Lego star wars 3 cheat code
LEGO Star Wars 3 features an abundance of awesome cheat codes for players to activate. Here's all of them!
To say that the LEGO Star Wars series has been well-received would be an understatement. There has been an abundance of games released beneath the iconic company's flag but fans hold the Star Wars titles in high regard. If you've ever had the pleasure of playing through any of the six stellar video game releases in the LEGO Star Wars franchise, you'll definitely understand why fans are so enamored by them. It isn't just the nostalgia of the films or the colorful cast of characters brought to life, it's the wit and detail that goes into the creation of these games. They're easily some of the most polished, entertaining, and interesting titles in the entire Star Wars universe and can hold their own against some of the most popular releases to ever grace the franchise.
Most may see LEGO as a kids toy from the outside and it's easy to get wrapped up in the idea that the LEGO Star Wars games will be childish and boring to the average adult gamer but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Kids and grown-ups alike adore these games because they're fun, funny, and easy to pick up. It's the type of game you'll enjoy alone, with a friend, or with the entire family, and the multiplayer has become the stuff of legends.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars introduced even more entertaining gameplay mechanics and multiplayer entertainment into the series. At its roots, it's similar to titles in the past, allowing two players to control (and change) through a variety of characters, slashing their way through enemies, solving puzzles, and navigating expansive levels. All of this is underlined by the fact that it takes place in the Star Wars universe, giving players some truly spectacular locations to play through. The cherry on top is LEGO's charming aesthetic, turning everything into brick-ified versions of the characters and iconic places we've come to know and love, complete with blocky animations and stylizations that make the adventure feel like something straight out of the Toy Story series.
Going through LEGO Star Wars III cooperatively is a blast. The story is amazing and downright hilarious at times and the title added some interesting gameplay mechanics to help set the game apart from its predecessors. In addition to swapping between characters, players will also be able to swap to different teams (during missions), allowing them to complete side objectives that feel as if they're happening right alongside the main action. There are even moments where players will need to adopt a strategic mindset, moving across large maps and sending troops and vehicles to certain areas of the battlefield.
There are even Cheat Codes to really ramp up the fun, giving players who have already beaten the game (or just want some extra fun tossed in) some replayability and even more hilarious action. There are a lot of great codes that you can enter during your play session!
Every LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Cheat Code
In order to enter these cheats, you'll need to be in a game session. You can use these in cooperative play or solo. To enter a code, simply press the start button to activate the pause screen and then go to EXTRAS. There will be a place within to enter cheats. Here's a look at the codes you can enter and their effects.
Cheats To Unlock Skills & Items
The following cheats will unlock a variety of skills and items to use during missions:
I created this guide for you to see all the Cheat Codes avaible in Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars and how to activate them !
J'ai créé ce guide pour que vous voyiez tous les Codes de Triche disponibles dans Lego Star Wars III: La Guerre des Clones et comment les activer !
Here is how to enter a code and activate it:
Voici comment entrer un code et l'activer:
- Once you loaded a game save, press Escape
- Une fois que fous avez chargé une sauvegarde, tapez sur Echap
- Then go to the Extras section
- Maintenant allez dans la section Extras
- Go to Enter Secret Code
- Allez sur Entrer un Code Secret
- Enter your code
- Entrez votre code
- Validate it and if the code is valid, it says you the name of what you unlocked
- Validez le et si le code est valide, cela vous dira le nom de ce que vous avez débloqué
- And that's all, you unlocked your stuff !
- Et c'est tout, vous avez débloqué votre contenu !
Here are all the codes:
Ici sont tous les codes:
Hint: Savage Opress (MELL07) can't be unlocked without this code !
Indice: Savage Opress (MELL07) ne peut pas être débloqué sans ce code !
