Lego star wars darth maul
Дуэли на лазерных мечах – это именно то, за что многие так любят "Звездные войны". Если говорить о дуэлях в формате конструктора LEGO, то мы представляем нечто масштабное и грандиозное. Однако, в LEGO думают иначе, делая ставку на игровые функции, доступность и минифигурки.
Набор под названием "Дуэль на Мандалоре" является самым маленьким (по количеству деталей) из выпущенных во втором полугодие, но давайте не будем посыпать голову пеплом, тем более что нам положила стоящие минифигурки.
Пристегните ремни, мы отправляемся на планету Мандалор.
Успех телесериала "Мандалорец" сильно повлиял на вселенную "Звёздные войны" и серию LEGO Star Wars, став главной темой новых наборов. Для того чтобы угодить всем, компания LEGO приняла интересное решение.
Номинально данный набор посвящён последнему сезону мультсериала "Войны клонов", на это недвусмысленно намекает сцена и персонажи, но если взглянуть с другой стороны, то мы получаем персонажа, который ярко засветился во втором сезоне "Мандалорца", а в названии присутствует одноименная планета.
Я не вижу ничего плохо в том, что некоторые наборы хотят быть причастны к успешному проекту, но, возможно, в компании LEGO знают немного больше относительно дальнейшего развития сюжетной линии «Мандалорца», ведь окончание второго сезона явно дало понять, что акцент будет сделан на планете Мандалор и ее жителях. Однако, давайте вернемся к набору.
Не открою вам глаза, если скажу, что именно минифигурки продали мне этот набор. С таким же успехом в коробку могли положить горсть кубиков, написав, что это взорванная планета Альдераан, и я бы все равно купил его, и вот почему.
Асока Тано
Аналогичная фигурка уже встречалась в наборе под артикулом 75283, но стоил он как минимум в два раза дороже. Поэтому это отличное предложение, которое все же немного обесценивает набор, в котором она появилась впервые.
Минифигурка украшена аккуратными принтами по всему телу, а двусторонняя голова с ухмылкой и решительным выражением лица отлично смотрится на фоне аккуратных татуировок.
Также стоит упомянуть монтралы – это такие рога, которые свойственны тогрутам, расе, которой принадлежит Асока. Деталь сделана из более мягкого материала и поставляется в отдельной упаковке. Все дело в том, что краска не такая устойчивая и после не продолжительной игры, я обнаружил, что она немного стерлась. Имейте это в виду, если хотите сохранить первозданный вид.
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Darth Maul; a fearsome warrior and enemy of the Jedi
With his double-bladed Lightsaber, distinctive red and black skin and horned head, Darth Maul is an alarming sight. And when he steps into battle, his actions are just as terrifying as his appearance.
A deadly warrior, Darth Maul has a fast-paced fighting style that can outwit his enemies in seconds. He appears in Star Wars:™ Episode I The Phantom Menace where he fights Obi-Wan Kenobi in dramatic Lightsaber battle scenes.
His distinctive appearance makes Darth Maul a popular addition to the range of LEGO® Star Wars construction playsets.
Star Wars Products & Sets
Imperial Star Destroyer™
The Mandalorian™ & the Child
The Razor Crest™
Let young Star Wars™ fans recreate epic battle scenes with this LEGO® Star Wars Sith Infiltrator™ Microfighter.
After building Darth Maul’s Microfighter, kids can test out the two stud shooters; just like their favorite baddie. And with a Darth Maul minifigure included, along with his iconic double-bladed Lightsaber, the role-play adventures go on and on in this cool building kit.
"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have Revenge!" ―Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace "I'm. awesome! I am so. awesome. " ―Darth Maul, to the tune of "Duel of the Fates" [src]
Darth Maul
Red double-bladed lightsaber
Red single-bladed lightsaber
Black cape
Black hood
Horn headpiece
Red cape
Santa hood
Darth Maul is a Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace minifigure released in 1999. He is based on the Zabrak Sith Lord character from the Star Wars universe of the same name. Originally released in the first year of Star Wars LEGO (1999), a total of eleven variations have been made of the Sith Lord to date. [1]
Darth Maul's original variant.
The first Minifigure form of Darth Maul was released in 1999, as a part of the Star Wars Episode I line, in two sets. This variant of Maul has black legs and a black torso piece with grey printing on it to depict his Sith robes. Maul's headpiece is also black, with red printing on the front to show his tattoos, and his yellow eyes were also printed on. Maul comes with a black cape and hood, and also a red-bladed lightsaber with a shiny silver hilt. The lightsaber either had a single blade piece like in the 7101 Lightsaber Duel, or two blade pieces, where one in inserted into the hilt in each end to form a double-bladed lightsaber, like in the 7151 Sith Infiltrator.
