Лицо боба фетт лего
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ marks the triumphant return of the No. 1 LEGO videogame franchise and immerses fans in the new Star Wars adventure like never before. Players can relive the epic action from the blockbuster film in a way that only LEGO can offer, featuring all of the storylines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, retold through the clever and witty LEGO lens. The game will also feature exclusive playable content that takes players on adventures set between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, providing additional insight into the new movie and its characters.
LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga
В LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga галактика принадлежит вам! Сыграйте во все девять фильмов саги «Звездные войны» в новой видеоигре LEGO, непохожей на другие. Впервые в видеоигре LEGO вы сможете исследовать галактику по-своему, путешествуя по самым легендарным местам саги. Вы можете начать путешествие с фильма «Звездные войны. Скрытая угроза», приняв участие в гонках на подах на Татуине. Или можете сразу перейти к приключениям Рей в фильме «Звездные войны: Скайуокер. Восход». У игроков будет возможность беспрепятственно путешествовать на любые планеты в любом порядке и в любое время. Вас ждут увлекательные приключения, оригинальный юмор и беспрецедентная возможность полностью погрузиться во вселенную «Звездных войн». Сотни персонажей и разновидностей техники помогают погрузиться в любимые моменты «Звездных войн» совершенно по-новому, с фирменным юмором LEGO, который порадует игроков любого возраста. Путешествие в далекую-далекую галактику с LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga.
LEGO® Star Wars Battle Run
Follow BB-8™ as you roll your way through an intense battle on the planet of Crait™. You choose how the story will change and whether to help the Resistance or to join the First Order.
Трёхмерное видео «Последние джедаи»
LEGO® Star Wars™ Видео
Тренировки на островах Эч-То
Отправляйся вместе с Рей на поиски хижины на склоне горы на одном из островов планеты Эч-То. Научи её владеть световым мечом и попробуй разрубить каменный валун. Поудобнее расположись у костра и узнай больше об Ордене джедаев, а потом устройся на ночлег, чтобы хорошо выспаться перед новым тренировочным днём.
Бой пехотинцев Первого Ордена против спидера на лыжах
Одержи победу над Штурмовым шагоходом Первого Ордена с помощью суперскоростного спидера, оснащённого лыжами. Посади пилота спидера С опротивления и штурмовика шагохода Первого Ордена в их кабины, заряди пушки и готовься к увлекательным приключениям. В набор также входит небольшое укрытие с дополнительным оружием и боеприпасами для ещё более захватывающих сражений!
История сражений LEGO® Star Wars™: план побега принцессы Леи
Могла ли принцесса Лея закончить четвертый эпизод Звездных Войн, «Новую надежду», ещё до его начала? Посмотри, что могло бы случиться с одним звёздным разрушителем, если бы сработал её хитроумный план! Черпай вдохновение и рассказывай свои собственные истории LEGO® Star Wars™ — здесь величайшие битвы создаешь ты!
Видеоролик о продукции: Гоночный под Энакина — LEGO® Star Wars™ — 75258
Несколько секунд назад в довольно близкой галактике (то есть прямо здесь) на сборочной линии LEGO® Star Wars™. Что это, творческое возмущение в Силе? Или, может быть, появился новый эксклюзивный коллекционный набор? Застёгивайте шлем, надевайте очки — нас ждёт пыльная поездка!
Мы открыли ящик для предложений! Если не можете найти нужную информацию на сайте - сообщите об этом здесь.
Боба Фетт - минифигурка из серии Star Wars, впервые выпущенная в 2000 году.
Боба Фетт носит мандалорскую броню из пластин зелёного цвета с рисунком термального детонатора на серой основе с жёлтыми наплечниками, надетой поверх синего тканевого слоя с карманами и жёлтыми наколенниками на ногах, а также коричневый пояс. Мандалорский шлем Фетта зелёного цвета имеет Т-образный чёрный визор с красной и тёмно-зелёной покраской вокруг него. На шлеме прикреплена антенна с дальномером, а на шее - реактивный ранец и тканевая коричневая накидка.
Редкие варианты фигурки образа Возвращения джедая отличаются полностью серой основой костюма с бежевыми перчатками, красным поясом и зелёной накидкой; броня в целом более потёрта.
Юный Боба носит синий костюм без рукавов поверх тёмно-синего с рукавами и пояс.