J46P7A: Invincibility
QD2C31: Character Studs
6MZ5CH: Stud Magnet
YZPHUV: Score X2
43T5E5: Score X4
SEBHGR: Score X6
BYFSAQ: Score X8
N1CKR1: Score X10
CSD5NA: Minikit Detector
3F5L56: Perfect Deflect
C4ES4R: Dual Wield
X1V4N2: Dark Side
GCHP7S: Fast Build
BS828K: Super Saber Cut
B1D3W3: Super Speeders
2D7JNS: Regenerate Hearts
4GT3VQ: Glow In The Dark
N3R01A: Red Brick Detector
Vehicles / Véhicules:
RCTFLV: Anakin's Jedi Starfighter
ZY3AE2: Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire)
AA279H: AT-AP Walker
YMWV33: BARC Speeder
9MUTS2: Destroyer Droid
NACMGG: Dwarf Spider Droid
PJ2U3R: Geonosian Solar Sailor
EDENEC: Geonosian Starfighter
77QEJL: H-Type Nubian Yacht
T7XF9Z: Hailfire Droid
NPGG24: Hyena Bomber
HRX2UK: Jedi Shuttle
H68D3K: Kit Fitso's Jedi Starfighter
HJ5HHD: MagnaGuard Starfighter
BET7CU: Medical Frigate (torpedoes)
6LT4QL: Neimoidian Shuttle
25FMVT: Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter
7NEC36: OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
Z567HR: Pirate Saucer (missiles)
3NQGYL: Pirate Speeder Tank
L4LCDV: Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
U2T4SP: Probe Droid
BQCXWR: Republic Attack Shuttle
J3MFJZ: Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes)
J2JNDD: Republic Dropship (rapid fire)
C7M3DU: Republic Gunship
P8Z9M5: RX-200 Tank
7RL23G: Soulless One (rapid fire)
59UU88: STAP
3RE9XV: Starhawk Speeder Bike
XPY46K: Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes)
RYLVNW: Super Tank
MHG3XB: The Halo (rapid fire)
T4K5L4: The Twilight
JSBLJS: Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes)
AKA9BB: V-19 Torrent Starfighter
7W7K7S: Vulture Droid
LQ2SVT: Xanadu Blood (rapid fire)
XTL6Y3: Y-Wing Starfighter
Characters / Personnages:
Hint: Savage Opress (MELL07) can't be unlocked without this code !
Indice: Savage Opress (MELL07) ne peut pas être débloqué sans ce code !
This is a list of the Cheat Codes available to use in the LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars game. These can all be entered at any time from the Extras Menu. Inputting any of these cheat codes will automatically unlock that Character/Vehicle/Extra.
Cheat Codes
Character Codes
- 2VG95B – Aayla Secura
- G2BFEN – Adi Gallia
- 272Y9Q – Admiral Ackbar (Classic)
- NG6PYX – Admiral Yularen
- 2VJ9TH – Ahsoka
- F9VUYJ – Anakin Skywalker
- YG9DD7 – Asajj Ventress
- M2V1JV – Aurra Sing
- GEHX6C – Bail Organa
- BTVTZ5 – Barriss Offee
- 5Y7MA4 – Battle Droid
- LSU4LJ – Battle Droid Commander
- 9U4TF3 – Bib Fortuna
- TY2BYJ – Boba Fett (Classic)
- Q5Q39P – Boil
- 2KLW5R – Bossk
- 574226 – C-3PO
- NHME85 – Cad Bane
- D8SNGJ – Captain Antilles (Classic)
- MW3QYH – Captain Rex
- GD6FX3 – Captain Typho
- 5C62YQ – Chancellor Palpatine
- 66UU3T – Chewbacca (Classic)
- HQ7BVD – Clone Pilot
- 7GFNCQ – Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
- NP5GTT – Clone Trooper
- 7CB6NS – Commander Bly
- SMN259 – Commander Cody
- U25HFC – Commander Fil
- JRPR2A – Commander Ponds
- 5XZQSV – Commander Stone
- QEGU64 – Commando Droid
- EWR7WM – Count Dooku
- QH68AK – Darth Maul (Classic)
- QXY5XN – Darth Sidious (Classic)
- FM4JB7 – Darth Vader (Classic)
- NMJFBL – Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
- 9MUTS2 – Destroyer Droid
- MB9EMW – Dr. Nuvo Vindi
- JB9E5S – Echo
- WUFDYA – Eeth Koth
- WSFZZQ – Gammorean Guard
- 7FNU4T – General Grievous
- GAFZUD – Geonosian Guard
