Lego mindstorms robot inventor приложение
A companion app with building instructions for your Robot Inventor set.
Developer's Description
Create intelligent remote-control robots and vehicles using interactive in-app building instructions, with the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor App! For use with the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor (51515) set launched in 2020, this companion app has everything you need to build Charlie, Tricky, Blast, M.V.P. and Gelo, each with their own unique abilities. Then get ready to code and play your way through 50+ challenging activities.
A fun build-and-play experience
As you construct each robotic toy using the step-by-step building instructions in the app, you’ll complete a series of fun coding activities along the way. But if you prefer, you can also download a PDF version.
Coding, the fun way
If you’ve ever used a visual coding environment, you’ll be right at home with the Robot Inventor App’s colourful drag-and-drop canvas based on Scratch. Each coding element is grouped into categories, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for. As well as using the coding canvas to complete the 50+ activities included in the app, you can also code your own activities for an even greater challenge – or, if you’re a more advanced coder, you can also use Python.
Take control
The Robot Inventor App includes a remote-control feature so you can get your robot walking, dancing and firing with just a few taps! You can also customise it to create your own personalised controller.
Learn while you play
While you’re building, coding and playing with your robots, you’ll also be exploring, experimenting and learning. Learning while you play – imagine that!
Share your cool creation
If you’ve designed and built your own amazing robot, you can take a photo of it and upload it to LEGO Life for everyone to see. You can also get a lot more inspiration from what others have created.
Key Features:
Intuitive, drag-and-drop coding interface based on Scratch
Text-based Python coding for more advanced users
50+ activities
Bluetooth connectivity for wireless communication
Remote control for instant action
Fun and challenging activities for beginners and more advanced users
Digital building instructions included in the app
Kids gain STEM skills through playful learning
This is not a stand-alone app. It’s used to build and code interactive LEGO robot toys included with the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor (51515) set.
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, MINDSTORMS and the MINDSTORMS logo are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2020 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Inventor APK 10.2.0 Update
• A new and updated Help Center* including instructional videos for an easy getting started experience.
• Make your Hubs talk to each other through the new experimental Hub to Hub Communication blocks.**
*The Help Center is currently only available in English. More languages will be available later this year.
** The Hub to Hub Communication blocks are currently in an experimental state.
Robot Commander представляет собой управляющее приложение для LEGO® MINDSTORMS®. БЕСПЛАТНАЯ загрузка для большинства смартфонов и планшетов; Robot Commander подключается к модулю EV3 по Bluetooth®. Это простое в использовании приложение позволяет взаимодействовать с вашими уникальными роботами EV3, даже не подключаясь к компьютеру! Это означает, что вы можете мгновенно начать игру с вашими собственными роботами!
Приложения для компьютеров и планшетов
Приложения LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Home для macOS, Windows 10 и планшетов на iOS и Android
Загрузите, установите, подключите и выполняйте задания по программированию. Для пяти основных роботов есть до пяти задач по программированию. Благодаря более продвинутому, но хорошо знакомому интерфейсу программирования и пяти сложным заданиям для вас и ваших роботов-героев, приложение EV3 Home для PC, Mac и планшетов сможет поднять ваши навыки робототехники на новый уровень!
Важная информация относительно программного обеспечения и приложений LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3!
Мы рады сообщить, что пользователям LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 теперь будут доступны новые возможности при сборке и программировании их творений.
Новое приложение LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home с языком программирования на основе Scratch заменит используемое в настоящее время ПО LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition (Labview) для Windows 10 и macOS, а также приложение LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Programmer для планшетов на iOS/Android.
Приложение LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Programmer будет удалено из магазинов приложений в конце июня 2021 года.
Выведенное из эксплуатации ПО LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition (Labview) для Mac и PC можно найти ниже. Обратите внимание, что это ПО больше не поддерживается LEGO Group.
Lego Mindstorms EV3 [31313]
(третье поколение - 2013 г.)
