Lego star wars the force awakens wiki
Лего Звездные войны: Пробуждение силы это конструктор Лего-тематический приключенческий боевик видео игра разработан TT Fusionпо фильму 2015 года Звездные войны: Пробуждение силы. Это пятая запись в TT Игры' Лего Звездные войны серия видеоигр. По лицензии от Лукасфильм, игра была выпущена Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment за iOS, Майкрософт Виндоус, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation Vita и Wii U, 28 июня 2016 г., и для Android 27 июля 2016 года. Игра была портирована и выпущена компанией Feral Interactive за OS X 30 июня 2016 г.
Помимо адаптации фильма, игра включает в себя контент, охватывающий период между Возвращение джедая и Пробуждение силы.
Геймплей Лего Звездные войны: Пробуждение силы похож на предыдущие видеоигры Lego. Были введены новые системы, включая мульти-сборки, которые предоставляют игрокам доступ к различным параметрам строительства. Эти параметры могут быть уничтожены и восстановлены в определенных частях игры, где строятся кирпичи, что позволяет открыть новый путь в игровом мире. [1] [2] Игроки также могут прятаться за укрытием и участвовать в «Blaster Battles» с врагами на протяжении всей игры. [3] В игре более 200 игровые персонажи, включая Рей, Финн, Капитан Фазма, По Дэмерон, Хан Соло, Кайло Рен и дроидов, таких как C-3PO и BB-8, а также корабли, как обычных размеров (которые могут использоваться только в определенных мисонах), так и миниатюрные. Игроки могут свободно исследовать Джакку, Такодана, D'Qar, и База Старкиллер, которые все действуют как мини-открытые миры. [4] Помимо адаптации фильма, игра также преодолела разрыв между Возвращение джедая и Пробуждение силы, с Лукасфильм позволяя творческую свободу в дополнительном контенте, который исследует предыстории персонажей. [5] [6]
Сюжет точно следует за сюжетом Звёздные войны: Эпизод VII - Пробуждение силы, хотя и с многочисленными юмористическими отклонениями или незначительными изменениями для адаптации к игровому процессу для двух игроков. Также есть пролог, изображающий битву при Эндор, поражение Император Палпатин, и уничтожение Звезды Смерти II в конце Возвращение джедая.
В начале февраля 2016 года издательство Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment сообщило, что компания работает над новым названием, в котором участвуют «два самых популярных в мире развлекательных бренда». Впоследствии игра просочилась несколькими розничными торговцами до ее официального анонса 2 февраля 2016 года. Игроки, купившие Deluxe Edition, получат сезонный пропуск в игру и минифигурку Финна Lego, а игроки версий PlayStation 3 и PlayStation 4 получил дополнительный загружаемый контент, в том числе набор персонажей и бонусный уровень под названием «Набор персонажей дроидов» и «Пакет уровней фантомных конечностей» соответственно. [7] Игра выпущена для Майкрософт Виндоус, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS и Wii U 28 июня 2016 г. [8]
В игре присутствовала озвучка Дейзи Ридли, Оскар Исаак, Джон Бойега, Адам Драйвер, Кэрри Фишер, Харрисон Форд, Энтони Дэниелс, Домналл Глисон, Гвендолин Кристи и Макс фон Сюдов повторяя свои роли из Пробуждение силы, а также Билл Кипсанг Ротич в качестве Ниен Нунб, Кристиан Симпсон в роли К'Аи Треналли [9] и Том Кейн повторяя его роль как Адмирал Акбар из различных Звездные войны видеоигры. [10] Архивные записи из фильма также служат диалогом игры.
Загружаемый контент
Всего из игры было выпущено 12 пакетов DLC. Первый, озаглавленный «Призрачная конечность», включает уровень, объясняющий, как C-3PO получил его красную руку, в дополнение к восьми персонажам и миниатюрному транспортному средству в зависимости от уровня. Было еще три набора уровней, а именно «Побег с базы Старкиллер» (который следует за парой Сопротивление пилоты, спасаясь от осажденных База Старкиллер), «Осада Такоданы первого порядка» (на которой изображена битва при Такодане с Первый заказс точки зрения перспективы) и «Джакку: Поиски выживания По» (на котором изображен побег По Дэмерона из Джакку после того, как он был отделен от Финна и считается мертвым в основной сюжетной линии). Остальные восемь наборов были наборами персонажей, каждый из которых содержал восемь персонажей и миниатюрный корабль: "Дроид Набор персонажей ","Войны клонов Набор персонажей ","Повстанцы Набор персонажей ","Империя наносит ответный удар Набор персонажей ","ДжаббаНабор персонажей "Дворец" ","Приключения Фримейкера Набор персонажей ","Приквел Трилогия Набор персонажей "и"Джедаи Набор персонажей ».
