Lego star wars coruscant
Район Ускру на Корусанте — это оживленное место, наполненное побочными миссиями; если вам нужна небольшая помощь с ними, это руководство для вас!
- Танцы со звездными войнами
- Си Снутлс' Samba Saunter
- Криминальный ужин
- Грубая сделка
- Стальные кишки
Район Ускру — оживленный район Корусанта, который использовался в качестве фона во время нескольких сцен в трилогии-приквеле. Это развлекательный центр планеты, что делает его оживленным и интересным местом. В версии Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga в районе Ускру есть знакомая закусочная и процветающий клуб. Вы будете проводить большую часть своего времени в обоих этих местах.
Будь то помощь людям в приобретении редкого деликатеса, выслеживание забегаловок или налаживание отношений с Сай Снутлс после того, как она ранее похитила ее для хатта, эти дополнительные миссии обязательно займут вас.
Танцы со Звездными войнами
Грита Джендованян ищет работу. Она хочет пройти прослушивание в клубе, возле которого стоит, но хозяин пропал. Ваша задача — выследить их. Пройдите в клуб и поднимитесь на второй этаж. Оттуда поговорите с сотрудником Outlander Club.. Заплатите за информацию, и она скажет вам, что владелец находится в кантине Мос-Эйсли. Естественно, мы отправляемся в Мос-Эйсли на Татуине. Как только вы приземлитесь, просто следуйте за маркером квеста в кантину. Оказавшись там, поговорите с барменом. Он скажет вам, что хозяин отправился в Такодану. Теперь отправляйтесь в замок Маз в Такодане.
Следуйте по маркерам квеста в бар. Идите в дальний угол бара и поговорите с владельцем клуба. Он скажет вам, что был бы счастлив нанять Гриату Джендованиан, но только если вы настроите его на танец. Итак, идите в дальний угол, сломайте все и постройте музыкальный автомат. Используйте дроида-астромеханика, чтобы запустить его. Теперь будет указано место, где вам нужно заставить людей танцевать. Используйте персонажа, использующего Силу, чтобы заставить людей встать в ящик, а затем отвлеките их (это заставит их танцевать ). Как только вы сделали это с тремя людьми, поговорите с владельцем. Вы завершите квест и получите Гриату Джендован и Улу.
Sy Snootles' Самба Сонтер
Сай нуждается в вашей помощи, чтобы привлечь больше толпы, что вы, вероятно, должны ей, поскольку вы действительно похитили ее и продали в рабство. Она захочет, чтобы вы следуйте за ней. Как только вы доберетесь до места, которое она выбрала, вам нужно собрать несколько человек. Вам нужно будет использовать Силу, чтобы лишить людей свободы воли и заставить их танцевать перед Сай (сначала с помощью способности «влияние», затем с помощью способность «отвлекать», когда они находятся в нужном месте). Как только вы соберете трех человек, Си перейдет на другое место.
Следуйте за ней и соберите четырех человек (лицом к Саю, один слева, два справа и один внизу по лестнице позади вас).Сай взлетит еще раз. На этот раз вам нужно будет найти пять участников. Эту партию легко найти, есть одна к северу, одна к западу, одна к югу и одна к востоку от нее. Последнего отставшего можно найти к северо-западу от того места, где поет Сай. Как только вы поработите последний разум и заставите его танцевать, вы завершите квест и получите в награду Сай Снутлз!
Crime Dining
Декстеру Джеттстеру нужен охотник за головами (это будете вы, так что поменяйтесь местами). Ему нужно, чтобы вы выследили некоторых людей, которые обедали и убегали. Один из клиентов скажет, что слышал, как они упоминали о посещении клуба. Заходите в клуб(маркер квеста направит вас туда) и найдите людей, танцующих с едой в руках. Противостаньте им, и они нападут. После того, как вы победите их, стреляйте в них, пока они не выбегут из клуба. Затем взаимодействуйте с ними снаружи, чтобы дроид пришел и забрал их. Вернитесь в закусочную и пообщайтесь с Декстером. Это завершит миссию и принесет вам Декстера Джеттстера в качестве игрового персонажа.
