Lego ninjago season 15 sets
Сегодня вечером появились официальные изображения многих июньских новинок LEGO, в том числе одного из самых устойчивых и популярных тематических миров: LEGO NINJAGO. Вскоре стартует 15-й сезон связанного телесериала под названием «НИНДЗЯГО: Кристаллизованный». Предстоящие наборы, которые мы подробно представляем вам здесь, также вращаются вокруг этой новой истории.
Все новые наборы NINJAGO поступят в продажу напрямую от LEGO 1 июня, а также появятся в розничных магазинах. Однако, поскольку LEGO в настоящее время борется с некоторыми проблемами с доставкой, доступность там может быть отложена на несколько дней или недель.
Но сначала давайте взглянем на наборы, которые, кроме набора 4+, все имеют необычный простой дизайн.
Новинки LEGO NINJAGO в июне
Всего пока известно девять июньских новинок NINJAGO, причем почти все наборы основаны на сюжете и дизайне нового сезона. Исключением является единственный комплект 4+ летней волны, имеющий более классический дизайн.
LEGO 71759 Храм Дракона
Храм дракона LEGO 71759 напоминает наборы NINJAGO Legacy и представляет собой маленького дракона с очень симпатичным дизайном (и отличным принтом). В набор входят четыре минифигурки, а именно Кай и Ния, Змеи на мотоцикле и робот Кобра с копьем и катапультой. Рекомендуемая розничная цена составляет 39,99 евро, за которые вы получаете 161 деталей.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71759
- Название: Храм Дракона
- Количество деталей: 161
- Количество минифигурок: 4
- Возраст: 4+
- Цена: 39,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
Мотоцикл Джея «Золотой дракон» LEGO 71768
Набор «Золотой мотоцикл Джея» LEGO 71768 оправдывает свое название: он состоит из золотого мотоцикла и золотого дракона Джея с его стихийными нунчаками и двумя золотыми драконьими крыльями, которые, скорее всего, появятся в сериале. Две минифигурки включают (согласно LEGO) «опасного каменного воина возмездия» и сборного хрустального паука. Рекомендованная розничная цена LEGO за 137 деталей составляет 19,99 евро.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71768
- Название: Мотоцикл Джея «Золотой дракон»
- Количество деталей: 137
- Количество минифигурок: 2
- Возраст: 7+
- Цена: 19,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71769 Драконий внедорожник Коула
LEGO 71769 Драконий внедорожник Коула включает в себя еще одну минифигурку в доспехах дракона, но не самого Коула, а Кая. Золотой Коул, Генерал Асфира и «Грабитель Камня Возмездия» дополняют четыре минифигурки. Двое из них могут занять место в Драконем внедорожнике, в котором помимо всего прочего есть две пушки. Набор включает в себя в общей сложности 384 детали, за которые взимается рекомендованная розничная цена в размере 44,99 евро.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71769
- Название: Драконий внедорожник Коула
- Количество деталей: 384
- Количество минифигурок: 4
- Возраст: 8+
- Цена: 44,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71770 Золотой реактивный дракон Зейна
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71770
- Название: Золотой дракон Зейна
- Количество деталей: 258
- Количество минифигурок: 3
- Возраст: 7+
- Цена: 29,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71771 Храм Хрустального Короля
LEGO 71771 Набор «Храм Хрустального Короля» включает в себя шесть минифигурок , а именно Коула, Зейна, Кая и Джея с их стихийным оружием, а также Хрустального Короля и хранителя Камня мести в кристальных доспехах. Сам храм выделяется за счет использования различных деталей прозрачно-фиолетового цвета, содержит различные ловушки по описанию и построен (включая фигурки) из 703 деталей . Рекомендуемая розничная цена этого набора составляет 79,99 евро.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71771
- Название: Храм Хрустального Короля.