Игра получила в основном положительные отзывы. GameSpot присуждается 7,0 из 10, говоря "Лего Звездные войны: Пробуждение силы на самом деле не переносит вас в новую галактику далеко-далеко, но это все же приятное путешествие ". [13] Информер игры присудил ему 8,5 баллов из 10, сказав: «Взрыв для поклонников« Звездных войн »и« Лего ». [12] IGN присвоил ему 9,0 баллов из 10, сказав "Лего Звездные войны: Пробуждение силы это самое большое игровое развлечение, которое я получал от обеих серий за последние годы ". [14]
Игра была самой продаваемой розничной видеоигрой в Великобритании на неделе ее выпуска и четвертым по величине запуском игры Star Wars в Великобритании. [20] и стала четвертой по популярности игрой на основе Звездные войны Вселенная и четвертая по популярности конструктор Лего игра. [21] Он оставался на первом месте пять недель подряд и был вторым. конструктор Лего игра, чтобы сделать это, следуя Лего Бэтмен 2: Супергерои DC. [22]
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LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Информация о издании
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LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens — пятая по счёту компьютерная игра, основанная на конструкторе LEGO на тему «Звёздных войн». Игра рассказывает не только о событиях, показанных в 7-ом эпизоде Саги, но и о том, что произошло за 30 лет после окончания Возвращения Джедая. Игра вышла 28 июня 2016 года для всех целевых платформ начиная от персональных компьютеров и заканчивая мобильными устройствами.
Это статья-заготовка о компьютерной, настольной, внутривселенской или о другой игре. Вы можете помочь Вукипедии, расширив её.
Своеобразный юмор Lego игр перейдёт и в SW.TFA
в далёкой-далёкой галактике.
Задолго до исчезновения Люка Скайуокера Империя, породившая ПЕРВЫЙ ОРДЕН, готовится уничтожить союз повстанцев раз и навсегда.
Флот повстанцев приближается ко второй ЗВЕЗДЕ СМЕРТИ, и туда же направляется сдавшийся имперским солдатам Люк Скайуокер, которому предстоит решающая схватка с Дартом Вейдером.
Диверсионный отряд под командованием Хана Соло пробирается к расположенному на Эндоре генератору силового поля. Но там повстанцев ждёт смертоносный сюрприз.
Глава 1
в далёкой-далёкой галактике.
Глава I
Люк Скайуокер пропал. В его отсутствие из праха Империи восстал ПЕРВЫЙ ОРДЕН, который не успокоится, пока не расправится с последним джедаем, Скайуокером.
Генерал Лея Органа, предводительница СОПРОТИВЛЕНИЯ, хочет разыскать своего брата Люка и попросить его помочь вернуть мир и справедливость в галактику.
Наконец-то до Сопротивления дошли вести, что давний союзник получил важнейшие данные, которые должны помочь в поисках. Лучший пилот, По Дэмерон, немедленно получает задание.
Cюжет начинается за 30 лет до войны с Первым Орденом во время Битвы при Эндоре. После прохождения пролога и основной сюжетного режи
можно открыть дополнительные эпизоды:
и Чубакка выполняют заказ Короля Праны по поимке трёх Рафтаров.
- Кто такой Лор Сан Текка и как он оказался на планете Джакку.
- Помоги По Дэмерону, C-3PO и BB-8 спасти Адмирала Акбара.
- Помоги Сидону Итано и его команде найти важные материалы, которые помогут в войне против Первого Ордена.
- Помоги Кайло Рену и Капитану Фазма поймать предводителя Оттеганов.
- Помоги Капитану Фазма и штурмовикам найти координаты Базы Сопротивления.
Интерфейс также похож на своих предшественников, но отличается от них только тем, что аналоги кантины — планеты Д'Кар, Джакку, база «Старкиллер», открываются только после прохождения сюжетного режима.
This article is about the video game.
You may be looking for the subtheme of LEGO sets, LEGO Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
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LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Production information
Release date
Chronological information
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a video game developed by Traveller's Tales that was released on June 28, 2016. The game adapts the events of the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens in LEGO form, and includes exclusive content that bridges the story gap between Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. A deluxe edition version of the game includes all season-pass content. This is the first installment of the main LEGO Star Wars game series not to have been published by LucasArts, due to that company's dissolution and the first game to cover exclusively one movie instead of an entire trilogy. It was also the last LEGO game to be released for Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and Xbox 360.
