Lego pirates of the caribbean 3ds
It's the best game on the 3DS I've ever played and the mix of LEGO and Pirates of the Caribbean, the gameplay, the atmosphere and the story is nearly perfect. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean, then this one is a no-brainer.
This is a fun and well-built adventure which knows how to use the 3D effect. A good start for licensed games on the system, providing a very enjoyable experience, although with no multiplayer.
The 3D really is a big addition in this case, as well, allowing you to see environments more clearly and complete jumps that would otherwise be much more difficult. And with the small number of 3DS games on the market right now, you could certainly do worse than LEGO Pirates.
There's nothing in here that transforms the LEGO experience for the better or worse, but it may be the best Pirates of the Caribbean game produced thus far.
A fun, if incredibly easy, single-player action game for the Nintendo 3DS which actually makes good use of the 3D. If you are looking for a fun diversion on your new handheld, it's a game that may very well fit the bill.
Whilst LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game has some fantastic ideas included that help make it appeal to all audiences, at the same time there is far too much retreading of old ground during the adventure and the overall challenge is considerably lacking, thus relegating this to a 'rent first' type of game.
I fully realize this is for the younger gamer that enjoys more collection/customization, but I expected just a bit more action in this game like I experienced in the console versions. The modifications and cuts from the bigger console versions really made a difference, as there is just a bit more 'dull' in the 3DS version. It's still fun, but not as fun as it could be.
An enjoyable addition to the series and a fun experience. The level design and lack of difficulty make this particularly suitable for less experienced or casual gamers while potentially disenchanting seasoned players.
As far as film tie-ins go, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean is easily one of the better ones, but it's doesn't compare so well to the other Lego tie-ins.
In general, this portable version of Pirates of the Caribbean is a good game, full of memorable moments for those who know the movies, with even some references loaded with humor. Although it has plenty of incentive to prolong the game, the adventure is too short, and essentially devoid of challenge.
As expected, it's a fun game for children, but the problem is that the formula begins to show its age and the experience is too limited.
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User Reviews
Mixed or average reviews - based on 24 Ratings
The game is actually pretty good, a noticeable improvement in graphics, gameplay, and sound over Lego Star Wars III, which I also own. Looking The game is actually pretty good, a noticeable improvement in graphics, gameplay, and sound over Lego Star Wars III, which I also own. Looking forward to Harry Potter on the 3DS this fall! … Full Review »
Seriously, one of the most surprising games on the 3DS. Also surprising, how good the subtle 3D works. It makes the graphics look better than Seriously, one of the most surprising games on the 3DS. Also surprising, how good the subtle 3D works. It makes the graphics look better than PS2 and even the gameplay is just as smooth. It's very easy though when it comes to combat, but this isn't a hack n slash, it's about exploration, and the free play sure as all lets you do that. If youre into exploration in platformers, get this game. Only negative being that it's very easy. … Full Review »
«…Пустота LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean особо остро чувствуется из-за недавнего релиза LEGO Star Wars 3. Нам предлагают купить ту же самую игру, только с измененными декорациями: вместо световых мечей герои отчаянно машут обычными, вместо бластеров — допо
Этот текст хотелось бы начать с минутки фантазии. Представьте игру LEGO Titanic: герой Ди Каприо, покрываясь потом, держит под лиричную симфонию пластиковую Кейт Уинслет, фигурка Кейт падает на нижнюю палубу под аккомпанемент закадрового смеха и звука распадающихся лего-монеток. Представьте LEGO Saw: превозмогающий себя безымянный пластиковый персонаж натужно отпиливает себе ногу, чтобы освободиться из оков и остаться в живых, — и лишь потом до него доходит, что все конечности лего-человечков легко отсоединяются и без помощи пилы. LEGO Matrix: кукольный Нео, осознав себя как Избранного, потехи ради начинает превращать агента Смита в дроида R2D2 из «Звездных войн», Коротышку из «Индианы Джонса» или Доби из «Гарри Поттера». И это, если честно, не столько забавно, сколько страшно: потому что, судя по LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, все это в ближайшем будущем может стать реальностью.
• С 2005 года соотношение пластиковых деталей и более-менее реалистичных задников несколько сместилось. И то плюс.