- Количество деталей: 703
- Количество минифигурок: 6
- Возраст: 8+
- Цена: 79,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71772 Хрустальный король
Если минифигурка Хрустального короля в храме выглядела относительно безобидно, то большая версия из набора LEGO 71772 «Хрустальный король» производит гораздо более сильное впечатление. А именно, Кристальный король может превращаться в гигантского кентавра с мечом, что, безусловно, станет проблемой для наших героев в сериале. Вы можете прикрепить к его груди минифигурку, так что вы также можете рассматривать кентавра как своего рода меха. Набор из 722 предметов также включает в себя пять минифигурок , а именно Ллойда Хрустального короля, Харуми, Каменного стража мести и Каменного воина мести.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71772
- Название: Хрустальный король
- Количество деталей: 722
- Количество минифигурок: 5
- Возраст: 9+
- Цена: 59,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71773 Золотой налетчик драконов Кая
LEGO 71773 Золотой налетчик драконов Кая может трансформироваться из багги в четвероногого бегуна. В набор входят минифигурки Золотого Кая, Золотого Дракона Зейна, Скайлор, Генерала Мистера Ф., Громилы Камня Возмездия и двух Воинов Камня Возмездия , всего семь минифигурок . Набор из 624 деталей стоит 84,99 евро по рекомендованной розничной цене.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71773
- Название: Налетчик Золотого Дракона Кая
- Количество деталей: 624
- Количество минифигурок: 7
- Возраст: 8+
- Цена: 84,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71774 Ультра золотой дракон Ллойда
LEGO 71774 Ультра золотой дракон Ллойда действительно очень золотой. Является ли он также ультра, вы должны решить. Но шутки в сторону: мы уже знаем Ультрадракона по предыдущим выпускам (и сезонам), здесь он появляется в своей золотой форме. С 989 частями , он похож по размеру на своего предшественника из серии «Наследие», но с золотым Они-Ллойдом, по 0 золотых Коула, Зейна, Кая и Джея, а также с Кристальным королем, двумя разбойниками из Камня возмездия и одним Возмездием. Минифигурки каменных воинов включены. При рекомендованной розничной цене 139,99 евро Ultra Gold Dragon является самым дорогим набором волны, но лишь вторым по величине.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71774
- Название: Ультра золотой дракон Ллойда
- Количество деталей: 989
- Количество минифигурок: 9
- Возраст: 9+
- Цена: 139,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
LEGO 71775 Самурай Икс-Мех Нии
Конечно, в июньских летних новинках NINJAGO не должен отсутствовать мех (может быть, для борьбы с кентавром Хрустального короля?). Мы получаем это с Самурайским X-Мехом Нии LEGO 71775, который должен доставить массу удовольствия благодаря подвижным коленям, рукам, ногам и бедрам. Он также включает в себя 2 меча, 2 шипомета и кабину для Нии, которая включена в качестве одной из 8 минифигурок вместе с золотым Джеем, Мастером Ву, Они-Гармадоном, Малышом Нельсоном, генералом Пайтором, автомехаником и камнем мести. Воин . Для 1003 деталей (с которыми мех представляет собой наиболее полный набор волны) LEGO устанавливает рекомендованную розничную цену в размере 109,99 евро.
Вкратце самая важная информация:
- Номер набора: 71775
- Название: Мех Самурай-Х Нии
- Количество деталей: 1003
- Количество минифигурок: 8
- Возраст: 10+
- Цена: 109,99 евро
- Релиз: 1 июня 2022 г.
Как вам июньские новинки LEGO NINJAGO 2022? Есть ли наборы, которые вам точно нужны? Как эксперты NINJAGO, можете ли вы уже извлечь дополнительные подробности истории из дизайна наборов? Не стесняйтесь обмениваться идеями в комментариях.
The fifteenth season of Ninjago, subtitled Crystalized, is preceded by Season 14 and The Virtues of Spinjitzu, and succeeded by an unknown 2023 installment. Lloyd is the mascot character, while the focus character is unknown. The Crystal King serves as the main antagonist, and the Vengestone army serve as the villainous faction of the season.
A teaser for this season was released on the Portuguese channel SIC K on March 3, 2022, but was deleted soon after. The account associated with them on Instagram confirmed that this season will be premiering June 2022 in Portugal. [1] [2] [3]
The official teaser was released on YouTube on April 29, 2022, with another teaser released the following week, on May 4. They were followed up by a third teaser the week after, on May 10 and another on May 13, and then a fifth one on May 17. The official trailer was released on May 20, 2022.
