Lego marvel superheroes black cat
Объявлен общий сбор! Пластмассовые герои и злодеи объединяются в борьбе за обладание невиданной силой родом из космоса. Кто победит в этом противостоянии? Да какая разница! Главное, что будет весело. Простенько, знакомо, но все равно весело
Жанр | Экшен/Приключения |
Издатель | Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment |
Издатель в СНГ | «1С-СофтКлаб» |
Разработчик | Traveller’s Tales |
Минимальные требования | Процессор Intel Pentium 4 2,4 ГГц/AMD Athlon 64 2800+ 1,8 ГГц, 1 Гбайт RAM, видеокарта с поддержкой DirectX 9 и 256 Мбайт памяти, например NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT/AMD Radeon X1300, 8 Гбайт свободного места на жестком диске, интернет-соединение и учетная запись Steam |
Рекомендуемые требования | Процессор Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 ГГц/AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ 2,6 ГГц, 2 Гбайт RAM, видеокарта с 512 Мбайт памяти, например NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT/AMD Radeon HD 2900 XT |
Дата выхода | 15 ноября 2013 года |
Возрастной ценз | от 7 лет |
Платформы | PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS |
Официальный сайт |
В наше время модно ругаться, когда киношная, игровая или любая другая серия попадает на конвейер. Брюзжания эти, если честно, уже слегка надоели: «Каждый год новая Call of Duty! Уже ничего придумать не могут! «Хитмана» испоганят! Assassin’s Creed недолго осталось! Batman тот же самый!» — и все в таком духе. Посмотрите вот на серию LEGO от студии Traveller's Tales — это пример почти идеального конвейера. Вдумайтесь: восемнадцать (!) полноценных игр за восемь лет — и ничего, любим, как в первый раз.
В самом деле, обвинять LEGO Marvel Super Heroes в том, что она как две капли воды похожа на своих старших сестер, как-то ну совсем глупо и неудобно. В рамках формата развеселого пародийного балагана взятая разработчиками еще в 2005 году игровая механика прекрасно себя чувствует и сегодня. Единственным серьезным «инноватором» в серии стала прошлогодняя LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, в которой милые квадратные человечки научились разговаривать, устраивая разборки в открытом для исследования мире. С той поры обе эти особенности стали неотъемлемыми атрибутами любой новой LEGO-игры студии.
При этом такая унифицированная механика отлично укладывается в любую вселенную, обыгрываемую в проектах Traveller's Tales. Смотреть, с каким изяществом британские кудесники берут популярные медийные франшизы и переворачивают их с ног на голову, неизменно весело раз от раза. В этом плане даже удивительно, что до тематики комиксов Marvel разработчики добрались только сейчас. Зато добравшись, они развернулись на полную катушку.
Не шути с агентом Колсоном!
Чтобы хоть как-то обосновать творящийся на экране игрушечный беспредел, была придумана история о разбитой доске Серебряного Серфера, осколки которой — «космические блоки» — даруют обладателю поистине невероятную мощь. Заполучить ее вознамерился Доктор Дум, для чего собрал целую ораву самых отъявленных злодеев и послал их эти самые блоки добывать. Естественно, команда «правильных» героев под началом рассекающего на своем летающем авианосце Ника Фьюри просто так это оставить не может. И да начнется веселье!
Развязав себе руки, разработчики запихнули в игру, кажется, чуть ли не всех мало-мальски известных героев и злодеев, когда-либо мелькавших на страницах комиксов Marvel. Мстители, люди-икс, Братство мутантов, Фантастическая Четверка, Щ.И.Т. — кого ни назови, скорее всего, они здесь есть. Всего в LEGO Marvel Super Heroes больше сотни играбельных персонажей, каждый со своими способностями и зачастую несколькими вариантами облика. Как водится, сюжетная кампания открывает лишь малую их часть, а остальных придется разблокировать самостоятельно, выполняя необязательные задания во время вольных прогулок по Манхэттену. Плюс некоторые герои появляются в многочисленных камео. Так, например, Капитан Британия грустно топчется на перекрестке, опечаленный потерей своей «стопроцентно британской» машины, а Блэйд ждет не дождется, когда кто-нибудь согласится погонять с ним. Ну и куда же продукт с логотипом Marvel на упаковке без Стэна Ли? На каждом уровне известный сценарист оказывается в какой-нибудь беде — и кто-нибудь из добродушных героев его спасает.
В специальном отсеке на борту вертоносца Щ.И.Т.а можно вылепить героя на свой вкус. Варианты могут получаться самые безумные
Фан-сервис — плоть и кровь игр серии LEGO. Когда кривое управление уже натурально бесит, когда бездумный «фарминг» деталек (местной валюты) уже стоит поперек горла, а однообразные побочные задания приелись (а такой момент рано или поздно обязательно наступает), именно фан-сервис становится тем стимулом, который не дает бросить все и заставляет играть дальше. Воссоздав любимую вселенную в конструкторе, разработчики, как и много раз до этого, от души наполнили ее юмором, приколами и позитивом. Ужимки героев, их перебранки и подколки, забавные ситуации, в которые они попадают, — от всего этого улыбка появляется легко и непринужденно. Лично автора этой статьи особенно развеселил стеб над Человеком-Пауком, который постоянно жалуется взрослым героям на свою тяжкую жизнь: мол, у него не хватает времени помыть посуду, сделать уроки и погулять с девушкой. Вообще, едва втянувшись, уже с нетерпением ждешь, что же будет дальше, кто появится следующим, куда еще занесет нас погоня за блоками. Затягивает не по-детски.
В целом LEGO Marvel Super Heroes остается верной принципам серии. Это веселая аркада, которая будет интересна в первую очередь не столько детям (хотя они тоже определенно будут довольны), сколько поклонникам супергероев Marvel. Если не зацикливаться на однообразном игровом процессе, а просто наслаждаться разудалым представлением забавных человечков в пластмассовых декорациях, удовольствие гарантировано. Остается только один вопрос: какая же вселенная в следующий раз подвергнется «LEGO'изации»? Свои предположения можете оставлять в комментариях.
С тех пор, как в LEGO-играх появилась осмысленная речь, локализаторы предпочитают её не трогать, переводя на русский лишь текстовую часть. В иной ситуации мы бы только спасибо им за это сказали, но именно здесь русского озвучения не хватает. Западные актеры особым артистизмом не отличаются, поэтому не было совершенно никакого риска «испортить атмосферу» — а ощущения были бы приятнее, да и детям играть было бы проще.
