Lego star wars 2022 summer sets
Привет-привет! В сегодняшней статье мы познакомимся с внушительным десантом конструкторов LEGO по грядущему мультфиму «Базз Лайтер» от Disney & Pixar. А также космическая новинка для девочек Френдз, впечатляющий набор Звездных Войн с знаковым героем, первый набор в честь девяностолетия The Lego Group и парочку наборов, которые уже утекли в некоторых магазинах на полки. Поехали!
11021: 90 Years of Play / 90 лет игры
И начнём мы с самого загадочного набора статьи. В 2022 году компании The Lego Group исполняется 90 лет. Невероятная дата! В честь этого крупного юбилея намечены празднования, гуляния конкурсы подарки и конечно же уникальные конструкторы. Будем надеяться, что праздник не обойдёт нашу страну стороной.
Пока был анонсирован всего один набор, и он перед вами. Он очень похож на наборы из линейки в честь празднования шестидесятилетия кубика ( смотреть тут ). Просто набор деталей, из которых можно воссоздать прикольные микро наборы из прошлого. Сколько будет деталей в наборе, а также цена и дата выхода пока не известны. Может он как раз и будет подарочным?
UPD: появилась задняя часть коробки.
10962: Buzz Lightyear's Planetary Mission / Планетарная миссия Базза Лайтера
Знакомство с космическим героем Баззом мы начнём с новинки ДУПЛО. Куй железо, пока горячо решили в TLG, и продолжают «подсаживать» детей на конструктор с помощью мощный мультиков. В целом правильно решение. Про набор слишком много сказать нельзя. Взгляд притягивают огромные мощнейшие принты (привет наклейкам в наборах за 300-400 $), смешная фигурка главного героя и огромный звездолёт из единой монолитной деталищи! Деталей: 37 шт, цена: ?
76830: Zyclops Chase / Погоня за Зилопом
Следующий набор переносит нас в категорию «для юных строителей» (Juniors 4+). И, как и во всех таких наборах у них присутствует стандартный пакет плюсов и минусов: крупные детали (чаще всего уникальные, смотрим на ноги робота), простая сборка, все детали с рисунками – уникальные принты, никаких наклеек для детей!
Что касается всего остального, то тут: спойлеры к фильму, ОЧЕНЬ спорное лицо с причёской Базза (ну совсем на себя не похож, почему бы не расщедриться и сделать уникальную причёску?), ну и щепотка «повесточки», куда ж без неё, правда? Чуть не забыл, даже пришлось возвращаться в черновик и дописывать. У нашей мадам уникальный торс доспехом и клёвый шлем. Уже предвижу целые армии таких солдат где-нибудь в крутых самоделках. Деталей: 87 шт, цена: 20 $.
76831: Zurg Battle / Битва с Зургом
А вот и следующий набор. Так как категория у нас 7+ про принты мы забываем и все поверхности оклеиваем горой стикеров, мда. Что же тут у нас? Перед нами формула успеха (интересно, когда она уже надоест?) – крупный робот с подвижными суставами.
А также щепотка Доктора Кто (привет Далеки!), чернокожая девочка-Базз (хотя вовсе нет, или всё же да?), страшные отдельные головы с такими же выражениями лиц и как вишенка на торте – рыжая милая кошечка. Мрр, мяу! Деталей: 261 шт, цена: 30 $.
76832: XL-15 Spaceship / Космический корабль XL-15
Из плюсов: помимо вполне себе игрового (для детей) набора звездолёта (ура! Не ЗВ единым славится космос, скажите же!) с очень классным дизайном и цветовой гаммой (что стоят синие лучи на крыльях и стильное желтое стекло, ммм.. загляденье!) – перед нами еще и полночная модель с подставкой и характеристиками. Вау.
А также целая россыпь фигурок с абсолютно разнообразным цветом кожи, и снова рыжий красавчик котик! (или всё же кошечка??). Броня у каждого героя индивидуальная. Деталей: 497 шт, цена: 50 $.
