурки, а потому выглядят они вполне симпатично. Но для Фрэнка это слабое оправдание, а потому он палит с двух стволов, заряженных серебром пуль. Анна Ли – симпатичная девушка, которая отдает предпочтение борьбе с монстрами и ликвидирует их с помощью арбалета. Она выслеживает очередного ужастика и лихо отправляет в него стрелу в момент, когда тот оставляет свое укрытие. С вампирами у Квинтона Стила разговор короткий – стоит на горизонте появиться летучей мыши, как он уже стреляет в нее из ружья. Он залег в засаде и целится в летающие мишени, которые выглядят вполне безобидно в виде спортивных тарелочек, но это только маскировка. А вот Рэнди Рэтблун отлично владеет шпагой и перед его искусством ни один монстр не устоит.
Legoland is surprising not only clear way of life, built brick by brick, but also the presence in it of fantastic and otherworldly creatures. No wonder among the inhabitants of the country are so many heroes – they have to be on guard of peace and happiness of citizens, protecting them from evil spirits. Opened and starting to play free online games Lego Monsters, you yourself will become part of the order to fight otherworldly elements. Bats, those are the vampires who attacked at night. Werewolves embarking on the warpath. This is an occasion to take up arms and to punish the enemy.
Lego Monster Fighters:The Monsterland Tales
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Latest Lego Monster Fighters games online
Lego Monster Fighters:The Monsterland Tales
Each of us is a hero in my heart
The child's life – a school house, lessons, games with friends and sometimes vacation and holidays. Everything is nice and this is quite natural order of things, and a relaxed and carefree life of adults called « happy childhood ». But measured pace can arrange only adults, children's boring to live by the rules. They want adventure, danger, battles. When they are not in real life, they go headlong into the virtual world, which explains this craze kids computer games. Here everyone can feel like a hero, invincible knight and a general, fair Robin Hood and inveterate villain, rescue princesses, whole cities and even the planet, with the most incredible weapons testing and piloting spaceships. In the surreal space of the game world is not afraid of the army kosmitov, sorcerers and monsters, you can always go through the level again, reborn to a new life, and the characters even losing life, never die.
Plots and characters come to life on computer monitors to captivate us to distant shores, unknown countries and territories invented. Country Legoland offers its fascinating history filled with positive and negative characters, offering justice, destroying evil. Lego games Monsters, a series of fun toys where the player will have to fight with various evil spirits, driving certain hero and show how quickly it is able to react to the situation and to distinguish real people from werewolves. While playing Lego games Monster hunters children acquainted with Jack Hammer. He is armed with a sledgehammer and is the guardian of the world, destroying ghosts and zombies heavy hammer blows.
is a game based around the first wave of the Monster Fighters theme. It allows the player to fight the evil Lord Vampyre as Doctor Rodney Rathbone and his band of brave heroes, and then turn the action around and attempt to eclipse the sun as the Vampyre family.
It is Rated E10+ for Mild CartoonViolence. The consoles that is released for XBOX 360, XBOX LIVE, PC, Wii,PS3, Nintendo DS, 3DS and PSN
The Hubs
The Campsite
This is where Monster Fighter stories can be played. You can only access the five Monster Fighters in this area. The Campsite is situated on the edge of Drachwald forest and features the main tent, where new weaponry and bonuses can be purchased for the Monster Fighters (for the good guys, the weaponry is like buying characters, only can be accessed in Story Modes as well as Free Play). There is the map table where missions are selected, the secondary tent where there are Custom Characters, the tertiary tent where bonus levels can be found, and the road. On the road is a Gate and Rodney Rathbone's green Net-Car. The car can be used to access race levels, and once a level is completed the Gate will open to travel to the Castle of Eternal Night to play the level in the villain's perspective.
The Castle of Eternal Night
This is where Monster stories can be played. You play as Lord Vampyre and Zombie butler/chauffer Renfield here, but can also play as any other monster when they are unlocked or purchased. Characters and bonuses can be bought in the Vampyre Bride's Laboratory, custom-made characters can be accessed in the crypt, missions are accessed through the cauldron, races can be accessed via the Coffin Car in the edge of the courtyard, characters can be accessed in Renfield's dumb waiter and the gate will open to allow passage back to the Campsite.
