Lego star wars cloud city
Betrayal at Cloud City is a monster of a set, clocking in at 2,812 pieces, reminiscent of the similarly detailed and massive Millennium Falcon and Death Star sets. The four feet square, six-inch tall set is the first in the Star Wars Master Builder series, a new classification that hopefully means plenty of other epic Star Wars sets are on the way.
The set is divided into four different sections, each the setting for specific scenes in Empire. There’s a landing pad where Boba Fett’s Slave I ship docks. The seven-inch long ship comes with movable wings and a space where you can store Han after he’s been frozen in carbonite (more on that later).
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The second section contains the dining room, lounge, garbage processing room, and promenade. You can fit up to five minifigures in the dining room and a couple in the lounge. The garbage processing room has an incinerator with the promenade has its own sculpture, mural, and passageways to other parts of the model.
The third section is where both of Cloud City’s most memorable movie moments take place. The balcony where Luke and Vader battle swings out near a maintenance cabin. There’s also a carbon freeze chamber, complete with a level-activated freeze function, where Han Solo was frozen and given to Boba Fett.
The final section contains the interrogation chamber with chair, a prison cell, and a hangar that has space for the Twin-Pod Cloud Car that escorts the Millennium Falcon to the ship (included).
It would be a shame for these detailed rooms to sit empty, so it’s great that Lego included 18 different minifigures and two smaller droids: Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in Bespin outfits, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Lando Calrissian, Lobot, 2 Cloud City Guards, 2 Cloud Car Pilots, Leia and Han in Hoth outfits, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, 2 Stormtroopers and an Ugnaught, plus R2-D2 and an IG-88 droid. With so many characters, its easy to reenact scenes from the movie.
Cloud City Betrayal will retail for $350 when it goes on sale, September 13 to Lego VIP members and October 1 to the general public.
The 10123 Cloud City Lego ® Star Wars set was released in 2003 . The set was originally retailing for $99.99 and contains 698 pieces. Also included with this set are minifigures of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, a Stormtrooper, Boba Fett (Markings), Han Solo, Han (Carbonite), Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian.
Minifigure Gallery
Han Solo™ and Princess Leia™ have journeyed to Cloud City™, only to discover it is an Imperial trap! Now Luke Skywalker™ must challenge Darth Vader™ to try and save his friends! Unique Set Features:
Based on one of the most famous locations from the original Star Wars™ trilogy, this set is the perfect addition to your Star Wars collection! Recreate your favorite moments from Star Wars™: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, or create your own thrilling adventures!
10123 Cloud City was a 698 piece Star Wars exclusive set with 7 minifigs released in 2003. It is based on the film Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back. The current value for a new and sealed Cloud City is estimated at 5 192,00 € with an average yearly gain of about 17% which is higher than other Episode V sets. On the secondary markets the typical price range for the set MISB/NISB is between 4 223,00 € and 6 089,00 €. The current used prices for Cloud City can be found in the range of 598,00 € and 2 777,00 € depending on the set's condition, with an average price of 876,00 € if it is in good overall condition.
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Cloud City Sets
75222 Betrayal at Cloud City
Sets in Star Wars / Episode V
4483 AT-AT
4504 Millennium Falcon
4502 X-wing Fighter
4479 TIE Bomber
4500 Rebel Snowspeeder
7119 Twin-Pod Cloud Car
My Collection
Set Details
Set Pricing Good Investment
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Set Facts
- Included with this set are minifigures of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, a Stormtrooper, Boba Fett (Markings), Han Solo, Han (Carbonite), Princess Leia and Lando Calrissian.
- The Cloud City landing platform was specifically designed for the Cloud Car, however, the Slave I released at the time fits on the platform.
- Cloud City was designed by LEGO designer Bjarke Lykke Madsen.
Cloud City Reviews
“As an investment, Cloud City has performed well in the Episode V theme with an overall growth since retirement of around 5801%. The set has also slightly outperformed it's peers year over year with an annual growth of around 16.72%.”
