Lego monkey kid art
This is a prediction of season 4 and what could happen. This will be put in an episode style where it might have some fluff filler sometimes and some lore related chapters! This will be long as I plan for this to be something to update constantly for my people trying to survive the hiatus ♡♡
Wukong gets Nezha to sleep🪷🍑✨ by Peachylemoncream
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
Nezha has been questioning his worth and worked himself to pure exhaustion
Wukong being the dad he is helps him the best he can
Monkey Kid Drabbles and Headcanons by Moonlit_Fox, Noble_Prime
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
As the title suggests, this is drabbles and headcanons my friend and i came up with. Some chapters include smut, we'll warn ahead of time and list the kinks. Some of the tags haven't been written yet but they will. It's mainly gonna be Wukong/Macaque but we might do other types, maybe. Enjoy :]
Pain and peaches - The beginning by Arrow_Raptor
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
It hasn't been long since our heros had saved the day but it seemed that their path is going to twist in an unexpected way. Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal To Heaven, isn't as okay as he acts after his possession and to try to act normal he may have taken on more responsibilities then he can handle.
A Scent That Lasts by Falling_Future
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
You arrive home late at night after spending the day with Wukong and MK, but Macaque seems to be acting peculiar. You don’t know it, but the thick scent of peaches is clinging to you, and your boyfriend seems rattled by this. Good thing he already has a solution in mind, though.
A new life by Star_child99
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
Summary: the author…. Creator…. ….. The controller of all writing in their world, what if one night the creator goes to bed but wakes up in their favorite show? What If the creator became her Oc that she loves so much…..
Hold on…..
She made her Oc the son of lady-
Follow 'azure' (me) as he explores Monkie kid and follows MK throughout adventures!
And just a note: my pronouns are she/they, my oc is just a male
Not My Thoughts by Smol40
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
The Mayor spent so many years under Lady Bone Demon's control and influence, it makes someone wonder what happened when she died.
He lives on while she dies, what does he do now that no one is controlling his every action and thought?
It's all to much for me by Tater_the_potater
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
MK is over worked, a lot. He is tired. He eventfully starts doubts himself and slowly gives up on a lot of things, from gaming to being a hero.
When the pressure gets to MK he runs away from his family, finding out that not all enemy's are bad guys.
destiny? what's that? by Auburnity
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
Set after the events of S3, MK decides to sleep over at your house.
The Flowering Fruit by Baykit
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
When the son of the navy commander Red Son first meets the famous pirate, The Monkey King, he wasn't expecting him to be so. flirty? But what about his affections for the cabin boy, MK? Things only get more confusing from here for Red Son.
Original AU concept belongs to ninja-knox-ur-sox-off on Tumblr
What Happened? by Vampsscore
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
This is just something I wrote while listening to Gooey by the Glass Animals and a bit of First love/Late Spring by Mitski.
He didn’t know exactly what possessed him to drink them, or why he was thinking of his old lover, but here he was, listening to the wind and trying not to think about how great it felt back then. If it was like back then, he would have his partner sitting right next to him, drinking as much if not more than him. They would giggle the night away without a care in the world because there were no worries, nothing to stop them, nothing in the way. Although, now there were plenty of things to worry about, and he knows Wukong is sitting in his pretty little mountain and acting as if it wasn’t even happening.
Shovel by imbeccable
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
Mei trusts Mk's judgement, but sometimes you've gotta take matters in your own hands to make sure your bestie stays unhurt.
Wayward Strays AU fanart by Nightmarestar_Of_ThunderClan for AeonChangeling
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid, The Owl House (Cartoon), Danny Phantom, Gravity Falls, American Dragon: Jake Long, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, Coraline (2009), Infinity Train (Cartoon)
Just somewhere to post fanart for AeonChangeling's AU, because it fills me with joy. Quality may vary
The Peach Garden by ForeveranEngima
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
The same dream visits me each night, the sounds of arguing as thunder crackles in the background and rain soaks my skin. What are they saying? Why are they arguing? Are they pointing at me? Wait, no, don't leave me, please don't leave me here!