Обидно, что текстовая часть не лишена изъянов. Переведено все, в принципе, грамотно, но не понятно решение отображать абсолютно все субтитры одним здоровенным рубленым белым шрифтом. Строки лезут друг на друга, сливаются и заслоняют обзор. Выглядит это неудобочитаемо и попросту грустно.
This is a full guide for LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes all achievements 100%!
Little info
Hello, this is my guide to LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes Achievement guide. I have played the game legit 100% through. In this guide i will show you how to get all achievements 100% on LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes! 🙂
If you want to play the game full 100% so it takes About 35-45 Hours
Cheat codes (optional)
In menu you can enter custom codes that will give you something (characters or vehicles or extras)
The cheat codes is optional, I didn’t use them when i played the game 100% through.
But here is the all codes:
Character Codes
Beetle: KXFQ87
Black Cat: P9OWL0
Captain america (Classic) 7HWU4L
Carnage: AA0Z50
Howard The Duck: J58RSS
Hydra Soldier: B7AA3K
Iron Man (Mark 17 – “Heart Breaker”) 2NGSRZ
Iron Man (Mark 38 – “Hulkbuster”) CK7SDS
Iron Patriot: Q5X1J5
Spider-Man (Future Foundation) WFOZXQ
Thor (Classic) H8CSE6
War Machine: TQ4C57
Wolverine (with good “cowl”) OAW2LB
Vehicle Codes
Avenging Cycle: 5T3CQU
Pumpkin Chopper: 35E41W
SHIELD Staff Car: D5B7O3
Spider Bike: SH9MZQ
Extra codes
2x Stud Multiplier: UZFBG4
Minikit Detector: 7VKCT2
( The site where i took these codes [link] )
Story Achievements
You just need to complete all 15 story levels of the game and you will achieve all these 15 achievements. (every mission/1 achievement)
Complete Level 1 – Sand Central Station
Complete Level 2 – Times Square Off
Complete Level 3 – Exploratory Laboratory
Complete Level 4 – Rock up at the Lock up
Complete Level 5 – Rebooted, Resuited
Complete Level 6 – Red Head Detention
Complete Level 7 – Bifrosty Reception
Complete Level 8 – Juggernauts and Crosses
Complete Level 9 – Doctor in the House
Complete Level 10 – That Sinking Feeling
Complete Level 11 – Taking Liberties
Complete Level 12 – Rapturous Rise
Complete Level 13 – Magnetic Personality
Complete Level 14 – A Doom with a View
Complete Level 15 – The Good, the Bad and the Hungry
Character Achievements
These are just achievement what you get when you collect characters. Some are from story and others from free play or on the free world
Collect all Avengers characters in the game (Single Player)
This achievement consists of unlocking and purchasing the following:
The Hulk
Captain America
Black Widow
Iron Man Mark 1
Iron Man Mark 6
Iron Man Mark 7
Iron Man Mark 42
Nick Fury
Agent Coulson
Maria Hill
All of these will unlock by completing story levels except for Iron Man Mark 7, Agent Coulson, and Maria Hill:
Iron Man Mark 7 – will unlock once you complete House Party Protocol after the last story level.
Agent Coulson – will unlock once you complete Tabloid Tidy Up.
Maria Hill – she will give you three missions on the Helicarrier deck that you have to complete to unlock her.
Collect Doc Ock, Sandman, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Electro and Vulture (Single Player)
To unlock all these characters, you will need at least 175 Gold Bricks to play a specific bonus level.
Doc Ock – unlocked after completing the story level Times Square Off.
Sandman – unlocked after completing the story level Sand Central Station.
Mysterio – unlocked after completing the bonus level The Thrill Of The Chess.
Kraven The Hunter – unlocked after completing the targeting puzzle that is in Central Park near a pond.
Electro – unlocked after completing the bonus level A Shock Withdrawal.
Vulture – unlocked after completing the bonus level Nuff Said.
Collect all traditionally heroic mutants (Single Player)
The heroic mutants:
Archangel – can be found south of the X Mansion and south of the giant billboard.
Beast – unlocked after completing story level 8 (Juggernauts and Crosses).
Colossus – can be found at the X Mansion. See “Fastball Special.”
Cyclops – unlocked after completing story level 7 (Bifrosty Reception).
Gambit – unlocked after completing the three Gambit events in the Manhattan Hub.
Havok – can be found south of the X Mansion towards the west coast.
Ice Man – unlocked after completing story level 8 (Juggernauts and Crosses).
Jean Grey – unlocked after completing story level 7 (Bifrosty Reception).
Polaris – unlocked after completing the bonus level The Thrill of the Chess.
Professor Xavier – unlocked after completing his three events at the X Mansion.
Psylocke – unlocked after completing then second Captain Britain mission.
Storm – unlocked after completing story level 8 (Juggernauts and Crosses).
Wolverine – unlocked after completing story level 4 (Rock Up at the Lock Up).
Wolverine (Cowl) – use the code OAW2LB or can be found in the bonus level Put Up Your Dukes during free play.
Collect all traditionally evil mutants (Single Player)
The evil mutants:
Blob – unlocked after completing the bonus level Put Up Your Dukes.
Juggernaut – unlocked after completing story level 8 (Juggernauts and Crosses).
Magneto – unlocked after completing story level 13 (Magnetic Personality).
Magneto Acolyte – unlocked after completing story level 13 (Magnetic Personality).
Mastermind – unlocked after completing story level 11 (Taking Liberties).
Mystique – unlocked after completing story level 12 (Rapturous Rise).
Pyro – unlocked after completing story level 8 (Juggernauts and Crosses).
Sabretooth – unlocked after completing story level 4 (Rock Up at the Lock Up).
Toad – unlocked after completing his three events in the Manhattan Hub.
Collect all Iron Man armors (Single Player)
Unlock the following armors for Iron Man:
Mark 1 (Unlocked through story mode)
Mark 6 (Unlocked through story mode)
Mark 7 (Unlocked during House Party Protocol mission)
Mark 17 (Unlocked during House Party Protocol mission by destroying 3 balloons)
Mark 42 (Unlocked through story mode)
Unlock Black Cat (Single Player)
Go to the Lady Liberty marker on the map as Spider-Man. On the corner of the street there will be a neon sign of a cat, solve the puzzle of how to get inside the building along with the puzzle inside it & Black Cat should be available for purchase. She will cost 150,000 studs. To quickly unlock this achievement, enter the code P9OWL0 in Extras menu.
Unlock all animal-themed characters (Single Player)
The animal-themed characters:
Ant-Man – can be found north of the diamond staff icon on the map.
Beast – unlocked after completing story level 8 (Juggernauts and Crosses).