- 2C8NHP – Gold Super Battle Droid
- C686PK – Gonk Droid
- NH2405 – Grand Moff Tarkin
- FUW4C2 – Greedo (Classic)
- T7XF9Z – Hailfire Droid
- KFDBXF – Han Solo (Classic)
- G65KJJ – Heavy Super Battle Droid
- WXUTWY – Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper
- EUB8UG – Hevy
- 5A7XYX – Hondo Ohnaka
- EABPCP – IG-86
- 5W6FGD – Imperial Guard (Classic)
- 5KZQ4D – Jango Fett
- MESPTS – Jar Jar Binks
- AYREC9 – Jek
- HGBCTQ – Ki-Adi-Mundi
- PYWJ6N – Kit Fitso
- ERAEWE – Lando Calrissian (Classic)
- SM3Y9B – LEP Servent Droid
- 3NEUXC – Lieutenant Thire
- TKCYUZ – Lok Durd
- PG73HF – Luke Skywalker (Classic)
- MKUYQ8 – Luminara Unduli
- R35Y7N – Lurmen Villager
- V4WMJN – Luxury Droid
- 8NVRWJ – Mace Windu
- 2KEF2D – MagnaGuard
- S6GRNZ – MSE-6
- ZKXG43 – Nahdar Vebb
- BJB94J – Neimoidian
- QFYXMC – Nute Gunray
- J9HNF9 – Obi-Wan Kenobi
- FFBU5M – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
- 7NEC36 – OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
- DB7ZQN – Onaconda Farr
- 8X87U6 – Padmé Amidala
- BH2EHU – Pirate Ruffian
- BUD4VU – Plo Koon
- 4592WM – Poggle The Lesser
- 2D3D3L – Princess Leia (Classic)
- U2T4SP – Probe Droid
- ZQRN85 – Queen Neeyutnee
- LKHD3B – Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
- RZ5HUV – R2-D2
- Z87PAU – R3-S6
- 5MXSYA – R4-P17
- 7PMC3C – R6-H5
- PZMQNK – Rebel Commando (Classic)
- 2KLW5R – Robonino
- 4PTP53 – Rys
- MELL07 – Savage Oppress
- EPBPLK – Senate Commando
- S4Y7VW – Senate Commando (Captain)
- EA4E9S – Senator Kharrus
- 9Q7YCT – Senator Philo
- G4N7C2 – Shahan Alama
- 5C62YQ – Sionver Boll
- HPE7PZ – Stormtrooper (Classic)
- MJKDV5 – Super Battle Droid
- FYVSHD – Tee Watt Kaa
- HEBHW5 – Turk Falso
- GC2XSA – Tusken Raider (Classic)
- PE7FGD – TX-20
- QGENFD – Undead Geonosian
- EGQQ4V – Vader’s Apprentice (Classic)
- VRUVSZ – Wag Too
- ZP8XVH – Wat Tambor
- BNJE79 – Waxer
- DRGLWS – Wedge Antilles (Classic)
- 4VVYQV – Whorm Loathsom
- MP9DRE – Workout Clone Trooper
- CSQTMB – Yoda
Vehicle Codes
Ship Codes
- RCTFLV – Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter
- AKA9BB – V-19 Torrent Starfighter
- C7M3DU – Republic Gunship
- L4LCDV – Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter
- T4K5L4 – The Twilight
- 77QEJL – H-Type Nubian Yacht
- H68D3K – Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter
- BQCXWR – Republic Attack Shuttle
- HRX2UK – Jedi Shuttle
- 25FMVT – Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter
- KDDQVD – Slave I
- PJ2U3R – Geonosian Solar Sailer
- NPGG24 – Hyena Bomber
- 7W7K7S – Vulture Droid
- EDENEC – Geonosian Starfighter
- 6LT4QL – Neimodian Shuttle
- HJ5HHD – Magnaguard Starfighter
- J2JNDD – Republic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
- ZY3AE2 – Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
- 7RL23G – Soulless One (Rapid Fire)
- LQ2SVT – Xanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
- MHG3XB – The Halo (Rapid Fire)
- Z567HR – Pirate Saucer (Missiles)
- BET7CU – Medical Frigate (Torpedos)
- J3MFJZ – Republic Cruiser (Missiles + Torpedos)
- XPY46K – Stealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
- JSBLJS – Trident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
Red Brick Codes
Red Power Brick Extras
There are a total of 18 Extras available in this game. Each Extra is unlocked by finding and purchasing the Red Power Bricks that are hidden throughout the Resolute and Invisible Hand.
