Lego star wars the complete saga all characters
Лего Звездные войны: Полная сага (иногда называемый Лего Звездные войны: TCS) это конструктор Лего-тематический приключенческий боевик видео игра на основе Лего Звездные войны линейка игрушек. Это комбинация игры Лего Звездные войны: Видеоигра и его продолжение Лего Звездные войны 2: Оригинальная трилогия, который охватывает первые шесть эпизодов саги «Звездные войны». Анонс игры: LucasArts 25 мая 2007 г. Празднование IV и был выпущен для Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, и Nintendo DS 6 ноября 2007 г. в Северной Америке. Название компиляции было выпущено для ПК 13 октября 2009 г. в США. [1] Его продолжение, Лего Звездные войны III: Войны клонов, был выпущен в марте 2011 года. Mac OS X версия игры была выпущена 12 ноября 2010 г. Feral Interactive. [2] Версия игры для iOS был выпущен 11 декабря 2013 г., а для Android 1 января 2015 г.
Миссия игры - успешно пройти всю историю, собирая золотые кирпичи. Полная сага охватывает события, происходящие с Торговая Федерация переговоры выше Набу в Звездные войны. Эпизод I - Призрачная угроза к атаке повстанцев на вторую Звезду Смерти выше Эндор в Возвращение джедая.
Как в Лего Звездные войны 2: Оригинальная трилогия, хаб-мир имеет место в Кантина Мос-Эйсли. В кантине есть двери, которые позволяют игроку входить на уровни для Эпизодов I-VI, бонусные уровни, миссии Охотника за головами и Аркадные игры. В Cantina также есть настраиваемые персонажи, такие как Лего Звездные войны 2.
в ПК, Wii, PlayStation 3 и Xbox 360 версии игры: нужно собрать 160 золотых кирпичей; 120 из них - для основных уровней. Их по три на каждый из уровней. Один предназначен для завершения уровня в режиме истории, второй - для достижения статуса «Истинный джедай» путем сбора определенного количества гвоздиков / монет, а третий - путем сбора 10 контейнеров «мини-набор» LEGO, которые спрятаны по всему уровню. Для iOS всего 200 золотых кирпичей с дополнительным золотым кирпичом, доступным для каждого уровня после завершения режима испытания, в котором игрок должен найти 10 скрытых синих мини-наборов за 20 минут. Версия для iOS также предлагает 12 золотых кирпичей за прохождение аркад в лобби.
Есть 20 золотых кирпичей для выполнения миссий Охотника за головами, которые включают захват ключевых фигур Старая Республика и Rebellion для Джабба Хатт. Есть еще 6 золотых кирпичей для выполнения бонусных миссий (10 в версии для iOS) и еще 14, доступных для покупки в Cantina (8 в версии для iOS).
Всего существует 36 сюжетных уровней, 20 миссий охотников за головами и 6 бонусных уровней (два уровня Лего Сити, два сюжетных уровня (Полет Энакина и Новая надежда), последний из которых был специальным открываемым уровнем, найденным в Лего Звездные войны: Видеоигра) и оригинальные уровни Mos Espa Pod Race и Gunship Cavalry).
Большинство уровней сюжета такие же, как и в соответствующих оригинальных играх. [3] Эта игра включает в себя два ранее отмененных уровня: «Полет Энакина» и «Погоня за головами», которые в свое время должны были появиться в Лего Звездные войны: Видеоигра но были вырезаны во время разработки. «Полет Энакина» основан на космическом сражении Набу против корабля управления дроидами, показанного в Скрытая угроза. Первоначально он задумывался как уровень рельсового шутера, но был изменен на стиль свободного передвижения, используемый почти на всех уровнях транспортных средств в игре. "Погоня за головами" фокусируется на Оби-Ван Кеноби и Энакин Скайуокер преследует охотника за головами Зам Везелл через Корусант из Атака клонов. Он также был сделан на уровне свободного передвижения, но, в отличие от «Полёта Энакина», был включен в Эпизод II. (В Лего Звездные войны: Видеоигра, было всего пять уровней для Атака клонов вместо стандартных шести уровней на эпизод для всех остальных эпизодов).