Боба Фетт был клоном наёмника Джанго Фетта, разработанным вместе с армией клонов для Галактической республики с одним отличием: у Бобы не было ускоренного развития по просьбе Джанго, чтобы тот мог воспитывать его как сына. Юный Боба жил на планете Камино с отцом, пока их не обнаружил джедай Оби-Ван Кеноби. Защищаясь, Фетты улетели на Джеонозис, где джедаи с армией клонов начали битву, в которой джедай Мейс Винду обезглавил Джанго. Желая отомстить, Боба присоединился к группе наёмников и несколько раз попытался безуспешно взорвать Мэйса. Боба продолжил работать наёмником и однажды был нанят Дартом Вейдером и Джаббой Хаттом для поиска Хана Соло. Соло был заморожен в карбоните и доставлен Джаббе, но Люк Скайуокер и Лея Органа вытащили его, устроив битву, в которой Боба упал в пасть сарлакка. Фетт сумел выбраться из нутра монстра, но лишился брони и стал скрываться на Татуине - когда мандалорец Дин Джарин приобрёл костюм, Фетт выследил его и получил броню назад, предложив в обмен свои услуги для защиты малыша Грогу.
В видеоиграх
Бобе Фетту, клону легендарного наёмного убийцы Джанго Фетта, с детства приходилось полагаться только на самого себя. Он быстро повзрослел и превратился в закалённого боями беспощадного убийцу, чья репутация ещё более ужасна, чем репутация его отца.
Защищённый шлемом и бронёй мандалорцев, Боба Фетт всегда имеет при себе полный арсенал оружия и оборудования: клинки, устанавливаемые сбоку, гидравлические защитные перчатки, стреляющие огненными шарами и ракетами, и реактивный ранец со встроенным захватным крюком. Он переделал звездолёт «Раб-1» под себя, и теперь по количеству скрытых сюрпризов тот не уступает своему пилоту.
Boba Fett is a minifigure based on the character from the Star Wars movies. Initially released in 2000, Boba Fett has since had several variants, and has appeared in all four LEGO Star Wars video games.
Main Variations
Boba Fett's original design
Boba Fett's original variant as a little boy
With the release of the Attack of the Clones subtheme came 7153 Jango Fett's Slave I, which included a young Boba Fett with his father, Jango Fett. This version of Boba Fett featured him as a boy in blue clothing (light blue torso and legs, dark blue arms) with yellow hands and a yellow head with black printing for his face, with a black hairpiece. Young Boba Fett had shorter non-moving legs which were designed for smaller characters such as Yoda and Ewoks.
Boba Fett's next version came in 2003. The variant was very similar to the original one, except it contained extra printing on the arm and leg pieces, giving the minifigure a more detailed appearance. This variant was exclusive to the 10123 Cloud City set, and came with the same gun piece as the original version. At the time, arm printing was a rarity for minifigures.
After LEGO's change of colour with light grey and dark grey-coloured pieces, Boba Fett was released again in two 2006 sets: 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge and 6209 Slave I, which was a remake of Boba Fett's personal ship. This variant was of the same design as the original version, but with the grey colouring on Boba Fett's figure updated.
The 2010 redesign of Boba Fett with his helmet removed
2010 saw the first major redesign of Original Trilogy Boba Fett, along with the third remake of the Slave I under Boba Fett's ownership. This variant of Boba Fett once again featured him in his Mandalorian armour, though the armour displayed on his torso appeared more battle-worn than the previous incarnations. Along with armour printing on the torso piece, Boba Fett's dark brown utility belt was printed on along with a Wookiee scalp hanging down from the right-hand side. His arms were Sand Blue and he had dark gray hands. The leg piece is also Sand Blue with dark red hips. New for this variant, Boba Fett a face and not just a black head. This variant was released with a number of accessories, including a blaster with a light grey TECHNIC element attached the end of it, to make the gun appear more like the EE-3 carbine rifle Boba Fett is known to use.
Sitting between Boba Fett's head and torso pieces were two other parts: a brown cloth piece similar to a cape, which fell over Boba Fett's left shoulder, and a sand green jetpack piece, which was first introduced in 2009. Boba Fett's helmet was separate to the jetpack piece and fully enclosed. It was mainly sand green in colour, with some darker green printing, along with a black visor pattern and red markings around the visor. Some grey markings, representing dents in the helmet, along with the similar markings from the original helmet design, were also included. The helmet also featured holes (one on each side) where Clone Trooper accessories could be inserted. In this case, a rangefinder was attached to the right-hand side of the helmet.
