Lego ninjago shadow of ronin ios
В Ниндзяго новая угроза, и имя ей - Ронин. Он возглавляет армию злых самураев и с помощью древнего оружия, известного как обсидиановая глефа, крадет у ниндзя воспоминания.
В игре "LEGO® Ninjago™: Тень Ронина" игрокам предстоит помочь ниндзя вернуть украденные воспоминания и силы, помешав Ронину исполнить коварный замысел, который навлечет на Ниндзяго еще большую беду. Игроков ждут знакомые по телесериалу пейзажи, включая Храм льда и Ядовитую топь, загадочный новый остров, а также визит в Спиндзяго, где ниндзя тренируются под надзором великого сэнсэя Дарета и сэнсэя Ву.
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В Ниндзяго новая угроза, и имя ей - Ронин. Он возглавляет армию злых самураев и с помощью древнего оружия, известного как обсидиановая глефа, крадет у ниндзя воспоминания.
В игре "LEGO® Ninjago™: Тень Ронина" игрокам предстоит помочь ниндзя вернуть украденные воспоминания и силы, помешав Ронину исполнить коварный замысел, который навлечет на Ниндзяго еще большую беду. Игроков ждут знакомые по телесериалу пейзажи, включая Храм льда и Ядовитую топь, загадочный новый остров, а также визит в Спиндзяго, где ниндзя тренируются под надзором великого сэнсэя Дарета и сэнсэя Ву.
Версия для Андроид
Отзывы об игре в интернете
1. У кого черный экран на самсунг таб 3: нужно удерживать кнопку громкости на + или -. Так можно играть, но не удобно. Надеюсь раработчики исправят ошибку. Игра хорошая, играю вместе с сыном.
2. Сын дошел до эпизода карта острова Нинзяго, и после полета на драконе,долетев до нужного место, нажимает кнопку играть, все зависает и игра дальше не идёт. Помогите что делать? Можно ли удалить и загрузить игру заново? Как вообще связаться с вашими тех.специалистами?? Ответьте срочно, пожалуйста!
3. Прошол игру очень хорошая. P.s у кого после ролика тёмный экран вам надо проматать видео свернув а после развернуть игру надеюсь я помог вам
5. У кого черный экран на самсунг таб 3: нужно удерживать кнопку громкости на + или -. Так можно играть, но не удобно. Надеюсь раработчики исправят ошибку. Игра хорошая, играю вместе с сыном.
6. Сын дошел до эпизода карта острова Нинзяго, и после полета на драконе,долетев до нужного место, нажимает кнопку играть, все зависает и игра дальше не идёт. Помогите что делать? Можно ли удалить и загрузить игру заново? Как вообще связаться с вашими тех.специалистами?? Ответьте срочно, пожалуйста!
7. Прошол игру очень хорошая. P.s у кого после ролика тёмный экран вам надо проматать видео свернув а после развернуть игру надеюсь я помог вам
9. Игра хорошая,но при переходе на 6 уровень игра не грузится. В результате ребёнок расстроен, деньги заплачены и можно ли их вернуть неизвестно.
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20. Отзыв меняю. После отладки некоторых настроек в смартфоне, игра работает, проблемы с черным экраном нет, все счастливы))) спасибо!
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Отзывы о Lego Ninjago: Shadow of ronin
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Выберите версию iOS или вашу модель гаджета, чтобы получить нужный файл игры Lego Ninjago: Shadow of ronin для iPad или iPhone. С этой игрой вы надолго забудете, что значит скучать! Разработчики постарались максимально оптимизировать игровой процесс для Айпад и Айфон. Cкачайте Lego Ninjago: Shadow of ronin бесплатно прямо сейчас!