Уровни сюжета «Mos Espa Podrace» и «Gunship Cavalry» были переработаны, хотя версии из соответствующих оригинальных игр представлены как бонусные уровни. «Битва за Корусант», однако, осталась прежней, с изменением, согласно которому игроки могут менять технику в свободной игре. Новые дополнения к The Complete Saga включают в себя режим боевой арены для 2 игроков под названием «Аркадный режим», новые бонусные миссии для транспортных средств Minikit, красные блоки питания от Лего Звездные войны 2: Оригинальная трилогия возвращение и включение в уровни трилогии приквела, а также 10 дополнительных охотник за головами миссии добавляют новые испытания к частям трилогии приквелов, которые Лего Звездные войны: Видеоигра.
В Эпизоды I, II, и III уровни были обновлены, чтобы персонажи могли строить и ездить на транспортных средствах, носить шлемы и получать доступ к зонам охотников за головами и штурмовиков. Персонажи из трилогии приквелов теперь имеют возможность уклоняться от бластерного огня и иметь собственную специальную рукопашную атаку (например, Чубакка отрывает руки). Были добавлены новые приемы Силы, Force Lightning и Force Choke. Также были добавлены новые персонажи, в результате чего их общее количество увеличилось до 128. Индиана Джонс это разблокируемый игровой персонаж, который предвещает и продвигает Лего Индиана Джонс: Оригинальные приключения. [4]
Lego ® Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a Lego ® Star Wars video game, although at its core it is a compilation of the two previous Lego ® Star Wars titles; Lego ® Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego ® Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Developed by Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts, it was released in early November of 2007 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii and in October 2009 it was released for the PC. It can also can be found in the App Store for Mac and iOS.
Updated levels
- The "Mos Espa Pod Race", "Gunship Cavalry", and "Battle over Coruscant" levels from the first game have been adapted to fit the vehicle gameplay mechanics from the second game.
New content
The Complete Saga for PC title screen
- New characters have been added, including Boss Nass, Zam Wesell, Watto, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Captain Tarpals, and many more to bring the total number of playable characters to 134 (122 not including Extra Toggle)
- Two new levels have been added to this version of the game:
- The Episode I bonus level is "Anakin's Flight". This level is set up the same way the Death Star level in the Original Trilogy video game. In fact, the only differences are location, ship, and purpose. This level was made for the first Lego ® Star Wars game but was omitted.
- The new level for Episode II is "Bounty Hunter Pursuit", with gameplay similar to "Anakin's Flight", in which you have to deactivate several shields before you catch the fleeing assassin. This level was made for the first Lego ® Star Wars game but was omitted.
- Indiana Jones can be bought in this version of the game. To unlock him, go through the "trailer" section of the Cantina and watch the trailer for Lego ® Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. Now Indiana Jones will be purchasable at the bar for 50,000 Lego studs.
- On the Xbox 360 version, you can unlock achievements.
Screenshot of the game.
Clone (Episode III)
Clone (Episode III, Pilot)
Clone (Episode III, Swamp)
Clone (Episode III, Walker)
Mace Windu (Episode III)
Rebel Trooper (Hoth)
Extra toggle characters
The below characters can be accessed in certain levels once unlocking and activating the "Extra Toggle" Power brick.
Non-playable characters
Achievements are awards that you receive for doing certain tasks in the Xbox 360 version of the game.
Work Salary Glitch
Console type needed for glitch: Oldest Version of Xbox360.
The work salary glitch is a very rare glitch unique to the oldest version of the Xbox 360. It can only be obtained after you have gotten the Gopher Achievement, beat all levels, unlocked all canisters, (excluding blue challenge canisters) and built the Money fountain outside of the cantina. Go into any Episode Room. Stand in the middle of the room, with all extras/cheats off. If you cheat once through the game, you will lose the chance to obtain the glitch.
gives 500 - 1,000 studs every 5 seconds
Music Glitch
Every console is prone to this glitch. To avoid it, don't play games over 3 hours at a time.