The first twelve episodes were released on LEGO's YouTube channel on May 20, 2022, though they were privatized on May 23, 2022 and then made public again on June 1, 2022. On the same day, they were also released on Netflix. On June 6, 2022, Episodes 1-2 were released on CITV in the UK. [4] But on June 7, all twelve episodes were removed from Netflix.
A song from the tenth episode "The Benefit of Grief" called Inner Steel was released on music platforms on June 17th, 2022.
A trailer for the season finale [5] was revealed on June 18, 2022, at the LEGO Con 2022 livestream. [6]
Official description
Teaser: The ninja are back for another season with brand new adventures in NINJAGO®: Crystalized! This time they have been locked up in Kryptarium Prison where they are surrounded by some of their old enemies.
Here they learn a mysterious Crystal King is recruiting a council of evil enemies. To find out the identity of this new enemy, they escape from prison and become fugitives.
Who is the Crystal King? Why is he gathering a powerful counsel? Get ready for another action-packed mission with the ninja! [8]
Ninja on the run: The chase is on in a new season of NINJAGO® Crystalized!
The ninja are on the run and desperate to remain free to save NINJAGO® City! But who is chasing them? And can the ninja remain out of their clutches? Get ready to find out! [9]
Vengestone Mystery: In the new season of NINJAGO Crystalized someone is moving large amounts of dangerous vengestone across the city. The ninja are on the case and their investigation brings them to an abandoned subway line but it seems to be a dead end – or is it? [10]
Ninja Vehicles: The ninja take to the road and the air for a secret mission in the new season of NINJAGO Crystalized.
The crew are really hyped about their awesome new rides that even have special paint to avoid identification. What is the mission? And can Cole, Zane and the rest of the crew remain undetected in these superfast vehicles? [11]
An invitation for revenge: In the new season of NINJAGO: Crystalized, mysterious crystal spiders break into Kryptarium Prison at night. What are they up to and who sent them? [12]
Trailer: Get ready for a wild adventure with a new season of NINJAGO Crystalized. Mysterious things are happening around Ninjago City but the ninja are determined to save it. The shadowy and mysterious Crystal King is creating a council, but why? The ninja must find out what is going on in NINJAGO city.
Ninja vs. The Mechanic: The ninja's hunt for the Mechanic leads them to a dangerous subway tunnel where a fight breaks out.
- TBA - Kathleen Barr - Michael Adamthwaite - Andrew Francis - TBA - TBA - TBA - Alan Marriott - Sam Vincent - Travis Turner - Adrian Petriw[6] - Mark Oliver - Kelly Sheridan - Britt McKillip, Andrew Francis - Michael Dobson - TBA - Michael Adamthwaite - TBA - Vincent Tong - Brent Miller - TBA - Sam Vincent
- Main Guard - Deven Mack - Brian Drummond - Jillian Michaels - TBA - Erin Mathews - TBA - Andrea Libman - Kelly Metzger - TBA
- Old Man - Sam Vincent - Kelly Sheridan - Michael Adamthwaite - Jennifer Hayward - Michael Donovan
- Prison Driver - Vincent Tong
- Prison Guard - Andrew Francis - Michael Dobson[6] - TBA - Vincent Tong [13]
- Roof Guard - Heather Doerksen - Brian Dobson - Paul Dobson - Ashleigh Ball - Heather Doerksen
- Swat Driver - Paul Dobson - Ryan Beil - Michael Antonakos[6] - TBA - Brian Drummond - Charles Demers - TBA - Deven Mack - TBA - Paul Dobson - Garry Chalk - Paul Dobson - TBA - Brent Miller
Lloyd was the mascot ninja and the Golden Weapons are the collectible items of the season. The set background was based on Ninjago City.
- This will be the second season to have 30 episodes in total, making it the longest season in terms of episodes and runtime, tied with Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu. [15]
- However, Season 11 was split into two chapters, the Fire Chapter and the Ice Chapter, each being 15 episodes, making Season 15 the first season with a single chapter to be 30 episodes long.