Hero Missions
1) Assembly of the Monster Fighters
Playable characters: Ann Lee, Major Quinton Steele
Overview: Doctor Rathbone has summoned four people to his home, Rathbone Manor. Ann Lee and Major Quinton Steele arrive and find that Frank Rock and Jack McHammer cannot get into the home. The doorbell is broken so they must find a way to knock on the door loud enough. Then, Doctor Rathbone lets everybody in, and Ann Lee and Major Quinton Steele must follow him through his mansion. He has set traps and Mannequins attack them. Then, Rathbone explains what is happening and the team go through to the Monster Realm.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Enemies: Ghost Mannequins, Werewolf Mannequins
Boss(es): Doctor Rodney Rathbone (5 hearts)
2) Drachwald Forest
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Major Quinton Steele
Overview: Lord Vampyre has sent Renfield to collect the Moonstone from the Werewolf. Rathbone and Quinton realise that they need to defeat the Werewolf or he will attack the campsite so they venture into the Drachwald Forest. There, the trees come to life and the Werewolf starts leaping between them with the Moonstone. Renfield arrives as they are building a trap and falls into it himself. They fight the Werewolf one last time and then Renfield escapes with the Moonstone in his hearse.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Tree Creature (3 hearts), The Werewolf (8 hearts)
3) Cold Sleep Swamp Creature
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Frank Rock
Overview: Rodney and Frank Rock travel to the Cold Sleep Swamp to fight the Swamp Creature, who is trying to get to the Castle of Eternal Night. They must find a safe way across the swamp, but then Renfield reappears to collect the Moonstone. They fight him and he escapes with the stone, accidentally dropping the Red Moonstone. They defeat the Swamp Creature and steal the Red Moonstone.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es):Renfield (3 hearts), The Swamp Creature (5 hearts)
4) All Aboard the Ghost Train
Playable characters: Ann Lee, Frank Rock
Playable vehicles: Ann Lee's Plane, Frank Rock's Motorcycle
Overview: The plane attacks the Ghost Train from above while the motorcycle attacks from the side. Then, Frank Rock gets into the carriage and lets in Ann Lee. They fight the Banished Ghost before an army of ghosts attack them. They must fight back against the ghosts and defeat the Conductor, but the main engine of the Ghost Train comes to life, attacks them and escapes with the Moonstone.
Level type: Vehicle, Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Boss(es): Banished Ghost (3 hearts), Ghost Conductor (5 hearts), The Ghost Train (8 hearts)
5) The Rise of the Army
Playable characters: Jack McHammer, Doctor Rodney Rathbone
Overview: The Zombie Groom is about to hand the Moonstone to his old friend Renfield when the two Monster Fighters attack the Graveyard. They fight and an army of Zombies rise up to attack. Then, they must seal the tombs to stop more attacks and blow up the Voodoo Cauldron in the church when the Zombie Bride traps them inside. They must defeat the Zombie Bride but Renfield escaped with the Moonstone. The Groom is about to escape but sees his wife is injured and attacks them again.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Boss(es): Zombie Groom (4 hearts), Zombie Bride (6 hearts), Zombie Groom (8 hearts)
6) The Cursed Badlands
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Ann Lee
Overview: Rathbone follows the Zombie Driver into the Cursed Badlands where he finds Ann Lee fighting the Mummy King. They chase him to the pyramid and must find a way inside. Then, an army of Mummies attack while Renfield climbs to the top to retrieve the Moonstone. The Mummy King fights them in the alter and after he is defeated, they must escape the collapsing pyramid.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Enemies: Mummies, Anubis Statues
Boss(es): The Mummy King (7 hearts)
7) The Lab of Uncanny Creations
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Major Quinton Steele, Jack McHammer
Overview: Rodney and Quinton break into the Lab of Uncanny Creations. Remembering how he lost his arm to the Scientist, Jack McHammer goes in, followed by Rathbone. The Crazy Scientist is about to fight before bringing to life his army of Monsters and escaping with the Moonstone. They fight the Monsters but are too late to stop the Scientist who heads up to the Castle of Eternal Night.