Traveller’s Tales оказались для игровой индустрии чем-то вроде Курта Кобейна — они изобрели целый жанр лего-игр, в котором кинооперы с многомиллионным бюджетом разыгрываются в форме копеечной пантомимы маленьких пластиковых человечков. Но изобрести-то изобрели, однако развивать и продвигать жанр вроде как и некому, кроме самих Traveller’s Tales. И если в случае с основателем гранжа тому помешал выстрел из дробовика в голову, то в случае с TT им мешает лишь собственная лень, боязнь кардинальных изменений и жесткий рабочий график, не оставляющий времени на творчество.
Пустота LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean особо остро чувствуется из-за недавнего релиза LEGO Star Wars 3. Нам предлагают купить ту же самую игру, только с измененными декорациями: вместо световых мечей герои отчаянно машут обычными, вместо бластеров — допотопные пистолеты, вместо футуристического транспорта вроде AT-ST — ослы и козы. Порою чувство дежавю просто сводит с ума: 2005 год чувствуется и в уже давно приевшихся ужимках персонажей, и в почти не изменившейся механике, и во все том же звуке, с которым миллиард мелких лего-монеток заполняет ваши виртуальные кошельки.
И все бы это можно было простить, если бы Traveller’s Tales делали хоть какие-то потуги к развитию серии собственных лего-игр. Однако от LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean за километр веет амбре шестилетней давности. С каждой новой игрой от TT рецензии на их игры напоминают перечень куцего списка тех микроскопических изменений, на которые у разработчиков хватило духу и времени. Так, здесь появились уровни, где героям нужно плавать под водой, Джек Воробей с помощью своего компаса может отыскивать тайники на некоторых этапах, а Уилл Тернер — кидаться топорами. Признаться, порою сравнение двух последних игр Traveller’s Tales затягивает похлеще детсадовских головоломок типа «найди десять отличий».
Самое обидное, что во всем этом списке изменений отчаянно не хватает того, что действительно нужно серии. Особо остро чувствуется это в отсутствие сетевого кооперативного режима. Лего-игры критически важно проходить не в гордом одиночестве, а с приятелем под боком. И отсутствие поддержки кооператива по сети даже в свете дебютировавшего в LEGO Star Wars 3 split-screen здорово раздражает: ведь отнюдь не всегда напарник оказывается с вами в одной комнате, чтобы скоротать пару часов за одной клавиатурой или перед одним телевизором с консолью.
Однако все это брюзжание не должно оставить у вас неверного представления о LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean. Все-таки это лего-игра, сделанная по всем ГОСТ-стандартам Traveller’s Tales: здесь есть незамысловатые пазлы со сборкой и разборкой лего-инвентаря; здесь есть наркотически привязчивое коллекционирование миллиардов лего-монеток и сотни новых персонажей; здесь есть простой и от души приятный платформер с использованием особенностей уникальных персонажей. В конце концов, здесь есть Джонни Депп, который прыгает в пасть огромному Кракену не с мечом в руках, а с зубной щеткой.
Но все же этого мало. Дважды повторенная шутка не становится в два раза смешней, а уж игровая механика, которую практически без изменений эксплуатируют на протяжении шести лет, и подавно.
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Having loved many of the previous Lego interpretations of classic films, and also loving the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, I expected to adore this game. Perhaps I set my expectations a little too high, because what I got was a good, but not great platformer. The graphics are as pretty as ever, and all the characters look right, but the problem comes from the fact that barely any of Having loved many of the previous Lego interpretations of classic films, and also loving the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, I expected to adore this game. Perhaps I set my expectations a little too high, because what I got was a good, but not great platformer. The graphics are as pretty as ever, and all the characters look right, but the problem comes from the fact that barely any of the environments are made of Lego themselves, or if they are they donâ … Expand
As a fan of the films, I didn't really enjoy this. The cutscenes were very funny and the 3d effect looks very good but the gameplay is far too repetitive and the game is a bit too short despite spanning 4 films.
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
A Bunch of busy work.
LEGO Pirates tells the story of the first 4 pirates of the Caribbean movies and is hands down the most boring lego game I’ve ever played I’m a decent fan of the pirates movies.. I enjoy their stories and characters… what I’m not a fan of however is lego games… but at least past lego games have been a little Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
A Bunch of busy work.
LEGO Pirates tells the story of the first 4 pirates of the Caribbean movies and is hands down the most boring lego game I’ve ever played
I’m a decent fan of the pirates movies.. I enjoy their stories and characters…
what I’m not a fan of however is lego games…
but at least past lego games have been a little engaging.