Андроид порт игры LEGO Ninjago Shadow of Ronin, как и две предыдущие LEGO игры она была портирована с PS Vita, я достаточно далёк от вселенной LEGO Ninjago и не знаком со всей предысторией сюжета данной игры, но в ней рассказывается что некий злодей по имени Ронин вторгся в ваш монастырь вместе со своей шайкой, состоящей из подготовленных самураев и похитил все воспоминания главных героев с помощью некого магического жезла, теперь ваша отважная команда отправляется по его следу чтобы пресечь коварный замысел Ронина и конечно же вернуть свои воспоминания. В общем и целом игра достаточно стандартна и аналогична другим играм серии LEGO, наша задача бегать по уровням сметать всех возникающих на пути врагов, уничтожать объекты и декорации, разрешать небольшие головоломки ну и собственно всё,
во время игры вы можете свободно переключаться между различными персонажами это нужно не только до того чтобы выбрать персонажа который вам нравится, но и для выполнения различных задач которые под силу решить только одному из них, тут все просто каждый герой отличается не только своим внешним видом но и набором способностей. В графическом плане игра выглядит неплохо, правда почему-то лично у меня отсутствуют тени персонажей и нет сглаживания. Видов управления в игре два с помощью джойстика и кнопок и с помощью тапа, второй тип управления слишком упрощенный и поэтому я рекомендую играть только на первом, с управлением у меня почему-то возникли мелкие трудности порой кнопки не срабатывали или срабатывали при нажатии на них с небольшим смещением, но я все же думаю что это вызвано небольшими проблемами с оптимизацией конкретно под моё устройство поэтому скорее всего с этой проблемой большинство игроков не столкнется. По традиции в игре также присутствуют качественные вставки для таких вот игр, раскрывающих сюжет, море юмора и качественная озвучка, время прохождения игры займёт у вас около 5 часов. Моё личное мнение смешанное с одной стороны я люблю LEGO игры а с другой именно эта игра выглядит как-то слишком по-детски, те же LEGO Star Wars, MARVEL Superheroes и Бэтман выглядят и играются куда интереснее, возможно я просто не знаком с данной вселенной и не знаю всей её подоплёки, а может быть игра и правда рассчитана на более младшую аудиторию, поэтому однозначно советовать всем играть в эту игру я не буду, пусть лучше каждый решит сам. Интересна ли вам вселенная LEGO Ninjago или нет, и на этой ноте я пожалуй завершу свой небольшой обзор на LEGO Ninjago Shadow of Ronin, надеюсь он поможет вам определиться с вопросом играть или нет ссылки на скачивание как всегда ниже.
This topic is considered non-canon because of creator statements.
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
Release Date
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin is the third Ninjago console game released on Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita. It was later released as an app for iOS and Android. The events of its story take place between the fourth and fifth seasons, though it is non-canon. [2] Ronin served as the main antagonist, while the Dark Samurai are the villainous faction of this game.
Official description
“LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin will be the most expansive adventure game through the Ninjago universe that we have ever made to-date,” said Tom Stone, Managing Director, TT Games. “Kids will get a kick out of playing as their favorite Ninja warriors battling a new enemy with an exciting array of cool vehicles, mechs and even dragons!”
There is a new threat in Ninjago, and his name is Ronin. With help from his army of dark samurai, Ronin steals the Ninjas’ memories using an ancient weapon called the Obsidian Glaive. The Ninjas forget how to use their elemental powers, and it is up to the players to help them find their Obsidian weapons, regain their memories and reclaim their powers before Ronin completes his plan and releases an even greater evil on Ninjago.
In LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin players will battle through iconic locales from the TV series, including the Ice Temple, the Toxic Bogs, and a mysterious new island, as well as visit the mountain village of Spinjago, where the Ninjas are currently training with Grand Sensei Dareth and Sensei Wu. Using their Spinjitzu abilities, players can unleash their Ninja’s elemental power to smash their way through enemies and solve puzzles. They can even team up and create multi-elemental builds using the Tornado of Creation. [3]
The game begins with Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane traveling across Chen's Island in the D.B. Express. Parking the vehicle, they head through the rest of the jungle on foot, going pass the traps and battling Anacondrai Cultists. Eventually, they make it into the tunnels beneath Chen's Palace, and after battling Eyezor, Zugu, and a few other cultists, retrieve the Staff of Elements. However, the four of them are attacked by the Anacondrai serpent, who attacks Jay and rips off his pants in the process, exposing his underpants.
Jay interrupts, revealing the whole ordeal to be a story, pointing out the several inconsistencies in Kai's story. Though bemused by the story, the Ninja—save Lloyd, who is recuperating from the death of his father alone—are assigned to continue training on Sensei Wu's orders, with Dareth revealing a class of adult students he had managed to find. Wu is initially wary of the students, and rightfully so when they attack the ninja with the intent to destroy, revealing themselves to be members of a mercenary group, the Dark Samurai.
The Ninja successfully fend off the Dark Samurai, only to discover their leader, a mysterious samurai clad in armor, and chase after him across the mountain village of Spinjago. Using the Tornado of Creation, they create a magnet that pulls off the samurai's armor, revealing a mysterious man. The ninja corner the samurai, who in response uses his Obsidian Glaive to knock them out, before escaping on a machine named R.E.X.
Nya and Sensei Wu tend to the ninja, who wake up and are shocked by the events going on around them, namely Nya's presence, with Kai remarking that Samukai had kidnapped her, and Zane being mystified by his titanium form. Sensei Wu, horrified, manages to calm the ninja down and explains that they had their memories stolen by the mysterious weapon, the Obsidian Glaive. Likewise, they have lost several of their abilities, as they have no memory of unlocking their True Potential.