- On April 29, 2020, he jokingly responded to one of Brent Miller's tweets by implying that Bragi Schut should make Zane say the word "rural" in a future script. [16]
- On July 8, 2020, he stated that the next month they would be beginning the "2022 story work shop," implying that installments for 2022 were in planning stages. [17]
- On January 14, 2021, Ninjago's 10th anniversary, he said that they had received the render of the last episode of 2021 from WildBrain, and had done the first voice record for the 2022 episodes the day before. [18]
- On January 20, 2021, he stated, "I have just read the funniest Ninjago script ever! My laughter fills the night - Haaa - Haaa! The rest of you will have to wait until 2022. Sorry!" [19]
- This statement seems to be a play on Fugi-Dove's signature line, "My cry fills the night!"
- When asked to describe this season in one long sentence, he replied, "A massive secret which won't be spoiled on Twitter." [24]
- Also, in this regard, when asked about a detail of the next season, he replied: "The seas are restless…" [32]
The script of this scene
- Pears replied, "I think I may have pitched 'Ninjago: All The Outfits' but I like 'Costume Change' also. The actual name is a huge mistake and I feel robbed of greatness." [42]
- Set designer Samuel Johnson also replied, "This time the snakes are also ninjas 😂." [43]
- When Vincent Tong responded "AAAAAAAAA 🥲🥲❤️" to this tweet, Andreasen replied presumably in jest, "It was a glorious send off though. Thanks for sticking by for so long." [50]
- "A new writer who is working with us… bringing a nice comedic touch to Ninjago!" [61]
- When a fan expressed sadness at Seabound's finale, he replied, "Hang in there!" [62]
- He stated: "2022 season is insane! We have so much fun stuff heading your way. Patience ninja!" [63]
- LEGO wanted the animators to "get same sex couples into the background anytime [they] could." [64]
- The three events stated that:
- "The lyrics to the 'WeekEnd Whip' will become an important plot point. Not only are the words catchy, but they also contain a secret which has remained unfolded since the song premiered in 2011."
- "A insignificant potted plant will prove to be one of the main reasons our heroes stand a chance against the overwhelming forces of evil."
- "Toy-designers and writers have collaborated to avoid spoilers by including characters and objects in the toys, which will not feature in the season's storyline."
- He also published a description of the poster: "The four weapons of creation (encased in the purple crystal). The entire poster is probably purple with the crystal covering everything like the weapons are stuck in one big crystal. In the crystal we should see refractions/ reflections of the five 'generals'. Not too clearly and maybe just silhouettes which can be theorized upon. NINJAGO logo at the bottom golden embers coming off it." [70]
: 3 : 2 : 2 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1
- This is also Pythor, Harumi, Garmadon and the Golden Weapons' first appearance in the WildBrain seasons.
- This is also the first appearance of Mister F.
- Unlike the previous instances, they are arrested for something they willingly committed, as opposed to being framed for crimes they didn't commit.
- Pythor is the only villain to be part of both groups.
The second Crystalized poster compared to the Avengers: Endgame poster.
This article is a Hot Article ! It was one of the most-viewed pages of April 2021!
Season 15: Rebirth
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Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu Season 15 (subtitled Rebirth) - 15th season of LEGO Ninjago. This is the first series to have all episodes split into 2 episodes per ninja. Then, 3 episodes about the Final Battle. This season celebrates the 10th anniversary of Ninjago. The narrator is the Overlord.
Episode 151: Rebirth, Part I (Nya)
After the defeat of the Time Lord, Captain Confusion, and the Frost Wyvern, the Ninja have become solitary and become masters focused on their element. Nya and Jay are together and are notified of a disturbance in Ninjago City, far from their new Monastery. They rush to the city to find the evil. OVERLORD.
Episode 152: Rebirth, Part 2 II (Jay)
The Overlord has taken the body of Skylor and her Amber powers and can now take the powers from any Ninja. Using Spinjitzu, Over-Skylor sucks away all of the powers of Jay. Scared, Nya uses her water powers to shield each other. Using Airjitzu she grabs Jay and notifies Zane and Cole. The team is back again, to take on the darkest force, Amber, Lightning, maybe more. Only time will tell.
