Lego ninjago phantom ninja
Всем привет! :) Давненько не было обзоров на НиндзяГо! Исправляюсь, тем более у меня произошло пополнение коллекции. В этот раз я воспользовалась самой бюджетной возможностью получить золотого ниндзю – приобрела набор 71735 Турнир Стихий – именно о нём и пойдет рассказ.
Набор вышел в линейке Ninjago Legacy – а это значит что The LEGO Group переосмысли один из предыдущих наборов серии и выпустила его в новой "оболочке". На этот раз реинкарнацию прошел набор 2015 года – 70756 Dojo Showdown.
Однако в текущем наборе были добавлены уникальные новые персонажи, знакомые нам по сериалу.
Подстать золотому Ллойду, который изображен на лицевой стороне коробке – весь набор так и светится за счет золотых деталей, хотя на самом деле их совсем немного.
Из бумажной продукции – инструкция и небольшой листочек наклеек.
Артикул: 71735
Кол-во деталей: 283
Кол-во минифигурок: 7
Год выпуска: 2021
Рекомендованная розничная цена: 2599.00 (9.18 руб./деталь)
Из каждого пакетика собираются пара персонажей и определенная часть конструкции.
Золотой Ллойд – причина покупки набора, хотя и другим минифигуркам я тоже очень рада. У Ллойда характерная для золотых минифигурок подставочка с логотипом 10-летнего юбилея серии. Прекрасный с двух сторон принтованный торсик, загрунтованные ножки, золотые наплечники с креплением по две катаны.
Ему в компанию – два друга ниндзи: Кай и Джей – персонажи не эксклюзивные – встречаются еще в нескольких наборах.
За банданами скрываются дружелюбные и симпатичные лица, а шикарные "взъерошенные" прически придают им особенно задиристый вид.
В интерьере набора наши нидзя используют всякие местечковые аксессуары.
Но иногда приходится одалживать золотую катану из запаса экстра-деталей.
Кроме троицы ниндзя в текущем наборе еще 4 интересных персонажа.
Айзор – не эксклюзивная фигурка – встречается еще в 4 наборах. Примечателен принтом змеи на лице и шикарной кожаной курточкой.
Принт змеи на куртке с обратной стороны.
Не знаю почему ему в наборе выдедлили серебристые ролики - но ему идёт! :)
Гравис – уникальная фигурка набора, как и положено букве сериала облачен в бордовый тюрбан и такого же цвета кимоно. Оба выражения лица очень интересные.
Болобо одет в штаны с принтом. На теле кожаный плетеный ремень и белое перо на груди. Под пышной шевелюрой с бородой и усами скрывается добродушное лицо.
Сзади на кожанной перевези кармашек с вылезающей из него веточкой и привязанный кулёчек.
Джейкоб Певзнер – еще одна эксклюзивная минифигурка набора с причудливым дизайном. У него совершенно вычурный изумрудного цвета костюм "с петличками", сквозь который просачивается оранжевый жилет и рюшечки рубашки. Золотые эполеты, африканская шевелюра и очки-звёзды. Завершает восторг – белая классическая шестиструнная гитара!
Общая конструкция набора – двухярусное "ажурное" строение в японской стилистике. Золотые перила и черно-красный цветовые акценты делают строение приятным для глаз.
The Phantom Ninja is a major character that appeared in Cole: Ninja of Earth. He is a skilled ninja that wears a charcoal gray suit - although associated with Sensei Wu, he works independently.
After the Ninja failed to work as a team, Kai began an argument about Cole's leadership. Jay agreed that they should consider a different leader altogether, suggesting himself as a likely candidate. Cole, however, retorted with the fact that leadership would be too difficult for any of the three, leaving his comrades to think it over. Zane thought they should go fetch Cole, but Kai interrupted him to decide a new means of choosing the next leader: whoever performs the best in the next mission will be leader.
