Лего сити road plates
Базовая система 60304 Перекресток Road Plates (112 деталей) с модульной плиточной системой дорожные пластины). Вы можете создавать прямую дорогу или различные перекрестки. 4 штуки дорожных пластин размером 16 × 16, а также 1 штука дорожная пластина с принтом 8 × 16. Имеются желтые 2 × 4 двойные выпуклые уклоны, которые можно выложить по обе стороны перекрестка (лежачие полицейские). Стартовый комплект включает также восемь модульных сегментов-аксессуаров, которые можно поставить вдоль дороги:
2 уличных фонаря
2 светофора
2 декоративных мини-садика
1 знак ограничения скорости
1 знак пешеходного перехода
Базовая система 60304 Перекресток Road Plates (112 деталей) с модульной плиточной системой дорожные пластины). Вы можете создавать прямую дорогу или различные перекрестки. 4 штуки дорожных пластин размером 16 × 16, а также 1 штука дорожная пластина с принтом 8 × 16. Имеются желтые 2 × 4 двойные выпуклые уклоны, которые можно выложить по обе стороны перекрестка (лежачие полицейские). Стартовый комплект включает также восемь модульных сегментов-аксессуаров, которые можно поставить вдоль дороги:
2 уличных фонаря
2 светофора
2 декоративных мини-садика
1 знак ограничения скорости
1 знак пешеходного перехода
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Базовая система 60304 Перекресток Road Plates (112 деталей) с модульной плиточной системой дорожные пластины). Вы можете создавать прямую дорогу или различные перекрестки. 4 штуки дорожных пластин размером 16 × 16, а также 1 штука дорожная пластина с принтом 8 × 16. Имеются желтые 2 × 4 двойные выпуклые уклоны, которые можно выложить по обе стороны перекрестка (лежачие полицейские). Стартовый комплект включает также восемь модульных сегментов-аксессуаров, которые можно поставить вдоль дороги:
2 уличных фонаря
2 светофора
2 декоративных мини-садика
1 знак ограничения скорости
1 знак пешеходного перехода
LEGO в 2021 году представляет очередную итерацию дорог в виде дорожных пластин. Это совершенно новая дорожная система для вашего города.
LEGO представляет новый дизайн дорог с модульной плиточной системой. Вы можете создавать прямую дорогу или различные перекрестки.
Город LEGO стремится быть городом будущего, городом с чистой/возобновляемой энергией, и новые дороги этому способствуют. Новая система дорожных плит давно назрела, она является приятным дополнением к LEGO City; если эти детали будут регулярно добавляться в наборы City, вы сможете быстро собрать их в достаточном для безграничной фантазии количестве, даже если не купили стартовый набор.
Система универсальна, соединяется с различными деталями Лего и выглядит очень современной.
В начале 2021 года есть по крайней мере 4 игровых набора LEGO City, которые будут включать этот новый формат дорог, а также отдельный базовый набор именно с пластинами.
Из того, что мы видим, будут два основных компонента для такого формата. Одна из пластин - 16 x 16 с вырезами, без принтов. Другая представляет собой пластину размером 8 × 16 с вырезами, принт полосы зебры или без принта.
Посмотрим на конструкторы LEGO City начала 2021 года, в которые входят новые дорожные платы. А в конце статьи - немного истории.
60304 Road Plates
Базовая система 60304 Road Plates продается за 19,99$ и включает 112 деталей.
4 штуки дорожных пластин размером 16 × 16, а также 1 штука дорожная пластина с принтом 8 × 16. Имеются желтые 2 × 4 двойные выпуклые уклоны, которые можно выложить по обе стороны перекрестка ( лежачие полицейские ).
Стартовый комплект включает также восемь модульных сегментов-аксессуаров, которые можно поставить вдоль дороги. Это:
2 уличных фонаря
2 светофора
2 декоративных мини-садика
1 знак ограничения скорости
1 знак пешеходного перехода
Уличные фонари светятся в темноте.
60290 Skate Park
Скейт-парк включает 1 штуку дорожной платы 16 × 16. Цена $39,99.