This is one of the most common glitches for Lego Games on Xbox 360. It also happens with all Lego Indiana Jones Games, and happens on all PS2 Lego Games.
The music starts repeating notes rapidly, as if you encounter notes repeating every 5 minutes, this is normal. If you ever encounter this glitch, your console is on the brink of freezing! Go to the main menu and turn off the console as soon as possible.
Glitch Disabilities: Freezes your console Screen, but the music keeps going. Also known to disrupt loading to the main menu.
Falling Glitch
In the level Darth Maul drop out one person jump in the hole in the middle drop right back in and you can walk in the middle off the hole. Note: you can not get out unless you turn off your console
These Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats will save you a lot of leg work unlocking things like characters, vehicles, abilities and powers. There's even a few secrets you can access as well. There's a lot of game here so no one will judge you for using a few shortcuts when the Complete Saga combines Lego Star Wars: The Video Game and the follow up Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy - that's a lot of Star Wars and why spend hours trying to unlock everything when you can just use a code here and there to skip a few steps.
How to enter Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats
In order to enter any of the following Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheats you'll need to go to the bar in the Mos Eisley Cantina at the start of the game. Here you'll see an option to imput a code. From here select the "Enter Code" option and type in any Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga cheat codes to unlock the extras. Then pause the game and select extras where you should see the cheats you've enabled and be able to enable or disable them while you're playing.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Cheat Codes
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Character Unlock Codes
- 4-LOM - DVY683
- Aayla Secura - ECU428
- Adi Mundi - MUN486
- Admiral Ackbar - ACK646
- Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) - HJI667
- Battle Droid - AUJ261
- Battle Droid (Commander) - KPF958
- Battle Droid (Geonosis) - NJK995
- Battle Droid (Security) - HWY633
- Beach Trooper - BHH538
- Ben Kenobi (Ghost) - BENGH8
- Bespin Guard - CDT859
- Bib Fortuna - MMN372
- Boba Fett - BOBA00
- Boba Fett (Boy) - GGF539
- Boss Nass - HHY697
- Bossk - HYR849
- Captain Tarpals - QRN714
- Clone - BDE289
- Clone (Episode 3) - VCT533
- Clone (Episode 3 Pilot) - XXD447
- Clone (Episode 3 Swamp) - QYD793
- Clone (Episode 3 Walker) - NBU753
- Count Dooku - DDD748
- Darth Maul - EUK421
- Death Star Trooper - NJK912
- Dengar - GAR945
- Dexter Jettster - JJU782
- Disguised Clone - CCH677
- Droideka - XCT333
- The Emperor - EMP666
- Ewok - EWK785
- Gamorrean Guard - NNM784
- General Grevious - PMN576
- Geonosian - HJY732
- Grand Moff Tarkin - VYY985
- Greedo - ZZR636
- Grievous' Bodyguard - JHU423
- Han Solo (Hood) - KLA621
- IG-88 - GIJ989
- Imperial Guard - GUA850
- Imperial Officer - KLP412
- Imperial Shuttle Pilot - BKJ857
- Imperial Spy - YZFR1K
- Jango Fett - KLJ897
- Jawa - NVU859
- Ki-Adi Mundi - MUN486
- Kit Fisto - TFI888
- Lama Su - KLG412
- Lobot - BVH785
- Luke Skywalker (Hoth) - TTY463
- Luminara - LUM521
- Mace Windu (Episode 3) - JKD867
- Padme - VBJ322
- Palace Guard - PPP555
- Pit Droid - RTD428
- Plo Koon - PLK689
- Princess Leia (Prisoner) - QQY843
- R2-Q5 Droid - EVILR2
- Rebel Pilot - BKL123
- Rebel Trooper - DHV940
- Rebel Trooper (Hoth) - GHR673
- Royal Guard - YUF634
- Sandtrooper - CBR954
- Shaak Ti - KIT766
- Skiff Guard - BYU785
- Snowtrooper - HVT573
- Stormtrooper - NBN431
- Super Battle Droid - HDD733
- Taun We - PRX482
- TIE Fighter Pilot - BBR334
- Tusken Raider - YYR778
- Ugnaught - CGF754
- Watto - PLL967
- Wookiee - BWK887
- Yoda (Ghost) - VVV429
- Zam Wesell - 584HJF
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Vehicle Unlock Codes
