Medieval blacksmith lego ideas
Познакомьтесь с архитектурными деталями средневековой кузницы и дома, отдохните от современной жизни и соберите эту зрелищную модель с помощью конструктора Лего. В набор входят 4 минифигурки: кузнец, лучник и 2 рыцаря Черного Сокола с 4 мечами, 3 щитами и алебардой. Фигурка лошади со сборной тележкой может принимать различные позы, а еще в наборе есть фигурки собаки и древесной лягушки. Крыша и два верхних этажа этого трехэтажного здания поднимаются, чтобы можно было легко рассмотреть полностью обставленные спальню, кухню и мастерскую. В саду есть модели яблони и колодца. В мастерской вы найдете такие аксессуары, как инструменты, уголь и доспехи. Нажмите на меха, чтобы активировать светящийся кубик LEGO® в угольном кузнечном горне и заставить его загореться.
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Количество деталей Medieval Blacksmith 21325 LEGO Ideas: 2 164 шт.
Познакомьтесь с архитектурными деталями средневековой кузницы и дома, отдохните от современной жизни и соберите эту зрелищную модель с помощью конструктора Лего. В набор входят 4 минифигурки: кузнец, лучник и 2 рыцаря Черного Сокола с 4 мечами, 3 щитами и алебардой. Фигурка лошади со сборной тележкой может принимать различные позы, а еще в наборе есть фигурки собаки и древесной лягушки. Крыша и два верхних этажа этого трехэтажного здания поднимаются, чтобы можно было легко рассмотреть полностью обставленные спальню, кухню и мастерскую. В саду есть модели яблони и колодца. В мастерской вы найдете такие аксессуары, как инструменты, уголь и доспехи. Нажмите на меха, чтобы активировать светящийся кубик LEGO® в угольном кузнечном горне и заставить его загореться.
🧐 Этим конструктором интересовались: 749 чел.
👉 А вы знали? Что самый большой конструктор Лего это модель корабля Титаник 10294 LEGO Creator Expert, который состоит из 9 090 деталей. Корабль разделяется на три части, позволяя осмотреть детально проработанный интерьер. Эта колоссальная модель корабля «Титаник» — предмет для коллекции, который войдет в историю.
1 отзыв на 21325 LEGO Ideas Средневековая кузница с минифигурками
Светлана (Орел) –
Купила своему Максимке средневековую кузницу. Теперь его от конструктора за уши не оттащишь. Все вечера у ребенка заняты сборкой любимой игрушки. Дороговато, конечно, но оно того стоит. Качество отменное.
Всем привет! Говорит и показывает – Малефик, сегодня мы поговорим об очередном шедевре из серии Лего Идеи.
Начинаем, как всегда с разглядывания коробки. Что мы можем подчерпнуть из дизайна коробки? Во-первых, видим, что в 2021 дизайн коллекционных наборов с пометкой «18+» продолжается. Снова видим отказ от заднего вида, в пользу мрачному фону, который лишь выгодно показывает набор. Во-вторых, вспоминаем, что данный набор уже 33 в серии! А еще, что он довольно крупный – 2164 детали. Об остальных моментах подробно поговорим ниже.
Прежде чем переходить к детальному изучению всех особенностей этого любопытного набора давайте просто взглянем на него непредвзято – что мы видим? Добротный, трёхэтажный дом, сочетающий в себе несколько архитектурных стилей. Тут и каменная кладка, и деревянные элементы и черепичная крыша с закруглёнными штуками, напоминающими строения викингов, и готические ставни. В общем сборная солянка.
В довесок к крупному дому идёт небольшой сад-огород, дерево с колодцем и целая повозка с одной лошадкой.