60291 Family House
Семейный дом, цена $59,99. 1 штука дорожной платы 16 × 16, а также 1 штука 8 × 16, без принта.
60292 Town Centre
Набор Центр города , цена $99,99. 3 штуки дорожных пластин 16 × 16, 1 штука 8 × 16 с принтом и 1 штука 8 × 16 без принта.
Центр города также включает в себя слабовидящего человека с собакой-поводырем (похоже на ретривера) и множество других людей, которые смогут жить в вашем городе.
60306 Shopping Street
Торговая улица, есть светящиеся в темноте детали, около $80. 2 штуки дорожной пластины 16 × 16 и 1 штука 8 × 16 с принтом.
Что было раньше и что теперь?
LEGO представила классическую опорную плиту в начале 60-х годов. Опорные плиты предлагают несколько преимуществ; они цельные, и вы можете сразу начинать строить. Базовые плиты обеспечивают прочный фундамент для ваших творений, позволяя вам переносить готовые постройки с места на место. Однако недостаток заключается в том, что опорные плиты в значительной степени находятся вне системы по отношению к общим размерам элементов LEGO. Внизу у них отсутствуют элементы, позволяющие их соединять, ну и сами опорные пластины тоньше обычных пластин Лего.
В последнее десятилетие LEGO неуклонно отступает от опорной плиты в пользу больших традиционных плит, наподобие 16 × 16. Конечно, вы все еще можете купить отдельные опорные плиты (48 × 48 и 32 × 32), но в наборах они практически не встречаются.
Сегодня конструкция дорожных плит была обновлена, чтобы ее можно было использовать с новыми зданиями, в том числе построенными на традиционных плитах. Новая система вводит несколько новых элементов. Во-первых, модифицированные плитки, которые составляют ядро системы и приходят в трех разновидностях; большой квадратный элемент 16 × 16 и меньший 8 × 16. Пока ваше городское планирование ограничено только прямыми углами (возможно, кривые детали позже тоже появятся?).
Другим новым вводимым элементом является криволинейный уклон, который позволяет дорожным плитам плавно переходить к столешнице/полу. Старые опорные плиты не нуждались в переходе, потому что они уже были тонкими, но с новыми это стало актуально. Все четыре комплекта Сити с дорожными плитами включают данные детали.
Поскольку дорожные плиты полностью соответствуют более крупной системе LEGO (в отличие от опорных плит старой школы), вам будет легко продлить дорогу на любое необходимое расстояние.
С четырьмя новыми комплектами и их дорогами город на самом деле ощущается живым, движимым: здесь хватает места и для транспортных средств, и для пешеходов. Теперь дорога в мире Лего выглядит лучше, чем когда-либо прежде. Новая система дорожных плит гораздо более универсальна, чем базовые опорные пластины.
Набор «Перекресток» LEGO® City (60304) добавляет реалистичный фон к творческим играм со светящимися в темноте уличными фонарями, светофорами, дорожными знаками, разметкой, лежачими полицейскими, пешеходным переходом, деревьями и зеленью. Дети могут разместить плиты, как захотят, построить вокруг них свой город и соединять с другими наборами дорожных плит, чтобы увеличивать размеры города!Отличный подарок для поклонников LEGO City от 5 летДля набора «Перекресток» LEGO City есть и простое руководство по сборке, и инструкции Instructions PLUS в бесплатном приложении LEGO Building Instructions для смартфонов. Интерактивное руководств с инструментами масштабирования, вращения и просмотра позволяет юным строителям LEGO стать настоящими мастерами.Вдохновляющие игрушки для мальчиков и девочекНаборы LEGO City вдохновляют детей придумывать новые приключения со всевозможными зданиями, реалистичной техникой и забавными персонажами, которые дарят великолепные впечатления от сборки и игры.
Набор «Перекресток» LEGO® City (60304) помогает создать реалистичный фон для детских игр — дорожные платины. Это идеальное начало для увлекательной сборки и игры.
Что в коробке? Дети получат 5 пластин с дорогой LEGO® с изображением дорожной разметки, лежачих полицейских и пешеходного перехода, а также светящиеся в темноте уличные фонари, игрушечные светофоры, дорожные знаки, деревья и зеленые насаждения.
