Lego star wars the video game gba
Описание: Звездные войны 2 выполненные во вселенной конструкторов LEGO. Милые игрушечные человечки являются прямыми прототипами героев сериала Star Wars, а многие виды головоломок построены на принципе блоков этого самого конструктора. Несколько играбельных персонажей, за которых вам придется играть, причем пройти за определенного у вас, скорее всего не получится и надо будет постоянно переключатся, из-за разных способностей человечков.
Аркадная игра по мотивам знаменитых фильмов Джорджа Лукаса. Еще более увлекательной ее делает то, что абсолютно все объекты и первонажи здесь собраны из деталей конструкторов лего. Поэтому никакой крови и насилия! После нескольких удачных взмахов световой саблей вражеские дроиды распадаются на пластмассовые кубики. Под звуки военного марша межзвездные крейсера выходят из гиперпространства. Огромным вестником несчастий за ними скользит Звезда Смерти. Повстанцы из последних сил удерживают оборону, но легионы Империи неумолимо наступают. Кто остановит военную машину Зла? Кто бросит вызов Императору и Дарту Вейдеру? Может быть, вы? Разработчики видеоигр не раз обращались к теме "Звездных Войн", но у LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy есть своя изюминка. В этой версии растерзанной войной вселенной все состоит из разноцветных "кирпичиков" конструктора Lego. Хотя страсти в игре кипят совсем не игрушечные. "Пластмассовые" персонажи сражаются и влюбляются.
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Игра стала лучше в визуальном плане, появилось больше возможностей, но игра стала очень легкой. Если в первой части было как в старых добрых играх на приставках - чтобы пройти надо "попотеть", то здесь в конце Вас будут чаще убивать, но жизни то не кончаются. Также появилась возможность покататься на мотоциклах, космческом корабле.
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Lego ® Star Wars: The Video Game
Release date
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game for the Game Boy Advance is a handheld version of Lego ® Star Wars: The Video Game. It was produced by Giant Interactive and developed by Griptonite Games. It has major differences in gameplay and content from the TT-developed version of the game, and it only has 14 levels. Its sequel was also made for the Game Boy Advance.
Gameplay Features
One feature that sets this game apart from others is that almost all characters have a special secondary power. Battle Droids have grenades, Darth Vader can throw his lightsaber, and Jar Jar Binks has a Gungan Panic Attack. Only astromechs have panel opening powers. The Jedi can use the force on objects. Instead of Minikits there are five Studs
In most Lego games, the studs are the currency, and each stud has its own color which indicates its own worth, Silver = 10, Gold = 100, Blue = 1,000 and Purple = 10,000. In the Game Boy Advance version though, there is a different system of studs for the game:
- Silver Studs = 1 stud
- Blue Studs = 5 studs
- Gold Studs = 10 studs
Also, there are several power-ups :
- Health
- Full Health
- Power
- Full Power
There are 3-PO units scattered throughout the game. The player can get a rocket booster for their hovering characters to use to get to extremely high places.
Also In this game, there are Jawas scattered throughout the levels that the player can buy special items from:
- More Health: Adds another heart to your health bar.
- More Power: Makes your power bar bigger.
- Repairbot: Gives you another life after you die.
There are fifteen official characters. But with cheat codes, this number increases to twenty-six.
Playable Characters
Cheat Code Characters
- Name:Super Battle Droid (GBA)Code:
- Name: C-3PO (GBA) Code:
- Name: Blue Gungan (GBA) Code:
- Name: Battle Droid on STAP (GBA) Code:
- Name: Droideka (GBA) Code:
- TC-14 (GBA)
- Watto (GBA)
- Emperor Levels
Episode I
- Federation Ship
- Naboo Forest
- Naboo City
- Tatooine
- Return to Naboo Forest
Episode II
- Return to Tatooine
- Geonosian Droid Factory
- Geonosian Factory Rescue
Episode III
- Separatist Ship
- Kashyyyk
- Utapau
- Kashyyyk Clone Attack
- Utapau Clone Attack
- Mustafar
The Extras are only available through cheat codes:
Changing the color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
While in pause menu press each code for a different color of lightsabre, force, and gunshots
Though it shares its title with the other version, LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game for the Game Boy Advance is not a port of the console version, but a completely new game made from the ground up to run on the Game Boy Advance hardware. It is not a 3D model-based game like the console version, but instead a 2D sprite-based isometric game. It contains significantly different gameplay and levels compared to the console version.
There is no hub area. Instead, different levels are accessed through the menu.
Death has consequences in this version, sending players back to a checkpoint and reducing the end of level rating. To make up for this, characters have much more base health than in other LEGO Games.
