Лего спид чемпионс форд бронко
76905 Ford GT Heritage Edition and..
Building Instructions (1/2)
Building Instructions (2/2)
LEGO® Speed Champions
Перевези команду Скудерия Феррари и гоночный автомобиль F14 T к кругу на оснащенном всем необходимым грузовике Скудерия Феррари. Подними крышу кабины, чтобы посадить за руль водителя грузовика, а вместе с ним поедут члены экипажа команды. Отсоедини прицеп и поверни рычаг, чтобы высвободить стояночные опоры. Разложи крышу и боковые стороны, чтобы добраться до превосходного гоночного автомобиля, скутера и комплекта отличного оборудования, включая комплект инструментов и экраны компьютеров. Опусти заднюю дверь и включи функцию выезда F14 T на аппарель. После этого проведи захватывающие гонки с друзьями и их машинами из серии LEGO® Speed Champions! В набор входят 6 минифигурок с разнообразными аксессуарами: водитель, водитель командного грузовика и 4 члена экипажа механиков.
LEGO® Speed Champions
Ford Mustang GT
Подготовь мощный автомобиль LEGO® Speed Champions Ford Mustang GT для гонки по пустыне. Выбери колпаки для колёс, настрой таймер и отправляйся в дорогу. Покажи все свои навыки вождения и проложи себе путь к новому рекорду!
LEGO® Speed Champions
McLaren 720S
Рассмотри оригинальный набросок и миниатюрную версию McLaren 720S, распечатанную на 3D-принтере в проектном бюро. Покажи себя как талантливого дизайнера и создай уникальную модель из серии LEGO® Speed Champions. А потом надевай свой гоночный шлем, чтобы превратиться из дизайнера крутых автомобилей в пилота гоночной машины.
LEGO® Speed Champions
А ты готов принять участие в гонке на одном из самых популярных и мощных спортивных автомобилей в мире — легендарном Nissan GT-R NISMO? Эта детализированная модель из серии LEGO® Speed Champions является копией бьющего мировые рекорды дрифтового автомобиля, который остаётся популярным среди автолюбителей вот уже на протяжении 50 лет. Пришла твоя очередь собирать миниатюрную копию автомобиля из кубиков LEGO, так что займи своё место у стартовой линии и гони к победе!
LEGO® Speed Champions
Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro и Aston Martin Vantage GT3
Этот игровой набор Speed Champions, включающий Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro и Vantage GT3, знакомит вас с двумя автомобилями, одними из передовых с точки зрения дизайна гоночных машин. Теперь вы можете добавить в коллекцию, собрать и исследовать эти аутентичные модели LEGO® с реалистичными функциями, которые впечатлят любого поклонника гоночных автомобилей. Просто добавьте минифигурки гонщиков Aston Martin, чтобы часами разыгрывать эпические драмы на гоночной трассе.
LEGO® Speed Champions
Lamborghini Countach
Приготовьтесь к знакомству с легендарным Lamborghini Countach — культовым спортивным суперкаром. Поклонники со всего мира любят его за потрясающий дизайн и высочайшие технические характеристики. Теперь вы можете добавить в коллекцию, собрать и исследовать эту потрясающую модель LEGO® Speed Champions. Она отлично подходит для демонстрации, а входящую в набор минифигурку водителя Lamborghini можно посадить за руль для эпических гонок!
LEGO® Speed Champions
Автомобиль McLaren Senna
Выйди за пределы возможного на Автомобиле McLaren Senna LEGO® Speed Champions (75892)! Испытай этот сверхскоростной легковой автомобиль в аэродинамической трубе и поменяй колесные диски. Затем посади пилота в кабину и похвастайся своими навыками вождения на трассе!
LEGO® Speed Champions
Mercedes-AMG F1 W12 E Performance и Mercedes-AMG Project One
Изучите вершину дизайна гоночных автомобилей с помощью набора «Mercedes-AMG F1 W12 E Performance и Mercedes-AMG Project One» LEGO® Speed Champions. Теперь вы сможете добавить в коллекцию, собрать и демонстрировать этот потрясающий дуэт. С двумя минифигурками водителей Mercedes-AMG, снаряженными и готовыми к старту, все подготовлено к эпическим гонкам. Займите свое место на стартовой решетке!