домашняя версия
Официальный портал Lego
Техническое описание модуля EV3:
Операционная система — LINUX
Контроллер - ARM9 300 МГц
Флэш-память — 16 МБ
Оперативная память — 64 МБ
Разрешение экрана модуля — 178x128/черно-белый
Связь с главным ПК через шину USB 2.0 — до 480 Мбит/с
Связь с главным ПК через шину USB 1.1 — до 12 Мбит/с
Карта памяти Micro SD — поддерживает SDHC, версия 2.0, макс. 32 ГБ
Порты мотора и датчика
Коннекторы — RJ12 (со смещенным фиксатором)
Поддержка автоматической идентификации
Питание — 6 батарей типа AA
Поддержка Bluetooth - есть
Поддержка Wi-Fi - есть (модуль приобретается отдельно)
Внешний вид упаковки и деталей набора:
SPIK3R инструкция сайт
R3PTAR инструкция сайт
GRIPP3R инструкция сайт
EV3RSTORM инструкция оф. сайт
TRACK3R инструкция сайт
BOBB3E инструкция сайт
BANNER PRINT3R инструкция сайт
RAC3 TRUCK инструкция сайт
DINOR3X инструкция сайт
KRAZ3 инструкция сайт
EV3D4 инструкция сайт
EL3CTRIC GUITAR инструкция сайт
EV3MEG инструкция сайт
MR. B3AM инструкция сайт
ROBODOZ3R инструкция сайт
WACK3M инструкция сайт
Lego Education EV3 [45544], [45560]
(третье поколение - 2013 г.)
образовательная версия
Техническое описание модуля EV3:
Операционная система — LINUX
Контроллер - ARM9 300 МГц
Флэш-память — 16 МБ
Оперативная память — 64 МБ
Разрешение экрана модуля — 178x128/черно-белый
Связь с главным ПК через шину USB 2.0 — до 480 Мбит/с
Связь с главным ПК через шину USB 1.1 — до 12 Мбит/с
Карта памяти Micro SD — поддерживает SDHC, версия 2.0, макс. 32 ГБ
Порты мотора и датчика
Коннекторы — RJ12 (со смещенным фиксатором)
Поддержка автоматической идентификации
Питание — 6 батарей типа AA
Поддержка Bluetooth - есть
Поддержка Wi-Fi - есть (модуль приобретается отдельно)
Внешний вид упаковки и деталей наборов:
Основной набор Lego Education 45544 - 541 шт. скачать pdf
Ресурсный набор Lego Education 45560 - 853 шт. скачать pdf
Гоночная машина формула 1 | Видео | Инструкция и описание
Мойщик пола | Инструкция, демократ программа и видео
Приводная платформа на гусеничном ходу | Автор: Алексей Валуев | Видео | Инструкция и описание
Валли (WALL-E) | Автор: Алексей Валуев | Видео - 1, 2, 3 | Инструкция и описание
Часы со стрелками | Автор: Алексей Валуев | Видео | Инструкция и описание
Ice's Giant | Автор: Ice Yam | Видео | Описание | Демопрограмма | Инструкция | Сайт
Riley Rover | Автор: Damien Kee | Инструкция | Сайт
BT-R3MOTE | Автор: Dimitri Dekyvere | Видео - 1 и 2 | Инструкция (файл LDD) | Сайт
EduTankBot | Автор: Dimitri Dekyvere | Видео | Инструкция (файл LDD) | Сайт
Гимнаст | Видео | Инструкция
Build and Program Your Own LEGO Robots By Marziah Karch
Exploring LEGO Mindstorms. Eun Jung (EJ) Park
LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Discovery Book. Laurens Valk
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Laboratory. Daniele Benedettelli
The Art of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Programming. Terry Griffin
The LEGO Technic Idea Book Simple Machines
Технология и физика. Книга для учителя
Технология и физика. Книга для учителя
Doug Stillinger - Lego Crazy Action Contraptions - 2008
Lego Technic. Tora no Maki
Официальные инструкции Lego Technic за 1970-2015
Любительские инструкции Lego Technic
Занимательная робототехника
Технический форум по робототехнике
Lego Engineering
Lego Mindstorms Robots
Lego Mindstorms NXT
(второе поколение - 2008 г.)
Техническое описание модуля модуля:
FAQ на
Обзор набора
Комплектация набора
Видео по ремонту дисплея модуля
Wi-Fi модуль
Подборка книг для NXT
Подборка инструкций к NXT, NXT 2.0
Lego Mindstorms RXT
(первое поколение - 1998 г.)
Техническое описание модуля:
Сыну 9-летнему заказал на ДР (и себе тоже :) ), "домашнюю" версию. Теперь вот голову ломаю чем его питать - батарейки жрет ведь безбожно, а фирменный аккум 5тыр стоит у нас.
А для чего эта приставка нужна??