Level type: Puzzle, Brawl, Boss
Enemies: Skeleton Creations
Boss(es): The Crazy Scientist (4 hearts), Scientist's Monster (8 hearts)
8) Chasing the Hearse
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Frank Rock
Playable vehicles: Frank Rock's Motorcycle, Rathbone's Green Car
Overview: While trying to destroy the Red Moonstone, the two Monster Fighters see Lord Vampyre's Hearse approaching. Lord Vampyre attacks them with Renfield, and they steal back the Moonstone. They must chase the hearse in the vehicles, when Lord Vampyre climbs up on the roof and starts throwing bats at them which they must avoid. The hearse makes it through the gate which closes before they arrive.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Vehicle
Boss(es): Lord Vampyre (Capeless) (5 hearts)
9) The Guarded Black Gate
Playable characters: Ann Lee, Major Quinton Steele
Overview: As Rodney Rathbone and Jack McHammer climb over the walls of the Castle of Eternal Night, Frank Rock is kidnapped by the Crazy Scientist and locked in the Castle Prison tower. They must battle the Manbats who fly down at them, and then find a way to break through the gate. The Crazy Scientist attacks them in the courtyard and must be finally defeated. Then, they must find a way to break into the prison. As they free Frank Rock, the Vampyre Bride attacks, and Frank fights off the Manbats while they defeat her.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Enemies: Manbats, Skeleton Creations
Boss(es): The Crazy Scientist (8 hearts), Vampyre Bride (8 hearts)
10) The Fall of the Vampyre
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Jack McHammer
Overview: Lord Vampyre is about to activate his machine when the two Monster Fighters attack him. Every time he is defeated, he turns into a bat and flies to another area of the castle; first the balcony, then the treasury, then the organ room - the highest room in the tower. They must survive onslaughts of Manbats, Ghosts and Skeleton Creations before fighting him again. Finally, annoyed with how he is being treated, Renfield shoots and pushes the Lord Vampyre off the tower and he falls apart when he lands in the courtyard. The Monster Fighters return home, and Renfield goes for a snooze, now the ruler of the Monster Realm
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Enemies: Manbats, Skeleton Creations, Ghosts
Boss(es): Lord Vampyre (5 hearts), Lord Vampyre (8 hearts), Lord Vampyre (8 hearts), Lord Vampyre (12 hearts)
Villain Levels
1) The Red Moonstone
Playable characters: Lord Vampyre (capless), Renfield
Overview: The Vampyre Bride is taught by the Crazy Scientist about the Moonstones, and insists that her husband go and find the Red Vampire one for them. He takes Renfield with him and travels to the mountains, where they must find a way into the cave and then battle the Emperor Vampyre for the Moonstone he possesses. They return to the castle and Lord Vampyre sees the potential in the Moonstones.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Emperor Vampyre (8 hearts)
2) Calling Together the Monsters
Playable characters: The Crazy Scientist, Scientist's Monster
Overview: The Lord Vampyre summons the Monsters to the castle. The Scientist and his Monster arrive as Renfield accidentally locks the gate and loses the key. They must find the key and return it to him. Then, Lord Vampyre explains what is happening, and they must rebuild the broken machine for him before he will trust them.
Level type: Puzzle
3) The Forest Comes Alive
Playable characters: The Werewolf, Tree Creature
Overview: The Werewolf refuses to return the Moonstone because he knows that then he will return to being human and the tree creatures will attack him. They return and must rebuild the trees to make a catapult to attack enemies. Then Renfield arrives to recover it and they fight him. Then, Major Quinton Steele appears to get it off them and they must fight him as well.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Renfield (5 hearts), Major Quinton Steele (5 hearts)
4) The Bogs
Playable characters: The Swamp Creature, The Zombie Driver
Overview: Renfield arrives at the Cold Sleep Swamp to collect the Moonstone, but then drops it in the weeds. They must find a way to dig it out and then Frank Rock appears to attack them. They fight him and Renfield flees, not realising he has dropped the Red Moonstone which the Lord Vampyre gave him as it could control people and would help pursuade the Monsters to part with the Moonstones.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Frank Rock (8 hearts)
5) Pay the Fare
Playable characters: Ghost Conductor, Ghost
Overview: The Ghosts are about to return the Blue Moonstone to the Castle of Eternal Night when a tree falls on the line. They must clear this and then find out that some ghosts were not paying the fare and need to be banished. They must build the Grandfather Clocks to trap the ghosts and then fight the ringleader.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Enemies: Banished Ghosts
Boss(es): Banished Ghost (8 hearts)
6) Zombie Love
Playable characters: Zombie Groom, Zombie Bride
Overview: The Zombie Groom and Bride have been ordered to build an army of zombies for the Lord Vampyre, and must break open every grave and build five zombies. Then, Jack McHammer appears to attack them and they must fight him. They must then trap him in the church so that they can rebuild the Coffin Car for Renfield who can lead the army to the Lord Vampyre.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Jack McHammer (6 hearts)
7) Sand in the System
Part 1: Playable characters: Mummy King, Mummy
Part 2: Playable vehicles: Mummy Chariot, Zombie Hearse
Overview: The Mummy King and his servant must rebuild the stairs up the pyramid to retrieve the moonstone trapped on the top, when Ann Lee attacks. They fight her and then the Renfield arrives and the King and he flee in the vehicles. She attacks with her Autogyro and they must find a way across the Badlands to escape, and also defeat the Lost Humans who are wandering through the deserts.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss, Brawl
Enemies: Lost Humans
Boss(es): Ann Lee (8 hearts)
8) It's Alive
Playable characters: The Crazy Scientist, Scientist's Monster
Overview: The Scientist and his Monster are about to collect the Moonstone when lightning strikes and the entire lab starts to explode. They must rebuild everything and collect the Moonstone, and then find a way to get past the army of Skeleton Creations which have been confused by the lightning.