Plot summary [ ]
Prologue: The Battle of Endor [ ]
Han Solo and Princess Leia attempt to shutdown the shields on the forest moon of Endor
Four years after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebels led by Han Solo on the forest moon of Endor take out the shield generator of the second Death Star. In space, the Millennium Falcon, flown by Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb, attacks the inner core of the second Death Star, destroying it. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker turns Darth Vader back to the light side, fighting and killing Darth Sidious, only for Vader to be fatally wounded and die. On the forest moon, the Rebels celebrate their victory.
After Darth Vader's mask was removed by Luke, he has Anakin's head, but Luke shakes Vader's helmet to get Vader's headpiece. Darth Vader becomes good again after Luke shows him a child's drawing of them. Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Vader appear as Force Ghosts in the epilogue of Return of the Jedi.
Chapter 1: Assault On Jakku [ ]
Thirty years later, the Rebels are renamed "The Resistance" and the ashes of the Empire become the First Order. Luke goes missing and Leia now leads the resistance by herself. Pilot Poe Dameron returns to the base after saving Admiral Ackbar from the First Order, and is sent to the planet Jakku to meet with Lor San Tekka, who has the map to Luke Skywalker's whereabouts. After acquiring the map, Poe puts it in his droid BB-8 and sends him away as the First Order, led by Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma, captures Poe for interrogation and kills San Tekka.
Chapter 2: Escape From The Finalizer [ ]
Aboard the Finalizer, Poe is saved by FN-2187 from the First Order and after stealing a TIE/sf space superiority fighter, they crash-land on Jakku. Meanwhile, BB-8 is captured by a group of Teedo, only to be saved by a young scavenger named Rey, who takes him to her home in the remains of a downed AT-AT.
Chapter 3: Niima Outpost [ ]
Poe seemingly dies from the crash and FN-2187, now renamed Finn, comes across Rey and BB-8. However they are soon found by First Order troops and are forced run for their lives. After a fierce firefight, the three of them escape the planet aboard the Millennium Falcon, which has been abandoned on Jakku for many years.
Chapter 4: The Eravana [ ]
While in space, they are picked up by Han Solo and Chewbacca, who had come to reclaim their "home," which had been stolen from them years earlier. Rey and Finn inform them that BB-8 contains a map leading to Luke Skywalker. On board the smugglers' current ship, the Eravana, Finn is alarmed to find that Han Solo is smuggling rathtars. Before they can talk any further about getting the map to the Resistance, the Guavian Death Gang boards the ship to confront Han and Chewie. Han has Rey and Finn hide while he takes BB-8 to ensure they will not flee with the Falcon. However, this turns out to be a mistake, as Bala-Tik recognizes BB-8 from the bounty the First Order has placed on it and reveals that they are aware of his deal with their rivals, Kanjiklub, who had also boarded the ship. In an attempt to aid Han and Chewie, Rey tries to shut the blast doors, only to accidentally release the rathtars from their cages. As a result, they are forced to flee the Eravana while facing attack from both the gangsters and rathtars.
Chapter 5: Maz's Castle [ ]
After escaping the Guavian Death Gang, Kanjiklub, and the rathtars, Rey, Finn, BB-8, Han, and Chewbacca travel to the planet Takodana. On their way, Han looks at the map data stored in BB-8 and reveals it is only a piece of the map, then explains how Luke went into hiding after the New Jedi Order he had been creating was destroyed by one of his apprentices who had fallen to the dark side. He explains they are going to have to get BB-8 onto a new ship, as the Falcon can be easily traced. As they leave the Falcon, Han gives Rey a blaster pistol for protection.
They enter a castle where they meet with its owner, Maz Kanata, whose assistance they require in getting BB-8 to Leia and the Resistance. Maz, however, refuses, saying that Solo has been running from the fight with the dark side. She explains how she has seen evil take many forms: the Sith, the Galactic Empire, and now the First Order. However, Finn becomes terrified at the suggestion that they fight the First Order and decides he can no longer stay with them if they plan to confront the First Order. He tells Rey he is not with the Resistance, and Maz points him to join Sidon Ithano and his crew if he wishes to leave the plant. While Han sits down to talk with Maz, Rey is drawn to a vault on the lower level and finds the lightsaber that once belonged to Luke and his father, Anakin Skywalker. She experiences disturbing visions and flees into the woods. Unbeknownst to her or her companions, First Order operative Bazine Netal informs the First Order that BB-8 is on Takodana. Resistance spy droid GA-97 also sees BB-8 and informs the Resistance.