This one is just a bunch of boring chores…
like every lego game you control multiple characters at once…
and you can play local co-op…
break things to build things and collect studs…
LEGO pirates though is more about finding than it is building though…
Specifically when you have jack sparrow in your crew as he has a compass that will take you to an item you need to bring to someone else to get them to join your crew or pick up and place somewhere on the map to continue the story..
This monotonous item hunting is the entire game…
its 8 and a half hours of boring finding items and trading items…
There are a few short lived fun moments in the game that I feel should’ve been used more like rolling around in a ball cage or using the underwater barrels…
but these moments make up a grand total of about 5 minutes…
the rest of the game is aimlessly breaking things or throwing items at targets while a bunch of annoying enemies slash at you…
there are boss battles here too.. Also boring…
chasing characters around a map and mashing the attack button while your crew pretends to be helping. but they’re not.
they’re useless throughout the entire game…
they won’t pull switches, they won’t stay in positions you place them…
it’s annoying having to manage them in moments you need them to stay still..
Of course I’m thankful for them following me during the few platforming sections and I need their skill to repair something or I need their saber to pull a lever and they’re right there.
but this game definitely needed an option of making a character stay put…
I would’ve thought that maybe this game could’ve been saved by the story and charm of the characters.. But this isn’t the case either as the story telling was awful too… I had no idea what was going on. and again. I’ve seen the movies…
LEGO pirates of the Caribbean is the weakest lego game I’ve played to date…
I’m waiting for one to change my mind…
but this wasn’t it..
I give Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
a 5/10 … Expand
It's the best game on the 3DS I've ever played and the mix of LEGO and Pirates of the Caribbean, the gameplay, the atmosphere and the story is nearly perfect. If you like Pirates of the Caribbean, then this one is a no-brainer.
The 3D really is a big addition in this case, as well, allowing you to see environments more clearly and complete jumps that would otherwise be much more difficult. And with the small number of 3DS games on the market right now, you could certainly do worse than LEGO Pirates.
An enjoyable addition to the series and a fun experience. The level design and lack of difficulty make this particularly suitable for less experienced or casual gamers while potentially disenchanting seasoned players.
Whilst LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game has some fantastic ideas included that help make it appeal to all audiences, at the same time there is far too much retreading of old ground during the adventure and the overall challenge is considerably lacking, thus relegating this to a 'rent first' type of game.
In general, this portable version of Pirates of the Caribbean is a good game, full of memorable moments for those who know the movies, with even some references loaded with humor. Although it has plenty of incentive to prolong the game, the adventure is too short, and essentially devoid of challenge.
User Reviews
The game is actually pretty good, a noticeable improvement in graphics, gameplay, and sound over Lego Star Wars III, which I also own. Looking The game is actually pretty good, a noticeable improvement in graphics, gameplay, and sound over Lego Star Wars III, which I also own. Looking forward to Harry Potter on the 3DS this fall! … Expand
If you like pirates of the caribbean and Lego games you will love this . Great graphics and fun to play lots of collectables and characters to unlock.
Seriously, one of the most surprising games on the 3DS. Also surprising, how good the subtle 3D works. It makes the graphics look better than Seriously, one of the most surprising games on the 3DS. Also surprising, how good the subtle 3D works. It makes the graphics look better than PS2 and even the gameplay is just as smooth. It's very easy though when it comes to combat, but this isn't a hack n slash, it's about exploration, and the free play sure as all lets you do that. If youre into exploration in platformers, get this game. Only negative being that it's very easy. … Expand
Having loved many of the previous Lego interpretations of classic films, and also loving the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, I expected to Having loved many of the previous Lego interpretations of classic films, and also loving the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, I expected to adore this game. Perhaps I set my expectations a little too high, because what I got was a good, but not great platformer. The graphics are as pretty as ever, and all the characters look right, but the problem comes from the fact that barely any of the environments are made of Lego themselves, or if they are they donâ … Expand
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
A Bunch of busy work.
LEGO Pirates tells the story of the first 4 pirates of the Caribbean Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
A Bunch of busy work.
LEGO Pirates tells the story of the first 4 pirates of the Caribbean movies and is hands down the most boring lego game I’ve ever played
I’m a decent fan of the pirates movies.. I enjoy their stories and characters…
what I’m not a fan of however is lego games…
but at least past lego games have been a little engaging.