- Clone Arcfighter - NNB674
- Droid Tri-Fighter - AAB123
- Imperial Shuttle - HUT845
- Sebulba's Pod - THY432
- TIE Bomber - HJH848
- TIE Fighter - DBH897
- TIE Fighter (Darth Vader) - BVNJ84
- TIE Interceptor - INT729
- Vulture Droid - BDC866
- Zam's Speeder - UUU875
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Ability and Power Brick Unlock Codes
- Bounty Hunter Rockets - BKJ462
- Character Studs - DHY782
- Dark Side - DRK328
- Deflect Bolts - BNL435
- Disarm Troopers - HJU848
- Disguise - BRJ437
- Exploding Blaster Bolts - EXP912
- Fast Build - KJU233
- Fast Force - BYY492
- Force Grapple Leap - CLZ738
- Force Pull - PUL966
- Infinite Torpedoes - NUJ866
- Invincibility - HS9K44
- Minikit Detector - FBM152
- Perfect Deflect - PER894
- Poo Money - PMN904
- Power Brick Detector - FBM834
- Regenerate Hearts - 528HBB
- Score x2 - HBF899
- Score x4 - DQY857
- Score x6 - NMP499
- Score x8 - XXY99G
- Score x10 - VXZ123
- Self Destruct - DRX444
- Stud Magnet - VXZ193
- Super Astromech - R2D222
- Super Blasters - HHD647
- Super Ewok Catapult - ERF893
- Super Gonk - SPRGNK
- Super Jedi Slam - SLM768
- Super Lightsabers - GHL978
- Super Slap - 294NMB
- Super Thermal Detonator - THE931
- Super Zapper - DFY111
- Tractor Beam - 53NKH3
- Vehicle Smart Bomb - SMA293
- Walkie Talkie Disable - JKJ589
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Secret Unlocks
In addition to all the characters and vehicles you can unlock using the cheat codes above, there are two more items you can add to your roster:
Unlock Indiana Jones
Go into the "Bonus" doorway in the Cantina, then go through the door marked "Trailers" and watch the trailer for "Lego Indiana Jones". You can then buy him for 50,000 studs.
Unlock Slave 1
To unlock Boba Fett's Slave 1 ship you need to complete all 36 minikit collection missions, which means finding all 360 minikits hidden around the game. Good luck and happy hunting!
Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 400 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.
The Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga characters list is huge and includes well-known and obscure characters from all nine films. That's over 350 characters to get - some of which have never featured in a Lego game - from The Phantom Menace all the way up to The Rise of Skywalker. This list expands even more when the DLC packs are included, bringing the character total to over 400 and introducing characters from Star Wars spin-off films and Disney+ shows, including Rogue One and The Mandalorian.
In Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, each character also belongs to a certain class and has their own upgradeable abilities, from Jedi to Villains, and Scoundrels to Astromech Droids - if you want know about the best Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga upgrades, we've got you covered. Use every ability to get the most out of each level and find every collectible, but if you want more Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga tips, you can read here. These are all the Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga characters you’ll be able to unlock and play as.
How to unlock Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga characters
Struggling with scavengers? Here's how to use the Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Scavenger ability
You’ll unlock Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga characters by a combination of playing through the story and completing optional side activities, like side missions, trials, and challenges. There are also a few that are unlocked with Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga cheats. When looking at the character lists in the Characters menu, any character icon that has been fully revealed means it’s a character you have unlocked and can play as. If the icon is a silhouette, that means you need to pay some Studs to unlock them – select the character to see many Studs they cost to buy!
