Лего the legend of zelda
The legend of Zelda 1986 - лучшая Зельда после Breath of the wild, а Game&Watch - не только красивые часики, а ещё и игровая консоль! Это не будет обзором на устройство или на игру, подобных статей и так написано уже не мало. Это просто мои впечатления о том приключении, которое подарила мне эта замечательная игра.
Мне захотелось получить себе Game&Watch ещё когда Nintendo анонсировали ее по Марио. Я подумала, вот бы здорово было такую же, но только по Зельде. И вот в новый год под елочкой я обнаружила заветную консольку. Она очень маленькая и милая, с ярким экранчиком, а сзади светится трифорс! В отличии от аналогичного устройства по Марио, эта не отключается в режиме часов. Подставки, правда опять нет (то картонное недоразумение, что идет в комплекте не в счет). В первую очередь это, конечно, коллекционная вещь, некий игровой фанатский артефакт, украшение для полочки, а не полноценная игровая консоль. Но почему бы и не устроить себе такой челлендж, особенно, если нет других устройств, на которых можно было бы пройти первые Зельды. На Game&watch можно поиграть в четыре игры: The legend of Zelda (NES), The adventures of Link (NES), Link’s Awakening (Gameboy) и Vermin (Game&Watch), где у персонажа голова Линка. Я решила начать с первой части, потому, что мне давно хотелось, но поиграть было не на чем.
Начать я решила с чтения мануала, который поставлялся с игрой. Ведь если в современных играх обучение происходит прямо в самой игре, то раньше для этого надо было изучить мануал. Зато во время игры тебя уже ничего не будет отвлекать. К оригинальной игре прилагался бумажный, на Nes mini в pdf, а с Game&Watch не было никакого, так что мне пришлось самой его загуглить. К тому же в мануале даны все советы, намеки и основная стратегия игры: нужно собрать все части разделённого Зельдой трифорса мудрости и потом уже пойти в атаку на Ганона. Есть описание врагов и предметов, которые присутствуют в игре. Также первые несколько подземелий показаны на карте. Да и в принципе, основная часть карты приведена в мануале, поэтому свою я рисовать не стала. Первое время я пользовалась ей, пока из-за постоянных хождений туда-сюда в попытках заработать рупии, не выучила ее наизусть. К тому же, как оказалось, сама местность, хоть и кажется на первый взгляд одноообразной из-за особенностей графики, но на самом деле, когда начинаешь играть, то замечаешь, что это не так и по пейзажу всегда понимаешь где ты находишься.
Из мануала и текстовой вставки в начале игры я узнала, что на королевство Хайрул напала армия Ганона, который завладел Трифорсом силы. Чтобы второй трифорс - Мудрости не достался злодею, принцесса Зельда разделила его на 8 частей и спрятала их в 8 подземельях. Также она рассказала обо всем своей кормилице Импе и отправила ее на поиски кандидатуры героя, для спасения Хайрула. Ганон, узнав это, заключил Зельду в тюрьму, а за Импой послал в погоню отряд воинов. В конце концов они все же настигли старушку, но ее спас случайно проходивший мимо Линк. Импа рассудила, что он вполне себе подходящий героический юноша для того, чтобы спасти Хайрул. Еще бы, ведь хоть и не сказано куда именно шел Линк (может, конечно, в соседнюю пещеру за хлебом), но учитывая количество монстров на поверхности, а также то, что он был не вооружен и при этом каким-то образом справился с наемниками Ганона, выдает в нем незаурядного и весьма перспективного юношу. Но поскольку Ганон владеет трифорсом Силы, то он очень могущественный противник, одолеть которого не получится, пока не соберешь все восемь фрагментов Мудрости.
В начале игры мы видим Линка, который стоит в лесу (кажется, это лес, ведь он хоть и похож на скалы, но зеленый). Можно заметить вверху вход в пещеру, если зайти в нее, то сидящий там дед даст Линку меч. Правда судя по его коричневому цвету, он, вероятно, деревянный.
В Breath of the wild тебе все же указывают некоторое направление и дают хоть какие-то указания. Здесь же ты полностью предоставлен сам себе. Идти можно куда вздумается, полная свобода передвижений. Направо пойдёшь - тектиты наваляют, налево пойдёшь - от октороков люлей получишь, так что свобода свободой, но есть нюанс - с тремя сердцами далеко не уйдешь. Что хорошо - число «continue» не ограничено.
Первый день игры, конечно, прошел в страданиях. Линка постоянно убивали, с тремя сердцами дальше соседних кустов мне уйти не удавалось. Сражаться было трудно, тут нельзя налететь на врага и затыкать его мечом, надо аккуратно подойти, ударить и снова отойти, потому что не всех врагов можно убить с одного удара, а если не отойдешь, то обязательно получишь урон. А еще у меня болел большой палец. В игре приходится быстро перемещаться, а крестовина очень жесткая. Но уже на следующий день это прошло, то ли у меня привык палец, то ли крестовина стала мягче. Вместе с этим я прокачала и свои навыки и игра пошла бодрее.
Поверхность представляет из себя разнообразную местность с лесами, горами, озерами, правда единственные, кого можно там встретить - это монстры. Людям приходится прятаться в лесных убежищах и пещерах и промышляют они в основном торговлей разными вещами, которые, наверное, могут понадобиться странствующим героям.
Подземелья - это что-то вроде лабиринта из комнат. Чтобы открыть некоторые из них, нужны будут ключи (их можно найти в самом подземелье или купить у торговцев) или убить всех врагов в помещении. Некоторые комнаты могут быть темными, и чтобы осветить их понадобится свеча. Чтобы видеть все подземелье целиком надо найти карту, а компас покажет место, где находится босс, с которым надо будет сразиться, чтобы забрать кусочек трифорса и дополнительное сердце. А еще в каждом подземелье спрятан какой-нибудь предмет.