Дети могут создавать реалистичные дороги LEGO® с большим количеством аутентичных деталей и соединять их с другими наборами дорожных плит, чтобы увеличивать размеры города.
Набор «Перекресток» LEGO® City станет прекрасным подарком на Новый год, день рождения или другой праздник для детей в возрасте от 5 лет.
Размеры основной планировки дорожных пластин в собранном виде: более 13 см. в высоту, 44 см. в ширину и 38 см. в глубину.
Дорожные пластины «Перекресток» LEGO® City являются отличным фоном для детской игры и творений LEGO.
Для данного набора предусмотрены как печатные инструкции, так и цифровые инструкции Instructions PLUS в бесплатном приложении LEGO® Building Instructions. Интерактивное руководство поможет начинающим строителям стать мастерами конструирования.
В наборах серии «Мой город» LEGO® City вы увидите красочные здания, крутые транспортные средства и забавных персонажей, которые вдохновят детей на творческие игры и бесконечные приключения в реалистичных декорациях.
Все кубики LEGO®, которые производятся c 1958 года, соответствуют самым строгим отраслевым стандартам качества, так что они совершенно безопасны и совместимы друг с другом, и с ними весело играть.
Игрушки для сборки LEGO® City тщательно тестируются на соответствие строгим стандартам безопасности.
Caz Mockett (aka BlockHeadUK) returns today to review LEGO® CITY 60304 Road Plates, which premieres the replacement for printed 32x32 baseplates that have graced city sets for over 40 years. Coming in 2021, it is priced £17.99 / $19.99 / 19.99€. Buying this set? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission. The products in this article were provided free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this.
After months of rumour and speculation, the new LEGO® CITY Road Plate system has been finally unveiled. This review will examine the new elements in set 60304 and how they can be integrated with an existing City layout, either using regular baseplates or a modular system such as MILS.
In 2 future articles I will also look at the interesting elements in 4 other sets in this 2021 City release: 60290 Skate Park and 60291 Family House, 60292 Town Centre and 60306 Shopping Street.
New & rare parts in 60304 Road Plates
- 4 x Brick Modified 16 x 16 x ⅔ with Cutouts in Dark Stone Grey / Dark Bluish Gray (6325635 | 69958) - at least one is included in each of the new City sets released in January 2021 which I referred to in the introduction
- 1 x Brick Modified 8 x 16 x ⅔ with Cutouts and Crosswalk printing, in Dark Bluish Gray (6238358 | 71772) - this appears in 2 more the new City sets, Town Centre and Shopping Street, while another unprinted version appears in Family House
- 6 x Slope Curved 5 x 8 x ⅔ Without Studs in Dark Bluish Gray (6325420 | 71771), included in all sets which contain the new road plates (5 so far)
- 10 x Tile 2 x 4 with Groove in Dark Bluish Gray with White Stripe (6329624) - used for the centre of road lane markings, which also appear in the Skate Park, Town Centre and Shopping Street sets
- 2 x Plate 1 x 2 in Glow in Dark White (6331687 | 3023) - previously this colour has only been available in plate form as a 1x1 round - and is also included in the Shopping Street set
- 4 x Slope 33° 2 x 4 Double in Bright Yellow/ Yellow (6334233 | 3299) is a rare returning colour for this mould, not seen since the 1995-1997 Freestyle theme, and was only in 6 sets previously. It is used as speed bumps here and in the Shopping Street release
Looking more closely at the large road plates, they are the equivalent of 2 plates thick, with a shiny surface much like a regular 2x4 tile rather than the slightly rough matt surface of existing 6x6 tiles. Each of the 2x4 cutouts in the middle of the plates can accommodate a 2x4 plate or tile. There are holes between the studs in these cutouts, so that anything you attach to the fully-enclosed areas can be removed easily by pushing them from the underside. The instructions for each set even suggest which element provided in the set is suitable for poking them out (remember these are aimed at the 5+ age group).
Talking of the undersides, they are quite interesting in their own right.
The great textures and patterns found here inspired me to create something of my own which made use of them, shown later in the article.