“ It was most notable for being the first appearance of a Lando Calrissian Minifigure. This set is also the only set released so far that features Lando in his most recognized clothing (the other being on 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge where he is in disguise). It also contains an . More exclusive Boba Fett Minifigure with normal printing, but also with armor plating on his arms, legs and on the belt.”
“ In 2003 Lego released a large Cloud City playset that covered all of the major scenes with small, modular vignettes. It's no wonder this set is a classic. It is an all-around amazing set, from the design, to the minifigs, to the functions. These days, the price isn't cheap, . More but you still get a lot of bang for your buck.”
Subtheme Analysis
About Star Wars Episode V
LEGO Star Wars Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back is a subtheme of Star Wars which contained sets based on the Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back film.
Episode V was introduced in 1999 and currently consists of 44 sets. As of today, 10123 Cloud City is the most valuable Episode V set with an estimated new/factory sealed value of 5 192,00 €.
Return to Cloud City™!
Han Solo™ and Princess Leia™ have journeyed to Cloud City™, only to discover it is an Imperial trap! Now Luke Skywalker™ must challenge Darth Vader™ to try and save his friends!
Unique Set Features:
More than 25" in length!
7 mini-figures including Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Boba Fett™, Stormtrooper™ and the all-new Lando Calrissian™
Full Action Play: Blast Luke through the window! Drop Han into the carbonite!
Based on one of the most famous locations from the original Star Wars™ trilogy, this set is the perfect addition to your Star Wars collection! Recreate your favorite moments from Star Wars™: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, or create your own thrilling adventures!
Все игрушки из серии Lego Star Wars основаны на одноименной фантастической эпопее, пожалуй, самой знаменитой в мире. Первый набор в рамках темы Лего Звездные войны был выпущен еще в 1999 г., и в планах компании поддерживать это начинание как минимум до 2022-го года включительно.
История, которая случилась давным-давно в другой галактике, продолжает будоражить умы и детей, и взрослых, и практически любой настоящий фанат старается купить конструктор LEGO Star War, чтобы пополнить свою коллекцию или создавать свои невероятные сценарии с любимыми героями.
Сцены из фильмов и мультсериалов
В этой великолепной лего-серии собраны и воссозданы все яркие и запоминающиеся моменты из приключений как главных, так и второстепенных персонажей. Вы сможете заново разыграть сражение на планете Такодана, пережить столкновение на Джакку или переиграть схватку Квай-Гона и Дарт Мола, устроить побег чудовищного рафтара, превращение Энакина в лорда ситхов, организовать тренировки на островах Эч-То, посетить хижину Йоды на болотах Дагобы или познакомиться с чрезвычайно дерзким контрабандистом Империи в кантине Мос-Эйсли.
Космические корабли и транспорт
Благодаря лего-кубикам можно сконструировать почти все корабли и другую технику, которая демонстрировалась в кинофильмах и мультсериалах по вселенной, созданной Джорджем Лукасом. Безусловно, не обошлось и без легендарного Сокола Тысячелетия, который с 2017-го года держит рекорд самого большого лего-набора и состоит примерно из 7500 элементов!
Кроме того, в коллекции вы найдете Звезду Смерти, многочисленные истребители, посадочные шаттлы, песчаные и снежные спидеры, целый Облачный город, шагоходы АТ-АР, АТ-АТ и АТ-РТ, краулеры, транспортники, свуп-байки, корабли-бомбардировщики, разрушители, боевые танки повстанцев, фрегаты, штурмовые вездеходы и еще множество других образцов галактической техники.
Специально для лего Стар Варс были разработаны динамичные мини-наборы, которые быстро собираются и позволяют устраивать небольшие дуэли и перестрелки. Как правило, в микрофайтер включается минифигурка с оружием и упрощенной версией какой-нибудь военной машины (истребителя, звездолета, шагохода и т.п.).
Например, можно приземлиться в спасательной капсуле на поверхность Татуина, полетать и пострелять на маневренном микроистребителе с планеты Набу или на корабле-лазутчике сихтов с Дартом Молом в качестве пилота.
Именно Lego Звездные войны стала той серией, в которой появилось больше всего сборных полноразмерных моделей с подвижными конечностями и массой игровых функций.