В первом подземелье я нашла лук, класс! Но он почему-то не стреляет? А, стрелы, оказывается, в комплект не входят, их придётся докупить отдельно у торговцев. Каждый раз, когда стреляешь из кошелька тратится рупия. В общем, выходит не очень рентабельно, рупии тут достаются тяжким трудом.
В одной из пещер я обнаружила бабульку, которая таинственно улыбалась и молчала. Через какое-то время где-то в другой части карты я нашла деда, который попросил передать ей письмо. За то, что я поработала почтальоном, я получила возможность покупать у бабушки зелья. Синее зелье можно использовать только один раз. А красное дважды - после первого использования оно превращается в синее, его покупать выгоднее.
Кроме зелий восстановить здоровье можно у фей. Иногда они вылетают из убитых врагов, а иногда можно найти озеро, где живет фея.
В некоторых местах можно обнаружить стоящие статуи воинов. Я думала, что это просто декорации, пока случайно не задела одну из них, а она ожила и набросилась на меня. А еще оказалось, что статуи могут скрывать секреты, например, тайный проход или предмет. Но пока не заставишь статую сойти с места - не узнаешь.
У одного торговца я заприметила дорогое голубое кольцо. Из мануала я узнала, что кольцо дает улучшенную защиту, поэтому не раздумывая отправилась добывать рупии. А когда, наконец, купила кольцо, то обнаружила, что Линк сменил свой тунику на голубенькую. Прямо как в Breath of the wild.
В одном из подземелий старец спросил меня, ходила ли я уже к водопаду за мечом. Я намек поняла, припомнила, где я видела водопад и отправилась туда. Забираюсь, значит, по лестнице на водопад, а там левр! А у меня от них еще с Ботвы фобия! Но я с ним справилась и смогла пройти в пещеру, где получила белый меч, который наносит больше урона. Кстати, еще в горах бывают обвалы, так что там стоит ходить осторожнее.
Да, в этой игре ты можешь идти куда хочешь (кроме буквально пары локации, для которых нужен плот). Никто не запрещает, иди, пожалуйста, другое дело, что ты там скорее всего огребешь от монстров по полной программе, но зато ведь потом так приятно вернуться туда уже заматеревшим, с улучшенным мечом и кучей сердец и порубить всех врагов в капусту.
Зайдя в лес в какой-то момент я поняла, что происходит нечто странное, локация словно бы закольцевалась и я проходила раз за разом через один и тот же экран. Кое-как выбравшись, я стала бродить по окрестностям и нашла бабульку, которая обещала мне рассказать что-то, но, конечно, не бесплатно. Я заплатила и она рассказала мне последовательность поворотов, следуя которой я смогла миновать этот странный лес.
После я побывала на кладбище. Если трогать могилы, что из них вылетают призраки, похожие на тех, которых изображал Карлсон, надев на себя простыню. А еще тут можно найти третий, самый сильный меч в игре.
На пути к пятому подземелью я опять попала в закольцованную локацию, но, наученная прошлым опытом пошла искать того, кому заплатить за информацию. Я нашла очередную бабку и вот прикол, она сказала мне, что надо просто идти вверх и вверх и вверх. То есть если бы я просто пошла вверх и вверх то и так вышла бы к храму. Вообще, пятое подземелье доставило мне больше всего хлопот, в нем были синие рыцари, нанести урон которым можно было только если ударишь их сбоку или в спину. Я только и делала, что умирала, потом выходила из подземелья, убивала монстров, собирала выпадающие из них рупии, покупала зелье, лечилась у феи и снова шла в подземелье. Не знаю сколько раз я повторяла этот цикл. Самое ужасное, что наконец справившись со всеми синими рыцарями в комнате, потратив все зелья, я вошла в следующую комнату, а там… да, там опять были они, синие рыцари. Я чуть не разревелась. Но ведь от меня зависела судьба Хайрула, так что я знала, что не могу сдаться и после энного количество кругов ада я таки сумела их одолеть. Это был, наверное, самый сложный момент за всю игру.
Секреты в игре повсюду, буквально на каждом шагу. Многие из них я находила просто случайно. Их можно обнаружить взорвав скалу бомбой, или сжечь подозрительный куст с помощью свечи. А если найти браслет силы, то можно будет сдвигать камни, под которыми скрыта система быстрых перемещений. Забавно, что многие звуки в игре до сих пор остаются прежними.
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- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
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The LEGO: “Legend of Zelda” Project
A second attempt to bring Zelda and LEGO together as one!
And for the sake of every Zelda and LEGO fan, support WesTalbott's wonderful Ocarina of Time based LEGO Project, Iron Knuckle Encounter
Also check out my little
Please note before commenting:
-The models displayed are made using LEGO Digital Designer, the non official LEGO parts/designs were made using image editing software, more specifically Adobe Photoshop CS4.
-As for you believing this to be a copy of Michael Inglis (Mingles) marvelous Zelda Project, you are wrong!
I started planning and designing ideas for this project, as far back as early December 2011, before Mingles' project was up.
Nor is it the same direction as Mingles chose, I aim for a more realistic Zelda style, such as The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess presented.
With Mingles' Zelda Project failing to pass the review, the weight of his project has now fallen on this one.
Having new parts that would be essential to fulfill the project/set's vision is what caused Mingles' project to fail, therefore I will firstly see what is possible to produce with the existing parts and colors, before I suggest any new pieces that would be required to fulfill this project.
I will rather rely on prints(or stickers should it prove to be the only way), to achieve the most authentic Zelda LEGO, following the CUUSOO standards.
That by an average, leaves a set consisting of 425 pieces, but in the case of extensive figure design (body, head and equipment/gear prints) it will most likely reduce the set to 1 standard Minifigure, some enemies, and an environment suitable for the context.
This is to assure that this project will have a greater chance of fitting within the CUUSOO budget.
In the time forward I will, do what I can with the time I have, in order to present a final product prototype.