Не успел весь мир отпраздновать «День Звездных Войн», как прошёл фестиваль «Star Wars Celebration», на котором выкатили целую массу анонсов сериалов игр и мультсериалов по далёкой-далёкой Галактике. Разумеется, The Lego Group не осталась в стороне, и продемонстрировала миру сразу 5 новеньких наборов как раз по готовящимся к выходу (и выходящих прямо сейчас) сериалах.
На наших глазах происходит отвратительный реткон любимой вселенной, и стравливание знаменитейших персонажей ради поживы. Сколько можно доить SW? Когда наестся Disney, и при чём тут Дарт Вейдер? Поговорим уже прямо сейчас, поехали!
75333: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter / Джедайский истребитель Оби-Вана Кеноби
Зайдём в неоднозначную тему максимально осторожно. С очередного перевыпуска «Джедайского истребителя». Новые версии старых наборов – это хорошо. Они позволяют совершенно новым коллекционерам и любителям вспомнить о втором эпизоде. А опытным фанатам Лего – дополнить коллекцию и сравнить звездолёты.
Перед нами знаменитый полёт Оби-Вана (новой первой звезды ЗВ на ближайшее время, т.к. вышел одноименный сериал) на планету Камино. Самая ходовая категория наборов – за 30 $, прекрасный и узнаваемый космический корабль, дроид, Магистр Джедай и как вишенка на торте – фигурка Тон Ви. Будем покупать? Деталей: 282 шт, цена: 30 $.
75335: BD-1 / БД-1
Всё больше игр по ЗВ становится каноном, и всё дальше я отдаляюсь от этой, когда-то самой любимой мной вселенной. На этот раз перед нами очень крутая модель дроида БД-1 из игры 2019 года «Джедаи: Павший Орден».
Далее дроиды появлялись в сериале Мандалорец (и в наборах Лего, кстати), и вот теперь он дорос до самостоятельности! Безусловно, перед нами великолепный набор: подробный, качественный, дизайнерски совершенный, узнаваемый и просто милый. Но лично у меня он оставляет странное послевкусие. Как будто ешь борщ в ресторане. Он вкусный, и интересный, но вроде бы и не борщ вовсе, совсем не такой, как в твоей семье. Вот и тут: в ЗВ уже столько милых, пугливых, неловких, различных дроидов, что они перестали вызывать эмоцию, и даже ощущение, то это ЗВ. Деталей: 1062 шт, цена: 100 $.
75336: Inquisitor Transport Scythe / Транспортная коса Инквизиторов
И вот мы потихоньку переходим к реткону. Ситхов Диснею плодить нельзя (помним о правиле двух), зато непонятных мужиков (и конечно же чернокожих дам) с световыми мечами – это пожалуйста. Точно так же, как и Рыцари Рен в своё время, так сейчас бесят эти высосанные из пальца инквизиторы. Всё ради зрелищности, и денег разумеется! Ведь нам же надо больше сражений на световых мечах?
Но зачем этот орден вселенной ЗВ? Ведь Джедаи уничтожены приказом №66, а всем остальным занимается армия и флот? Но нет, вот вам и спасшиеся джедаи, и кучи падаванов на разных планетах, даже беглые магистры придуманы, и как противовес готические чуваки с красными суровыми мечами.
У Disney есть идеальная машина, или породистая собака, но к прекрасному прикоснуться очень хочется, поэтому машине делают пятое колесо, а собаке пятую ногу. Затем любуются, гордятся своими достижениями и начинают их активно продвигать, хвалить и продавать.
Но если выключить брюзжание, то перед нами довольно «годный» набор. Ведь мы получаем 4 уникальных фигурки с классными, брутальными элементами, которые можно использовать в собственной кастомизации. А также довольно крупный новый звездолёт (правда подозрительно напоминающий Шаттл Кренника). Деталей: 924 шт, цена: 100 $.