Below I’ve listed each Extra in the order they appear in the menu. I have also listed what they do, and how to unlock them.
Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Code |
Extras | |
Invincibility | J46P7A |
Character Studs | 2D5GNM |
Character Studs | QD2C31 |
Stud Magnet | 6MZ5CH |
Stud Multiplier X10 | N1CKR1 |
Score X2 | YZPHUV |
Score X4 | 43T5E5 |
Score X6 | SEBHGR |
Score X8 | BYFSAQ |
Score X10 | N1CKR1 |
Minikit Detector | CSD5NA |
Perfect Deflect | 3F5L56 |
Dual Wield | C4ES4R |
Dark Side | X1V4N2 |
Fast Build | GCHP7S |
Super Saber Cut | BS828K |
Super Speeders | B1D3W3 |
Regenerate Hearts | 2D7JNS |
Glow In The Dark | 4GT3VQ |
Vehicles | |
Anakin's Jedi Starfighter | RCTFLV |
Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire) | ZY3AE2 |
AT-AP Walker | AA279H |
AT-RT | Z7H46T |
BARC Speeder | YMWV33 |
Destroyer Droid | 9MUTS2 |
Dwarf Spider Droid | NACMGG |
Geonosian Solar Sailor | PJ2U3R |
Geonosian Starfighter | EDENEC |
H-Type Nubian Yacht | 77QEJL |
Hailfire Droid | T7XF9Z |
Hyena Bomber | NPGG24 |
Jedi Shuttle | HRX2UK |
Kit Fitso's Jedi Starfighter | H68D3K |
MagnaGuard Starfighter | HJ5HHD |
Medical Frigate (torpedoes) | BET7CU |
MSE-6 | S6GRNZ |
Neimoidian Shuttle | 6LT4QL |
Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter | 25FMVT |
OG-9 Homing Spider Droid | 7NEC36 |
Pirate Saucer (missiles) | Z567HR |
Pirate Speeder Tank | 3NQGYL |
Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter | L4LCDV |
Probe Droid | U2T4SP |
Republic Attack Shuttle | BQCXWR |
Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes) | J3MFJZ |
Republic Dropship (rapid fire) | J2JNDD |
Republic Gunship | C7M3DU |
RX-200 Tank | P8Z9M5 |
Slave I | KDDQVD |
Soulless One (rapid fire) | 7RL23G |
STAP | 59UU88 |
Starhawk Speeder Bike | 3RE9XV |
Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes) | XPY46K |
Super Tank | RYLVNW |
The Halo (rapid fire) | MHG3XB |
The Twilight | T4K5L4 |
Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes) | JSBLJS |
V-19 Torrent Starfighter | AKA9BB |
Vulture Droid | 7W7K7S |
Xanadu Blood (rapid fire) | LQ2SVT |
Y-Wing Starfighter | XTL6Y3 |
Characters | |
Aayla Secura | 2VG95B |
Adi Gallia | G2BFEN |
Admiral Ackbar (Classic) | 272Y9Q |
Admiral Yularen | NG6PYX |
Ahsoka | 2VJ9TH |
Anakin Skywalker | F9VUYJ |
Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena) | 9AA4DW |
Asajj Ventress | YG9DD7 |
Aurra Sing | M2V1JV |
Bail Organa | GEHX6C |
Barriss Offee | BTVTZ5 |
Battle Droid | 5Y7MA4 |
Battle Droid Commander | LSU4LJ |
Bib Fortuna | 9U4TF3 |
Bobba Fett (Classic) | TY2BYJ |
Boil | Q5Q39P |
Bossk | 2KLW5R |
C-3PO | 574226 |
Cad Bane | NHME85 |
Captain Antilles (Classic) | D8SNGJ |
Captain Rex | MW3QYH |
Captain Typho | GD6FX3 |
Chancellor Palpatine | 5C62YQ |
Chewbacca (Classic) | 66UU3T |