Finally, a character icon that has a padlock over it means the character is locked for now, so you’ll unlock them or the ability to buy them with Studs later. You can buy a rumour to reveal a hint about how you can unlock them, but we recommend that you don’t do this unless you’ve played through the whole game – you’ll unlock loads of characters simply just by playing the story.
Any small blue padlocks or white dots surrounding a character’s icon represent different outfits they can wear – for example Obi-Wan Kenobi has six outfits that show his changing appearance from Episodes I to III. These costumes are also unlocked through story progress and side activities.
All characters
Every character in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga
There are 384 characters and costumes for you to unlock in the Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga base game. These characters are presented in the order that they appear in the in-game character list which is mostly alphabetical. Certain characters have multiple costumes that change their appearance to different outfits as seen in the Star Wars films, so those are all listed here too:
- 2-1B
- 4-LOM
- 8D8
- AD-4M
- Aayla Secura
- Admiral Ackbar
- Admiral Holdo
- Aftab Ackbar
- Ahch-To Caretaker
- Alcida-Auka
- Anakin Skywalker (Episode I)
- Anakin Skywalker (Podracer)
- Anakin Skywalker (Pilot)
- Anakin Skywalker (Episode II)
- Anakin Skywalker (Episode II - Cape)
- Anakin Skywalker (Episode III)
- Anakin Skywalker (Episode III – Cape)
- Anakin Skywalker (Yellow Eyes)
- Anakin Skywalker (Charred)
- Anakin Skywalker (Geonosis)
- Ap'Lek
- Aurra Sing
- B1 Battle Droid
- B1 Battle Droid (Commander)
- B1 Battle Droid (Geonosis)
- B1 Battle Droid (Heavy Assault)
- B1 Battle Droid (Kashyyyk)
- B1 Battle Droid (Security)
- B2 Super Battle Droid
- BB-8
- BB-8 (Disguise)
- BB-9E
- Babu Frik
- Bail Organa
- Bala-Tik
- Barriss Offee
- Bazine Netal
- Beaumont Kin
- Ben Solo
- Bib Fortuna
- Biggs Darklighter
- Boba Fett
- Boba Fett (Boy)
- Bobbajo
- Boolio
- Boss Nass
- Bossk
- C'ai Threnalli
- C-3PO
- C-3PO (Kijimi Coat)
- C-3PO (Episode I)
- C-3PO (Red Arm)
- C-3PO (Red Eyes)
- C-3PO (Rusted)
- IG-101 MagnaGuard Droid
- IG-88
- Imperial Fleet Trooper
- Imperial Gunnery Technician
- Imperial Probe Droid
- Jabba the Hutt
- Jango Fett
- Jango Fett (Casual)
- Jango Fett (Clone)
- Jannah
- Jar Jar Binks
- Jar Jar Binks (Senator)
- Jawa
- Jek Porkins
- Jess Pava
- Jocasta Nu
- Jubnuk
- K-3PO
- K3-R1
- Kaydel Connix
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Kit Fisto
- Klaud
- Kuruk
- Kylo Ren
- Kylo Ren (Episode IX)
- Kylo Ren (No Helmet)
- Kylo Ren (No Helmet – Scar)
- Kylo Ren (Topless)
- LC-24
- Lama Su
- Lando Calrissian (Episode IX)
- Lando Calrissian (Hermit)
- Lando Calrissian (Episode V)
- Lando Calrissian (Episode VI – General)
- Lando Calrissian (Han Solo’s Clothes)
- Lando Calrissian (Jabba’s Palace)
- Leia (Boushh Disguise)
- Leia (Episode IV)
- Leia (Jabba’s Palace)
- Leia (Cloud City)
- Leia (Endor)
- Leia (Endor – Hat)
- Leia (Ewok Village)
- Leia (Episode V – Hoth)
- Leia (Episode V)
- Leia (Training Flashback)
- Lobot
- Logray
- Luke Skywalker (Episode IV)
- Luke Skywalker (Ceremony)
- Luke Skywalker (Rebel Pilot)
