Lego star wars 3 the clone wars все красные блоки
Skill: x10
Cost: 40,000,000
Description: Whenever you pick up a stud, its value is multiplied by 10.
Location: Catwalks
Gold Bricks Needed: 3
Special Skills Needed: Explosive, Sith Force, Electric
How To Get: First, use an explosive attack to chip off some pieces from the giant silver object in the middle platform. Build the bricks that fall off to reveal an electric panel. Activate it, then use the Sith Force on the resulting formation.
Skill: Stud Magnet
Cost: 500,000
Description: Studs will be more easily "attracted" to you
Skill: Character Studs
Cost: 100,000
Description: When you kill another character, they'll leave a small pile of studs for you to collect.
Location: Brig
Gold Bricks Needed: 3
Special Skills Needed: Bounty Hunter, Sith Force, Electric, TX-20
How To Get: Free all the prisoners from the brig. You'll need to activate all the panels, which are outlined in the "Special Skills Needed" description above. After you free everyone, go into each cell, destroy the back wall panel, and use the Force to screw off the valve.
Skill: Super Saber Cut
Cost: 300,000
Description: You can cut through walls much more quickly.
Location: Due north of the catwalks
Gold Bricks Needed: 3
Special Skills Needed: Sniper
How To Get: Snipe the three glowing green objects in the distance.
Skill: Glow in the Dark
Cost: 25,000
Description: Your characters will glow green when they are in dimly lit areas.
Location: Medical Bay (left of catwalks)
Gold Bricks Needed: 6
Special Skills Needed: None
How To Get: Attack the bed near the elevator.
Skill: Red Brick Detector
Cost: 125,000
Description: Arrows will appear to show you where the nearest Red Brick is (though why do you need that?)
Location: Bridge
Gold Bricks Needed: 0
Special Skills Needed: Small
How To Get: This is probably the first Red Brick in the game you saw. All you need to do to get it is destroy and assemble the blocks to the left, then crawl through the vent. Make sure you don't go through the vent on the right side; that's just there to trick you.
The other six Red Bricks are found on the secondary overworld aircraft. To get there, first purchase a spaceship from the Resolute ship's hangar and fly right until you see the new area.
Skill: Perfect Deflect
Cost: 100,000
Description: You can block oncoming laser fire with 100% accuracy
Location: Hangar
Gold Bricks Needed: 10
Special Skills Needed: Astromech, Explosive Vehicle
How To Get: Use the Astromech panel to the right to reveal a bridge, then call up any vehicle to stand on the orange button. This opens up a door to reveal a silver object. Use an explosive attack to destroy it.
Skill: Dark Side
Cost: 150,000
Description: All Jedi characters can use Sith Force.
Location: Bridge
Gold Bricks Needed: 20
Special Skills Needed: Sith Force
How To Get: Use the Sith Force on the object directly above the main console.
Skill: Invincibility
Cost: 1,000,000
Description: Just like it says. The only way for you to take any damage is if you fall off a ledge or fly outside of a mission area.
Location: Landing Craft
Gold Bricks Needed: 25
Special Skills Needed: Clone
How To Get: Take any clone to the panel on the right side.
Skill: Skill: x8
Cost: 20,000,000
Description: Whenever you pick up a stud, its value is multiplied by eight.
Location: Observation Deck
Gold Bricks Needed: 30
Special Skills Needed: Explosive
How To Get: Use explosive attacks to destroy the large object in the middle of the room.
Skill: Regenerate Hearts
Cost: 400,000
Description: You will slowly recover hearts as you walk around.
Location: To the left of the hangar
Gold Bricks Needed: 10
Special Skills Needed: Bounty Hunter
How To Get: Use a Bounty Hunter to create the bridge to the left of the hangar, then walk to the room all the way to the left (not the elevator). In this room, knock all four of the objects on the ceiling to the ground. Target them with a light saber throw, as you cannot target them with any other attack.
Skill: Dual Wield
Cost: 250,000
Description: All Jedi characters will now wield two light sabers.
Location: Hangar
Gold Bricks Needed: 10
Special Skills Needed: Sith Force
How To Get: Use Sith Force directly under this very conspicuous Red Brick, then jump on the newly formed bridge.
100% Walkthrough guide showing all 10 Minikit Locations, Red Bricks and Gold Bricks.
