Lego powered up конструктор
Combine this app with the LEGO DC Super Heroes App-Controlled Batmobile (76112), the LEGO City Cargo Train (60198), or the LEGO City Passenger Train (60197) (each sold separately) to operate the motorized engines via Bluetooth controls, or use your imagination and build entirely new creations using LEGO Powered Up components and bring them to life by coding them. Make your models move and respond to real-world events.
The LEGO Powered Up app puts you in the driver’s seat of the awesome 4-wheel-drive Batmobile to speed through the streets of GOTHAM CITY™. Drive forwards, backwards, left and right… or pull 360-degree turns! You can even activate cool tricks and stunts as you become the Dark Knight and fight crime. You can customize and code your Batmobile tricks and choose your sounds and movements – pretty awesome!
The LEGO Powered Up app also controls LEGO trains to haul goods or pick up passengers around LEGO City. You can control the speed, change directions, and bring even more life to your play with various sounds such as a whistle, passenger announcement, railroad crossing bell, and more! The Bluetooth remote control app and the remote control handset included in the LEGO City train sets aren’t compatible with older infrared remote-controlled LEGO train sets.
Thanks to Powered Up components like hubs, motors, sensors, and lights you will be able to bring your customized creations to life. You can also bring your existing LEGO models to life.
Ask your parents’ permission before going online.
The LEGO Powered Up App Feature List
- Access control panels for DC Super Heroes App-Controlled Batmobile, LEGO City Cargo Train or LEGO City Passenger Train.
- Control speed and direction of LEGO vehicles with a variety of exciting interfaces.
- Add playful sounds and take your play to the next level.
- Use LEGO Powered Up hardware components in your customized models to bring them to life!
- Code movements and sounds for your models to create real-life behaviors.
- Simple, easy-to-understand programming language based on drag’n’drop coding.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2019 The LEGO Group
Новая система Powered UP! — Ответы на вопросы AFOL-сообщества
Модератор: Stenly
Новая система Powered UP! — Ответы на вопросы AFOL-сообщества
С запуском электрических элементов Powered UP! в новых поездах 60197 и 60198 в фан-сообществе появилось много вопросов, связанных с новой системой и ее местом относительно системы Power Functions. Мы публикуем ответы на широкий круг вопросов, заданных амбассадорами.
Общие характеристики платформы/деталей
Powered UP – это одно большое семейство электрических элементов с новыми коннекторами (включая Boost и WeDo 2.0) или же это брендовое название новых моторов для поездов и таких наборов, как новый Бэтмобиль на радиоуправлении?
Powered UP – это новая строительная платформа с использованием электрических элементов. В ее основе – 2 основных типа связи: новый коннектор для подключения проводов и беспроводное управление через блютуз. Беспроводной обмен данными используется как между элементами Powered UP, так и между элементами и смарт-устройствами. На данный момент платформа Powered UP задействована в следующих продуктах: WeDo 2.0, Boost, поезда CITY, поезда DUPLO и Бэтмобиль.
Учитывая, что элементы Powered UP появились в наборе, посвященном Бэтмену, можем ли мы рассчитывать на повсеместное использование новых блоков и моторов во множестве других серий LEGO (большее разнообразие серий, чем это было с Power Functions)?
Система Powered UP была создана для того, чтобы заменить Power Functions. Проводное подключение предполагает намного более широкий набор функций и возможностей, а беспроводное соединение через блютуз лишено недостатков инфракрасных датчиков. В свою очередь, управление с помощью мобильных приложений дает огромный простор для игровых сценариев.
Неужели не было возможности сделать батарейные блоки с больши количеством портов, чем только два? Для многих идей и проектов два выхода – чудовищное ограничение (особенно, если речь про модели Technic).
Забегая вперед, мы можем заверить, что дальнейшее развитие платформы предполагает выпуск куда более широкого ассортимента элементов.
Появится ли новая платформа в наборах Technic? И если да, то как будет решена проблема двух портов?