But as I wish to help this become the most ideal set for all Zelda/LEGO fans out there, I appreciate constructive critic so that I can improve it towards something that everyone would want.
This is however something I can not promise, as we will have to settle with a visual style, to avoid any conflicts with the context of the franchise.
As I believe that it in Nintendo's eyes would be a negative point to have elements from different games put together in one style, as Nintendo is very strict when it comes to the licensed product quality checks.
So that being said, I would like to express my current plans and ideas.
Visually I will most likely settle with the Twilight Princess direction, as it holds a greater focus on details, and the colors are bleaker which as a set answers to the direction we have seen in more recent licensed themes such as The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, and Pirates of the Caribbean, which I personally find very appealing.
Many would want Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker or Skyward Sword variations of the characters.
I would personally prefer a set featuring the final battle from Ocarina of Time with a brick built Ganon (which I to some extent have experimented with), due to the the sheer scale and epic feeling the battle in itself was. But as I've stated, TP appeals strongest to me visually so that is what I will put forth as a suggestion.
(I must apologize for the chaotic and sketchy layout, time really isn't on my side.)
With the new Olive Green introduced in 2012 I find it to be a perfect match for Link's Hero Tunic!
The torso, legs, and face prints are the most likely ones to be produced, but I would hope for printings on the arms and the sides of the legs as well.
The face may feature two different versions, one of the game accurate rendition, and one of a stylized LEGO version, this to meet the desires among the fans.
The cap/hair piece is the greatest dilemma of this entire project, no existing LEGO piece features the quality of both such hair and a cap, so it will either be a hairless cap wearing Link, or a Link with no cap at all.
One option is to have the hair printed onto the face, but from my point of view, it is not proving a suitable solution, an unique face print, may by many be desired for other use than just Link, and it may prove somewhat versatile.
If possible, I would suggest one single hairpiece with cap to be produced, alternately if the design itself should not prove versatile enough for LEGO's part gallery, then, although unlikely, it could be 2 separate parts.
One hairpiece that could go along LEGO's standard collection of hair, and one cap piece that could be connected on top of it.
Connection methods could either be like the LEGO Friends hairpieces, with a tiny peg hole in the hair and a peg on the headgear.
Or better, a slightly wider peg so that the cap can fit into the stud of a minifig head alone, and easily any other part that has the same diameter.
I see the latter option as the most versatile and attractive one as It would give one new hair type, and a cap that could be used for Medieval/Fantasy themes.
The truth is, despite the grand selection of parts LEGO has, there really aren't a good option to these kind of pointy caps, and seeing how popular the Zelda theme is here at CUUSOO, having such a piece realized would allow many ideas to more easily be made a reality.
And so far, with 144 unique collectible minifigures produced the last 3 years, we haven't seen any part that could at all be similar to the iconic silhouette of a pointy cap such as Link's.
The "Gnome" minifig may be the only of similarity, but the shape is entirely wrong.
Such a Cap piece could suit Goblins, Dwarfs, Elves, Wizards and so on!
The Master Sword is another yet minor problem, as the only sword holding some similarities is a shortsword, originally introduced among some of the LEGO Heroica sets.
The alternative may be to use the more recent longsword, commonly seen in the LotR sets.
It does as well have a striking similarity to the more traditional looking "Ordon Sword" from Twilight Princess.
The Hylian Shield, will simply require a printed triangular shield in a metallic color.
As for carrying his equipment, I have not found any practical or visually appealing way to store them on his back.
Concerning the tunic's lower part, it may be a simple print, but it could in addition be possible to use a cloth piece, such as the Collectible Minifigure Bagpiper's kilt in Olive Green, or the Hula Dancer's skirt. Including both would be the best solution.
The legs should preferably be in brown, because the boots would be in their natural color and would cover all the sides, which looks more natural as the underside of the foot would be in the correct color.
The downside is that the lighter beige color of his pants/tights may be somewhat transparent due to the darker underlying color of the plastic.
But if in beige, it would require a larger area of brown printing of the leg's surface.
This would be a more or less ideal set design, if an extensively detailed model could be produced. At least it would keep more of the Zelda essence and quality in the build.
The set is by itself not as important as the minifigure, it could simply be a small base with ruins to display the Link minifigure in all it's potential it's glory!
Unfortunately Zelda and Ganondorf will be excluded in order to increase the chances of this project passing review, as I believe Minifigures makes an impact on the budget CUUSOO currently operate at.
I've decided to take inspiration from the Ruins of the Temple of Time, found in the Sacred Grove, and a little from Hyrule Field where Link rides through the landscape on his trusted steed, Epona.
Which has lead to the current prototype you see presented.
It will feature an exterior and an interior, both with their respective type of enemies.
The exterior features a vicious carnivorous plant enemy known as Deku Baba, while the interior features one of the skeletal warriors known as Stalfos.
As for items I have chosen to include recurring items such as the Lantern, Bombs (which are effective against the Stalfos), and the Hero's Bow.
The interior will feature a chest containing an item, or a Dungeon Key, which Link must acquire in order to continue deeper into the dungeon.
In addition there will be the infamous Pots for Link to break without hesitation, climbing vines and the hostile spider enemies known as Skulltulas.
This is of course larger and more detailed than what an eventual set would be, so I will naturally have additional renditions of a smaller scale made accordingly to this design.
Alternately include some design variation to apply playability to the scale that would best fit CUUSOO.
Here's one example of a simplified version:
This is a start, and we have to start somewhere, and what is better than The Green Clad Hero himself?
As I said, the Minifgure is the most important aspect of this project, and having just that one produced would allow The Legend of Zelda to spread throughout the world of LEGO!
And thinking further, should this project reach 10000 AND pass review, so that we finally could get our hands on them, well then there would be nothing stopping us from suggesting more Zelda sets, Temples, Dungeons, castles, bosses, moments from the Zelda universe that has stuck to our minds and in our hearts!