The next morning, the Ninja found that Cole was missing along with their equipment. The three quickly searched for the Earth Ninja, only to find him unconscious in a field of grass. With the splash of cold water, Cole awoke from his forced slumber, complaining of a headache and claiming that something wiped him out while he was guarding their campsite. While they debated about the cause, Kai found a note attached to a tree held up by a single shuriken. The note was signed by the Phantom Ninja, admitting to being the one who stole their possessions and warning that he would take something more precious if the Ninja did not surrender.
Cole then told his team a story about Sensei Wu attempting to recruit the Phantom Ninja, but changed his mind when the Ninja demanded gold in return for his services. The Phantom Ninja was not able to handle Sensei Wu's second thought, vowing to seek revenge. The Ninja turned to Cole for a plan to tackle the task, but Cole pointed out that he was no longer the leader, causing the three other Ninja to walk away in order to help themselves.
The Ninja agreed to a plan sorted out by Kai, though the trap they laid out failed to lure the Phantom Ninja. However, after they heard the shocked screams of Cole, the three Ninja went to investigate and found that the Earth Ninja was missing. A note rested in his place where his black ninja hood had been left behind, signed once more by the Phantom Ninja. It spoke of how he took Cole, warning that they will never see him again if they cannot find him by the next day.
They headed out through the forest in search of their missing friend. The three Ninja came across a broken bridge above a river, finding yet another note, which informed them that they must make it past the river without the use of Spinjitzu. Jay spotted some of his stolen gear nearby, creating a rocket pack and tying a rope around himself and his comrades. They flew across with success and crash-landed onto the other side of the river.
A single arrow shot past Zane with another note, though Kai ordered everyone to search for the Phantom Ninja instead as the arrow would indicate that he was close. In their chase, they became so focused they accidentally sprung traps that left them hanging upside-down by vines. The Phantom Ninja finally showed himself, laughing and taunting the group. He then gave them a clue of Cole's situation: Where is a man who is drowning, yet not wet? The Phantom Ninja vanished after his question, the Ninja quickly realizing that Cole must be in the quicksand nearby.
Zane, Jay, and Kai arrived at the pool of quicksand, spotting a black-garbed figure in the middle. Kai made a lasso out of some vines, though Cole made no effort to grab it and instead lay motionless. Zane and Kai turned to leave, Jay astonished with them as they left him behind. An axe was propelled at the ground where they were walking, the Phantom Ninja standing atop a branch above them. The Phantom Ninja questioned their actions, Kai telling the figure of the dummy that was placed in the quicksand, and Zane elaborating with details of his plan. Having been figured out, the Phantom Ninja pulled off his hood to reveal himself to be Cole.
Cole explained how he planned out the entire ordeal to teach the team a lesson about leadership, and when Kai asked him if he made up the Phantom Ninja, Cole admitted that the story was true.
The Earth Ninja informed his team that he returned their possessions to the campsite after they left, though when they headed back home, the campsite was completely trashed. At first the three Ninja assumed that Cole was lying about returning their luggage, but Cole was just as stunned as they were. The Phantom Ninja appeared before them, stating it was his doing before throwing shurikens at Jay. Cole demanded to know his reason for trashing their camp, though the Phantom Ninja replied that he heard his name was being used in vain. After Kai and the Phantom Ninja exchanged taunts, they both sprung into battle. He quickly paralyzed Kai with a sparrow strike, moving onto Zane next. The Phantom Ninja complimented Zane for his skill, though he took down the Ice Ninja with ease. Cole then sprung into action with Jay, using their Spinjitzu - however, the Phantom Ninja whirled around into a tornado of Spinjitzu and countered their attack. The Phantom Ninja disappeared afterward, Cole ordering his teammates to grab makeshift weapons using rocks and sticks. The gray Ninja reappeared moments later, Zane questioning how he performed such a technique. He explained that he simply emptied his mind of all thought, commenting that the technique should be easy for them.
Cole began to notice his comrades were becoming exhausted, coming up with a plan in an attempt to stop the endless battle. He ordered the Ninja to close in on their opponent and, once they were close enough, performed Spinjitzu which whipped the Phantom Ninja into the air. Once the gray Ninja fell, the Phantom Ninja began laughing before stating that he lost his wager. Confused, Cole asked him what he meant, the Phantom Ninja explaining that he and Sensei Wu participated in a bet to see if the team became too fractured to operate properly in a crisis.