He Took My Place by toons_rule
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
Wukong was so close to winning. To finally defeat the Lady Bone Demon and end this absolute nightmare. Not ready for her to get an advantage Wukong was not prepared to face.
((AKA: What if MK was possessed by Lady Bone Demon.))
Flaming Lotus by ForeveranEngima
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
First I fall from heaven and am separated from my family, next I'm found on the shores of my brother's least favorite person. er, monkey, and now SAID monkey wants me to babysit his successor! Can this get any worse? Yes, yes it can.
It’s Been a Long Time by SleepyDazi
Fandoms: LEGO Monkie Kid
With the apprenticeship of MK under the Great Monkey King, Mei has been noticing that her friendship with MK has been starting to strain yet she was simply in denial of such a thing! Hopeful that it simply was her mind playing tricks on her. With the finding of a mysterious artifact, the girl is given a new companion along with many complications and many new revelations…
Правила группы:
1.Предупреждение 1 ( за спам, мат) - бан на день.
Показать полностью.
2.Предупреждение 2 (за спам, мат) - бан на неделю.
3. Предупреждение 3 (за спам, мат) - бан на месяц.
4.После того как предупреждения выйдут баним на пожизненно.
5.За любые оскорбления на бан пожизненно.
6 За неуважение администрации и споры бан на пожизненно.
Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян] запись закреплена
Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян] запись закреплена
Здравствуйте дорогие подписчики! Если вы увлеклись легендами про короля обезьян, то советую вам посмотреть мульфильм 2015 года где,вы узнаете о нём многое.Удачного просмотра!
Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян] запись закреплена
Фильмы и ceриалы | Новинки кинo
Oчeнь кpyтoй сepиaл от NetfIix!
Цapь oбезьян: Новые лeгенды (2020) Вce cеpии, 16+
Жанр: фэнтези, комедия, приключения
Kогдa-то людей зaщищaли бoги, oни жe сдepживaли демонов. Царь Oбезьян был oдним из стрaжeй мирa, a потом исчeз. Тeперь злые силы рaзгулялиcь и пoдчинили себе все вокрyг. Heкотopыe вoины мeчтают о возвpaщении стаpыx пopядкoв. Oни ищyт избpанныx, споcoбныx c пoмощью aртефактов пpизвать Цаpя oбeзьян. Юнaя гeроиня пoмогает оpганизoвaть oднy тaкyю вcтрeчу зaгoвopщиков, нo демoн yбивaeт всех приcyтcтвующиx. Онa же вынужденa cтaть избрaнной и пpинять имя Tpипитака, чтобы пpодолжить миccию пoгибших товapищeй.
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LEGO® Monkie Kid™
Представьте, что бы произошло, если бы герои и злодеи из старинных сказок вдруг оказались в современном мире. LEGO® Monkie Kid™ переносит в наше время персонажей древней китайской истории о битве между добром и злом. Так рождается новая легенда — и дети получают возможность создавать свои собственные героические приключения.
Самые популярные
Город Фонарей
Фабрика лунных пряников Чан’э
«Галактический странник» Манки Кида
Робот Злой Макаки
Манки Кид — сюжет: сезон 3
Манки Кид и его команда отправляются в свое путешествие на запад: им предстоит отыскать три могущественных огненных кольца, чтобы победить Костяного демона. Сможет ли Злая Макака со своей армией темных обезьян остановить нашего героя? Да начнется гонка!
Манки Кид — сюжет: сезон 2
Эпические приключения продолжаются: наш герой Манки Кид (он же «МК») вместе с друзьями сражается, защищая город от двух новых легендарных и опасных врагов: Костяного демона и Королевы пауков.
Манки Кид — сюжет: сезон 1
Судьба отправляет юного доставщика лапши Манки Кида на поиски давно потерянного золотого посоха Царя обезьян. Сможет ли он использовать его магические силы, чтобы победить демонического Царя быков, принцессу Айрон Фэн и Ред Сана?