Sensei Wu advises that in order to get back their memories, they need to seek out the other Obsidian Weapons, which can reverse the power of the Glaive and restore their memories. Noting that Hibiki, the Obsidian Glaive's original owner, might know where to look, Master Wu tells the ninja to head to Kryptarium Prison. Arriving at the prison, they discover chaos within, with a prison riot occurring and several Dark Samurai attempting to capture Hibiki, presumably to silence him.
Hibiki, while attempting to escape both parties, mentions in passing the name of the man who stole the ninja's memories: Ronin. Defeating the Dark Samurai and other rioting prisoners, the ninja managed to calm down Hibiki and gain his advice, with Hibiki explaining that, though he doesn't know the location of the Obsidian Weapons himself, he knows how to find out; The Tea of Insight, a mysterious brew that can answer the drinker's questions. Hibiki explains that its primary ingredient, the Inky Lemonberry, can only be found in the Toxic Bogs, and as the ninja leave with Sensei Wu, Hibiki warns them that the Obsidian Glaive can be used to insert false memories into its victims.
The ninja head to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk to get Nya's help, only to be attacked by several Serpentine on the way there. Realizing Ronin had used the Obsidian Glaive to trick them into believing they were still at war with the humans, the ninja escape the Serpentine and arrive at the junkyard. Meeting up with Ed and Edna, they build a ninja robot that fends off the Fangpyre attacking them, allowing them to continue on.
Arriving at the Toxic Bogs, with Hibiki's map in tow, the ninja fight off several brainwashed Venomari and retrieve the Inky Lemonberry, brewing the Tea of Insight and drinking it. As a result, they all gain visions of the locations of the Obsidian Weapons and decide to head off to find the Obsidian Scythe first. Arriving at the Caves of Despair, they fight off several Constrictai, claiming the Obsidian Weapon within and restoring Cole's memories, allowing him to control Earth once more.
With that, they head to the Fire Temple, fighting off more Dark Samurai sent to impede their progress, and retrieve the Obsidian Sword, restoring Kai's memories and his power over Fire. However, on their way out, they're attacked by Ronin within his mech. Destroying its boosters and plunging it into the lava, the ninja are left stranded by Ronin, who escapes on R.E.X. and uses special bombs to trigger a volcanic eruption. Using the leftover pieces of his mech to create jetpacks, they narrowly escape the eruption.
Heading towards the Frozen Wasteland and battling several Treehorns on the way, they arrive in the Ice Fortress. Battling several brainwashed Hypnobrai, they head into the central chamber, where they claim the Obsidian Sais, restoring Zane's memory and his control over Ice. However, they're attacked by the Ice Serpent, and after defeating it, head outside to recuperate.
With all of his memories restored, Zane realizes Ronin was the one who brought him and P.I.X.A.L. to Chen's Island. Before they can continue to dwell on it, though, they receive a message of Nindroids attacking Ninjago City and head there to stop the machines. With the help of Nya in her Samurai Mech, they succeed in defeating most of the Nindroids, but in order to stop the menace have to destroy the Nindroids' power source at the Floating Ruins, where the Obsidian Nunchucks happen to be located as well.
Arriving at the ruins, Jay retrieves the nunchucks, restoring his memories and control over Lightning, and together the ninja proceed so destroy the power source. With the Nindroids defeated and all of their memories restored, the ninja celebrate only to be confronted by Ronin, who is wielding a mysterious crystal charged with lightning and uses it to reactivate the Nindroids. Realizing they're outmatched, the ninja escape and recuperate.
Sensei Wu identifies the crystal as the Lightning Forge, one of four Elemental Forges that hold massive power. Realizing Ronin is after the rest of the Forges, Master Wu tasks the team to split up to recover the Forges of Ice and Fire. Hearing of Zane's memories about Ronin's involvement with Master Chen, Wu realizes that Chen, having foreseen his banishment to the Cursed Realm, had left Ronin directions on freeing him and the Anacondrai Cultists by using the Elemental Forges should the event ever happen.
With this revelation, the ninja split up, with Kai, Zane, and Wu heading for the Forge of Fire while Jay, Cole, and Dareth look for the Forge of Ice. Fighting several Dark Samurai at the Vault of Fire, Wu and his group succeeding in securing the Forge of Fire; Meanwhile, Jay's group manages to retrieve the Forge of Ice, noting the lack of Dark Samurai, and are met by Wu and the others.
