Lego star wars ii the original trilogy ps2
Описание: LEGO: Star Wars II The Original Trilogy окунет вас в мир Звездных Войн и конструктора Лего! Игра имеет сюжет самой первой части Звездных Войн, и все выполнено это в стиле Лего.
LEGO Star Wars II — ироничный взгляд на трилогию "Звездных войн" ("Эпизод IV: Новая надежда", "Эпизод V: Империя наносит ответный удар" и "Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая"), ставшую классикой жанра фантастики. Сюжет игры повествует о том, как повстанцы воюют против Галактической империи и пытаются воссоединить разрозненные силы галактики. Помимо того, что игра охватывает весь сюжет трилогии — начиная с преследования Дартом Вэйдером принцессы Лейлы и заканчивая финальной схваткой на Звезде смерти, LEGO Star Wars II дает возможность поиграть в виртуальный конструктор LEGO и насладиться той замечательной атмосферой и юмором, которые сделали первую часть проекта столь популярной.
Познайте путь джедая, действуйте с умом! Далеко не все препятствия можно преодолеть с помощью грубой силы. Бластеры и световые мечи хороши, но они — еще не панацея. На пути отважных воинов встретится множество задач, для решения которых потребуется смекалка, сообразительность и слаженные действия всей команды. И новички, и ветераны пред грозным космосом равны! LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy одинаково подойдет как опытным игрокам, оставившим за плечами не один десяток интерактивных боевиков, так и еще «необстрелянным» новобранцам. Мощная система искусственного интеллекта непрерывно отслеживает ваш стиль поведения, регулируя сложность таким образом, чтобы виртуальные звездные войны не были ни слишком просты, ни запредельно сложны. Миллион героев — хороший повод пройти игру повторно! В LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy вы можете создавать собственных персонажей. Вариантов масса! Прикрутить к телу принцессы Леи голову Дарта Вейдера? Легко! «Скрестить» Люка Скайуокера с C3PO? Запросто!
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- Платформа:PC
- Дата выхода: 12 сен. 2006
- Жанр:Action (Arcade) / Action Adventure
- Тип издания: RePack, Лицензия
- Разработчик/Издатель:Traveller's Tales / LucasArts
- Серия игр:LEGO, LEGO Star Wars, Star Wars
Lego Star Wars II берет на себя смелость и способность настраивать игровой шаблон LEGO и сочетает его с эпической историей , персонажами и действиями от революционных « Звездных войн : эпизоды IV , V и VI ». LEGO Star Wars II позволяет вам создавать и сражаться с вашими любимыми моделями фильмов . От преследования Дарта Вейдера принцессы Леи на борт ее Блокадного Бегуна до последней конфронтации Люка с Императором Палпатином . Впервые в истории персонажи могут входить и выходить из транспортных средств , а также кататься на лошадях . Поскольку это стиль LEGO , вы также можете смешивать и сопоставлять части тела более чем 50 играбельных персонажей , чтобы создать один из миллионов возможных героев LEGO Star Wars . А на платформах PS2 , Xbox и Windows игра , сохранившаяся с первого LEGO Star Wars , может разблокировать еще 50 дополнительных персонажей для режима Free Play - это более 100 полных персонажей . Другие захватывающие дополнения включают в себя свободно перемещающиеся по уровню автомобиля , возможность переключения персонажей по желанию в режиме свободной игры , новый характер конкретных атак и маневров , воспроизводиться мини - комплект транспортных средств , адаптивный вариант сложности и многое другое
Если вы хотите скачать игру LEGO Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy через торрент бесплатно на ПК, выберите подходящий вариант из списка ниже.