Chapter 6: Battle of Takodana [ ]
Starkiller Base fires and destroys the Republic capital and a portion of its fleet. The First Order attacks Takodana in search of BB-8. Maz gives Finn Skywalker's lightsaber for safekeeping, and together with Han and Chewbacca they fight the invading First Order stormtroopers. During the battle, Finn is confronted by his former comrade, FN-2199, who attacks Finn for his betrayal. FN-2199 ends up defeating Finn despite Finn's best efforts, though Han easily kills FN-2199 with a shot from Chewbacca's bowcaster. Despite their victory over FN-2199, they are soon surrounded by First Order troops.
Han, Chewbacca, Maz, and Finn are saved by Resistance X-wing fighters led by Poe, who had managed to survive the earlier crash on Jakku. After Poe and his squad fend off First Order TIE Fighters attacking General Leia's ship, she lands on Takodana with C-3PO and reunites with Han and Chewbacca.
Meanwhile, Kylo Ren confronts and captures Rey, after she tells BB-8 to go find the others, as he is too important to be captured. Han, Chewbacca, and Finn witness Rey's capture, but can do nothing to save her.
Ren takes her to Starkiller Base and removes his mask, showing her his true face. However, when he interrogates her about the map, she is able to resist his mind-reading attempts and is even able to turn the tables on him, revealing that he fears that he will near be as strong as Darth Vader, causing Ren to leave in frustration.
Chapter 7: The Resistance [ ]
Kylo Ren informs Supreme Leader Snoke that Rey resisted his attempts and that she is strong with the Force. General Hux reveals that the droid has likely reached the Resistance. Snoke decides that the Resistance must be destroyed before they can reach Skywalker. Hux reveals that they tracked one of the Resistance's ships to the Ileenium system, so Snoke orders him to prepare the Starkiller to destroy the Resistance once and for all. Kylo Ren insists he can get the map's location from Rey, but Snoke orders him to bring the girl to him instead.
Meanwhile at the Resistance base on D'Qar, Finn and BB-8 are reunited with Poe, who they are happy to learn is still alive. However, their reunion is cut short when Leia pulls Finn aside and insists he assist them due to his knowledge of the First Order. They are forced to work together to activate the manual override for the base's blast doors, which had been locked down due to a fire, in order to reach the base's main control room. BB-8 uploads the data into the Control Room's computer, but they find that the map is only partially complete and matches no known system on record. C-3PO points out that they simply do not have enough data to find Luke, dashing Leia's hopes of bringing her brother home. To make matters worse, Leia is informed that the Starkiller's next target is D'Qar. BB-8 finds R2-D2 and tries to rouse him, only to be informed by C-3PO that his old companion has been inactive since Luke's disappearance.
As Starkiller Base prepares to fire on D'Qar, the Resistance devises a plan to destroy the superweapon by attacking a critical facility. Admiral Ackbar points out that the Resistance cannot penetrate the defensive shields around Starkiller Base, but Finn tells them he can disable the shields, and Han volunteers to get him there on the Falcon.
Leia, C-3PO, and Finn help load the Falcon with weapons, fuel, and Wookiee Cookies for Chewbacca. Before they leave, Leia urges Han to return with their son.
Chapter 8: Starkiller Sabotage [ ]
Using the Falcon, Han, Chewbacca, and Finn infiltrate the facility to turn off the base's shield; however, they end up crashing the Falcon in the process. Entering the facility, Finn reveals he doesn't know how to deactivate the shield and only came to rescue Rey, forcing the trio to improvise. Realizing Captain Phasma would know how to deactivate the shield, Finn decides to capture her. After a fierce battle with Phasma and her troops, the trio capture her and force her to lower the shield, before dumping her out with the trash compactor.
Chapter 9: Destroy Starkiller Base [ ]
With the shield down, Poe leads the attack on the base's thermal oscillator, but they are unable to damage it and are soon confronted by First Order TIE Fighters.
Discovering she can use the Force, Rey escapes using a Jedi mind trick on a nearby guard (FN-1824). After Rey reunites with Han, Chewbacca, and Finn, they decide to aid the Resistance pilots attacking the base by detonating explosives within the base. After placing the charges, Han confronts Kylo Ren, calling him by his birth name, Ben. Han implores his son to abandon the dark side and tries to convince him that Snoke is only using him for his power. Ren refuses and kills his father, shocking both Solo's company and stormtroopers, and an enraged Chewbacca fires a blaster shot at Ren. Chewbacca then sets off the explosives, allowing Poe and squad to attack the thermal oscillator and destroy Starkiller Base.
