Lego modular buildings 2022
Привет-привет! В сегодняшней статье мы познакомимся с внушительным десантом конструкторов LEGO по грядущему мультфиму «Базз Лайтер» от Disney & Pixar. А также космическая новинка для девочек Френдз, впечатляющий набор Звездных Войн с знаковым героем, первый набор в честь девяностолетия The Lego Group и парочку наборов, которые уже утекли в некоторых магазинах на полки. Поехали!
11021: 90 Years of Play / 90 лет игры
И начнём мы с самого загадочного набора статьи. В 2022 году компании The Lego Group исполняется 90 лет. Невероятная дата! В честь этого крупного юбилея намечены празднования, гуляния конкурсы подарки и конечно же уникальные конструкторы. Будем надеяться, что праздник не обойдёт нашу страну стороной.
Пока был анонсирован всего один набор, и он перед вами. Он очень похож на наборы из линейки в честь празднования шестидесятилетия кубика ( смотреть тут ). Просто набор деталей, из которых можно воссоздать прикольные микро наборы из прошлого. Сколько будет деталей в наборе, а также цена и дата выхода пока не известны. Может он как раз и будет подарочным?
UPD: появилась задняя часть коробки.
10962: Buzz Lightyear's Planetary Mission / Планетарная миссия Базза Лайтера
Знакомство с космическим героем Баззом мы начнём с новинки ДУПЛО. Куй железо, пока горячо решили в TLG, и продолжают «подсаживать» детей на конструктор с помощью мощный мультиков. В целом правильно решение. Про набор слишком много сказать нельзя. Взгляд притягивают огромные мощнейшие принты (привет наклейкам в наборах за 300-400 $), смешная фигурка главного героя и огромный звездолёт из единой монолитной деталищи! Деталей: 37 шт, цена: ?
76830: Zyclops Chase / Погоня за Зилопом
Следующий набор переносит нас в категорию «для юных строителей» (Juniors 4+). И, как и во всех таких наборах у них присутствует стандартный пакет плюсов и минусов: крупные детали (чаще всего уникальные, смотрим на ноги робота), простая сборка, все детали с рисунками – уникальные принты, никаких наклеек для детей!
Что касается всего остального, то тут: спойлеры к фильму, ОЧЕНЬ спорное лицо с причёской Базза (ну совсем на себя не похож, почему бы не расщедриться и сделать уникальную причёску?), ну и щепотка «повесточки», куда ж без неё, правда? Чуть не забыл, даже пришлось возвращаться в черновик и дописывать. У нашей мадам уникальный торс доспехом и клёвый шлем. Уже предвижу целые армии таких солдат где-нибудь в крутых самоделках. Деталей: 87 шт, цена: 20 $.
76831: Zurg Battle / Битва с Зургом
А вот и следующий набор. Так как категория у нас 7+ про принты мы забываем и все поверхности оклеиваем горой стикеров, мда. Что же тут у нас? Перед нами формула успеха (интересно, когда она уже надоест?) – крупный робот с подвижными суставами.
А также щепотка Доктора Кто (привет Далеки!), чернокожая девочка-Базз (хотя вовсе нет, или всё же да?), страшные отдельные головы с такими же выражениями лиц и как вишенка на торте – рыжая милая кошечка. Мрр, мяу! Деталей: 261 шт, цена: 30 $.
76832: XL-15 Spaceship / Космический корабль XL-15
Из плюсов: помимо вполне себе игрового (для детей) набора звездолёта (ура! Не ЗВ единым славится космос, скажите же!) с очень классным дизайном и цветовой гаммой (что стоят синие лучи на крыльях и стильное желтое стекло, ммм.. загляденье!) – перед нами еще и полночная модель с подставкой и характеристиками. Вау.
А также целая россыпь фигурок с абсолютно разнообразным цветом кожи, и снова рыжий красавчик котик! (или всё же кошечка??). Броня у каждого героя индивидуальная. Деталей: 497 шт, цена: 50 $.
Say hello to one of the most anticipated sets of the new year – 10297 Boutique Hotel, the 2022 Modular Building! Celebrating 15 years of LEGO’s highly esteemed Creator Expert Modular Building series, this set is a delightful celebration of many modular buildings that come before it!
See below for regional pricing
The Boutique Hotel is a “corner modular”, which is quite fitting as the Corner Garage has only just retired recently, so this fills in the corner slot nicely.
Unlike previous modulars, which have mostly been Commercial buildings and businesses, the Boutique Hotel oozes class, charm and also a bit of quirkiness.
The set comes in five sections, including;
Each hotel room features distinct styles of furniture and requires varied building techniques, whilst the art gallery features several tributes to Cubist art.