Beetle – can be found east of Central Park.
Black Cat – use the code P9OWL0 or can be found near the Taking Liberties mission icon on the map.
Black Panther – unlocked after completing his three events in the Manhattan Hub
Black Widow – unlocked after completing story level 1 (Sand Central Station).
Doctor Octopus – unlocked after completing story level 2 (Times Square Off).
Doctor Octopus Ultimate – can be found in the bonus level Tabloid Tidy Up during free play.
Howard The Duck – use the code J58RSS or unlocked after completing the bonus level Nuff Said.
Phoenix – unlocked after completing the bonus level Put Up Your Dukes.
Rhino – unlocked after completing story level 12 (Rapturous Rise).
Rocket Raccoon – unlocked after completing his three events in the Manhattan Hub.
Sabretooth – unlocked after completing story level 4 (Rock Up at the Lock Up).
Spider Man – unlocked after completing story level 1 (Sand Central Station).
Spider Man F.F. – unlocked after completing the first Ghost Rider event.
Spider Woman – can be found in the southern part of Manhattan.
Squirrel Girl – can be found on the docks northwest from the Put Up Your Dukes mission icon on the map.
Toad – unlocked after completing his three events in the Manhattan Hub.
Viper – can be found along the road that runs through Central Park.
Vulture – unlocked after completing the bonus level Nuff Said.
Wasp – can be found near the Oscorp Building.
Wolverine – unlocked after completing story level 4 (Rock Up at the Lock Up).
Wolverine (Cowl) – use the code OAW2LB or can be found in the bonus level Put Up Your Dukes during free play.
Unlock all the Guardians of the Galaxy (Single Player)
The Guardians of the Galaxy are Drax, Gamora, Groot, Nova, Rocket Raccoon, Ronan The Accuser, and Star Lord.
Drax and Gamora – after completing all story levels, Drax can be found in the Times Square area. Complete his three events and you will unlock both Drax and Gamora.
Groot – after completing all story levels, Groot will be found in three different areas around Manhattan. Complete his three events to unlock him.
Nova – to unlock him, you must complete a foot race near Central Park.
Rocket Raccoon and Star Lord – complete all three Rocket Raccoon missions in the Manhattan hub to unlock both characters.
Ronan the Accuser – located in Central park near the circus tents. Complete the event to unlock him.
Collect Howard the Duck (Single Player)
Play the “Nuff Said” side mission in the hub, located at the Marvel logo on your map, then Howard the Duck will be available to purchase upon completion of the mission; he will cost 25,000 studs. Or just put code J58RSS in Extras menu.
Random Achievements
Random Achievements
Teach up Captain America with Human Torch (Co-Op)
For this, you’ll need a second controller or a keyboard. You can do this in free roam, free play, or in the level Red Head Detention during story mode. You need just to press start button on controller and on keyboard you need to press F2 when Human Torch and Captain America is both selected on both controllers.
Complete first Helicarrier skydive
While this is technically missable, it is very hard to miss. You will be prompted at the start of the second story level to jump off the Helicarrier with Captain America and Mr. Fantastic and complete a skydive.
Destroy 100 vehicles in the Manhattan hub
As the achievement says, you just need to destroy 100 vehicles on the free roam or hop on a turret on Helicarrier and just shoot these air car things not so hard.
Defeat 100 enemies as the Thing
Whenever you play as the Thing in either free play or story mode, kill enemies. You can also unlock this the first time you play the Thing during level 9 (Doctor In The House). And just kill 100 enemies anywhere with Thing.
Transform into the Hulk 50 times
When playing as Hulk you can just hold (Y) on controller for little bit time that it has transformed 50 times and the achievement will pop up!
First time turning Mister Fantastic into a teapot
You will first be able to use Mr. Fantastic after completing story level 1 (Sand Central Station) When playing as Mr. Fantastic just hold (B) on controller, then it will turn to a teapot and easy achievement.
Turn into Stan Hulk
When you have rescued all the Stan Lees (from all missions and from the open world) you will unlock Stan Lee as a playable character, just hold (Y) on controller to transform to Stan Hulk and you will get the achievement.
Create a character called “Trevor” in the character customizer
Just on Helicarrier go to the place where you can make custom characters and there just make 1 and name it “Trevor” and you will get the achievement, not hard.
Perform Hulk’s special move on Loki
When you have unlocked Loki, you need to select with your other character Loki and Hulk. You need to spam (X) on xbox controller, smashing Loki with Hulk and then when Hulk does the special move then you will get the achievement.
Here is a video guide:
Play as Agent Coulson
Unlocked upon the start of the Tabloid Tidy-Up mission in the New York hub. Tabloid Tidy-Up will be one of the first side missions you unlock as you need very little Gold Bricks to get it.
Read a comic in Deadpool’s room on the Helicarrier
To unlock a comic, you have to collect all minikits in a story level. Once you collect all 10, you will unlock a comic from Deadpool’s room on the Helicarrier and you just need to read 1 of those and boom achievement done.
Drive to the Baxter Building as Magneto in the Magneto Mobile
The Magneto Mobile is unlocked after completing one of Professor X’s missions at the X-Mansion, it will cost you 150,000 studs. Magneto himself is unlocked after completion of one of the main story missions, he will cost another 150,000 studs. Once you have both Magneto & his vehicle, simply drive to the Baxter Building. The Baxter Building is represented on the map by the Fantastic Four logo.
Here is a video guide:
Regenerate as Wolverine
When Wolverine dies, he doesn’t explode into bricks. He turns into a skeleton with the Wolverine head. A short time after he turns into a skeleton, his body will come back and the achievement will unlock. The first place you can get this is story level 4 (Rock It Up At The Lock Up).
Create a custom character
You need to go in to Helicarrier and there go to the custom character room and there just do a custom character.
Perform a special throwing move as Colossus on Wolverine
Again you need just to have Colossus unlocked and have the other guy selected Wolverine and just spam (X) on controller and smash Wolverine so long that it does the special move on it.
Video guide:
Complete House Party Protocol
After you beat story level 15 (the last level) and watch the credits, you will be directed towards Stark Tower for a party. Complete this bonus level and the achievement will unlock.
Perform all big LEGO figure transformations
You perform a transformation by holding down (Y on xbox controller) as certain characters, these characters include:
Stan Lee
Red Hulk
Bonus/Final Achievements
Rescue Stan Lee from every peril (Single Player)
You need to save Stan Lee from every place (from every mission and on the free world map you can see the Stan Lee picture so you always need to go there help him.