40547: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Vader / Оби-Ван Кеноби и Дарт Вейдер
А вот новый Брикхэдз это чистое Зло. Для начала всмотритесь в Вейдера. Что вы видите? Красные глаза. Зачем? НУ ЗАЧЕМ переделывать совершенство? А я вам расскажу – это чтобы те, у кого классические черные глаза пошли и купили любимого злодея, теперь с красными глазами. А дальше что? Зеленые визоры? Антенна из шлема или коньки на ногах?
Теперь вообще к сути этого набора. Уже помимо спойлеров, ожиданий и прямого показа на картинках в наборе конструктора Лего четко видна очередная дуэль Оби-Вана и Вейдера на мечах. Скорее всего мы снова увидим драматический поединок, который скорее всего ещё раз окончится победой Джедая на Ситхом. Но ведь мы все хорошо помним фразу Вейдера на Звезде Смерти в классической «Новой Надежде»: «Я ждал тебя Оби-Ван. Наконец-то мы снова встретились! Круг замкнулся. Когда я покинул тебя я был учеником, теперь я мастер» Даже эту фразу отретконили третьим эпизодом, ведь там Энакин был уже Рыцарем, а не падаваном. Но точно было известно, что со времён дуэли на Мустафаре эти персонажи не встречались. А теперь выходит, что всё же скрещивали мечи? Или всё же не будут переписывать историю? Очень меня злит, что ради денег сценаристы, режиссёры и люди, имеющие власть из руководства Disney, творят абсолютно всё, что пожелают. Деталей: 260 шт, цена: 20 $.
After The Book of Boba Fett ended today, we use the moment and take a first look at the LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer novelties! It is still a while until the release of the sets in August, accordingly the information is sparse. Nevertheless, we were able to get some details, with which we want to shorten the waiting time until summer.
Since we don’t have exact information about all sets yet, we have divided the article into two segments. First, we will show you the sets of which we know the prices and set numbers as well as the names. In the second part, you will learn about the sets for which we don’t have any information besides numbers and prices yet. For example, we know that a new AT-TE will probably be released in the summer, but we can’t say exactly in which set the walker will be released.
Please note that there are some spoilers in this article in order to classify the sets correctly – including the latest episodes of The Book of Boba Fett or The Bad Batch.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer novelties
75323 Cad Banes Ship
Set number 75323 is supposed to be the spaceship of the dreaded bounty hunter Cad Bane. Those who follow the various Star Wars media know that Cad Bane has owned at least three well-known ships, but we suspect that due to the relatively high price of probably 159.99 euros, it will be his latest and largest spaceship, the Justifier. Unfortunately, it’s too early to say whether the set will be based on the first or second season of The Bad Batch or perhaps another series. What is clear, however, is that at least one new Cad Bane minifigure should be included in the set.
- Set number: 75323
- Name: [Cad Banes Ship]
- Pieces: 1022
- Figures: 1+
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 159,99 Euro
75332 AT-ST 4+
Even though we only got a new LEGO AT-ST in January, another one will be released directly in August. However, this will be a 4+ set, consisting of 87 parts at an expected price of 29.99 euros. As with all 4+ sets, we can expect lots of large molded parts. Stickers are not included as standard, but there are many printed parts. We assume that the 4+ AT-ST will be released against the backdrop of an Endor scenery to contrast with the 75322 Hoth AT-ST from earlier this year.
- Set number: 75332
- Name: [AT-ST]
- Pieces: 87
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 29,99 Euro
75333 Jedi Starfighter
Among the LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer novelties, there will also be another Jedi Starfighter with set number 75333. Those familiar with the Star Wars sets of the past know that the set name is not necessarily meaningful due to the large number of Starfighters of various Jedi that have already appeared. However, against the backdrop of the 20th anniversary of Episode II: Attack of the Clones, we suspect that the set could be the Delta-7 flown by Obi-Wan Kenobi in the film. The set consists of 282 pieces and will probably cost 29.99 euros.