A Необработанная сделка
Guts Of Steel
Прежде чем вы сможете взять побочное задание Guts Of Steel, вы собираетесь необходимо выполнить «Головоломку» Родео Стилпекера. Хотя на самом деле это не большая головоломка. Направляйтесь к аванпосту Ниима в Джакку. Отправляйтесь в северо-западную часть карты.Там вы найдете летающего стальника. Стреляйте в птицу с воздуха.В какой-то момент она начнет улетать, просто следуйте за ней. Как только вы полностью убьете ее, вы получите кибер-кирпич в качестве награды. Это также завершит "головоломку".
Андрей Кольский - помощник редактора. Его страсть к играм началась с его первой консоли (Sega Genesis), и с тех пор он не переставал играть. Его любимые игры: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Team Fortress 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Pokémon Sword & Shield, Old School Runescape, Skyrim и Breath of the Wild.
Куки Синобу позволяет некоторым композициям Genshin Impact играть с Электро-юнитом, который также является целителем.
Sonic Origins вновь представляет классические игры для Sega Genesis и возвращает возможность играть в
Подобно Мэджикарпу в Pokémon GO, тренеры должны собрать огромное количество конфет, чтобы превратить свой
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Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where?
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"Raid on Coruscant"
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"Raid on Coruscant" is the sixth episode of the LEGO short film series LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles. It premiered on September 6, 2014 on Disney XD Canada. When the Emperor uses information on the recovered Holocrons to launch devastating attacks on planets sympathetic to the Rebellion, Luke plots a daring raid on Coruscant to get the Holocrons back. [4]
Opening crawl [ ]
Plot summary [ ]
Using the information from the Holocrons, the Galactic Empire sends Imperial Star Destroyers and TIE fighters to invade the planet Naboo and bomb its cities. The Rebel Alliance including Wedge Antilles are forced to evacuate their base and relocate to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Meanwhile on Dagobah, Jedi Master Yoda and the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi reflect on the loss of the holocrons to the Empire. The two Jedi are joined by the Force ghost of Master Qui-Gon Jinn, whom they had mistakenly contacted while trying to reach Jek-14. Yoda gets Qui-Gon to open a pickle jar.
Meanwhile, Jek-14 travels to Tatooine on his starfighter to help Luke Skywalker and his companions. While traveling through space, Darth Vader contacts Galactic Emperor Palpatine only to be told by Imperial Ruling Council member Mas Amedda that Palpatine is busy. When the Emperor appears, Vader tells him that Naboo has been routed and asks him which planet to attack next. The Emperor informs Vader that Luke has been sighted on Tatooine, his former homeworld. Vader experiences another awkward moment when the buttons distort his voice.
At Tatooine's Mos Eisley Cantina, Luke and the other Heroes of Yavin meet to discuss the recent setback on Naboo. Princess Leia says that Wedge barely escaped with his life. Han Solo adds that as long as the Emperor is hunting for the holocrons, no place in the galaxy is safe for them. Luke advocates a direct strike on the Imperial capital of Coruscant. Han and Leia thinks it is a dangerous idea and suggest hiding on Tatooine. Shortly later, the cantina is attacked by an AT-AT walker and stormtroopers. Meanwhile, Jek-14 approaches Mos Eisley in his starfighter only to discover the town under attack from Imperial forces.
Luke and his companions find themselves cornered by an AT-AT commanded by Darth Vader. The rebels manage to run past the Imperial walker only to run into Jabba the Hutt, his henchmen, and several fangirls of Luke. Jek-14 manages to meet up with Luke and his companions and uses the Force to collapse an arch to build a wall to hold back the rebels' pursuers. Vader's AT-AT catches up with them and knocks Jek-14 to the ground with a laser blast. Vader demands the rebels surrender but the walker is damaged by C-3PO and R2-D2, who have taken control of the Millennium Falcon. The rebels are able to flee Tatooine on the Falcon before Vader's AT-AT can turn around.
Back on Dagobah, Yoda and Kenobi reflect on the rebels' narrow escape from Darth Vader while Jinn succeeds in opening Yoda's pickle jar. Meanwhile on Coruscant, Vader reports that the former "Sith clone" Jek-14 is helping the rebels. Despite the rebels' escape, Palpatine is confident they will be captured. After toying with several holocrons, Palpatine and Vader head to the now–empty Galactic Senate, which Palpatine had recently dissolved. Palpatine tells Senator Yawn to leave and then strikes him with Force lightning. After playing a holocron of the Battle of Kashyyyk, Palpatine realizes that the Wookiees are harboring them and orders Imperial forces to attack Kashyyyk.