Here is a good video guide:
Collect 1,000,000,000 studs (Single Player)
To unlock this achievement you should just collect all Deadpool stud multiplier extra bricks. When you turn every one of them on on the same time you will get x3840 studs. So it will be very easy if you have these stud multiplier extra bricks.
x2 multiplier – use UZFBG4 . Can also be purchased for 1,000,000 studs.
x4 multiplier – use a telekinesis character in Tabloid Tidy Up to rearrange the trophies in the back office to unlock the brick. Costs 2,000,000 studs.
x6 multiplier – use a telekinesis character in Feeling Fisky on the picture of the Kingpin on the back wall, then use a laser/fire character to destroy the golden door to unlock the brick. Costs 3,000,000 studs.
x8 multiplier – use an electric character to start a transformer in Reptillian Ruckus followed by a magnetic character to open the container to unlock the brick. Costs 4,000,000 studs.
x10 multiplier – use a telekinesis character in House Party Protocol to break the piñata using an object that is within a gold object behind the piñata. Costs 5,000,000 studs.
Unlock all True Believers (Single Player)
True Believer is when you hit around 100,000 studs on an individual level. It will just be so easy if you have those stud multiplier extra bricks activated at the same time.
Complete game 100% (Single Player)
100% completion consists of:
Collect and purchase all 15 Deadpool bricks
Collect all 250 gold bricks
Complete all 15 story and 11 hub missions – 26
Attain True Believer in all story and hub missions – 26
Collect all 10 minikits in each of the 15 story levels – 15
Rescue all Stan Lee in Peril – 50
Scattered around the Manhattan hub – 133
Unlock and purchase all 150+ characters
Unlock and purchase all 40 vehicles
Final text
Hopefully this guide helped you atleast a little bit to get achievements i would be very thankful if you rate or comment on this guide something 🙂
If you’re having any problems or maybe you have a suggestion, please leave it in a comment below.
Thank you for visiting my guide
*Note – The achievement pictures i used is from [link]
I have just a little bit looked other guides for this achievement guide from other sites/guides so dont get angry if there is a little bit of same looking text 😀
Introduction: Here’s how to find, unlock & buy the hidden characters in this guide for Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
To unlock 148 of all 194 Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 playable characters (218 including transformations), you basically have to finish the Story Mode levels and explore the Chronopolis open world hub. This goes especially fast if you have access to flying superheroes in between playing levels. — The spots at the bottom of the character select screen (which normally are invisible until unlocked) are reserved for for downloadable content (DLC) characters, which at first will only be available via pre-order (the “Out of Time” character pack is this free bonus at select retailers like GameStop), but are to be released in paid DLC Character Packs* sometime after release (like the Season Pass character packs included in the Deluxe Edition). — The 10 last spots on the character select screen’s bottom are for the custom characters you can create at the Avengers Mansion lab computer.
How To Buy Unlocked Characters For Play: You can then buy the characters you’ve unlocked (with our tips from this page) — by holding the Y button on Xbox One or holding the Triangle button on PS4 or holding the X button on Switch — to bring up the character grid and selecting them to buy them. After that you can finally play with them.
It is important to note that this character buying/selecting menu cannot be accessed while you’re in Story levels/missions, it’s only accessible when you’re in the Chronopolis open world hub or when you’re doing Free Play.
Here’s a video showing all character icons and their names 1 by 1. View the complete character grid:
You will earn yourself several achievements or trophies for finding all characters in every level and open world area of Lego Marvel Superheroes 2.
* The Inhabitants of Chronopolis (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Purchase all characters.
* Hello World! (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Collect Gwenpool.
* ‘Tis but a scratch! (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Defeat 30 enemies using The Black Knight (Nathan Garrett).
* Bicentennial Battles (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Have various Captain America characters join forces in a single party.
* Road Rage 2 (Silver Trophy / Gamerscore) — Smash 100 vehicles.
* We are Groot (Silver Trophy / Gamerscore) — Have Groot and Groot (Small) in a party.
* Monster Squad (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Have Morbius, Cap-Wolf, Triton and The Living Mummy in a party.
* Are You Not Entertained? (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Destroy 100 enemies as Hulk (Thor: Ragnarok).
* Fin Fang Fanboy (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Play as Fin Fang Foom in “Defying Conventions”.
* Operation: Rebirth (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Create a custom superhero.
* The Council of Kangs (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Have multiple Kangs in a party.
* Back to where it all began (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Explore Ancient Egypt as Kang.
* Dog Meet Dog (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Have Cosmo and Lockjaw in a party.
* Dancing in the Moon Knight (Bronze Trophy / Gamerscore) — Activate dance mode and make 5 characters dance.
Here’s a close-up gallery image of the character icons and their names on the roster. Click to enlarge:
Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 Unlockable Characters
Below we’ve listed the secret characters, including their transformations, in alphabetical order. Take the following steps to unlock each one; where available.
1. A-Bomb
How to unlock: Can be found in the Chronopolis open world’s Hala area. Talk to him and he’ll give you his “Short Fuse” quest that makes him available for buying upon completion. Then unlock him for the price of 50,000 studs at the character roster screen.
This video guide shows you where the character is and how to complete his fetch quest:
2. A-Bomb (Rick Jones)
3. Adam Warlock
4. Agent Coulson
5. Agent Venom
6. America Chavez
7. Ant-Man
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: BCR7QJ
8. Ant-Man (Classic)
9. Aracnido Jr.
10. Arizona Annie
11. Arnim Zola
12. Attuma
13. Aunt May
14. Ayesha
15. Baron Zemo
16. Beta Ray Bill
17. Black Bolt
How to unlock: Complete story “Level 13: Inhuman Nature” in Free Play Mode to unlock Black Bolt’s character token for purchase.
18. Black Cat
19. Black Knight (Dane Whitman)
20. Black Knight (Nathan Garrett)
21. Black Knight (Sir Percy)
22. Black Panther
23. Black Widow
24. Blade
25. Blue Marvel
26. Bowman
27. Bruce Banner (Wild West)
28. Bullseye (Wild West)
29. Captain America
30. Captain America (Pilot)
31. Captain America (Wild West)
32. Captain America (Secret Empire)
33. Captain America (Peggy Carter)
34. Captain America (Roberta Mendez)
35. Captain Avalon
36. Captain Britain
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: M68P3L
37. Captain Corbett
38. Captain Marvel
39. Captain Marvel (Masked)
40. Cap-Wolf
41. Carnage
42. Carnom
43. Chipmunk Hunk
44. Clea
45. Colleen Wing
46. Cosmo the Space-Dog
How to unlock: In the skies above Chronopolis visit Knowhere (an Ancient’s floating skull) to find Cosmo waiting to give you a Fetch quest before he becomes available to buy for 500,000 studs. In the city below find the following items: 4 Bones, 3 Blue Playballs, 3 Ropes, (locations shown in the guide here-under) and once you picked them all up bring them back to him.