Level type: Puzzle, Brawl
Enemies: Skeleton Creations
9) Retrieving the Moonstone
Playable characters: Lord Vampyre (capeless), Renfield
Playable vehicles: Zombie Hearse, Hearse
Overview: Lord Vampyre and Renfield find out that they are missing the red moonstone. Vampyre confronts the Zombie who knocks the other moonstones off the tower and they must retrieve them from different places in the castle. Then, they steal the Moonstone from the campsite and escape in the cars, but get lost and must find a new way to get to the Castle of Eternal Night.
Level type: Puzzle
10) Defending the Machine
Playable characters: The Crazy Scientist, Vampyre Bride, Lord Vampyre
Overview: The Scientist and Bride must build up the defences of the castle by giving the armies the items they want and building defences on the black gate. Then, they realise that Doctor Rodney is on the balcony battling the Lord Vampyre, and the bride races to help. The two Vampyres fight him and then Renfield when he turns against them. The Bride is called back to the courtyard and defeated and then the Lord Vampyre is shot and thrown off the tower by Renfield.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Doctor Rodney Rathbone (8 hearts), Renfield (10 hearts)
The races can be accessed from either Hub. The player chooses their own vehicle and the opponent, and can purchase them from the race screen. In the hero hub, they purchase hero cars and races against the vehicles purchased in the Villain Hub, and the other way around (the best races happen after you have bought all the vehicles in both hubs before you start any races).
Bonus Levels
My Great Great Great Grandfig
Playable characters: Great Great Great Great Grandfig, Scientist (friend)
Overview: Rathbone's great great great great grandfig and his scientist friend travel into the Monster Realm and fight the Lord Vampyre. Then, the Scientist turns into the Crazy Scientist and stays after finding a Moonstone.
Level type: Puzzle, Boss
Boss(es): Lord Vampyre (young)
The Monster Realm Begins
Playable characters: Mad Warlock, Renfield (young)
Overview: A warlock and his servant, later the Zombie Driver/Butler Renfield , must build the Monster Realm and defeat the humans there by assembling the different creatures, in order to gather 1,000,000 studs.
Level type: Stud Target
Enemies: Lost Humans
The Army Alliance
Playable characters: Doctor Rodney Rathbone, Ann Lee, Major Quinton Steele, Frank Rock, Jack McHammer
Overview: How long can you keep all five characters alive in the middle of the Monster Realm with armies of every creature attacking? This is a fun survival level where you need to last over 5 minutes to win.
Level type: Survival over Time
Enemies: Swamp Creatures, Mummy King, Mummies, Werewolves, Tree Creatures, Zombies, Zombie Grooms, Zombie Brides, Renfield, Emperor Vampyres, Lord Vampyre, Vampyre Bride, Scientist's Monster, Skeleton Creations, Ghosts, Ghost Conductors, Banished Ghosts, Manbats, Mad Warlocks, Anubis Statues
Hieroglyphs: These charecters can read puzzle heiroglyphs to uncover clues. Ex: King Mummy,Mummies, Anubis Statues, Rodney Rathbone, Mad Warlock, Lord Vampyre, Mad Scientist, Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfig
Super Strength: These charecters can lift heavy objects, break walls and hit enemies very hard. Ex: Mummy King, Anubis Statues, Lord Vampyre, Renfield, Scientist's Monster, Emperor Vampyre, Jack Mchammer, Manbats, Werewolf
Claws: These Charecters can rip down brown glowing walls and slice up things. Ex: Werewolf, Manbats
Sword: These Charecters can activate sword switches, slice up enemies faster and block attacks. Ex: Rodney Rathbone, Lord Vampyre, Emporer Vampyre, Anubis Statues, Great-Great-Great Grandfig, Renfield (young)
The Creater and the Destroyer: this machine sucks up LEGO bricks and either blasts them out as enrgy or helpful objects. Ex: Mad Scientist, Scientist (friend)
LEGO Monster Fighters: The Video Game is an upcoming 2017 video-game published by Party Inc., the first game by Party Inc. after the company went through a period of relative silence during 2016. It is based on LEGO's Monster Fighters theme and is considered a revival of that theme. It is rated E10+ for Cartoon Violence and Animated Blood.
