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Эпилептические припадки, связанные с повышенной чувствительностью к свету
Небольшой процент людей подвержен припадкам от воздействия визуальных эффектов, например, мерцающего света или изображений, которые могут появляться в видеоиграх. Люди, не испытывавшие ранее подобных приступов и не страдающие эпилепсией, могут не знать о своей болезни, которая может спровоцировать эпилептические припадки, связанные с повышенной чувствительностью к свету.
Симптомы этих приступов могут быть различными: головокружение, искажение визуального восприятия, судороги лицевых мышц, нервный тик, подергивание либо дрожание рук или ног, потеря ориентации, спутанность либо кратковременное помутнение сознания. Припадки также могут сопровождаться потерей сознания или конвульсиями, в результате которых можно упасть или удариться о находящиеся рядом предметы и получить травму.
Если вы обнаружили у себя любой из этих симптомов, немедленно прекратите играть и проконсультируйтесь с врачом. Родители должны следить за состоянием детей и спрашивать у них о наличии вышеописанных симптомов, так как дети и подростки более подвержены таким приступам, чем взрослые. Риск возникновения эпилептических припадков, связанных с повышенной чувствительностью к свету, можно снизить, если принять следующие меры: сидеть как можно дальше от экрана, использовать экран с меньшей диагональю, играть в хорошо освещенной комнате, не играть в сонном или усталом состоянии. Если вы или ваши родственники страдаете припадками или эпилепсией, перед началом игры обязательно проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
Меры предосторожности во время игры
- Всегда сидите на достаточном расстоянии от монитора.
- Не играйте, если вы устали или не выспались.
- Помещение, в котором вы играете, должно быть хорошо освещено.
- Делайте перерывы на 10–15 минут каждый час во время игры.
Выход LEGO DC Super-Villains уже состоялся, а значит пришло время для гайдов. Сегодня мы расскажем вам, как собрать все Красные блоки (Red bricks), чтобы открыть новые умения и другие бонусы.
Блоки спрятаны на каждом уровне, включая бонусные. После того, как вы найдете их все, то сможете разблокировать различные улучшения и многое другое, что сделает прохождение более легким.
Месторасположение Красных блоков
Всего блоков 20. На каждом из 15 уровней есть по одному красному блоку, также их можно найти и на бонусных уровнях.
Уровень 1 — блок находится на башне с часами, в руках золотой статуи. В награду вы получите Гелиевый режим (Helium Mode);
Бонусные уровни
Уровень 1 — зайдите в ванную бабушки и поищите там блок. В награду получите Множитель х6 (Stud x6);
Если у вас есть замечания к русским вариантам названий или другие уточнения по гайду — пожалуйста, пишите в комментариях.
Другие гайды
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Lego DC Super-Villains will the the fourth installment in the Lego DC franchise. it is a spin-off to the Lego Batman trilogy and will be the first Lego game focusing entirely on villains of the DC Universe.
The story of Lego DC Super-Villains revolves around you as a new rookie villains who will be joining other super villains to unleash mischievous antics and wreaking havoc. but on your adventure you will encounter the Justice Syndicate who are acting as the new superheroes of Metropolis.
Location Of All The Red Bricks In Lego DC Super-Villains
Just like most lego games here too you will be able to gather many different types of collectibles to unlock achievements and other goodies.
The Redbrick is one of the many collectibles which you can collect to get more new features. there are 20 such bricks spread across 15 normal levels and 5 bonus levels.
Star Lab Location – You can see your progress in STAR Labs building in Metropolis. just go to the bottom of the building and enter the elevator.
Then head to the back side of the lab and enter through the window to get to the large Red Brick Screen. you can activate abilities by going through the “Extras” menu of Lego DC Super-Villains.
Below you will find the location of all the 20 red brick and how to get them during your playthrough and activate new features and game modes.
In Level 1 New Kid On The Block, Helium Mode – here you need to head to the clock tower and go near the golden statue. you will find the brick on the hand of this statue.