I have this as my current suggestion, hoping it may be the fire that will rise and expand trough the hearts of LEGO and Zelda alike, from the spark Mingles ignited, as a result of the genius of both Nintendo and LEGO!
Should it fail for reasons other than the license, then Wes Talbott's Project will be the next hope for the union of LEGO and Zelda.
Help your fellow builder by leaving your feedback based on these three criteria:
- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
- Details: Express how much you like the details of the build.
Your feedback is only shown to the creator as well as yourself. It is not available for other users to see. The creator won't see your user name.
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The Legend of Zelda series first debuted over thirty-five years ago on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then it has cemented itself as one of the most beloved intellectual properties in gaming.
Typically, The Legend of Zelda centers around three characters: the hero and player character Link, the elegant and noble Princess Zelda, and the dark Lord Ganondorf. These characters reincarnate in a perpetual battle for the land of Hyrule. Each one has a piece of a sacred artifact known as the Triforce. Link bears the Triforce of Courage, Zelda possesses the Triforce of Wisdom, and Ganondorf wields the Triforce of Power. Together, these pieces form the complete Triforce. According to legend, when the pieces are united they grant the owner whatever wish he or she desires. Generally, Link sets to defeat Ganon, rescue Princess Zelda, and protect Hyrule and the Triforce.
This project sets out as a celebration of the series, rather than a representation of a single game. The centerpiece of the project is a model of classic Link from the original game, standing over 20 cm tall. Additionally, it includes a model of the iconic Master Sword and Hylian Shield. These accessories include stands so that they can be displayed on their own, but they can also be used to replace the sword and shield on the main model, creating a display piece that merges the retro style with more modern incarnations. Additionally, I have added elements from both The Wind Waker and Skyward Sword, in the form of the King of the Red Lions and a Loftwing. As a celebration of the series, I think any potential set could include an element from every 3D Legend of Zelda game.
The model may look simple, but it makes use of a complex and sturdy core, which is then expanded using the studs-not-on-top technique to recreate Link using the best proportions possible at this scale. If the centerpiece figure is removed, the stand can be separated into multiple modules that can then be connected in different ways to form a playset.
Currently the project has five figures. Naturally, the three most important characters are included: Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf. The fourth figure is an enemy known as a Golden Lynel. These terrifying monsters first appeared in the original game, but they have been recently redesigned for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This figure of a Lynel is based on the most recent iteration and bears a Savage Lynel Club, which Link can also wield. The fifth included figure is a Tektite, an enemy that first appeared in the original game and has made frequent appearances since then.
With Lego's ability to produce old parts in new colors, changes could be made to greatly improve the current minifigures. The Lynel could make use of the Lego Faun collectable minifigure leg piece and Link's hair color could be changed to his blonde hair, or it could even use the new centaur leg piece. All the figures could be printed with better designs. Additionally during the design process if Lego deemed it necessary they could produce new parts to make the minifigures even more accurate.
There has previously been Lego Ideas projects based on The Legend of Zelda series. Many have reached 10,000 supporters and gone through review, only to be rejected during the final phase. This has created a lot of pessimism for the chance of there ever being a Lego set based on the games. While I understand the pessimism, every project has their own set of challenges that could have led to rejection and a previous rejection does not mean a project can't get through in the future.
Obviously even if a project reaches 10,000 supporters, it does not guarantee that Lego will produce it as a set. However I know that demand for a project based on The Legend of Zelda is still high and I believe it is worth taking another shot. Submitting your vote only takes a moment and does not put you under any obligation to purchase anything. Here's hoping we can reach 10,000 supporters and show Lego and Nintendo the demand for sets based on The Legend of Zelda series!
The greatest Legend of Zelda game of all time - remade with Legos! Relive and rebuild the epic adventure of Link and Zelda in a way like never before in this action-adventure platform game. Play as virtually any character from Ocarina of Time, as well as a few from other popular Zelda games, such as Tingle or Veran and Onox from the Oracles series!
Hyrule Field
This is the main hub of the game. You can enter Castle Town, Kakiroko Village, Lon Lon Ranch, Zora's Domain, Lake Hylia, Kokiri Forest, Lost Woods and the Gerudo Valley from here. In Castle Town, you can purchase Red Bricks, Gold Bricks and character tolkens that you have found. In Kakariko Village, mini games can be played, such as the Shooting Gallery Minigame to earn a Gold Brick on the first run, a purple stub on the second run and blue studs for all following runs.
Part I: The Journey Begins
Boy Without a Fairy
Summary: Go with Saria to find the Kokiri Sword and the Wooden Shield to get past Mido. Talk to the Great Deku Tree.
Characters: Young Link, Saria
Enemies: Skull Kid, Deku Baba, Buisness Scrub
Minikit: Link's House
Level Type: Puzzle
Inside the Great Deku Tree
Summary: Navigate through the Great Deku Tree and cure him of his illness to recieve the Emerald.
Characters: Young Link, Saria
Enemies: Deku Scrubs, Skulltula
Boss: Queen Gohma (8 Hearts)
Minikit: The Great Deku Tree
Level Type: Puzzle/Action
Hyrule Castle
Summary: Sneak past the guards and reunite Malon with her father, Talon, after waking him with Malon's Cuccoo. Then sneak into Hyrule Castle to visit Princess Zelda (Young).
Characters: Young Link, Malon (Young), Talon
Enemies: Hyrule Guard
Level Type: Stealth
The Rock-People
Summary: After getting the Guard the Keaton Mask, climb up Death Mountain and enter Goron City. Find Darunia and play Saria's Song for him and learn how to use Bomb Flowers.
Characters: Young Link, Impa, Hyrule Guard (Keaton Mask)
Enemies: Goron, Tektite
Minikit: Biggoron Sword
Level Type: Action
Dodongo's Cavern
Summary: Darunia leads you to Dodongo's Cavern. Navigate the dungeon and defeat King Dodongo to liberate the Goron's feeding grounds.