LEGO® Speed Champions
1970 Ferrari 512 M
С помощью этой потрясающей модели LEGO® Speed Champions, воссоздающей свирепую Ferrari 512 M 1970 года, вы сможете близко познакомиться с культовым гоночным автомобилем. Изучите потрясающий аэродинамический дизайн машины, воссоздавая ее деталь за деталью. Когда закончите сборку, выставьте свой шедевр на всеобщее обозрение или посадите водителя Ferrari за руль и отправляйтесь на стартовую решётку для эпической гонки!
LEGO® Speed Champions
Porsche 919 Hybrid
Подготовься к 24-часовой гонке на Porsche 919 Hybrid от LEGO® Speed Champions! Посади пилота в кабину и мчись к финишу. Следи на ноутбуке, как стремительно автомобиль набирает скорость, и лети к победе!
LEGO® Speed Champions
Ford F-150 Raptor и гоночный автомобиль Ford
Погрузи этот классический гоночный автомобиль в мощный трейлер Ford F-150 Raptor и отправляйся на место проведения гонки. Открой гараж, чтобы привести машину в порядок. Замени двигатели, а затем присоединяйся к гонке.. Промчись мимо клетчатого флага первым и подними кубок на пьедестале!
LEGO® Speed Champions
Chevrolet Corvette C8.R Race Car and 1969 Chevrolet Corvette
Устраивайте потрясающие гонки между Chevrolet Corvette C8.R Race Car и Chevrolet Corvette 1969 года LEGO® Speed Champions. Эти копии знаменитых мощных гоночных автомобилей теперь ваши — собирайте, исследуйте добавляйте в коллекцию! Две минифигурки гонщиков Chevrolet, снаряженные и готовые к старту, позволят вам незамедлительно вдавить педаль в пол и начать гонку. Держитесь крепче!
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Лего чемпионы скорости (Lego Speed Champions) — реалистичная серия игрушек автомобилей Ferrari, McLaren, Porshe, Ford, Chevrolet, Audi, изготовленная конструктором Lego по лицензии дорогих спортивных автобрендов. Модели машинок тщательно детализированы и соответствуют реальным вплоть до фар и кондиционера. Lego Speed Champions включают мини фигурки и нужные аксессуары, некоторые модели имеют специальное устройство для ускорения авто. Серия пользуется большой популярностью в мире и ежегодно обновляется.
Лего Спид Чемпионс — роскошь или необходимость?
Хотя Лего Спид Чемпионс советуют детям от семи до 14 лет, преимущественно мальчикам — опыт продаж показал, что супергонки заинтересовали взрослое население планеты. Данный факт имеет научное обоснование, ведь во время скоростного вождения у человека активизируется мозг, что влечет за собой ускорение обмена веществ, лучшую обучаемость и реакцию, усвоение информации, тренировку памяти, ориентирование на местности, синхронизацию мозга и тела, усовершенствование навыков вождения и слуха.
Поэтому Лего Спид Чемпионс — это супер модуляторы больших гонок у вас дома по доступной “игрушечной” цене.
Качество суперкаров Lego Speed Champions
Высокое качество материалов мини-ралли Lego Speed Champions гарантировано Лего и лицензией Феррари, МакЛарен, Порше, Ауди, Шевроле, Форд. Детализация, аксессуары, спецоборудование, детали погони, в наборе — 2 комплекта сменных дисков для колес и сборка с помощью гаечного мини ключа, совместимость с обычным конструктором Лего — это упоение автошиком Lego Speed Champions порадует всю семью.
Машинки Лего в обновляющемся ассортименте
В интернет — магазине Планетатойс (Украина) доступна вся серия суперкаров Лего Спид Чемпионс, включая новые: Шевроле Корветт Z, Форд Мустанг GT, Ауди R е-трон кватро, Ауди R LMS ультра, спортверсии Порше, Феррари, Форд, Мерседес и др.
Обратите внимание на модели в разных комплектациях:
1 авто (Ла Феррари, GT2, Мак-Ларен и Порше 918 Спайдер и др.).
