Lego millennium falcon moc
The release of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" on May 25 and Lego's new Kessel Run Millennium Falcon set in April provide a welcome invitation to reminisce about the many incarnations of an iconic "Star Wars" ship.
From the 7,541-piece, hyper-realistic, Ultimate Collector's Series set to the 87-brick minifighter, Lego has provided fans with ample opportunities to build, display and play with Han and Chewie's Corellian freighter.
Lego Millennium Falcons have delighted fans for nearly two decades now, making appearances in at least 13 standard sets as well as in several promotional items. And the ship has evolved alongside the bricks that compose it, growing sleeker as Lego developed new rounded and sloped pieces; and gradually becoming more accurate as its part count increased. [Look Inside the Lego Kessel Run Millennium Falcon!]
2000: Lego's 1st Millennium Falcon
Lego first released a Millennium Falcon set in 2000, shortly after licensing the "Star Wars" merchandise franchise in 1998. Like many first attempts, the model left much to be desired: Off-color structural pieces peeked through the ship's gray exterior, and a low brick count (663 pieces) gave the set a remarkably blocky appearance overall. However, this first model introduced one appealing aspect that has continued to appear in later sets: the removable roof, which allows fans to reconstruct their favorite scenes within the starship. The set also introduced the Princess Leia and C-3PO minifigures, and it also included Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca and R2-D2. It retailed for $100 when it came out.
2003: A Mini Falcon
In 2003, Lego launched a miniature version of the Millennium Falcon as part of its miniature building-set theme. At only $7, the 87-piece set provided an affordable opportunity for fans to reenact scenes from the movies. It also included the pieces for a mini Y-wing bomber that could be constructed with additional parts from three other sets in this line.
2004: Minifig-Scale Falcon
Lego's second, minifigure-scale version of the ship in 2004 was a drastic improvement over the company's previous model. The now 985-piece starship sported a streamlined cockpit and more accurate detail. Additionally, most of the unsightly structural elements were tucked farther into the ship's interior. Lego's engineers also redesigned the ship's roof to open like a blooming flower, rather than come off as one solid piece. However, the price point remained unchanged at $100.
2007: 1st Ultimate Collector's Series Falcon
Lego outdid itself in 2007, when the company released the Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon. The model was the largest set released at that time, according to the fan-written website Brickipedia, comprising 5,197 pieces and measuring 33 inches long by 22 inches wide by 8.3 inches tall. It was also the first Ultimate Collector's Series set built to minifigure scale. In contrast, the previous minifigure-scale versions of the ship had reproduced the ship smaller than it would truly have been based on its appearance in the movies. And unfortunately, aside from the cockpit, which was designed for the five minifigures to inhabit, the ship did not feature any interior compartments. The model was truly astounding, though: It featured movable laser turrets, incredible detail and a smoother, more refined appearance than the ship's previous incarnations. The set's $500 price tag reflected its ambitious aspirations. [In Photos: Lego's Kessel Run Millennium Falcon from "Solo: A Star Wars Story"]
2007: Tiny Millennium Falcon Charm
The year 2007 also saw the release of Lego's smallest Millennium Falcon product, a bag charm version of the starship. Lego bag charms and key chains come prebuilt and glued together, so the product has no official part count. However, it was likely built from about 35 pieces. It cost $10.
2009: More Detail, No Minifigs
In 2009, Lego launched a 356-piece, midscale Millennium Falcon. The set was meant to bridge the gap between the miniature- and minifigure-scale models. As such, it included more detail than the miniatures, but did not come with minifigure characters. The set sold for $35 exclusively at Walmart, where it was joined a year later by theImperial Star Destroyer, the company's only other midscale set.
2011: New Minifig-Scale Falcon
Lego's next Millennium Falcon appeared in 2011, following the company's trend of releasing a new model of the ship every two to three years. The set included almost one-third again as many pieces as the last minifigure-scale set (from 2004), bringing the part count to 1,254 bricks. This version was a tad larger and more stable than its predecessor, according to one fan; however, aside from extra detail, there don't seem to be many differences between the two in the sets' overall design. The extra pieces did contribute to a higher cost, though: The 2011 version sold for $140.