Не вдаваясь в подробности будущих релизов, мы можем сейчас с уверенность сказать, что платформа Powered Up будет использоваться и в DUPLO, и в SYSTEM, и в Technic.
Существует ли возможно скреплять между собой коннекторы (как это возможно с Power Functions)?
Новые коннекторы не будут скрепляться друг с другом. Сама платформа предполагает, что на один выход/порт приходится только одна определенная функция, будь то мотор или сенсор.Например, любой элемент, подключенный к блоку, теперь может быть распознан автоматически. Если вы подключаете моторную тележку от поезда, то мобильное приложение само определит новое подключение как тележку. Это позволяет нам упростить игровой процесс для детей младшего возраста. Другое преимущество такого подхода – возможность оптимизации функциональности в зависимости от конкретного элемента. Например, моторная тележка или элементы освещения могут регулироваться плавно с помощью бегунков, тогда как М-мотор будет выдавать 100% мощности при нажатии на кнопку (это практично для д/у моделей)
Нас интересуют технические характеристики системы: максимальный ток на выходе, минимальный и максимальный вольтаж?
Подобные характеристики будут опубликованы до конца года.
Какие вид элементов питания использую батарейный блок и пульт?
Smart Hub 2 I/O (можно найти в поездах и Бэтмобиле) работает от 6 батареек типа ААА, а пульт управление – от 4 ААА.
Могут ли использоваться аккумуляторные элементы питания?
Нас интересует продолжительность игры от стандартных батареек по сравнению с системой PF. Потребляет ли новая платформа больше энергии?
Потребление осталось примерно на том же уровне, что и при использовании PF.
Будет ли когда-нибудь блок Smart Hub программируемым?
Прошивка большинства хабов может быть обновлена до последней версии. Для сравнения, хабы WeDo 2.0 обновляться не могут.
Где находится логический узел системы – в хабе, в смарт-девайсе или распределен между ними?
Он распределен между хабом и смарт-девайсом. Смартфон может получать информацию и передавать команды обратно в хаб. Логические цепочки могут быть запрограммированы внутри смарт-девайса. ПО для программирования будет представлено в будущем.Разумеется, внутри самого хаба недостаточно вычислительной мощности для полноценного управления всеми функциями без использования смарт-девайса. Мы обеспечиваем базовую функциональность внутри самого хаба, например, возможность регулировать скорость моторов при использовании с моделями Boost.
Насколько надежна новая платформа при одновременном использовании большого количества моторов?
Система Powered UP была создана с расчетом на использование в большых школьных аудиториях. Так, например, WeDo 2.0 без проблем справляется с 45 независимыми подключениями в одном помещении.
Будет ли предусмотрена возможность обновления по воздуху? Если да, можем ли мы расчитывать, что ПО однажды станет открытым на определенных условиях?
Большинство хабов поддерживают обновления. И наша цель – сделать спецификации интерфейса доступными для открытого использования. Больше подробностей появятся до конца этого года.
Сколько хабов я могу контролировать с одного пульта управления?
Вы можете подключить до 5 устройств (хабов или смарт-контроллеров).
Сколько хабов я могу контролировать с одного смартфона?
В определенной степени это будет зависеть от девайса. На устройствах с iOS максимальное количество на данный момент – 10 хабов, но мы рассчитываем увеличить его со временем.
Могу ли я синхронизировать хабы, используя пуль управления или смарт-приложение?
Вы можете использовать несколько хабов на одном и том же канале и управлять ими синхронно.
Как ведет себя моторная тележка от поезда в случае, если она оказывается за границей действия пульта управления?
Если хаб или пульт управления оказываются слишком далеко друг от друга и связь рвется, оба устройства входят в режим поиска подключения (индикатор мигает белым цветом). В этом случае мотор прекращает работу. Как только хаб и пульт управления снова оказываются в радиусе действия друг друга, связь восстанавливается автоматически.