1 авто и пит-стоп команда (Мак-Ларен Мерседес, Феррари F14 и грузовой Скудария Феррари и др.)
Несколько машинок и команда техников (Финиш Порше 911 GT и другие).
Гонки дома Lego Speed Champions на плавающем треке
Играть в ралли машинками Lego Speed Champions можно везде, где для этого есть место и твердая поверхность: дома в гостиной, детской, коридоре, на балконе, в холле, во дворе. Попробуйте поиграть в гонки “как в рекламе BMW M4” посреди моря на плавающем гоночном треке на палубе авианосца. При этом “морем” может послужить ванная с водой, а палубой-треком обычная доска с разметками маркером.
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Серия Speed Champions — это лучший подарок для юных гонщиков. Игровые наборы дадут возможность прокатиться за рулем самых известных гоночных автомобилей. Огромное количество аксессуаров позволит воссоздать настоящий гоночный трек и сражаться за победу.
Каждый конструктор серии Speed Champions наполнен скоростью и захватывающими приключениями. Здесь предстоит соревноваться с друзьями, и постараться пересечь линию финиша первым. А того, кто победит в борьбе, ждет уникальный кубок из золота, и конечно овации, уважение, всеобщее признание.
Игровые наборы дают ребенку возможность выбрать, кем он будет в игре — гонщиком или автомехаником. Также предстоит выбрать команду, за которую нужно будет выступить. Всего их три — это Porshe, MacClaren, Ferrari. Все наборы содержат не только автомобиль, но и минифигурку водителя, а еще разнообразные аксессуары, которые помогут сделать гонку максимально реалистичной. Машинки из наборов можно конструировать и украшать по собственному вкусу, используя входящие в комплект наклейки. Все модели имеют отличительные элементы культовых автомобилей, а некоторые оснащены специальным устройством, предназначенным для ускорения машины.
World's No. 1 source for LEGO news, reviews, and fan creations.
Even if you are not a motorsport geek you may have heard about the 1966 Daytona 24 Hour Continental race known for Ford’s 24-hour endurance win. By the way, the event was portrayed in the 2019 movie Ford v Ferrari starring Christian Bale and Matt Damon. To celebrate the 55th anniversary of the legendary achievement, last August, Ford revealed a brand new Ford GT Heritage Edition. And while car collectors are hunting down the new edition of the GT, another Ford’s icon, Bronco R, is competing in one of the most dangerous off-road races in the world, Baja 1000. Together these two very different vehicles ended up in one 660-piece LEGO Speed Champions set, 76905 Ford GT Heritage Edition and Bronco R which will be available starting June 1 for US $49.99 | CAN $69.99 | UK £44.99.
The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.
Packaging and contents
The set comes in a medium-sized box, with a dynamic image of both cars cruising side by side. Additional pictures on the back of the box don’t reveal much; they don’t even include additional shots of minifigures, which I find a bit disappointing. Obviously, the theme is all about the vehicles, not the drivers, but the minifigures in the set both look great and increase playability.
Ford GT Heritage Edition only drives 4 wheels and needs significantly fewer pieces. But unlike Bronco’s, GT’s bags are a feast for the eyes. The sight of all the pieces in medium azure gives anticipation of a stunning build.
New elements
I was surprised to find so many new elements in this not that large set. First of all, it’s the new 1×5 plate. Fans spotted the piece in white in one of the upcoming VIDIYO sets, but here you’ll find one in black.
It looks very ordinary placed by similar plate elements, but the difference it makes for the build is hard to overestimate. Used as the core piece in Bronco’s front headlights section, the new 1×5 plate allows for an exceptionally compact but sturdy structure.
Next comes something completely different — the new bar element. It seems to come to replace the lipstick piece, but unlike the lipstick (which is made of softer rubber), the new bar is pure ABS.
Saving you some questions: 1) it’s 2L long (just like a Technic pin) 2) yes, you can stick a plume on either end of the element 3) no, you can’t use the element as a connector for pneumatic tubes — there’s a wall inside in the middle. The potential of the new piece is yet to be discovered, so I recommend any builder get at least several pieces as soon as possible. However, you’ll only find two used in the Bronco.