2011: A Tiny Falcon
Lego also released a miniscule version of the Falcon in its 2011 Star Wars Advent Calendar set, which sold for $40. In that version, Lego's master builders were able to coax the likeness of Han Solo's ship from just 13 bricks.
2014: Micro Fighter Millennium Falcon
The year 2014 saw a return of miniature Lego star fighters to toy store shelves. Unlike the 2003 miniature ships, however, these microfighters were caricatured versions of the ships they were meant to represent. The 94-piece, $10 Millennium Falcon microfighter included a Han Solo minifigure that could sit atop its shrunken ship, lending it an overall appearance of a passenger in a motorcycle sidecar.
2015: The Force Awakens
Lego fans received an updated version of the beat-up Corellian freighter alongside the release of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" in 2015. The 1,329-piece starship sports a new, rectangular dish seen in the movie as well as a modified crew consisting of Han, Chewie, Rey, Finn, BB-8, the criminal Tasu Leech and one of his gang members. Again, the model boasted more detail thanks to its increased part count; however, the basic design remained the same as the previous two minifigure-scale sets. In fact, all three appear to use the same two transparent cockpit pieces. This set sold for $140 when it came out, reflecting the increasing number of pieces included in Lego's standard Millennium Falcon sets.
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Harrison Tasoff is a science journalist originally from Los Angeles. He graduated from NYU’s Science, Health, and Environmental Reporting Program after earning his B.A. in mathematics at Swarthmore College. Harrison covers an array of subjects, but often finds himself drawn to physics, ecology, and earth science stories. In his spare time, he enjoys tidepooling, mineral collecting, and tending native plants.
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А сегодня я завершаю свою сагу по постройке Millennium Falcon, а также даю некоторую оценку набора в плане интересности сборки и целесообразности покупки в целом.
Передняя часть корабля, а точнее, ее «скелет». Довольно хлипкий сам по себе, так и норовит отсоединиться, по крайней мере, та его часть, что прикреплена к средней части корпуса.
Сверху и снизу на переднюю часть часть закрепляется обшивка, через отверстия будет видно нечто типа внутренностей – по сути, набор рандомных деталек, символизирующих трубки, кабели и прочее. Следует отметить, что именно эти мелкие детали занимают львиную долю сборки всего набора.
Оружейная кабина – аналогичная ей будет расположена сверху корабля. Массивная конструкция, после установки которой, правда, теряется возможность как-либо внятно передвигать модель, кроме как обхватив руками ровно под днище. До этого можно было брать прямо за основную рамку.
Дальше я немного поскромничал и запечатлел сборку только двух кусков обшивки задней части звездолета. Они, на самом деле, все разные и практически никак не крепятся к модели, что меня несколько смутило. Они какбы цепляются друг за друга и держатся за счет силы тяжести.
Еще один кусок обшивки с носа Сокола, круглая боковая заглушка (их на самом деле две одинаковых) и легендарный ассиметричный кокпит. Далее к нему будет покрытие сверху, сбоку – но отдельно их сборку я решил не снимать, как и сборку радара и прочих мелких кусков обшивки. По итогам получается вот это:
Сборка данного набора заняла у меня около трех неполных дней. По сравнению с тем же Porshe из LEGO Technic, это довольно скромно – если сделать скидку на количество деталей – тот набор я собирал дня два. И это не учитывая того, что полдня я делал вертикальную стойку для модели, а чтобы ее сделать, нужно как минимум часть «Сокола» разобрать.
Про стойку сделаю отдельный пост с видео, если кому-то интересно – я сделал свой собственный вариант Efferman’s Vertical Stand (MOC-10219), который предполагает полностью вертикальную установку корабля.