In 2012, two new Boba Fett minifigures were released. The first, released in the set 9496 Desert Skiff, features a similar torso and helmet print as the one released in 2010, along with using the same head piece. However, on this version, Fett's legs had a dark green hip joint and were printed, featuring a continuation of the armor plating from the torso, orange kneepads, and black and silver boots. The top section of the hip joint was also printed brown on the front side. This version of Fett retained his grey rangefinder from the 2010 version, but featured a green cloth which was thinner than the brown one previously used, and carried a gun constructed from a blaster pistol and a black lightsaber hilt.
Also released in 2012 was a Celebration VI MINI Slave I at the San Diego Comic-Con International. This variant of Fett used the torso, leg and helmet pieces found on the other version released in 2012, but had a black headpiece with a smiling flesh-coloured face printed on it, a piece which was first used for Stormtroopers, Scout Troopers, and TIE Pilots. Apart from the helmet, this version of Fett did not come with any other accessories.
In 2013, a redesigned version of Boba Fett as a child was released in the 75023 Star Wars Advent Calendar. This version had long black hair and a double-sided face. The front of his head featured a sly face, and the other side had a grinning face. Young Boba had a light blue torso with dark wrinkles and a brown belt at the bottom. He had dark blue arms and light nougat hands, as well as short, light blue legs.
In 2015, an update of the 2012 version was released. This variant had updated printing for the entire figure and a new printed cape, as well as arm printing exclusive to the UCS 75060 Slave I.
In 2016, a the 2015 variant was released again without arm printing in the 75137 Carbon Freezing Chamber.
In 2017 another variant was released with the same armour design as the 2015 and 2016 variant, although it had grey arms and legs as well as a green cape to match Boba Fett's Ep VI appearance.
Promotional Variants
The all white promotional version of Boba Fett.
Four promotional versions of Boba Fett have been created and released to date, all in 2010. The first variant released was a white Boba Fett. Ten thousand of these minifigures were released. [1] The first known main release was when 150 of these Minifigures were given out at the 2010 Canadian Toy Fair. This minifigure has the same pieces as the original version- legs, torso, black head and joined helmet and jetpack piece. The difference is that the minifigure's legs are all white as is the helmet/jetpack piece. The torso is also white, but features some black outline printing on it to represent Mandalorian armour. Approximately 320 of these white minifigures were distributed during LEGOLAND California's LEGO Star Wars Days held August 7 and 8, 2010. The minifigures were given to winners of the Jedi Trivia contest.
The second release was a solid bronze Boba Fett, given away as part of LEGO's "May the 4th" promotion. There are only two of these minifigures in existence, which were randomly given away to an order from the US or Canada with selected Star Wars sets ordered during the promotion. This minifigure had torso, leg, head and helmet/jetpack pieces, all of which are solid bronze.
Bronze Boba Fett
During Comic-Con in 2010, a competition was held, with the winner receiving a promotional white Boba Fett, along with one of two 14-carat gold minifigures, and one of two sterling silver minifigures. The three minifigures were presented in a frame with a certificate of authenticity. These gold and silver variants were in the mould of pre-2010 Boba Fett minifigures. Additional gold and silver Boba Fett minifigures were given away during Star Wars Celebration V. [1]
In 2012, the game 3866 The Battle of Hoth was released, which included a Boba Fett microfigure. This figure was sand-green, and featured dark green printing for armour, brown printing for a belt, and black and red printing used to depict Fett's helmet. Also, silver printing was used to depict scratches and the logo on his armour, and further black printing was used for detailing and outlining.
In the Video Games
Boba Fett made his first video game appearance in 2005 with the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. Boba Fett's appearance in this game was based on his child variant (as the game was set during the prequel trilogy). The child Boba Fett was able to single-jump, and had the ability to fit through tight places. In this game, Fett did not have any weapons.
Boba Fett's next appearance was in the game's sequel, LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. This time, Boba Fett was based on his more recognizable form in green Mandalorian armour, and was similar in appearance to his first and fourth variations. Boba Fett once again was able to single-jump, but to also hover in the air after this jump using his jetpack. Boba Fett also had a blaster and could fire missiles after the "Bounty Hunter Rockets" Power Brick is found and the extra is purchased. Boba Fett's first video game version as a boy could also be unlocked if memory data from the previous game was inserted into the console, and the "Use Old Save" extra was unlocked and applied in-game.