Переходим к минифигуркам, которые вызывают повышенный интерес у коллекционеров. И что мы тут видим? Наших старых хороших знакомых – рыцарей Черного Сокола. Наборы с этим ответвлением Замка выходили в середине 80х годов. (заметили тенденцию? Пираты Бухты Барракуды напомнили нам о классических пиратах, Дом с Приведениями представляет собой поместье фон Баррона из Искателей приключений, а теперь вот классические рыцари! Всё новое – это хорошо забытое старое).
К сожалению, фиксируем излишний феминизм в Лего, всё к этому шло и сейчас процесс лишь ускоряется. Итак, помимо бравого дородного кузнеца в уникальном костюме мы видим в доме его жену, но не обычную даму, следящую за очагом и уютом, а некого Робин Гуда с луком и стрелами. У рыцарей ситуация точно такая же, вместо бравых матёрых вояк видим мадам с модной причёской и накрашенными губами. Или я придираюсь и всё выглядит правильно и современно?
LEGO Ideas в 2021 году выпускает средневековый кузнечный дом, основанный на оригинальном дизайне фаната LEGO Клеменса Фидлера. Дизайн получил зеленый свет и пошел в производство, потому что набрал более 10000 голосов на платформе LEGO set creation platform.
Думая о средневековых временах, мы обычно вспоминаем королей, рыцарей и их прекрасных дам, замки и битвы, но этот набор дарит нам нечто неожиданное. Он показывает малого, но очень важного героя тех эпических битв и приключений - скромного кузнеца.
LEGO Ideas Medieval Blacksmith возвращает нас к тому историческому периоду, когда краеугольным камнем общества были коттеджные производства и ремесленники. Именно эта история воплощена в жизнь в финальном, законченном виде, который доделали дизайнеры LEGO Уэс Талботт и Остин Карлсон.
Это трехуровневое здание со спальней, кухней и мастерской, укомплектованное вспомогательными элементами (инструменты, уголь и доспехи).
Верный стилю эпохи, набор LEGO Ideas Medieval Blacksmith включает смелые черты дизайна того периода - от деревянных стен до готических решетчатых окон, обеспечивая интригу и интерес поклонникам средневековой архитектуры.
Набор укомплектован садом в стиле коттеджа, со старой яблоней, а кирпичная кладка покрыта мхом для дополнительного реализма.
Внутри дома расположены три отдельных этажа, они полностью меблированы и оснащены всем, что требуется средневековому кузнецу. Среди предметов обихода - запасы сырья, уголь для печи и многие другие вещи того периода.
Крыша и два верхних уровня могут быть удалены для легкого доступа к внутренней части.
Сколько в наборе деталей?
В наборе 2164 детали.
Сколько в наборе фигурок?
Набор идет с четырьмя минифигурками: кузнец, лучник и два рыцаря Black Falcon, а также с четырьмя мечами, тремя щитами и алебардой. Плюс животные: лошадь, собака и лягушка.
На территории вне дома можно найти несколько животных, в том числе лошадь, которая может перевозить тележку с вещами рыцаря, собаку и маленькую древесную лягушку.
Набор отличается большим вниманием к деталям, которые вы можете воссоздать с элементами LEGO. Средневековая архитектура, стиль, цвет и дизайн - все очень точно. Это путешествие назад во времени; можно ощутить жар печи, звуки и запахи кузницы и наковальни. Набор пропитан атмосферой классического ремесла.
Итак, отправляемся в небольшой кузнечный дом где-то на окраине средневекового мира, куда заглядывает каждый рыцарь - за набором сияющих доспехов. Это будет незабываемо! Без сомнения, поклонники будут очарованы кузницей, ее архитектурными деталями и персонажами, которых они там найдут.
Kev Levell (on Flickr) today reviews the 2164 pieces in 21325 Medieval Blacksmith, the new LEGO® Ideas set priced US$149.99/ CA$199.99/ 146.99€/ £134.99/ AU$249.99. Buying it? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission. Products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this.
The LEGO Group is taking us on a journey in time. Back to Medieval times and, by association, back to the Classic Castle sets of the 1980s.