Kai was baffled by his explanation, the Phantom Ninja elaborating further - the story that Sensei Wu told was made up. The Phantom Ninja was previously a bandit, and when Sensei Wu found him, they worked out a deal: Sensei Wu would not report him to the police if the Phantom Ninja only stole from other bandits and passed any information of major threats to Sensei Wu. Then he explained to them that he provided the team a common enemy when they needed it most, to bring them together.
Zane pointed out how after the entire ordeal, he was unsure of how he could just simply let him go back to his banditry. The Phantom Ninja said to the Ninja of Ice that it was just how things were, giving them the option of attempting to beat him again. Cole was forced to stop an infuriated Kai from attacking the gray Ninja, instead letting him off on the note of being ready for another attack if necessary. With that, the Phantom Ninja bowed, saying that he would leave Sensei Wu the tea in the "usual spot" and informed them where he placed their gear before vanishing.
A factory in Ninjago Village is under siege by an unstoppable new menace, with the beloved mayor and his daughter held hostage! Only Nya, Jay, Cole, and Kai -- the Masters of Spinjitzu -- can save the day . . . or are they? Much to the brave warriors' astonishment, a new gray ninja is on the scene! Is the Phantom Ninja friend or foe, and will his reckless fighting style sa A factory in Ninjago Village is under siege by an unstoppable new menace, with the beloved mayor and his daughter held hostage! Only Nya, Jay, Cole, and Kai -- the Masters of Spinjitzu -- can save the day . . . or are they? Much to the brave warriors' astonishment, a new gray ninja is on the scene! Is the Phantom Ninja friend or foe, and will his reckless fighting style sabotage the rescue mission before it even starts? . more
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I like Ninjago books because they have a lot of fighting, spinjitzu, punching, and flipping. This story was cool because there was this ninja that kept vanishing and appearing places. That was the phantom ninja! In the end, the phantom ninja's identity was revealed. I like Ninjago books because they have a lot of fighting, spinjitzu, punching, and flipping. This story was cool because there was this ninja that kept vanishing and appearing places. That was the phantom ninja! In the end, the phantom ninja's identity was revealed. . more
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Ok I was very disappointed with this book. I read Cole Ninja of Earth and loved it, and a character in the book is named the phantom ninja, so when I got this book from the library, me and my sister were literally running around the tables. In a library😐 Oops. No one was there if that helps. Anyway I like when Nya was falling and Jay and Cole (of course) caught her at the same time and started arguing about who saved her, But that is sadly the only part that made me laugh. Also was anyone else Ok I was very disappointed with this book. I read Cole Ninja of Earth and loved it, and a character in the book is named the phantom ninja, so when I got this book from the library, me and my sister were literally running around the tables. In a library😐 Oops. No one was there if that helps. Anyway I like when Nya was falling and Jay and Cole (of course) caught her at the same time and started arguing about who saved her, But that is sadly the only part that made me laugh. Also was anyone else confused about why on earth Jay was flirting with the phantom ninja. I mean it makes no sense! At this point in time Jay, Cole, and Nya are in a love triangle! Also he did so right in front of Nya! Why Jay, WHY. 😫 Ok I've thought about this for 3 months and realized I actually like the book! I changed my rating from 2 🌟 to 3 🌟 mostly because of Seliel.(which is funny cause she's the reason I didn't really like the book) but I wish they didn't mislead me into thinking it would connect with Cole Ninja of Earth. I Still don't like that Jay flirted with Seliel, but I can get over that, because he clearly likes Nya. Also I really want Cole and Seliel to get together! It's SHOCKED me to my core, but I love them together! Overall, good book . more
Discover the Warrior’s Power!
Ninja Legend! is the 68th issue of the Ninjago Magazine. Kai appears on the cover, and the comic, written by Jan Dinter, is called Mother Earth. 892068 Richie (Richie with a katana and floating surfboard) is included. It was released in October 2020.