Возможно ли выбрать сценарий поведения моторов в случае потери связи?
Нет, мотор будет выключаться автоматически в любом случае. Могу ли я подключить мотор и световые элементы в хаб и включать и выключать их без использования пульта или приложения?
Хаб — это лишь связующее звено между электрическим элементом и элементом управления.
Может ли хаб быть использован исключительно как источник питания (с возможностью включения/выключения мотора без дополнительного пульта управления)?
В данный момент хаб может только передавать и принимать сигналы и команды от пульта управления/мотора/датчика. Мы предполагаем добавление такой возможности в будущих прошивках.
Какой способ управления действует в большем радиусе — смартфон или стандартный пульт управления?
Радиус действия смартфона зависит от модели устройства. Тем не менее, оба способа управления должны иметь примерно одинаковый радиус действия.
Ситуация: у меня есть два поезда и два пульта управления. Я использую их в парах для управления двумя разными поездами. На ночь я выключаю все элементы. Как я могу быть уверен, что, включив оба поезда на следующий день, связи между парами “хаб-пульт” останутся теми же, что и вчера?
Когда хаб и пульт управления подключаются/сопрягаются первый раз, это соединение остается в памяти устройств даже после выключения (нажмите и удерживайте кнопку включения на хабе, что он вышел из сопряжения с пультом; нажмите и удерживайте кнопку включения на пульте управления, что удалить все сопряжения). Когда устройства будут включены обратно, связь между парами будет восстановлена автоматически. Если рассматривать ситуацию, описанную в вопросе, то достаточно включать связанные хаб и пульт управления одновременно.Примечание: для стирания памяти хаба достаточно выключить его, затем нажать и удерживать кнопку включения в течение 5 секунд. Индикатор начнет мигать фиолетовым цветом. Отпустите кнопку, готово!
Предусмотрена ли обратная совместимость новой системы и старых элементов PF?
Разъемы обеих систем не совместимы друг с другом.
Если совместимости нет, то почему нарушается принцип “все кубики ЛЕГО могут быть использованы друг с другом”?
Цель новой платформы — расширить возможности игры, используя в том числе и смарт-девайсы.
Будут ли элементы новой платформы совместимы с MINDSTORMS?
Такая совместимость не предусмотрена. Примечание: возможность частичного подключения доступна при помощи ряда модификаций.
Могу ли я апгрейдить старые наборы при помощи новых элементов?
Ответ на этот вопрос зависит от множества факторов. Например, использование систему Powered UP в старых поездах не должно быть проблемой: размер всех элементов остался прежним.
Могу ли синхронизировать две моторные тележки, чтобы два локомотива тянули большое количество вагонов?
Если подключить по мотору в каждый порт хаба, то для управления ими придется нажимать обе кнопки на пульте одновременно.Если установить два или больше хабов в один поезд и настроить их на один канал, то будет возможно управлять до 5 моторными тележками одновременно, при условии что все они подключены в соответствующие порты каждого хаба.
Могу ли я управлять двумя моторами с одного пульта, если я хочу, чтобы полярность одного из моторов была изменена?
“Полярность” мотора можно поменять, всего лишь развернув круглую панель с кнопками на самом пульте управления.
При разработке новой системы проводились ли консультации с фан-сообществом? Если нет, то почему?
При переходе от PF к Powered UP мы старались соблюсти баланс между потребностями всех, кто так или иначе взаимодействует с ЛЕГО, включая образовательные учреждения. В процессе работы над новой системой мы провели ряд мастер-классов и встреч с фанатами ЛЕГО поездов, чтобы убедиться, что новая система позволит поддержать их увлечение. Платформа позволяет избавиться от необходимости находиться в зоне прямой видимости приемника для управления поездом, а также работает на большем удалении, с большим количеством каналов. Мы и впредь планируем работать с фан-сообществом любителей поездов при разработке обновлений системы.
Будет ли производство элементов PF остановлено полностью?
Со временем система Powered UP полностью заменит старые PF-детали.