The set features two minifigures, a female and a male driver. Behind the wheel of the massive Bronco is a courageous driver in a modern-looking racing suit. The design of the torso goes fantastic, along with printed legs. I like all the logos both on the front and the back of the minifigure. Bonus points are for two facial expressions; there no such thing as a too playable set.
Unlike the female driver, the male one wears a retro suit. And if you find it familiar, this is because we’ve already seen a similar minifigure in 75881 2016 Ford GT & 1966 Ford GT40. Note that the new torso has stripes of different colors. I wish the legs were printed as well.
The build
It only takes several steps to cover the body with a bunch of sloped. One of the most prominent features of the car is the blue roll cage inside the car. To my surprise, the angles at which the blue bar elements are set are not random at all. The neighboring pieces help a lot when positioning every adjustable element inside the car.
There is no much room inside the car for interior design. However, a single sticker with the central console is a nice touch.
With the roof and all six wheels in place, the Bronco R is ready to hit the Mexican desert. We’ll take a closer look at the finished model in just a moment.
By contrast, Ford GT Heritage Edition is a much more conventional LEGO Speed Champions model. It starts with a regular car floor element and brings almost no surprises for the right half of the assembling. It’s not until the doors are in place when you start noticing the gorgeous shapes of the car. Obviously, with the limitations of LEGO pieces, it is far from a proper scale copy of the car. Nevertheless, there are many piece combinations to enjoy, especially in azure, black and orange.
One of the most intriguing moments was the signature front part of the car. And, yes, the headlights are made with printed pieces, not stickers.
Once the front and the windscreen are attached, the car is ready to join its bigger brother on a trip all across North America.
The completed models
With cars placed side by side, it becomes very apparent how much different the cars actually are. Although much lower and sleeker, Ford GT’s exterior is much busier than Bronco’s dark and dull livery. No doubt, the development of the set started with GT, with Bronco as a complementary model.
As for the rearview, a couple of spare wheels in Bronco’s trunk instantly caught my eye. I’d say both cars look equally great; while GT reveals fantastic use of curved tiles and angles, Bronco brings some playability with the rear bay.
Capturing both cars from a lower angle proved to be quite a challenge. Bronco looks great from above, but as soon as you get lower than the headlights, you can’t help noticing quite an ugly chassis. Dark gray bricks with wheel axels running through them completely ruined the impression for me. Obviously, it’s simply impossible to recreate all the details of the independent suspension of the truck, but it doesn’t justify what I see right now.
Another unexpected limitation of Bronco’s design hides inside the car. With all the roll cage bars sticking out here and there, it’s not obvious how the minifigure will fit inside. And at the very end of the building guide, you’ll find a dedicated page showing the right way of placing the minifigure inside, i.e., the left hand must be lowered down.
By just looking at the driver, I can feel how uncomfortable she is inside the car. And with blue bars hiding the face from most angles, the car doesn’t look elegant at all.
Unlike the off-roader, GT welcomes its driver with an exceptionally comfortable cockpit. Just look how spacious it is.
As a challenge, I tried to find an angle that GT would look ugly from. Well, there’s no such angle; the car is a little masterpiece.
By the way, the car uses new types of wheels and rims. We will take a closer look at the pieces in another Speed Champions review. For now, let’s enjoy the look of the new Ford GT.
Despite the criticism above, there a lot of lovely things in Bronco, too. Its shape may not be as sophisticated as the GT’s, but I like the livery created by stickers. And it’s actually very true to the original, too.
Bronco was designed for rough terrain. Its body is lightweight and ergonomic, with as least details as possible. Even the stoplights are just a couple of 1×1 transparent red tiles, so do not expect much inspiration from this model.
Of course, the roof is detachable, revealing both the cockpit and the rear bay with the spear wheels. There’s also a 2×2 round dish attached to the roof that helps to keep the top wheel in place. Smart and simple.
Very often, Speed Champions cars are not only about the building experience but also about displayability. Fortunately, both cars look even greater with their drivers posing near. The colorful stripes on the driver’s suits beautifully compliment the car’s livery.
And since Bronco offers a bit more playability, you can easily turn the driver into a mechanic.
