Lego star wars complete saga nds
Описание: Освежите в памяти атаку на Звезду Смерти, бой с Дартом Вейдером, гонки по лесу на скоростных скутерах и многие другие знаковые моменты. Выход LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga неслучайно приурочен к юбилею саги. Игра содержит оригинальную интерпретацию всех серий фильма, выполненных в деталях конструктора LEGO. Вас ждут новые уровни, более тридцати сюжетных миссий, множество колоритных героев и яркие эмоции!
Особенности игры:
- Игра охватывает все шесть фильмов из серии «Звёздных войн», представлены практически все персонажи и задания из обеих трилогий;
- Включены элементы логической игры, когда игроку придётся решать ряд головоломок;
- Значительно расширены некоторые сцены из фильмов, также добавлен ряд комичных моментов с элементами пародий, что позволило сделать игру более забавной;
- Игроку предоставляется возможность играть за любого из 160 (!) персонажей, включая тех, что появлялись в фильмах лишь на заднем плане;
- Можно создать своего персонажа;
- Благодаря применению Силы, Джедаи не просто герои с мечами, а симбиоз самурая и мага. Также Сила разделена на светлую и тёмную, тёмная более могущественна;
- Возможность коллективного (до 2 человек) прохождения игры;
- Улучшенная графика. Все спецэффекты, модели персонажей и декорации подверглись значительной модернизации. Пластмассовый мир ожил и заиграл свежими красками!
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Lego ® Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a Lego ® Star Wars video game, although at its core it is a compilation of the two previous Lego ® Star Wars titles; Lego ® Star Wars: The Video Game and Lego ® Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. Developed by Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts, it was released in early November of 2007 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii and in October 2009 it was released for the PC. It can also can be found in the App Store for Mac and iOS.
Updated levels
- The "Mos Espa Pod Race", "Gunship Cavalry", and "Battle over Coruscant" levels from the first game have been adapted to fit the vehicle gameplay mechanics from the second game.
New content
The Complete Saga for PC title screen
- New characters have been added, including Boss Nass, Zam Wesell, Watto, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Captain Tarpals, and many more to bring the total number of playable characters to 134 (122 not including Extra Toggle)
- Two new levels have been added to this version of the game:
- The Episode I bonus level is "Anakin's Flight". This level is set up the same way the Death Star level in the Original Trilogy video game. In fact, the only differences are location, ship, and purpose. This level was made for the first Lego ® Star Wars game but was omitted.
- The new level for Episode II is "Bounty Hunter Pursuit", with gameplay similar to "Anakin's Flight", in which you have to deactivate several shields before you catch the fleeing assassin. This level was made for the first Lego ® Star Wars game but was omitted.
- Indiana Jones can be bought in this version of the game. To unlock him, go through the "trailer" section of the Cantina and watch the trailer for Lego ® Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. Now Indiana Jones will be purchasable at the bar for 50,000 Lego studs.
- On the Xbox 360 version, you can unlock achievements.
Screenshot of the game.
Clone (Episode III)
Clone (Episode III, Pilot)
Clone (Episode III, Swamp)
Clone (Episode III, Walker)
Mace Windu (Episode III)
Rebel Trooper (Hoth)
Extra toggle characters
The below characters can be accessed in certain levels once unlocking and activating the "Extra Toggle" Power brick.
Non-playable characters
Achievements are awards that you receive for doing certain tasks in the Xbox 360 version of the game.
Work Salary Glitch
Console type needed for glitch: Oldest Version of Xbox360.
The work salary glitch is a very rare glitch unique to the oldest version of the Xbox 360. It can only be obtained after you have gotten the Gopher Achievement, beat all levels, unlocked all canisters, (excluding blue challenge canisters) and built the Money fountain outside of the cantina. Go into any Episode Room. Stand in the middle of the room, with all extras/cheats off. If you cheat once through the game, you will lose the chance to obtain the glitch.
gives 500 - 1,000 studs every 5 seconds
Music Glitch
Every console is prone to this glitch. To avoid it, don't play games over 3 hours at a time.
This is one of the most common glitches for Lego Games on Xbox 360. It also happens with all Lego Indiana Jones Games, and happens on all PS2 Lego Games.
The music starts repeating notes rapidly, as if you encounter notes repeating every 5 minutes, this is normal. If you ever encounter this glitch, your console is on the brink of freezing! Go to the main menu and turn off the console as soon as possible.
Glitch Disabilities: Freezes your console Screen, but the music keeps going. Also known to disrupt loading to the main menu.
Falling Glitch
In the level Darth Maul drop out one person jump in the hole in the middle drop right back in and you can walk in the middle off the hole. Note: you can not get out unless you turn off your console
LEGO Star Wars - The Complete Saga (USA)
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PlayStation PS1/PSX, 3DO, SEGA, Nintendo, Arcade, Atari, PC DOS/Win 3x, Neo-Geo, TurboGrafx, Amstrad, MSX. Touchscreen Mobile Gamepad, Netplay, Save/Load state.