21325 Medieval Blacksmith is beautiful: this isn’t just a half-timbered house with a characteristically charming second-storey overhang, oh no, there is much more to it. The three floors are packed with authentic-looking details and clever features.
The included minifigures are a practical-looking blacksmith, an archer and last, but not least, a couple of updated Black Falcons. For those that are unfamiliar with them, a simplistic explanation is that Black Falcons were an opposing force to the Lion Knights of the Classic Castle sets I longed for in my childhood so I am fairly excited about their unexpected inclusion.
Additionally there’s a horse with a wagon, a pumpkin patch, a well, a bowed apple tree, a stocked wood store, a dog, a cooking pot on a swing arm… in short, everything a medieval smithy might need… except an out-house or garderobe perhaps?
Even just seeing the box warmed my cold metal heart to a more malleable state and workable temperature. It features the Adult Portfolio branding and some eye-catching, Gothic-influenced typography that looks like wrought iron.
Before a blacksmith could work his own brand of magic by creating ingenious wrought iron things, he would have to smelt ore to extract the essential element. Wes Talbot and Austin Carlson have used their brand of magic too: extracted the essential elements of Clemens Fielder’s original Ideas submission and wrought an ingenious LEGO® version, complete with a nostalgic kick from that pair of Black Falcons.
I could bang on about this all day, and will do so in part 2 where I examine the build and techniques, but today let’s take a look at the parts available in the set.
Parts in LEGO 21325 Medieval Blacksmith
New moulds
Just one new mould for 2021 appears in 21325 Medieval Blacksmith.
Brick Curved 3 x 1 with 2/3 Inverted Cutout (70681) was introduced in 10278 Police Station in Brick Yellow/ Tan (6328182) and Medium Stone Grey/ Light Bluish Gray (6329117). Here you get 2 in Black (6328095), which also comes in greater quantities in the magnificent 71741 NINJAGO City Gardens.
70861 is an interesting element; it has much in common with the other 1x3 slopes but I don’t think it should be categorised that way. I’m going to call this piece ‘the shoe brick’ because that’s what it makes me think of, and it will be helpful to refer to its ‘toe’ and ‘heel’ for clarity. For example: the heel has a characteristic 1x1 plate cut-out.
Even though the part is called ‘inverted’ by Rebrickable and BrickLink (concave might be more accurate?) I think the family it most happily resides with is the 2-module-long bows.
Here we can see it comfortably accommodates the 1x2 inverted bow, and therefore it will neatly sit with the other elements that share the same curvature.
I’ve pictured Brick Arch 1 x 6 Raised Arch (92950) too because it is very nearly the exact mirror image of a pair of the shoe bricks placed toe-to-toe. My convex inner construction of bows and inverted bows moves freely between the 1x6 arch and the shoe bricks.
Swap the shoes to the top of the arch and I can see how this might create interesting repeated features.
Unlike many other slopes and curves, the shoe’s height at the toe is exactly one plate high which allows for flush interfaces with all manner of things.
It’s always nice to build something with new parts, but with just two at my disposal I was only able to take these new shoes for a short walk to break them in.
Rare or recoloured
There are a small number of recoloured and rare parts in 21325 Medieval Blacksmith.
- 1x Minifig Head Plain [Hollow Stud] in Flame Yellowish Orange/ Bright Light Orange (6201587 | 3626) has been available in three other sets.
- 2x Brick Round Corner 5 x 5 x 1 with Bottom Cut Outs [No Studs, 1/4 Arch] in Dark Brown (6222942 | 24599) only seen twice before most recently in the enormous 75936 Jurassic Park: T. rex Rampage and 41196 The Elvenstar Tree Bat Attack.
- 4x Tile Round 1 x 1 in Dark Brown (6322813 | 98138) is available in three other sets, most notably in 31198 The Beatles where you’ll find 554 of them!