Исчезнут ли элементы PF из продажи единовременно? Известна ли дата прекращения продаж?
Несмотря на то, что наборы с PF постепенно уйдут из производства, сами элементы системы будут доступны для покупки в течение какого-то времени.
Последний раз редактировалось Shurik Ср авг 08, 2018 8:18 am, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Причина: Changed by NCS
This page is created to collect and share the latest information about the LEGO® Powered Up platform.
The LEGO Powered Up system is the successor of the LEGO Power Functions system. It uses Bluetooth connection instead of infrared, it can use sensors and interactive motors besides the lights and standard motors. LEGO Boost offers a complete visual programming environment in the Boost app, some programming elements are also available in the Powered Up app. LEGO Control+ is the name for the app dedicated to the Technic sets using the new components. The new system uses a mobile/tablet application for control and there’s a 2 channel physical remote controller available as well. The connectors are not compatible with the Power Functions system therefore it is not possible to connect any of the Power Functions motors/lights/etc. It is possible however to control the IR receiver from the Powered Up app with the help of the Color & Distance sensor. The educational Spike Prime set also uses components that use the same Powered Up connector, although it has its own Scratch-based coding environment. The new 51515 Mindstorms Robot Inventor set also uses compatible hardware.
The future of Power Functions
Power Functions was discontinued at the end of 2020 with the following exceptions:
- 8878 Power Functions Rechargeable battery box → Exited 31.12.2018
- 45517 Transformer 10V DC → Exits 31.12.2021
Useful links
Powered Up vs. Control+
The app that controls the sets 42099 X-Treme Off-Roader, the 42100 Liebherr R9800 and the 42109 App-Controlled Top Gear Rally Car and other Technic sets is called Control+. This is the set-specific app for Technic, but it only has controls for the specific models and there are no customization options built in.
The hub and the motors in these sets also belong to the Powered Up family (sometimes called Power Functions 2 or PF2), so they share the same port and protocol like the Powered Up, Boost, Spike Prime or 51515 Mindstorms sets. The app that has and will have the ability to control all these elements is the Powered Up app. It has some set-specific control interfaces for the non-Technic sets (e.g. trains, App-controlled Batmobile etc.), but the main feature is the free play coding area where the components can be controlled with Boost-style program blocks. The 3.5.0 update of the Powered Up app brought us the first iteration of the customizable control interface.
Sets available with Powered Up components
Powered Up components available separately
- similar to the 8870 Power Functions light, except for the new connector and a new style of splitter part in the middle without studs
- can be fully controlled with the Boost app, it has 2 independent inner motors, 2 external ports for motors/sensors and a built-in tilt sensor
- can be used to detect 6 different colors, light intensity and object distance, it can be also used to control the Power Functions IR receiver from the app
- it has speed / power control and relative position reporting, that means it can report the current position compared to the relative zero which is by default the position where it was turned on
- can be controlled with the Powered Up app, the size is identical to the 88000 Power Functions AAA battery box, also needs 6 AAA batteries to operate, it has 2 external ports for motors / sensors
- it can connect to the 88009 hub, connects up to 5 different hubs giving access to different 10 channels
- similar to the 88002 Power Functions train motor except for the new style connector, this motor has only power control
- similar to the 8883 Power Functions Medium motor, except for the new style connector, it has 4 studs on the top-front part and only has 3 pin holes for connection on the front (the top one is missing), this motor has only power control
- It has a new form factor, it has an absolute encoder meaning there’s a hardware zero position that the motor can use for various functions, e.g. for acting like a servo motor
- It has a new form factor, it has an absolute encoder meaning there’s a hardware zero position that the motor can use for various functions, e.g. for acting like a servo motor
- This hub appeared in 42099 & 42109, 42100 has two of them, it has 4 ports and it is powered by 6 AA batteries. It has a built-in gyroscope.