All locations are per video
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All 18 Red Brick Locations
00:14 - Geonosian Space Mission
02:50 - Christophsis Space Mission
05:25 - Rugosa Space Mission
07:30 - Naboo Space Mission
10:45 - Florrum Space Mission
12:05 - Quell Space Mission
13:50 - Ruusan Moon Space Mission
15:06 - Dead Moon of Antar Space Mission
00:30 - Vassek Space Mission
02:20 - Rishi Moon Space Mission
05:40 - Saleucami Space Mission
07:37 - Malastare Space Mission
10:05 - Coruscant Space Mission
11:49 - Tatooine Space Mission
13:20 - Maridun Space Mission
15:20 - Rlyoth Space Mission
00:07 - Naboo Republic Assault Mission
09:08 - Christophsis Republic Assault Mission
21:57 - Ruusan Moon Republic Assault Mission
31:55 - Coruscant Republic Assault Mission
40:43 - Tatooine Republic Assault Mission
51:30 - Quell Republic Assault Mission
59:08 - Dead Moon of Antar Republic Assault Mission
1:06:23 - Vassek Republic Assault Mission
00:08 - Ryloth Replublic Assault Mission
05:32 - Malastare Replublic Assault Mission
11:00 - Rugosa Replublic Assault Mission
17:20 - Geonosis Replublic Assault Mission
22:32 - Florrum Replublic Assault Mission
30:13 - Maridun Replublic Assault Mission
34:24 - Rishi Moon Replublic Assault Mission
38:23 - Saleucami Replublic Assault Mission
Код --------Результат
3F5L56 Идеальное отклонение
x1v4n2 Темная Сила
gchp7s Быстрая постройка
j46p7a Невидимость
csd5na Детектор белых бочек
b1d3w3 Супербыстролеты
yzphuv Умножение X2
43t5e5 Умножение X4
sebhgr Умножение X6
byfsaq Умножение X8
n1ckr1 Умножение X10
6mz5ch Магнит деталек
2d7jns Восстановление здоровья
qd2c31 Из врагов выпадают монетки
bs828k Суперудар
c4es4r Два меча
4gt3vq Персонаж Светится в темноте
С англ сайта. Cheat mode Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Code Invincibility J46P7A Character Studs 2D5GNM Character Studs QD2C31 Stud Magnet 6MZ5CH Stud Multiplier X10 N1CKR1 Score X2 YZPHUV Score X4 43T5E5 Score X6 SEBHGR Score X8 BYFSAQ Score X10 N1CKR1 Minikit Detector CSD5NA Perfect Deflect 3F5L56 Dual Wield C4ES4R Dark Side X1V4N2 Fast Build GCHP7S Super Saber Cut BS828K Super Speeders B1D3W3 Regenerate Hearts 2D7JNS Glow In The Dark 4GT3VQ Characters AAT C9PRKP Aayla Secura 2VG95B Aayla Secura 2VG95B Adi Gallia G2BFEN Admiral Ackbar (Classic) 272Y9Q Admiral Yularen NG6PYX Ahsoka 2VJ9TH Anakin Skywalker F9VUYJ Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena) 9AA4DW Anakin's Jedi Starfighter RCTFLV Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire) ZY3AE2 Asajj Ventress YG9DD7 AT-AP Walker AA279H AT-RT Z7H46T AT-TE VBEZEZ Aurra Sing M2V1JV Bail Organa GEHX6C BARC Speeder YMWV33 Barriss Offee BTVTZ5 Battle Droid 5Y7MA4 Battle Droid Commander LSU4LJ Bib Fortuna 9U4TF3 Bobba Fett (Classic) TY2BYJ Boil Q5Q39P Bossk 2KLW5R C-3PO 574226 Cad Bane NHME85 Captain Antilles (Classic) D8SNGJ Captain Rex MW3QYH Captain Typho GD6FX3 Chancellor Palpatine 5C62YQ Chewbacca (Classic) 66UU3T Clone Pilot HQ7BVD Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic) 7GFNCQ Clone Trooper NP5GTT Commander Bly 7CB6NS Commander Cody SMN259 Commander Fil U25HFC Commander Ponds JRPR2A Commando Droid QEGU64 Commando Stone 5XZQSV Count Dooku EWR7WM Darth Maul QH68AK Darth Maul (Classic) QH68AK Darth Sidius (Classic) QXY5XN Darth Vader (Classic) FM4JB7 Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic) NMJFBL