- Acrobatics
- Book
- Read Hieroglyphs
- Hit Targets
- Unlock Switches
- Ground Pound
- Acrobatics
- Rapier
- Unlock Switches
- Blunderbuss
- Destroy Silver LEGO
- Hit Targets
- Spot Far Away Objects
- Blunderbuss
- Destroy Silver LEGO
- Hit Targets
- Dual Pistols
- Hit Targets
- Wrench
- Fix Broken LEGO
- Dog
- Dig Up Objects
- Track
- Hit Targets
- Wrench
- Fix Broken LEGO
- Acrobatics
- Broomstick
- Unlock Switches
- Hit Targets
- Grapple Handles
- Hammer
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Super Strength
- Acrobatics
- Aquatic
- Breathe Underwater
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Ankh Charm
- Access Golden Scarab Switches
- Moonstone
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Unlock Switches
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Read Hieroglyphs
- Super Strength
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Moonstone
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Regeneration After Death
- Acrobatic
- Can't Build
- Moonstone
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Acrobatic
- Claws
- Climb Up LEGO Walls
- Unlock Switches
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Acrobatic
- Shape-Shift into The Werewolf
- Acrobatic
- Regeneration
- Super Strength
- Ethereal
- Cannot Be Harmed
- Phase Through Transparent LEGO Bricks
- Light Up Dark Areas
- Activate Moonstone Swtiches
- Fix Broken LEGO
- Ball-and-Chain
- Grapple Handles
- Cannot Be Harmed
- Phase Through Transparent LEGO Bricks
- Flight
- Glow-In-The-Dark
- Light Up Dark Areas
- Goggles
- Spot Far Away Objects
- Craft Potions
- Throw Flasks
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Fix Broken LEGO
- Flasks
- Craft Potions
- Throw Flasks
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Can't Build
- Electricity
- Charge LEGO Generators
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Can't Build
- Super Strength
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Shovel
- Dig
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Frying Pan
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Serving Tray
- Goblet
- Wine Bottle
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Claws
- Unlock Switches
- Break LEGO Glass
- Super Strength
- Track
- Claws
- Unlock Switches
- Break LEGO Glass
- Track
- Acrobatics
- Flasks
- Craft Potions
- Throw Flasks
- Echolocation
- Break LEGO Glass
- Regeneration After Death
- Moonstone
- Activate Moonstone Switches
- Echolocation
- Break LEGO Glass
- Unlock Switches
- Regeneration After Death
- Shape-Shift Into a Bat
- Echolocation
- Break LEGO Glass
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Acrobatics
- Climb Up LEGO Walls
- Whip
- Grapple Handles
- Traverse Through LEGO Marsh Bricks
- Vines
- Grapple Handles
- Claw
- Super Strength
- Can't Build
- Newspaper
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Acrobatics
- Bone
- Claws
- Climb Up LEGO Walls
- Unlock Switches
- Ethereal
- Cannot Be Harmed
- Phase Through Transparent LEGO Bricks
- Break LEGO Glass
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Can't Build
- Ground Pound
- Super Strength
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Pumpkin Bucket
- Acrobatics
- Spiders
- Throw Spiders
- Grapple Handles
- Flight
- Ground Pound
- Super Strength
- Acrobatics
- Black Cat
- Dig
- Track
- Flight
- Unlock Switches
- Camera
- Super Strength
- Acrobatics
- Can't Build
- Pom-Poms
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Hook
- Fix Broken LEGO
- Unlock Switches
- Ground Pound
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Unlock Switches
- Regeneration After Death
- Acrobatic
- Bone
- Climb Up LEGO Walls
- Dig
- Regeneration
- Shape-Shift Into Lumberjack (Minifigures)
- Super Strength
- Track
- Axe
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Chains
- Grapple Handles
- Cannot Be Harmed
- Phase Through Transparent LEGO Bricks
- Light Up Dark Areas
- Flasks
- Craft Potions
- Throw Flasks
- Spot Far Away Objects
- Break Cracked LEGO Panels
- Can't Build
- Ground Pound
- Guitar
- Soundwaves
- Break LEGO Glass
- Flasks
- Craft Potions
- Throw Flasks
- Regeneration After Death
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Shovel
- Dig
- Regeneration After Death
- Can't Build
- Suitcase
- Traverse Through LEGO Graves
- Undead
- Regeneration After Death
LEGO Monster Fighters: The Video Game's HUB consists of different areas across The Monster Realm (with the exception of London, which is located outside the Realm), all consisting of many different Races, Quests, Gold Bricks, and other things to do.