Clone Pilot | HQ7BVD |
Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic) | 7GFNCQ |
Clone Trooper | NP5GTT |
Commander Bly | 7CB6NS |
Commander Cody | SMN259 |
Commander Fil | U25HFC |
Commander Ponds | JRPR2A |
Commando Droid | QEGU64 |
Commando Stone | 5XZQSV |
Count Dooku | EWR7WM |
Darth Maul (Classic) | QH68AK |
Darth Sidius (Classic) | QXY5XN |
Darth Vader (Classic) | FM4JB7 |
Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic) | NMJFBL |
Dr. Nuvo Vindi | MB9EMW |
Echo | JB9E5S |
Eeth Koth | WUFDYA |
Gammorean Guard | WSFZZQ |
General Grievous | 7FNU4T |
Geonosian Guard | GAFZUD |
Gold Super Battle Droid | 2C8NHP |
Gonk Droid | C686PK |
Grand Moff Tarkin | NH2405 |
Greedo (Classic) | FUW4C2 |
Han Solo (Classic) | KFDBXF |
Heavy Super Battle Droid | G65KJJ |
Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper | WXUTWY |
Hevy | EUB8UG |
Hondo Hohnaka | 5A7XYX |
IG-86 | EABPCP |
Imperial Guard (Classic) | 5W6FGD |
Jango Fett | 5KZQ4D |
Jar Jar Binks | MESPTS |
Jek | AYREC9 |
Ki-Adi-Mundi | HGBCTQ |
Kit Fitso | PYWJ6N |
Lando Calrissian (Classic) | ERAEWE |
LEP Servent Droid | SM3Y9B |
Lieutenant Thire | 3NEUXC |
Lok Durd | TKCYUZ |
Luke Skywalker (Classic) | PG73HF |
Luminara Uunduli | MKUYQ8 |
Lurman Villager | R35Y7N |
Luxury Droid | V4WMJN |
Mace Windu | 8NVRWJ |
MagnaGuard | 2KEF2D |
Nahdar Vebb | ZKXG43 |
Neimoidian | BJB94J |
Nute Gunray | QFYXMC |
Obi-Wan Kenobi | J9HNF9 |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic) | FFBU5M |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena) | 5U9FJK |
Onaconda Farr | DB7ZQN |
Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena) | SZ824Q |
Padme Amildala | 8X87U6 |
Pirate Ruffian | BH2EHU |
Plo Koon | BUD4VU |
Poggle The Lesser | 4592WM |
Princess Leia (Classic) | 2D3D3L |
Queen Neeyutnee | ZQRN85 |
Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic) | LKHD3B |
R2-D2 | RZ5HUV |
R3-S6 | Z87PAU |
R4-P17 | 5MXSYA |
R6-H5 | 7PMC3C |
Rebel Commando (Classic) | PZMQNK |
Robonino | 2KLW5R |
Rys | 4PTP53 |
Savage Opress | MELL07 |
Senate Commando | EPBPLK |
Senate Commando (Republic) | S4Y7VW |
Senator Kharrus | EA4E9S |
Senator Philo | 9Q7YCT |
Shahan Alama | G4N7C2 |
Sionver Boll | 5C62YQ |
Stormtrooper (Classic) | HPE7PZ |
Super Battle Droid | MJKDV5 |
Tee Watt Kaa | FYVSHD |
Turk Falso | HEBHW5 |
Tuscan Raider (Classic) | GC2XSA |
TX-20 | PE7FGD |
Undead Geonosian | QGENFD |
Vader's Apprentice (Classic) | EGQQ4V |
Wag Too | VRUVSZ |
Wat Tambor | ZP8XVH |
Waxer | BNJE79 |
Wedge Antilles (Classic) | DRGLWS |
Whorm Loathsom | 4VVYQV |
Workout Clone Trooper | MP9DRE |
Yoda | CSQTMB |
Collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the indicated level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Code |
Extras | |
Invincibility | J46P7A |
Character Studs | 2D5GNM |