Destroyer Droid 9MUTS2 Dr Nuvo Vindi MB9EMW Dwarf Spider Droid NACMGG Echo JB9E5S Eeth Koth WUFDYA Gammorean Guard WSFZZQ General Grievous 7FNU4T Geonosian Guard GAFZUD Geonosian Solar Sailor PJ2U3R Geonosian Starfighter EDENEC Gold Super Battle Droid 2C8NHP Gonk Droid C686PK Grand Moff Tarkin NH2405 Greedo (Classic) FUW4C2 Hailfire Droid T7XF9Z Han Solo (Classic) KFDBXF Heavy Super Battle Droid G65KJJ Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper WXUTWY HELIOS 3D 4AXTY4 Hevy EUB8UG Hondo Hohnaka 5A7XYX H-Type Nubian Yacht 77QEJL Hyena Bomber NPGG24 IG-86 EABPCP Imperial Guard (Classic) 5W6FGD Jango Fett 5KZQ4D Jar Jar Binks MESPTS Jedi Shuttle HRX2UK Jek AYREC9 Ki-Adi-Mundi HGBCTQ Kit Fitso PYWJ6N Kit Fitso's Jedi Starfighter H68D3K Lando Calrissian (Classic) ERAEWE LEP Servent Droid SM3Y9B Lieutenant Thire 3NEUXC Lok Durd TKCYUZ Luke Skywalker (Classic) PG73HF Luminara Uunduli MKUYQ8 Lurman Villager R35Y7N Luxury Droid V4WMJN Mace Windu 8NVRWJ Mace Windu 8NVRWJ MagnaGuard 2KEF2D Magnaguard Starfighter HJ5HHD Medical Frigate (torpedoes) BET7CU MSE-6 S6GRNZ Nahdar Vebb ZKXG43 Neimodian Shuttle 6LT4QL Neimoidian BJB94J Nute Gunray QFYXMC Obi-Wan Kenobi J9HNF9 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic) FFBU5M Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena) 5U9FJK Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter 25FMVT OG-9 Homing Spider Droid 7NEC36 Onaconda Farr DB7ZQN Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena) SZ824Q Padme Amildala 8X87U6 Pirate Ruffian BH2EHU Pirate Saucer (missiles) Z567HR Pirate Speeder Tank 3NQGYL Plo Koon BUD4VU Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter L4LCDV Poggle The Lesser 4592WM Princess Leia (Classic) 2D3D3L Probe Droid U2T4SP Queen Neeyutnee ZQRN85 Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic) LKHD3B R2-D2 RZ5HUV R3-S6 Z87PAU R4-P17 5MXSYA R6-H5 7PMC3C Rebel Commando (Classic) PZMQNK Republic Attack Shuttle BQCXWR Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes) J3MFJZ Republic Dropship (rapid fire) J2JNDD Republic Gunship C7M3DU Robonino 2KLW5R RX-200 Tank P8Z9M5 Rys 4PTP53 Savage Opress MELL07 Senate Commando EPBPLK Senate Commando (Republic) S4Y7VW Senator Kharrus EA4E9S Senator Philo 9Q7YCT Shahan Alama G4N7C2 Sionver Boll 5C62YQ Slave I KDDQVD Soulless One (rapid fire) 7RL23G STAP 59UU88 Starhawk Speeder Bike 3RE9XV Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes) XPY46K Stormtrooper (Classic) HPE7PZ Super Battle Droid MJKDV5 Super Tank RYLVNW Tee Watt Kaa FYVSHD The Halo (rapid fire) MHG3XB The Twilight T4K5L4 Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes) JSBLJS Turk Falso HEBHW5 Tuscan Raider (Classic) GC2XSA TX-20 PE7FGD Undead Geonosian QGENFD V-19 Torrent Starfighter AKA9BB Vader's Apprentice (Classic) EGQQ4V Vulture Droid 7W7K7S Wag Too VRUVSZ Wat Tambor ZP8XVH Waxer BNJE79 Wedge Antilles (Classic) DRGLWS Whorm Loathsom 4VVYQV Workout Clone Trooper MP9DRE Xanadu Blood (rapid fire) LQ2SVT Yoda CSQTMB Y-Wing Starfighter XTL6Y3 Achievements Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Time to take the capital (10 points): Complete Innocents of Ryloth. Liberation! (10 points): Complete Liberty on Ryloth. Tank 'n' Spank (10 points): Complete Weapons Factory. We live to fight another day (10 points): Complete Grievous Intrigue. That's no moon (10 