The set also features a unique angled shape, which requires some unusual LEGO geometry, providing a new modular building experience for collectors.
To celebrate the 15th Anniversary of LEGO Modulars, LEGO Designer Anderson Grubb has filled the Boutique Hotel with an incredible amount of Easter Eggs, call-backs and references to the Modular Buildings that came before, and while building the set, it was really enjoyable reading, and learning about these references, which are included as factoids in the instruction manual.
Very fitting for a 15th anniversary model, and a perfect way to pay homage to previous sets, while still being a truly original design.
The exteriors and colours are something else – especially the introduction of these flesh-coloured bricks and walls for the second level, but I think the earth-toned colours work really well here, and it’s something we haven’t quite scene with Modular Buildings before.
Oh and how cool is this outdoor bar, and the Palm Tree, which is the codename for the set.
The set comes with a very healthy 7 minifigures, 2 Hotel Staff, a world traveller, an accountant, gallery owner, and a barista – personally, I like having Modular sets with plenty of minifigures, as it drastically improves the playability of the set.
An interesting comment by designer Anderson Grubb, in the press release – “It was really exciting to be working on the LEGO Boutique Hotel and to have the opportunity to design this in celebration of 15 years of the collection. When we approach the design for a modular building we are conscious of the previous sets and therefore want to create something that is new, that really compliments the collection. I am really happy with the final design, the variety of intriguing building techniques and all the nods to the previous Modular buildings.”
To me, this read as LEGO being aware of the skyrocketing price of older modulars, and how many new LEGO fans want remakes or re-issues of those. The fact that this is a Boutique Hotel, also seems to be a callback to the Cafe Corner, which features a Hotel, so maybe this is a compromise from LEGO, where they give us a new Modular Hotel, but it’s not THE hotel.
And last but not least, here’s a look at how the Boutique Hotel connects with the Police Station, and Bookshop.
Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed this reveal of the 2022 LEGO Modular Boutique Hotel! I’ll be sharing my review tomorrow, to give the news a little time to simmer, so keep your eyes out for my full review if all goes well tomorrow!
In the meantime, enjoy more photos below!
What do you think of LEGO’s Boutique Hotel? Will you be adding this to your Modular Street?
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bro the brickbank is at least top 3 in my opinion, its just perfect, I mean you placed the corner garage on 9 and its even smaller
My favourite is Assembly square
I only have Birch Books and Boutique Hotel
Lego Modular Buildings (2007 - )
2007: Cafe Corner $139.99
2007: Market Street $89.99
2008: Green Grocer $159.99
2009: Fire Brigade $149.99
2010: Grand Emporium $149.99
2011: Pet Shop $149.99
2012: Town Hall $199.99
2013: Palace Cinema $149.99
2014: Parisian Restaurant $159.99
2015: Detectives Office $159.99
2016: Brick Bank $169.99
2017: Assembly Square $279.99
2018: Downtown Diner $169.99
2019: Corner Garage $199.99
2020: Bookshop $179.99
2021: Police Station $199.99
2022: Boutique Hotel $199.99
This is a well made video in terms of editing and info about each set aside from a few mistakes here and there but I have to disagree with about 90% of your list. The main shocks for me were how low you ranked the Brick Bank, and also how high you ranked the Bookshop. As someone who owns every single modular except for Market Street, id say I'm able to compile a pretty fair and for the most part unbiased list. I give a lot more credit to the exterior of the modular's due to the fact that they are display pieces and feel that the interior is less important but still an area which needs accounting for, therefore I would rank some of the older modular's higher due to their exceptionally realistic and well detailed exteriors which I feel allows some room for forgiveness with regards to their interiors. On the other hand there are some newer modular's which leave much to be desired on the exterior and don't seem to come together very well on the interior either.