- Luke Skywalker (Episode VI)
- Luke Skywalker (Endor)
- Luke Skywalker (Episode V – Jedi)
- Luke Skywalker (Training Flashback)
- Luke Skywalker (Jabba’s Palace)
- Luke Skywalker (Hoth)
- Luke Skywalker (Episode V – No Jacket)
- Luke Skywalker (Yoda Backpack)
- Luke Skywalker (Old – Ahch-To)
- Luke Skywalker (Old – Raincoat)
- Luke Skywalker (Old - Crait)
- Luke Skywalker (Old - Flashback)
- Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper)
- Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper – No Helmet)
- Luminara Unduli
- ME-8D9
- Mace Windu
- Mace Windu (Cape)
- Malakili
- Mama the Hutt
- Mas Amedda
- Master Codebreaker
- Mawhonic
- Max Rebo
- Maz Kanata
- Mister Bones
- Mon Mothma
- Mouse Droid
- Mustafarian
- Nambi Ghima
- Nien Nunb
- Nute Gunray
- OOM-9
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I – No Cape)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II – Robe)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III – Cape)
- Ody Mandrell
- Old Ben Kenobi (Tatooine)
- Old Ben Kenobi (Tatooine – Hood)
- Oola
- Padmé (Clawed)
- Padmé (Handmaiden – Orange)
- Padmé (Battle of Naboo)
- Padmé (Pilot)
- Padmé (Pilot – Helmet)
- Padmé (Pregnant)
- Padmé (Silver Cape)
- Padmé (Tatooine Disguise)
- Padmé (Ship)
- Palpatine (Chancellor – Grey)
- Palpatine (Chancellor – Red)
- Palpatine (Scarred)
- Palpatine (Senator)
- Paploo
- Pit Droid
- Plo Koon
- Poe Dameron (Black Resistance Jacket)
- Poe Dameron (Episode IX)
- Poe Dameron (Jacket)
- Poe Dameron (Kijimi Coat)
- Poe Dameron (Pilot)
- Poe Dameron (Pilot – Helmet)
- Poggle the Lesser
- Ponda Baba
- Porg (Companion) – not playable
- Praetorian Guard (First Guard)
- Praetorian Guard (Seventh Guard)
- Praetorian Guard (Third Guard)
- Praetorian Guard (Eighth Guard)
- Pryde
- Queen Amidala
- Qui-Gon Jinn (Cape)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (Tatooine Disguise)
- Qui-Gon Jinn
- R-3PO
- R2-A6
- R2-B1
- R2-D2
- R2-D2 (Swamp)
- R2-D2 (Waiter)
- R2-KT
- R2-N3
- R2-Q5
- R2-R9
- R4-M9
- R4-P17
- R5-2JE
- R5-D4
- R5-M2
- RA-7
- Rancor
- Ratts Tyerell
- Rebel Friend
- Ree-Yees
- Rey (Episode VII)
- Rey (Episode VII – Starkiller Base)
- Rey (Scavenger Grey Vest)
- Rey (Grey Jedi Wrap)
- Rey (Kijimi Coat)
- Rey (Episode VII – Jedi)
- Rey (Episode IX)
- Rey Skywalker
- Rey (Sith)
- Ric Olié
- Roger
- Rose Tico
- Rose Tico (Crait)
- Rose Tico (Episode IX)
- Rose Tico (First Order)
- Rose Tico (Episode VIII – Supremacy)
- Rothgar Deng
- Rune Haako
- Salacious B. Crumb
- Sandtrooper
- Sandtrooper (Commander)
- Sandtrooper (Sergeant)
- Scout Trooper
- Scout Trooper (Kashyyyk)
- Sebulba
- Senate Guard
- Shaak Ti
- Shmi
- Sidon Ithano
- Sith Acolyte
- Sith Jet Trooper
- Sith Probe Droid
- Sith Trooper
- Snoke
- Snowtrooper
- Sovereign Protector
- Stormtrooper
- Stormtrooper (Empire Commander)
- Stormtrooper (Empire Sergeant)
- Stormtrooper (First Order)
- Stormtrooper (First Order – Driver)
- Stormtrooper (First Order Sergeant)
- Stormtrooper (First Order Officer)
- Stormtrooper (First Order Heavy Assault)
- Stormtrooper (First Order Squad Leader)
- Sy Snootles
- TC-14
- TIE Fighter Pilot
- Tallie Lintra
- Tarfful
- Tarkin
- Tasu Leech
- Teebo
- Teedo
- Temiri Blagg
- Temmin Wexley
- The Emperor
- The Emperor (Clone)
- Theron Nett
