Lego star wars iii the clone wars 3ds
Все двадцать лет своей истории компания Traveller’s Tales занималась почти исключительно обслуживанием чужих брендов. Причем в большинстве случаев делала это без особого энтузиазма: именно в этих стенах появились на свет унылый Sonic 3D для SEGA Genesis, помойный Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex, откровенно проходная Bionicle Heroes и куча других пресных проектов по кино- и мультлицензиям, дисками с которыми в редакции «Игромании» уже набит солидный шкаф (если они вам вдруг нужны — напишите, нам, пожалуйста, хотя мы уже особенно и не надеемся).
Пожалуй, единственная лицензия, в работе с которой британская студия проявила подлинный талант и фантазию, — это LEGO. Особенно удачным получился интерактивный гибрид датского конструктора и вселенной «Звездных войн» — настолько удачным, что к 2011 году Traveller’s Tales в три приема окучили обе канонические трилогии, одарили игроков всеми мыслимыми бонусами, после чего кинофильмы во вселенной Джорджа Лукаса ожидаемым образом кончились.
Помимо прочего, в программе есть бои верхом на гигантских животных.
Дальше выбор оставался небогатый. На экранах «Звездные войны» сегодня существуют только в виде анимационного сериала (и полнометражного мультфильма) «Клонические войны». Конечно, нравятся они далеко не всем, но в формат компьютерной игры вписываются идеально. К тому же, на нашей памяти, достойно события клонических войн были освещены разве что в Republic Commando, да и там играть приходилось за массовку.
Словом, все, что оставалось разработчикам, — придать героям сериала характерной пластмассовой угловатости. Как и ожидалось, операция прошла успешно. The Clone Wars — отличная, почти эталонная аркада, где все — ну, или почти все — привычно и знакомо любому, кто хоть раз играл в LEGO-игры. Джедаи рубят боевых дроидов, крушат на мелкие части пластмассовые декорации, сообща решают головоломки, потешно кривляются и причиняют злодеям далекой-далекой галактики добро и справедливость. Принципиальные отличия от предыдущих частей — набор героев, события, уровни и… неожиданно куда более разнообразный геймплей.
Дерзкий налет на территорию противника в одиночку — лучший способ начать атаку. Союзники для подобных вещей слишком глупы.
Если раньше Traveller’s Tales не особенно стремились разбавлять чисто аркадные этапы с прыжками и драками на световых мечах чем-то иным, делая это исключительно в тех случаях, когда того требовал оригинальный сюжет, то в LEGO Star Wars III они будто с цепи сорвались.
Появились многослойные уровни. Это когда вы сперва играете роль звездного Гастелло, лихо расправляетесь с армадами вражеских истребителей и жалите лазерами крейсер сепаратистов, затем приземляетесь в образовавшуюся в корпусе дыру (порой и вовсе прямиком на сам корпус), бегаете на своих двоих, отключаете какой-нибудь генератор силового щита, возвращаетесь за штурвал и вновь бороздите космическое пространство под аккомпанемент гула двигателей и повизгивающих лазеров. Поражает в такие моменты главным образом масштаб происходящего: оказавшись рядом с занимающим добрую половину экрана боевым кораблем, чувствуешь себя настолько ничтожным, что поначалу даже стрелять стыдно, — даром что корабль и сам собран из LEGO.
Перемещение между звездными системами производится с помощью этой запутанной карты.
Игре вообще словно сделали инъекцию гормонами роста. Об этом догадываешься уже на первом уровне, когда разработчики, совершенно того не стесняясь, сваливают на одну арену натурально тысячи дроидов, трех огромных, агрессивно настроенных тварей и одного Джанго Фетта. Апофеоза все это достигает на этапах, где сражаться приходится сперва за контрольные точки, а уже потом за приятно звенящие детальки конструктора. Здесь Traveller’s Tales поработали так, словно следующим их проектом будет не то LEGO Battlefield, не то LEGO Tower Defense. На огромной площади, где уже маршируют отряды дроидов, расположено несколько стратегических точек. На каждой противник укрепился по полной: поставил стационарные орудия, подключил радары, а если штаб сепаратистов выделил достаточный бюджет — то еще и установил генераторы силовых полей и оклеил бункер обоями. Выбивая врага с одного из насиженных мест, мы занимаем точку и совершенно неожиданно получаем доступ к меню строительства. Ресурс один — собранные детали, количество построек — внушительное. Турели нескольких типов, «бараки» для специализированных клонов (кто-то вооружен лазерным оружием, кто-то — ракетометами), точки для сброса боевой техники (совершенно очевидно, что ей можно управлять) и чуть ли не шахты с ядерными ракетами. Конечно же, какой-то тактической глубины или хоть сколько-нибудь сообразительного AI здесь нет, но попытка разбавить аркадные уровни получилась более чем удачной.