Character Studs | QD2C31 |
Stud Magnet | 6MZ5CH |
Stud Multiplier X10 | N1CKR1 |
Score X2 | YZPHUV |
Score X4 | 43T5E5 |
Score X6 | SEBHGR |
Score X8 | BYFSAQ |
Score X10 | N1CKR1 |
Minikit Detector | CSD5NA |
Perfect Deflect | 3F5L56 |
Dual Wield | C4ES4R |
Dark Side | X1V4N2 |
Fast Build | GCHP7S |
Super Saber Cut | BS828K |
Super Speeders | B1D3W3 |
Regenerate Hearts | 2D7JNS |
Glow In The Dark | 4GT3VQ |
Vehicles | |
Anakin's Jedi Starfighter | RCTFLV |
Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire) | ZY3AE2 |
AT-AP Walker | AA279H |
AT-RT | Z7H46T |
BARC Speeder | YMWV33 |
Destroyer Droid | 9MUTS2 |
Dwarf Spider Droid | NACMGG |
Geonosian Solar Sailor | PJ2U3R |
Geonosian Starfighter | EDENEC |
H-Type Nubian Yacht | 77QEJL |
Hailfire Droid | T7XF9Z |
Hyena Bomber | NPGG24 |
Jedi Shuttle | HRX2UK |
Kit Fitso's Jedi Starfighter | H68D3K |
MagnaGuard Starfighter | HJ5HHD |
Medical Frigate (torpedoes) | BET7CU |
MSE-6 | S6GRNZ |
Neimoidian Shuttle | 6LT4QL |
Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter | 25FMVT |
OG-9 Homing Spider Droid | 7NEC36 |
Pirate Saucer (missiles) | Z567HR |
Pirate Speeder Tank | 3NQGYL |
Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter | L4LCDV |
Probe Droid | U2T4SP |
Republic Attack Shuttle | BQCXWR |
Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes) | J3MFJZ |
Republic Dropship (rapid fire) | J2JNDD |
Republic Gunship | C7M3DU |
RX-200 Tank | P8Z9M5 |
Slave I | KDDQVD |
Soulless One (rapid fire) | 7RL23G |
STAP | 59UU88 |
Starhawk Speeder Bike | 3RE9XV |
Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes) | XPY46K |
Super Tank | RYLVNW |
The Halo (rapid fire) | MHG3XB |
The Twilight | T4K5L4 |
Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes) | JSBLJS |
V-19 Torrent Starfighter | AKA9BB |
Vulture Droid | 7W7K7S |
Xanadu Blood (rapid fire) | LQ2SVT |
Y-Wing Starfighter | XTL6Y3 |
Characters | |
Aayla Secura | 2VG95B |
Adi Gallia | G2BFEN |
Admiral Ackbar (Classic) | 272Y9Q |
Admiral Yularen | NG6PYX |
Ahsoka | 2VJ9TH |
Anakin Skywalker | F9VUYJ |
Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena) | 9AA4DW |
Asajj Ventress | YG9DD7 |
Aurra Sing | M2V1JV |
Bail Organa | GEHX6C |
Barriss Offee | BTVTZ5 |
Battle Droid | 5Y7MA4 |
Battle Droid Commander | LSU4LJ |
Bib Fortuna | 9U4TF3 |
Bobba Fett (Classic) | TY2BYJ |
Boil | Q5Q39P |
Bossk | 2KLW5R |
C-3PO | 574226 |
Cad Bane | NHME85 |
Captain Antilles (Classic) | D8SNGJ |
Captain Rex | MW3QYH |
Captain Typho | GD6FX3 |
Chancellor Palpatine | 5C62YQ |
Chewbacca (Classic) | 66UU3T |
Clone Pilot | HQ7BVD |
Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic) | 7GFNCQ |
Clone Trooper | NP5GTT |
Commander Bly | 7CB6NS |
Commander Cody | SMN259 |
Commander Fil | U25HFC |
Commander Ponds | JRPR2A |
Commando Droid | QEGU64 |