Darth Maul on his speeder in the 2011 variant.
Maul's second variant came in 2007, along with the remake of Maul's Sith Infiltrator, the 7663 Sith Infiltrator. This variant differs slightly in the torso piece, where the grey printing was updated, but still serves the function of showing Maul's robe. In the head piece, the pattern of the red tattoos were changed slightly, and Maul's eyes were also given black pupils. Despite these differences, Maul retains his hood and cape accessories, and was released with a double-bladed lightsaber.
A new Darth Maul was released in 2009 with the 2851193 LEGO Star Wars Darth Maul Watch. He had the same pieces as his 2007 variant, except for the torso piece. The robe depicted has a different belt, and is folded differently. This torso piece is commonly seen on several of the more recent variants of Palpatine.
Darth Maul was redesigned once again in 2011 for the latest incarnation of his Sith Infiltrator. As is typical with all Darth Maul variants, this minifigure has a plain black leg piece, a black cape, and a double-bladed lightsaber. Maul's torso piece is again black, with printing similar to his first two variants. However, the centre of the robe in this variant is more open, and has less lines running down it. The printing for the belt also has a different shape, and the lines are thinner. A small rectangle is also printed on the lower right-hand side of the belt. Maul's tattoo pattern was once again changed, as were his eyes and expression. For this variant, Maul has an interchangeable black hood, and a newly released piece, which goes on the top of Maul's head to represent the top of Maul's head. This piece is black, but has red printing on the front to match the red printing at the top of the head piece in an attempt to make this piece and the head piece appear joined. Eight horns come out from the side of the piece, representing the horns commonly present on Zabraks in the Star Wars universe.
In 2012, a promotional shirtless Darth Maul was released. In this variant, he has completely black legs. His torso is black but has printing on both sides depicting a grey-and-black belt and red printing depicting a bare chest. Maul's arms are red with black jagged marking on them, and his hands are red as well. Maul's head's base color is black, but with red face markings, light green/yellow eyes, and sort of sand colored teeth markings that creating an angry expression. Maul's 'horn' piece is black with some red markings at the front that match his head markings.
A Santa version was also released in the 2012 Star Wars Advent Calendar. This variant has plain red legs, red arms, a red cape, and the same hood piece found on Ice Fisherman from the series 5 Minifigures figures, but in red and white. His torso printing (back and front) is similar to his 2011 figure's torso, but with more creases, a puffy white collar, and a candy cane in back.
2013 saw the release of a Darth Maul from The Clone Wars line. It includes Darth Maul with robotic legs. [1] It has printed arms, a rarity.
In the Video Games
Darth Maul has appeared in all four video games to date- LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and by using save data from the first game, he can appear in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Maul's appearances in these games appear to be a mixture of his two physical variants- in the video games, his eyes have pupils like the 2007 variant, but his torso design appears to be more like his 1999 variant. The Sith Lord has a double-bladed lightsaber in the video games, and is able to access areas which can only be accessed by those who use the Dark Side of the Force. He has a extra long lightsaber hilt in the game. He also appears in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars after unlocking ten minikits, and in LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens as both an unlockable character and a DLC character based on his Clone Wars design from 2013.
Darth Maul was Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice, trained from infancy in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force after he was given to Sidious by his mother on Dathomir. His weapon of choice was his red double-bladed lightsaber. Maul carried out several missions for his Master, before facing his greatest test of eliminating two Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who were tasked with protecting the Queen of Naboo. Maul tracked down the Naboo cruiser in his Sith Infiltrator to the planet of Tatooine. Maul sent out three Sith Probe Droids to find the Naboo party, and they successfully located them as they were preparing to leave. The Sith Lord proceeded to go after Qui-Gon on his speeder bike, who was taking a young boy by the name of Anakin Skywalker back to the Naboo cruiser. Maul engaged Qui-Gon in a lightsaber duel, choosing to use only a single blade. However, Qui-Gon managed to escape from the duel by leaping onto the ship's boarding ramp.
Back on Naboo, Maul later again encountered Qui-Gon, this time along with his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The three dueled with their lightsabers (with Maul using both blades of his lightsaber), but the Jedi and Sith remained equals, until Maul managed to gain an advantage and stab Qui-Gon through the chest, the wound eventually causing the Master to die. Obi-Wan fought with great ferocity after this event managing to slice Maul's lightsaber in half, but he too was left virtually defeated, until he managed to jump out of the melting pit he was pushed into, pulling his Master's lightsaber to him at the same time by using the Force, and sliced Darth Maul in half. Maul then fell into the melting pit.