Игры аля 90-е можно и на планшете поиграть. Там есть эмулятор Денди, Сега, Nintendo, Sony PS1
- Building instructions v1p0 (set 51515): download
- MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Program: see here
1. Description
MindCuber-RI is a robot that can be built from a single LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor set (51515) to solve the well known Rubik's Cube puzzle.
MindCuber-RI software version v1p0 should work with any version of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software. However, it is recommended that the MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software is always updated to the latest version released by LEGO.
Construct the robot by carefully following the build instructions and then follow the instructions in the next section to download and install the software described below.
- python classes for discriminating colors:
- python classes for mapping pieces on a Rubik's Cube:
- python classes for solving a Rubik's Cube:
- small lookup tables used by mcrisolver_v1p0: mcrimtab1_v1p0.bin
With these components, MindCuber-RI will solve the Rubik's Cube in an average of about 42 moves.
An optional python project, MCRIMTab4-v1p0, that contains a large data file:
- large lookup tables for mcrisolver_v1p0: mcrimtab4_v1p0.bin
With this large lookup table installed, MindCuber-RI will solve the Rubik's Cube more quickly in an average of about 31 moves.
NOTE: This program takes a long time (around 30 minutes) to download and install on the Robot Inventor hub so it may be desirable to just use the small tables initially to get MindCuber-RI working.
A python project, MCRIInstall-v1p0, that installs any MindCuber-RI files, from the MCRISolver-v1p0 and MCRIMTab4-v1p0 projects, that have been downladed to other slots on the Robot Inventor hub.
The main python program, MindCuber-RI-v1p0, that uses the modules and data files installed by the previos projects to control the MindCuber-RI mechanism and solve the Rubik's Cube.
2. Software
- On Windows - right click on the link
- On Mac - click on the link while holding the control(ctrl) key
- Save link as.
- Save Target As.
- Download Linked File As.
2.1 Download MindCuber-RI Program
Download the file to your computer:
Extract the files from this archive.
On a computer running Windows, find the file in Windows Explorer, click with the right mouse button and select Extract all.
On a Mac computer, locate the file in the Finder and double-click on it to extract the contents.
- MCRISolver-v1p0.lms
- MCRIMTab4-v1p0.lms
- MCRIInstall-v1p0.lms
- MindCuber-RI-v1p0.lms
Start the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software and select the File menu then Open. .
Find the MCRISolver-v1p0.lms project file and Open it.
Connect to the Robot Inventor hub using either a USB cable or via bluetooth.
Expand the Console to see progress information about the software installation during the next step.
Download and Run the MCRISolver-v1p0 program in an unused slot, e.g. 19, on the Robot Inventor hub.
NOTE: This program may take up to a minute to download so please be patient. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software stops showing progress after a few seconds even though the download continues.
NOTE: Owing to limitations of the current version of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software, running this program will result in a python SyntaxError. This is deliberate and should be ignored.
Once downloaded, the MCRISolver-v1p0 program should be left on the hub until the installation has been completed in the following steps.
Select the File menu then Open. as step 3. Then find the MCRIInstall-v1p0.lms project file and Open it.
Expand the Console to see progress information about the software installation during the next step.
Download and Run the MCRIInstall-v1p0 program in an unused slot on the Robot Inventor hub. Do not overwrite MCRISolver-v1p0 in slot 19 (or MCRIMTab4-v1p0 in slot 18).
The hub LED display shows progress:
And the console shows download information:
This installs,, and mcrimtab1_v1p0.bin on the hub for use by the main program.
The hub will restart when the installation has finished. If the hub was not connected via a USB cable, it may turn off and be necessary to turn it back on manually. If the hub was connected via Bluetooth it may be necessary to re-connect.
NOTE: The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software may indicate that "The hub OS needs to be updated" when it is not necessary. If this happens, do not press the UPDATE button as this will delete the programs that have just been installed. Instead, power off the hub and if the hub is connected via a USB cable, disconnect the cable.
MCRISolver-v1p0 (optionally MCRIMTab4-v1p0) and MCRIInstall-v1p0 may now be removed from the hub to free the space and slots for other programs.
Open the connection to the Robot Inventor hub.
Then open Programs the view all the programs on the hub.
If necessary, scroll down to see all slots. Then delete the programs used in previous steps.
Select the File menu then Open. as step 3. Then find the MindCuber-RI-v1p0.lms project file and Open it.
Download and Run the MindCuber-RI-v1p0 program in an unused slot on the Robot Inventor hub.
MindCuber-RI is now ready to solve a Rubik's Cube!