Chapter 10: The Finale [ ]
The injured Ren pursues Finn and Rey to the surface. A lightsaber battle between Ren and Finn ensues, leaving Finn badly wounded. Rey takes the lightsaber and uses the Force to defeat Ren, before they are separated by a fissure as the planet begins to disintegrate. Snoke orders Hux to evacuate and bring a wounded Ren to him. Rey and Chewbacca escape with Finn in the Falcon. On D'Qar, the Resistance celebrates while Leia, Chewbacca, and Rey mourn Han's death. R2-D2 awakens and reveals the rest of the map, finally revealing Luke's location to the Resistance.
Epilogue: Luke's Island [ ]
Rey finds Luke on Ahch-To
Rey flies to the aquatic planet Ahch-To with Chewbacca and R2-D2. She eventually finds Luke and presents him with the lightsaber he had lost along with his hand, years earlier during the battle with his father on Bespin. When Rey finds Luke, he not only wears a hood but a face disguise as well. Rey does some comic charades with Luke's lightsaber to jog his memory.
New Star Wars Adventure Levels [ ]
Poe to the Rescue [ ]
Details Poe Dameron's daring rescue mission to save Admiral Ackbar, adapted from the The Resistance Rises short "Poe to the Rescue". [4]
Lor San Tekka's Return [ ]
Uncovers secrets behind Lor San Tekka's journey to the Jakku Village with the help of his old friend, Athgar Heece.
Rathtar Hunting [ ]
Follows Han Solo and Chewbacca's voyage to capture the ravenous rathtars for King Prana. [4]
The Crimson Corsair [ ]
Explores how the notorious Outer Rim pirate Sidon Ithano and his crew stole a Transporter from the First Order. [4]
Trouble Over Taul [ ]
Follows the events leading up C-3PO's acquisition of his red arm. [4]
Ottegan Assault [ ]
Reveals a puzzle piece to how the Resistance and the First Order find Lor San Tekka on Jakku. This story takes place after "Lor San Tekka's Return". [4]
Downloadable content [ ]
Downloadable content was not made available for the Wii U version.
The Phantom Limb [ ]
A sequel to "Trouble Over Taul" that tells the story of how C-3PO obtained his red arm, which leads directly into "Poe to the Rescue".
Poe's Quest for Survival [ ]
Poe Dameron survives the crash on Jakku and meets Ohn Gos, who agrees to help him get offworld while going up against the Strus clan.
First Order Siege of Takodana [ ]
Kylo Ren arrives at Takodana to locate Rey and her information of Skywalker's map.
Escape from Starkiller Base [ ]
Resistance pilots Wright, C'ai Threnalli, and R3-Z3 have crash landed on Starkiller Base and must escape the planet before it explodes.
Description [ ]
Much like LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy before it, the game is a humorous take on the film on which it is based. However, unlike the previous games, the characters have full spoken dialogue, some of which is recordings from the films, while new dialogue is provided in the game-exclusive content. Several of the film's original actors, including Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Anthony Daniels provide the new dialogue for their respective characters.
The gold bricks which require a rapid-firing character to destroy, as well as the ability to command troops from LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars return, as does the ability to travel to different planets.
This is the first LEGO game to introduce Multi-Builds, where players can use available bricks to build new paths, and Blaster Battles, where players can use their surroundings to fight back against the First Order. In addition, enemies can now build, allowing stormtroopers to support each other with reinforcements, air strikes, and heavy artillery, adding another layer of danger to the game.
The fighter-based levels have also been redesigned, and are very similar to those of the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series, in which the ships can move in all directions in a large, open environment, rather than being constrained to movement on a horizontal plane as with previous games.
The game has six additional unlockable missions. One mission explains what happened right before C-3PO got his red arm, while another shows how the rathtars were captured and brought to Han Solo's ship. The new levels have a basis in Star Wars canon according to the game's staff. [5] The Phantom Limb DLC is exclusive to PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC and is available for free on the PlayStation platforms.
The season pass includes exclusive characters and three new levels: Poe's Quest for Survival, First Order Siege of Takodana, and Escape from Starkiller Base. [6]
Development [ ]
Development of the game began in 2015, [5] with the game demo released in mid-June 2016. [7] Traveller's Tales had made this the first LEGO game with all the voices from the movie. By the time Rogue One was released to theaters in December 2016, Lego made every single character in the movie in the UK and US.