Процесс сборки сильно варьировался от ранних шагов к завершающим. Остов корабля было строить откровенно интересно – когда начинает ощущаться размер, вес и количество пространства, которое чем-то должно быть заполнено… И вот как раз в наполнении, на мой взгляд, первая проблема набора. Два отсека корабля, которые мы собираем первыми, крайне детализованы – в них можно разыграть сценки из фильмов, они узнаваемы и так далее. Но все остальное пространство не используется никак. Да, я понимаю, что в фильмах количество локаций на «Соколе» тоже было не слишком велико – навскидку вспоминается отсек с турелью, кокпит, пара коридоров, машинное отделение да гостевая комната. Они как раз в модели и отражены – отметим для справедливости. Но ничего более.
Вторая проблема – полная неинтерактивность набора. Я сейчас перечислю все три вещи, которые можно «пошевелить»: спустить и поднять входной трап, открыть дверь с выпадающей турелью и повернуть радар. Даже у «Звезды Смерти», которая в разы меньше размером, интерактива просто море в сравнение с «Соколом». Проще говоря, 75192 – набор чисто поставить на полку на радость глазам.
Но вернемся к сборке – ближе к середине процесс начинает сводится к построению больших (по площади) кусков обшивки с дальнейшим облеплением их всякими мелкими деталями – проводами, трубами и тому подобным. Детализация – это здорово, но на мой взгляд только тогда, когда это узнаваемая и функциональная детализация. Вот например занавесочки в фургоне Фольксваген были сугубо к месту, и несмотря на то, что вешать их было довольно непросто – это хорошая деталь. А вот очередная палка или телефонная трубка на обшивке «Сокола» - meh…
Далее – сборка всех «непристегнутых» кусков обшивки вгоняет в легкое уныние, так как начинаешь понимать, что перемещение модели становится проблемой. Поймите меня правильно – это огромная модель! Она не просто большая, она размером с приличную плазму и весит примерно столько же, только не такая плоская. И вот если плазму можно достаточно спокойно перемещать по причине однородности и твердости корпуса, то с моделью «Сокола» это не прокатит – это касается и мелких деталек, о которых мы говорили абзацем выше, и крупных кусков. Так что либо ставить на стойку – без родных опор, либо на опорах – но тогда только горизонтально и желательно больше не поднимать.
В целом я могу сказать следующее – если вы хардкорный коллекционер LEGO или атрибутики «Звездных войн», обладающий значительным количеством свободного места в квартире, то вам, безусловно, этот набор нужен и принесет ожидаемое удовольствие как от сборки, так и от внешнего вида. Для него можно организовать подсветку, его можно красиво поставить внутрь стеклянного кофейного столика или по классике - на полку.
И да – кем бы вы ни были, использовать бумажную инструкцию для сборки данного набора – пытка покруче средневековых, качайте с официального сайта PDF и собирайте по нему.
Но если вы любитель более функциональных наборов LEGO, или же хотите обрадовать данным набором ребенка – лучше подумайте еще раз. Интересных и уникальных деталей в наборе буквально единицы, а сборка его под конец скатывается в рутину и к тому же требует большого ровного пространства.
Такие дела. Пишите в комментариях, если хотите увидеть еще сборки или обзоры наборов, пишите, каких наборов или MOCов – возможно, у меня что-нибудь из этого есть и я захочу это пересборать. Пока следующий на очереди у меня – «Звезда смерти» 75159. Там есть некоторые вопросы к комплектации, ибо покупал собранную и пыльную, а теперь она вымытая и разобранная, но посмотрим.
The Millenium Falcon was a YT-1300 Corellian Freighter that served as the personal craft of Han Solo during the Galactic Civil War. It was upgraded many times over the years by Solo and his Wookiee co-pilot and companion, Chewbacca, kitting it out with upper and lower quad laser cannons and allowing it to go 1.5 times the speed of light. According to Solo, the Millenium Falcon was the "fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy" and made the Kessel Run in less than 5 parsecs. It has been produced by Lego several times.