points): Complete Battle of Geonosis. You can have my ship! (10 points): Complete Storm Over Ryloth. Zillo Tolerance (10 points): Complete Zillo Beast. Impressive, most impressive (100 points): Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only) A presence I've not felt since (70 points): Collect all the minikits. (Single Player Only) Another bug hunt (10 points): Complete Legacy of Terror. What a Rotta! (10 points): Complete Castle of Doom. Sure, as long as I get paid (10 points): Complete Hostage Crisis. Me'sa rescued you (10 points): Complete Gungan General. Are all Jedi so reckless? (10 points): Complete Jedi Crash. There goes my promotion (10 points): Complete Defenders of Peace. This is just the beginning! (10 points): Complete Geonosian Arena. The pleasure is all mine my dear (10 points): Complete The Hidden Enemy. Okay clankers, suck lasers! (10 points): Complete Ambush. Abandon ship! (10 points): Complete Destroy Malevolence. R6 take me home (10 points): Complete Lair of Grievous. Not so tough now are ya Sparky? (10 points): Complete Rookies. Oops. What happened? (10 points): Complete Blue Shadow Virus. Follow me, boys! (10 points): Complete Duel of the Droids. Torpedoes away! (10 points): Complete Shadow of Malevolence. Jedi Master (70 points): True Jedi in every level. (Single Player Only) Cheat! (70 points): Collect all Red Power Bricks. (Single Player Only) Stealth wealth (70 points): Collect all Gold bricks. (Single Player Only) Jango's army! (50 points): Unlock/purchase all 'Clone' characters. (Single Player Only) Clanker collector (50 points): Unlock/purchase all 'Droid' characters. (Single Player Only) The dark side I sense in you (50 points): Free all villains from the Resolute brig. (Single Player Only) Viceroy of the fleet (30 points): Convert every system to CIS. (Single Player Only) Admiral of the fleet (30 points): Convert every system to the Republic. (Single Player Only) Isn't negotiation the Jedi way? (20 points): Complete all Bounty missions. (Single Player Only) Saberang Master (10 points): Use Yoda to defeat 5 enemies with one lightsaber throw. Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements: Finders Keepers (10 points): Hijack 20 enemy units in Ground Battles. Great shot kid (10 points): Destroy an enemy building with a proton torpedo It ain't like dusting crops boy (10 points): Complete: 5 Loop the loops, 5 Back flips, 5 corkscrews. Blending in (10 points): Have all your party members disguised as Senate Commandos in Hostage Crisis. (Story mode only) They'll never see us coming (20 points): Win 3 consecutive Arcade Mode Battles. Attack of the clones! (10 points): Deploy 500 Clones. Land-o Calrissian (10 points): On a flying level, land a space ship whilst controlling Lando Calrissian. Got a bad feeling about this (10 points): Land on the Invisible Hand. Field commander (10 points): Using the Radio ability, command troops 50 times. The Force is with you (10 points): Complete a story level without dying (and no invincibility cheat). We really did say no prisoners (10 points): Destroy 100 Droids with the Clone Chain-gun. UH OH! (20 points): Using the Force, take control of a Super Battle Droid and destroy 50 other Droids. Goldie Blocks (10 points): Overheat and destroy 50 gold LEGO bricks. Twice the pride, double the fall (10 points): Defeat Anakin with Count Dooku.