Star Wars is a licensed theme introduced in 1999. The theme is based on material from the Star Wars franchise of films, cartoon series, comic books, video games, and other media. The theme covers all six films, along with The Clone Wars movie and TV series. Also, some Expanded Universe sets have been released, with at three The Old Republic sets to released in the second wave of 2012 and the first wave of 2013. The Star Wars license is scheduled to expire in 2022. [1]
Background [ edit ]
The Galactic Republic was a peaceful government that lasted for more than twenty-five thousand years. Then, in Episode I, the Trade Federation (later known as the Separatists), a trading group, has been convinced by the evil Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who was actually Senator Palpatine, to attack the world of Naboo using their Droid Army. They attacked, but Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn were called in from Coruscant, and they freed Queen Amidala and her advisors and pilots from the droids and fled to Coruscant, but had to stop at Tatooine for repairs after they broke through the Droid Navy blockade at Naboo. Later, they met Anakin Skywalker, a Force-sensitive slave on the world. After going to his house and meeting his mother, Qui-Gon Jinn realized the potential that Anakin had in himself and believed that he was the chosen one. Later on Anakin entered a podrace and won first place and enough money for the others to repair the queen's ship. Then Anakin left Tatooine to grow up and become a Jedi Knight. The queen had asked the new Supreme Chancellor (Palpatine) for help on the invasion of her planet, but she didn't get that much help from that. So the only choice she was left with was asking the Gungan army for help. This was now the Battle of Naboo. It was the Gungan Army, and the Naboo Army against the Trade Federation. Anakin had stumbled into a Naboo Starfighter and had flew off into space to destroy the Droid Control Ship, while the others had been fighting off droids. They all then stumbled into Darth Maul, so the plan was Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fight him off while the others deal with the droids. In the battle in space, Anakin destroyed the ship and saved the Gungans from certain defeat, and possibly death. Amidala and her troops succeded in their part. So did Obi-Wan, but in order to have this happen Qui-Gon got killed by Darth Maul, which lead to the anger and sorrow that built up in himself, so he instantly flipped, grabbing his master's lightsaber, and cut Darth Maul in half. There was then celebration on Naboo.
Later in Episode II, the Trade Federation called in two assassins, Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett and Clawdite assassin Zam Wesell, to assassinate the Senator of Naboo, Padme Amidala. After the attempt was quelled by her bodyguards, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker, Kenobi was sent to Kamino to track Jango Fett. While he was there, he discovered that a clone army was being created at the request of the now dead Jedi, Master Sifo-Dyas. Anakin was ordered to stay and guard Padme on Naboo. Obi Wan found out that the Separatist Alliance was building a droid army, so he tried to inform the Jedi Council, and then was captured, but Anakin and Padme were on Tatooine because Anakin was searching for his mother, and they picked up the message. Then, the two went to Geonosis but were also captured, but a strike team of Jedi came to rescue them. After a short skirmish, Master Yoda came with the Clone Army to rescue the Jedi. Then, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi attempted to capture Count Dooku. Count Dooku escaped after cutting off Anakin's hand. The Clone Wars had begun.
In Episode III, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and the Republic fought against a large Separatist Navy fleet in orbit of Coruscant. They boarded cyborg General Grievous's flagship,the Invisible Hand and dueled Count Dooku, and freed Chancellor Palpatine from him, who was being held prisoner. Palpatine wanted Anakin Skywalker be his personal representative of the Jedi Council. The Jedi approved, but did not grant him the title "Jedi Master". Anakin became angry at the Jedi Order for not letting him become a Master, and got even angrier that Palpatine, who was Anakin's friend, was untrusted by the Order and they wanted Anakin to spy on him. Anakin refused, and later Kenobi and the 212th Attack Battalion was sent to Utapau, a world where Grievous was spotted, and Anakin had to stay on Coruscant. Later, Yoda went to Kashyyyk in the Outer Rim to defend it from the invading Separatist forces, and then Palpatine gave the Clone troopers across the galaxy Order 66, contingency order that branded Jedi traitors to the Republic. Clones across the Galaxy turned on their Generals and killed them, and only a few survived. Anakin became a Sith named Darth Vader, and went to the volcanic world of Mustafar where he received the order to "Take care of the Seperatists". Then Padmé arrived and told him what Obi-Wan said. Obi-Wan, who was secretly aboard, looked at what happened,and Vader force-chokes Padmé. The 2 battle, and Vader lost, got his legs cut off, then fell near a lava river, but was rescued by Palpatine and a squad of Shock troopers. Padmé is taken to a hospital, where Luke and Leia are born. Padmé dies, having lost the will to live, Yoda exiles himself to Dagobah, Bail Organa adopts Leia, and Luke is brought to his Uncle and aunt, Owen and Beru on Tatooine.