- Set number: 75333
- Name: [Jedi Starfighter]
- Pieces: 282
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 29,99 Euro
75335 BD-1
In line with the as yet unnamed sequel to the video game Jedi: Fallen Order, which will most likely be released at the end of the year, a buildable figure of the droid BD-1 is among the LEGO Star Wars 2022 releases for the second half of the year. The cute companion of the Jedi Cal Kestis will thus be the successor to the set 75318 The Child from the Brick Built Characters series and, in addition to a small data plate, should also contain a minifigure of the droid.
We assume that this will not be built from individual bricks, however, but will rather be a single new molded part, analogous to the D-O figure, due to the droid’s small size. The set consists of 1062 pieces and will cost 99.99 euros. The set will also be released in August.
- Set number: 75335
- Name: [BD-1]
- Pieces: 1062
- Figures: 1
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 99,99 Euro
75340 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar
It has been known for quite some time that the set 75340 will be this year’s LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar. It consists of 329 pieces and will unfortunately be more expensive here in Germany. Instead of the usual 29.99 euros, we will have to pay 34.99 euros for it from this year. Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the calendar’s content at this point. We only know that there will probably be R2-D2 and C-3PO in special Christmas outfits, as well as a Luke Skywalker minifigure in the Hoth outfit.
- Set number: 75340
- Name: LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar
- Pieces: 329
- Figures: 3+
- Release date: 01. September 2022
- RRP: 34,99 Euro
More LEGO Star Wars novelties
Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the following sets at the moment. However, due to the other sets described, for which we already have more information, certain conclusions can be drawn, which we would like to show you here. Please note, however, that the following are explicitly not leaks, but we can only make assumptions about what the sets will be about. As soon as we have more detailed information, we will of course share it with you.
75325 .
It has been known for some time that set 75325 is a set for the current series The Book of Boba Fett. What is special here is that the set will not be released in March like 75326 Boba Fett’s Palace, but probably in June. It is also known that the set will consist of 411 parts and will cost 69.99 euros, and that it will probably be a spaceship. Considering the content of the last episodes and which vehicles from the series will most likely be made into merchandise, we can only think of Din Djarin’s chrome-colored N-1 Starfighter.
It would also fit that we can probably expect another BD-1 figure this year. The same mold could be used for the BD droid that featured prominently in episode 5. Also, we could imagine the set including Peli Motto, some of her other droids, and a small sidebuild of her hangar in addition to the Mandalorian.
- Set number: 75325
- Name: ?
- Pieces: 411
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 01. June 2022
- RRP: 69,99 Euro
75331 .
With a price of $529.99, the set with the number 75331 will be the most expensive of the LEGO Star Wars 2022 novelties. At this point, we don’t yet know what exactly it will be. True to the rhythm of the last few years, it could be that it will not be a UCS set, but another representative of the Master Builder Series.
Considering that the LEGO Star Wars designers have recently stated that they want to do without exclusive figures in larger sets, it could be that this will be the Arena of Geonosis that fans have been longing for. The scenery is predestined to be realized as a Master Builder Series set, regarding the figures one could fall back on the assortment of the remaining 2022 sets for Episode II.
- Set number: 75331
- Name: ?
- Pieces: ?
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 2022
- RRP: $529,99
75334 .
Unfortunately, we don’t know much more about the 75334 set than that it will probably cost 49.99 Euros and consist of 408 parts. However, we could imagine – and hope a bit – that the set could be a new edition of Jango Fett’s Slave I. The set would then be a matching counterpart to the 75333 Jedi Starfighter.
- Set number: 75334
- Name: ?
- Pieces: 408
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 49,99 Euro
75336 .