This video guide shows you where the character is and how to complete his fetch quest:
47. Crimson Dynamo
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: CDS278
48. Crystal
How to unlock: Complete “Level 13: Inhuman Nature” in Story Mode to unlock Crystal’s character token for purchase.
49. Curt Connors
50. Lizard
51. Daredevil
52. Darkhawk
53. Darkstar
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: S947TP
54. Doctor Octopus
55. Doctor Strange
56. Dormammu
57. Drax the Destroyer
58. Electro
59. Electro (2099)
60. Elektra (Noir)
61. Enchantress
62. Falcon
63. Fin Fang Foom
64. Forbush Man
65. Gamora
66. General Ross
67. Red Hulk
68. Ghost Rider
69. Giant-Man (Hank Pym)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: GAVK9R
70. Gorgon
80. Goblin (2099)
81. Green Goblin
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: XG7SAL
82. Groot
83. Groot (Small / Baby)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: QG3VH9
84. Greenskyn Smashtroll
85. Gwenpool
86. Hammer
87. Hammerhead
88. Hawkeye
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: G6K2VM
89. Heimdall
90. Hela
91. Hellcow
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: NCMJU4
How to unlock: This video guide shows you where the character is and how to complete his race mission (unlocks upon completing the Blade mission in Chronopolis):
92. Hit-Monkey
How to unlock: This video guide shows you where the character is (in the Chronopolis open world’s Manhattan area, behind the Quadrooon building) and how to complete his mission (destroy the 20 Snowmen with a shooting character):
93. Hobgoblin
94. Horus
95. Howard the Duck
How to unlock: Can be found in the Chronopolis open world’s Manhattan area. Talk to Howard the Duck inside the Souvenirs shop and he’ll give you his quest that makes him available for buying upon completion. Then unlock him for the price of 50,000 studs at the character roster screen.
This video guide shows you where the character is and how to complete his fetch quest:
96. Iron Duck
97. Hulk
98. Hulk (Bruce Banner)
99. Hulk (Thor: Ragnarok)
100. Hulk (Bruce Banner – Thor: Ragnarok)
101. Hulkling
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: 5G7HFS
102. Inferno
103. Iron Fist
104. Iron Man (Prime Armor)
105. Iron Man (Mark 47)
106. Tony Stark
107. Tony Stark (Snow)
108. Iron Man (Wild West)
109. Tony Stark (Wild West)
110. J. Jonah Jameson
111. Kang The Conqueror
112. Kang Minion
113. Karnak
114. Kid Colt
115. Killmonger
116. King Arthur Pendragon
117. Kingpin
118. Klaw
119. Koi Boi
120. Korvac
121. Kraven The Hunter
122. Kronan Warrior
123. Living Mummy
124. Living Totem
125. Lockjaw
How to unlock: Complete “Level 13: Inhuman Nature” in Story Mode to unlock Lockjaw’s character token for purchase.
126. Loki (Classic) & Loki (Thor: Ragnarok)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: JDNQMV
127. Luke Cage
128. Luke Cage (Noir)
129. Madame Hydra
130. Maestro
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: HCE926
How to unlock: This video guide shows you where the character is and how to complete his race mission in Chronopolis’ Sakaar area:
131. Mantis
132. Man-Ape
133. Man-Thing
134. Maximus
How to unlock: Complete “Level 13: Inhuman Nature” in Story Mode to unlock Maximus’ character token for purchase.
135. Medusa
136. Merlin
137. Militant
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: UUTZNC
138. Misty Knight
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: BK9B3Y
139. M.O.D.A.M.
140. M.O.D.O.K.
141. Moon Knight
How to unlock: Can be found in Story Mode “Level 1: No Eson of Mine”, in the beginning area you’ll see a golden brick wall that you need to destroy with any character that has a laser like Iron Man (MK 47) to reveal the character token for pickup, priced to buy for 150,000 studs at the character roster screen.
This video guide shows you where the character is hidden:
142. Morbius
143. Mordo
144. Morgan Le Fay
145. Ms. Marvel
146. Mummy
147. Mysterio
148. Nebula
149. Nick Fury
150. Nova Prime
151. Odin
152. Phantom Rider
153. Quake
154. Ragnarok
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: HL7L7Y
155. Ravonna
156. Rawhide Kid
157. Red Guardian
158. Red She-Hulk
159. Red King
160. Red Skull
161. Red Wolf
162. Rhino
163. Rocket Raccoon
164. Ronan the Accuser
165. Sandman
166. Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: JD9GQA
167. Scorpion
168. Sentry-459
169. She-Hulk
170. Shocker
171. Shocker (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
172. Shuri
173. Sif
174. Silk
175. Skaar
176. Songbird
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: D6LJ4P
177. Spider-Gwen
178. Spider-Gwen (Gwen Stacy)
179. Spider-Ham
180. Spider-Man
181. Spider-Man (2099)
182. Spider-Man (Black Suit)
183. Spider-Man (Homemade Suit)
184. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
185. Spider-Man (Noir)
186. Spider-UK
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: RMADXF
187. Spider-Woman
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: CW9BRS
188. Squirrel Girl
189. Stan Lee
190. Star-Lord
191. Steel Serpent
192. Stingray
193. Super Adaptoid
194. Superior Spider-Man
195. Surtur
196. Tactical Force
197. Taserface
198. Taskmaster
199. Terminatrix
200. The Ancient One
201. The Collector
202. The Grandmaster
203. The Grandmaster (Thor: Ragnarok)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: LBYT59
204. The Presence
205. Thor
206. Thor (Jane Foster)
207. Throg
How to unlock: He can be found at the Man-Thing’s Swamp area of Chronopolis next to a tree. Complete his frog-rescue “A Ribbit of a Problem” quest to unlock him.
This video guide shows you how to find where the character card token can be unlocked:
208. Tinkerer
209. Torg the Abominable Snow-King
210. Triton
How to unlock: Complete “Level 13: Inhuman Nature” in Story Mode to unlock Triton’s character token for purchase.
211. Two-Gun Kid
212. Ursa Major
213. Valkyrie
214. Venom
215. Venom (2099)
216. Venom (Ultimate)
217. Vision
How to unlock: He can be found at the Avengers Mansion area of Chronopolis on the Mansion’s roof in a race.