Like the console version, there is both a story mode and free play mode. Unlike the console version, the story mode must be played consecutively through per episode. For example, the only way to play the story mode of the third level of Episode I is by first beating the first two Episode 1 levels. Once that level is beaten, its story mode cannot be accessed until the consecutive levels are beaten and it loops back again.
Free play works differently from the console version as well. Only the story mode characters plus one additional selected free play character is allowed in a level. Additional characters can be unlocked to play with by cheat codes in order to bypass this limit.
Instead of Minikits, each level has five hidden Death Star Plans. If all five are collected, the game reveals a cheat code. The cheat code still works even if the associated Death Star Plans have not been collected. Cheat codes replace many things that would normally be found in the extra menus in other Lego Games.
Instead of True Jedi status, a rating based on Jedi ranks is given at the end of each level. Several different factors affect this rating, such as enemies defeated, studs collected, deaths, and overall completion. Master is the highest rating. Ratings do not affect the completion percentage.
Studs have different values compared to the rest of the LEGO games. Silver studs are worth 1. Blue studs are worth 5. Gold Studs are worth 10. Studs can either be spent in levels at Jawa shops for upgrades that last until the end of the level or unlocking characters for free play.
This game features temporary powerups, such as increased damage or invincibility.
Every character has a special move that depletes their special bar (the UI element that looks like a lightsaber) such as a saber throw or a force push.
All playable characters, even R2-D2 and Jar Jar Binks have offensive abilities. R2 can lay mines and Jar Jar can throw Gungan Bombs.
This game is based on the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. It omits some scenes found in the console version but adds some not featured there. For example, no content based on Kamino from Attack of the Clones is found in this game, but the scenes on Tatooine with Anakin that were omitted from the console versions are present.
Story Characters
These characters are available for free in the associated story levels. In order to use them on other levels through free play, they need to be purchased with studs.
Geonosian Droid Factory
These characters are available to purchase and use only in free play mode.
Cost: 10000
Cost: 15000
Cheat Code Characters
These characters are only accessible by inputting the associated cheat code on the pause menu. An artoo sound can be heard on successful entry. Only one cheat code character can be active at one time; inputting a cheat code for another character will activate that character and deactivate the previous one.
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Geonosian Droid Factory
- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Instead of having an Extras menu like most LEGO games, this game has an extensive list of cheat codes that act similarly. Cheat codes are entered on the pause screen. Cheat codes that unlock characters are listed under the character section.
Очень яркая и занимательная японская игра с элементами квеста и приключений. Музыка тут очень сильно подымает настроение и оставляет его вам на весь день. С языком тут могут возникнуть сильные конфликты, но задумка стоит того чтоб в неё играли.
Игра для всех почитателей всего японского, т.к. данный проект полностью расчитан на местное население и многим россиянам будет трудновато переварить подобный этому проект. По своей задумке данная игра пытается выглядеть как РПГ, но она очень проста для такого вот смелого решения.
Игра на тему конструктора ЛЕГО. Тем кто знает. что такое БИОНИКЛ - говорить ничего не приходиться, а тем кто нет, уж простите, сами ознакамливайтесь. Как бы то ни было, а перед вами будет довольно неплохой приключенческий экшн.
Весёлая и простая игровая задумка. По ряду весомых причин сей игровой продукт нельзя назвать игрой для детей, хотя ориентировочно она расчитана именно на них. Игровые качества не позволяют говорить о этой игре в плохих тонах.
Игра на тему конструктора ЛЕГО. Бродилка удалась на славу, но это конечно лишь при условии того, что вы фанат. В обратном случае в данной игре вам учавствовать в ней будет безо всякого интереса.
Гонки хорошо сконструированных моделей машинок. Данный игровой проект расчитан на чисто любительское население и не несёт за собой вершины славы. Они по ходу тут вовсе не важны и с этим также нужно считаться.
Спортивная игра. Футбол с фигурками лего. Нестандартный подход к данному виду соревнований. Данная игрушка подходит как для ценителей этого конструктора, так и для всех любителей сего вида спорта.
Очень хорошая игрушка для всех любителей Star Wars, при этом не боящихся смотреть на героев, сконструированных при помощи конструктора LEGO. Конечно, сюжет тут не столь хорош, но какой-никакой - а есть. В плане графических и музыкальных моментов тут всё в порядке.
Очень хорошая игрушка для всех любителей Star Wars, при этом не боящихся смотреть на героев, сконструированных при помощи конструктора LEGO. Конечно, сюжет тут не столь хорош, но какой-никакой - а есть. В плане графических и музыкальных моментов тут всё в порядке.
Игра по мотивам фильма, который снят по мотивам детских книг. Дети, чьи родители погибли в пламени, отправлены на попечение злобного дядюшки - графа Олафа. Собирайте предметы, чтобы использовать их для решения загадок и битв.