This one is just a bunch of boring chores…
like every lego game you control multiple characters at once…
and you can play local co-op…
break things to build things and collect studs…
LEGO pirates though is more about finding than it is building though…
Specifically when you have jack sparrow in your crew as he has a compass that will take you to an item you need to bring to someone else to get them to join your crew or pick up and place somewhere on the map to continue the story..
This monotonous item hunting is the entire game…
its 8 and a half hours of boring finding items and trading items…
There are a few short lived fun moments in the game that I feel should’ve been used more like rolling around in a ball cage or using the underwater barrels…
but these moments make up a grand total of about 5 minutes…
the rest of the game is aimlessly breaking things or throwing items at targets while a bunch of annoying enemies slash at you…
there are boss battles here too.. Also boring…
chasing characters around a map and mashing the attack button while your crew pretends to be helping. but they’re not.
they’re useless throughout the entire game…
they won’t pull switches, they won’t stay in positions you place them…
it’s annoying having to manage them in moments you need them to stay still..
Of course I’m thankful for them following me during the few platforming sections and I need their skill to repair something or I need their saber to pull a lever and they’re right there.
but this game definitely needed an option of making a character stay put…
I would’ve thought that maybe this game could’ve been saved by the story and charm of the characters.. But this isn’t the case either as the story telling was awful too… I had no idea what was going on. and again. I’ve seen the movies…
LEGO pirates of the Caribbean is the weakest lego game I’ve played to date…
I’m waiting for one to change my mind…
but this wasn’t it..
I give Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
a 5/10 … Expand
A mi casi siempre me parecen divertidos los juegos de LEGO. Pero este es Malisimo. Jugabilidad(0): el control no es incomodo. Pero a la A mi casi siempre me parecen divertidos los juegos de LEGO. Pero este es Malisimo. Jugabilidad(0): el control no es incomodo. Pero a la hora de luchar aprietas para pegar con la espada dos veces y ya lo matas. Ademas el juego es super corto (dura como unas 9 horas). Son en total 16 niveles, que yo solo pase 8, porque me aburre jugarlo. Y cuando luchas con un, por decirle "Jefe", no es que luchas sino que tienes que apretar el boton A o B rapido, bueno "rapido". A la velocidad de una tortuga. Es demasiado facil. Tecnologia(2): le doy 2 porque no tiene tan malos graficos Graficos(6.5): no son malos pero tampoco buenos Sonido: el sonido es muy bueno. se escucha bastante bien sin auriculares. lo mejor del juego Innovacion: nada de innovacion, nada. … Expand
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is the ninth LEGO video game to be made and the seventh Pirates of the Caribbean video game (fourth console video game).
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean was announced in May 2010, by Traveller's Tales Jon Burton, and on November 18, 2010, by Traveller's Tales Mark Stone. The game follows the previous LEGO video games: Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman and Harry Potter Years 1-4.
It was released on May 10, 2011, to coincide with the release of the fourth installment of the film series. It was developed by TT Games and distributed by Traveller's Tales and Disney Interactive for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable and Microsoft Windows.
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is based on the Pirates of the Caribbean Pirates of the Caribbean films: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man's Chest, At World's End, as well as On Stranger Tides, which was released May 20, 2011. It featured over 70 characters from the franchise, and its flagship drop-in, drop-out co-op gameplay. The 3DS version uses the StreetPass feature to activate sword fights.
Movies in the Game
The concept of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game came from the first four Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
Curse of the Black Pearl
- Chapter 1 - Port Royal
- Chapter 2 - Tortuga
- Chapter 3 - The Black Pearl Attacks
- Chapter 4 - Smuggler's Den (not in handheld versions)
- Chapter 5 - Isla de Muerta
Dead Man's Chest
- Chapter 1 - Pelegostos
- Chapter 2 - A Touch of Destiny (Not in handheld versions)
- Chapter 3 - The Dutchman's Secret
- Chapter 4 - Isla Cruces
- Chapter 5 - The Kraken
At World's End
- Chapter 1 - Singapore
- Chapter 2 - Davy Jones' Locker/Up is Down (Not in handheld versions)
- Chapter 3 - Norrington's Choice/Escape from Flying Dutchman
- Chapter 4 - The Brethren Court/Shipwreck City
- Chapter 5 - The Maelstrom
On Stranger Tides
- Chapter 1 - London Town
- Chapter 2 - Queen Anne's Revenge
- Chapter 3 - White Cap Bay
- Chapter 4 - A Spanish Legacy (Not in handheld versions)
- Chapter 5 - The Fountain of Youth
List of characters
The following is a list of characters that are playable in the majority of the game systems.