This video guide shows you how to find where the character card token can be unlocked:
218. Vision (Captain America: Civil War)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: 4U9DAT
219. Vormund
220. Vulture
221. Vulture (Spider-Man: Homecoming)
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: 7KDY3L
222. War Machine
223. Wasp
224. White Tiger
225. Wiccan
226. Winter Soldier
Cheat code unlock: While you’re playing, pause the game, to enter codes from the Main Menu by selecting “Extras” and then “Enter Code” using this cheat: 8KD3F6
227. Wonder Man
228. Wong
229. Yellowjacket
230. Yondu
Credit for the unlock videos to Marvel. Big thanks for character unlocking and villains/heroes locations tips to: Jay, Joe, Mike & Razor.
Please comment if you have any Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 character unlock tips of your own. Credit will be given. – Thanks for visiting!
This list shows the known playable characters in Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and in some cases their Lego Marvel Super Heroes costumes. All in alphabetical order.
1. A-Bomb — downloadable only
2. Abomination [Lego Big Figure]
3. Absorbing Man
4. Agent Phil Coulson
5. Agent M
6. A.I.M. Agent
7. Aldrich Killian
8. Arnim Zola
9. Archangel
10. Ant-Man
11. Aunt May
12. Axel Alonso
13. Beast
14. Beetle
15. Beta Ray Bill — downloadable only
16. Black Bolt
17. Black Cat
18. Black Panther
19. Black Widow
20. Blade
21. Blob [Lego Big Figure]
22. Bruce Banner
23. Bullseye
24. Captain America
25. Captain America (Classic / Comics)
26. Captain Britain
27. Carnage
28. Colossus [Lego Big Figure]
29. Cyclops
30. Damage Control
31. Daredevil
32. Dark Phoenix
33. Deadpool
34. Doombot
35. Doombot (V-Series)
36. Dormammu
37. Doctor Doom
38. Doctor Octopus
39. Doc Ock (Ultimate Spider-Man)
40. Doctor Strange
41. Drax the Destroyer
42. Elektra
43. Electro
44. Electro (Ultimate Spider-Man)
45. Emma Frost
46. Extremis Soldier
47. Falcon
48. Fandral — downloadable only
49. Frost Giant
50. Galactus (Playable Mini-Version)
51. Gambit
52. Gamora
53. General Ross
54. Ghost Rider
55. Green Goblin
56. Green Goblin (Ultimate) [Lego Big Figure]
57. Groot [Lego Big Figure]
58. Gwen Stacy
59. Havok
60. Hawkeye
61. Hawkeye (Classic Suit) — downloadable only
62. Heimdall
63. H.E.R.B.I.E. AKA Humanoid Experimental Robot, B-type, Integrated Electronics
64. Hogun — downloadable only
65. Howard the Duck
66. Hulk [Lego Big Figure]
67. Human Torch
68. HYDRA Agent AKA Hydra Goon/Soldier
69. HYDRA Agent (Golden Armor)
70. Invisible Woman
71. Invisible Woman (Future Foundation)
72. Iceman
73. Iron Fist
74. Iron Man (Heroic Age)
75. Iron Man (Mark 1)
76. Iron Man (Mark 6)
77. Iron Man (Mark 7)
78. Iron Man (Mark 17 / Heart Breaker)
79. Iron Man (Mark 38 / Hulkbuster) [Lego Big Figure]
80. Iron Man (Mark 42)
81. Iron Patriot
82. J. Jonah Jameson
83. Jane Foster — downloadable only
84. Jean Grey
85. Joe Quesada
86. Juggernaut [Lego Big Figure]
87. Kingpin [Lego Big Figure]
88. Kingpin Henchman
89. Kraven the Hunter
90. Kurse — downloadable only
91. Lady Deathstrike
92. Lady Liberty Statue (Playable Mini-Version)
93. Laufey
94. Leader
95. Curt Connors
96. Lizard [Lego Big Figure]
97. Loki
98. Magneto
99. Magneto Acolyte
100. Malekith the Accursed
101. Malekith the Accursed (Thor 2: The Dark World) — downloadable only
102. Maria Hill
103. Mary Jane Watson
104. Mastermind
105. Mini Sentinel
106. M.O.D.O.K. AKA Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing
107. Moon Knight
108. Mister Fantastic
109. Mister Fantastic (Future Foundation)
110. Ms. Marvel
111. Mysterio
112. Mystique
113. Nick Fury
114. Nightmare
115. Nova
116. Odin — downloadable only
117. Pepper Potts
118. Peter Parker
119. Phoenix
120. Polaris
121. Power Man
122. Prisoner
123. Professor X
124. Psylocke
125. Punisher
126. Pyro
127. Red Hulk
128. Red Skull
129. Rescue AKA Iron Man Armor Mark 1616
130. Rhino [Lego Big Figure]
131. Ronan the Accuser
132. Roxxon Guard
133. Rocket Raccoon
134. Sabretooth
135. Sandman
136. Sand Enemy
137. Symbiote Scientist
138. Symbiote Scientist (Normal)
139. Symbiote Scientist (Hazmat)
140. She-Hulk
141. SHIELD Agent
142. Shocker
143. Lady Sif — downloadable only
144. Silver Samurai
145. Silver Surfer
146. Spider-Man
147. Superior Spider-Man
148. Spider-Man (Future Foundation)
149. Spider-Man (Symbiote) — downloadable only
150. Spider-Woman
151. Squirrel Girl
152. Star-Lord
153. Stan Lee
154. Storm
155. Super-Skrull
156. Taskmaster
157. The Destroyer (Playable Mini-Version)
158. The Mandarin
159. Thanos [Lego Big Figure] — downloadable only
160. Thing [Lego Big Figure]
161. Thing (Future Foundation) [Lego Big Figure]
162. Thor
163. Thor (Classic / Comics)
164. Toad
165. Tom Brevoort
166. Tony Stark
167. Tony Stark (Underwear)
168. Union Jack
169. Venom
170. Venom (Ultimate) [Lego Big Figure]
171. Viper
172. Volstagg — downloadable only
173. Vulture
174. War Machine AKA Iron Man Armor Mark 2
175. Wasp
176. Whiplash
177. Winter Soldier
178. Wizard
179. Wolverine
180. Wolverine (With Hood / Cowl)
Unconfirmed Lego Marvel Super Heroes characters include:
General (villain), and Foot Soldier (villain).