Игра по мотивам фильма, который снят по мотивам детских книг. Дети, чьи родители погибли в пламени, отправлены на попечение злобного дядюшки - графа Олафа. Собирайте предметы, чтобы использовать их для решения загадок и битв.
Игра по мотивам фильма, который снят по мотивам детских книг. Дети, чьи родители погибли в пламени, отправлены на попечение злобного дядюшки - графа Олафа. Собирайте предметы, чтобы использовать их для решения загадок и битв.
Игра по мотивам фильма, который снят по мотивам детских книг. Дети, чьи родители погибли в пламени, отправлены на попечение злобного дядюшки - графа Олафа. Собирайте предметы, чтобы использовать их для решения загадок и битв.
Некий симулятор конного спорта. Как видите сами, главное вам быть заинтересованными в данном игровом проекте, а уж потом решать всё остальное. Система уровней у ваших подопечных смогут ошарашить своей непривычкой.
Стратегическая игра на тему развода лошадей-скакунов. Ставите им домики, кормите их, поите, в общем ведёте себя как самая добросовестная мама.
Also known as: LEGO Star Wars
Developer: Traveller's Tales
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Platforms: PlayStation 2 , Xbox , GameCube , Windows
Released in US: April 2, 2005
Released in EU: April 22, 2005
This game has unused areas.
This game has unused playable characters.
This game has unused code.
This game has hidden development-related text.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused cinematics.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has unused text.
This game has debugging material.
- Add information on the other unused cinematics.
- The Xbox demo seems to have been directly copied from a development system and has some rather interesting files in it. Look further into this.
- This article is messy, finish polishing it.
- A prototype dated January 10, 2005 has been found in Hidden Palace's Project Deluge, add documentation of it.
LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game is the LEGO game that started it all. It received a sequel (LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy), and a compilation was made (LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga). Continued popularity led to another sequel (LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars).
Version Differences
PC Demo
Unused Jar Jar Voice Clip
A voice clip of Jar Jar ridiculing someone. This file is commented out in the final game's audio.cfg , as well as the PS2 prototype, but is present and accounted for here.
Additional and Higher Quality Sound Effects
Several sound effects related to Lego bricks are double the sample rate in the PC demo and the PS2 prototype compared to the final game (22KHz vs 11KHz). These are found in lego_data\Audio\_SoundFX\LEGO in the demo and lego_data\Audio\_SoundFX\sfx.dat\audio\_soundfx\lego in the final game.
The sound effect that plays when the door at the beginning of the first level was also renamed from LegoDoorExpl to nega_doorexpl in the final game.
Additionally, some Lego sound effects are present which are absent in the final version.
Unused Characters
Found in the lego_data/chars folder are unused character folders for a few characters that ended up getting moved to The Complete Saga. Although some folders are there so the game can render cutscenes (babyskywalker), some folders and characters end up not being used at all. While their data is there, the triggers for them to be playable are removed. However, one can access these by renaming them to a character with a similar skeleton or weapon.
- Boga - Boga, was to be used for a scrapped level where you chase Grievous on his wheel bike with Boga in Episode III and in the cutscene for said level. The model was ditched early in development. It is low res and lacks any real detail, made up of just a group of brown bricks. There is also a model for Grievous' wheel bike, but it is unknown if it has any model data.
- Jawa - A Jawa, how surprising.
- Spaceman - Spaceman Ben, an original LEGO minifigure from the 1970's space sets. Most likely he would be added in as an Easter egg, but was decided against for budget and time constraints.
- AnakinSpeeder - Anakin's Coruscant Speeder, for the Coruscant Zam Chase.
- ZamWesell - Zam Wesell was most likely planned to be in this game, but removed later in development than Boga was. She would later become available as a playable character in The Complete Saga. In this game, however, she is by far the only character with almost everything left over, albeit with very glitchy animations. However if you swap the model with young Anakin's, the model will be fixed.
- ZamsSpeeder - Zam Wesell's Starspeeder was also planned to be in this game as well, with evidence from unused cutscenes showing that the level where the player chases Zam Wessell around Coruscant was planned to be in this game as well, removed due to time constraints.
Unused Levels
There are unused cutscenes that hint at 4 cut levels. 'Anakinsflight', a part of Episode I where Anakin would destroy the Droid control ship, this level was added in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga as a bonus level. 'BountyHunterPursuit', was a level where Anakin and Obi Wan would chase Zam Wesell through Coruscant, this level was added in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. 'Jango' a level assumed to be where Obi Wan would fight Jango Fett's Slave I over Geonosis in Episode II but this is only speculation. And 'BogaChase' where Obi Wan would chase General Grievous on his wheel bike through Utapau on Boga. This is further evidenced in the root/levels folder where in Episode I Chapter_06 is missing, in Episode II Chapter_01 and Chapter_03 are missing, and in Episode III where Chapter_03 is missing.