Episode 153: The Earth Shogun (Cole)
Cole felt neglected after the defeat. He felt like he didn't get enough attention. Ready to retire, he scrapped the ninja idea and became an Earth Shogun. Getting the call from Jay and Nya, he rushed to Ninjago. He tried to single handedly defeat Over-Skylor, but to no avail, his powers taken from him.
Episode 154: Where Were You? (Zane)
Zane arrived in his bike from season 8. The bike was destroyed battling Over-Skylor. Using the ninjas powers he sucked out Zane's and Nya's. Zane, before his powers were sapped, used Airjitzu, Nya using Spinjitzu, saved Jay and Cole. They were barely out of the radius when Over-Skylor exploded with Dark Energy. But, she/he was still intact.
Episode 155: Master of Fire (Kai)
Over-Skylor uses her Spinjitzu and Airjitzu to knock the ninjas back. Kai jumps in with a repaired Flame Thrower. The vehicle is sucked into a new massive tornado summoned by Over-Skylor. Kai has a singular duel with Over-Skylor, trying to convince her to stop her evil behavior.
Episode 156: F-Lash Back (Nya)
Nya flashes back to in between Time Repeats Itself and Rebirth, to a time when Skylor was the only one defending Ninjago City, and the battles she had, leading up to Rebirth, and how she was possessed, saving Kai from a flood. Nya explodes with Water Energy, after hearing that Kai almost died, and it was the fault of the Overlord.
Episode 157: Spinjitzu Story (Jay)
Jay saves Nya from the tornado, sacrificing himself so Nya and Kai can escape. He has a vision to the future when he is summoned from his grave to destroy Ninjago.
Episode 158: Spinjitzu Septuplets (Cole)
Cole has the vision that Jay had and a vision that the FSM didn't have two kids, he had 7, but r were turned evil by the Overlord. He sees evil samurai and tells Nya, Zane, and Kai. They all battle, ready to fight, then Cole falls, with Jay being taught by, what looked like. the FSM. Then, him being dropped off, younger looking, at Fritz Donnegan's house. Then he realized, Jay was one of the children, but he was forsaken by both.
Episode 159: The Son of the First Spinjitzu Master (Zane)
Surprised by Cole's message, Zane researches and finds out NO medical records at ALL from Jay. No-one even knew his name. He turns to find Over-Skylor sucking him into the tornado.
Episode 160: Disaster of Fire (Kai)
Angered to see Jay's death, and Zane's imprisonment, he took on the tornado, undoing it with his Spinjitzu going the opposite direction, the ninja distract the Overlord's four minions.
Episode 161: The End Is Near (Lloyd)
Kai has undone the tornado, but Over-Skylor is sucking Kai's powers away. Lloyd uses his Jet and drops in and knocks down the Overlord, challenging him to yet another final battle.
Episode 162: The End Is Here, Part I (Lloyd)
The Overlord's minions possess a helicopter and fire at Lloyd's Jet. Zane gets at the wheel, fighting the minions. The Overlord accepts the challenge from Lloyd. Lloyd dons new golden armor and the Overlord donned jet black armor. They use Spinjitzu and face off.
Episode 163: The End Is Here, Part II
The ninja battle in the skies, vehicles destroying each other. The ninja summon the Gold Armor that Lloyd is wearing. Lloyd seems to be losing. Wu comes in with the new bounty, Destiny's Descendant, faster and stronger, yet slightly smaller. He shoots Over-Skylor back.
Episode 164: The End Is Here, Part III
Destiny's Descendant is broken, forcing Wu to land. He helps Lloyd with Over-Skylor. Wu throws Lloyd a mind helmet, that transports people into other beings' minds. Lloyd is sucked into Over-Skylor's mind.
Episode 165: The End is Here, Part IV
Lloyd finds Skylor's good section of her mind and charges her mind with energy. Wu battles Over-Skylor alone. The ninja defeat, the Overlords brethren. The ninja succeed in bringing the Overlord down, Skylor now saved. The ninja rejoice, though the Overlord escapes, secretly, the ninja have won.