It’s logical to think these minifigures from the Lego Marvel Super Heroes Play Sets will eventually make it into the video game as well. We’ll have to wait for the developer Traveller’s Tales Games to confirm more characters throughout the year. So stay tuned to this page, as we’ll keep it updated! 😀
Here is an artwork gallery of the Lego Marvel Super Heroes characters.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes Characters List
This trailer from Comic-Con 2013 shows the new LEGO Big Figure characters:
This next super long video shows all of the characters revealed so far by the makers of the game!
Please leave a comment if you see missing Lego Marvel Super Heroes characters. Thanks for visiting!
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- Estimated Difficulty - 6/10
- Approximate time to 100% - 30-40 Hours
- Playthroughs Needed - 2 (Story and then free play)
Now, with every LEGO game, there are achievement codes that you can enter in the extras menu to unlock certain stuff, for example, red bricks and characters.
For some reason, the new games have only revealed codes for the x2 multiplier, letting people play for the others I guess, anyway..
- Avenging Cycle - 5T3CQU
- Pumpkin Chopper - 35E41W
- SHIELD Staff Car - D5B7O3
- Spider Bike - SH9MZQ
- Beetle - KXFQ87
- Black Cat - P9OWL0
- Captan America(Classic) - 7HWU4L
- Carnage - AA0Z50
- Howard The Duck - J58RSS
- Hydra Soldier - B7AA3K
- Iron Man(Mark 17 - "Heart Breaker") - 2NGSRZ
- Iron Man(Mark 38 - "Hulk Buster") - CK7SDS
- Iron Patriot - Q5X1J5
- MODOK - SZ8Q06
- Spider Man(Future Foundation) - WFOZXQ
- Thor(Classic) - H8CSE6
- War Machine - TQ4C57
- Wolverine(with hood "cowl") - OAW2LB
The following achievements can be earned just by playing through the story mode and by doing nothing else. There are a total of 15 achievements to be obtained because there are 15 story levels.
Completed Level 1 - Sand Central Station
Completed Level 2 - Times Square Off
Completed Level 3 - Exploratory Laboratory
Completed Level 4 - Rock up at the Lock up
Completed Level 5 - Rebooted, Resuited
Completed Level 6 - Red Head Detention
Completed Level 7 - Bitfrosty Reception
Completed Level 8 - Juggernauts and Crosses
Completed Level 9 - Doctor in the House
Completed Level 10 - That Sinking Feeling
Completed Level 11 - Taking Liberties
Completed Level 12 - Rapturous Rise
Completed Level 13 - Magnetic Personality
Completed Level 14 - A Doom with a View
Completed Level 15 - The Good, the Bad and the Hungry
There is the potential to obtain another achievement whilst playing through the story, I personally obtained this just before I started the second level.
You could potentially miss this, on the second level, you will start out on the carrier as Captain America and Mr Fantastic, simply go to the designated drop points and skydive.
There are 12 character based achievements, from unlocking the Guardians of the Galaxy all the way to unlocking a duck. Again, the majority you will unlock via the Story Mode and then Free Play roaming, or if you want to cheat you can of course use the character codes.
You must unlock and then purchase the following characters (Story mode unlocks are just marked Story):
- The Hulk (Story)
- Captain America (Story)
- Thor (Story)
- Hawkeye (Story)
- Black Widow (Story)
- Iron Man Mark 1 (Story)
- Iron Man Mark 6 (Story)
- Iron Man Mark 7*
- Iron Man Mark 42 (Story)
- Nick Fury (Story)
- Agent Coulson*
- Maria Hill*
- Iron Man Mark 7 (Unlocked after completing "House Party Protocol" bonus level after the final story level).
- Agent Coulson (Unlocked after completing "Tabloid Tidy Up").
- Maria Hill (She gives you three missions on the Helicarrier to complete, once you've done them, you will be able to unlock her).
- Doc Ock (Story)
- Sandman (Story)
- Mysterio (Story)
- Kraven The Hunter (Story)
- Electro (Story)
- Vulture (Story)
You must unlock and purchase the following heroic mutants - (Story mode unlocks are just marked Story)
- Archangel (Found to the south of the X Mansion and near a giant billboard)
- Beast (Story)
- Colossus (Found at the X Mansion)
- Cyclops (Story)
- Gambit (Unlocked after completing the three Gambit events in free play)
- Havok (Found near the X Mansion by he coast)
- Ice Man (Story)
- Jean Grey (Story)
- Polaris (Unlocked after completing the bonus level "The Thrill of the Chess")
- Professor Xavier (Complete his three tasks to unlock him, near the X Mansion)
- Psylocke (Unlocked in free play around the city)
- Storm (Story)
- Wolverine (Story)
- Wolverine (Cowl) (Either by Code QAW2LB or found in the bonus level, "Put Up Your Dukes").
You must unlock all of the nasty mutants and then purchase them - (Story mode unlocks are just marked Story)
- Blob (Unlocked after completing the bonus level "Put Up Your Dukes").
- Juggernaut (Story)
- Magneto (Story)
- Magneto Acolyte (Story)
- Mastermind (Story)
- Mystique (Story)
- Pyro (Story)
- Sabretooth (Story)
- Toad (Unlocked after completing his three mini events in free play)
- Mark 1
- Mark 6
- Mark 7
- Mark 17
- Mark 42
Unlock Black Cat.
She can be found near the "Lady Liberty" marker on the map in free roam, located on the corner will be neon sign of a cat, simply solve the puzzle to gain access to the building and you'll see the character token - she'll set you back a bit, 150,000 studs to be exact, or you can cheat and enter a code to unlock her quickly - P9OWL0 .
Unlock all the following animal themed characters and purchase them - (Story mode unlocks are just marked Story).
- Ant-Man (Unlocked near the Diamond Staff icon on the map in free play, he's very useful in unlocking other characters/gold bricks).
- Beast (Story)
- Beetle (Found in Central Park)
- Black Cat (Near the "Taking Liberties" mission icon or by using the code P9OWL0 .
- Black Panther (Unlocked after completing three side missions in free play)
- Black Widow (Story)
- Doctor Octopus (Story)
- Doctor Octopus Ultimate (Obtained in the bonus level, "Tabloid Tidy Up")
- Howard The Duck (Either complete the bonus level, "Nuff Said" or by using the code - J58RSS .
- Phoenix (Unlocked after completing the bonus level, "Put Up Your Dukes")
- Rhino (Story)
- Rocket Raccoon (Unlocked after completing three side missions in free play)
- Sabretooth (Story)
- Spider Man (Story)
- Spider Man F.F. (Unlocked after completing the first Ghost Rider Event)
- Spider Woman (Found in free play around South Manhattan)
- Squirrel Girl (Unlocked in free play, located near the docks)
- Toad (Unlocked after completing three side missions in free play)
- Viper (Found in free play near Central Park)
- Vulture (Unlocked after completing the bonus level, "Nuff Said")
- Wasp (FOund very close to the Oscorp Building)
- Wolverine (Story).