- Jack Sparrow (Cursed)
- Hungry Cannibal
- Angry Cannibal
- Captain Bellamy
- Lian
- Park
- Gentleman Jocard
- Ancient Sailor
- Angelica (Disguised)
- 10 Custom Characters
- Jack Sparrow (music)
Handheld only
- Steng
- Quittance
- Old Haddy
- Manray
- Monk
- Ezekiel
- Cabin Boy
- Royal Navy Soldier
- Royal Navy Captain
- E.I.T.C Soldier
- E.I.T.C Captain
- Tortuga Shooter
- Tortuga Musketeer
- Executioner
- Palace Guard
- Palace Guard Captain
- Spanish Soldier
- Spanish Captain
Extra toggle only
- Nervous Pirate
- Soldier
- Fusillier
- Town Lady
- Town Girl
- Town Man
- Town Pirate
- Dangerous Pirate
- Worried Pirate
- Angry Pirate (also available on handheld versions) (also available on handheld versions)
- Officer (robes) (also available on handheld versions) (robes) (also available on handheld versions)
- Company Soldier
- Company Officer
- River Lady
- River Man
- Singapore Man
- Singapore Lady
- Singapore Pirate
- Jelly (also available on handheld versions)
- Finnegan (also available on handheld versions)
- Wheelback (also available on handheld versions)
- Dutchman Pirate
- Broondjongen (also available on handheld versions)
- Imaginary Jack (pistol)
- Imaginary Jack (spade)
- Imaginary Jack (bomb)
- Zombie Pirate
- Mermaid
- Spain Officer
- Spain Soldier
Differences from the films
The Curse of the Black Pearl
- In the prologue, instead of singing (due to no voice acting), young Elizabeth Swann hums "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)"
- In that scene, Joshamee Gibbs danced like a pirate instead of telling her that it is bad luck to sing about pirates.
Dead Man's Chest
is shorter than in the movie.
- In the Handheld version, Will doesn't meet Wyvern.
- Leech strangely doesn't appear in the game at all.
- Beckett has a doll of Elizabeth, but in the film he has Red Coat dolls. dresses as Elizabeth in her jail cell.
- The scene where Elizabeth holds Beckett at gunpoint is omitted.
- The scene where Bootstrap Bill Turner tells Jack that his time ran out is omitted.
- The scene where Jack gets out of the Turkish Prison is omitted.
- Jack doesn't lose his hat until Davy Jones takes it.
- The scene where Will searches for Jack Sparrow in Tortuga is omitted.
- When Will finds Jack on Isla de Pelegostos, Jack is already tied to the stick. In the movie, Will finds Jack on his throne.
- Will and Gibbs are in separate cages even though in the movie, they are in the same cage.
- Will and Gibbs are the only ones in the cages.
- The scene where Leech and his-would be mutineers fell in the ravine is ommited. is still a member of Jack's crew in the game, as shown following Pelegostos, whereas she was absent for the rest of the films. is still alive after they escape Pelegostos rather than LeJon.
- The trip to Tia Dalma's shack was longer than in the movie.
- Jack and his crew fight a giant crocodile in Tia Dalma's swamp.
- On the wrecked vessel, Will finds a sailor with a starfish on his face instead of someone with no face.
- When Davy Jones appeared on the Black Pearl, Jack uses his spyglass again to teleport Jones far away.
- Davy Jones was sad while he plays his pipe organ. In the movie, he was just crazy.
- When Will meets his father, the camera rotated around them and they mirrored each other.
- The Liar's dice are bigger.
- When Will takes the key from Davy Jones' beard, he replaces it with a banana instead of the drawing of the key.
- Pintel gets chased by monkeys on Isla Cruces.
- There is a giant crab on Isla Cruces.
- In the duel for the key, Will and Norrington team up against Jack instead of all three against each other.
- In the handheld version, when a gate closes where Jack goes in, you can hear the dinner is served soundtrack, however, it is unknown who was singing this because all the people on Isla Cruces are wiped out.
- The mill wheel has a horizontal platform in the middle.