Начиная с 2017 года вышло уже три десятка составных фигурок (Buildable Figures), изображающих персонажей космической саги. А некоторые успели получить по несколько вариантов. Из лего-деталей уже можно собрать Дарта Вейдера, Хана Соло, Люка Скайвокера, Бобу Фетта, Рэй, База Мальбуса, имперского дроида K-2SO, капитана Фазму, Кайло Рена, Финна, Оби-Вана Кеноби, генерала Гривуса, а также всевозможных штурмовиков, солдат-клонов, солдат сопротивления, пилотов и т.д.
Check out what this set is worth here, both new and used!
BrickWars Sets Description
Lego Star Wars 10123 Cloud City was an outpost and tibanna gas mining colony stationed on the planet of Bespin. It was named Cloud City because the city itself floated high above the actual planet and was surrounded by clouds, as the planet was an uninhabitable gas giant, save for the oxygen-rich layer where the city lay. It was well-known for its luxury resort district that contained hotels and casinos. The floors, from top to bottom, were the concourse, which constisted of hotels and casinos, the housing areas, administrative offices, Port Town, the housing facilities of workers, factories, gas refineries and miners quarters, and finally, the repulsor lift engines and tractor beam generators that kept the city afloat and in position. The entire structure was saucer-shaped. In "Episode V: The Empire Stirkes Back," Han Solo, Chewbacca and Princess Leia travel to Cloud City hoping that Han's old friend, Lando Calrissian, would help them repair the Millennium Falcon. However, Lando and his city were threatened by the Empire, and the next day Han and company were betrayed and handed over to Darth Vader. After Han is frozen in carbonite, Luke senses the disturbance through the Force and goes to rescue him. When arriving on the city, he spots Boba Fett taking his frozen friend to his ship and decides to follow, but is discovered. Boba opens fire and Luke barely escapes, running farther into the city. He then sees Leia and Chewbacca being escorted by stormtroopers and attempts to save them, only to be pushed back into the carbon freezing chamber, where Darth Vader waited. The two fought an intense lightsaber duel, until Luke was eventually overpowered and thrown through a window onto an emergancy platform. There, Vader cuts off his right hand along with his lightsaber, leaving Luke defenseless. It is there where the famous, and most memorable, lines of the Star Wars saga are spoken:
"Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father."—Darth Vader
"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!"—Luke Skywalker
"No. I am your father."—Darth Vader
Luke screams in denial, while his father goads him into joining him, into joining the dark side and overthrowing the Emperor. Luke chooses to commit suicide rather than becoming corrupted, and throws himself down the shaft. Meanwhile, Lando, Leia, and Chewbacca have escaped from the stormtroopers with the help of the Bespin security, and they all escape in the Millennium Falcon. While falling, Luke is sucked into an air vent, exits the underbelly of the city and catches and antenna. Hanging onto his life, he calls out through the Force, first to Ben Kenobi, and then to Leia. She mysteriously hears his call, and the Falcon turns around, heading back towards the city. They retrieve Luke, and escape with TIE fighters hot on their trail.
The Lego 10123 Cloud City contains 698 pieces and includes 7 minifigures.
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Travel to Cloud City!
Han Solo and Princess Leia have journeyed to Cloud City, only to discover it is an Imperial trap! Now Luke Skywalker must challenge Darth Vader to try and save his friends. Includes 7 minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Boba Fett and Lando Calrissian! Ages 9+. 698 pieces.
Posted May 29, 2011 by Drew Hixson, United States
This set is really unique! It was released in 2003. It's shown in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. It sold for $99.99. It contains 698 pieces and has 7 minifigures with it. The minifigures included in this set are Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and a Stormtrooper. The length of this playset is57.5 cm(22.6 in); the width is 7 cm(2.8 in); and the height is 38 cm(15 in). There's a battle area for Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, a dining room, a landing platform, and a carbon-freezing chamber for Han Solo. In the battle area, you can collapse the walls and blast Luke out the window! In the carbon-freezing chamber you can freeze Han! You just switch the Han Solo minifig around with the carbonite block. And you can land your vehicles on the platform! aaa10/10
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