Зарегистрируйтесь чтобы добавить в закладки
- Платформа:Playstation 2
- Дата выхода: 12 сен. 2006
- Жанр:Action / Action (Arcade)
- Тип издания: Лицензия (3)
- Разработчик/Издатель:Traveller's Tales / LucasArts
- Серия игр:LEGO, LEGO Star Wars, Star Wars
Lego Star Wars II берет на себя смелость и способность настраивать игровой шаблон LEGO и сочетает его с эпической историей , персонажами и действиями от революционных « Звездных войн : эпизоды IV , V и VI ». LEGO Star Wars II позволяет вам создавать и сражаться с вашими любимыми моделями фильмов . От преследования Дарта Вейдера принцессы Леи на борт ее Блокадного Бегуна до последней конфронтации Люка с Императором Палпатином . Впервые в истории персонажи могут входить и выходить из транспортных средств , а также кататься на лошадях . Поскольку это стиль LEGO , вы также можете смешивать и сопоставлять части тела более чем 50 играбельных персонажей , чтобы создать один из миллионов возможных героев LEGO Star Wars . А на платформах PS2 , Xbox и Windows игра , сохранившаяся с первого LEGO Star Wars , может разблокировать еще 50 дополнительных персонажей для режима Free Play - это более 100 полных персонажей . Другие захватывающие дополнения включают в себя свободно перемещающиеся по уровню автомобиля , возможность переключения персонажей по желанию в режиме свободной игры , новый характер конкретных атак и маневров , воспроизводиться мини - комплект транспортных средств , адаптивный вариант сложности и многое другое.
Если вы хотите скачать игру LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy через торрент бесплатно на PS2, выберите подходящий вариант из списка ниже.
It certainly isn't gaming's greatest challenge, but it's absolutely fun. If you've seen the original trilogy, don't resist! Join the LEGOside.
I don’t claim to be a Star Wars buff – far, far from it, in fact – but Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy makes me want to check out the storyline a little more, provides a heck of a lot of entertainment for the asking price and a few bugs aside, has been put together incredibly well indeed. Very, very good.
And, were it not said, someone would be drummed out of the union: The Force is strong with this one. [Oct. 2006, p.52]
A great game with charm to spare. If you're a Star Wars fan at all, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. [Oct 2006, p.82]
Its enthusiasm is infectious and irresistible. Here's to hoping LucasArts keeps the spirit alive with, dare we hope, a "Lego Indiana Jones."
You have to give credit to the brilliant blockhead who forced this awesome yet fundamentally bizarro idea on LucasArts. [Oct. 2006, p.111]
User Reviews
This review contains spoilers , click expand to view . Warning: Spoilers
the first Lego star wars was one of the very few games that can entertain people of all ages and this new game repeats that magic with the original trilogy! the original trilogy IS star wars, they are the films that captured peoples imagination, and the idea of it being turned into a Lego game like the prequel trilogy, was at first, scoffed at. but yet again game makers have pulled it off. this game has the same game play as the first game and can challenge you on each level. although the first one was brilliant it was rather easy to complete and had very little for you to do afterwards, but this one is a different story as it is much more challenging and has a special bonus which allows you to make your own star wars character and combine the original characters. it is loaded with the charm that made the first game such a hit. this truly has made a big improvement on an almost flawless game! … Expand
Okay, lets not get carried away here. This is NOT the best star wars game ever, that title either goes to battlefront 2 or the rouge leader Okay, lets not get carried away here. This is NOT the best star wars game ever, that title either goes to battlefront 2 or the rouge leader for nintendo game cube. however, this game is amazing. its cute and fun and funny and shockingly feels just like star wars. its so good, it makes you want to collect lego star wars toys for real. I thought the vehicle elements and flight mechanics could have been better but considering how much stuff is packed in this little game, its kind of forgivable. on the other hand, every stage feels like lego and star wars and that is what the game is called, so. its wrong to expect anything else i suppose. the games major addiction trick comes in the form of collecting star wars characters. we can spend hours and hours finding those damn lego coins so we can afford all the hidden guys such as the spirit of obi van. this kind of game design needs to be studied and somehow needs to be an industry standard, really. the thing works. This thing is impossible to put down. I finished the game in 7 hours and the screen said I had only completed 40 percent of the game. that is wild : ) … Expand
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I agree with Unholy M. -- it's not the hardest or most challenging game in the world, but it makes me grin while I'm playing. It's just fun -- fun that deserves serious replay time. And the fact that I can play co-op mode with a 6-year old and still have fun makes it even better.