The Rebel Alliance regroups on Kashyyyk where Luke insists on attacking the Emperor and suggests leaving as soon as Chewbacca has completed repairs to the Falcon. However, Chewie accidentally damages the ship's power coupling. Jek-14 then uses the Force to repair the Falcon and gains Han's favor. After watching a holocron recording of his days training with Kenobi, Vader orders the fleet to depart Coruscant and be ready to attack Kashyyyk. Back on Kashyyyk, the rebel leader Mon Mothma outlines the rebels' attack strategy. Unsure of the holocrons' location, the rebels will attack the Jedi Temple's Holocron Vaults and the Chancellor's Suite in the Senate building. C-3PO cannot help since he was memory wiped by Senator Bail Organa during the last Jedi mission to steal the holocrons from Coruscant. Jek-14 volunteers to help the strike team.
Leia is unable to produce a complete set of the plans since she has misplaced the disc with a recording of her message to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Han remarks about the Star Wars galaxy lacking digital technology. Luke senses that the Empire is preparing to attack Kashyyyk. Rebel starfighters travel to Coruscant via hyperspace and narrowly avoid Darth Vader's fleet of Star Destroyers. The rebel strike team led by Luke and Jek-14 lands on the grounds of the unguarded Jedi Temple while C-3PO remains with the rebel commanders Leia, Mon Mothma, and Admiral Ackbar on Kashyyyk. C-3PO offers to sacrifice his spareparts if R2-D2 sustains damage during the mission. Leia points out that none of his parts fit the astromech droid. Meanwhile, Vader discovers that the rebels have left Kashyyyk.
Meanwhile, Han and Luke attack Palpatine's Suite in their airspeeder and knock two Royal Guards out of the window. A lightsaber–wielding Luke and a blaster–toting Han then confront the Emperor only to discover Mas Amedda in his seat. The two are then attacked with Force lightning by the Emperor himself, who was hiding behind a curtain. Palpatine confronts the two and tells them they're not too smart, while mistaking Han for Luke and vice-versa, which prompts Luke to tell Palpatine that he's not smart either. Meanwhile, Vader devastates the rebel X-wings and destroys Purple Leader's starfighter. At the Temple Vaults, R2 knocks out the librarian droid with a holocron. Back at the Chancellor's Suite, Luke insults the Emperor by telling him that he has "yellow teeth." Palpatine throws him out of the window but the Jedi manages to cling on to an airspeeder full of tourists.
Palpatine then takes the remaining holocrons on a repulsorlift platform into the Grand Convocation Chamber only to be surrounded by Han, Chewie, and several Wookiee warriors. The Wookiees are joined by Luke, who demands that the Emperor surrender the holocrons. Palpatine uses the Force to levitate the holocrons above them and threatens to destroy the Jedi artifacts. Luke responds by daring the Emperor to destroy the holocrons. This shocks the other rebels, Wookiees, and even Masters Yoda, Kenobi, and Qui-Gon on Dagobah. Luke tells everyone that the holocrons are worth more to the Emperor than to him and the rebels. At Luke's signal, Jek-14 uses his droid arm to hurl a powerful Force blast at Palpatine and the holocrons. The holocrons are destroyed and Palpatine is hurled through the roof of the Convocation Chamber. The rebels leave Coruscant on the Falcon while Vader lands at the Jedi Temple. Vader finds his master hanging from the spire of the highest tower in the Temple complex. To the Emperor's embarrassment, he has lost his pants and his underwear is showing.
On Dagobah, the Jedi Masters reflect on Luke's decision to sacrifice the holocrons in order to prevent them from being use for evil purposes. Qui-Gon encourages Yoda to training Luke but points that Yoda needs to learn maturity with regards to opening his own pickle jar. The rebels and their Wookiee allies celebrate their victory on Kashyyyk. Luke is despondent for destroying the holocrons until Jek-14 reveals that R2-D2 had managed to obtain a holocron. Luke then activates the holocron and sees a recording of his father Anakin Skywalker sparring with his lightsaber. At this stage, Luke does not realize that Anakin and Darth Vader are the same person.
This article covers a subject containing comic or obvious non-canon material or that Lucasfilm otherwise declared non-canon in the canon continuity.