Ninjago Season 15 Seabound explores the depths of the ocean, in a series of new Atlantis-inspired sets due to be released in the second half of 2021.
Thanks to Dutch retailer Ottosimon, we now get our first official look at these 5 new sets, as well as new Ninjago Legacy sets that include Golden Zane in the 71739 Ultra Sonic Raider set, and Golden Nya in 71753 Kai’s Fire Dragon.
In case you missed it, here’s all the other Summer 2021 LEGO sets revealed so far:
LEGO 71750 Lloyd’s Hydro Mech
Ninja fans can recreate scenes from the TV series NINJAGO®: Seabound with the super-cool Lloyd’s Hydro Mech (71750). The ninja playset features an adjustable toy mecha with a large sword in one hand and a hydraulic claw in the other for hours of exciting role-play.
The underwater playset includes 2 minifigures: Scuba Lloyd with a mask, scuba tank and flippers and the villainous Maaray guard.
Kids can create their own adventures to determine which of the two can get their hands on the golf charm from the set.
LEGO 71752 Ninja Sub Speeder
Kids can bring the action from the LEGO® NINJAGO®: Seabound TV series to life by role-playing scenes with this Ninja Sub-Speeder (71752). The 2-in-1 vehicle can be used as a car or submarine and features a detachable drone, 2 stud shooters and an opening cockpit.
The ninja playset includes 4 minifigures: Scuba Jay and Scuba Cole, each with scuba gear and flippers, and 2 Maaray guards with cool weapons.
Kids can fight a variety of duels on land and underwater to see who gets their hands on the golf charm in the set. Great toys for ninja fans NINJAGO construction sets take kids to a fantasy world where they and their ninja heroes learn about positive values and how to compete against bad guys.
LEGO 71754 Water Dragon
Kids can role-play stories from the TV series NINJAGO®: Seabound with this detailed Water Dragon (71754). The impressive toy dragon has an adjustable head, jaw, legs, neck, wings and a movable tail that she can use as a weapon to keep kids entertained for hours.
Includes 5 minifigures: NRG Nya, Webbed Scuba Zane, Prince Kalmaar and 2 dangerous Maaray guards that allow kids to fight thrilling duels for the precious golf amulet.
There is also a mini submarine with a cockpit for Scuba Zane and a display stand for the amulet. Impress your friends With LEGO® NINJAGO toys, kids can escape for a moment to an action-packed fantasy world where they fight duels with their ninja heroes to protect NINJAGO City.
LEGO 71755 Temple of the Endless Sea
Ninja fans can play out a variety of underwater adventures from the LEGO® NINJAGO®: Seabound TV series with the Temple of the Endless Sea (71755). This detailed ninja playset features a lab, prison, submarine, manta ray and the chained sea serpent Wojira.
This set includes 7 minifigures: Scuba Kai, NRG Nya, Glutinous, Prince Kalmaar, Prince Benthomaar and 2 Maaray guards that allow kids to fight all sorts of awesome confrontations to take control of the all-important wave and storm amulets in the set.
Great gift to play with LEGO NINJAGO building sets take kids to an action-packed fantasy world. There they can team up with their favorite ninja heroes against evil with a dazzling collection of ninja toys, including planes, cars and mecha. Suitable for children from 9 years and older.
LEGO 71756 Hydro Bounty
Kids can take action-packed battles on the seafloor with this stunning LEGO® NINJAGO® Hydro Bounty (71756) playset. The underwater craft includes 10 minifigures and is packed with cool features: 2 spring-loaded shooters, opening cockpit, fold-out wings, detachable mech and 2 mini-submersibles.
This underwater playset includes 10 minifigures: Scuba Kai, Scuba Nya, Scuba Zane, Scuba Jay, Scuba Cole and Scuba Lloyd, each with flippers, scuba gear and weapons to take on Prince Kalmaar’s evil quartet, a Maaray security guard and 2 Wu Bots.