- Available in the Spike Prime set, this motor has an absolute encoder
- Available in the Spike Prime set (and will be available in the 51515 Mindstorms Robot inventor set in a different color), this motor has an absolute encoder
- It measures pressures of up to 10 Newtons (~1kg), also works as a touch sensor with pressed/released/bumped detection
- Sound wave sensor features 1-200cm range with +/- 1cm accuracy
- It also has a built-in 6 pin connector for 3rd/DIY peripherals
- Detects colors, measures intensity of reflected white light and ambient light
- 6 input/output ports
- 5×5 LED light matrix display
- speaker
- 6-axis gyroscope
- rechargeable battery
- microUSB port
- Boost app with 88006 Boost hub
- controls the 88008 Medium Linear Motor, 88007 Color & Distance Sensor
- also controls the hub’s two internal motors, can use them as an input and can use the hub’s internal tilt sensor as an input
- does not work with the 88005 LED Light, 88011 Train Motor, 45303 Simple Medium Linear Motor
- it cannot connect to the 88009 Hub
- Batmobile sub-app
- controls the 88011 Train Motor, 45303 Simple Medium Linear Motor, 88008 Medium Linear Motor
- does not work with the 88005 LED Light and 88007 Color & Distance Sensor
- it connects to the 88006 Boost hub and controls the two internal motors (A & B outputs)
- controls the 88011 Train Motor and 88005 LED Light (only one motor and one light, does not work with 2 motors / 2 lights)
- does not work with the 45303 Simple Medium Linear Motor, 88008 Medium Linear Motor and 88007 Color & Distance Sensor
- it connects to the 88006 Boost hub and controls one train motor and one light connected to the 2 external outputs (C & D)
- controls the 88011 Train Motor, 45303 Simple Medium Linear Motor, 88008 Medium Linear Motor, 88005 LED Light, can use the 88007 Color & Distance Sensor
- It can also connect to the Boost hub and control the internal motors and connected peripherals
- it can connect to 4 different hubs simultaneously
- it can use the WeDo 2.0 sensors (tilt and distance) connected to both hubs (Boost and PU)
- It can use the 88010 Remote Control as an input device
- It has a simple 2 slider + 3 button customizable interface and a joystick / turbo button + 3 button interface.
- It connects to the 88009 Hub and can control the two outputs, can be used e.g. with the Batmobile and the trains but also other custom creations.
- Different motors have different control options – for the train motor the up/down buttons increments through 10 speed settings, for the medium motors it offers a “bang-bang” style control, they only have zero or full power state.
- Can connect to the Boost hub and control either the two internal motors or motors connected to the C & D ports
- The Control+ app only offers an interface to control the Technic sets equipped with Powered Up hardware. There’s no possibility to customize it, the Powered Up app has this ability.
3rd party applications compatible with Powered Up
- BrickController 2
- This application is designed to use a gamepad connected to the mobile device and control the following units: Power Functions infrared, Powered Up, BuWizz, SBrick. Video demonstration available here.
- The app can fully control the current range of motors with the AAA and the AA hub as well, including proper servo support with calibration and custom zero position.
- The BuWizz app can connect to the Technic (AA) hub. It offers classic motor speed control, does not have yet the ability to control the L and XL motors as a return to center servo.
My Powered Up video playlist (tutorials & guides)
My playlist with the Control+ sets (reviews and upgrades)
LEGO has a long history of innovation with mechanical, motorized, and programmable products. LEGO has shifted almost all of their electronic products to the new “Powered Up” interface—let’s take a closer look at the full range of components!
April 21, 2022: Also check out our in-depth reviews of:
Both of these reviews allow you to see how Powered Up accessories work when building your own creations.
Table of Contents:
In recent years, they have also introduced simpler Bluetooth-connected products as part of their LEGO ‘Technic’ and ‘System’ product lines, which allow you to control motors and lights using a Phone or Tablet.
You can also use Powered Up Motors using the Bluetooth Speed Remote instead of a Phone or Tablet. More recently, they introduced the Technic Battery Box, which allows you to control two motors without a Bluetooth device at all.