- Davy Jones' heart looks like a collectable heart with his hat instead of an organic heart.
- Hadras' head is placed in the Dead Man's Chest.
- Elizabeth, instead of betraying Jack, helps Jack fight the Kraken and the Kraken grabs her with his tentacle but throws her out onto the boat with Gibbs and Will.
- When Jack faces the Kraken, instead of waiting with his sword drawn, he jumps in the mouth holding a tooth brush with toothpaste on it, because the Kraken's breath stinks.
- Davy Jones finds Hadras' head in the chest.
- Everyone is happy to see Barbossa.
- When the Guard Dog becomes chief of the Pelegostos, the cannibals act like dogs and the Dog laughs at them.
At World's End
- Instead of being hanged, the convicts accused of piracy are put in the stocks and have food chucked at them.
- The cabin boy hums a sea chaty rather than singing Hoist the Colours.
- Lord Beckett is annoyed by the singing.
- Barbossa and Elizabeth do not meet Tai Huang until after going to the Bath House.
- The part were Gibbs and the rest of the crew go under the Bath House is omitted, instead they hide in one of the baths.
- Sao Feng agrees in the bath house, instead of in the streets, to the supplies in which Barbosa would receive (they also appear to be close friends).
- The Hai Peng was not destroyed, but abandoned, in the movie it was destroyed by the waterfall that led to Davy Jones' Locker.
- The rescue crew land straight on the Black Pearl when they land on the locker.
- Tia Dalma gets put in the brig as soon as the Black Pearl returns to the real world.
- Beckett negotiating with Jack is omitted.
- Elizabeth only wanted to go on the Empress because she could have a relaxing bath.
- When Elizabeth exits the bathroom, Sao Feng is already dead.
- Norrington gets the help of Mullroy and Murtogg to free Elizabeth and her crew from the brig.
- Norrington hits Davy Jones in the face with a fish instead of stabbing him. Norrington's head is then put on the fish by Davy Jones rather than being killed by Bootstrap, although he is stabbed by Bootstrap, before Jones does this.
- Captain Teague strangely does not appear at all in the game.
- Instead of a vote, the Pirate King selected through a game of Spin the Bottle.
- Even after the bottle landed on Jack, he spun it again so it could land on Elizabeth.
- Will attempted to get to the meeting by swimming to Shipwreck Cove after Jack pushed him from the Pearl (therefore, he never met with Becket and was too late to make it to Shipwreck Cove).
- The meeting with Beckett, Will and Davy Jones on the Endeavor is omitted.
- In the meeting on the spit of land, the parley is settled through a game of rock paper scissors between Jack and Davy.
- Ragetti accidentally spills the cup holding pieces of eight.
- The pieces of Eight deviate from the movie (for instance, Chevalle's appears to be a croissant rather than a playing card).
- Calypso has clothes in god form.
- Jack the Monkey drags the chest over to Will, and Will stabs the heart rather than Jack using Will's arm to stab the heart.
- Bootstrap didn't carve Will's heart out and place it inside the Dead Man's Chest, like in the movie. Instead, Will jumps up and grabs a heart from his health bar and throws it into the Dead Man's Chest.
- The crew of the Dutchman still look like sea creatures when Davy Jones dies.
- Will still looks the same after becoming captain of the Dutchman.
- Will Turner III was playing with a toy version of the Flying Dutchman when Will returned.
On Stranger Tides
- The part were the fishermen discover the ancient sailor is omitted.
- King Ferdinand accidentally kills the ancient fisherman when he tries to take the book from him.
- Angelica steals the book from the Spanish with a fishing rod. (disguised as Jack) wears a face hider, with a nose, mustache and glasses.
- The court scene is omitted.
- Joshamee Gibbs accompanies Jack to St James's Palace. This was to make the level more co-op friendly.
- When Gibbs and Jack attempt to escape from the palace, Jack takes a piece of chicken.
- Angelica has henchmen to attack Jack.
- Angelica knocks out Jack with a saucepan in the storage room instead of the Quartermaster shooting him with a voodoo dart by the River Thames. Jack is only shot by the Quartermaster with a dart in the portable version.
- Gibbs eats the map instead of burning it.
- In the Mutiny on the Queen Anne's Revenge, Jack has to only recruit Garheng, Salaman and the Cook.
- Yeoman and Master-at-Arms are absent and replaced by to grey skinned Zombies.