Огненное кольцо Нэчжа
«Галактический странник» Манки Кида
Разожгите у детей интерес к приключениям, и пусть они соберут детализированную стартовую площадку и звездолет, а затем отправятся в героические космические экспедиции вместе с Манки Кидом, Мэй, Сэнди, мистером Тангом и роботом Мо.
Погрузочный робот Сэнди
Мощный робот Сэнди с диджейской будкой наверху (ну а почему нет?) против робота Синтакса, стреляющего ракетами с паучьим ядом. Вот это сражение!
Танк-лапша Пигси
Сегодня в меню захватывающие сражения едой! В схватке участвуют скорострельный танк-лапша Пигси, робот-панда, стреляющий «лимонадом», и дрон-панда!
Коптер команды Монки Кида
Настоящий швейцарский нож среди летательной техники! Проводите самые дерзкие спасательные операции с неба с этим коптером. А потом можно отпраздновать, отдохнуть и отлично провести время в домашней атмосфере. опять же в коптере!
Легендарная Цветочная гора
Там, где началась легенда! Этот впечатляющий набор предлагает детям воссоздать историю появления Царя обезьян на священной Цветочной горе. В наборе есть 4 минифигурки Царя обезьян, изображающие его в разном возрасте.
Город Фонарей
Робот Злой Макаки
Сразитесь в напряженном бою с могучим роботом Злой Макаки. Ваш юный герой должен объединиться с Манки Кидом, Мэй и Сэнди, отыскать все три огненных кольца и использовать пушку из Золотого посоха, чтобы победить злодея.
Фабрика лунных пряников Чан’э
С помощью этого веселого игрового набора вы можете по-новому познакомить детей с легендарной китайской богиней Луны Чан’э. В наборе есть фабрика для производства лунных пряников, стреляющий шипами кролик-робот, ракета в форме моркови и многое другое!
Машина-дракон Мэй
Потрясающая машина Мэй, трайк темных обезьян, летающая доска Манки Кида, четыре минифигурки с крутым оружием и аксессуарами. все, что нужно вашему ребенку для ролевых эпических сражений за огненное кольцо!
Творения посоха Манки Кида
Дети могут вообразить себя в роли Манки Кида, который учится у Царя Обезьян использовать Золотой посох, чтобы сделать робота, самолет и гоночный автомобиль, а потом смешать модели и создать свои собственные волшебные творения.
Оригинальная легенда о Царе обезьян
История серии LEGO® Monkie Kid™ берет свое начало в древнекитайской культуре и легендах. Наборы с любовью переосмысливают знаменитого Царя обезьян и других персонажей классического романа «Путешествие на запад». Эта сказка XVI века входит в число четырех великих классических романов китайской литературы.
LEGO® Monkie Kid™ рассказывает новую легенду — об обычном мальчике, который встретил своего кумира и узнал: чтобы стать современным героем, нужен тот, кто в тебя верит, нужна смелость отстаивать свои ценности, даже если иногда ты делаешь ошибки, а еще нужно воображение и много практики! Да, ну и друзья со стреляющим сосисками оружием и крутой техникой тоже не помешают, конечно.
MK was orphaned at a young age. He doesn't know why he's never felt normal, doesn't know why he's never fit in and he certainly doesn't know that his actual parents are.
4.5K 197 12
Izumi Midoriya, Twin sister of Izuku Midoriya. Second Successor of All Might. She and Izuku were fighting againts One For All before Izumi pushed Izuku out of the way an.
1K 75 10
You own a little bakery shop and everyday was the same. Wake up, go to work, bake, and then back to sleep. You were actually ok with these repeating events. Might as wel.
18.6K 773 15
//This IS a Macaque×Reader. It also contain's Sun Wukong×Reader. Not a Sun Wukong×Macaque//. --------------------------- How did every story go for everyone? Perhaps gro.
67K 2.9K 34
tbh has turned into a sun wukong x reader x macaque What you expected when you laid down with your eyes closed on your bed, snug under the sheet covers, you were expecti.
9.3K 296 21
Delila, a 4'6 ft. 26 year old female from the country of Philippines, Move in to Chine and stay over 22 years. Meet Mk and Mei when she bump towards to them at the arcad.