И все-таки этого мало. Несмотря на то что LEGO-игры получаются у Traveller’s Tales исключительно обаятельными и захватывающими, базовая механика в них не менялась уже шесть лет. Скоро от нее могут устать даже самые убежденные фанаты. С другой стороны, приличные игры студия почему-то выпускает исключительно под маркой LEGO. Возможно, для начала стоит хотя бы сменить жанр — была же, в конце концов, LEGO Rock Band… но нет, календарь релизов подсказывает, что следующей игрой Traveller’s Tales будет LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is a 2011 Lego game for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, PC and Nintendo 3DS consoles based on The Clone Wars animated series, developed by Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts and TT Games, released in March 2011 [1] and is the latest game of the Lego Star Wars video game series. Lego Star Wars III features missions and characters from the Clone Wars television series, as well as favorite characters from the original Star Wars saga, in both single-player and multiplayer gameplay modes.
Gameplay in Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is similar to the previous titles in the series. Up to two players switch between different characters in order to fight enemies, solve puzzles, and progress through various levels. It introduces a few novelties, including scene swap, where players can switch between teams in separate locations to complete multi-part objectives, and boss battles. The game also features some real-time strategy elements, such as commanding large ground armies across battlefields. Also, the space fights have been remodelled to use a more instinctive, 3D-space battle sensation. It is set during the Clone Wars animated series, as well as certain scenes from Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
New features
Overall, the game engine used by previous Lego Star Wars games has been upgraded. It can now hold more than 200 moving units or objects on-screen. The graphics are more detailed than before, and the lighting has been improved to enhance the feeling of depth.
New features include scenarios in which players can command large armies of clones to battle against droid armies (although not on DS), and Story Swap mode, in which players can switch between two characters in different areas whose stories run simultaneously. The game includes split screen combat. All new character features include lightsaber throwing, lightsaber slicing, picking up droids and stepping on certain pads in which Jedi do "combo moves" to destroy certain objects. Vehicle levels have been upgraded slightly; now, players can land their ship and begin fighting on foot (similar to Star Wars: Battlefront II). All the original elements seen in previous Lego Star Wars games have returned. The hub has also been changed, taking place in a Republic Cruiser named the Resolute, allowing the characters to explore all the parts of the Star Wars galaxy.
- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (film)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series) (seasons 1 and 2)
Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars features voice work by the same actors who appeared in The Clone Wars film and TV show:
- Anakin Skywalker - Ahsoka Tano - Captain Rex, Commander Cody and clone troopers - Obi Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon - R2 D2 - Count Dooku - Mace Windu - General Grevious and battle droids - C3PO - Yoda - Aurra Sing - Nute Gunray and Nahdar Vebb - Kit Fisto - Asajj Ventress
- David Acord - EV-A4-D - Jar Jar Binks - Luminara Unduli - Darth Vader (classic)
Development and marketing
The game has been in development since late 2009 when the second season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series started. The game was covered up and in June 2010 after the second season finale The Lego Group started to work on adding the last part of the second season in and new things such as a new hub and a new way to use the lightsaber. Then in late 2010, LEGO finished the game and started to make promotions for it. On 23 June 2010, LEGO released the first trailer for the game and later in 2011 they released some demos and cutscenes. Nintendo have made 3DS trailers for the game too and also some E3 convention videos with the gameplay of Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. On 17 March 2011 they put the demo version of the game on Nintendo systems in Game Stop. The official release date of the game was 22 March 2011.