Boba Fett's third video game appearance was in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga released in 2007, where both his boy and bounty hunter versions were available.
Boba Fett appeared in 2011 in the video game LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. He appeared as a child, but completely redesigned torso, leg and head pieces, and with a recoloured hairpiece. He also appeared as the 2010 redesigned Boba Fett.
The LEGO Boba Fett Maquette
In 2007, Gentle Giant produced a figure approximately 6 inches tall of Boba Fett. While the maquette is not actually LEGO, it did depict Boba Fett in LEGO form. The figure is designed to look like Boba Fett's original minifigure design, and has him holding a blaster, which is a shorter version of Part 4360, a part which has been used as a blaster rifle in past LEGO Star Wars sets, and a bazooka or a camera in other sets.
Boba Fett was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, and raised by Jango as his son. Boba was "born" on Kamino, 31 years before the Battle of Yavin, and throughout his childhood received extensive training to become a bounty hunter from his father. When he was roughly ten years old, a Jedi Knight named Obi-Wan Kenobi met the Fetts on Kamino, who attempted to take Jango back to the Jedi Temple for questioning after receiving orders from Grand Master Yoda. However, Jango and Boba managed to escape on the Slave I after a brief but intense duel between Kenobi and Jango, with Boba assisting the latter by operating Slave I's laser cannons. However, Kenobi managed to place a homing beacon on Slave I, and began to follow it to the planet Geonosis. Jango eventually realized this, and attacked Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter with a range of weapons, and believed him to have perished in an explosion from a missile, not realizing that it was actually spare parts that Kenobi jettisoned which blew up. On Geonosis, the Fetts, along with leading members of the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems such as Count Dooku and Nute Gunray, attended what was to be the execution of a captured Kenobi along with his Padawan Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala, who had attempted to rescue him. However, over 200 Jedi stormed the execution arena before this could happen, and a battle between Jedi, Battle Droids, and Super Battle Droids ensued. Boba's father joined the battle in an attempt to kill Mace Windu; however, Windu was able to deflect Jango's lasers and decapitate him. The battle in the arena ended shortly after when Yoda along with Clone Troopers on Republic Gunships managed to evacuate the remaining Jedi, leaving Boba alone with his father's lifeless body.
Boba's Cloud City variant
Throughout the years after this event, Boba Fett grew to be known as the most feared bounty hunter in the Galaxy, like his father before him. Boba carried out many bounties, either working alone or with other bounty hunters such as Dengar, Bossk, and even Asajj Ventress! Fett took to wearing green Mandalorian armor, and was never seen in public without his helmet on. One such bounty was to find the Millennium Falcon under the request from the Sith Lord Darth Vader, three years after the Battle of Yavin. Fett was the only bounty hunter successful in locating the Falcon on Cloud City, Bespin, and was rewarded for his efforts by Vader. Han Solo, the Captain of the Falcon was put into carbonite, and Fett transported him to Jabba the Hutt for payment.
One year later, a group of members from the Rebel Alliance composed of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, R2-D2 and C-3PO attempted to rescue Captain Solo from Jabba, most of which ended up being captured by the Hutt, but not before Leia freed Solo from his carbonite. Fett, along with others staying at Jabba's Palace, went aboard Jabba's Sail Barge to watch the prisoners being fed to a nearby Sarlacc, however Skywalker managed to fight back after catching his lightsaber after it was catapulted to him from R2-D2, and a battle began. Fett, intent on taking down Skywalker , did not notice a temporarily semi-blind Solo nearby, who accidentally activated the manual controls on his jetpack when he hit them with a staff. Fett crashed into the side of the Sail Barge, and fell into the mouth of the Sarlacc below.
(Promotional white variant)(2012 Comic-Con Exclusive variant)(Original Young)(2015 Redesign)(Young)(Prototype version)(2015 redesign, unprinted arms)(The Mandalorian)
Magnet, Key Chain, and Watch Appearances
Video Game Appearances
- LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game(Child)
- LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy(Bounty Hunter (and Child with "Use Old Save" extra))
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga(Child and Bounty Hunter)
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars(Child and Bounty Hunter)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens(Bounty Hunter and Prototype)
Movie Appearances
The cloned son of the legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba Fett was forced to become self-reliant at an early age and quickly grew into a battle-hardened and ruthless hunter with an even more famous reputation than his father’s.