Escape from Coruscant
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"Escape from Coruscant" is the eleventh episode of the second season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures.
Official description [ ]
Against orders, Kordi and Zander take the Arrowhead to Coruscant in a desperate bid to save their brother.… [1]
Plot summary [ ]
Audience with the Emperor [ ]
At the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, an impatient Emperor Palpatine menaces his Royal Guards, demanding to know if Darth Vader and Rowan Freemaker have arrived yet. Palpatine chides the guards for doing nothing but standing and being red. Shorty later, the blast doors slide open and Lord Vader enters with Rowan in chains. Vader tells Rowan to meet his new master.
The Emperor demands that Rowan give him the Kyber Saber. However, Rowan cheekily tells him that he does not have the Kyber Saber and asks if this is why the Emperor has been chasing him around the galaxy. When the Emperor demands to know where the Kyber Saber is, Rowan tells him that the Kyber Saber is at the bottom of a lava pit. The Emperor is furious to learn that Rowan has thrown away the most powerful weapon in the galaxy.
When Rowan asks if he can go away, the Emperor unleashes Force lightning and throws a tantrum, hurling furniture around the his throne room and knocking the two Royal Guards into each other. After the Emperor regains his composure, Lord Vader reassures his master that Rowan can still be of use to them because he can help them gather kyber crystals. This pleases the Emperor and he decides he can use Rowan to help power up the second Death Star. The Emperor orders his guards to leave as he deals with Rowan. Rowan tells the Emperor he is not afraid but he Emperor menacingly disagrees.
Putting family first [ ]
Kordi Freemaker, Zander Freemaker, and Roger enter the Home One ' s command center with news that Rowan has been captured. General Hera Syndulla tells Zander and Kordi to speak one at a time since she can't hear them. They tell the rebel leadership that Darth Vader has captured their brother Rowan. When Admiral Ackbar struggles to hear them, Roger tells him that Vader has captured Rowan and is taking him to Coruscant.
Zander asks for permission to lead a rescue mission and Kordi asks for 20 X-wing starfighters, three ion cannons, a ground team, a tub of organic bantha jelly, and the Arrowhead. Mon Mothma is unwilling to give them the Arrowhead due to its strategic value to the Alliance. Admiral Ackbar apologizes that he has to deny permission. When Kordi asks if they care about Rowan, General Hera Syndulla reassures her that they do. Admiral Ackbar explains that they lack the resources to mount an attack on Coruscant.
Kordi pleads for them to be allowed to use the Arrowhead for their rescue mission but Motma is unwilling to sacrifice everything for which Rowan has fought. Kordi and Zander are distraught. Just then, rebel personnel bring news that the Bothan spies have confirmed that the Empire is indeed building a second Death Star. Admiral Ackbar and General Syndulla exit to attend to the crisis while Mon Mothma directs their senior leadership teams to combat operations.
As the rebels scramble, the Freemakers walk down the hallway. Zander is frustrated that nobody will listen to them because they are preoccupied with the second Death Star. Kordi tells Zander and Roger that they are going to rebel against the Rebellion.
Palpatine's presentation [ ]
Meanwhile, the Emperor gloats as Rowan is held in a containment field. He delights with the prospect of extracting information and asks Vader where M-OC is. Vader claims that M-OC helped him to find the boy but that he fell to pieces in the process. However, back on Qalydon, M-OC rebuilds himself. Despite the alleged loss of M-OC, the Emperor is jubilant and demands that Rowan reveal the location of the kyber crystals. Rowan remains defiant and uncooperative.
The Emperor then brings out an IT-O Interrogation Unit which plays a hologram propaganda video depicting moments in Palpatine's life including his time as Senator of Naboo, meeting with Queen Padmé Amidala, Sidious fighting Mace Windu, and Palpatine speaking during his Proclamation of the New Order. Sidious boasts of using deception, manipulation, terror, and the dark side to get his way. Rowan is bored by the video and asks if Palpatine is serious. Vader confirms this is so.
Later, the Emperor tries to entice Rowan into joining the dark side by offering a Sith lightsaber, dark robes, and a limited edition caf mug. However, Rowan is asleep since he was bored by the Emperor's presentation. Vader tells the Emperor that Rowan nodded off during his explanation of the Rule of Two. After grumbling about the late Count Dooku not understanding the Rule of Two, the Emperor decides to try it the halfway has the IT-O droid assume interrogation mode. Rowan thinks it is another presentation but the Emperor tells him that he will tell him how to find the kyber crystals as the droid approaches Rowan with a needle.