Before Episode IV
The Millenium Falcon went through several previous owners and names before and during the Clone Wars. Sometime after the galaxy-wide conflict it became the property of Lando Calrissian, Baron Administrator of Cloud City, a mining colony on Bespin, who lost it in a game of sabacc to Han Solo, a smuggler who used the ship for many years.
Episode IV
Han Solo used the Millenium Falcon for many years with his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca before he landed on the planet Tatooine. There, he encountered exiled Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and young Luke Skywalker, who sought safe passage to the planet Alderaan in order to send a message to Bail Organa. Solo agreed to offer them passage and they met in Docking Bay 94. Kenobi, Skywalker and two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, boarded the ship.
As the Millenium Falcon blasted off, it was momentarily chased by two Imperial Star Destroyers, which were in orbit above the planet. The ship, blasting off into hyperspace on its way to Alderaan.
As they arrived, they encountered a deadly meteor storm and no sign of the planet they were looking for. They followed a lone TIE Fighter to its base, the dreaded Death Star, the battle station that had destroyed Alderaan with its immensely powerful superlaser. The ship was pulled in by the Death Star's tractor beam and was taken into a landing bay.
Imperial troops proceeded to search the craft, finding no trace of any of the ship's occupants. Several of the Escape Pods had been jettisoned and they believed that the passengers had fled right after take off. In reality, the group were hiding in secret compartments under the floor and disguised themselves as stormtroopers in order to explore the station and to turn off the tractor beam that was preventing them from escaping.
After Solo and Skywalker saved Princess Leia Organa from a detention cell and Kenobi successfully switched off the Tractor Beam, the crew attempted to escape. Skywalker saw Kenobi duel Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, and watched, shocked, as Vader mercilessly killed the old man. The group fled to Yavin IV, the hidden Rebel base, not knowing that they had a tracking device attached to their hull.
The Empire followed the Millenium Falcon to its destination and proceeded to orbit the massive gas giant Yavin in order to destroy the Rebel moon. As Solo left with his reward, a dogfight above the Death Star ensued.
Coming to his senses, Solo helped out the Rebels, as well as young Skywalker, at the very last moment, taking out two TIE Fighters and damaging Vader's fighter, sending the Sith Lord spinning into space and giving Skywalker a clear shot, allowing him to blow up the battle station and to save the Rebels from being obliterated.
Afterwards, Solo and Skywalker were given medals by Princess Leia for their actions in a special ceremony on Yavin IV.
Episode V
Three years later, Solo was still working for the Rebels. The Millenium Falcon was grounded on the ice planet Hoth as the Empire led a deadly assault on their base. Han Solo, along with Chewbacca and Princess Leia, fled the planet but could not reach hyperspace due to the hyperdrive motivator being damaged.
Hiding from the Imperials in the planet's asteroid belt, the ship inadvertently stumbled upon a Space Slug. Narrowly escaping from its gaping maw, they proceeded to fix the engine and were eventually able to reach hyperspace. Escaping the system, they were, unbeknownst to them, being followed by infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett, who planned to collect the bounty put on their heads by the Empire as well as the bounty on Solo's head put in place by Jabba the Hutt.
Arriving at Cloud City on the planet Bespin, owned by Solo's friend Lando Calrissian, the group were promised their ship would be fixed. However, Calrissian sold them out to the Empire and Solo was frozen in carbonite, so as to be sent to Jabba the Hutt. The group escaped without Solo and was about to flee when Leia sensed Luke Skywalker, who had been involved in a deadly fight with Darth Vader and who was now hanging from the bottom of the city. They picked up Skywalker and travelled to a secret Rebel base at the edge of the galaxy. Calrissian travelled to the planet Tatooine in order to rescue Solo from the Hutt crime lord's evil clutches.
Episode VI
After a daring rescue of Solo in which Jabba was killed, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, Princess Leia and Chewbacca left for the Rebel fleet massing near the planet Sollust in preparation for a massive offensive on the Second Death Star, which was believed to be vulnerable and which had the Emperor himself on board.