- Tion Medon
- Trudgen
- Tusken Raider
- Ubbla Mollbro
- Ugnaught
- Unkar Plutt
- Ushar
- Vicrul
- Wampa
- Wandering Wookiee
- Watto
- Wedge Antilles
- Weequay
- Wicket
- Willrow Hood
- Wrobie Tyce
- Yaddle
- Yarael Poof
- Yoda
- Zam Wesell (Human)
- Zam Wesell (Alien Face)
- Zev Senesca (Rogue 2)
- Zorii Bliss
- Zuckuss
DLC Characters
All Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga DLC Characters
There are 40 extra DLC characters available, including characters from spin-off films, television series, and classic Lego sets, although they are split across seven character packs. To get these characters, you can buy each DLC character pack individually - all the packs are available now, by the way - or you can buy the Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Character Character Collection which is a bundle of all the packs.
Digital pre-orders also include classic Obi-Wan Kenobi as a playable character, however, it doesn't look like he is obtainable at all in-game or as part of the Classic Character pack.
The Mandalorian Season 1 Pack
- Cara Dune
- Din Djarin
- Greef Karga
- Grogu (Companion) – not playable
- IG-11
- Kuiil
Solo: A Star Wars Story Pack
- Chewbacca (Vandor)
- Enfys Nest
- Han Solo (Young)
- Lando Calrissian (Young)
- Qi'ra
- Tobias Beckett
Classic Characters Pack
- Darth Vader (Classic)
- Han Solo (Classic)
- Lando Calrissian (Classic)
- Luke Skywalker (Classic)
- Princess Leia (Classic)
Trooper Pack
- Imperial Death Trooper
- Incinerator Stormtrooper
- Mimban Stormtrooper
- Range Trooper
- Shoretrooper
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Pack
- Baze Malbus
- Bodhi Rook
- Cassian Andor
- Chirrut Îmwe
- Director Krennic
- Jyn Erso
- K-2SO
The Mandalorian Season 2 Pack
- Ahsoka Tano
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Boba Fett (Scion of Jango)
- Fennec Shand
- Moff Gideon
The Bad Batch Pack
- Crosshair
- Echo
- Hunter
- Tech
- Wrecker
Will Sawyer is a freelance guides writer at GamesRadar+ who works with the rest of the guides team to give readers great information and advice on the best items, how to complete a particular challenge, or where to go in some of the biggest video games. Will joined the GameRadar+ team in August 2021 and has written about service titles, including Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Warzone, as well as some of the biggest releases like Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5, and Dying Light 2.
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LEGO® Star Wars™: The Complete Saga is a video game based on the Star Wars movies by George Lucas and the Star Wars-themed toy line by the LEGO Group. [1] X Research source It is a combination of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game [2] X Research source and its sequel LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy. [3] X Research source The game was announced May 25, 2007 and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and Nintendo DS. It's very popular.
There are several ways to play this game. You can play through the game in story mode. You can play for points. You can play to collect white minikits, you can play to collect red power bricks, and you can play to collect blue canisters.