The game has received generally mixed reviews. GameSpot gave 6.5/10 for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii [1] while 6/10 for Nintendo 3DS. IGN's Anthony Gallegos rated the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 versions of the game 7.5/10, the Wii version 7/10, and the DS, 3DS, and PSP versions 6.0. He commented on the vast variety in the in-game Hub; "the hub world is open to players to explore, but this time around, Traveller's Tales have really outdone themselves". They further stated "like so much of the LEGO games design, when you combine these two relatively unexciting portions together, something strange happens: It becomes a simple, engaging game". [11] GameTrailers gave the game 6.5/10, and called it "one of the dullest in the entire series", strongly criticizing the game's repetition.
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LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - Stop Motion How to Video
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May 20, 2011 2:35pm
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - Stop Motion Video
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Apr 14, 2011 5:19pm
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - Jar Jar to the Rescue Gameplay Movie
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Mar 31, 2011 2:36pm
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - City Under Siege Gameplay Movie
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Mar 31, 2011 2:36pm
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - Tons of Droids Gameplay Movie
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Mar 31, 2011 2:36pm
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - Going After Grievous Gameplay Movie
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Mar 31, 2011 2:35pm
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
- 3DS
- DS
- + 6 more
- Macintosh
- PC
- PlayStation 3
- Wii
- Xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars features overhauled visuals and new gameplay alongside the cooperative action and humor the series is known for.
Everyone 10+ Cartoon Violence, Crude Humor
An evolution of the LEGO series, but only a tiny one. If you liked or haven't played the others, you'll enjoy this.
If you are a Star Wars fan craving for something on the 3DS or a Lego fanatic then Star Wars III: The Clone Wars on the 3DS is a title that you should definitely check out.
It works well enough, and even though it's far too easy and features ridiculously simplistic gameplay, it still gets the job done. Still, paying $40 for a game that just gets the job done feels a little wrong, and if you are a real LEGO Star Wars fan, you would be better served picking up the console version.
A glut of unlockables makes LEGO Star Wars III's smash-and-grab emphasis a somewhat addictive grind. Even so, it lacks the nostalgia factor of its predecessors, and with all of the challenge completely stripped out to cater to a younger slant, it's tough to recommend this one for anyone but the most devout of Star Wars enthusiasts.
In a word: disappointing. What we have here is a fun game that, with a bit of polish and a few extra features could have been something truly special.
User Reviews
The game is incredible,its has a great story and game play and after you finish the game you can replay the game in free mode and The game is incredible,its has a great story and game play and after you finish the game you can replay the game in free mode and collect studs to get characters and extras.and you can use the game points you get by walking to get special characters,it truly is a good game … Expand
This another Lego game that I am reviewing. This is one checked all of the boxes for all standards that this one had to do better than the This another Lego game that I am reviewing. This is one checked all of the boxes for all standards that this one had to do better than the previous game. There is nothing bad to say about this game. Great 3DS game. 10/10. … Expand
It could have been better, but it's pretty good. I bought it used for 15 bucks, and played it on my 2DS until I got my 3DS XL. The 3D effects It could have been better, but it's pretty good. I bought it used for 15 bucks, and played it on my 2DS until I got my 3DS XL. The 3D effects are awesome in this game. The main problem with this game is the short storyline. The Wii game is easily better in that sense. I'd say it's pretty good for a somewhat cheap 3DS game. … Expand
Definitely an entertaining game however the 3D really isn't necessary. If you have the console version there's no reason for the portable Definitely an entertaining game however the 3D really isn't necessary. If you have the console version there's no reason for the portable version. If you don't this will be a neat little distraction for a few hours until you find something more challenging. … Expand
A decent and entertaining game. Its been vastly stripped down from the superior wii game however, so it ends up feeling a bit lacking. I A decent and entertaining game. Its been vastly stripped down from the superior wii game however, so it ends up feeling a bit lacking. I enjoyed the 3-d effect, even though it barely added to the game. I think this game did not reach its full potential, but if you are a Star Wars fan, you will enjoy it regardless. … Expand
Cutesy game for your kids, but adult gamers needn't apply. With virtually no challenge, just linear hand holding hand held gameplay, this will Cutesy game for your kids, but adult gamers needn't apply. With virtually no challenge, just linear hand holding hand held gameplay, this will not keep you occupied for long. The graphics are indeed sharp, lightsaber sound effects are cool as ever, and using a light saber may have been enough to keep me playing. but character balance is brutal. if you have to switch to anything but a Jedi the game goes from lackluster to bad. This isn't really enough good enough to kill time between releases. … Expand
This review contains spoilers , click expand to view . This game was not great. I sold it only a few weeks after I bought it. It was alright when I bought it but I soon realized my version of the game had been broken. The Story was in the wrong order and made no sense and the streetpass function was broken. That was just my copy of the game though so it probably wouldn't have happened to a lot of people. Something that did however affect all the games was the gameplay. The puzzles were way too easy and repetitive. The story elements were alright but I thought the lego people would talk or at least talk through subtitles and not stay silent and make weird noises. It disappointed me. … Expand
Overall, I really enjoyed LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. Even if you're not a huge fan of the LEGO titles, it's hard to deny that Traveler's Tales has managed to refine the formula of what makes these games work. Toss in the standard co-op mode, which is always a lot of fun, and you've got a great time-waster on your hands here.