Ten years later, in the Clone Wars, Maul's brother, Savage Opress, was sent to find Darth Maul. Opress discovered Maul living on the Outer Rim with in a cave with cybernetic spider-like legs. Over the years, Maul went mad, which caused him to forget certain events. However, his mind was restored by Mother Talzin, and prosthetic legs with a lower torso were fashioned for him. He then went with Opress to find Kenobi and engaged him in a duel, before Kenobi fled with the help of Asajj Ventress.
Maul and his brother soon began attacking Republic installations and looting them, eventually coming upon planet Florrum. There, he encountered Hondo Ohnaka and recruited many of the pirate's men using the money he had stolen. However, before Maul could finish his plan, Kenobi and another Jedi arrived at Florrum, answering a call for help from Hondo. In the ensuing fight, the second Jedi was killed, Opress's arm was cut off by Kenobi and Maul's mechanical legs were severely damaged by blaster fire from the pirates, who were now back under Hondo's command. Maul and Opress barely managed to escape, making to their ship and flee in the escape pod before it was shot down by Hondo's men.
The brothers were eventually rendered comatose, drifting through space in the pod. When near death, they were discovered and rescued by Death Watch, whose leader, Pre Vizsla, recognized their potential value. Maul had his triple-jointed mechanical legs replaced with more humanoid ones as he and his brother were nursed back to health. Maul decided to join Vizsla to help the warrior take over his home planet of Mandalore, in return for Vizsla's aid in capturingand killing Obi-Wan Kenobi, with whom the death Watch also had a grudge.
Their plan was soon put into action and the Death Watch began absorbing various crime gangs, the Black Sun, Hutt Clans, and Pykes chief among them. Maul began to display a superior and disdainful attitude towards Vizsla, even giving the Death Watch leader orders and admonishing him at times.
The new assembled gangs, now known as the Shadow Collective, attacked Mandalore. The planet's current leader, Duchess Satine Kryze, was powerless to stop them and when the Death Watch miraculously appeared, "saving" the people of Mandalore from the Shadow Collective, Pre Vizsla and his Mandalorians had enormous support. Vizsla was able to take over Mandalore with his sbjects cheering him on, while Kryze was locked in a cell. Soon after, Vizsla ordered the arrest of Maul and his brother, resenting the treatment he had been getting and fearing they would try to eliminate him.
Maul and Opress escaped their cell and made their way to the capital, where Maul challenged Vizsla to one-on-one combat. As a warrior bound by honour, Vizsla could not refuse in front of his men. After a lengthy duel, Maul killed Vizsla and claimed his position as the new leader. While most swore allegiance to Mail, Vizsla's lieutenant, Bo-Katan, refused to accept an "outsider". She and her division, the Nite Owls, branched off and fled. Maul had his political puppet, Prime Minister Almec, "explain" how Satine Kryze had killed Vizsla and how Almec was now to take his place, leaving Maul to be the secret ruler of Mandalore and Death Watch.
As anticipated, Bo-Katan attempted to free Satine, who just managed to contact the Republic before being captured aain my Maul's Mandalorians, now known as Super Commandos. But the deed was done, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine's one-time love interest, soon arrived on Mandalore. He managed to free Satine and get her on board is ship before Maul confronted him, having his craft blown up and then capturing Kenobi. He exacted his revenge on the Jedi by killing Satine before the Jedi and then sending him to his cell.
However, Maul was interrupted by the arrival of his former master, Darth Sidious, who now saw his one-time apprentice as a rival. Sidious had decided to end Maul's Shadow Collective and all his plans before they became a threat, and in the ensuing fight killed Opress and thoroughly defeated Maul. Maul was eventually able to escape but his criminal empire was crushed by Sidious' forces and his mother, the Nightsister witch Talzin, was killed. He returned to Mandalore and confronted Ahsoka Tano in battle, and despite being temporarily captured by her was able to escape. Eventually he made his way to the planet Malachor where he became stranded while being pursued by one of the Empire's Inquisitors, and it was here that he was discovered by Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger.