In Level 2 It’s Good To Be Bad, Paint Splat Footprints – here you need to destroy the fish tank present on the second level. then use the telekinesis and throw the fish down onto the floor for the shark. this will reward you with the red brick.
In Level 3 S.T.A.R.S. In Your Eyes, Big Head Mode – here you need to find the Super Strength handle and then get inside it. in the room use light to reveal a switch. now use a fast character to press five switches in a short time to get your reward.
In Level 4 The Harley and the Ivy, Collect Guide Studs – here you need to reach the top of the Communication Tower to meet the party. then fly up and destroy the Lego statue. this will create a lantern which will give you the red brick.
In Level 5 Arkham Barely Believe It, Minikit Detector – here during the Doctor Hugo Strange battle you need to enter the area revealed behind steam vents. so destroy the bricks and keep moving until you reach a secret area.
Now you will find an electric puzzle, it is easy, so complete it quickly and lower the characters down. this will break the wall and reveal the red brick.
In Level 6 Con-Grodd-UIations, Attract Studs – here at the beginning of the level use Ivy to grow a plant and turn it into a large blue flower. then head up the stairs and grow other plants, after that turn all the plants toward the light and you will soon get the Redbrick.
In Level 7 Oa No!, Confetti Punch – here go to the camera and find the Detective Mode option. then use grapple switch present in Detective Mode to bring the ship to the dock. now destroy all items present on the ship to reveal the brick.
In Level 8 Fight At The Museum, 2x Studs – here go to the upper floor of the back room and you will find a glass wall. break it and then use the mirror portal present in the hall with a switch to another mirror portal. use them and you will find the brick.
In Level 9 Sea-King Trouble, Fast Interactions – here when you end the last boss area, go right and you break down the glass window present there. this will reveal two eyes along with a song. play the song to unlock your reward.
In Level 10 Gridlocked, Pew Pew Mode – here you need to first disable the robot receptionist at the Lex Corp Lobby. then go to the safe and use the Detective Mode to find the code. now just use the telekinesis to enter the numbers and you will get your reward.
In Apokolips, Wow!, Gold Brick Detector – here when you reach the walkway you will find a wall just head which can be moved with telekinesis. so remove it and you will find a switch, press it and you will get your reward.
In Level 12 The One With The T.Rex Mech, DC Captions – here in Themyscira, fly to the left side and you will see a building with three bells. now match the colors from the floor to ring one of the three bells and you will get the reward.
In Level 13 They Think It’s Owl Over, Character Token Detector – at the end of the justice hall you need to tag the wall to destroy it. then assemble to create a treadmill. then you need to use the additional pieces from the treadmill to create a container which contains the red brick.
In Level 14 Steppenwolf Surprise, Demolition Mode – in Wayne Tower, at the end of the offices you need to go to the balcony with two Mirror portals. then activate both the portals and go inside. here, look for a cabinet, destroy it and get your reward.
In Level 15 Darkseid of the Moon, 4xStuds – go to the control room on the right side and then use the electric switch to remove the force field. then fly up towards the throne to activate it twice with Livewire, this will give you the red brick in Lego DC Super-Villains.
Bonus Level 1 Granny Knows Best, 6x Studs – here you need to destroy the graffiti wall and get then get inside. then destroy different items present around the bath and then use them to build a switch. activate it and burst the bubbles to find the brick.
Bonus Level 2 Man To Mantis, Super Slap – go to the area under the giant gear and activate a switch to get the Brick.
Bonus Level 3 These Boots Are Made For Stompa, 8x Studs – during the fight against Stompa grow a flower and you will get a Red Brick.
Bonus Level 4 Arma-Ghetto Superstar, Party Hat Mode – near the level’s start Use Graffiti on the wall to get your reward.
Bonus Level 5 You Kanto-uch This, 10x Studs – you need to enter Kanto’s trophy room to get the brick.