Confusing product names…
Most consumer-facing communications calls it simply “Powered Up”, but technical documentation often describes this connector as “LEGO Power Functions 2.0” (or abbreviated as “LPF2”).I suspect LPF2 is the Engineering team’s internal name, and the Powered Up terminology was created later by the LEGO Marketing team.
LEGO Brick Labels is a collection of around 1500 Labels for the most common LEGO parts. It includes labels for most LEGO Technic pieces, but I’ve avoided electronic components until now…
The latest version includes labels for these Powered Up components.
To celebrate the transition to the new Powered Up system, I’ve added labels for these Powered Up components to LEGO Brick Labels v36 or newer.
Now that The LEGO Group has completed their transition to the Powered Up system, we have a robust selection of hubs, motors, and accessories:
- Hubs – Powered-up Hubs provide power to motors and accessories. Most allow you to run a program provided by the LEGO group for a specific set, or to write your own custom apps.
- Motors – Powered-up Motors add motion to your creations. They come in a range of sizes and features, and some are optimized for building System models (studded connections) while others are optimized for building Technic models.
- Sensors – Powered-up Sensors allow your program to respond to the environment. Some of the high-end hubs have some sensors built in, and additional sensors can be attached via the Powered Up connection.
- Accessories – There are a few lights you can attach to your model, as well as a Bluetooth remote if you do not want to use your phone or PC.
Now, let’s look at all of these components in a lot more detail!
Powered Up Hubs
All of the motors and sensors in this guide require a Powered-Up hub to get things moving (and to write custom programs).
Powered Up hubs vary in some important ways:
- Physical Size – The smallest hub is 7×5×4 and the largest is 7×11×4.
- Number of ports – With more ports, you can connect more sensors and motors.
- Power Source – What type of battery does it use, and how many.
- Voltage – This depends on the number of batteries used, or the design of the rechargeable battery pack.
- Bluetooth (BT) – You can connect most of these hubs to your Phone, Tablet, or PC by installing the appropriate app on your device.
- USB – You can connect the hub to your PC using USB.
- Autonomous – Programs can be uploaded to the Hub, allowing it to take actions without being connected to another device.
All of these hubs (except the Battery Box) allow you to create a program which causes your machine to take actions, often in response to information received by one or more sensors.
Using the software provided by LEGO, the program you write (using your Phone, Tablet or PC) will only continue to run when it remains connected to the Hub via Bluetooth. When using the official Spike or Mindstorms apps provided by The LEGO Group, the Large or Small Intelligent Hub also allow you to send your program to the hub and have it continue to run ‘autonomously’ after disconnecting from Bluetooth.
The unofficial PyBricks firmware enables autonomous programs using other Bluetooth hubs on this list.
Raspberry Pi Build Hat
In addition to using these official LEGO products to control your LEGO Powered Up accessories, The LEGO Group partnered with Raspberry Pi to produce the LEGO Build Hat — allowing you to attach up to four motors and/or sensors to a massively more powerful Raspberry Pi 4 microcomputer.
Large Intelligent Hub (2020) vs. EV3 Intelligent Brick (2013)
- Size – The newer hub is about ½ the size & weight of the older EV3 hub.
- OS – The newer hub uses a lightweight embedded OS which boots almost instantly, while the older EV3 hub runs Linux and takes 30-seconds to boot.
- CPU – The newer hub has a slower CPU than the older EV3.
⅓ of the raw Clock Speed, but about ½ the speed when benchmarked due to newer CPU architecture. - RAM – The newer hub has 1/200 as much RAM.
But it is on the CPU die and likely very fast. - Screen – The new hub has a bright 5×5 pixel screen, while the older EV3 hub has a dim black-and-white 178×128 pixel LCD display.
- Battery – The newer hub uses a compact Lithium-ion battery, whereas the older EV3 hub uses four AA batteries.