In the standalone film Rogue One, the scientist Galen Erso was captured by the Galactic Empire. His daughter, Jyn, was rescued by Saw Gerrera, a veteran of the Clone Wars. Thirteen years later, Jyn joined the Rebel Alliance. She, CaptainCassian Andor, and the reprogammed Imperial droid K-2SO, travelled to the moon Jedha to convince Saw to release the Imperial defector Bodhi Rook, who had a message from Galen. In the message, Galen revealed a flaw in the secret superweapon called the Death Star, and instructed Jyn to recover the Death Star's plans. Jyn, Cassian, and K-2SO, along with Guardian of the Whills Chirrut Îmwe and former Guardian and soldier Baze Malbus, escaped Jedha just as the Death Star destroyed the city they were in, while Saw and the other inhabitants were killed. On Eadu, Director Krennic led Galen to admit to betraying the Empire by putting a flaw in the Death Star. Before Galen can be taken care of, however, Rebel Alliance members bombed the station and killed Galen shortly after he was being reunited with Jyn, much to her grief. The Alliance deemed Jyn's words as not enough proof to the flaw in the Death Star, and Jyn, Cassian, and others formed the group Rogue One. Rogue One attacked the planet Scarif and stole the plans. The plans were received by the Alliance, but Scarif was destroyed by the Empire, killing Rebel and Imperial forces alike. The rebels barely escaped an attack from Darth Vader on the ship Tantive IV.
Soon after, in Episode IV, Princess Leia, who was a member of the Rebel Alliance and owner of the Tantive IV, were being pursued by Vader's flagship, the ISD Devastator. She was captured after Stormtroopers, Imperial soldiers, boarded the ship and killed everyone onboard. She put a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Death Star plans in R2-D2, an astromech droid. Him, along with a protocol droid named C-3PO, went to Tatooine in an escape pod. The two wandered in the desert but were captured by Jawa creatures, and the Empire sent troops to find them. Luke Skywalker was a teen living on the desert world of Tatooine, was Force-sensitive and wanted to go to the Imperial Academy, but his Aunt and Uncle didn't let him for another year. Later, his Uncle purchased two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, an Astromech and a Protocol droid, to work around the farm. When R2-D2 went missing one day, so Luke and C-3PO went after him. They found him but were attacked by Tusken Raiders, and were rescued by Obi-Wan, who called himself Ben Kenobi. Luke found out that Kenobi was a Jedi, and Kenobi told him he was Force-sensitive, and he should train to become a Jedi. The four stumbled upon a destroyed Jawa sand crawler who were the ones that sold Artoo and Threepio to Luke. He went back to the farm and saw that everything was destroyed. He left with Ben to the world of Alderaan with Han Solo and Chewbacca and the droids, but they saw that the world was destroyed by the Death Star. They were captured by it, and rescued Leia from the prison while Ben turned off the Tractor Beam, and was killed. The others escaped to the Rebel base, and after an attack on the Death Star, it was destroyed.
Later in Episode V, Luke joined the Rebellion and was patrolling around Echo Base on the frozen ice world of Hoth. The Empire was searching for the Rebel base and sent an Imperial probe droid to Hoth, and Luke was thought it was a meteor crash. He was attacked by a Wampa ice creature, but later escaped from it and was rescued by Han Solo, who stayed around the base longer then he bargained for. Later, the Empire attacked with Snowtroopers and massive All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT ) walkers, led by General Veers. Luke lead a squad of snowspeeders to take out the walkers, but failed and the base was lost. The surviving Rebel troops evacuated. Han, Leia, Threepio and Chewbacca were followed by a squad of Star Destroyers, and fled into an asteroid field hoping they would give up the chase. They landed inside and asteroid, but realized it was a space slug, and quickly left. They then headed to Cloud City, where Han's friend Lando Calrissian was located. Later, Han was betrayed by Calrissian, captured, and Luke left his training on Dagobah, a swamp world that was residence to master Yoda, and went to Cloud City. Han was taken by Jango Fett's son, Boba Fett, to the crime lord Jabba the Hutt and was frozen in carbonite. Leia, Luke, Chewie, R2, Threepio, and Lando escaped.