So far, we know that the 75336 set will cost 99.99 euros and consists of 924 parts. We also know that LEGO is currently working on an AT-TE that will probably be released to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Episode II. This one looks very similar in both size and design to the 75019 AT-TE from 2013. It is also said to include a small spider droid in the set. We can’t say for sure yet, but we suspect that the 75336 set will be the AT-TE.
- Name: ?
- Pieces: 924
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 99,99 Euro
75337 .
Should a new AT-TE actually be released in the summer, then one thing must of course not be missing: a new Gunship! If you look back at the last years, you can see that there was always a Gunship parallel to all three AT-TEs released by LEGO. Although there is currently a UCS Gunship in the program, the example of the AT-AT shows that it is basically no problem for LEGO to offer a playset and a collector’s set in parallel. Theoretically, this set could also be the AT-TE. The set 75337 will consist of 1082 parts and is supposed to cost 139,99 Euro.
- Name: ?
- Pieces: 1082
- Figures: ?
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 139,99 Euro
All LEGO Star Wars 2022 novelties
What do you think about the first information about the upcoming LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer novelties? Let us know what you think in the comments!
It’s time again to update you on the upcoming LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer releases! And indeed, we have some great news for all fans of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The much anticipated Commander Cody in Phase 2 armor will be released in just a few months. Read more about it below.
In addition, we have the first detailed set descriptions including the minifigures for most sets for you today! Since there are also two sets for the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series, you might want to skip these if you want to avoid any spoilers. There are also first hints about an upcoming UCS set.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Summer sets
75323 The Justifier
Behind set number 75323 of the LEGO Star Wars 2022 novelties is Cad Bane’s spaceship, the Justifier, which we already know from the first season The Bad Batch. In the series, several scenes take place in the cloning facility on the planet Bora Vio – and the set will also be based precisely on these scenes. On the one hand, this is reflected in the minifigure selection, which is apparently a bit small. Of course, the set includes Cad Bane and his droid Todo 360, although the latter will probably be a new Mould.
Other figures included for the first time are Omega, as well as Hunter and Fennec Shand. Other members of the Bad Batch or even Kaminoans, as some other recent supposed leaks have suggested, are not included according to our information, which is quite a shame since this summer wave will actually see a Kaminoan minifigure for the first time.
The Justifier itself comes across very massive in this set, and is on par with a Playscale Millennium Falcon or the 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser from last year in terms of size. Of course, as in the series, the large tail wing can also be brought into the landing position. We don’t have any details about the interior of the ship at the moment, but it’s almost certain that there will be opportunities for play there as well. The set also comes with various cargo and tools that could be useful for Cad Bane on his missions. The set consists of 1022 parts and will cost 159.99 euros.
- Set number: 75323
- Set name: The Justifier
- Pieces: 1022
- Figures: 5
- Release date: 01 August 2022
- RRP: 159,99 Euro
75331 [UCS Razor Crest]
With an expected price of $529.99, the set numbered 75331 will be the most expensive of the LEGO Star Wars 2022 novelties. In recent months, there have been various rumors about what this set will be. In our first preview in February, we had still imagined that it could be the Arena on Geonosis for the 20th anniversary of Episode II. However, since it is now becoming increasingly clear that the anniversary does not play a role at LEGO, this set will probably not be the arena.
If you believe the YouTuber Republic Studs, the set, which is expected to be released in fall, will be an Ultimate Collector Series Razor Crest, the ship of the Mandalorian Din Djarin. We have also learned from one of our sources that a UCS Razor Crest is indeed planned. Since we have not been able to confirm this information yet, we don’t want to promise you too much. But so far everything points to the fact that all Mandalorian fans should start saving.
- Set number: 75331
- Set name: [UCS Razor Crest]
- Pieces: ?
- Figures: ?