From a supply-chain management perspective, it makes no sense for them to use different chips for the processing and storage. Having the same chipset also reduces software development costs in maintaining the firmware, and the LEGO Education Spike app. (It also sets them up to replace LEGO Boost with a consumer-facing “Mindstorms Lite” product if they want to…)
Powered Up Motors
There are seven standalone motors offered so far, plus the two motors that are “built in” to the Boost Hub. It would be reasonable to assume that the motors only differ by shape and power, but the truth is a bit more complicated. The table below highlights the technical capabilities of each motor.
Powered Up motors differ in several important ways:
- Physical Size – The smallest motor is 3×3×6 and the largest is 5×5×8.
- Motor Strength – Smaller motors have less power.
- Connections – The Boost, WeDo 2.0, and Train motors have traditional LEGO System ‘stud’ connections, whereas the other motors have LEGO Technic ‘pin’ connections.
- Motor Orientation – Some motors connect at the end, and others connect along the side.
- Speed Control – The “Simple” motors rotate more slowly as the batteries become depleted, whereas Speed Control motors try to adjust for the decrease in voltage.
- Rotation Sensor – Relative position is communicated back to the hub as the motor rotates.
- Absolute Position – The motor can rotate to a specific angle, and the current angle is communicated to the hub
- Zero Position Indicator – 0° direction is labeled on the motor.
Part Number Part Name (Year) Size Conn. Orient. Spd. Ctrl. Rot. Sensor Abs. Pos. 0° Ind.
21980(WeDo 2.0) Simple Med. Motor (2016) 3×3×6 System End No No n/a n/a
bb0893c01 / 26913(Boost) Med. Motor (2017) 4×3×6 System End Yes Yes No n/a
bb0959c01 / 22169Technic Lg. Motor (2019) 3×4×8 Technic End Yes Yes Yes No
bb0960c01 / 22172Technic XL. Motor (2019) 5×5×8 Technic End Yes Yes Yes No
68488Sm. Angular Motor (2021) 3×4×5 Technic Side Yes Yes Yes Yes
54696Med. Angular Motor (2020) 3×4×9 Technic Side Yes Yes Yes Yes
54675Lg. Angular Motor (2020) 5×4×9 Technic Side Yes Yes Yes Yes
bb0896c01 / 28740Simple Train Motor (2018) 4×2½×10 System Sides No No n/a n/a Powered Up Sensors & Accessories
You will need some sensors when designing and building programmable robots. The LEGO System-based sensors were introduced with WeDo 2.0 Core Set (2016 – now retired) and are also used in Boost (2017). The Technic sensors were introduced with the Spike Prime Set (2020).
Part Number Name (Year) Size Conn. 20844 Motion Sensor (2016) 2×4 System 20841 Tilt Sensor (2016) 2×4 System bb0891c01 / 26912 Color amp; Distance Sensor (2017) 2×4×2 System 37308 Color Sensor (2020) 3×3×3 Technic 37316 Distance Sensor (2020) 3×7×4 Technic 37312 Force Sensor (2020) 3×3×5 Technic In addition to sensors, you might want these accessories to complement your build.
The following is not meant to be an exhaustive catalog of sets containing one or more of these Powered Up parts. Instead, I’ve focused on the most common sets where you can purchase each of the hubs highlighted in this guide.
Having spent time with almost all of the Powered Up products listed on this page, I am happy to report that the system works pretty well.
Most importantly, The LEGO Group has converged on a single interface to use across all of their motorized and programmable products, so motors from a non-programmable product can finally be used with a programmable hub without an adapter.
That said, I wanted to call out a few key concerns with the system:
- Higher cost – The LEGO Group seems to be pricing Powere Up parts and sets containing them a bit higher than the Power Functions components which they replace.
- Increased risk of obsolescence – Many of these sets will only work as long as the apps which they connect to continue to work. The LEGO Group has committed to supporting the “Powered Up” for a long time (but it’s hard to believe that the app will still be available to download in 20 years).