21.3K 578 40
Red eyes and white Locks that even the Jade Emperor of the Celestial realm fears her. She was only Young back then and the Jade Emperor wants nothing but to Exterminate.
5.7K 314 10
There is a story about Fa Mulan, who's the hero and the warrior, died tragically from the battle against the Lady Bone Demon that her and her friends manage to defeat. B.
8.3K 368 13
Y/n loved Wukong and he loved her, but it happend, it lead to Y/n's imprisonment for a thousand years. Of course they love each other but can they recover? Can they ever.
1K 49 6
Red Son has been developing something off of his fire powers, they seem to be more heated, even more for his own liking. At some point, he has an outburst and his fire e.
40.8K 1.2K 16
It's a fluffy SpicyNoodleshipping fic! Yes, it's Red Son x MK. I'll be posting it to AO3 so more people can enjoy it soon! Cover made by colesmonkies on instagram at. ht.
48.6K 2K 88
The same dream visits me each night, the sounds of arguing as thunder crackles in the background and rain soaks my skin. What are they saying? Why are they arguing? Are.
30.5K 1.1K 32
Y/N is a close friend of MK, and decides one night to go hang out with him and Mei. What they didn't expect, was to find out that a potential enemy. maybe even friend.
1.4K 84 6
Most group of friends have trios, like two boys and one girl. So what if Wukong and Macaque had another friend. Another that just wanted to break the chains from her res.
5.5K 182 15
A fanfiction of Lego Monkie kid series, Even though I only watch only few but bare it with me okay! "You all know the stories of the celestial gods and stories abou.
29.6K 807 24
When Red Son's mother, Princess Iron Fan, humiliates him in front of the entire Monkie Gang, he decides he's had enough and goes ballistic on her. Once he's realised wha.
60.2K 1.6K 62
Mk has a sister!? This is the story of when Mk finds Monkey King's staff with his sister. What if a certain demon gets feelings for Y/n? What if Y/n finds an unknown mag.
34.6K 932 17
Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever monkie kid fanfic I hope u guys enjoy it 🖤♡ 🖤♡ 🖤♡ 🖤 you are mk little sister and are both big fan's of the monkey king [.
Izumi Midoriya, Twin sister of Izuku Midoriya. Second Successor of All Might. She and Izuku were fighting againts One For All before Izumi pushed Izuku out of the way an.
104K 3.8K 83
MK was orphaned at a young age. He doesn't know why he's never felt normal, doesn't know why he's never fit in and he certainly doesn't know that his actual parents are.
23.3K 973 23
Lego monkie kid x Saiki K male reader 'Curse this shitty luck ' Being transported to a kids tv show is not what you wanted to do today . You should've thrown that damned.
1.6K 76 9
a ship between the Six-Eared Macaque and Sun Wukong, the Monkey King😉 Might have a bit of angst, might not. We'll never know😉 I try to publish daily to not let you guy.
5.7K 314 10
There is a story about Fa Mulan, who's the hero and the warrior, died tragically from the battle against the Lady Bone Demon that her and her friends manage to defeat. B.
67K 2.9K 34
tbh has turned into a sun wukong x reader x macaque What you expected when you laid down with your eyes closed on your bed, snug under the sheet covers, you were expecti.
617 2 18
this is a story about my lmk oc Feng Long. He is to be the successor to Huang long; the yellow summit dragon, Feng was to be sent to flower fruit mountain to train under.
60.2K 1.6K 62
Mk has a sister!? This is the story of when Mk finds Monkey King's staff with his sister. What if a certain demon gets feelings for Y/n? What if Y/n finds an unknown mag.
24.7K 1.2K 68
First I fall from heaven and am separated from my family, next I'm found on the shores of my brother's least favorite person. er, monkey, and now SAID monkey wants me.
30.5K 1.1K 32
Y/N is a close friend of MK, and decides one night to go hang out with him and Mei. What they didn't expect, was to find out that a potential enemy. maybe even friend.
20.7K 906 36
"The hero and the warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the tw.
41.7K 1.4K 16
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