Conclusion and recommendation
Let’s make put it this way: 76905 Ford GT Heritage Edition and Bronco R brings two cars — one is a beautiful masterpiece, and another is, well, not that beautiful and masterpiece-y. No doubt, most fans will get the set for the sake of Ford GT, but Bronco will still take its place in the collection by other offroaders, like MINI John Cooper Works Buggy. We still have five more summer Speed Champions sets to review, but it’s safe to say right now that Ford GT is the most beautiful car of this year.
The LEGO Group provided The Brothers Brick with an early copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews.
Tim Goddard (@tim_goddard928) presents a bumper article for you today about LEGO® Speed Champions 46905 Ford GT Heritage Edition and Bronco R! Not only does Tim include our interview with LEGO® Design Manager Specialist Christopher Leslie Stamp, he analyses the set and its parts, and creates an original MOC with its parts. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.
Images of set 76905 and Christopher Stamp ©2021 The LEGO Group |
Ford: the backbone of American automotives. Today we look at a set comprising two of their most famous offerings, with a very special bonus – some exclusive comments from the LEGO® Speed Champions design lead, Christopher Stamp, taken from an interview with New Elementary earlier this year. From Chris we learn about why the set was not originally part of the 2021 line up, why these vehicles were chosen, and where the new 1x5 plate really came from.
The set comprises a GT Heritage edition in lovely Gulf livery, and a chunky Bronco R. Here they are in all their (unstickered) glory.
This set was a surprise entry into the 2021 range, because when we spoke to Chris about the 2021 range way back at the 2020 Fan Media Days he didn’t mention it. So what happened there, Chris?
Chris Stamp: "That's actually a really good point; it came in after we'd done all the Media Days because it's only in a few specific stores, it's not full retail like everything else. Somebody came to us and said, "there is an appetite for an extra product, would you be interested?" I'm like, yes, instantly! There's always room for more cars in our collection!
"I thought, 'we've got Dodge, we've got Chevrolet – if we could get Ford, that would be the icing on the cake for America.' We looked at what the options were and we proposed the Bronco, because for Ford, that was a big deal for them. We've looked at the Bronco in the past and it's never quite fit, because there was always the older Bronco which was quite boxy and it's not really a 'speed champion' type of thing. Then, when we showed them the Bronco… the immediate reaction was, 'Let's do it.' I did the Bronco and my colleague Søren Dyrhøj, who you might have seen on LEGO Masters Denmark, he worked on the GT.
"We felt pretty confident – previously we'd done a Ford 150 Raptor and the Mini John Cooper Works Buggy, so we felt that this was something that's in our area. Having a roll cage and no windscreen was really exciting. and quite challenging – we like to challenge ourselves! It's so different to anything else we've done – the silhouette, the build experience; everything is just unique.
"The more people we talked to internally – like all our American colleagues – they were saying, 'the Bronco is huge for them, it's like an icon!' So it ticked a lot more boxes than me, being a European, had realised. I was just looking at it from a purely 'building Speed Champions' perspective."
Bronco R
The main body of the vehicle is indeed an interesting build with lots of direction changes, angles and curves. It is actually 9-wide in most places, which explains the presence of the new 1x5 plate.
The internal roll cage, which is made up of blue 1x3 bars, is the most innovative part of the build. The back two use mixel joints to get the required angle but the front two are where it gets really interesting. Firstly they are angles on the vertical using the 1x1 plate with bar – something that has been seen in many sets before – but to achieve the horizontal angle they rest against a 1x4 plate that is about a quarter of a plate offset in height. This is done using the fantastic new 2-long bar, feeding through plates with holes.
The Bronco R is a prototype extreme off-road racer, which explains the rack at the back for two spare tyres. You do not want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a flat tyre. The LEGO version realises this rack with a couple of tasty recoloured pantograph pieces.
GT Heritage edition
If you feel the need for more speed the second build, the GT Heritage, will be perfect for you. The curved front is what really gives the car a distinctive look, and it is nicely realised.
But why was the GT chosen to pair up with the Bronco, especially given that a Ford GT was previously included in a Speed Champions set, 75881?