Very fun game, no level feels redundant, I love the cut scenes, 7 hours long, but hidden items really draw out replay values. Best rental ever, wont be dissapointed
This game is perfect. We all love it. I can play with my Dad or my baby sister Lily. Star Wars rulez. I like R2 D2 and Darth Vader. It is really awesome to make Boba Fet fly so high. I feel that enough can not be said in favour of the amazing game.
Magnificent! Desparately playable, full of extras and wonderful humour (Darth Vader, and Ben Kenobi stopping mid duel to wave at Luke, the hats being too small for Chewbacca). Have finished the main stories and not even 50% through. Probably too easy overall, but still makes you think now and again. And LEGO Batman. I hope that has some truth behind it!
Okay . I'm 35 years old, have been playing video games for more than 25 years, and this has to be one of the funnest games I've ever played. Maybe not the best graphics ever, the most challenging, or even the most "wow" factor. But from the humor throughout, the accuracy to the story, and all the unlockables, this game is just plain fun. And that's what games are supposed Okay . I'm 35 years old, have been playing video games for more than 25 years, and this has to be one of the funnest games I've ever played. Maybe not the best graphics ever, the most challenging, or even the most "wow" factor. But from the humor throughout, the accuracy to the story, and all the unlockables, this game is just plain fun. And that's what games are supposed to be about. … Expand
Okay, lets not get carried away here. This is NOT the best star wars game ever, that title either goes to battlefront 2 or the rouge leader for nintendo game cube. however, this game is amazing. its cute and fun and funny and shockingly feels just like star wars. its so good, it makes you want to collect lego star wars toys for real. I thought the vehicle elements and flight mechanics Okay, lets not get carried away here. This is NOT the best star wars game ever, that title either goes to battlefront 2 or the rouge leader for nintendo game cube. however, this game is amazing. its cute and fun and funny and shockingly feels just like star wars. its so good, it makes you want to collect lego star wars toys for real. I thought the vehicle elements and flight mechanics could have been better but considering how much stuff is packed in this little game, its kind of forgivable. on the other hand, every stage feels like lego and star wars and that is what the game is called, so. its wrong to expect anything else i suppose. the games major addiction trick comes in the form of collecting star wars characters. we can spend hours and hours finding those damn lego coins so we can afford all the hidden guys such as the spirit of obi van. this kind of game design needs to be studied and somehow needs to be an industry standard, really. the thing works. This thing is impossible to put down. I finished the game in 7 hours and the screen said I had only completed 40 percent of the game. that is wild : ) … Expand
This game is a pretty easy, and simple but it's an experience that can be enjoyed by gamers of all ages, graphically it's a great looking game, the sound is fantastic the classic Star Wars tunes will bring a smile to your face, and the controls are great, and it has some outstanding co-op that's a blast no matter who your playing with, it has tons of characters and secrets to unlock, these This game is a pretty easy, and simple but it's an experience that can be enjoyed by gamers of all ages, graphically it's a great looking game, the sound is fantastic the classic Star Wars tunes will bring a smile to your face, and the controls are great, and it has some outstanding co-op that's a blast no matter who your playing with, it has tons of characters and secrets to unlock, these and just the high replay value alone will have you coming back for more, a must play game. … Expand
This is one of the best Lego video games of all-time. The graphics are really nice and the storyline goes with the original story. It's also a well formatted game and it's really enjoyable.
As fun as the first one! But I wish the friendly NPCs did damage to enemies because I'm tired of doing everything myself. Other than that, its a really fun game though! I have a blast when I play it!
The first Lego Star Wars game was a bonafide guilty pleasure that featured the universe of the Star Wars prequels in Lego form. It shouldn't have worked but it did, and it was all the more successfull because of it, and was easily one of the best Star Wars video games of all time. Now, Lego Star Wars 2 thankfully focuses on the classic universe of the original trilogy, and features The first Lego Star Wars game was a bonafide guilty pleasure that featured the universe of the Star Wars prequels in Lego form. It shouldn't have worked but it did, and it was all the more successfull because of it, and was easily one of the best Star Wars video games of all time. Now, Lego Star Wars 2 thankfully focuses on the classic universe of the original trilogy, and features everything that made the first game so great. The charming graphics and animation, the simple controls, the addictive gameplay, the unlockable secrets and tongue in cheek humor; it's all here, and it's all in fine form. Chances are if you dug the original game, you'll have absolutely no problem getting into this game, but it's not without it's flaws.