On the left is the new slope piece, used as ramps at the end of each road plate. Closer inspection shows that it is pretty much identical to the familiar part seen on the right - Slope Curved 5 x 8 x ⅔ (15625) - but without the four studs on the tab at the highest point of the slope. The undersides are identical.
The build
This set is aimed at the 5+ age bracket, so as expected, the steps involved to put together the road system are quite straightforward. The instructions suggest three different layouts for the four large plates and one smaller crosswalk - and of course you can also add the ancillary trees, road signs and street lights in whichever combination you wish.
Ideas for customising the Road Plates
The inclusion of the printed tiles for lane markings will give you a consistent look and feel to your layouts. Below are some suggestions for customising the plates to give your city a bit more character.
If you would like to branch out into a dual carriageway for your city, here are a few more ideas to separate the two directions of traffic flow.
And if you have a lot of room for your layout, they even provide the option for a full 6-lane highway.
Integrating the new road plates with your existing Modular Buildings
I know that many AFOLs have been concerned that the arrival of these road plates might mean that they are no longer compatible with their existing Modular buildings, which are built on the thinner baseplates. Given that these modulars currently have their pavements/sidewalks sitting 1 tile above the flat surface of the existing road plates, let’s see how we can achieve this with the new 2-plate-thick road plates, with minimal disruption.
It’s actually very easy indeed - place the new road plates directly onto the table, and then add 1 layer of plate underneath your modular, which is still sitting on its baseplate. This works out because the height of a baseplate sitting directly on top of bare studs is exactly the same as the thickness of a plate without counting its studs.
If you are already using a MILS-like system for your layout (usually consisting of a foundation of baseplate + brick + plate sandwich) then there is good news for you too.
In fact, using the new road plates may actually save you many parts - since you will need far fewer bricks for the middle of the sandwich, and can then place the new road plate directly on top to form the road surface, without the need for the top plate layer of the sandwich. For the areas where you want to locate your Modular buildings, add the usual plate layer on top of the bricks and then place the modular directly on top of these bare studs.
Original build inspired by 60304 Road Plates
As I mentioned earlier in the article, I was inspired by the shapes and textures of the road plates’ undersides, which reminded me of industrial architecture.
I’ve had these two spaceship MOCs in Classic Space colours built for some time, and I have wanted to make some sort of hangar for them for a while, but I was shying away from starting due to the number of bricks it was going to require, and the overall weight it would end up being.
Taking the road plates and ramps from all five of the City sets I was sent to review, plus plenty of parts from my own collection, I was able to produce Hangar Bays 3 & 4, the perfect place for my Rainbow Space Crew to hang out, do some maintenance on the ships and prepare them for their next mission. Benny seems delighted (as usual).
I was particularly pleased with how well the undersides of the road plates worked for the walls of the construction. Greebling onto anti-studs does not leave you with as many element options as studs, but I’m happy with the level of detail I was able to achieve. I’m sure these parts will be popular with other space fans who will find even more ingenious ways to use them for interstellar infrastructure, as well as their more conventional use case as roads.
This set will retail for £17.99 / $19.99 / 19.99€ which I feel is a reasonable value for money, given that you are getting 5 large elements in the box. I think they will be a good idea for City enthusiasts who have limited space, as they will only take up 16 studs of real estate to establish a road, without wasting a further 12 studs on sidewalks which are unavoidably present with the older road plate system. But they are also flexible enough to give the option of much wider multi-lane highways, and being able to add custom lane dividers will mean more unique options for the look of your city. The lack of a curved corner element is a valid criticism at present, but perhaps a printed part to fill this gap will be produced in the future (purely speculation at this point).
It is going to be a big investment to switch over a whole city layout to the new system, but in doing so, you can claw back some valuable table space for buildings and other features, while the new system is still compatible with the Modular buildings and MILS plates widely owned and used by AFOLs. They also offer MOCing potential for ideas which are not their intended purpose. For the KFOL market, I believe these new road plates will provide a more stable and flexible play experience and are far less likely to get bent or snapped when they are cleared into the toybox in a hurry.
Buying this set? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission.