killervs не знаю вродебы нет но есть востоновление сердец-2d7jns
о и ещё 66uu3t -- это введите понравится :-)
Кстати коды с АГ более-менее на русском) (переведено с Яндекс.Перевод.) x1v4n2 - темная Сторона gchp7s - Быстро Строить j46p7a - Invincibilty csd5na - Minikit Детектор b1d3w3 - Супер Speeders yzphuv - Счет X2 43t5e5 - Счет X4 sebhgr - Счет X6 byfsaq - Счет X8 n1ckr1 - Счет X10 6mz5ch - Стад Магнит 2d7jns - Регенерации Сердца qd2c31 - Характер Шпильки bs828k - Супер Сабля Cut c4es4r - Dual wield 4gt3vq - светящиеся в Темноте 5u9fjk - Оби-Ван Кеноби (Geonosian Arena) 9aa4dw - Анакин Скайуокер (Geonosian Arena) sz824q - Падме Амидалы (Geonosian Arena) j9hnf9 - Оби-Ван Кеноби f9vuyj - Анакин Скайуокер 8x87u6 - Падме Amildala smn259 - Командир Коди csqtmb - Yoda 3neuxc - Лейтенант Thire ayrec9 - Jek 4ptp53 - Рысь 2vj9th - Асока mespts - Jar-Jar Binks mw3qyh - Капитан Рекс rctflv - Анакин в Jedi Starfighter aka9bb - V-19 Торрент Starfighter bnje79 - Waxer q5q39p - Чирей 8nvrwj - Мэйс Винду jrpr2a - Командир Пруды hgbctq - Ки-Ади-Мунди pywj6n - Комплект Fitso 5xzqsv - Коммандос Камень 2vg95b - Aayla Secura c7m3du - Республика Gunship 7cb6ns - Командир Блай vruvsz - Wag Слишком mkuyq8 - Luminara Uunduli btvtz5 - Barriss Offee np5gtt - Clone Trooper z87pau - R3-S6 rz5huv - R2-D2 bud4vu - Ооп Koon l4lcdv - Ооп Koon в Jedi Starfighter 574226 - C-3PO zkxg43 - Nahdar Vebb u25hfc - Командир беспроводной доступ В интернет wxutwy - Тяжелого Оружия Clone Trooper eub8ug - Hevy jb9e5s - Эхо g2bfen - Ади Gallia wufdya - Eeth Koth nhme85 - Cad-Клуб m2v1jv - Aurra Петь 2klw5r - Robonino g4n7c2 - Шаан Латунь 4axty4 - HELIOS 3D eabpcp - IG-86 qegu64 - Коммандос Droid 2kef2d - MagnaGuard ewr7wm - Граф Dooku ng6pyx - Адмирал Yularen 5kzq4d - джанго фетта 5mxsya - R4-СТР.17 bjb94j - Neimoidian 5y7ma4 - Боевой Дроид mjkdv5 - Super battle Droid c686pk - Гонк Droid sm3y9b - ЛЕП Servent Droid 2c8nhp - Золото Super battle Droid gd6fx3 - Капитан Typho zqrn85 - Королева Neeyutnee j2jndd - Республика Dropship (Rapid Fire) lsu4lj - Боевой Дроид Commander 5a7xyx - Хондо Hohnaka bh2ehu - Пирата Ruffian ea4e9s - Сенатор Kharrus T4k5L4 - Сумерки fyvshd - Ти Ватт Каа hebhw5 - Турок По j3mfjz - Республика Cruiser (Ракет И Торпед) u2t4sp - Зонд Droid r35y7n - Lurman Житель pe7fgd - TX-20 gafzud - Geonosian Гвардии mp9dre - Тренировки Clone Trooper 9u4tf3 - Биб Фортуна qgenfd - Нежить Geonosian 9muts2 - Разрушитель Droid xtl6y3 - Y-Крыла Starfighter g65kjj - Тяжелые Super battle Droid bet7cu - Медицинской Фрегат (Торпед) 77qejl - H-Тип Nubian Яхт 7pmc3c - R6-H5 h68d3k - Комплект Fitso в Jedi Starfighter bqcxwr - Республика Атаки Трансфер в/из hq7bvd - Клон Пилот s6grnz - MSE-6 hrx2uk - Трансфер в/из Jedi 5c62yq - Sionver Boll zy3ae2 - Дуга - 170 Starfighter (rapid Fire) gehx6c - Залог Органа v4wmjn - Роскошные Droid db7zqn - Onaconda Фарр 9q7yct - Сенатор Фило s4y7vw - Сената Commando (Республика) epbplk - Сената Commando wsfzzq - Gammorean Гвардии 7fnu4t - гривус yg9dd7 - Asajj Ventress 272y9q - Адмирал Акбар (Классика) d8sngj - Капитан Антильские острова (Классика) 66uu3t - Чубакка (Классика) kfdbxf - Хан Соло (Классика) eraewe - Ландо Calrissian (Классика) 2d3d3l - Принцесса Лея (Классика) pg73hf - Luke Skywalker (Классика) ffbu5m - Оби-Ван Кеноби (Классика) lkhd3b - Qui-Гон Джинн (Классика) pzmqnk - Rebel Commando (Классика) drglws - Клин Антильские острова (Классика) ty2byj - Bobba Fett (Классика) fuw4c2 - Greedo (Классика) qh68ak - Darth Maul (Классика) qxy5xn - Darth Sidius (Классика) fm4jb7 - Дарта Вейдера (Классика) nmjfbl - Darth Vader Боя Поврежденных (Классика) egqq4v - Vader Ученика (Классика) 5w6fgd - Императорской Гвардии (Классика) 7gfncq - Клон Тень Trooper (Классика) hpe7pz - Штурмовика (Классика) gc2xsa - Тосканских Raider (Классика) mb9emw - Д-р Нуво Vindi zp8xvh - Ват Тамбор tkcyuz - Lok Durd 4592wm - Poggle Менее qfyxmc - Нуте Gunray 4vvyqv - Whorm Loathsom 5c62yq - Канцлер Palpatine NH2405 - Grand Moff Tarkin mell07 - Savage Opress z7h46t - НА-RT aa279h - НА-AP Уокер vbezez - НА-TE p8z9m5 - RX-200 Бак ymwv33 - BARC Speeder rylvnw - Супер Танк c9prkp - AAT nacmgg - Карлик Spider Droid t7xf9z - Hailfire Droid 7nec36 - И - 9 Почтовый Сторож Droid 59uu88 - НТКГ 3nqgyL - Пирата Speeder Бак 3re9xv - Starhawk Speeder Велосипед 25fmvt - Оби-вана Jedi Starfighter kddqvd - Раб Я xpy46k - Stealth Судна (Ракеты + Торпед) 7rl23g - Бездушный Один (rapid Fire) jsbljs Trident - штурмовых Судов (Ракеты + Торпед) pj2u3r - Geonosian Солнечной Матрос npgg24 - Гиена Бомбардировщик 7w7k7s - Гриф Droid edenec - Geonosian Starfighter 6lt4ql - Neimodian Трансфер в/из z567hr - Пирата Блюдце (Ракеты) hj5hhd - Magnaguard Starfighter lq2svt - Xanadu Крови (rapid Fire) mhg3xb - Halo (rapid Fire)
Head to the room with the laser turrets [M1.7] and approach the orange ball on the right side of the location [1] . Hit it 5 times and the brick worth 500,000 points will appear [2] .
Brick 9 - Character Studs
Unlocking this brick will require many characters. You need one using the Sith Force (Dooku), a Bounty Hunter (Cada Bane), droid and someone using electricity (Robonino and Magna Guard). Head with them to the prison block [M1.5] and open each cell using the proper character [1] . In order to open the second from the right [2] , you will additionally have to complete one Republic Assault. You can initiate it with the panel in one of the hangars [M1.10] .
Once you're done, choose Dooku, enter each cell and destroy the grey panels on the walls [1] . Behind them you will find small valves, on which you must use the Sith Force [2] . As they are all turned, the panel in the last cell will open and behind it you will find the red brick. It's worth 100,000 points.
Brick 10 - Super Speeders
Choose Jar Jar Binks and a character with a grappling hook and explosives (for example Waxer) and head to the location with character containers [M1.4] . Jump with Jar Jar onto the tank on the left [1] and from it further, onto the balcony above the entrance [2] .
Keep going right and you will reach a few big boxes. Destroy them and build an orange grapple point from the fragments [1] . Jump down, switch to the second character and go up with the grappling hook [2] . If you will have problems with jumping over the barrier, keep pressing the grappling hook button beside it. That way you will get a bit higher and should be able to get to the other side.
Keep going left and you will reach a silver box [1] . Destroy it with grenades or a rocket launcher and you will unlock the 40,000,000 points brick [2] .
Brick 11 - Minikit Detector
As R2-D2, head to the room in which brick number 10 was [M1.4]. in the lower left corner of the location you will find a panel [1] . Use it and the next red brick will appear [2] . This piece costs 750,000 points.
Brick 12 - Super Saber Cut
The last brick on the Republic ship can be found on the catwalk beside the hangar [M1.8] . go there with a character with a sniper rifle (for example Aurra Sing) [1] , hold the attack button and shoot three green targets hanging from the ceiling [2] . They will hide from time to time and you have to wait for them to become active again. Once you destroy them all, the 300,000 points brick will appear nearby.
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