Модели для lego digital designer
Грузовичок Почтовичок. Прикольный Интересный Мультфильм для малышей.
Максим Колесников
запись закреплена
Максим Колесников
запись закреплена
Максим Колесников
запись закреплена
Модели для сборки, из реального конструктора. Что то уже собрано, а что то еще нет. ПС: Розовые детали, в реальности не розовые))
Мария Удальцова запись закреплена
Максим Колесников
запись закреплена
LEGO Club [Модели Лего LEGO Digital Designer] запись закреплена
А ты хорош (вместо LDD скачай Studio 2.0) Я тоже LDD сначала пользовался а потом про студию узнал
Народ, LDD при запуске всегда сообщает что нет интернет соединения, версия 4.3.12. Насколько понимаю, именно поэтому многих деталей нет, не может подтянуть базы по сети. Офлайн база весьма скудная. Можно как то расширить базу?
Владимир, а где взять 4.3.11? на ЛЕГО доступна только 4.3.12. С левый сайтов качать не хочется, дабы не подцепить какую нить заразу.
Владимир, можете прислать этот файл если не сложно? 11 версия не ставится на комп по причине отсутствия adobe flash player (хотя на компе он есть хз почему прога не ставится)
Всем добрый день!
Подскажите, пожалуйста, в какой программе делать инструкции к собственным моделям на Lego Wedo 1 и Lego Wedo 2? В LDD нет датчиков и мотора Wedo:(
я немного не понял а почему их много, подскажитед пожалуйста, сейчас в папке дизайнера только один
Максим, Это один большой файл, разбитый архиватором на 6 частей. Просто в ВК ограничение по 200 мег на файл. Распакуй первый, а остальные сами прицепятся.
Владислав, всё просто. Распаковываешь куда нибудь Assets.lif и тащишь с заменой по пути C:\Program Files (x86)\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer и вуаля
Доброго дня. Нужна помощь. на первой картинке (в живую) деталь установлена. Как это сделать в программе? На второй картинке деталь(синяя стрелка) установить на место(красная стрелка).
Хотела воспользоваться совмещением. Не получается. Может кто подскажет как вообще этим совмещением пользоваться.
В инструкции написано: "Совмещение. С помощью него можно не подбирая углы наклона совмещать детали. Сначала щелкните по детали ведомой (которая будет двигаться), а потом по ведущей (которая будет неподвижна). Далее программа сама все сделает."
не делает :-((((( ПОМОГИТЕ, ПЛИЗ
Training Robots
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 2: Low Nxt Mount 2 (2-wheel drive)
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 3: Low Nxt Mount 3 (2-wheel drive)
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 4: High Nxt Mount 1
This robot uses the new LEGO steel bearing ball socket introduced with the EV3 robot. The LDD model does not yet have the ball bearing. So, a small plastic cup has been substituted. You could use a skid method or use a small caster wheel.
This model was contributed by an anonymous user-- Thanks so much!
Download Model (by an anonymous user--Thanks!)
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 5: Angled Nxt Mount 1 (4-wheel drive)
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 6: Angled Nxt Mount 2 (2-wheel drive with caster wheel)
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 7: Angled Nxt Mount 3 (4-wheel drive - Tall)
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 8: ElephantBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 9: TankBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 10: TankBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
It may help to build this model as separate components which are attached later.
Left Tread | Right Tread |
Download LDD Model Left Tread (Building Instructions in HTML) | Download LDD Model Right Tread (Building Instructions in HTML) |
Training Robot 11: BoxBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 12: BoxBot
In this model the NXT Brick is embedded fairly deep within the robot. It is too deep to use with a USB cable. If you are using Bluetooth, then there should be no problem with this robot. If you are using a USB cable, can you re-design the robot to accommodate the USB port? What changes would you make?
Download Model
Training Robot 13: BoxBot
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 14: SidewaysNxtMount 1
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 15: SidewaysNxtMount 2
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Training Robot 16: SidewaysNxtMount 3
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 17: RearNxtMount 1
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 18: CompactBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
The bar shown at the top serves as a nice place to wrap long wires around to keep them organized and compact.
Updated design with good suggestions thanks to an anonymous user!
Download Model (updated by anonymous user--Thanks!)
Building Instructions in HTML
Download Model (updated by anonymous user--Thanks!)
Building Instructions in HTML
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 19: DinoBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 20: Compact Bot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 21: Compact Bot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 22: TinyBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 23: SkidBot
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Training Robot 24: Middle NXT Mount
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 25: Middle NXT Mount
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 26: Sumo Bot
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robots
Building Instructions in PDF
Training Robot 1: Sideways Ev3 Mount 1 (2-wheel drive)
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 2: TankBot Ev3
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Training Robot 3: Square Bot 1
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Download LDD Model
Download LDraw Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Building Instructions in PDF
Training Robot 4: Square Bot 2
This robot was used for training on how to navigate a robot. Move forward x inches. Turn a certain number of degrees. etc. etc.
Compact Bot 04
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Compact Bot 06
Download Model
Building Instructions in HTML
Square Bot 4 (2020)
Build Instructions for Fall 2020
Complete Build Instructions (in PDF) ( /models/SquareBot4_BuildInstructions.pdf )
Please note that Step 7 (page 7) and Step 6 (page 23) require the use of the square 3x3 connector block. (see above pictures). Also for the wheel that drives the tank treads, use the wide grey wheel (see above pictures)
MH Attachment ( /models/MH_Attachment.pdf )
MH Attachment
toxic waste barrel Game files
couch Game files
Very Long Arms Game files
Protoman Game files
Megaman Game files
LEGO Robot Game files
Basic Boardgame Game files
Vortex Game files
Kopaka Nuva Game files
Isaac Clarke Minifig Game files
Minimalist Robot Raptor Game files
LEGO Dimensions Sonic Speedster Game files
LEGO Dimensions TARDIS Game files
LEGO Transformers Game files
Master Chief minifig Game files
Medical Bot Game files
Godzilla Game files
LEGO Dimensions DeLoreon Game files
Very Long Legs Game files
Plants Vs Zombies (all almanac zombies) Game files
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