Anakin's Flight
In the Xbox version only, Anakin's flight has data.
There is a folder in root/Levels called Test but it is empty aside from one folder called AI which is also empty. In the Xbox version only, it has data. It is just a flat grey open surface with wonky collision.
In the Xbox version of the game there is an unused segment of Episode III - Darth Vader titled Vader_D. Judging by the name, it would have been a fourth section in the level but it is unclear what exactly it is.
Also in the root/Levels folder there is a folder labeled 'PigFarm'. PigFarm contains folders called 1, 2, 3, AI, backup, and New Folder, all of which are empty.
Unused Cutscenes
There are some cutscenes hidden in the lego_data/cut folder (where cutscene data is stored) from earlier points in development that are not used in the game. Most notably these go with the cut Zam Wessel level, Bounty Hunter Pursuit (ep2_bountyhunterpursuit_intro, and ep2_bountyhunterpursuit_outro) that was moved to The Complete Saga. But there are also references to 3 other cut levels. 'ep1_anakinsflight_intro1', 'ep1_anakinsflight_outro1', and 'ep1_anakinsflight_outro2' refer to a cut level for Episode I where Anakin would destroy the Droid control ship. 'ep2_jango_intro', it is not know what this would have been. 'ep3_bogachase_intro' and 'ep3_bogachase_outro' which refer to the cut level Boga Chase where Obi Wan would chase General Grievous through Utapau.
Bounty Hunter Pursuit
This video showcases the outro cutscene for Bounty Hunter Pursuit. The background models are gone, only the characters' animations (or lack there of) remain. This is the only unused cutscene from that level that had any work done on it.
Boga Chase
Both of the Boga Chase cutscenes are the placeholder 'camera drop' meaning no work was done on them.
Anakin's Flight
Anakin's Flight has working cutscenes but they don't function properly anywhere in the final game, often resulting in odd outcomes. This is what they would have looked like.
The unused cutscene for the Jango level is very similar, if not identical, to the one used towards the end of the Kamino level before you fight the Slave 1, but, unedited, it directs to a level that doesn't exist.
Unused Code
Leftover AI Scripts
Tons of unused AI scripts are present in both the GameCube release and the Xbox demo. This includes several revisions of the scripts for almost every level of the game and other duplicate copies.
Unused Graphics
Default Texture
Save Icon
Unused save icon showing a lion, only present in the GameCube release.
These four images can be found in a Photoshop file named particle.psd. They appear in various hidden layers of the file, the 3rd image is a leftover from Finding Nemo, which was developed by Traveller's Tales.
Leftover Texture
A stained glass texture featuring Dr. Neo Cortex. This is a leftover from Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, which was also developed by Traveller's Tales. The texture also can be seen in Finding Nemo but brighter. The original texture is very dark, making it difficult to see details. The version above was modified to properly display the texture.
Unused Videos
A video file that can be only found in the Xbox demo. It is a leftover Pixar logo from the Finding Nemo game Traveller's Tales developed.
Unused Text
A placeholder that was used until Padmé's name was properly spelled. This appears twice.
This reveals that Commander Cody was previously called Sand Trooper.
Another replacement, this time for the Arc Fighter.
Text for unused cheats. It is unknown whether or not code for these cheats still exist in the game.
Various leftover strings from the PS2 version of the game.
Various leftover strings from the GameCube version of the game.
Various leftover strings from the Xbox version of the game.
A large section of hints that use PS2 button references. These are all commented out.
A file that can only be found in the stuff folder from the Xbox release. This text bank comes from a very early version of the game and even has a reference to the original subtitle for Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.
A placeholder credits text bank that can be found in the stuff folder in all versions of the game.
A file that appears to have been used for converting the GameCube banner from the tga format into Nintendo's tpl format.
A file that was used for configuring GameCube development builds of the game.
Development Leftovers
CVS Repository Remnants
Present only in the GameCube release of the game are fragments from a CVS repository that stored the different fonts that are used. Unfortunately, only a listing of entries and server information are included.
Debugging Information
Also present in the GameCube release is a series of htm files containing potentially important debugging information about the execution of certain files.
A series of logs can be found that all relate to converting some raw game assets into the game's typical file formats.
Batch Scripts
Some batch scripts are in the GameCube release. All of them seem to convert animations into a format that the game recognizes. Also, there is a similar script included that was used for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, another game that Traveller's Tales was working on at the time.
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