London is the home of Dr. Rodney Rathbone and is where the game begins. It is notable for being the only accessible area in the game outside the Monster Realm.
Всем привет! Говорит и показывает – Малефик и сегодня я хочу вспомнить добрым словом невероятно популярную у коллекционеров, совсем недавно канувшую в лето серию – «Истребители Монстров».
Серия «Monster Fighters» вышла в 2012 году, и не имела продолжений. Судя по полному отсутствию серии в официальных каталогах в России, могу предположить, что вся серия была эксклюзивной и продавалась только в сертифицированных магазинах. Давайте познакомимся со всеми наборами серии.
30200: Zombie chauffeur coffin car / Гробовая машина Зомби-шофёра
30201: Ghost / Приведение
Следующий набор также является Polybag’ом и представляет собой возвращение минифигурки призрака, который светится в темноте. Фигурка дополнена гремящими цепями и жуткими напольными часами с маятником. Классный набор, который был бы актуален даже сегодня, будь он в продаже.
40076: Zombie Car / Машина Зомби
Данный набор отличается по артикулу, но также является пакетиком. Чаще всего наборы, которые начинаются на 40 в артикуле являются лимитированными, подарочными конструкторами. Обычно, чтобы заполучить такой набор требуется выиграть творческий конкурс. Скорее всего так было и на этот раз, но у меня нет точной информации. Данный набор примерно в 2 раза больше (по кол-ву деталей), чем предыдущие два, хотя и он довольно прост в сборке, зато в нём нет по-настоящему редких деталей.
5000644: Monster Fighters promotional pack / Набор поддержки
Последний «рекламный» набор в серии является по сути дополнениями и наклейками. Всего 6 деталей: летучая мышь, светящийся в темноте паук, паутина, рыбин и зелёный кристалл, а также фигурка скелета. Да набор качественных наклеек. Пожалуй, получить такой набор бесплатно и узнать об этой серии было крайне желанным в 2012 году!
9461: Swamp Monster / Болотный Монстр
Первый «серийный» набор серии, по совместительству является и самым маленьким. Название набора полностью отображает его содержимое – видим, как главный герой Френк Рок, на своём странном, но узнаваемом средстве передвижения (катер для езды по болтам) преследует болотного монстра. Отмечаю уникального монстра, больше такой нигде не встречается, редкий светящийся болотный кристалл (содержится всего в двух наборах), а также фигурку главного героя с двумя эмоциями лица.
9462: Mummie / Мумия
9463: Were Wolf/ Нападение оборотня
9464 Vampire Hearse / Катафалк Вампира
Начиная с этого набора, серия глубоко садится в «технику», у каждого монстра или нового члена команды охотников обязательно имеется своё необычное средство передвижения. Чаще всего техника нелепая ярко выраженная. Всё сделано, чтобы в первую очередь понравится детям (особенно мальчикам). В этом наборе отдельно хочу отметить крышку саркофага – это красивая, принтованная деталь с символом летучей мыши. Сам же набор пропагандирует идею погони охотника за передвигающимся лордом вампиром.
9465: The Zombies / Зомби
9466: The Crazy Scientist & His Monster / Безумный Ученый и Его Монстр
9467: The Ghost Train/ Поезд с Привидениями
9468: Vampire Castle / Замок Вампиров
10228: Haunted House / Дом с Привидениями
Сам Дом с Приведениями полностью соответствует своему названию – мрачный, покосившейся дом, с заколоченными ставнями и разбитым крыльцом. Снабжён забором, кучей тайных комнат, и даже вампирской кухней и зомби-прислугой. Отмечаем, что дом выполнен в шикарном песочно-зелёном цвете.
Должен признаться, что у меня есть только часть самого маленького набор серии, но наборы получились прекрасные, насыщенные, с массой уникальных фигурок. Серия до сих пор актуальна и любима множеством фанатов. Вот какими должны быть серии – запоминающимися и полезными.
Читайте также:
- Soundwaves
- Echolocation