The game's replayability is arguably the greatest in recent gaming history, with so many reasons to keep going back, from the plethora of things to unlock, to the endless things to smash.
There's plenty of things to like in LEGO Star Wars III, though some of them might be buried a little too deep for younger players.
The main problem is that even with the replay value in each level, you probably won't really feel like replaying everything again. Unless you're a true completionist, there's not much of a draw to replaying a level that's essentially the same thing as a number of other stages.
Most importantly, though, the various types of gameplay that the developers have thrown together may not be all that amazing on their own, but the elements work together to create a well-paced, easy-to-understand game that is good fun for anyone.
The Clone Wars offers an ambitious step up from previous games in the series, but a ton of small issues across the board lead to boredom and frustration.
User Reviews
Funny to think how the movie sucks, but the game that it is based upon is not. *MIND BLOWN* Great Job! Is longer than the average 8 hours from Funny to think how the movie sucks, but the game that it is based upon is not. *MIND BLOWN* Great Job! Is longer than the average 8 hours from a game we expect, but that is only the story! I love this game. … Expand
This is a more polished and more expansive game than previous LEGO titles. My children have been waiting anxiously for this one, and it does This is a more polished and more expansive game than previous LEGO titles. My children have been waiting anxiously for this one, and it does not disappoint. If you love LEGO games, you will love this! … Expand
Для мене, ця частина є найкращою із всіх зіграних мною Лего ігор. Завдяки великій кількости персонажів, техніки, геймплейних можливостей і Для мене, ця частина є найкращою із всіх зіграних мною Лего ігор. Завдяки великій кількости персонажів, техніки, геймплейних можливостей і режиму ПвП із розділеним екраном. Гра затягує. Да нам взагалі дадуть можливість зіграти за Ситхів та дронів, а не тільки за Клонів і Джедаїв. Що ще потрібно від Лего гри по Зоряним Війнам? Правда мінус бал за звичну фармилку золотих блоків на механіці перепроходу рівнів — бісяща річ. … Expand
Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars for the DS is a good game, and features updated from "The Complete Saga" combat mechanics where you can Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars for the DS is a good game, and features updated from "The Complete Saga" combat mechanics where you can strafe while firing, which makes for some of the best fire fights in a Lego video game, only surpassed by it's 3DS port. Yes, the DS version is a downgrade from the 3DS port, obviously, but the DS version is fun in it's own right, but "The Complete Saga" has a far superior story, character roster, and "Red Brick" collection. If you're looking for a better game than "The Complete Saga" you won't find it, but if you're looking for a fun Lego game to add to your DS collection, you won't be disappointed. Final Verdict? 8/10 … Expand
The interface is wonderful. You have so much information immediately available to you. Google Maps always has a minimap in the lower left The interface is wonderful. You have so much information immediately available to you. Google Maps always has a minimap in the lower left corner, which gives you a good overview of the area. Getting information about people gives you a clear, clear window. Hacking offers a menu with easily recognizable icons, so you always know what your button presses will do. … Expand
I am a big Star Wars fan but Lego star wars III offered little to impressive me. This game is clearly made for console and not the PC which is I am a big Star Wars fan but Lego star wars III offered little to impressive me. This game is clearly made for console and not the PC which is the real reason why i rated this game 4/10. Jedi in the game are a joke and star wars isn't the same without extensive hard fought light saber battles. The game was a little to easy to play and beat. … Expand
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