However, they're ambushed by Ronin, who knocks them out using the Forge of Lightning. Zane and Dareth awaken, left alone with the Forges of Fire and Ice still in their possession, and quickly find, outside of the Vault of Ice, Ronin, who is slowly burying the others alive using the Forge of Earth. Ronin demands they give him the Forges of Fire and Ice, and Dareth, formulating a plan, takes the Forges of Fire and Ice.
Dareth combines the power of the two forges to create a simultaneous blast of fire and ice—only for the two to cancel each other out and drench him and Zane, much to Ronin's amusement, before he shocks and knocks them out, claiming the last two forges and escaping.
Recovering from their defeat, Sensei Wu reveals that in order to properly harness the power of the Elemental Forges and open a portal to the Cursed Realm, Ronin needs the Primal Fulcrum, which they need to destroy. Wu sends Dareth off to Ninjago City to get the Helmet of Shadows, in case they need the help of the Stone Army.
However, with no knowledge of the Primal Fulcrum's location, Wu heads to the Golden Peaks and enlists the help of Lloyd, who, having recovered from his grief, helps him find Misako at the Fangpyre Tomb, battling several Fangpyre on the way. Misako, who is looking for something to help someone else, stumbles across the two and agrees to help, revealing the location of the Fulcrum to be in Hiroshi's Labyrinth.
Getting Nya's help, the rest of the ninja meet up, and heading through the jungle, arriving in a chamber, with the Primal Fulcrum floating mid-air. In the walls, Misako finds a prophecy that states that in order to destroy the Primal Fulcrum, seven beings need to strike it together at the same time. The others comply, only to be restrained by bonds of energy as a result.
Misako reveals she had lied, claiming vengeance over a betrayal only she remembers. Realizing Ronin had brainwashed her, the ninja watch as the mercenary himself arrives with several Dark Samurai, who take the Primal Fulcrum away. Enraged, Lloyd manages to free one of his hands and blast the Obsidian Glaive with a burst of Energy destroying the artifact and freeing Misako, the Serpentine, and everyone else affected by the weapon.
Ronin, angered, promises that Chen will take vengeance on them before escaping. With no knowledge of where he plans to take the Primal Fulcrum, the ninja infuse the souls of the Fulcrum's four guardians into their Elemental Dragons and are guided to Chen's Island. Fighting off several Nindroids on the way there, they arrive on the island, with Jay taking control of the ElectroMech and using it to blast his way into Chen's Palace.
Fighting off waves of Dark Samurai, they confront Ronin, who reveals he's doing this in order to pay off massive debts of unknown origin and circumstance. Inserting the Elemental Forges into the Primal Fulcrum, Ronin creates a portal to a pocket dimension lying between Ninjago and the Cursed Realm. The ninja follow him aboard their Elemental Dragons and the Ultra Dragon, where they defeat the rest of the Dark Samurai.
In the Dimensional Space, they confront Ronin, who is charging the Primal Fulcrum in order to open a portal to the Cursed Realm and free Chen and the Cultists. Noticing the depleted Forges, Sensei Wu comes to the conclusion the crystals are now weak enough to destroy. Unwilling to let the ninja stop his plans, Ronin summons upon the power of the Elemental Forges, forming an elemental Golem, clashing with the protagonists.
The ninja clash with Ronin, who uses the Forge of Fire to empower the Golem with Fire. Destroying the mech, the ninja discover the Forge of Fire's energy being depleted as a result, and Ronin recreates the Golem, summoning the power of Ice this time. Ultimately, the ninja defeat the Golem's Ice and Lightning forms, depleting two of the Forges and leaving only the Forge of Earth to power the Primal Fulcrum. Using the Tornado of Creation, they shatter Ronin's weakened elemental Golem and destroy the Forge of Earth, enraging him.
With his plans squandered, Ronin calls R.E.X. and escapes on it, only for a massive ethereal arm to reach out for him. Terrified, Ronin narrowly escapes its grasp, even as the Cursed Realm portal begins to collapse, sucking the arm back inside. Gloating over his narrow escape, Ronin flies off, leaving the ninja to be destroyed in the collapse of the Dimensional Space.
Combining their powers, the ninja destroy the Primal Fulcrum, the resulting explosion closing the portal to the Cursed Realm and scattering the Obsidian Weapons. As a result, the Dimensional Space falls apart, throwing the ninja back into Ninjago and destroying the Obsidian Weapons left behind. Even as they reconcile over their survival and victory, Kai realizes, to his amusement, that Jay has lost his pants in the process.
Enraged, Jay interrupts Kai's recollection of the events, complaining that hadn't happened at all, to begin with, amidst the others' laughter. Meanwhile, Dareth, having retrieved the Helmet of Shadows, employs the Stone Army to perform mundane tasks for him, lounging around as he is served and remarking on his love for the artifact.
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