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Massive thanks go to our 'Vibrant Coral' patrons: Jorgito Mozo, Mevits Bricks, Font Review Journal, Baixo LMmodels, Andy Price, Anthony Wright, Chris Cook, London AFOLs, Gerald Lasser, Big B Bricks, Dave Schefcik, David and Breda Fennell, Huw Millington, Neil Crosby, Antonio Serra, Beyond the Brick, Sue Ann Barber & Trevor Clark, and Kevin Gascoigne. Vale Iain Adams, a great supporter of New Elementary.
Great review Caz!
Great review! Love these parts! Even just for using a minimum amount of pieces for making floors. I was wondering if you have some pictures of some cars (city, speed champions - new and old) on these baseplates so we can see how well they fit into the system.
Very good review!
Hmm, as this is a Classic Space build, the white lane stripes bother me.
The original Space roadplates had some yellow outlines, it would usually look a bit subdued on older plates, not sure if bright yellow tiles would look a bit garish.
It doesn't bother me quite so much since this is a MOC of an indoor hangar/docking area, rather than a landing pad or launch pad on the lunar surface like other Classic Space MOCs depicted. Plus, I think the darker shade of gray separates this more from existing Classic Space colors than the white lines do. It wouldn't be to come up with a symbolic reason for using yellow lines for launch or landing areas and white ones elsewhere — off the top of my head, yellow lines could present more of a "caution" signal to keep your distance when ships are arriving or departing so you're safe from fiery rocket exhaust.
On that note, I also find it a little weird sometimes to think about how the Classic Space baseplates always portrayed the planet's surface as gray, even though the box art of sets without baseplates always portrayed it as a sandy yellowish color.
I think about this discrepancy a lot when trying to envision what a modernized version of Classic Space might look like — gray is more authentic to how we'd typically think about a "real" lunar surface, but yellow would more accurately match the more stylized/fantastical colors used for the theme's moonbases, ships, and spacesuits, not to mention the color of the lunar surface as portrayed on the actual Classic Space logo!
Obviously, if you went with a yellowish or beige lunar surface, that would not be very conducive to yellow landing pad markings, although I suppose you could always portray landing pads as a place where the moon dust has been cleared away or paved over. It's all neat stuff to think about!
These would be really useful for anyone building a Lego city, obviously not me because I’m Fabuland obsessed! Smashing review Caz!
Before reading this comment, I actually never thought about this, but what do you think roads in Fabuland would look like? I don't think any sets include them, and the box art mostly just shows vehicles on the same beige or yellowish-green ground surface as other sets. And given that Fabuland was so much before my time, I'm not sure if roads were ever depicted in the animated episodes released on videotape or the storybooks that were included in place of a more traditional instruction manual.
Given the theme's vibrant color palettes and bucolic visual language, I kind of feel like roads in Fabuland would probably be made of materials like dirt, brick, or clay rather than concrete or asphalt, and probably more colorful than those materials would be IRL. So maybe a light yellow like on the boxes might actually be most suitable for Fabuland roadways. It'd certainly contrast nicely with the green baseplates!
Thinking about this, I also can't help feeling reminded of the pinkish plasticine roads in the early seasons of Bob the Builder, and the light blue or lavender roads in various adaptations of Richard Scarry's Busytown series. Back when Fabuland actually came out, these sorts of pastel colors would've been hard to come by, but thanks to LEGO Friends they'd probably be common enough today to use in layouts if you so chose!
If you have any Fabuland layouts, I'd love to see what they look like!
I have mostly imagined Fabuland as some country town with more of pathways of varying width than actual roads. If you look at the instruction booklets it'd appear that Fabuland mostly had sandbased country roads.
Although I also found an officially sanctioned image of Fabuland in a city landscape.
Thank you so much for this review! I'd been looking forward to seeing a review like this so I could get a better sense of just how the connection points on the underside are arranged, as well as how multi-lane highways or other custom layouts would look in practice (rather than just in theory).
I am SO EXCITED about these new roads, and that's in spite of rarely buying LEGO City sets, not having any sort of permanent layout, and having gone more than a decade without buying road baseplates. Honestly, I've been hoping to see a more customization-friendly road system like this for nearly a decade at this point, particularly since 2012 or so when 8x16 and 16x16 baseplates started to show up in place of larger baseplates as the foundation for a lot of sets.