So with all that said I give you my list:
17th - Market Street (Don't think this needs any explanation)
16th - Bookshop (One of the worst looking exteriors both in terms of details and colour scheme, cramped interior that isn't functional, quite a small set compared to others and looks out of place both in terms of colour scheme and size)
15th - Cafe Corner (Better exterior than the previous two sets but doesn't really stand out above any others, and lacks an interior)
14th - Grand Emporium (Exterior slightly better than Cafe Corner, also has an interior but leaves a lot to be desired as there isn't much of it)
13th - Palace Cinema (An ok exterior with a few nice details, interior is a let down, the limo could have been built so much better but has extremely weird proportions that make it look really strange)
12th - Town Hall (Not the best exterior, quite boring and lacks creativity but is still quite good, the interior is also good with an element of playability and its worth mentioning it is a large set)
11th - Petshop (Good exterior with some nice details and looks quite realistic, interior is more functional than the bookshops townhouse, however it could have been furnished better)
10th - Corner Garage (Similar story to the Town Hall, I feel its exterior is good but lacks creativity, however its interior is better with more details and the tow truck is well built)
9th - Downtown Diner (Controversial exterior and can look out of place but judging this by itself I think it is really well done with a unique look and great details. Its also quite satisfying to build and see come together. Its interior is really good too with lots of details and the 60's sedan is a great addition which is really well built)
8th - Boutique Hotel (Really nice colour scheme, shape of exterior is unique, however the art studio I feel is a waste of space which could have been utilised better and incorporated into the main building. That particular part of the exterior just left me wanting more, which can also be said for the interior. I feel the set could have done with a 2nd middle floor which would have allowed the interior to be laid out better)
7th - Green Grocer (Well built exterior, realistic and has a great colour scheme with nice details that more than make up for the lack of interior, however having said that the store is well furnished)
6th - Assembly Square (Overall solid set with great interior design throughout, is also the biggest set to date with a great exterior but it doesn't quite capture my attention like the top 5)
5th - Fire Brigade (One of the most realistic exteriors of any modular with a great colour scheme, has a great interior with lots of details, fire truck is well built too, this set deserves a lot of credit considering the quality of the other modular's released around its time)
4th - Parisian Restaurant (The modular that set the standard for the future, amazing details inside and out with a great colour scheme and playability, struggled to pick a winner between the top 4, only reason this is 4th is because I feel it could have been a little bigger and the others have a great storyline behind them)
3rd - Brick Bank (This was the first modular building that caught my attention and was the reason I started collecting them so my decision here may be slightly biased but I feel it is well justified, the realism and colour scheme of the exterior is amazing, it looks quite modern because of the colour scheme and it has so many great details, the interior while only having two floors does everything it needs to, it is well furnished and has a nice feel to it, and lastly the playability and storyline of the set is a standout feature which for me just tips it into 3rd place)
2nd - Police Station (Amazing exterior again which I feel has a great colour scheme, despite the purple of the donut shop it is downplayed really well by the floorplan which uniquely creates two smaller buildings at either side of one large building. This means the colour of the donut shop isn't shoved in your face because it is so small and it fits so well. It also has amazing details and build techniques throughout, some of which allow for increased playability which combined with a great storyline means this is an overall solid set)
1st - Detectives Office (I think this is a personal favourite for many, a great colour scheme which is fitting for a barbers shop, mixed with another unique floorplan design giving an exterior that is so satisfying to build and look at from all angles. Its packed with amazing details inside and out, there isn't much to choose from between the top 2, or the top 4. Its just a matter of having to pick an order and being extremely picky about the trivial aspects of the overall sets)
Even if I would change the positions for a couple of buildings I am pretty satisfied with your ranking
Many kids love the modular construction series for the storyline opportunities. The LEGO is fantastic for where one individual can assemble and everyone plays. On your designer videos, it’s clear that you are excited about are the stories inside.
Though the story for every LEGO modular buildings is more abundant, I have wondered whether there’s a bigger story across these models: can it be all 1 city or are they only linked by the universal pin design?
Table of Contents
List of 9 Best LEGO Modular Buildings Set Reviews
1. LEGO Creator Expert Assembly Square Building Kit
Have a visit to the wonderful Assembly Square, developed to celebrate ten years of LEGO® Modular Buildings, with a wealth of unsurpassed, complicated details and hidden surprises.
Easy-to-remove building segments provide access to this highly detailed interior, including a ground level with a bakery, florist’s store and café, a middle level with a music shop, picture studio and dental office, along with also an upper-level dance studio and flat with access to a rooftop terrace with grill.
The outside of the building includes a detailed sidewalk with outside café furniture, a fountain, streetlamps, and a highly elaborate facade with beautifully detailed windows and windows, three buildable shop hints, aspired tower, and a decorative roofline.
2. LEGO Creator Expert Corner Garage Building Kit
This wonderful model comes with detachable construction segments for easy entry to this highly detailed inside and contains 3 tales. On the ground level, there is a 1950s-style gas station with a fuel pump, kiosk along with a vehicle workshop full with a roll-up doorway, automobile lift, and tire mounter.
In the mid-level creature clinic you’ll come across an examination table, fish tank, and a waiting room area with a couch, while to the top level you’ll find a well-equipped flat with a kitchen, TV, couch, bed plus a staircase that contributes to a rooftop patio with sun lounger, parasol and flower garden.