3. Operation
Run the MindCuber-RI program, if it is not already running, using the buttons on the MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor hub. Press the right button to select the slot number to which the program was downloaded. Then press the center button to run the program.
Gently use your finger to rotate the turntable in each direction to determine if it is aligned. It moves slightly because of "play" in the gears connecting it to the motor. There should be an equal amount of movement in each direction. If necessary, use the left and right buttons on the hub to adjust the position of the motor position. Each press nudges the motor by a small angle.
Insert a scrambled Rubik's Cube into the turntable tray and MindCuber-RI will start to scan and solve the cube.
MindCuber-RI may scan the cube up to three times if it is unable to determine the colors at first. If the scanned colors do not result in a valid pattern, MindCuber-RI will stop after the third attempt with the middle buttont colored orange. If this happens, there may be a number of possible causes. See the troubleshooting section.
4. Faster Solution
The method used to calculate a solution for the cube is based on some pre-calculated lookup tables containintg sequences of moves that solve groups of pieces in stages. The default, small tables included in the MCRISolver-v1p0 download result in solutions averaging about 42 moves. By using a larger set of lookup tables with more entries, shorter solutions can be caltulated with an average only about 31 moves. With fewer moves, the overall time to solve the cube is reduced. These large tables are contained in the MCRIMTab4-v1p0.lms project and can be downloaded in the same way as those in MCRISolver-v1p0.
Select the File menu then Open. as before. Then find the MCRIMTab4-v1p0.lms project file and Open it.
Expand the Console to see progress information about the software installation during the next step.
Download and Run the MCRIMTab4-v1p0 program in an unused slot, e.g. 18, on the Robot Inventor hub.
NOTE: This large program will take a long time (around 30 minutes) to download so please be patient. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software stops showing progress after a few seconds even though the download continues.
If the connection to the hub is via Bluetooth then please attach the hub to a USB charger to ensure it does not time out and shutdown during the download.
A message will appear in the Console when the download is complete.
NOTE: Owing to limitations of the current version of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor software, running this program will result in a python SyntaxError. This is deliberate and should be ignored.
Once downloaded, the MCRIMTab4-v1p0 program should be left on the hub until the installation has been completed.
Continue, or repeat from 2.1 Download MindCuber-RI Program, step 9 to complete the installation.
5. Troubleshooting Tips
5.1 General
Under development.
Please post a comment or message on the MindCuber Facebook page for help.
5.2 Tilting
Under development.
5.3 Scanning
Under development.
Like MindCuber on Facebook to share your experiences and help each other with troubleshooting.
Copyright © 2013-2021 Mike Dobson and David Gilday
LEGO and MINDSTORMS are trademarks of the LEGO Group
Rubik's Cube is a trademark of Rubiks Brand Limited
This extension helps you connect to the SPIKE Prime or MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor brick and perform various operations on it.
Shows the connections status right in the status bar
Clicking on the status will either connect or disconnect (if already connected). Support connecting to USB and Bluetooth (see Known Issues for limitations).
Once connected you can start a running program by choosing its slot. For each slot if a program is present you will see its name next to the slot number:
You can upload two types of programs with this extension:
Python (standard)
This is more or less the same as a python project, created with the Mindstorms or SPIKE prime apps. But allows you to use your favorite code editor and its extensions instead of the built in one.
Python (advanced)
This gives you access to an async code execution and event notifications that are provided by built in event loop that runs on the brick. The event loop is used to run Scratch programs and I haven't found any other way to access it from standard python type programs.
The advanced programs mus follow a specific template in order for them to execute correctly:
You can check what advanced functions found so far here.
Automatic upload/start of a python file
During active development you will be uploading a program over and over again so going through all the prompts for type and slot is not very convenient. You can skip those prompts and automatically start the program after uploading by adding a specific comment line as first in your program.
For example, if I want the program to be uploaded as an advanced python program to slot 5 and autostart it once the upload is finished the comment should be the following
Known Issues
- When using Bluetooth and you have many programs stored on the brick it stops responding to querying slot info. You should eiher use USB connection or avoid using commands that query slot info - for example you can completely avoid them by using the automatic upload comment in your python files.
Thanks to sanjayseshan/spikeprime-tools and bricklife for figuring out currently available JSON RPC that the brick supports.
This extension uses unofficial and undocumented APIs. They can change without notice. Functions tested on a Mac connecting to a MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Hub FW Version with runtime version
LEGO and MINDSTORMS are registered trademarks of the LEGO Group. SPIKE is trademark of LEGO Group.
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