Lego technic control plus
The recently introduced LEGO Technic 42099 4X4 X-treme Off-Roader set has some new components, a 4 port Bluetooth hub and new L and XL motors. In this video I’m testing the new motors and try to compare their performance with their Power Functions counterparts:
Why these motors are acting weird with the Powered Up app?
There are 3 types of motors in the Powered Up family at the moment.
- The simple motors like the M motor or the train motor have one mode: Power
- The “tacho” motors (The Boost hub’s internal motors or the Boost M motor) have 3 modes: Power, Speed, Relative Position. Relative position “zero” is wherever it is from turn on/reset, and it endless in degrees. The motor can report back the turning speed and the turning angle.
- The “smart” motors (like the new Technic L and XL motors) have 4 modes: Power, Speed, Relative Position and Absolute Position (Absolute position has a mechanic zero, and range of + 179/-180 degrees). These motors can be used as a return to center servo, since they have a fixed zero position to be used as a reference point.
Speed, Relative and Absolute Position are “sensor” modes, it is the Hub that uses these sensor values to then control/regulate Power to get the set Speed/Position etc. functionality. If the app (or the code block) is not prepared to use a more advanced mode like Absolute position for a motor that has the capability then it will use the Relative positioning instead. That might be the reason why the servo/steering functionality is not working yet properly with the Technic L motor in the Powered Up app. Once the app is updated with blocks for the new motors they will act properly.
What about the new hub?
The new hub for Technic has 4 ports compared to the AAA version that only had 2. You need 6 AA batteries to run it. Apart from the basic functions this hub has a 6 axis sensor (3 gyro and 3 accelerometer sensors) built in, so it can provide useful data itself without additional sensors attached.
C’mon LEGO, AA batteries again are you kidding me?
LEGO is using AA/AAA batteries for a good reason. First of all these batteries are available all around the world so customers can buy them easily. Rechargeable AA/AAA batteries exist for a long time so you don’t even need to use alkalines. On the other hand if LEGO sets would have batteries built it that would make the logistics much more challenging (just try to order anything with a LiPo battery inside online) and it would increase the cost. A non-removable rechargeable battery might look like a good idea for the first sight but what if something happens to the battery? You’ll need to have the whole hub replaced.
Additionally, if you check the structure of the new hubs the storage compartment for the AA/AAA batteries is removable. This still leaves open the door for a rechargeable battery unit that could be inserted in the same slot. LEGO won’t comment on future products so we don’t know if it will come but I’m sure they are considering it.
So is it Control+ or Powered Up or…?
The naming convention might be confusing for most of you. The app that controls this set (and that will control also the 42100 Liebherr set) is called Control+. This will be the set-specific app for Technic, but it only has controls for the specific models and there won’t be customization options in it.
The new hub and the motors also belong to the Powered Up family, so they share the same port and protocol like the Powered Up, the Boost and the Spike Prime sets. The app that will be the platform to control all these in the future is the Powered Up app. It has some set-specific control interfaces for the train sets and the Batmobile, but the main feature is the free play coding area where the components can be controlled with Boost-style program blocks. There’s already a simple 2 slider control interface that can be customised, we can expect more control elements and support for the new parts soon here.
Control+ has no custom controls, is LEGO killing creativity?
Control+ has no custom controls but that is intentional, that will be the role for the Powered Up app. We can soon expect support for multiple hubs, a way of creating control panels and support for the new components. For now this means that the Powered Up platform is not yet ready for MOCs or customised sets since it only has the 2 slider customisable interface that is limiting the type of vehicles you can control. This is not necessarily a bad thing since we still have Power Functions around until the end of next year, and I’m sure you won’t all run to switch all of your PF gear to Powered Up anyway.
LEGO needs first to roll out the sets and make sure the app designed specifically for the set works ok and you can have some awesome playtime with it. Once that’s assured and the new components will be also available separately then they can focus on the free play possibilities with the Powered Up app.
It is very clear now that LEGO’s primary focus is on the sets, then they gradually extend the functionality like we saw it with the Powered Up app. Initially it had only profiles for the trains and the Batmobile, then came the free coding area and now the customisable slider control interface. We can argue if the approach is good or bad, but apparently this is how they do it.
I want to emphasise again, the platform is constantly evolving. Now we have a solid base of hardware components, we only need the software side to catch up to be able to fully use its potential. With the open protocol there are also multiple 3rd party apps like the great BrickController 2 app that already supports the new Technic hub so I’m sure we’ll have more alternatives soon.
Теперь и дети, и взрослые смогут дистанционно управлять некоторыми из моделей Technic, как никогда раньше! Это бесплатное приложение открывает вам мир реалистичных элементов управления и эксклюзивных функций, представленных на настраиваемых приборных панелях. В приложении больше автоматизации, и вас ждут реалистичные звуки, игровые испытания, а также данные от модели, поступающие в реальном времени. Еще хоть немного реалистичности — и модели бы ездили по дорогам.