Commando Stone | 5XZQSV |
Count Dooku | EWR7WM |
Darth Maul (Classic) | QH68AK |
Darth Sidius (Classic) | QXY5XN |
Darth Vader (Classic) | FM4JB7 |
Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic) | NMJFBL |
Dr. Nuvo Vindi | MB9EMW |
Echo | JB9E5S |
Eeth Koth | WUFDYA |
Gammorean Guard | WSFZZQ |
General Grievous | 7FNU4T |
Geonosian Guard | GAFZUD |
Gold Super Battle Droid | 2C8NHP |
Gonk Droid | C686PK |
Grand Moff Tarkin | NH2405 |
Greedo (Classic) | FUW4C2 |
Han Solo (Classic) | KFDBXF |
Heavy Super Battle Droid | G65KJJ |
Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper | WXUTWY |
Hevy | EUB8UG |
Hondo Hohnaka | 5A7XYX |
IG-86 | EABPCP |
Imperial Guard (Classic) | 5W6FGD |
Jango Fett | 5KZQ4D |
Jar Jar Binks | MESPTS |
Jek | AYREC9 |
Ki-Adi-Mundi | HGBCTQ |
Kit Fitso | PYWJ6N |
Lando Calrissian (Classic) | ERAEWE |
LEP Servent Droid | SM3Y9B |
Lieutenant Thire | 3NEUXC |
Lok Durd | TKCYUZ |
Luke Skywalker (Classic) | PG73HF |
Luminara Uunduli | MKUYQ8 |
Lurman Villager | R35Y7N |
Luxury Droid | V4WMJN |
Mace Windu | 8NVRWJ |
MagnaGuard | 2KEF2D |
Nahdar Vebb | ZKXG43 |
Neimoidian | BJB94J |
Nute Gunray | QFYXMC |
Obi-Wan Kenobi | J9HNF9 |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic) | FFBU5M |
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena) | 5U9FJK |
Onaconda Farr | DB7ZQN |
Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena) | SZ824Q |
Padme Amildala | 8X87U6 |
Pirate Ruffian | BH2EHU |
Plo Koon | BUD4VU |
Poggle The Lesser | 4592WM |
Princess Leia (Classic) | 2D3D3L |
Queen Neeyutnee | ZQRN85 |
Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic) | LKHD3B |
R2-D2 | RZ5HUV |
R3-S6 | Z87PAU |
R4-P17 | 5MXSYA |
R6-H5 | 7PMC3C |
Rebel Commando (Classic) | PZMQNK |
Robonino | 2KLW5R |
Rys | 4PTP53 |
Savage Opress | MELL07 |
Senate Commando | EPBPLK |
Senate Commando (Republic) | S4Y7VW |
Senator Kharrus | EA4E9S |
Senator Philo | 9Q7YCT |
Shahan Alama | G4N7C2 |
Sionver Boll | 5C62YQ |
Stormtrooper (Classic) | HPE7PZ |
Super Battle Droid | MJKDV5 |
Tee Watt Kaa | FYVSHD |
Turk Falso | HEBHW5 |
Tuscan Raider (Classic) | GC2XSA |
TX-20 | PE7FGD |
Undead Geonosian | QGENFD |
Vader's Apprentice (Classic) | EGQQ4V |
Wag Too | VRUVSZ |
Wat Tambor | ZP8XVH |
Waxer | BNJE79 |
Wedge Antilles (Classic) | DRGLWS |
Whorm Loathsom | 4VVYQV |
Workout Clone Trooper | MP9DRE |
Yoda | CSQTMB |
Collect all 10 Minikit pieces in the indicated level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room:
Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus Darth Maul: Rookies Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush! Greedo: The Hidden Enemy Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis Vader's Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
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