- 2x Tile Round 1 x 1 in Dark Orange (6322840 | 98138) was only previously available (but again, plentifully) in 31198 The Beatles where you’ll find 85.
- 20x Tile Round 1 x 1 in Sand Yellow/ Dark Tan (6322841 | 98138) - you guessed it, also featured in The Beatles again with 137, but these also appear in 10281 Bonsai Tree which Thomas Jenkins reviewed.
- 2x Tile Round 3 x 3 in Medium Nougat (6326106 | 67095) which has only appeared in 71369 Bowser’s Castle before.
- 2x Brick Arch 1 x 3 x 2 Curved Top in Reddish Brown (6299939 | 6005) surprisingly, this is only available in one other set from 2020 - 31109 Pirate Ship.
- 4x Equipment Telescope in Reddish Brown (6310449 | 64644) is available in just two other sets.
- 2x Plate 8 x 8 with Half Circle in Medium Nougat (6301315 | 41948) is appearing for the third time.
One other relatively new part introduced as Monkie Kid’s lightsaber-like hilt, Weapon Hilt Symmetric, is provided in two colours: 1x Dark Stone Grey/ Dark Bluish Gray (6296951 | 66909) and 5x Black (6331084 | 66909).
The Armoury
I thought it might be nice, given the subject matter, to highlight the fruits of our blacksmith’s efforts.
- 3x Minifig Helmet Castle Closed with Eye Slit in Silver Metallic/ Flat Silver (6327809 | 89520) which has not been seen in this colour since 2016.
- 4x Weapon Greatsword in Flat Silver (6295400 | 66964) from Series 20 Collectible Minifigures - Tournament Knight.
- 1x Weapon Pike / Spear Flat End in Flat Silver (4611883 | 93789). In order to build the halberd (or pollaxe) for one of our Black Falcons an axehead is needed, Weapon Axe Head, Clip-on (Viking) in Flat Silver (6292957 | 53454), which is missing from this picture as I overlooked it while photographing.
- 3x Shields for the Black Falcons (6335631 | 3846) These are a new print on a trusted old element. The last iteration of a Black Falcon shield was seen in 2012, lurking in 10223 Kingdoms Joust!
- 3x Minifig Neckwear Shoulder Guards, aka Praetorian Guard shoulder pads, in Flat Silver (6327807 | 37614). Previously only available in red, this is a really cool part to have recoloured for all kinds of uses.
- 1x Minifigure Neckwear Shoulder Guard in Flat Silver (6301362 | 65435) available in four sets previously, all from Ninjago in 2020.
Other parts of interest
Although there wasn’t much in the way of new parts to discuss, what 21325 Medieval Blacksmith does have is a fair few pieces in considerable numbers.
A total of 89x Brick Special 1 x 2 with Masonry Brick Profile (98283) are present and that breaks down into:
- 18x Sand Green (6075617)
- 48x Light Bluish Gray (6000066)
- 23x Tan (6148262)
- 3x Brick Special 1 x 4 with Masonry Brick Profile in Tan (6232136 | 15533)
- 15x Brick Special 1 x 1 with Studs on 2 Adjacent Sides in Sand Green (6223225 | 26604)
- 41x Brick Special 1 x 1 x 1 2/3 with Studs on 1 Side in Reddish Brown (6201911 | 32952)
- 30x Wedge Plate 2 x 2 Cut Corner in Sand Green (6233984 | 26601)
- 29x Slope Curved 2 x 1 Inverted in Reddish Brown (6172922 | 24201)
- 17x Black (6245251)
- 45x Blue (6245248)
- 8x Sand Green (6245273)
- 46x Earth Blue/ Dark Blue (6245268)
- 11x Bar 3L in Dark Brown (6199910 | 87994) is the largest number of these in this colour available in a single set.
- 9x Plant, Flower Stem with Bottom Pin in Reddish Brown (6269973 | 24855) – a number exceeded only by two sets: a regional promotional exclusive and the recently released 10280 Flower Bouquet as reviewed by Thomas Jenkins.