Characters: Young Link, Darunia
Enemies: Keese, Keese (Fire), Dodongo, Armos, Lizalfos, Tektite
Boss: King Dodongo (8 hearts)
Level Type: Puzzle/Action
Zora's Domain
Summary: Make your way up river to play your Ocarina in front of the waterfall. Enter Zora's Domain and speak to the king about his missing daughter. After retrieving her lost message from the secret underwater pass, continue on to Lord Jabu Jabu, who tries to suck you in.
Characters: Young Link, Bean Seller
Enemies: Deku Scrub, Octorok
Boss: Lord Jabu Jabu (10 Hearts)
Minikit: Zora Scale
Level Type: Action/Puzzle/Adventure
Part II: The Final Spiritual Stone and Sacred Realm
Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly
Summary: Make your way through Jabu Jabu to reclaim what Princess Ruto lost. Defeat Barinade to get it back.
Characters: Young Link, Princess Ruto
Enemies: Stinger, Buisness Shrub, Skulltula
Boss(es): Bigocto (3 Hearts), Barinade (6 Hearts)
Minikit: Blade Trap
Level Type: Puzzle/Action
Castle Escape
Summary: As Link rushes back to Hyrule Castle with the Spiritual Stones in hand, Impa and Princess Zelda (Young) must escape Ganondorf on horseback. Once at the bridge, fend Ganondorf off.
Characters: Impa, Princess Zelda (Young)
Enemies: Stalchildren, Peahats
Boss: Ganondorf (8 Hearts)
Minikit: Hyrule Castle
Level Type: Action
Seven Lost Years
Summary: Link awakens, fully grown, and must fight his way out of the destroyed Castle Town. At Lon Lon Ranch, he must race Ingo to win the horse Epona. You must then escape Lon Lon Ranch.
Characters: Link, Shiek, Malon
Vehincles/Animals: Epona, White Horse
Minikit: Temple of Light
Level Type: Action/Race
Dampe's Amazing Cave Race
Summary: Enter the grave of Dampe and make your way through it. Aquire the Hookshot and find a way out of the ? House.
Characters: Link, Dampe (Ghost), Guru-Guru
Enemies: Poe, Deku Scrub, ReDead, Skulltula
Minkit: Kakariko Graveyard
Level Type: Puzzle
The Lost Woods
Summary: Make your way through the Lost Woods. Defeat the Wolfos to gain access to the Sacred Forest Meadow. Sneak through the Forest Meadow and defeat the Club Moblin to enter the Forest Temple.
Characters: Link, Mido
Enemies: Moblin, Skull Kid, Deku Scrub, Buisness Scrub
Boss(es): Wolfos (5 Hearts), Club Moblin (3 Hearts)
Level Type: Puzzle/Stealth
Forest Temple
Summary: Navigate the Forest Temple. Find the four colored Poes to light the lamps. Follow the shaft down and defeat Phantom Ganon to free Saria.
Characters: Link, Sheik
Enemies: Bubble, Stalfos, Deku Scrub, Octorok, Joelle (Orange Poe), Amy (Green Poe), Beth (Blue Poe), Meg (Purple Poe), Skulltula
Boss: Phantom Ganon (10 Hearts)
Minikit: Fairy Ocarina
Level Type: Puzzle
Part III: Awakening the Sages
Death Mountain
Summary: Make the treacherous climb up Death Mountain as the volcano erpupts. Use the Hookshot to cross the broken bridge.
Characters: Link, Sheik
Enemies: Keese (Fire), Tektite
Suit Tolken: Link (Goron Tunic)
Minikit: Death Mountain
Level type: Action
Fire Temple
Summary: After entering the Fire Temple, free all of the Gorons to open the door to face Volvagia and free Darunia, the final Goron. Obtain the Fire Medallion.
Characters: Link, Sheik
Enemies: Keese (Fire), Tektite, Flare Dancer
Boss: Volvagia (6 Hearts)
Suit Tolken: Link (Megaton Hammer)
Level Type: Puzzle/Action
Summary: Fight through the frozen cavern. Defeat the White Wolfos and acquire the Iron Boots.
Characters: Link, Sheik
Enemies: Keese (Ice)
Boss: White Wolfos (3 Hearts)
Suit Tolken: Link (Zora Tunic)
Level Type: Action
Water Temple
Summary: Navigate through the Water Temple with the adult Princess Ruto to awaken her as a sage and obtain the Water Medallion.
Characters: Link (Zora Tunic), Princess Ruto (Adult)
Enemies: Tektite, Shell Blades, Stinger
Boss(es): Dark Link (4 Hearts), Morpha (8 Hearts)
Minikit: Big Octo
Level Type: Puzzle
Summary: Rescue the residents of the burning Kakariko Village. Fight the invisible creature terrorizing the town. Afterwards, return to the well as Young Link and play the Song of Storms. Enter the well and navigate it to find the Lens of Truth.
Characters: Link, Sheik, Young Link, Guru-Guru
Enemies: Bubble, ReDead, Keese, Gibdo, Skulltula
Boss: Dead Hand (4 Hearts)
Level type: Action/Puzzle
Shadow Temple
Summary: Pursue the invisble creature into the Shadow Temple with Sheik. Find and rescue Impa inside. Hunt down the creature, Bongo Bongo, and destory it to gain the Shadow Medallion
Characters: Link (Hover Boots), Sheik, Impa
Enemies: Bubble, Keese, ReDead, Gibdo, Skulltula, Like Like
Boss: Bongo Bongo (10 Hearts)
Suit Tolken: Link (Hover Boots)
Minikit: Royal Family Tombstone
Level Type: Action/Adventure
Part IV: The Final Battle
Gerudo Valley
Summary: Sneak past the Gerudo and rescue the captured carpenters Ichiro, Jiro, Sabooro and lastly, Shiro. Defeat the Gerudo Theives and the gerudo Third-In-Command, Aveil.