- Release date: Fall 2022
- RRP: $529.99
75332 AT-ST
Even though we only got a new LEGO AT-ST in January, another one will be released directly in August. However, this will be a 4+ set, consisting of 87 parts at an expected price of 29.99 euros. As with all 4+ sets, we can expect many large molded parts. For example, the legs from the 76830 Zyclops Chase set are used as the legs of the AT-ST. The 75332 AT-ST will be an Endor set to contrast with the 75322 Hoth AT-ST from earlier in the year. Furthermore, the set includes an Imperial Speeder Bike and a small tree with catapult. Wicket, a Scout Trooper and an AT-ST Driver are included as figures.
- Set number: 75332
- Set name: AT-ST
- Pieces: 87
- Figures: 3
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 29,99 Euro
75333 Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Starfighter
Among the LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer set releases will be another Jedi Starfighter, set number 75333. The set is based on Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and is actually the only LEGO set celebrating the 20th anniversary of the film. The Starfighter looks very similar to its predecessor in the 75191 Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive set from 2017, but this time it comes with a small detachable satellite dish to faithfully recreate the scenes from the movie.
Minifigures included in the set are Obi-Wan Kenobi with hood and printed cloak, R4-P17, and for the very first time in the long history of LEGO Star Wars, the Kaminoan Taun We. The rumor that LEGO would use a LEGO minidoll for this has recently turned out to be a fake. Instead, a normal minifigure torso and a minifigure skirt part will be used, as we know it from Princess Leia, for example. A new combo part was designed for the alien’s long neck and head, which is expected to be dual-molded and can be attached to the torso like a normal head. The set consists of 282 parts and will probably cost 29.99 euros.
- Set number: 75333
- Set name: Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Jedi Starfighter
- Pieces: 282
- Figures: 3
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 29,99 Euro
75334 Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Vader
There will also be two sets among the LEGO Star Wars 2022 Summer novelties for the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series, which kicks off with a double episode on Disney+ on May 27. One of them bears the set number 75334 and the very simple name Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Vader. However, it will be a clash between Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former apprentice Darth Vader.
Presumably the scene will take place on the planet Mustafar, because this set is about a 30 stud wide diorama made of mainly gray bricks and a lot of cheese slopes in trans-orange. Disclaimer: This set is not one of the new diorama sets with black frames and quote tile. Other details in this set include a small yellow lift truck used to transport the lava, and a brown brick structure that could be a melting furnace. As a play feature, the lift truck can be blown out, there are two integrated turntables in the bottom of the diorama to simulate Obi-Wan and Vader’s lightsaber fight, and the diorama can be opened in the middle to reveal a lava flow.
Theoretically, however, this could also be a factory setting on another planet, unfortunately we’re not quite sure yet. Minifigures included in this set are, of course, Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan also has a printed cloak here and no cape. The figure also gets a new mullet hairpiece. Other minifigures included are Imperial officer Tala Durith, who is played by Indira Varma, and the droid NED-B, familiar from the first trailer. The set consists of 408 parts and will probably cost 49.99 euros.
- Set number: 75334
- Set name: Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. Darth Vader
- Pieces: 408
- Figures: 4
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 49,99 Euro
75335 BD-1
Video game fans can also look forward to a matching set in the LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer novelties. For the video game Jedi: Fallen Order, released in 2019, a buildable BD-1 figure will be released as part of the Brick Built Characters series. BD has his typical white skin with red markings. The legs are movable, the head can be moved up and down, as well as left and right. On the droid’s head is a hidden compartment that holds three stim canisters, the life potions in the game. Overall, BD-31 cm is just under the original height of 45 cm.
As always, the set also includes a small data plate with appropriate info about the character. There is also a small BD-1 minifigure, whose mold we already know from the 75325 N-1 Starfighter of the Mandalorian. The set consists of 1062 parts and will cost 99.99 euros.