Загрузите приложение здесь:
Наборы CONTROL+ для детей и новичков
В этих сложных наборах вас ждут непростые задачи по сборке. Вы будете создавать превосходные моторизованные машины с продвинутым дистанционным управлением, обеспечивающие часы веселья и игры.
Жмите на газ!
Грузовик Mercedes-Benz Zetros 4x4 с дистанционным управлением (42129) Смотрите, как с помощью CONTROL+ ваш ребенок подвергает эту могучую машину самым серьезным испытаниям! Приложение позволяет блокировать дифференциал грузовика для преодоления самых крутых склонов, а также предлагает множество испытаний и достижений для бесконечной игры!
Быстрый на дороге. Еще быстрее без.
Багги-внедорожник (42124) Этот великолепный набор создан в духе прежних машинок на радиоуправлении, но с CONTROL+ он приобрел современный вид! Дети могут использовать приложение для тонкой настройки всего, что связано с их багги, — от звуков, которые он издает, до калибровки колес перед выполнением невероятных трюков!
Водите как Стиг
Гоночный автомобиль Top Gear на дистанционном управлении (42109) Включайте высшую передачу! Воспроизводите звуковые эффекты, получайте данные от модели в реальном времени и смотрите, как ваш ребенок совершенствует навыки вождения, управляя гоночным автомобилем на дистанционном управлении, как ему захочется!
Когда 4х4 уже недостаточно.
Самосвал Volvo 6х6 (42114) Маневрировать этой громадиной лучше всего с помощью CONTROL+! Проходите различные испытания, переключайте передачи и даже опрокидывайте кузов всего несколькими касаниями!
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Get a Forest Hideout gift*Shop now
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Bring your sets to life, with LEGO® Technic CONTROL+
Kids and adults alike can now remote-control selected Technic vehicle movements as never before! The free app unlocks a world of realistic controls and exclusive functions, presented in customized dashboards. That means more automation, authentic sounds and play challenges – as well as live data feedback from your model! If they were any more realistic, they’d be on the road…
CONTROL+ sets for kids and rookies
These complex builds offer tricky building challenges, producing superb motorized vehicles with advanced remote control, providing hours of fun and play.
Keep on Truckin’
App-Controlled 4x4 Mercedes-Benz Zetros Trial Truck (42129) Watch your kid put this mighty machine to the ultimate test, with CONTROL+! The app lets you activate the truck’s locking differential to climb the steepest inclines, as well as providing loads of challenges and achievements for endless play!
Fast on road. Faster off it.
Off-Road Buggy (42124) This gorgeous set is inspired by RC cars of yester-year, but given a modern makeover with CONTROL+! Kids can use the app to fine-tune everything about their buggy – from the sounds it makes to the calibrations of its wheels – before performing incredible stunts!
Drive like the Stig
App-Controlled Top Gear Rally Car (42109) Reach Top Gear with ease! Play sound effects, get real time data feedback and watch your kid hone their driving skills by remote-controlling their rally car however they choose!
When 4x4 just isn’t enough…
6x6 Volvo Articulated Hauler (42114) This behemoth of a hauler is best maneuvered with CONTROL+! Explore different challenges, change gear and even tip the bucket, with just a few taps!
На проходящей в эти дни в Нюрнберге (Германия) международной выставке игрушек, компания Lego презентовала новую систему управления CONTROL +.
CONTROL + - это новая система управления моделями LEGO Technic, пришедшая на смену системы Power Function, и предназначенная для моторизации новых моделей LEGO Technic. Первые наборы, оснащенные данной системой, появятся в продаже уже летом 2019 года.
Система позволит фанатам посредством мобильного приложения, установленного на смартфоне или планшете, удаленно управлять своими моделями Technic, включая программирование нескольких движений и функций конструктора.
Первенцами, оснащенными системой LEGO Technic CONTROL + будут наборы Карьерного экскаватора Liebherr R 9800 (lego 42100) и Экстремального внедорожника 4х4 (lego 42099).
Особого внимания заслуживает презентованный набор экскаватора Liebherr R 9800 (lego 42100), являющийся точной копией самого большого в мире карьерного экскаватора. Набор будет состоять из более чем 4000 деталей, будет оснащен двумя интеллектуальными контроллерами и семью электродвигателями!
«Новая система LEGO Technic CONTROL+ дает нам потрясающую возможность создавать еще более разнообразные игровые возможности конструкторов LEGO Technic на основе реальной физической модели. Мы рады, что Liebherr является партнером в одном из первых наборов LEGO Technic, в котором будет реализована эта новинка », - говорит директор по маркетингу LEGO Technic Нильс Хенрик Хорстед.