Stealing the Arrowhead [ ]
Back aboard the Home One, the other Freemakers find the unguarded Arrowhead and decide to take it to rescue Rowan. Kordi and Zander manage to approach the starship but Roger bumps into an astromech droid. The Freemakers are discovered by Lieutenant Valeria who asks what in the "Five Fire Rings of Fornax" they are doing. Kordi and Zander claim that Admiral Ackbar assigned them to cleaning duties aboard the Arrowhead.
At Zander's signal, Roger detaches his left arm and tries to sneak up on Valeria from behind. However, Valeria deduces that they are going to launch the Arrowhead to rescue their brother. Roger tries to knock Valeria out but she dodges him and seizes his arm. To their surprise, Valeria takes pity on the Freemakers and tells them that she would have done the same thing. She tells them that she never say them before handing Roger back his arm and disappearing.
Before departing, Kordi warns that the rebels would strip them of their promotions. Zander accepts that he might never fly again while Kordi says that they might lose what they have earned in the Rebel Alliance. However, Roger reminds them of Rowan's quote "what's the point of saving the galaxy if the people you love aren't in it." Kordi realizes Roger is right and tells Zander to punch the controls. The Arrowhead flies out of the Home One. When a comm officer informs Admiral Ackbar of the Arrowhead ' s departure, he sighs and mumbles "Freemakers."
Dogfight above Coruscant [ ]
As the Arrowhead exits hyperspace above Coruscant, she encounters three Imperial Star Destroyers which dispatch TIE fighters to intercept the rebel ship. Kordi and Zander are eager for a dogfight and deploy the embersteel Blade. The Arrowhead slices through the Imperial TIE defenses, destroying numerous starfighters.
Three Imperial officers at the Imperial palace watch the dogfight in horror. The colonel is confident that the Emperor will know when an enemy spacecraft is approaching but the lieutenant counters that he left explicit instructions not to be disturb. They dispatch the ensign to alert the Emperor. However, the Emperor blasts him with Force lightning for disturbing his interrogation. The officers decide to send a Red Guard.
Back in the throne room, the Emperor and Lord Vader decide to use a mind probe on Roger, after having wrecked several Interrogation Units. The Emperor is frustrated at Rowan's resistance and incinerates the IT-O Interrogation Units with Force lightning. Lord Vader ells Rowan he is strong with the Force but boasts he is stronger.
Meanwhile in space, the Arrowhead cuts one Star Destroyer in half, sending its frontal section crashing into another. After Roger says that is the last of them, Zander decides that it is time to fetch their little brother. As the Arrowhead descends into Coruscant's atmosphere, M-OC returns aboard the Tracker I. He is intrigued by the Arrowhead ' s power.
Lord Vader's mind probe and infiltrating the Imperial Palace [ ]
At the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader questions Rowan about where he found the kyber crystal to build the Arrowhead and demands he reveals its location. Rowan refuses to cooperate. Lord Vader then displays a star map and asks which region Roan found the kyber crystals, listing the Deep Core, Colonies, and the Outer Rim. Reading Rowan's thoughts, Vader deduces that Rowan found the crystal in the Outer Rim. He senses Rowan's fear of failure and tries to probe into his mind. Rowan resists but the Emperor taunts Rowan that nobody is going to save him and that it is only a matter of time before his destiny is fulfilled.
Two Royal Guards try to end the throne room with news of the Arrowhead but the Emperor blasts them with Force lightning. The lieutenant then proposes sending stormtroopers. Meanwhile, the Arrowhead approaches the Imperial Palace with TIEs on its tail. Roger points out that they haven't deactivated the shields to let Zander down and asks how it is going to work with those TIEs. Zander gets an idea and then dives behind the TIEs and rips them apart. Kordi says there will be more but that it will buy them enough time.
The Freemakers approach a landing pad which is guarded by several stormtroopers. Kordi convinces Roger to take control and to fly the Arrowhead to the top spire. Kordi and Zander open the canopy and jump out. Zander is afraid but jumps onto the main spire. More TIEs approach but Roger uses the Arrowhead to rip them apart. Meanwhile, Kordi and Zander infiltrate the Imperial Palace through the maintenance hatch.