Imaginative and fun building sets for kids NINJAGO toys take kids to an exciting action-packed fantasy world. Young builders will enjoy the building process before they join their ninja heroes on all kinds of adventures and take on their enemies with an amazing collection of planes, dragons and mech. Suitable for children from 9 years and older.
LEGO 71753 Kai’s Fire Dragon
Ninja fans will love playing out the aerial adventures from Season 1 of the LEGO® NINJAGO® TV series with this all-new Fire Dragon Attack (71753) set. The imposing dragon with moving tail, legs, jaw and wings guarantees exciting role-playing games full of action.
This building set includes 4 cool minifigures: the ninjas Kai, Zane and Nya Legacy, plus their great enemy Wyplash for unforgettable confrontations between good and evil.
Also includes a unique Nya Legacy gold minifigure with collectible stand (new for June 2021) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the NINJAGO playsets.
LEGO 71739 Ultra Sonic Raider
Kids can play out exciting adventures from Season 1 of the LEGO® NINJAGO® TV series with this updated version of the Ultrasonic Attack (71739).
The 4-in-1 vehicle can be disassembled to make a motorcycle, a plane with spring-loaded shooters and 2 all-terrain vehicles.
This playset includes 7 minifigures: ninjas Kai, Zane, Cole and Jay, plus snake warriors Mezmo and Rattla from the Hypnobrai tribe – everything kids need for thrilling duels.
Also includes a unique Zane Legacy gold minifigure with collectible stand (new for June 2021) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of NINJAGO toys.
LEGO 71749 Final Flight of Destiny’s Bounty
Young children can learn to build with the beautiful Destiny’s Bounty (71749) Final Tour set.
The building set is packed with fun: a ship, a jet ski, a dragon with movable wings, a treasure chest, an island with a prison and 4 minifigures.
71734 Kai’s Blade Cycle
Have you been getting into LEGO Ninjago as part of the theme’s 10th anniversary? Let me know in the comments what you think of these sets!
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15-ый сезон Ninjago: Ninjago Seabound, уже вышел в эфир в некоторых странах, и в общей сложности в 2021 году мы встречаем 5 сопровождающих шоу наборов. Они будут выпущены в продажу по всему миру в июне 2021 года.
15-ый сезон отправляет зрителей в морские приключения, и наборы конструктора, соответственно, тоже идут на морскую тематику.
71756 Hydro Bounty
Устраивайте остросюжетные бои на морском дне с помощью этого потрясающего набора! Подводное судно включает в себя целых 10 минифигурок, в нем много крутых особенностей: открывающаяся кабина, откидные крылья и многое другое.
10 минифигурок: Scuba Kai, Scuba Nya, Scuba Zane, Scuba Jay, Scuba Cole и Scuba Lloyd (с ластами, аквалангами и оружием), а также Prince Kalmaar, охранник и 2 Wu Bots.
71755 Temple of the Endless Sea
Храм бескрайнего моря. Детальный набор имеет лабораторию, тюрьму, подводную лодку и многое другое.
Набор включает в себя 7 минифигурок: Scuba Kai, NRG Nya, Glutinous, Prince Kalmaar, Prince Benthomaar и 2 охранника.
Подходит для детей от 9 лет и старше.
71754 Water Dragon
Водный дракон. Впечатляющий игрушечный дракон имеет подвижную голову, челюсть, ноги, шею, крылья и подвижный хвост, который он может использовать в качестве оружия.
Включает в себя 5 минифигурок: NRG Nya, Webbed Scuba Zane, Prince Kalmaar и 2 охранника.
Также есть мини-субмарина с кабиной для Scuba Zane и дисплей для амулета.
71752 Ninja Sub Speeder
Аппарат 2-в-1 может использоваться в качестве автомобиля или подводной лодки, имеет съемный беспилотник и открывающуюся кабину.
4 минифигурки: Scuba Jay и Scuba Cole с аквалангами и ластами, 2 охранника с крутым оружием.
71750 Lloyd’s Hydro Mech
Фанаты могут воссоздать сцены из сериала. Подводная игровая установка включает в себя 2 минифигурки: Scuba Lloyd с маской, аквалангом и ластами, и злодейская охрана Maaray.
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