LEGO DC Super Villains has a gigantic character roster packed full of iconic DC Comics heroes and villains - in fact there are around 165 of them to unlock, not counting custom characters! And out of these, LEGO DC Super Villains Red Hood could be the most surprisingly difficult to unlock.
We'll show you exactly how to get Red Hood in LEGO DC Super Villains, all the steps you'll need to do, where you'll need to go, and unlock Red Hood!
Jason Tood, aka Red Hood - as best seen in the movie Batman: Under The Red Hood or Batman: Arkham Knight - can be unlocked at any point in the game, but he requires several steps before you can get him - and none of them are made clear. You have to unlock another character first, and even he needs a specific step to find - and doesn't appear on the map.
While Gold Bricks don't have much use in the game, you'll need to get one as a first step. Head to the map point above, in the Crime Alley part of Gotham City, just above Ace Chemicals on the map. Just in the rooftops you'll find a wall that can be graffiti-tagged and destroyed. Change to Joker or someone with explosive spraypaint and blow up the wall, and just beyond this you'll find a new villain.
This is The Shade. Complete his mission by finding and talking to nearby goons - they appear on the map, use a flying character like Starfire to make it easy. Once you've talked to them all, go back to Shade and answer his questions. This will unlock him, but also add a new boss fight to the map. Oh, you'll get attacked by ninjas, by the way.
The boss fight is on top of the Iceberg Lounge, which is directly south of your position. Fly up there with Starfire, Superman, or another flying character, and you'll meet the boss of Ace Chemicals island - Red Hood! Simply beat him in battle - he'll be similar to the Nightwing boss fight from the game's second story mission, which coincidentally took place inside the Iceberg Lounge. Defeat him, and you'll be able to buy Red Hood from the character list for just 10,000 studs. Congratulations, you've unlocked Red Hood for play!
Here's where to get Jessica Cruz Green Lantern, a flying/Lantern character who's also available in the open world. Or, if you just want to cheat characters, here's how to unlock them with codes.
LEGO DC Super Villains has a gigantic character roster packed full of iconic DC Comics heroes and villains - in fact there are around 165 of them to unlock, not counting custom characters! And out of these, LEGO DC Super Villains Red Hood could be the most surprisingly difficult to unlock.
We'll show you exactly how to get Red Hood in LEGO DC Super Villains, all the steps you'll need to do, where you'll need to go, and unlock Red Hood!
Jason Tood, aka Red Hood - as best seen in the movie Batman: Under The Red Hood or Batman: Arkham Knight - can be unlocked at any point in the game, but he requires several steps before you can get him - and none of them are made clear. You have to unlock another character first, and even he needs a specific step to find - and doesn't appear on the map.
While Gold Bricks don't have much use in the game, you'll need to get one as a first step. Head to the map point above, in the Crime Alley part of Gotham City, just above Ace Chemicals on the map. Just in the rooftops you'll find a wall that can be graffiti-tagged and destroyed. Change to Joker or someone with explosive spraypaint and blow up the wall, and just beyond this you'll find a new villain.
This is The Shade. Complete his mission by finding and talking to nearby goons - they appear on the map, use a flying character like Starfire to make it easy. Once you've talked to them all, go back to Shade and answer his questions. This will unlock him, but also add a new boss fight to the map. Oh, you'll get attacked by ninjas, by the way.
The boss fight is on top of the Iceberg Lounge, which is directly south of your position. Fly up there with Starfire, Superman, or another flying character, and you'll meet the boss of Ace Chemicals island - Red Hood! Simply beat him in battle - he'll be similar to the Nightwing boss fight from the game's second story mission, which coincidentally took place inside the Iceberg Lounge. Defeat him, and you'll be able to buy Red Hood from the character list for just 10,000 studs. Congratulations, you've unlocked Red Hood for play!
Here's where to get Jessica Cruz Green Lantern, a flying/Lantern character who's also available in the open world. Or, if you just want to cheat characters, here's how to unlock them with codes.
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