Characters: Link, Sheik, Mutoh, Shiro
Enemies: Gerudo, Gerudo Theif
Boss: Aveil (3 Hearts)
Minikit: Gerudo Fortress
Level Type: Stealth/Action
The Haunted Wasteland
Summary: Travel across the dangerous desert with Phantom Guide. Upon entering the Desert Colossus, find the SIlver Gauntlets to enter the Spirit Temple.
Characters: Link, Sheik, Phantom Guide
Enemies: Skulltula, Poe, Keese, Bubble
Suit Tolken: Link (Silver Gauntlets)
Minikit: Goddess of Sand
Level Type: Adventure
Spirit Temple
Summary: As Young Link, make your way through the Spirit Temple until you acquire the Mirror Sheild. Then, as Link, rescue the captured Nabooru from Twinrova, Koume and Kotake.
Characters: Young Link, Nabooru, Sheik
Enemies: Keese (Fire), Bubble,
Boss(es): Iron Knuckle (4 Hearts), Koume (4 Hearts), Kotake (4 Hearts)
Suit Tolken: Link (Mirror Shield)
Minikit: Spirit Temple
Level Type: Puzzle
Ganon's Tower
Summary: With the power of the sages, storm Ganondorf's Castle. Receive Super Strength from the Great Fairy and rush to save Princess Zelda. Break each of the six barriers with the sages in their respective rooms. Climb the staircase and enter Ganondorf's room.
Characters: Link, Sheik, Impa, Saria, Darunia, Princess Ruto (Adult), Nabooru, Rauru
Enemies: Skulltula, ReDead, Deku Scrub, Keese (Fire), Keese, Octorok, Bubble, Gibdo, Lizalfos
Suit Tolken: Link (Golden Gauntlets)
Minikit: Ganon's Tower
Level Type: Action
Castle Catastrophe
Summary: Battle the King of Evil, Ganondorf. Send his balls of light back at him to stun him and then attack. After defeating him, escape the castle with Princess Zelda.
Characters: Link (Mirror Sheild), Princess Zelda (Crystal), Princess Zelda
Enemies: Lizalfos, Stalfos, Keese, Skulltula
Boss: Ganondorf (10 Hearts)
Suit Tolken: Nabooru (Possessed)
Minikit: Hylian Shield
Level Type: Action
The Final Battle
Summary: With the castle collapsing, Ganon rises from the rubble. Battle him and reclaim the Master Sword. As Zelda, stun him with the power of the Sages and deliver the final blow.
Characters: Link (Megaton Hammer), Link, Princess Zelda
Boss: Ganon (15 Hearts)
Suit Tolken: Ganondorf (Ganon)
Minikit: The Triforce
Level Type: Action
Characters (120 Total)
- Young Link
- Bunny Hood, Mask of Truth, Zora Mask, Goron Mask, Gerudo Mask
- Mirror Sheild, Goron Tunic, Zora Tunic, Hover Boots, Megaton Hammer, Silver Gauntlets, Golden Gauntlets
- Crystal
- Cloak, Ganon
- Kaepora Gaebora
- Skull Mask, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess
- Poacher's Saw
- Iron Knuckle
- Spooky Mask
- Big Skulltula, Gold Skulltula
- Transparent, Shadow Form
- Rock Species, River Species, Grass Species
- Bunny Hood
- Hylian Shield
- Hylian Shield, Black Suit, Gray Suit
- Black Suit, Tingle
Big Characters
- Ganon
- Moblin
- Club Moblin
- Shooting Gallery Man
- Bongo Bongo
- Wolfos
- White Wolfos
- Gohma
- Volvagia
- Barinade
- Bigoctorok
- Medigoron
- Biggoron
- Darunia
- Goron
- King Dodongo
- Onox
Character Abilities
Ability Levels
Saria's Song
Available: After "Inside the Great Deku Tree" and before "Hyrule Castle."
Summary: Learn to play Saria's Song by performing it in front of the five Deku Scrubs
Characters: Young Link, Saria
Enemies: Deku Scrubs
Purpose: All characters with instruments can now use them.
Epona's Song
Available: After "Dodongo's Cavern" and before "Zora's Domain."
Summary: Use Epona's Song to call Young Epona to you. Ride Epona and jump over the five barriers. Once they are jumped over, they are destroyed. Use the destroyed barriers to rebuild the exit gate.
Characters: Young Link, Malon (Young), Talon
Purpose: Malon (Young), Malon and characters with an Ocarina can now summon a horse from certain spots.
Royal Family's Tomb
Available: After "The Rock-People" and before "Dodongo's Cavern."
Summary: Learn the Sun's Song and use it to stop the five ReDeads from attacking. This will open a portal to leave the underground tomb.
Characters:Young Link, Dampe
Enemies: ReDead, Gibdo
Purpose: Malon and characters with an instrument can play the Sun's Song to defeat ReDeads and Gibdos.
The Fishing Pond
Available: After "Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly" and before "Castle Escape."
Summary: Go fishing to collect five fishes. Bring them to the tank on the Pond Owner's desk and drop them in. Once you have all five, the tank will burst. Use the scattered pieces to rebuild the door to leave.
Characters: Young Link, Pond Owner (Young)
Purpose: Unlock the ability to fish for all characters who are able to.
Death Mountain Crater
Available: After "Fire Temple" and before "Ice Cavern."
Summary: Use the Megaton Hammer to hit the five switches to make the lava recede so you can escape the volcano.
Characters: Link (Megaton Hammer), Darunia
Enemies: Tektite, Keese (Fire)
Purpose: The Megaton Hammer is now useable for Link (Megaton Hammer) in levels or in the main hub.
Archery Range
Available: After "Gerudo Valley" and before "The Haunted Wasteland."