The outside of the building includes a classic 1950s facade with signage, detailed windows and a decorative roofline, and a sidewalk room with a tree along with an elaborate streetlamp. This charming addition to the LEGO Modular Buildings series was designed to provide a challenging and rewarding building experience, filled with nostalgia. It also includes a scooter, tow truck, and 6 mini-figures, also parrot, bunny, dog, fish, and frog characters.
3. LEGO Creator Palace Cinema
It is a premiere night at the Palace Cinema! Illuminate the night sky with all the spotlights as the kid star arrives at a fancy black limo! Collect the audience on the star-studded sidewalk, then venture into the detailed lobby with a concession stand and ticket place! Take the grand stairs to the theater with a massive display, picture projector and reclining seats for 6 minifigures.
Introducing the most recent addition to the LEGO® Modular Buildings show, the highly detailed, 2-story Palace Cinema corner construction. This classic model comes with a sidewalk of those celebrities, brick-built entry doorways, posters, signal frontage, a tower with spires, and rooftop decorations. Includes 6 Minifigures: kid celebrity, chauffeur, feminine guest, man guest, photographer, and theatre worker.
4. LEGO Creator Expert Brick Bank Construction Set
Make a safe deposit in the highly admired Brick Bank, including an array of intricate details and hidden surprises. Easy-to-remove building segments provide entry to the detailed inside, comprising a lender with an atrium foyer, tiled flooring, arched windows, ornate chandelier, lockable vault plus a trade counter with security glass; a laundromat with published window, tiled flooring and 4 laundry machines; and two second-floor offices with an array of detailed furniture, accessories and fixtures.
The outside of the building includes a detailed sidewalk along with an elaborate façade with the statue and carving décor, decorative roofline, big arched windows, central balcony, clock along with an accessible roof patio with a massive skylight.
5. LEGO Creator Grand Emporium
The Grand Emporium is a modular construction with 2182 LEGO bits. It’s 38 cm high and 25 cm wide and it includes seven Minifigures, just two of these designed to be mannequins (their minds are ordinary, only the wrong way round). The first floor of this set is a clothes department that includes a living area. The next floor is a housewares department, and the next floor is a toy store.
The kid has a push-scooter which could also be displayed from the toy store on the next floor. Inside the building, there is an atrium, with a chandelier shining over it. The 3 floors can be obtained through two escalators that pass through the atrium. The houseware department includes two green eyeglasses and two clear glasses as well as two golden plates.
6. LEGO Creator Modular Modern Home
Construct the bright and airy Modern Home, with a white, brown and pale-blue color scheme, big windows, solar skylight, upper-level bedroom and balcony with parasol, plus a ground-level area with couch and armchair.
Mix and match the buildable modules to make a rooftop terrace, and easily swap the window, door, and other modular segments to customize the home with all the new-for-June-2017 LEGO® Creator modular system.
Combine this set with all the 31067 and 31069 modular-system collections to make a fantasy home with endless construct and play opportunities! This 3‑in‑1 LEGO Creator model is also reconstructed to make a Lakeside Home or a Garden Home.
7. LEGO Mini Modulars
Accessible only to our LEGO® VIP Program Members, this exclusive mini modular collection is a true miniature representation of their initial five buildings at the Modular Building collection: Café Corner, Market Street, Green Grocer, Fire Brigade and Grand Emporium.
Featuring highly detailed design, every construction could be displayed as a stand-alone piece or attached to other buildings at the set. The mini Café Corner includes details such as a fan over the doorway and published hotel signage, while the mini Market Street includes translucent bricks plus a unique brick structure.
The quaint mini Green Grocer also has transparent bricks along with a fire escape in the back, although the mini Fire Brigade includes a brick bell and white curved wall elements. Finally, the mini Grand Emporium includes a rooftop signal, skylight, and window washing machine.
With excellent detailing and a massive variety of elements in a variety of rich colors, this exclusive mini modular collection is the ideal addition to every VIP Member’s collection.
8. LEGO Creator Expert Downtown Diner Building Kit
Drop in at the LEGO® Creator Expert 10260 Downtown Diner, in which you’ll find a healthy part of fun and surprises. This impressive model features removable construction segments for easy access into the detailed inside, which includes a ground-level 1950s-style diner with a large curved front window, red bar stools, jukebox, counter, and an open-plan kitchen.
The mid-level includes a gym with a boxing ring, punching bag, and weight training area, while on the upper-level you’ll get a recording studio, complete with a vocal booth, mixing desk, and a refreshments cupboard. The facade of this construction includes pink-and-teal Streamline Moderne styling with a sizable ‘DINER’ signal.