Protected by his Mandalorian helmet and armor, Boba Fett carries an entire arsenal of weaponry and equipment, including shin-mounted blades, flame-throwing and rocket-launching wrist gauntlets, and a jetpack with a built-in grappling hook. He flies Slave I, a highly customized starship that is just as packed with hidden surprises as its pilot.
Амир Хаджибиёков
Александр, это немецкий обзорщик ему дали этот набор LEGO для обзора , но они ему запретили показывать другие наборы из это линейки наборов , которые выйдут в марте , ещё ждём полное изображение дворца Бобы фетта и головы темного штурмовика
Иван Зинченко
Амир Хаджибиёков ответил Александру
Александр, я тоже как по-видимому и ты ждёшь полноценных изображение дворца Бобы фетта , но точной информации нет , скорее всего , скоро изображение выйдут ведь почти уже все наборы по зв в марте показали , может и сегодня уже выйдут изображение , но точной информации нет
Амир, если не ошибаюсь, ещë должен быть набор с тренировкой Люка на Дагоба, или это не из этой волны?
Амир Хаджибиёков ответил Александру
Александр, если я не ошибаюсь нет , это набор июня , но я могу ошибаться , просто Игорь ( SLM 444 ) не говорил об этом наборе в видео об новинках марта
Амир Хаджибиёков ответил Александру
Леонид Волобуев ответил Ивану
Юрий Островский ответил Амиру
Амир Хаджибиёков ответил Юрию
Амир Хаджибиёков ответил Леониду
Владимир Федоров
Амир, этот обзорщик в инсте написал "завтра новые фото лего зв наборов"
но это не значит что там именно дворец, это может быть и голова темного штурмовика
Иван Зинченко ответил Леониду
Леонид, а. Ну с выходом набора "Дворец Джаббы Хатта" , его хотели запретить в Турции, потому что сам дворец напоминает древнюю арабскую архитектуру.
А Джабба типо карикатура на какого-нибудь пашу (паша- не всмысле имя, а царь, но в Турции). Типо сидит, курит кальян, и рабыню держит на цепи. (Что интересно, возможно, что Лукасом так и было задумано)
Но тогда в 2013 лего действительно согласились на иск, и реально сняли с продаж набор "Дворец Джаббы" с продажи во многих мусульманских странах
Леонид Волобуев ответил Ивану
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LEGO Star Wars: Boba Fett Keychain
LED Light Kit for LEGOs Boba Fett Helmet Star Wars 75277 (With Instruction)
Light LED Lighting Kit Sound Control for Star Wars 75277 Boba Fett Helmet
Lego Mini Figure Blue Cowboy with Grey Hat
Lego Mini Figure Workman with Blue Cap
New Listing Genuine Lego Star Wars Minifigure Bundle 8 boba fett and son
New Listing Lego Star Wars Minifigures Lot Of 60 Figures Authentic LEGO
LEGO custom Boba Fett-Star Wars Jetpack & beskar armor MANDALORIAN MINIFIGURE !
Boba Fett EE-3 EE3 black blaster rifle Mandalorian minifigure starwars for Lego
Ultimate Display Solutions wall mount display for Lego 75312 Boba Fett's Ship
New Listing LEGO 75326 Star Wars Bib Fortuna Minifigure Boba Fett's Throne Room Mandalorian
Lego Boba Fett Minifigure, Star Wars SW0822
Boba Fett Christmas Custom Lego Compatible Mini Figure
Lego Moff Gideon Star Wars Minifigure
LEGO Mandalorian Minifigure Star Wars 75312 Book of Boba Fett Slave 1 Starship
Display case Frame for Lego ® Star Wars minifigures Boba Fett 27cm
LEGO Boba Fett Minifigure - 75137, 75243 Star Wars
Official LEGO Star Wars Theelin Dance - 75326 Boba Fett Throne Room NEW
Display Frame for Lego ® Star Wars Boba Fett mandalorian minifigures figure 27cm
Boba Fett white minifigure blaster unbranded building block Custom MOC leggo
Display Frame for Lego ® Star Wars Mandalorian general minifigures figures 27cm
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This page was last updated: 27-Jun 02:09. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. See each listing for international shipping options and costs.
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