In Episode VI, Leia tried to rescue Han from Jabba's palace on Tatooine but was captured. Luke came to try to rescue Han, Chewbacca, Leia, Threepio, and R2, but was taken prisoner. He then was forced into a pit with a horrible rancor monster, but managed to kill the beast. Luke was to be thrown into the mouth of the Sarlacc, but managed to get to Jabba's sail barge, destroy it, and escaped with Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the two droids. They made it to the Rebel fleet, where the space attack on the Death Star II battle station over the forest moon of Endor was being planned. Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, and the droids were to go down to the moon's surface with a group of Rebel Commandos and destroy the shield generator bunker on the planet surface. They left to the world and made it past the blockade, and landed. They went to the bunker, but had to fight Scout troopers on speeder bikes and Leia was lost and captured by Ewoks. Then, the strike team waited near the bunker while the droids, Luke, Han, and Chewie searched for Leia, but were captured by Ewoks, but freed and were made part of the tribe. They then attacked the bunker, and the fleet attacked the Death Star, and Luke told Leia that she was his sister and Vader was their father, and left to Vader to turn him to the light side. The bunker was destroyed after a battle, and Luke managed to turn Vader to the light side but Vader died while killing the Emperor on the Death Star. Meanwhile, the Death Star II was destroyed. The Rebel Alliance, Ewoks, and other planets (like Tatooine, Coruscant, and Naboo) celebrated the fall of the Empire. Luke saw the spirits of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin during the celebration. After watching them, he turned back to enjoy the festivities.
Thirty years later, in Episode VII, an organization called the First Order was led by Snoke, who wanted to find Luke Skywalker and end the Jedi. Leia now led the Resistance, a force that battled the First Order. Poe Dameron, the Resistance's best pilot, gived his droid, BB-8, the map to Luke. BB-8 met the scavenger Rey, while Poe escapeed with the stormtrooper FN-2187, who he nicknameed "Finn". Rey and Finn met each other, and they escaped with BB-8 on the Millennium Falcon, which was recaptured by Han and Chewbacca, the original owners. They headed to Takodana and met Maz Kanata, who gave Finn the lightsaber that once belonged to both Anakin and Luke Skywalker when Rey is captured by Kylo Ren, Han and Leia's son, who was obsessed with following in Darth Vader's footsteps. Rey was rescued on Starkiller Base, a killer of entire planet systems, while Han was killed by Ren, who attacked Finn and Rey. Rey retrieved Finn's lightsaber and defeated Kylo Ren, and Starkiller Base was destroyed. Rey and Finn escaped on the Millennium Falcon, and Snoke sent General Hux to retrieve Ren, saying that "it is time to complete his training". Rey went to the planet Ahch-To and finally met Luke, handing him his old lightsaber.
Overview and history [ edit ]
At its start in 1999, Star Wars was one of the first officially licensed LEGO themes released, alongside with Winnie the Pooh. The theme was originally planned to end in 2007, but was renewed and slated for discontinuation in 2011. Despite this, LEGO renewed the license yet again until 2016. After that had been announced, Lego established another contract guaranteeing the continuing of the theme at least until 2022. So far, from 1999-2011, there have been 236 LEGO Star Wars sets, including regular sets, Star Wars Mini sets, Midi-scale sets, TECHNIC, Mindstorms and Ultimate Collector Series sets. In 2005 they changed the faces from yellow to a flesh coloured which also continued when Harry Potter used the flesh colour for the brand.
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a singleplayer and multiplayer cinematic camera and third-person action and adventure game in the Lego Star Wars series.
General information
Availability [ edit ]
DLC and expansion packs
Game data [ edit ]
Configuration file(s) location [ edit ]
System | Location |
Windows | %APPDATA% \Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment\LEGO STAR WARS The Force Awakens\ |
macOS (OS X) | $HOME /Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/LEGO STAR WARS - TFA/ |
Steam Play (Linux) | /steamapps/compatdata/438640 /pfx/ [Note 1] |
Save game data location [ edit ]
System | Location |
macOS (OS X) | $HOME /Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/LEGO STAR WARS - TFA/SaveData/ |
Steam | /userdata/ /438640/remote/savedgames/ |
Steam Play (Linux) | /steamapps/compatdata/438640 /pfx/ [Note 1] |
Save game cloud syncing [ edit ]
Video [ edit ]
Input [ edit ]
Audio [ edit ]
Network [ edit ]
Multiplayer types
VR support [ edit ]
Issues fixed [ edit ]
Refresh rate resets to 60 Hz on startup [ edit ]
- Go to the configuration file(s) location.
- Open pcconfig.txt .
- Set ScreenRefreshRate to your desired value.
Other information [ edit ]
API [ edit ]
Mods [ edit ]
See the beginners setup guide for instructions on how to configure the game for mod support. For Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lego Jurassic World, and Lego Dimensions, this version of the script is required to extract the files.
Setting up mods requires extracting the game's .DAT files, which noticeably increases file size, increases load times, and may disable achievements.
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