- 6x Bars For Window 1 x 2 x 2 in Warm Gold/ Pearl Gold (6295686 | 38320) – these window lattices were introduced last year, and have so far only made it into 6 sets in this colour.
- 4x Plant, Apple in Bright Red/ Red (6054438 | 33051) previously only available in a quantity of 5x in 41026 Sunshine Harvest and the educational set 45101 Story Starter.
Printed tiles
There are no stickered elements, which is my preferred state of affairs. Aside from the aforementioned Black Falcon shield there is just one unique printed part: the sign above the forge. Tile 2 x 4 Shop Sign, Black Hammer and Tongs in Medium Nougat (87079 | 6337061) which I’ve pictured (upside down!) here together with the other, non-exclusive printed parts.
- 8x Tile 1 x 4 with Wooden Board, Nails print in Medium Nougat (6329605 | 73937) previously available in 21324 123 Sesame Street and 41397 Juice Truck both including just one of this redesigned tile. For more about prints that have recently been updated see here.
- 2x Tile Round 1 x 1 with Compass Print in Pearl Gold ( | 6287847 | 98138)
- 1x Tile Round 2 x 2 with Bottom Stud Holder with Archery Target Print in White (6139454 | 14769) has appeared 11 times since it’s first appearance in 2016.
- 10x (including the usual spare) Tile Round 1 x 1 with Tree Stump Print in Reddish Brown (6285623 | 98138), beating 60203 Ski Resort from 2019 and 41428 Beach House from 2020. The Falcon-eyed amongst you will count only 8 here, because I found the other two when I was building!
As I discovered later still, in my over-excited hurry to start building, I entirely missed another printed tile… not exactly rare, but in the interests of thoroughness here is Tile 1 x 2 in White with 'Once upon a time. ' and Gold Scrollwork Print (6157985 | 3069).
Minifigures and animals in 21325 Medieval Blacksmith
The minifigures are just brilliant.
Each one has something to recommend it. The titular Blacksmith features a wonderfully appropriate new printed torso (6335769 | 76382).
An Archer (who my kids decided was “Robyn Hood”, the secret hero of our tale) features a sassy expression, a torso (6316918 | 76382) introduced in 21322 Pirates of Barracuda Bay and a pair of pretty rare dual-moulded legs in Reddish Brown and Dark Tan (6227249 | 21019).
Next is the first of our two Black Falcon soldiers. Aside from the breathtaking updated prints (6335192 | 76382 & 6335666 | 73200) that I hope to see in sets again, the main element of note is the Minifig Hair Bowl Cut and Parted in Center in Light Bluish Gray (6294194 | 38800) which has only been available in one other set.
Last but not least is the second Black Falcon soldier, another female character cast in an atypical role and, having watched my daughter playing, I appreciate that this soldier allows further opportunity for inclusive play. Of the four minifigures, this is the rarest face print (6306191) although her hair (6220908) has been seen a number of times before.
Our cart horse, featured here in Tan for the first time with a brown bridle print (6343565 | 10509), is a mould introduced in 2010 but fairly rare in every colour other than Reddish Brown. There’s also a husky dog and a (seemingly obligatory) green tree frog! No, goat though, which I know is a big disappointment for many; my understanding is that the mould for the goat is now unusable.
Now continue to part 2 of this review for an overview of the build. If you're buying this set, consider supporting us by using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission.
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Massive thanks go to our 'Vibrant Coral' patrons: Megan Lum, Markus Rollbühler, Jorgito Mozo, Mevits Bricks, Font Review Journal, Baixo LMmodels, Andy Price, Anthony Wright, Chris Cook, London AFOLs, Gerald Lasser, Big B Bricks, Dave Schefcik, David and Breda Fennell, Huw Millington, Neil Crosby, Antonio Serra, Beyond the Brick, Sue Ann Barber & Trevor Clark, and Kevin Gascoigne. Vale Iain Adams, a great supporter of New Elementary.