Flying a stolen Imperial Shuttle down to the forest moon of Endor in order to shut down the shield generator, Solo allowed Calrissian to fly the Millenium Falcon in order to destroy the battle station.
As the offensive began, Solo's team ad failed to shut down the shield generator. Turning away from the battle station itself, Calrissian focused his efforts on the Imperial Star Destroyers that were waiting nearby, bringing down the Super Star Destroyer Executor. As the Death Star was revealed to be operational and destroyed several Rebel battle cruisers, Calrissian urged Admiral Ackbar to engage the Star Destroyers at point-blank range.
Things were looking grim for the Rebels until the shield generator was deactivated and the assault on the Death Star began. Calrissian flew the Millenium Falcon into the centre of the battle station, destroying the main power generator with the help of Wedge Antilles.
Narrowly escaping the exploding station, Calrissian joined the celebrations on the planet below, with the Millenium Falcon presumably grounded somewhere on the forest moon as the festivities began.
The dream of any LEGO fan is to add the LEGO Millennium Falcon 75192 set to his collection. Looking at the current price of this LEGO edition, we can be sure that it will be a very nice investment to purchase it now. But, now, the question is, are you familiar with the whole details of this marvelous model? Keep reading and you will find out some interesting facts about the LEGO 75192 Millennium Falcon set.
In the year 2000, LEGO released the first-ever edition of the Millennium Falcon set. By then, its pieces were 663 which also have a roof that can be removed, helping you to repeat the scenes and actions of Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and Luke. There was a lot of imperfection or blemishes in this starship, but in the year 2004, there was a great improvement at the introduction of the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon that has 985 pieces. This particular set was more detailed compared to the 2000 edition, having more invisible structures and improved cockpit.
In 2007, LEGO then made the first series of the Ultimate Millennium Falcon, LEGO 10179. By then, there was no other LEGO set which was larger than it as it has 5,197 pieces. This was incredible. The Minifigures of this LEGO model could control the ship while sitting in the control room. Another awesome thing about this LEGO model is the realistic rotation of the whole quad-laser turrets. But, the flaw of this Ultimate falcon series is that there are no other interior details apart from the control room of the starship. Beginning from the year 2017, the LEGO 75192 Millennium Falcon became the most expensive set, making the Ultimate Millennium falcon second in the list.
- The Millennium Falcon 10179: The 2007 edition of the LEGO Star Wars set that has not yet been unwrapped from the box still has great value till today.
- The Millennium Falcon 75192: The Ultimate series is still reckoned as a legendary LEGO set even to date because it was the first largest and detailed model to be designed for adults.
There were still other releases of LEGO editions since the year 2000. An example of a set that was released after 2000 was the LEGO Starship containing 1,392 pieces made to replicate the scenes of the 2015 Star Wars movie which has the title: The Force Awakens. Since then, there were still other Millennium Falcons that were released. One micro fighter was added in 2014, which means that there is a new role for Han Solo.
Before the Star Wars movie titled ‘The Last Jedi’ was released, LEGO announced the release of a set that is more superior to other previous editions. This was the LEGO Millennium Falcon 75192 which has 7,541 pieces, making it the largest amongst other LEGO set ever released. This spaceship has the record of the biggest LEGO toy in the market till today. Even though this UCS Millennium Falcon series has the same size as the LEGO 10179 model, it still more detailed than the old edition. This amazing set is designed to have the complete interior that all the fans have been expecting to see.
The UCS Millennium Falcon is out with a bang! This extremely fast starship that is owned by Han Solo is detailed with amazing features. The landing legs (7), quad-laser cannons (top and bottom), the invisible blaster cannon, sensor dish, and many more that are in this LEGO Flacon set will leave you in frenzy. This LEGO Millennium Falcon 75192 has a canopy that can be detached and a cockpit where 4 Minifigures can sit. Removing the panels on the outer part of the starship will enable you to view the completely designed interior of the set. When you take a look at the main hold, you will notice that there is a seating position that had been designed for the Minifigures; you will also find a holographic game of Dejarik, a decorated doorway, and an engineering station that has a seat that turns. The console will lead you to the back chamber where the hyperdrive can be monitored.