- Set number: 75335
- Set name: BD-1
- Pieces: 1062
- Figures: 1
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 99,99 Euro
75336 Inquisitor Scythe Transport
Set 75336 will also be a set from the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series. As the expected name Inquisitor Scythe Transport already tells us, it is the spaceship of the Inquisitors that was already seen in the trailers and concept artwork. What will surely please most fans is that this set actually features all three prominent Inquisitors as minifigures: the Grand Inquisitor with printed breastplate and cape, the Third Sister Reva with cape and the Fifth Brother with breastplate. There is also an Obi-Wan minifigure that is different from the one in the smaller set. He wears a blue top and a cloth poncho over it. The set will cost 99.99 euros and consist of 924 parts.
- Set number: 75336
- Set name: Inquisitor Scythe Transport
- Pieces: 924
- Figures: 4
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 99,99 Euro
75337 AT-TE Walker
Contrary to what we first assumed, the AT-TE released as part of LEGO Star Wars 2022 Summer novelties will not be an Episode II set. Instead, LEGO is basing this one on the Battle of Utapau from Episode III. This one looks very similar to the 75019 AT-TE from 2013 in terms of both size and design, but the most noticeable changes are in the way the walker’s legs and feet are built. For example, satellite dishes are no longer installed here, but instead round plates are used. In general, the feet look a little smaller and the legs a little shorter, so that a somewhat stronger, more massive overall impression of the walker is created. The interior of the walker can also be played with.
And this set will also be worthwhile for minifigure collectors and army builders. Because finally – finally – with this set we get the Commander Cody in Phase II armor that so many have wanted for so long. The figure looks highly detailed and even has printed legs and feet. The hip piece is also printed, but unfortunately the arms are not. Of course, LEGO Commander Cody also has his matching orange visor. To go with this, LEGO has newly designed a Phase II helmet for the clones in this set, which also has holes on the sides so that accessories can be attached. Apparently, however, Cody’s jetpack is not included as a build in the set, but is most likely just printed on his back.
But that’s not all! A commander also needs henchmen, of course. And so LEGO 75337 AT-TE also includes three reworked 212th Troopers with printed legs, feet and hips. To operate the AT-TE, there is also a revamped Clone Gunner. Opposing this are 3 Battle Droids and a Dwarf Spider Droid. Obi-Wan Kenobi or a side build are unfortunately not included. The set consists of 1082 parts and will cost 139.99 euros.
- Set number: 75337
- Set name: AT-TE Walker
- Pieces: 1082
- Figures: 8
- Release date: 01. August 2022
- RRP: 139,99 Euro
75338 [Andor Spaceship and Speeder Bike]
The penultimate set on our list is probably also the most mysterious. We know what the set contains, but we can’t quite place it. We only want to confirm that it is a set for the upcoming Andor series. Absolute danger of spoilers!
Included is a small spaceship, which reminds us of the LEGO Star Wars 75024 HH-87 Starhopper, you could also call it a folded Gunship with upturned wings. The ship is completely gray and has yellow details that are displayed using stickers – again reminding us of the Razor Crest and the Mandalorian’s N-1. There’s also a sand-colored speeder bike.
Also included are probably at least three minifigures: one figure dressed completely in blue and with a blue cap reminiscent of a Bespin guard, a second character with a beige coat and blond hairstyle with receding hairline, which is close to Tobias Beckett’s minifigure, and finally a figure with a full brown beard, Sirius Black hairpiece and a printed brown coat, which is probably Cassian Andor. The set will probably cost 69.99 euros and will not be released until the fall.
- Set number: 75338
- Set name: [Andor Raumschiff und Speeder Bike]
- Pieces: ?
- Figures: 3
- Release date: Fall 2022
- RRP: 69,99 Euro
75340 LEGO Star Wars Adventskalender
It has been known for quite some time that the set 75340 will be this year’s LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar. It consists of 329 pieces and will unfortunately be more expensive here in Germany. Instead of the usual 29.99 euros, we will have to pay 34.99 euros for it from this year. Unfortunately, we don’t know much about the calendar’s content at this point. We only know that there will probably be R2-D2 and C-3PO in special Christmas outfits, as well as a Luke Skywalker minifigure in the Hoth outfit.