Summary: Shoot the five wooden targets with your bow and arrow. The Gerudo will give Link flaming arrows to burn the targets.
Characters: Link, Gerudo
Purpose: Link can now use flaming arrows to ignite TNT Crates and other things.
Gerudo Training Grounds
Available: After "Spirit Temple" and before "Ganon's Castle."
Summary: Open the five doors using the new Ice Arrows that the Gerudo woman gives you.
Characters: Link, Gerudo
Enemies: Stalfos, Wolfos, Like Like, Keese (Fire)
Purpose: Allows Link to use Ice Arrows to freeze certain objects and enemies.
Extra Levels
These levels become available after a certain amount of Gold Bricks are collected.
Summary: Collect 1,000,000 Studs as quickly as you can in a miniture version of Hyrule built entirely out of Lego bricks.
Characters: Ganondorf, Dark Link
Enemies: Kokiri Boy, Gerudo, Zora, Goron, Hyrule Guard
Biggoron Trading Sequence
Summary: Find the Pocket Cucco Egg in the Cucco Pen and give it to Anju. Locate Cojiro in the Lost Woods area and lead him to Grog. In the Potion Shop, use the Odd Mushroom to make the Odd Potion. Defeat the Stalfos attacking Fado back in the Lost Woods and give her the Odd Potion that they drop. Inside the carpenter's tent, find their missing Poacher's Saw and give it to Mutoh who will give you the Broken Goron's Sword. A cut scene will occur where Biggoron gives you a pescription for his irritated eyes and Link gets the Eyeball Frog from King Zora. In the Lakeside Labratory, help the Lake Scientist to make World's Finest Eyedrops.
Characters: Link, Biggoron, Lake Scientist
Great Fairy Fountain
Summary: Restore the fountain to its former glory by reviving the fairies and reconstructing the fountain itself.
Characters: Great Fairy of Magic, Great Fairy of Power
Super Cuccos
Summary: Locate the three "Super Cuccos" among the massive crowd of Cuccos inside the house at Lon Lon Ranch.
Sequel to LEGO Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, this follows the Hero of Winds as he battles Ganondorf once again with the help of the Pirate Tetra. Adventure though the massive seas in this action-adventure platform game.
Part I: The Adventure Begins
Outset Island
Summary: Aryll wakes Link up and notifies him that it's his birthday. Hurry to Grandma's House to get the Hero's Clothes. Return to Aryll's Lookout and use her telescope to spot Quill and an unconscious Tetra. After getting a sword from Orca, venture into the forest atop the island. Battle the enemies and rescue Tetra.
Characters: Link (Outset Clothing), Aryll, Link, Gonzo
Enemies Bokoblins, Kargoroc
Boss: Orca (6 Hearts)
Summary: Find the shield located in your house. On the pirate ship, make your way down to Niko who has a test for you. Complete it by swing from the ropes. Head back up deck and climb to the crows nest and use Tetra's Telescope to see the Forsaken Fortress. Prepare the catapult to launch Link.
Characters: Link, Tetra, Gonzo
Forsaken Fortress
Summary: Make your way through the Forsaken Fortress to reclaim your sword. Meanwhile, on the pirate ship, conceal the boat while helping to guide Link through the fortress
Characters: (Team 1) Link, (Team 2) Tetra, Gonzo
Enemies: Rat, Bokoblin, Moblin
Boss: Bokoblin (Green) (3 Hearts)
Dragon Roost IslandSummary: Upon arrival from Windfall, make your way to the Rito Tribe. After speaking with Prince Komali, enter the Dragon Roost Cavern and make your way to the top. Defeat the creature that is causing Valvoo pain.
Characters: Link, Quill, Medli
Enemies: Keese (Fire), Bokoblin, Moblin, Kargoroc
Boss: Gohma (3 Hearts)
Missing Makar
Summary: Arriving at Forest Haven, make your way inside and meet the Great Deku Tree. Fend off the Chu Chus that attack. Then venture to the top of his sprout to retrive the Deku Leaf. Glide your way to the Forbidden Forest.
Characters: Link, Old Man Ho Ho, Linder
Enemies: Green Chu Chu, Red Chu Chu, Peahat, Boko Baba
Forbidden Forest
Summary: Navigate the dark forest in search of Makar. Obtain the boomerang from the Mothula and use it to defeat Kalle Demos.
Characters: Link, Linder
Enemies: Boko Baba, Keese, Morths
Boss(es): Mothula (4 Hearts), Kalle Demos (6 Hearts)
Part II: The Lost Land
Greatfish Isle
Summary: Battle the stormy seas around the damaged isle. Upon landing, explore to find out what happened there. After Quill reveals that the pirates might know something, flee the island.
Characters: Link, Quill
Vehicles: King of Red Lions, Fishman
The Bomb Shop
Summary: The pirates have broken into the Bomb Shop on WIndfall Island. Sneak inside and then sneak aboard their boat to snatch some of the bombs they stole as the pirates head to the cafe for a night off.
Characters: (Team 1) Link, (Later, Niko), (Team 2) Tetra, Gonzo
Return to Outset
Summary: Visit your grandmother and heal her. Sail to the back of the island and brave a whirlpool while destroying a giant slab of rock to gain entrance to Jabun.
Characters: Link, Grandma
Vehicles: King of Red Lions, Longboat
Boss: Rock Slab (6 Hearts)
Triangle Isles
Summary: At three different Isles, place the Orbs that you have collected. After you've raised the Tower of the Gods, battle Cyclos to calm his storm.
Characters: Link, Old Man Ho Ho
Enemies: Peahat, Gyorg
Vehicles: King of Red Lions (Canon), Rowboat
Boss: Cyclos (5 Hearts)
Tower of the Gods
Summary: Make your way through the Tower, navigating tricky passageways with the King of Red Lions. Pass a final test at the top of the Tower.