Mother Earth
P.I.X.A.L. and Misako are working on a new ship while the ninja and Wu are away at Shintaro Mountain. P.I.X.A.L. decides to take a break to play some video games. Misako comes in and scolds her for wasting time when they have so much equipment to bring onboard. P.I.X.A.L. returns to work and goes to move Wu’s teapot into the ship. In doing so, she knocks a stack of photos onto the floor. As she picks them up, she notices a young Wu with someone she doesn’t recognize. She shows the photo to Misako, who tells her it is Lilly.
After P.I.X.A.L. expresses confusion as to who Lilly is, Misako tells P.I.X.A.L. that she was a ninja who trained with Wu many years ago. She described Lilly as one of Wu’s most promising students and grew in power tremendously when she reached her True Potential. She used her Earth powers to protect the citizens of Ninjago City. She later acquired two blades representing light and darkness, the Blades of Deliverance.
Misako goes on to describe some of Lilly’s missions and adventures. One of these was to descend into the Underworld to spy on Garmadon. She infiltrates his Dark Fortress and eavesdrops on a conversation between Garmadon and Samukai, relishing in the capturing of Dr. Julien for the purpose of designing new vehicles. Shocked, Lilly escapes to tell Wu the bad news. Another mission was answering a distress call from Jamanakai Village. She is ambushed by some Venomari. They prepare to spit their venom into her eyes, but she covers her eyes with a blindfold. Despite being voluntarily blinded, she defeats the snakes with ease.
Misako then tells P.I.X.A.L. that her greatest adventure came later, when two tribes came to her from a far off kingdom for help with defeating a dragon threatening their lives. Lilly leaves the Monastery of Spinjitzu to set off towards Shintaro to face off against the beast. When she returned to the Monastery, she didn’t bring the Blades of Deliverance back. Misako assumes that the blades are still in the caves of Shintaro.
Later on, Misako tells of Lilly retiring and giving birth to Cole with Lou. She said that Lilly recognized young Cole’s destiny to be a great warrior and that he’d inherited her power. In her final moments, she made Cole promise that he would always stand up to those that are cruel and unjust. Of which, Misako recognizes, Cole has more than lived up to.
Please Note: The fallowing fanfic is set before the events of season 15 (Seabound). If anything happens in the show afterwards that contradicts this story, it should just be accepted as an alternate universe.
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: After the events of "Who is the phantom ninja" and "Way of the Departed". Seliel feels it necessary to upgrade her suit and her skills.
“See you in a month dad!” Seliel said while finishing packing her car for the drive towards Ninjago City. She figured a month would be enough. If she ever needed to extend her stay, she could. Ninjago City was known for its advanced technology and figured it would be perfect to upgrade her suit. A week ago, Seliel asked her father if he could set her up at Borg Tower to access the tech she may need. Since her father was the mayor of Nom and had made several business deals with Cyrus Borg in the past, he was more than willing to let Seliel use whatever she needed.
Sometime later, Seliel pulled up to Borg Tower, put her vehicle in park, and contact the number her father gave her, to let Cyrus Borg know she was here. Not long after, Cyrus came rolling out to greet her.
“Welcome Seliel! Please follow me, I’ll give you a tour and show you the office I set up for you while you’re here.” Cyrus said.
“An office? Thank you, Mr. Borg, but you didn’t need to do this.” Seliel replied.
“Please Seliel, just Cyrus. You’re planning to be here minimum a month, I couldn’t just let you do all your hard work in a hotel.”
“Well, thank you Cyrus. I really appreciate…”
She was caught off by a feminine voice.
“I just finished re-wiring the mainframe and. ”
Seliel turned and realized it was a droid. Within seconds Seliel put a sword to the droid’s neck.
“WAIT SELIEL! She’s with me. Pixal I’ll come and find you once I’m done showing Seliel around.” Cyrus said.
As a response, Seliel lowered her swords. The droid started walking away, giving her an expression she’s never seen on a droid before, one of pure annoyance. Cyrus luckily didn’t seem frustrated at Seliel for her instinct. After all, he knew why she despised droids. Having your city token over and being held captive by them is more than enough of a reason. He gave the tour of Borg Tower and showed Seliel her office. After Cyrus let Seliel got to work. She pulled out her suit blueprints from her backpack and began looking through the Borg system for newer tech. At the same time, she also looked up the hero Samurai X.