- Non-reversible connectors – A reversible connector would be a lot less frustrating. In fact, why not use the industry standard USB-C connector both to connect the hub to your PC, and to connect motors and accessories.
- Continuous power – AFOLs who need to run motors for many hours at a convention need to power their devices off of mains power. There aren’t any official ways to do this — even the Intelligent Hubs with a USB port can not power motors directly from a USB power source.
Ultimately, Powered Up works pretty well in most scenarios, and many of the outstanding issues can be fixed without creating (yet another) new interface. As such, I think Powered Up is here to stay for at least 10 years, and that’s not a bad thing.
What have you learned? What are you trying to build using Powered Up components? I’d love to know, so leave a comment below!
In future updates to this article, I’m planning to add a compatibility column to these tables explaining which sensors/accessories are compatible with each hub and their associated software apps (including 3rd party apps and firmware).
9 Responses
Thanks for the valuable information you share!
I would like to ask you if the following Lego Powered Up parts are compatible with the WeDo 2.0 hub (45301):
Single motor: 88008
Train motor: 88011
Technical motor: 88013
Remote control: 88010
My question about its compatibility is regarding:
1.- the cables and connectors of the parts to the hub and
2.- the use of the WeDo 2.0 app for the operation (program) of these Powered Up parts with the Hub 45301.
In case those Powered Up parts are NOT compatible with the WeDo 2.0 Hub (45301):
3.- are they all compatible with the Powered Up Hub 88009?
4.- Is the app used to program WeDo 2.0 different from the one used to Powered Up?
Thankful for your replyTom Alphin says:
I do not have a WeDo hub so I am not able to validate this. What I can say is that not every motor or sensor is supported by every app, and since WeDo 2.0 is a retired product, I doubt the supporting app has been updated to add support for newly released components.Best of luck!
—tom1. Yes, connectors will fit
2. No, they will not be supported by the WeDo app (you can, however, modify the train motor by soldering a resistor inside, so that it is recognized by the WeDo hub as a WeDo motor).
3. They are all compatible with the 88009. All except the remote are compatible also with the 4-port Technic Hub.
4. Yes.On top of that, besides WeDo being retired, WeDo hub is the only one without ability to update the internal firmware, so no compatibility updates hub-wise ever happened – they were simply impossible.
Tom Alphin says:
This is super useful information for folks trying to use the retired WeDo hub with modern motors.(I did mention that the 3rd party PyBricks firmware is not compatible with WeDo, but didn’t realize that it doesn’t support even minor firmware updates from The LEGO Group.)
Hi Tom, thanks for your great article. Quick question; I’ve got the Lego Robot Inventor and I’ve also got the Powered Up Light, any ideas how to control the light within the Mindstorms Programming blocks?
Tom Alphin says:
You may not be able to use the Powered Up light in that application – they are compatible electronically, but the actual app needs to be updated to support each accessory.
Great summary! Wish I’d found this first, because the terminology is confusing and this is very clear (I’m still not sure what Connect+ is).
Can I use all of the PUP motors and sensors with all of the hubs? And sense/control them with the Powered Up App?
ThanksTom Alphin says:
All of the Powered Up accessories are electrically compatible with all of the hubs (except WeDo 2.0 hub). That doesn’t mean that the official apps will work for every accessory with every hub, but from what I learned, 3rd party apps will allow you to use all of the accessories.
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Читайте также:
Official applications available
App/hub/remote connection options
With the current Boost application it is only possible to connect to a single hub. With the 3.0 release of the Powered Up app it is possible to connect to 4 different hubs simultaneously, they can be different types (Boost / Technic / City). With the remote it is possible connect to 5 different hubs so there are 10 channels to control. Each hub will be color coded, it is possible to switch between them with the press of the green button on the remote. It is also possible to assign multiple hubs to the same channel of the remote, so multiple hubs (outputs) can be controlled with the same button on the remote. Example and pairing process is demonstrated in this video.