- Set number: 75340
- Set name: LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar
- Pieces: 329
- Figures: 3+
- Release date: 01 September 2022
- RRP: 34,99 Euro
All LEGO Star Wars 2022 sets
What do you think about the first information about the upcoming LEGO Star Wars 2022 summer novelties? Let us know what you think in the comments!
Now that just about all of the winter LEGO 2022 lineup for January has been unveiled, we’re now turning our attention to what can be expected from later on in the year. Specifically, what the summer lineup has in store on the LEGO Star Wars side of things. With a whopping $530 Master Builder Series set looming for the summer alongside 11 the kits, head below for everything we know on the LEGO summer Star Wars 2022 lineup.
What to expect from the LEGO Star Wars summer 2022 lineup
Before we dive into the all of the summer sets on the horizon, it’s worth catching up on all of the 2022 sets that will be launching right at the beginning of the year. There’s also a series of additional Star Wars sets that will be launching come March, including the first Book of Boba Fett kit and more.
There’s also the rumor that 9to5Toys has confirmed of the May the 4th UCS set for 2022 entering as Luke’s Landspeeder. We first reported on this back in September, and as of now, there has yet to be any conflicting info. But as for what’s to come from the major release wave in the latter half of the year, we’re diving into all of the LEGO Star Wars summer 2022 details.
LEGO Star Wars summer 2022 lineup
- 75321: $529.99
- 75323: $159.99
- 75332: $29.99
- 75333: $29.99
- 75334: $49.99
- 75335: $99.99
- 75336: $99.99
- 75337: $139.99
- 75338: $69.99
- 75340: $44.99
- 75242: $39.99
- 75243: $59.99
New LEGO Master Builder Series set, what could it be?
Over the past half decade, the LEGO Group has been alternating each year between launching a massive UCS set each fall with a Master Builder Series-like set. This year saw the AT-AT, while 2020 had the Mos Eisley Cantina launch. In the previous two years, there was the UCS Star Destroyer and Betrayal at Cloud City, and so on. We’re expecting to see that trend carry over to the LEGO Star Wars summer lineup, which typically launches in August.
So it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise or shock to think that set number 75321, which is slated to retail for $529.99, will be that LEGO MBS set. As to what it will actually be though, is anyone’s guess at this point. 9to5Toys cannot corroborate any potential leaks or rumors as of now, but we can certainly make some educated guesses as to what the largest Star Wars set of 2022 will be.
Even with it being the 20th anniversary of Attack of the Clones, there’s an almost zero percent chance we’ll see anything out of Episode II. Or even really the Prequel Trilogy at large.
What seems to make the most sense given the theming from the rest of the LEGO Star Wars 2022 lineup would be to see a Hoth Echo Base build launch in the summer. Whether that’s what we end up seeing from the $530 set here or one of the more affordable entries into the wave has yet to be determined. But it feels like the only thing we’re missing from the Hoth action with the AT-AT, AT-ST, Snowtrooper Battle Pack, and Defense of Hoth Accessory Pack painting nearly a full picture of the wave.
As for the other sets due out for the summer 2022 wave, most of the lineup is still unknown at this point. Outside of the price points noted above, we’re still waiting on confirmation of part counts as well as any info on what to expect each build to actually be. We do know that next year will see Boba Fett’s Palace debut, but that $100 set isn’t included in the summer wave.
One of the things that we’re all but certain on is that set number 75340 will be the 2022 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar. While there’s no telling if the LEGO Group will continue with this year’s approach and theme the entire festive countdown around a single movie or show, or if things will return to what we’ve seen in the past. But one thing does seem to be for sure; the price is going to raise from $40 up to $45.
As for other predictions, there’s likely going to be some additional sets backed around The Book of Boba Fett. And with even more Disney+ Star Wars series on the way, we can almost certainly expect to see something from Kenobi and the Cassian Andor, both of which are due out next year.
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