«Тот факт, что LEGO Group выбрала наш Liebherr R 9800 в качестве модели для конструктора, подтверждает наш девиз «Технология, которая вдохновляет!» пусть даже в уменьшенном масштабе. Детали и функциональность, которые демонстрирует модель, просто фантастические. Мы уверены, что сможем вдохновить не только поклонников LEGO, но и многих поклонников из нашей, строительной отрасли», - сказал Грегори Шух, менеджер по маркетингу гидравлических экскаваторов Liebherr Mining.
Известно, что новые наборы появятся на прилавках магазинов 1 августа 2019 года. О ценах на новые наборы пока не сообщается.
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию небольшое видео с презентации новой системы.
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Take your LEGO Technic experience to a new level of realism:
• Get a uniquely designed experience for each LEGO® Technic™ CONTROL+ model.
• Drive your models with razor-sharp realism with the Multi-function control mode.
• Try alternative control schemes with the One-touch screen.
• Test your handling skills, complete challenges, unlock badges and watch inspiring videos in Challenges & Achievements mode.
• Enjoy authentic sound effects, controls, features and functions – plus real-time data.
Here are some models you can connect to the CONTROL+ app.
• LEGO® Technic™ Top Gear Rally Car set (42109)
• LEGO® Technic™ X-Treme Off-Roader set (42099)
• LEGO® Technic™ Liebherr R 9800 set (42100)
• LEGO® Technic™ 6x6 Volvo Articulated Hauler set (42114)
• LEGO® Technic™ Off-Road Buggy (42124)
• LEGO® Technic™ 4x4 Mercedes-Benz Zetros Trial Truck (42129)
• LEGO® Technic™ Cat® D11 Bulldozer (42131)
• LEGO® Technic™ App-Controlled Transformation Vehicle (42140)
… and the list keeps growing!
(Remember that each of these sets is sold separately.)
Every model gets its own unique CONTROL+ experience. Whether it’s a rally car, a 4X4, or even a six-wheeler - and whether it has a boom, an arm, or a bucket - you’ll be able to command it with real-life precision and realism.
BBC logo™ and © BBC 1996. Top Gear logo™ and © BBC 2005. Licensed by BBC Studios.
"Liebherr” is a trademark of Liebherr-International AG, used under license by LEGO System A/S.
The Volvo trademarks (word and device) are registered trademarks of Volvo Trademark Holding AB and are used pursuant to a license.
"Mercedes-Benz" and the design of the enclosed product are subject to intellectual property protection owned by Daimler AG. They are used by The LEGO Group under license.
©2021 Caterpillar. CAT, CATERPILLAR, and their design marks are registered trademarks of Caterpillar Inc. The LEGO Group a licensee of Caterpillar Inc.
Our privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if you download this app.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 2022 ©The LEGO Group.
Recent changes:
Minor bug fixes
Take your LEGO Technic experience to a new level of realism:
• Get a uniquely designed experience for each LEGO® Technic™ CONTROL+ model.
• Drive your models with razor-sharp realism with the Multi-function control mode.
• Try alternative control schemes with the One-touch screen.
• Test your handling skills, complete challenges, unlock badges and watch inspiring videos in Challenges & Achievements mode.
• Enjoy authentic sound effects, controls, features and functions – plus real-time data.
Here are some models you can connect to the CONTROL+ app.
• LEGO® Technic™ Top Gear Rally Car set (42109)
• LEGO® Technic™ X-Treme Off-Roader set (42099)
• LEGO® Technic™ Liebherr R 9800 set (42100)
• LEGO® Technic™ 6x6 Volvo Articulated Hauler set (42114)
• LEGO® Technic™ Off-Road Buggy (42124)
• LEGO® Technic™ 4x4 Mercedes-Benz Zetros Trial Truck (42129)
• LEGO® Technic™ Cat® D11 Bulldozer (42131)
• LEGO® Technic™ App-Controlled Transformation Vehicle (42140)
… and the list keeps growing!
(Remember that each of these sets is sold separately.)
Every model gets its own unique CONTROL+ experience. Whether it’s a rally car, a 4X4, or even a six-wheeler - and whether it has a boom, an arm, or a bucket - you’ll be able to command it with real-life precision and realism.
BBC logo™ and © BBC 1996. Top Gear logo™ and © BBC 2005. Licensed by BBC Studios.
"Liebherr” is a trademark of Liebherr-International AG, used under license by LEGO System A/S.
The Volvo trademarks (word and device) are registered trademarks of Volvo Trademark Holding AB and are used pursuant to a license.
"Mercedes-Benz" and the design of the enclosed product are subject to intellectual property protection owned by Daimler AG. They are used by The LEGO Group under license.
©2021 Caterpillar. CAT, CATERPILLAR, and their design marks are registered trademarks of Caterpillar Inc. The LEGO Group a licensee of Caterpillar Inc.
Our privacy policy and terms of use for apps are accepted if you download this app.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 2022 ©The LEGO Group.
Recent changes:
Minor bug fixes
bbc benz caterpillar control daimler devicecheck gear group lego license liebherr logo mercedes minifigure model policy rally realism roader set technic trademarks treme volvo zetros
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