Chris: "We talked a lot about 'do we do the old versus the new – get the old Bronco in there?' But it's still not a 'speed champion', it still doesn't really hit all of the right keys that we need.
The build
The medium azure with a little splash of orange is a wonderful colour combination.
When building the chassis from the bottom up I was surprised by the inclusion of a train roof piece - 1x Roof Front 6x4x1 in Black (6031790 | 13269). It just seemed too big and chunky to fit with the design, but when finished it just pokes out the bottom to represent an air intake. Clever!
Headlights are talked about a lot in Speed Champions sets; they are often such a key and iconic part of a car’s design and whilst brick-built is preferable, it is not always possible to capture the right feel this way. Stickers can be difficult to apply accurately; if they are put on wonkily they ruin the whole look of the car. Happily they are printed parts on the GT, and look pretty good.
There are some funky angles created towards the back of this car, created using some good old hinge bricks. Sometimes the old parts are still the best.
The minifigures and stickers
It would not be a Speed Champions set without plenty of stickers. Here they are, mint and un-applied, ready to be filed away and used in some mythical MOC at some point in the future.
The parts
Speed Champions sets always catch my eye because of the impressive selection of small and interesting parts they contain. Not only that; they also include a lot of parts in the same colour. No handful of randomly coloured parts are buried inside here.
- 2x BRICK 2X4X1 W. SCREEN NO. 2 (6347673 | 28579), exclusive recolour
- 2x TILE 2X2, W/ DEG. 45 CUT (6347670 | 35787), in one other set
- 2x FLAT TILE 2X3 (6233166 | 26603), in one other set
- 1x PLATE 4X4 W/ANGLE (6345627 | 41822), in one other set
- 2x BRICK W/ ARCH 2X4X2 1/3 (6296906 | 18974), in 2 other sets
- 4x RIGHT PLATE 1X2, W/ BOW, 45 DEG. CUT (6296901 | 29119), in 3 other sets
- 4x LEFT PLATE 1X2, W/ BOW, 45 DEG. CUT (6296904 | 29120), in 3 other sets
- 1x LEFT PLATE 2X4, DEG. 27 (6296845 | 65429), in 2 other sets
- 1x RIGHT PLATE 2X4, DEG. 27 (6296846 | 65426), in 3 other sets
Regarding the quantities of those last two items, not that LEGO have tried to unbalance the universe again by including a right side plate as part of a kite in set 41447 Heartlake City Park but no left side plate.
This next parts selection includes some interesting bars;
- 3x 3.2 SHAFT ELEMENT, NO. 1 in Bright Blue (6345636 | 37494), AKA the pantograph, exclusive recolour
- 6x RIM, DIA. 18X12 W/ CROSS & STUD in Bright Red (6349884 | 65192), exclusive recolour
- 2x PLATE 1X1, W/ 1.5 PLATE 1X2, UPWARDS in Bright Red (6345637 | 73825), in 2 other sets
- 1x PLATE 1X5 in Black (6350415 | 78329), famous or infamous and in one other set
- 4x 3.2 SHAFT W/3.2 HOLE in Bright Blue (6366181 | 49755), in one other set (with a different mould number, 23443)
- 4x SHAFT 3M Ø3.2 in Bright Blue (6345634 | 17715), in 2 other sets
- 2x SHAFT 2M DIA. 3.2 W/ STOP in Dark Stone Grey (6350724 | 78258)
The latter is one of this year's star new parts, already in 10 sets. However it’s the 1x5 plate that has caught everyone’s attention… and Speed Champions builds often require odd-length section widths. so we just had to ask Chris if it was Speed Champions that introduced this thrilling new part?
Chris: If I was to take credit for that, I wonder if I'd become a hero? [laughter] To be honest, we didn't make the 1x5 plate but we've utilised it as much as we can! It's an element that, even back 10 years ago when I started, people were talking about internally. And then there were other people internally saying, 'but you can do that with a two and a three, or a four and a one. or a six and a pair of scissors!' No, that was actually the design lead on Minecraft, he brought that in. And when I heard rumours about it, I had to run to the other end of the building and ask, 'this isn't an April the First is it?' But yeah, the 1x5 plate. that's a beautiful element. Just talking about it makes me smile."