- Wolverine (Cowl) (Unlocked either by using the code OAW2LB or by completing the bonus level, "Put Up Your Dukes")
Unlock and purchse the Guardians
- Drax & Gamora (Once you've completed all story levels, you'll find Drax in free play - complete his three side missions and you'll unlock both Drax & Gamora)
- Groot (After finishing all of the story levels, Groot will be found in three different areas, simply finish his three quests to unlock him)
- Nova (Complete a foot race near Central Park to unlock him)
- Rocket Racoon & Star Lord (Complete the three mini quests after finish the story for Rocket Racoon to ublock both Rocket Racoon & Star Lord)
- Ronan the Accuser (Located in Central park near the Circus tents, complete his event to unlock him)
Collect Howard the Duck
Either play the "Nuff Said" bonus level or enter the following code - J58RSS .
This is pretty much self explanatory, these are those small achievements that you can just sit and farm to death, or they're really simple, anyway, you choose!
Teach up Captain America with Human Torch (Co-Op)
I personally play with an Xbox 360 controller, so I switched to Captain America and then pressed F2 on the keyboard and selected Human Torch, BAM Achievement, really not that hard.
Destory 100 vehicles in the Manhattan hub
Self explanatory really, simply roam around the map destorying cars - or you can simply hop on a turret on the carrier and shoot the little ships (you get gold bricks by doing this too), you should get this in no time.
Defeat 100 enemies as the Thing
You first play as "The Thing" in Level 9 (Doctor In The House), simply switch to him and kill all the enmies, once you get the part where you must save Torch, just keep playing as The Thing and rack up the kills on the infinate levels.
Transform into the Hulk 50 times.
When you're playing as either Bruce Banner or The Hulk (using a Xbox Controller here), simply hold Y and transform into either, just do this 50 times and you have another achievement.
Collect 1,000,000,000 studs
- x2 Multiplier - Use the code - UZFBG4 , can just be purchased for 1,000,00 studs.
- x4 Multiplier - Use a telekinesis character in the bonus level "Tabloid Tidy Up" to rearrange the trophies in the back office to unlock the brick, this costs 2,000,000 studs.
- x6 Multiplier - Use a telekinesis character in "Feeling Fisky" on the picture of the Kingpin on the back wall, then use a laser/fire character to destroy the gold shape, you'll unlock the brick, it'll cost you 3,000,000 studs.
- x8 Multiplier - Use an electric character to start a transformer in "Reptillian Ruckus" followed by a magnetic character to open up a container containing the red brick, this costs 4,000,000 studs.
- x10 Multiplier - Use a telekinesis character in "House Party Protocol" (Level just after the main story) to break the pinata swinging thing, the red brick drops out and costs 5,000,000 studs.
First time turning Mister Fantastic into a teapot
You can get this achievement quite early on, once you've completed Level 1 (Sand Central Station), you'll start playing as Mister Fantastic and Captain America, switch to Mr Fantastic and hold B (Xbox Controller) and you'll switch into a teapot.
Turn into Stan Hulk
Once you have rescued all of the Stan Lee's in peril, you'll unlock the character, select him and press Y (Xbox controller) and he'll transform into Stan Hulk!
Complete House Party Protocol
After finishing Level 15, and you've watched the credits - you're directed to Stark Tower to join a party, attend and once completed, you'll get another achievement.
Create a character called "Trevor" in the character customizer
I had some trouble with this one to begin with, I unlocked it by going to the medical bay to find the character creator, I changed the name in the character creator to "Trevor" and it unlocked.
Perform Hulk's special move on Loki
Once you've finished everything, switch one character to Hulk and the other to Loki, then just button bash X (Xbox Controller) with the Hulk at Loki until he slam dunks him.
Play as Agent Coulson
Pretty simple again, once you start the bonus level, "Tabloid Tidy-Up" mission, you'll get it.
Read a comic in Deadpool's room on the Helicarrier
Once you have gotten all of the minikits from one level, go to the helicarrier and to the lower level where Deadpool's room is, go to the far right and open up a comic.
Perform a special thorwing move as Colossus on Wolverine
Once you've unlocked him, switch both characters to Colossus and the other to Wolverine, then press X with Colossus on Wolverine and he'll pick him up and throw him.
Drive to the Baxter Nuilding as Magneto in the Magneto Mobile
You unlock the Magneto Mobile after completing one of Professor X's missions, it'll cost 150,000 studs to do. You want to then drive to the building where you began Level 2 (Check the Fantastic 4 Logo on the map).
Peform all big LEGO figure transformations
- Hulk
- Lizard
- Stan Lee
- Red Hulk
- Venom
Regenerate as Wolverine
Once you lose all 4 hearts as Wolverine, he doesn't explode into a load of bricks, instead he turns into a skeleton, a few seconds or so later his body will come back along with the achievement, I unlocked this on Level 4 when you first meet Wolverine.
Create a custom character
Go down to the medbay on the helicarrier and simply create a character, if you call it trevor, you unlock the other achievement.
Now for the final achievements that you may or may not have got, but hopefully after doing the others you should have got them by now.
Rescue Stan Lee from every peril
He can be found in each level (15 times) and then around the free play area, there are alot of guides on Youtube for this, however, you'll see his face on the map.
Complete the game to 100%
- Collect all of the Red Deadpool bricks (15)
- Collect 250 golden bricks (Breakdown)
- Complete all 15 story levels & 11 hub missions - 26 Total
- Obtain True Believer status in all story and hub missions - 26 Total
- Collect all minikits in each story level - 15 Total
- Rescue all of the Stan Lee's in Peril, 15 in Story mode and 35 in free play - 50 Total
- Randomly scattered around - 133 Total
Unlock all True Believers
When you're playing a story level, look to the top to see a yellow bar gradually filling, this is the True Believer bar - this is filled once you've collected a set amount of studs in each story level. This is easier if you simply get all of the stud multipliers, hop into the level and grab one stud then Save and Exit.
Hopefully, if you've followed this guide to the letter, you should have received all of the achievements roughly in 30-40 hours and you can add another perfect game to your list.
If you're having any problems or something is different or maybe you have a suggestion, please leave it in a comment below.
Thank you for reading.
*Note - The pictures used in this guide are from the Steam Achievements Page.
Читайте также:
- Complete all 15 story levels & 11 hub missions - 26 Total