For one thing, just like the first game, it's too short, and it's ultimately too easy. However, considering this is mainly aimed at a younger audience (but it's a great game for everybody), it's not that surprising, but it's still a welcome treat.
All in all, if you liked the first game but yearned for the original trilogy universe compared to that of the prequels, your prayers have been answered. … Expand
This review contains spoilers , click expand to view . Warning: Spoilers
the first Lego star wars was one of the very few games that can entertain people of all ages and this new game repeats that magic with the original trilogy! the original trilogy IS star wars, they are the films that captured peoples imagination, and the idea of it being turned into a Lego game like the prequel trilogy, was at first, scoffed at. but yet again game makers have pulled it off. this game has the same game play as the first game and can challenge you on each level. although the first one was brilliant it was rather easy to complete and had very little for you to do afterwards, but this one is a different story as it is much more challenging and has a special bonus which allows you to make your own star wars character and combine the original characters. it is loaded with the charm that made the first game such a hit. this truly has made a big improvement on an almost flawless game! … Expand
A great game that tells the story of Star Wars Episode IV, V and VI in a comedy and lego style. Great platforming game that significantly improved over the first game and stands even nowadays. It is even better if you play co-op with a friend. Highly recommended.
Mit Abstand mein liebstes PS2 Spiel mit dem ich viele glückliche Stunden vor allem auch im Koop Modus verbracht habe.
After completing the original LEGO Star Wars recently, it felt natural to jump straight to the sequel – The Original Trilogy. Why didn’t I just play The Complete Saga? Well, because screw it. Childhood memories have to remain unchanged and because I played both games before the compilation was released, I really don’t care about it.
Getting to the core of this review – LSW2 is by all After completing the original LEGO Star Wars recently, it felt natural to jump straight to the sequel – The Original Trilogy. Why didn’t I just play The Complete Saga? Well, because screw it. Childhood memories have to remain unchanged and because I played both games before the compilation was released, I really don’t care about it.
Getting to the core of this review – LSW2 is by all means a magnificent game. I’m sure 1/3 of this impression is my nostalgia but I guess that’s why I replayed it. The game walks you through all three Old Trilogy episodes split into well designed and fun levels. LSW2 is an example of an ideal sequel: it has all the cool stuff the first installment had but expands it and adds new content. Therefore we’ve got much more characters to play (with a possibility to bring back those from the original game, if you have the save file), levels are more creative and require more attention than before, and – what’s for me the biggest change – more collectibles and additional modes. In each level you have to find more crap (which ultimately amounts to hundreds of collectibles) which is sometimes really creatively hidden. It doesn’t exist just for the sake of collecting: every completed minikit allows you to use the vehicle later in the game, power bricks unlock cheats (which you can purchase in the game hub), gold bricks unlock new game modes (time trials) and levels. It just makes sense to pick up all those things. And did I mention how satisfying and addictive it feels? It is an ideal game to do 100%, which I obviously did and I loved the process. It isn’t very difficult, yet some elements (like time trials) require a bit of focus.
There’s not much else I can say about LSW2 – it’s just great! Obviously, it has some bugs - mostly same as in LSW1… But be careful with the time trial bug in Episode VI, where in the Battle of Endor level the game **** itself and prevents you from completing the trial. It happens 45 mins into the game so it’s massively frustrating. Just make sure you don’t play as Han Solo in this level, this should neutralize the glitch.
As for a 2006 game, it holds up pretty well and deserves a max rating (which probably is 8/10 + 2 extra nostalgia points… but who cares!). It’s probably one of the best LEGO and Star Wars games ever created. … Expand
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