In this same LEGO Millennium Falcon 75192 set, you will find a hull panel that can be detached including a quad-laser cannon that rotates continuously, an invisible floor compartment, a ladder that leads you to the realistic station (gunnery), and two hatches of an escape pod. This Flacon will be a great addition to your building collection.
The truth is that LEGO will continue to release new Millennium Falcon models. So, as they release new ones, their interest will continue to increase. This means that now is the time for you to invest in this spacehsip. Click here to learn more about LEGO Investing.
When you look at the current price of the LEGO 75192 Millennium Falcon set, you will notice that it is higher than the price it was being sold last year and in 2017. So, purchasing one at this moment will leave you with a lot of profit in the future. There is much fun in playing with this iconic set as you may spend some days in building the starship.
After you have successfully built your LEGO Star Wars set and are ready to begin the show, you should get our wonderful LEGO Lights that have been designed to perfectly this set. Our LEGO Light Kit will make your play even more realistic. Customize your Millennium Falcon today with our marvelous lights and enjoy the fun as you replicate the Star Wars scene with pride.
LEGO has done very well for all their fans around the world as they have made people become more close to their favorite TV shows as well as the characters. Get your spaceship today and recreate the iconic Millennium Falcon set like a boss.
Корабль конструктор Лего «Сокол Тысячелетия» из фильма «Звёздные войны: Скайуокер. Восход» Episode IX. Экстерьер модели корабля включает вращающиеся верхние и нижние пушечные турели (нижняя вмещает 2 мини-фигурки), 2 пушки с пружинным механизмом, опускающийся пандус и открывающуюся кабину, вмещающую 2 мини-фигурки. Вместе с Финном, Чубаккой, Лэндо Калриссианом, Булио, C-3PO, R2-D2 и D-O путешествуй на борту легендарного «Сокола Тысячелетия». Как и его прототип из фильма «Звёздные войны: Скайуокер. Восход», этот корабль знавал лучшие времена… но он всё равно по-прежнему может пройти Дугу Кесселя за 12 парсеков… теоретически.
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Количество деталей Millennium Falcon 75257 LEGO Star Wars: 1 351 шт.
Корабль конструктор Лего «Сокол Тысячелетия» из фильма «Звёздные войны: Скайуокер. Восход» Episode IX. Экстерьер модели корабля включает вращающиеся верхние и нижние пушечные турели (нижняя вмещает 2 мини-фигурки), 2 пушки с пружинным механизмом, опускающийся пандус и открывающуюся кабину, вмещающую 2 мини-фигурки. Вместе с Финном, Чубаккой, Лэндо Калриссианом, Булио, C-3PO, R2-D2 и D-O путешествуй на борту легендарного «Сокола Тысячелетия». Как и его прототип из фильма «Звёздные войны: Скайуокер. Восход», этот корабль знавал лучшие времена… но он всё равно по-прежнему может пройти Дугу Кесселя за 12 парсеков… теоретически.
🧐 Этим конструктором интересовались: 575 чел.
👉 А вы знали? Что самый большой конструктор Лего это модель корабля Титаник 10294 LEGO Creator Expert, который состоит из 9 090 деталей. Корабль разделяется на три части, позволяя осмотреть детально проработанный интерьер. Эта колоссальная модель корабля «Титаник» — предмет для коллекции, который войдет в историю.
1 отзыв на 75257 LEGO Star Wars Сокол Тысячелетия
Виталий (Саратов) –
С детства увлекаюсь конструкторами LEGO и люблю Звёздные войны. А их сочетание, заставило меня начать собирать коллекцию. И это очередное, долгожданное пополнение в неё. Собирается на одном дыхании, качество отличное.
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