Characters: Link, Servant of the Tower
Enemies: Armos, Keese, Kargoroc, Wizzrobe, Rat, Darknut
Boss: Gohdan (9 Hearts)
Battle of Hyrule
Summary: Descend below the waves into a frozen Hyrule. Find your way to the Master Sword and unfreeze everything. Battle the minions and take out the Darknut in the back.
Characters: Link, Link (Master Sword), Servant of the Tower
Boss(es): Darknut (1 Heart), Darknut (Gold Armor) (8 Hearts)
Part III: Pieces of the Triforce
Of Phantoms and Bird Beasts
Summary: Returning to the Forsaken Fortress, defeat Phantom Ganon and get the Skull Hammer. Make your way up to where your sister is being held. When the Helmaroc King attacks escape up the runways while dodging him, enemies and the rising waters. Battle him and then confront Ganondorf. Flee the Forsaken Fortress with Quill and Prince Komali
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Tetra, Quill, Prince Komali
Enemies: Moblin, Bokoblin, Miniblin
Vehicles: Quill, Prince Komali, Valvoo
Boss(es): Phantom Ganon (3 Hearts), Helmaroc King (4 Hearts), Ganondorf (3 Hearts)
Return to Hyrule
Summary: Return beneath the waves and make your way to the room where the Master Sword was. After speaking with King Hyrule, exit. At Mother and Child Isle, wake up the Fairy Queen to acquire the Fire and Ice Arrows.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Tetra, Princess Zelda, Fairy
Behind Closed Walls
Summary: At Windfall, Link frees Tingle. Navigate the maze in his cell to find the Pictobox. After finding it, return it to Lenzo. Afterwards, head to the school where Miss Marie is and she says that the kids are hiding and skipping school. Find each of the kids on the Island. Afterwards, bring the Joy Pendant to Miss Marie to get the Cabana Deed. At the Cabana Island, use the grappling hook to reveal a secret hole inside. Navigate the maze there and use the Wind Waker to complete the level.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Tingle
Enemies: Rat, Keese, ReDead
Earth Temple
Summary: Convice Medli to come with you to the Earth Temple with the Wind Waker. Naigate the Earth Temple with Medli, get the Mirror Shield and defeat the boss so Medli can strengthen your sword.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Laruto, Medli
Enemies: Stalfos, ReDead
Boss: Jalhalla (3 Hearts)
Wind Temple
Summary: Convince Makar to accompany you to the Wind Temple. Make your way through the temple with Makar and defeat Molgera so Makar can fully restore the Master Sword.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Makar
Boss(es): Wizzrobe (Mini-Boss) (3 Hearts), Molgera (6 hearts)
Pieces of the Puzzle
Summary: Use the smoking jars to get around the room under Diamond Steppe Island. On board the Ghost Ship, defeat the enemies to find a Triforce chart. You wake up in your boat where you sail to the Islet of Steel. Take down the enemy ships, get the next chart and sail on to Bird's Peak Rock. Defeat the mass of Kargaroks that attack and hit the switches to make them disperse.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Old Man Ho Ho, Seagull
Vehicles: King of Red Lions (Canon), Rowboat
Enemies: Kargarok, ReDead, Poe, Wizzrobe
Boss: Kargarok Horde (8 Hearts)
Part IV: Triforce of Courage
Stone Watcher and Overlook
Summary: Arriving at Stone Watcher Island, destory the boulder and enter the chasm. Defeat the enemies in the four rooms and face the Darknuts to get the next chart. Sail over to Overlook Island and grapple to the top, defeating the enemies in there. Defeat another Darknut tp get that chart.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Servant of the Gods
Enemies: Armos, Moblin, Wizzrobe, Bokoblin, Stalfos
Boss: Darknut (3 Hearts), Darknut (4 Hearts)
Savage Labyrinth
Summary: At Outset island, fly with the Deku Leaf to the stone head. Battle your way through each floor of the Savage Labyrinth to get the final chart.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Grandma
Enemies: Keese, Bokoblin, Moblin, Wizzrobe, ChuChu, Peahat, Mothula, Boko Baba, Armos, ReDead
Boss: Darknut (4 Hearts)
Tingle's Price
Summary: Gather Rupees from around Tingle's island as payment for him. Sail to each of the locations he has signaled and bring up the Triforce Shards. Head to the Tower of the Gods to reveal the Triforce of Courage on the back of Link's hand and descend to the land below. Head to where Zelda had been waiting, only to fall into a trap! Hurry outside, break down the barrier and head to Ganon's Tower and complete the Dragon Roost Island room.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Knuckle, Beedle
Enemies: ChuChu, Bubble
Boss: Darknut (4 Hearts), Gohma (3 Hearts)
Inside Ganon's Tower
Summary: Make your way through the Forrbidden Woods room, the Earth Temple room and the Wind Temple room and defeat each boos in there.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Makar, Medli
Enemies: ReDead, Peahat, ChuChu (Purple), Keese, Wizzrobe, Bokoblin
Boss(es): Kalle Demos (6 Hearts), Jalhalla (3 Hearts), Molgera (6 Hearts)
Zelda's Dream
Summary: Use your boomerang to activate the switches in the room. Defeat Phantom Ganon and make your way up the stairs. Defeat Puppet Ganon.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Makar, Princess Zelda
Enemies: Phantom Ganon, Moblin, Darknut
Boss(es): Phantom Ganon (3 Hearts), Puppet Ganon (3 Hearts)
Final Faceoff
Summary: Puppet Ganon was not defeated! Defeat him in his spider and snake forms then climb to the top of the room. Grapple into the final room and face off with Ganondorf as Hyrule floods.
Characters: Link (Master Sword), Princess Zelda
Enemies: Keese, Bokoblin
Boss(es): Puppet Ganon (Spider) (3 Hearts), Puppet Ganon (Snake) (3 Hearts), Ganondorf (9 Hearts)
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