Following a temporary alliance and then Maul's betrayal on Malachor-which resulted in the deaths of several Inquisitors and the blinding of Ezra's master Kanan Jarrus, Maul escaped in a TIE Advanced v1. Some months later, Maul took Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Zeb Orrelios, and Chopper prisoner in order to force Ezra and Kanan to come to him with a Sith Holocron he and Ezra recovered on Malachor. He and Ezra would then unite this Holocron with Kanan's Jedi Holocron in order to see a vision through the Force, after which Maul fled. It wasn't long before Maul would approach the rebels again, with Maul taking Ezra to Dathomir, where he was able to piece together the vision and discern that Obi-Wan Kenobi was in hiding on Tatooine. He soon traveled to that world to kill Obi-Wan but was defeated and mortally wounded by the Jedi Master, though after learning of Luke Skywalker he expressed hope that the boy would avenge him and his old enemy before he died.
At some point prior to his death, Maul masterminded the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn, which Qi'ra was a member of. She reported to him on the death of Dryden Vos at the hands of a group led by Tobias Beckett, but did not disclose the names of her friends Han Solo and Chewbacca.
(Original) (Original) (Original) (2007 Redesign) (2011 Redesign) (Santa) (Clone Wars) (2015 redesign) (2015 redesign; capeless) (2015 redesign) (Siege of Mandalore) (Shirtless) (Shirtless) (Original)
Other Physical Appearances
Darth Maul in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
A deadly, agile Sith Lord trained by the evil Darth Sidious, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior and scheming mastermind. He wielded an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and fought with a menacing ferocity. Though he fell in battle against Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Zabrak from Dathomir would prove to be much harder to destroy than originally believed.
Darth Maul was a Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord and apprentice of Darth Sidious. He had two brothers named Feral and Savage Opress.
Early lífe
Darth Maul was born on Iridonia, but he grew up on Dathomir with other Zabrak Nightbrothers. The Sith Lord Darth Sidious took young Darth Maul from there at an early age. In Maul's early training Darth Sidious told him the ways of the Dark Side. Maul didn't even know that his master was the apprentice of Darth Plagueis. After Sidious killed Plagueis, Maul became his official apprentice. They continued the Rule of Two, which allowed only one Sith Master and one Sith apprentice. Maul grew up to become a dangerous Sith lord and was chosen to use his special double-bladed sith lightsaber. He eventually got his own ship called the Sith Infiltrator, with his own custom speeder bike called Bloodfin.
First missions
Maul's first mission was to put the criminal organization Black Sun in 33 BBY. Later Sidious pitted him against the force-sensitive Drovian Silus, who was a gladiator.
Naboo and presumed death
In 32 BBY he was ajects to Viceroy Nute Gunray and Rune Haako on the Blockade of Naboo after Queen Amidala escaped. Darth Maul battled Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine to kill Padmé Amidala and young Anakin Skywalker. But Qui-Gon managed to escape the Sith Lord. Qui-Gon Jinn then spoke with the Jedi Council to find out that the Sith lords had returned from a thousand years. Maul later dueled him and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo. Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn, but in the end, Obi-Wan cut him in two halves and he fell into the reactor pit. Although he was killed by the Jedi, his body started tumbling down to the reactor pit and was disintegrated.
11 years later Maul was found during the Clone Wars by his brother Savage Opress on Lotho Minor. When Savage did find him on that planet, he saw his lost brother with six cybernetic legs. Maul had to use this apparatus because of what happened 10 years back when Maul was cut in two halves by Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Darth Maul figured out that Savage was his brother, the two worked together to try and defeat their nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
They later encountered Kenobi several times, on Raydonia and on Florrum. On Florrum, Opress killed Adi Gallia, but Kenobi managed to escape each encounter alive. After their retreat from Florrum, the Sith brothers got in contact with Pre Vizsla and his Death Watch. They helped the Mandalorians gain the support of the Black Sun, Jabba the Hutt's crime empire and other criminal organizations. With the help of the criminal underworld, Maul, Opress and the Death Watch started a series of attacks on Mandalore so that Vizsla could present himself as a savior. Vizsla took over the planet and imprisoned Duchess Satine, the leader of the New Mandalorians. Later, Maul took actions against Vizsla, after the later betrayed him and imprisoned him. Maul escaped from prison and challenged the Death Watch leader to a duel. Maul killed him during this fight and became Mandalore. Later, Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived on the planet to free Satine from prison. But Maul stopped him, killing Satine to hurt Kenobi. After that, Darth Sidious arrived on the planet and battled Maul and Savage. Sidious killed Opress and subjected Maul to force lightning. He spared his former apprentice's life because he had certain plans with him.
Darth Maul, along with other sith, is one of the only sith that has a Lego Star Wars level named after them.
Darth Maul has another brother trained in the dark ways of the force.