There are yet more inspirational parts;
The realism of the car designs in this range really stepped up a notch when 2 modules were added to the width. The extra width allows for some innovative and clever techniques to be employed which is partly achieved with an ever-increasing range of brackets for us to drool over and use in our own creations.
Here are all the brackets you get in this set including this year's new family member, Plate 1x1, W/ 1.5 Plate 1x2, Upwards (73825).
Printed parts
Of these all-important printed parts, I can see the windscreen (6346628 | 78681) being most useful in MOCs, although the 1x1 quarter-circle tiles could be interesting.
Tim Goddard’s MOCs using Speed Champions set 76905
Finally I leave you with a couple of little models made with parts from this set.
This little hover bug racer started with the colour scheme of the GT then added a bit of red and a bit of blue before taking to the skies.
If you have read this far without just reading the interview sections and looking at the pictures, I thank you. You deserve a hug.
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Our thanks to Chris Stamp and AFOLET for the interview.
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Massive thanks go to our 'Vibrant Coral' patrons: Rebranded, Chuck Hagenbuch, Joe Fontana, Elspeth De Montes, Megan Lum, Markus Rollbühler, Mevits Bricks, Font Review Journal, Baixo LMmodels, Andy Price, Anthony Wright, Chris Cook, London AFOLs, Gerald Lasser, Big B Bricks, Dave Schefcik, David and Breda Fennell, Huw Millington, Antonio Serra, Beyond the Brick, Sue Ann Barber & Trevor Clark, and Kevin Gascoigne. Vale Iain Adams, a great supporter of New Elementary.
All text and images are © New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.
I was expecting Lego to flood the market with 1x5's in every color, strangely they didn't, and they didn't even price it sanely. We'll be using 1x3's & 1x2's for still quite some time (at less than half the price) I think. But we got a good old rounded 1x5 (with hole) in DBG this year, that's great.
As for brackets, I love them, they're the parts I use the most, all those new small ones in plenty of colors are amazing. But it saddens me that
a) Lego's brackets (plates - not bricks) are flawed & the chinese's naive (how it should be) version is simply better, but Lego will never admit that and pretend that their metrics are by design, while the perfect version simply exists out there and can be played with. If one day Lego decides to "fix" theirs, imagine how many moulds there are to fix now.
b) chinese sets go even further with direction changes, especially Speed Champions ripoffs. They have much better brackets (stolen from other brands), + the holy stud inverter cylinder that Lego will never make (& I can understand why). When it comes to SNOT building, other brands are so much more advanced. And it shows in the aesthetics of Speed Champions ripoff cars.
And there's the holy grail of bars, bar 2L, what we finally got is nowhere near as useful as a bar 2L would have been, but we'll never get better as long as Lego, even in 18+ sets, has to be 101% child friendly. It's a good replacement for T-bars, but that's all.
I think the biggest game changer for Lego, for me, has been the rounded plate 1x2. Rounded. Hollow studs. They're so critical in my MOCs. I want more like that. I want EVERY stud hollow.
Also on my wishlist, wedge tiles. Wedges, but tiles. The chinese have them, they allow for much slicker designs, they're as safe for kids, no reason not to have them. Other brands don't even need them, they also have chainable slopes with no gaps. Lego forces us to use plates (& thus visible studs), or bricks (& thus ugly staircases), we have no solution right now.
I'm confused by what you perceive as the flaw in Lego's brackets. I'm quite fond of the range of brackets Lego has produced, which are great not just for SNOT detail but also for locking a vertical assembly together with sideways parts. The half-plate thickness of the SNOT side of the brackets makes it easy to use plates, tiles, and even slopes to reach a full brick's width. All in all they're very useful for a wide range of applications, including ones where classic SNOT bricks just won't do.
Bracket plates are great & useful, they were just done wrong (they probably thought it was the right way, but in practice it's just not).
Bracket bricks are something else. Lego's ones are fine, only they should/could have been multiple combinations of 1x1x1's & 1x1x2's, like other brands have.
Both bracket plates & "bricks" coexist in other brands sets, it's pretty much offset vs no offset, both are useful.
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