- After the Mutiny, the Cook is turned in a zombie straight away instead of being killed by Greek fire then turned into a zombie.
- The scene with Jack and Angelica dancing is omitted. Instead Angelica asks Jack to read a book about the Fountain of Youth but Jack refuses and Angelica walks towards him in a flirty manner and pushes him into the room with the ships in bottles.
- Philip, Scrum and Derrick are the only ones who have to go out to attract the mermaids. is the mermaid who goes to the raft off of the coast of Whitecap Bay.
- Philip and Syrena fall in love at Whitecap Bay instead of the unnamed island.
- When the lighthouse is destroyed, Syrena lands straight in the case.
- In the handheld version, the Cook is eaten by Tamara rather than Derrick and Purser being the ones that get eaten.
- Derrick survives the mermaid attack.
- The Cliff Scene is omitted.
- Instead of slitting his throat, Blackbeard hurtles food at Philip in order to make Syrena cry.
- Jack and Barbossa don't get captured in the Spanish camp.
- Barbossa and Jack escape the camp in a tree slingshot.
- The Jungle Pools scene is omitted.
- Blackbeard and Angelica make their way to the Fountain straight away, leaving the collapsed bridge behind them.
- Groves and other British Marines do not show up during the battle at the Fountain of Youth and during the attack on the Spanish camp.
- Instead of the British fighting Blackbeard's men, the Spanish soldiers do battle with them.
- Instead of stabbing Blackbeard with a poisoned sword, Barbossa throws a poison frog at Blackbeard. It later bounces off Angelica, poisoning her as well.
- During the boss fight with Blackbeard, Syrena joins Jack and the others to defeat Blackbeard.
- Jack and Barbossa fight Blackbeard together rather than Barbossa fighting Blackbeard alone. This is to make it more co-op friendly.
- In the portable version, the Spaniard chucks a bomb at Blackbeard and blows him up. Why this happened is unknown.
- When Blackbeard is defeated, Angelica slaps Jack in the face with Blackbeard's beard.
- At the end, Barbossa recovers his original pirate hat, but still wears his Navy coat.
- Angelica finds Jack's hat washed up on the island rather than the voodoo doll.
Gameplay is similar to previous Lego games in the series. The game uses the same two player drop in drop out co-op mechanics used in all the Lego games.
The hub in this game is called The Port. From here, players advance through the game, unlock characters and extras, and as players get further through the game, The Port will evolve and get bigger, revealing new areas to unlock and discover new things. Like past titles, different characters have different abilities. For example, everyone (except characters like Davy Jones who can walk under water) can swim under water, and members of Davy Jones's can breathe whilst doing so, Captain Jack Sparrow has the ability to use his compass, which points him to hidden items throughout the level, Will Turner has the ability to throw axes at targets to complete objectives, while female characters such as Elizabeth Swann have the ability to jump higher than other characters in order to access areas unreachable to other characters. The 3DS version uses the StreetPass feature to activate sword fights.
The game was officially announced on 18 November 2010. The game was developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Disney Interactive Studios. It was released in May 2011 to coincide with the release of the fourth film in the series, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
A demo was released online at the beginning of May 2011. It includes the very first level in the game 'Port Royal'. It is, as the name suggests, set in Port Royal and is based on the first few chapters of "Curse of the Black Pearl", including the scene in which Will duels Jack and when Jack and Will commandeer the Dauntless and then steal the Interceptor.
Trailers for all four movie story modes of the game have all been released and a debut and teaser trailers have been released too.
The game has received positive reviews. GameSpot gave 6.5/10 for PC, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, while 6.0/10 for PSP, 3DS, and DS. IGN gave 7.5/10 for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and DS, while 8.0/10 for 3DS. GameZone gave the Wii version an 8/10, stating "LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is an impressive action-adventure game that’s fun throughout its entirety. Fans of past games or the Pirates license should play this game without hesitation."
Eurogamer rated the game a 8/10, stating that "It's true that those who've played the last two or three Lego titles might experience a little déjà vu, but the rest will likely find that a pirate's life is very much for them."GameInformer rated the game 7/10, stating that "LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean doesn't enhance the LEGO franchise as the Clone Wars game did a few months back, but it offers another well-executed entry."
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game was the third top-selling video game in May 2011. As of May 2012, the game has sold over 3 million copies worldwide.
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