Play through story mode. Story mode is essentially a series of rooms through which you must advance. Some rooms include some sort of puzzle that must be worked out in order to enter the next room. Many gamers derive a great deal of satisfaction from figuring out how to get through a level with as little guidance as possible, but if you are completely frustrated and you just want to know how to get past a particular obstacle, then there are many detailed walkthrough available elsewhere on the Internet. Upon completion of each chapter, you will be awarded one gold brick; you will unlock freeplay for that chapter, and you will unlock the characters featured in that chapter. Some characters will become immediately available to you while others will be available to purchase in the Cantina. See below for a handy reference table of playable characters.
- Blow up everything you see. Take the time to wander around each area destroying everything.
- Stay alive. You lose studs when your character dies. Avoid dying by taking care to collect red heart charms to restore your health or by activating the invincibility extra. You can also decrease the effect of your death by turning off the extra called adaptive difficulty. See How to use power bricks for more information regarding extras.
- Turn on the stud magnet. The stud magnet is an extra available to buy after you find the associated power brick. When activated, it is significantly easier to collect studs during game play. See How to use power bricks for more information regarding extras.
- Turn on character studs. Character studs are an extra available to buy after you find the associated power brick. When activated, enemy characters turn into studs when defeated. See How to use power bricks for more information regarding extras. This is particularly effective while playing levels with an unlimited number of enemy combatants; for example, Episode 2 Chapter 4 Jedi Battle and Episode 3 Chapter 4 Defense of Kashyyyk.
- Turn on the stud multipliers. Stud multipliers are extras available to buy after you find the associated power bricks. They are very expensive, but when activated every point you find is multiplied by 2,4, 6, or 8, depending on which multipliers you have activated. See How to use power bricks for more information regarding extras.
Collect the Minikits. each chapter has 10 mini-kits. When you collect all ten mini-kits, you can build the kit outside the cantina, and you earn a gold brick. There are a total of 360 mini-kits (10 kits multiplied by 6 chapters multiplied by 6 episodes). If you collect all 360 kits, then you will have also earned a total of 36 gold bricks.
Collect gold bricks. There are 160 gold bricks to collect throughout the game, 36 available by completing story mode, 36 available by achieving True Jedi, and 36 available for collecting minikits, 12 available by completing the super stories, 20 available in the bounty hunter bonus missions, 6 available in the bonus levels, and 14 can be purchased in the cantina.
Collect blue canisters. each chapter can be played in story mode, free play or challenge. In challenge mode you receive a collection of characters to work with, and you are tasked with discovering the locations of ten blue canisters. You must find all ten in ten minutes. When you do, you are rewarded with 50,000 points.
Explore the area. The blue minikits can be found where you will least expect them, so check everywhere.
Depends on which version you are on. For the Wii version, you need a Wii remote and a Wii nunchuck. To play on the DS, you just need the DS. On the PS3 version you need the PS3 controller. On the PC, you need to use the keys, and on the Xbox360, you just need the controller.
You need to complete the first level in Episode 1, then you leave that chapter by entering a door that is to the left and close.
It depends on your performance (such as collecting points, minikits, etc.). Whether or not you move on is mostly based on how you progress through the six chapters of an episode.
On the Wii and DS, you just fly around the torpedo area, and press Z to launch when your area is in range.
You need to have a second controller on a home console. Turn on the controller and press the start button, and a second player should join. Other systems might require other procedures, or might not have multiplayer functionality.
If you've played the whole Endor chapter in story mode and Wicket was not unlocked, the next option is to save up Lego studs and buy the unlock from the bar at the cantina.
On a home console, you will need two players to play through each challenge in the arcade. Then you should receive the gold bricks.
Pause the game and go to Help and Options, it should show you your controls. For the directional pad, there is a + icon with arrows on all ends, as well as a lock icon in the bottom-right corner of the d-pad. To move the d-pad, put your finger in the middle, where the "+" icon is, then move your finger where you want your d-pad to be located. If you are unable to move the d-pad initially, look at the lock icon in the bottom-right corner. If the lock is closed, tap on it to unlock.
Find and use Power Bricks to take advantage of advance abilities including double the damage of your attacks, invulnerability, fast build and fast force, expanded stud collection radius, studs collected multiplied by two and vehicles will have the "Tractor Beam" power active.
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