Role in Lego ® Star Wars
Original Variant
The original Darth Maul variant had black legs and a black torso, with white printing to depict his Sith assassin robes. The figure came with a cloak and a black hood, and the head was mostly black, with red printing to depict his Sith tattoos. It appeared in the sets 3340 Star Wars 1, 7101 Lightsaber Duel, 7151 Sith Infiltrator, and 7663 Sith Infiltrator.
The Darth Maul minifigure was redesigned for a release in 2011. This figure also had black legs and a black torso, with similar printing to the original variant, with a black cloak and hood as well. The most striking difference between the two variants was the head; this variant had more detailed printing and a new headpiece to depict his Zabrak horns. It features in the set 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator.
2012 Christmas Variant
This variant had bright red legs and a red torso with printing to mimic a Santa Claus costume. It features in the set 9509 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar.
2012 Comic Con Variant
Game character
Darth Maul features as a playable character in Lego Star Wars: The Video Game, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. In the games, he wields a double-bladed lightsaber and is a Sith character, so he can use the Force. In the latter, he can also throw his lightsaber.
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Красный двухклинковый световой меч, чёрный световой меч, красный световой меч
Дарт Мол - минифигурка из серии Star Wars, впервые выпущенная в 1999 году.
Дарт Мол почти всегда носит одинаковую чёрную робу с широким поясом и капюшон, дизайн которых слегка менялся на протяжении лет. Другие версии по пояс раздеты, показывая красную кожу с чёрными татуировками, у новых вместо капюшона присутствуют рога, а у версии Войн клонов есть ещё и ноги-протезы. Лидер преступного мира Мол отличается позолоченной эмблемой "Багрового рассвета" на шее и нормальными ногами с принтом кибернетических механизмов.
Датомирский забрак Мол, сын Ночной сестры Матери Талзин, в детстве попал в распоряжение Дарта Сидиуса, который обучал и тренировал его. За свою жизнь Дарт Мол стал мастером боя на световых мечах, владея особым двухклинковым мечом, и выполнял для учителя секретные задания. Одно из них привело его на планету Набу для поиска королевы Амидалы, где у него состоялась дуэль с защитником королевы джедаем Квай-Гоном Джинном и его учеником Оби-Ваном Кеноби. Дарт Мол смог убить Квай-Гона, но Оби-Ван разрубил его пополам и сбросил в шахту реактора.
Тяжело раненный Дарт Мол сумел выжить и провёл много лет в изгнании на мусорной планете Лото-Минор, желая отомстить Кеноби. Уже во время Войн клонов его нашёл брат Саваж Опресс, бывший ученик графа Дуку и Асажж Вентресс, и Мать Талзин при помощи магии сделала ему новые кибернетические ноги и вернула разум. Мол жаждал мести и сразился с Оби-Ваном дважды, но бои ни к чему не привели, и Мол с Опрессом отправились на Мандалор, где Пре Визсла поддержал их и помог создать преступный синдикат. Тем не менее, Мол убил Визслу и захватил власть на Мандалоре, но был повержен Дартом Сидиусом. Последний использовал его, чтобы уничтожить Мать Талзин, и после стычки ему это удалось. Мол потерял и Мандалор после атаки клонов во главе с Асокой Тано и капитаном Рексом, поэтому он управлял своей преступной империей, оставаясь в тени.
В поисках древнего ситхского оружия Мол отправился на планету Малакор, где оказался заперт. Через несколько лет одиночества Мол встретил юного падавана Эзру Бриджера и попытался взять его в ученики, чтобы добыть ситхский голокрон. Вместе с Эзрой, а также его настоящим учителем Кэнаном Джаррусом и Асокой Тано он сразился с несколькими имперскими инквизиторами, которых в одиночку вырезал. Мол бросил и джедаев, напав на Асоку и ослепив Кэнана, а затем сбежав с планеты. Позже Мол снова попытался подчинить Бриджера и устранить его друзей-повстанцев, и при помощи магии Ночных сестёр он узнал местонахождение постаревшего Оби-Вана Кеноби, скрывавшегося на Татуине. Долго бродив под палящими солнцами, Мол наконец отыскал Кеноби, помогавшему так же прилетевшему на его поиски Эзре, и после короткого разговора приготовился напасть. Оби-Ван обманул его, изобразив стойку Квай-Гона, и рассчитывавший на лёгкую победу Мол попытался сразить его подобным способом. Однако, готовый Оби-Ван легко защитился и нанёс быстрый удар по груди, убивая старого врага.
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