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LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (NDS)
The game was released in 2 parts on the PC and consoles of the previous generation. Lucas Arts then compiled all the parts into one, added new content and released as one whole story. This version of the game was released on many popular consoles, such as: PSP, XBox 360, Xbox, PS2, PS3 and WII.
Long time ago, in a distant, distant galaxy . Many people know this story, because there are fans of star warriors all over the world. In 2005, several British during the census in the graph of religion wrote: "Jedi" (Jedi). Therefore, the story can not be painted - just you can look again at leisure all the series of films.
Graphics and Design
The graphics are very good, but sometimes the square pixels slip. I'm very pleased that some drawbacks in the graphics on the PC are removed from this version. Sometimes the graphics are too monotonous. One level is almost entirely in the lava, the second is solid forests .
Sound and music
The sound comes from both the TV speakers and Wii Remaut. The sounds of blasters, lightsabers seem to come from your hands, squeezing this fantastic weapon in your hands, but can be boring with monotony, as the soundtracks change only after some time.
Control is carried out by pressing the buttons. But the developers have put several movements on the special features of WII. Construction will be faster if you wave your hands. The Jedi will move the object faster if you shake the nunchak. And of course, if you wipe Remaut, the Jedi will get his favorite lightsaber, and after that he will kill the droids, Imperials and other objects that are on the way.
The gameplay is very exciting, if you sit down for this game, then until you pass the level, two, three or the whole game (in the mood), it is unlikely to come off.
A brilliant game for Star Wars fans and DS fans alike, The Complete Saga combines childlike simplicity with fiendishly hidden depth, providing an involving experience you'll find difficult to beat.
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a must buy for all DS-owning Star Wars fans out there. It contains the complete levels of both previous games, and even tweaks the gameplay issues that plagued the earlier handheld ports.
LucasArts and Travellers’ Tales have been a great job of making the Lego Star Wars experience portable and a genuine blast to play.
Lego Star Wars: The Compete Saga is an exceptional home port for the series, and a fine return to form for the Nintendo DS.
The console version is the more impressive product, but Traveller's Tales handheld team pulled off a vastly improved version of the design for the Nintendo DS.
User Reviews
A fantastic port of the console version of LEGO Star Wars: TCS onto the DS. Obviously sacrifices had to be made (6 console levels removed or A fantastic port of the console version of LEGO Star Wars: TCS onto the DS. Obviously sacrifices had to be made (6 console levels removed or combined, minor changes to the levels, 30 FPS instead of 60, downgraded graphics, shortened music tracks, no bounty hunter missions, only 2 characters in a party allowed to be played at a time, bonus levels being replaced with DS-exclusive minigames, worse cutscenes, slightly different vehicle levels, etc.) but a lot of the console game's content is still here. … Expand
The Lego star wars the complete saga is one of the most brutally violent games I have ever played (in a good way), the Minifigure exploding The Lego star wars the complete saga is one of the most brutally violent games I have ever played (in a good way), the Minifigure exploding and the Minifigure parts fly everywhere, it's so funny! I highly recommend playing this game. … Expand
I am calling SHENANNIGANS on the user review score. Ahem, lookie lookie at the dates of all the "0" scores. yep, all the 0's came on only I am calling SHENANNIGANS on the user review score. Ahem, lookie lookie at the dates of all the "0" scores. yep, all the 0's came on only ONE DAY, Sep 24th 2008. A bunch of spoiled rotten brat kids got together to make US think something is wrong. Look how utterly STUPID their reviews sound--worst error of her life (not mistake, but "error")--"this game should never have been created--hated it from the moment I played--3 of them got it for their Bday and happened to complain and give it 0's on the same day as 7 others. ALL ON THE SAME DAY, and all within 10 minutes of eachother. Well, for me, I thought it was fun and LOOONG. This game does not have all the glitches and flaws like the 1st Original Trilogy did and I give it a solid 8.25 of 10 but to try to get a more appropriate and fair score away from being manipulated DOWN by a bunch of stupid children I rated it a ten. Thank you. … Expand
Why all the hate COD **** Can't enjoy a simple, entertaining lego game called "Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga"?
Please play on PS3 or 360 if you can. This DS version is ok at best. There's still some fun to have here but it's just hard to ignore how Please play on PS3 or 360 if you can. This DS version is ok at best. There's still some fun to have here but it's just hard to ignore how dumbed down this version is. Significantly smaller levels, removed content. The added minigames don't do anything for me. It is cool to have it on a handheld and play on the go but overall I don't know if that novelty is worth it. If you can, play this on console, if not then have fun with this one. … Expand
the game is very buggy. i have found many instances where the game will break for no reason or crash. the game has very many bugs that are the game is very buggy. i have found many instances where the game will break for no reason or crash. the game has very many bugs that are just not in the other versions and overall looks very poor even for a ds game … Expand
This is a terrible game to say the least. Too many innocent DS chips gave their lives for this monstrosity. 0. It deserves no better.
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