Other external features include arched windows, balconies, and stairs, along with a pink convertible automobile and a detailed sidewalk, full with a mailbox, parking meter, flowerpots, and a streetlamp. This unbelievable classic toy was designed to provide a challenging and rewarding construction experience with a little nostalgia and charm.
9. LEGO Creator Expert Parisian Restaurant
It is very busy in the Restaurant. As a scooter zips by, inside the server rushes between the tables because the nervous young guy becomes ready to suggest with the ring! It is just as busy behind the scenes, with all the chef busily preparing the meals.
This beautifully detailed construction is the setting for so many tales and is a fantastic improvement to the LEGO modular construction collection. The Parisian Restaurant includes a fully-stocked, white and blue-tiled kitchen with tableware as well as a cozy flat with a daybed, kitchenette, and fireplace.
On the floor is the artist living space with a studio that includes a cast iron heater, easel, paintbrush, and 2 works of art by the aspiring artist. Outside stairs lead to the roof patio lined with hanging planters and flowers where the diners consume alfresco-style.
This wonderful Parisian Restaurant model also includes a facade with croissants, clams, and feather details that exude the feel of Paris. Includes 5 minifigures: chef, waiter, a woman along with a romantic bunch.
What is the appropriate age for the LEGO modular building set?
This varies since kids develop at different paces and have different types of experiences with buildings. However, pediatric experts recommend that kids should start playing with LEGO building sets around the age of four.
How many pieces does the biggest LEGO modular building set have?
The biggest set has 2766 pieces, but it’s not a set that is recommended for younger kids. You might want to go for more simple types suited for their age.
Is there any danger for kids to play with LEGO sets?
Typically, the answer is no. However, you should supervise or build the sets together with your child since small pieces can be choking hazards. Other than that, LEGO sets are perfectly safe, created from non-toxic materials that can harm your kid’s skin in any way.
What are the benefits of LEGO building sets?
There are different benefits to playing with LEGO building sets. First of all, it teaches kids about architecture and construction. It also raises children’s cognitive functions alongside hand-eye coordination. Building these sets also boosts creativity and imagination for kids.
Are LEGO building sets suitable for kids with ADHD?
LEGO building sets are amazing for children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. It boosts their sense of planning, focus, and flexibility. Children with ADHD can spend hours constructing these buildings. This helps them focus in school or any other activity that is not related to playing.
Which LEGO modular building set should I get for my kid?
There are many different choices depending on the child’s age. Bigger, more complicated sets are meant for older children. The theme of the set is also an essential factor to consider when buying the set. Choose these according to your child’s preferences since they might love certain colors and shapes more.
Are you looking for a good educational toy for your kid? Than LEGO is the best choice you can make. Part of the allure is a LEGO modular buildings at a different moment, similar to the Winter Village series. A world in which you are able to escape where folks are simply deliriously naive. toys
Take a look at these products from the same price range, that are available right now on Amazon:
The average lifespan of a Modular Buildings set is 39 months where 10218 Pet Shop had the longest lifespan of 66 months.
Community Stats
Modular Buildings is the most popular Advanced Models subtheme amoung LEGO collectors. Below are the most owned sets.
About LEGO Advanced Models Modular Buildings
Modular Buildings is a subtheme of Advanced Models that consists of 7 sets that ran from 2007 to 2012. Most sets were released in 2012 which accounted for 2 sets. As of today, the average annual growth of all the sets in Advanced Models Modular Buildings is around 14.4% per year. The current value of all sets in new/factory sealed condtion is 6 746,78 €. As of today, 10182 Cafe Corner is the most valuable set in Advanced Models Modular Buildings with an estimated new/factory sealed value of 2 924,86 €.
Most valuable LEGO Modular Buildings set
10182 Cafe Corner - 2 924,86 €
Largest LEGO Modular Buildings set
10224 Town Hall - 2,766 pieces
Most owned Modular Buildings set
10218 Pet Shop
The Modular Buildings subtheme is a Creator/Advanced Models series of sets introduced in 2007 that feature larger detailed buildings, primarily aimed at older teenagers and adult fans of LEGO. many of the sets in the series are designed to connect together via TECHNIC pins to form the 'The Street Layout'. Café Corner, Grand Emporium, Palace Cinema, and Brick Bank are connecting corners by which two sides of the layout can be joined together. Typically new sets in this series are released once or twice a year.
Advanced Models, also known as Creator containes sets focused on the creative construction of LEGO System parts as opposed to playability functions of minifigures, alothough many sets do contain minifigures. These sets include buildings, trains, vehicles and other complex contruction sets. The Advanced Models/Creator sets initially began in 2000 and was a replacement for the LEGO Designer theme.
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