21325 Medieval Blacksmith is a 2,164 piece Ideas set with 4 minifigs released in 2021. The set is estimated to retire sometime within mid to late 2022. Once retired, the expected annual growth will be close to 10% after the second year, which will value the set between 165,00 € and 191,00 € shortly after it is retired.
Retirement risk . Medieval Blacksmith has a current lifespan of 16 months, based on the average lifespan of other sets in this theme which is 17 months, this set is at risk for retiring in the coming months.
- All regions 61
- United States 54
- European Union 2
- Canada 1
- Australia 3
- Germany 1
For Sale (New/Sealed)
Sets in Ideas
21330 Home Alone
21327 Typewriter
21328 Seinfeld
21326 Winnie the Pooh
21329 Fender Stratocaster
40487 Sailboat Adventure
40448 Vintage Car
My Collection
Set Details
Set Pricing Expected Good Investment
Quick Buy
Set Predictions
Set Facts
- The set was based on the original LEGO Ideas project Medieval Blacksmith by Namiro.
- The set includes 4 minifigures: a blacksmith, archer and 2 Black Falcon Knights.
- Medieval Blacksmith was designed by LEGO designer Wes Talbott.
Medieval Blacksmith Reviews
“ Seriously though I have been waiting for some castle sets for awhile. When Pirates of Barracuda Bay dropped last spring it was like a throwback to my 90's childhood. I remember seeing the ORIGINAL Blacksmith shop in a Lego catalog in like 2000 and unfortunately never had the . More chance to buy it. This time is different. These throwback sets to the days when I was a kid are truly special and hold a real place in my heart as a builder and Lego fan.”
“ I can very easily recommend this to you. LEGO has produced something new and yet nostalgic, charming, educational and fun. The Blacksmith was once at the heart of the community, I invite you to put this set at the heart of your LEGO collection, I honestly don't think you'll . More be disappointed.”
“ If you even have a passing interest in Lego castle, whether from nostalgia or just an interest in all things Medieval, this is absolutely not a set to consider or wait on. Maybe its a projection of my personal feelings towards the set, but I can easily imagine this being an . More "always out of stock" set. Arguably the best looking Lego set, an amazing build and value head and shoulders above the Lego norm, I would get this ASAP if you're even slightly interested. As much as I loved Pirates of Barracuda Bay, this one has got it and every other recent set beat, to me at least.”
Subtheme Analysis
About Ideas
The LEGO Ideas theme, which started in 2008 as an offshoot of the Japanese website Cuusoo, then formally known as LEGO Cuusoo, is based around a website which allows users to submit ideas for Lego products to be turned into potential sets available commercially. If fellow users in the LEGO Ideas community up vote the project to 10000 then LEGO Group has a committee which votes on whether to build the set and release it. If the project is approved and cleared for production, it is developed and later released as an official set under the "LEGO Ideas" banner and the original designer receives 1% of the royalties and a number of free sets. Typically, a few projects are approved a year and most are rejected due to various restrictions.
Take a break from modern life and build this magnificent LEGO® Ideas Medieval Blacksmith (21325) display model. The architectural details of a 3-level building from the Middle Ages are lovingly recreated in LEGO style. The roof and top 2 levels lift off for easy viewing of the fully furnished bedroom and kitchen, plus a workshop that is packed with items you’d have seen in a real medieval blacksmith’s smithy. Other features include a glowing forge with a LEGO light brick, plus a garden with buildable models of an apple tree and a well.
Includes 4 minifigures: a blacksmith, archer and 2 Black Falcon Knights with 4 swords, 3 shields and a halberd, plus a posable horse figure with a buildable cart and dog and treefrog figures.
This 3-level building has a removable roof and the top 2 levels lift off for easy access to the fully furnished bedroom, kitchen and workshop. The garden features an apple tree model and a well.
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