The officers send several stormtroopers to warn the Emperor but he blasts them aside with Force lightning. The officers give up trying to warn the Emperor and walk away, opining that they did their best. Meanwhile, Vader plays on Rowan's fears and demands the location of the kyber crystals. Despite Rowan's resistance, Vader locates the kyber crystals in kyber crystal planet, telling Rowan his failure is complete. The Emperor cackles with laughter. Lord Vader tells the Hutt crime lord Graballa by hologram to take his mining team twelve parsecs past Terminus where he will find the kyber crystals. Graballa says that is far away and asks if Vader can reimburse him for fuel. However, Vader Force chokes Graballa and he complies.
Rescuing Rowan [ ]
Having extracted the information, the Emperor orders two stormtroopers to take Rowan into the dungeons and promises to get rid of him once they have acquired the kyber crystals. Two stormtroopers drag a broken Rowan away. Meanwhile, Kordi and Zander ambush two Royal Guards and steal their robes.
Elsewhere, Roger dogfights above the Imperial Palace, destroying three more TIE fighters with the Arrowhead. Roger initially panics when he sees M-OC's Tracker I but believes the Arrowhead is invincible and pursues M-OC's starfighter. Realizing that there is only one course of action, M-OC pauses the Tracker I in mid-air. The Arrowhead smashes through the Tracker 1 with its Embersteel Blade, seemingly destroying the hunter droid and his starfighter. Roger boasts about beating the shiny new droid.
Back at the Imperial Palace, the disguised Kordi and Zander tells the stormtroopers guarding Rowan that the Emperor has issued new orders for Rowan to be thrown into the garbage compactor. The stormtroopers grumble that is the first time any of the Royal Guards have spoken. Rowan is delighted that his siblings have come to rescue him and hugs them. Kordi contacts Roger for a rendezvous. Roger wants to tell them about his victory over M-OC but Kordi is in a hurry.
Ambushed by M-OC [ ]
Roger meets them at the top spire of the Imperial Palace. He is about to tell them of his victory over M-OC when the hunter droid surprises him. It turns out that M-OC survived the clash with the Arrowhead by clinging to the ship's hull. He tells them that he waited for them to lower their shields before tearing Roger apart and throwing him over the battlements of the Imperial Palace. The Freemakers cry in horror as M-OC seizes the Arrowhead as a fitting prize for his Emperor.
M-OC then fires on the top pinnacle, causing the Freemakers to fall down the battlements. Rowan saves his siblings by using the Force to suspend them in mid-air. Rowan asks Roger if he is okay. Roger replies that just because he's a droid doesn't mean that he is okay.
At the Imperial Palace, the Emperor and Lord Vader celebrate their victory when they receive a hologram transmission from M-OC. M-OC tells them that he has rebuilt himself and seize the Arrowhead, which he flies outside the throne room's window. M-OC offers it as amends for his previous errors. The Emperor forgives M-OC and tells Vader that M-OC gets things done. When Lord Vader counters that he found enough kyber crystals to power the Death Star, the Emperor belittles him.
Escaping to fight another day [ ]
As stormtroopers prepare for a clean-up at the Imperial Palace, Zander asks what they should do since the Empire has captured the Arrowhead. Despite their losses, Kordi tells her older brother it could have been worse. Rowan tells them that he gave the Empire the location of the kyber crystals and blames himself for the loss of the Arrowhead and the second Death Star being fast-tracked. Though Rowan thinks the rebels are going to lose because of his actions, Kordi disagrees and tells him that they still have a chance of winning if they warn them.
Using the Force, Rowan builds a TIE fighter out of the starship wreckage. Zander and Rowan think things are bad because they handed everything to the Empire. Roger reassures them that at least they are safe. Back at the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader reports that the Freemakers are escaping but the Emperor is not worried since he has sent M-OC to eliminate the Freemakers so that they never interfere with his plans. Palpatine laughs.
Разработчик Traveller’s Tales включил множество секретов и предметов коллекционирования в свои предыдущие игры Lego, и The Skywalker Saga ничем не отличается. Они переработали основной игровой процесс, который затрагивает все аспекты игры. Сага о Скайуокере содержит множество секретов, которые нужно найти и активировать. В этом новом названии широко представлены персонажи, и на каждом этапе есть несколько персонажей, которых нужно разблокировать с помощью секретных квестов. В этом руководстве объясняется, кого вы можете найти на этапе «Место крушения».