Honestly, a lot of the compatibility concerns that people raise about traditional baseplates just further reinforce to me how much less limiting this new road system (and plate- and tile-based foundations in general) really are. After all, it would be no trouble at all to use baseplates interchangeably with these roads (or entirely custom roads) if it weren't for their irregular half-plate thickness, part-specific road width and markings, and lack of underside connections.
These road segments also present all kinds of possibilities that might've been much more awkward with traditional baseplates: inclined roads; bridges/overpasses; sewers and subway tunnels; traffic islands and median strips; roads with cracked or broken surfaces; roads with more or wider lanes than the standard; roadside ditches; bike lanes; curbside parking spaces; and alleyways/driveways/railway level crossings that are flush with the rest of the road surface.
In the future, I can imagine lots of ways for LEGO to continue to expand on this system: for instance, curve modules that allow for curves at smaller angles than 90 degrees (like LEGO train tracks have always offered), slope modules that offer a simpler way of creating gentle changes in grade than flat segments and hinges would allow for, segments with integrated at-grade tramways, molded or brick-built segments with a manhole opening, or printed elements tailored to alternate uses like airport runways, parking lots, or racetracks.
All in all, it's a super inspiring and versatile system that has inspired me more than any other sets in YEARS to get back into designing and planning city layouts!
60304 Road Plates is a 112 piece City set released in 2021. While the MSRP is 19,99 €, the current average price on the secondary markets is around 17,00 €. Once retired, the expected annual growth will be close to 5% after the second year, which will value the set between 21,00 € and 23,00 € shortly after it is retired.
Retirement risk . Road Plates has a current lifespan of 17 months, based on the average lifespan of other sets in this theme which is 17 months, this set is at risk for retiring in the coming months.
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Sets in City / Traffic
60305 Car Transporter
60289 Airshow Jet Transporter
60288 Race Buggy Transporter
60283 Holiday Camper Van
60285 Sports Car
60286 Beach Rescue ATV
30568 Skater
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Road Plates Reviews
“ The new road plate system is long overdue and is a welcome addition to LEGO City. If they continue to be regularly added into City sets, you'll quickly amass enough of them to build a great layout, even if you don't get any starter packs. The system is versatile, looks . More great, and perhaps most importantly, is much closer to the core LEGO building experience than baseplates ever were.”
“ It is going to be a big investment to switch over a whole city layout to the new system, but in doing so, you can claw back some valuable table space for buildings and other features, while the new system is still compatible with the Modular buildings and MILS plates widely . More owned and used by AFOLs.”
“ The system is a vast improvement over the old road plates, in particular it's much more flexible and can be configured in myriad ways. However, inch-for-inch it must be more expensive, which is likely to push up the price of the sets that include it, or, as seems to be the . More case with some in the 2021 assortment, reduce the number of other parts in them in order to meet a particular price point.”
Subtheme Analysis
About City Traffic
Traffic is a subtheme of City that consists of 84 sets that ran from 2007 to 2021.
The LEGO City theme is based on city life with the sets depicting city and emergency services, police, fire, airport, train, construction, and civilian services. The City theme proceeded LEGO Town which was replaced with LEGO World City in before it was rebranded as City in 2005.
This LEGO® City Road Plates (60304) building set adds a realistic backdrop to kids’ imaginative play, with glow-in-the-dark toy streetlights, traffic lights, road signs, traffic lane markings, speed bumps, a crosswalk, trees and greenery. Kids can place the Road Plates their way, build a city around them and connect to other LEGO Road Plate building sets to expand their city creations!A great gift for LEGO City fans aged 5 and upThe LEGO City Road Plates toy playset comes with an easy-to-followbuilding guide and Instructions PLUS – part of the free LEGO Building Instructions app for smartphones and tablets. This interactive construction guide with zoom and rotate viewing tools quickly helps young LEGO builders become master builders.Inspirational toys for boys and girlsLEGO City building sets stimulate open-ended, creative role play with feature-rich buildings, realistic toy vehicles and fun characters that deliver an enjoyable, fun-filled play experience based on real-life.
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