From what Cole had told her, it was no longer Nya but someone new, and last time they brought it up in conversation Cole had no idea who the new Samurai X was. Yet whoever they were, their tech was impressive for sure. The suit was a well-updated version of Nya’s suit, and she wanted to use similar tech for her suit. She thought of letting Cole know she was in Ninjago City yet felt it would drive her away from what she was here. Maybe right before she left, she could stop by and say hello. Yet for now, that wasn’t a priority.
Seliel was able to find many pictures of the newer Samurai X, yet pictures of the outside weren’t going to help her understand the inner workings of the suit. Perhaps Cyrus knew who Samurai X was. She began looking for him and ended up at Borg's office. The door was open slightly so she looked in. All she saw was the droid from earlier.
“I’m just finishing up helping my creator, Zane. I should be back at the monastery soon. You can let Master Wu and the other know if they’re curious.”
The droid seemed to be having a conversation with Zane the elemental master of ice and knew the ninja well enough that it was living with them. What was that droid planning? Seliel ran back to her office, packed up her things to follow the droid back to the monastery.
Seliel waited till the droid was walking up the stairs to the monastery to attack. She tackled the droid, sending them both tumbling down the steps. Luckily, she came prepared and was wearing her phantom ninja suit, to protect her from any pain. All of sudden she stopped falling, yet once she looked, she wasn’t at the bottom. Seliel turned to see Cole was holding her by her feet to stop her from falling and Zane seemed to have caught the droid.
“Didn’t know you were in Ninjago City Seliel? What’s up with you attacking Pixal?” Cole said as all four of them started walking up to the monastery.
“It’s a droid, Cole. Need I say more. Also, I’m just here to upgrade my suit and wanted to focus on that which is why I didn’t tell you I was here.” Seliel replied.
“Well, Seliel I believe we forgot to tell you something and I don’t want you to freak out. Zane is a nindroid too. I know you don’t like droids, but you know Zane and don’t seem to have a problem with him.”
Seliel just walked in silence as she processed the information. Zane is a droid; a droid that helped save her town. It didn’t add up. Why would a machine work to stop another machine?
“When did you find out Zane was a droid?”
“I knew long before we met you. We chose not to tell you since we figured it wasn’t the right time. Yet Zane is and always has been a nindroid and we don’t see him any differently for it.”
“What’s with the other one then?”
“Pixal is sort of Zane’s girlfriend you could say. Also, Pixal is Samurai X. Figured you’d want to know that. We figured it out not long after you helped me with my scar.”
Once she got up to the monastery, she was greeted by all the other ninja. Including a ninja, she never met before, Lloyd. He certainly was a lot younger than all the other ninja. She decided to sit furthest away from Pixal. Cole had made a point, she trusted Zane, but she didn’t trust Pixal. Even if it was Samurai X. While sitting with the ninja Seliel glanced over and noticed the Samurai X suit from afar. Cole noticed and said:
“I’m guessing you’re interested in how the Samurai X suit works?”
“What gave that away?” Seliel asked, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“Why else would you be staring at a piece of tech?”
“Fine, you caught me. I would like to learn how it works, yet I don’t want to be alone with that droid. I know you trust it, but I don’t.
“Pixal is the one who knows more about the suits. I’m sure Nya could provide some information, but she doesn’t know about all the little updates Pixal made. Tell ya what. Why don’t me and Zane join you and Pixal at Borg Tower? We won’t get in your way, but just so that way you can get to know Pixal.”
“I guess that’d be okay.”
Seliel agreed, yet only because her curiosity was getting the better of her. After Seliel went back to her hotel room, Cole talked to Zane and Pixal. They seemed okay with the arrangement and were set to meet up at Borg Tower tomorrow.
Fun fact: This story started because I noticed a lot of Ninjago fanfiction doesn’t tend to focus on background or side characters. I’ve seen My Little Pony fanfiction tackle background characters and figured I’d give it a shot, yet with Ninjago.
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