Все эти персонажи разблокируются после завершения трилогии приквела. Проходите эту главу, пока не получите доступ к Корусанту. Федеральный округ будет содержать следующих разблокируемых персонажей.
Единственная женщина, представляющая ту же инопланетную расу, что и Йода, она ненадолго появляется во время Эпизода I. Для ее разблокировки требуется много шагов, поэтому ознакомьтесь с нашим руководством здесь, чтобы добавить ее в список. Она персонаж класса джедай.
Джокаста Ню
Джедай в совете. Этот персонаж относится к классу игровых персонажей джедаев. Выполните побочное задание «Украденное знание», чтобы добавить Джокасту в список.
Луминара Ундули
Мастер-джедай Луминара командует 41-м элитным корпусом Республики. Она была популярным персонажем во времена саги «Войны клонов». Выполните побочное задание Taxi Unfair, чтобы добавить ее в список.
Аурра Синг
- Тайны архивов, часть 1
- Тайны архивов, часть 2
- Украденное знание
Мас Амедда
Мас относится к категории дополнительных персонажей. Чтобы разблокировать Маса, вы должны пройти всю трилогию приквелов. Когда все три кампании будут завершены, найдите и завершите побочное задание Kouhun Kalamity.
Бонусные персонажи магазина дроидов
После завершения кампании трилогии приквела вы сможете найти магазин дроидов в Федеральный округ. Всех этих дроидов можно приобрести прямо в этом магазине.
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars 75104 — это увлекательное развлечение для детей от 9 до 14 лет, которое развивает логику и мышление, моторику и ловкость. Набор включает 1005 деталей, из которых можно собрать шаттл Кайло Рена. Это фантастический корабль для выполнения боевых.
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars 75104 Командный шаттл Кайло Рена
Конструктор 4660 Wange Легион: Военный Корабль Крейсер поставляется в оригинальной яркой коробке, что делает из простого набора деталей отличный подарок, который понравится каждому ребенку. В наборе 528 деталей. Детали конструктора на 100% совместимы с деталями Лего и м.
4660 Wange Легион: Военный Корабль Крейсер
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars 75018 Секретный корабль воина Jek-14
Детям понравится по ролям разыгрывать операции Отряда 99 с этой моделью штурмового шаттла Бракованной Партии (75314) из сериала «Звездные войны: Бракованная партия» из кубиков LEGO®. У шаттла большие крылья, которые поднимаются и опускаются, переключаясь между режимами.
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars 75314 Штурмовой шаттл Бракованной Партии
Для девочки, для мальчика от 9 лет навыки: логика и мышление, моторика и ловкость, творческое мышление пластик число деталей: 1218 шт. вес: 2300 г
Конструктор King Star World 81044 (05042) Атакующий крейсер республиканцев класса Венатор
Тип конструктора: классический, серия: Star Wars, возраст: от 9 лет, пол: для мальчиков, число деталей: от 1000, материал: пластик
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars 75054 AT-AT
Эту модель АТ-АТ (75313) ждали все поклонники LEGO Star Wars. У эпической модели из серии Ultimate Collector Series для сборки и демонстрации двигаются ноги и голова, и она может похвастаться орудиями с реалистичной отдачей, вращающимися турелями, люком для сброса бомб.
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars 75313 AT-AT
Тип конструктора: классический, серия: Police Battle Force, возраст: от 6 лет, пол: для мальчиков, число деталей: 51 - 150, материал: пластик
Конструктор Enlighten Brick Полиция 1906 Облава
Набор LEGO Star Wars открывает мир Гриффа Халлорана и его перехватчика СИД «Чёрный ас» из телесериала «Звёздные войны: Сопротивление». Полетайте на перехватчике вместе с Гриффом Халлораном, зарядите подпружиненные шутеры и загрузите запасные ракеты в задний трюм, а зате.
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Откройте для себя галактику приключений второго сезона «Мандалорца» с этой моделью легкого имперского крейсера (75315) из кубиков LEGO®. У модели есть мостик, который служит ручкой для полетов, две вращающиеся башни с пружинными шутерами и два мини-истребителя СИД с пус.
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