Lego marvel superheroes all characters
Объявлен общий сбор! Пластмассовые герои и злодеи объединяются в борьбе за обладание невиданной силой родом из космоса. Кто победит в этом противостоянии? Да какая разница! Главное, что будет весело. Простенько, знакомо, но все равно весело
Жанр | Экшен/Приключения |
Издатель | Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment |
Издатель в СНГ | «1С-СофтКлаб» |
Разработчик | Traveller’s Tales |
Минимальные требования | Процессор Intel Pentium 4 2,4 ГГц/AMD Athlon 64 2800+ 1,8 ГГц, 1 Гбайт RAM, видеокарта с поддержкой DirectX 9 и 256 Мбайт памяти, например NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT/AMD Radeon X1300, 8 Гбайт свободного места на жестком диске, интернет-соединение и учетная запись Steam |
Рекомендуемые требования | Процессор Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 ГГц/AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ 2,6 ГГц, 2 Гбайт RAM, видеокарта с 512 Мбайт памяти, например NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT/AMD Radeon HD 2900 XT |
Дата выхода | 15 ноября 2013 года |
Возрастной ценз | от 7 лет |
Платформы | PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS |
Официальный сайт |
В наше время модно ругаться, когда киношная, игровая или любая другая серия попадает на конвейер. Брюзжания эти, если честно, уже слегка надоели: «Каждый год новая Call of Duty! Уже ничего придумать не могут! «Хитмана» испоганят! Assassin’s Creed недолго осталось! Batman тот же самый!» — и все в таком духе. Посмотрите вот на серию LEGO от студии Traveller's Tales — это пример почти идеального конвейера. Вдумайтесь: восемнадцать (!) полноценных игр за восемь лет — и ничего, любим, как в первый раз.
В самом деле, обвинять LEGO Marvel Super Heroes в том, что она как две капли воды похожа на своих старших сестер, как-то ну совсем глупо и неудобно. В рамках формата развеселого пародийного балагана взятая разработчиками еще в 2005 году игровая механика прекрасно себя чувствует и сегодня. Единственным серьезным «инноватором» в серии стала прошлогодняя LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, в которой милые квадратные человечки научились разговаривать, устраивая разборки в открытом для исследования мире. С той поры обе эти особенности стали неотъемлемыми атрибутами любой новой LEGO-игры студии.
При этом такая унифицированная механика отлично укладывается в любую вселенную, обыгрываемую в проектах Traveller's Tales. Смотреть, с каким изяществом британские кудесники берут популярные медийные франшизы и переворачивают их с ног на голову, неизменно весело раз от раза. В этом плане даже удивительно, что до тематики комиксов Marvel разработчики добрались только сейчас. Зато добравшись, они развернулись на полную катушку.
Не шути с агентом Колсоном!
Чтобы хоть как-то обосновать творящийся на экране игрушечный беспредел, была придумана история о разбитой доске Серебряного Серфера, осколки которой — «космические блоки» — даруют обладателю поистине невероятную мощь. Заполучить ее вознамерился Доктор Дум, для чего собрал целую ораву самых отъявленных злодеев и послал их эти самые блоки добывать. Естественно, команда «правильных» героев под началом рассекающего на своем летающем авианосце Ника Фьюри просто так это оставить не может. И да начнется веселье!
Развязав себе руки, разработчики запихнули в игру, кажется, чуть ли не всех мало-мальски известных героев и злодеев, когда-либо мелькавших на страницах комиксов Marvel. Мстители, люди-икс, Братство мутантов, Фантастическая Четверка, Щ.И.Т. — кого ни назови, скорее всего, они здесь есть. Всего в LEGO Marvel Super Heroes больше сотни играбельных персонажей, каждый со своими способностями и зачастую несколькими вариантами облика. Как водится, сюжетная кампания открывает лишь малую их часть, а остальных придется разблокировать самостоятельно, выполняя необязательные задания во время вольных прогулок по Манхэттену. Плюс некоторые герои появляются в многочисленных камео. Так, например, Капитан Британия грустно топчется на перекрестке, опечаленный потерей своей «стопроцентно британской» машины, а Блэйд ждет не дождется, когда кто-нибудь согласится погонять с ним. Ну и куда же продукт с логотипом Marvel на упаковке без Стэна Ли? На каждом уровне известный сценарист оказывается в какой-нибудь беде — и кто-нибудь из добродушных героев его спасает.
В специальном отсеке на борту вертоносца Щ.И.Т.а можно вылепить героя на свой вкус. Варианты могут получаться самые безумные
Фан-сервис — плоть и кровь игр серии LEGO. Когда кривое управление уже натурально бесит, когда бездумный «фарминг» деталек (местной валюты) уже стоит поперек горла, а однообразные побочные задания приелись (а такой момент рано или поздно обязательно наступает), именно фан-сервис становится тем стимулом, который не дает бросить все и заставляет играть дальше. Воссоздав любимую вселенную в конструкторе, разработчики, как и много раз до этого, от души наполнили ее юмором, приколами и позитивом. Ужимки героев, их перебранки и подколки, забавные ситуации, в которые они попадают, — от всего этого улыбка появляется легко и непринужденно. Лично автора этой статьи особенно развеселил стеб над Человеком-Пауком, который постоянно жалуется взрослым героям на свою тяжкую жизнь: мол, у него не хватает времени помыть посуду, сделать уроки и погулять с девушкой. Вообще, едва втянувшись, уже с нетерпением ждешь, что же будет дальше, кто появится следующим, куда еще занесет нас погоня за блоками. Затягивает не по-детски.
В целом LEGO Marvel Super Heroes остается верной принципам серии. Это веселая аркада, которая будет интересна в первую очередь не столько детям (хотя они тоже определенно будут довольны), сколько поклонникам супергероев Marvel. Если не зацикливаться на однообразном игровом процессе, а просто наслаждаться разудалым представлением забавных человечков в пластмассовых декорациях, удовольствие гарантировано. Остается только один вопрос: какая же вселенная в следующий раз подвергнется «LEGO'изации»? Свои предположения можете оставлять в комментариях.
С тех пор, как в LEGO-играх появилась осмысленная речь, локализаторы предпочитают её не трогать, переводя на русский лишь текстовую часть. В иной ситуации мы бы только спасибо им за это сказали, но именно здесь русского озвучения не хватает. Западные актеры особым артистизмом не отличаются, поэтому не было совершенно никакого риска «испортить атмосферу» — а ощущения были бы приятнее, да и детям играть было бы проще.
Обидно, что текстовая часть не лишена изъянов. Переведено все, в принципе, грамотно, но не понятно решение отображать абсолютно все субтитры одним здоровенным рубленым белым шрифтом. Строки лезут друг на друга, сливаются и заслоняют обзор. Выглядит это неудобочитаемо и попросту грустно.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is an action-adventure video game developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in 2013 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows, and published by Feral Interactive for OS X. The game features gameplay similar to other LEGO Adaptation Games, alternating between various action-adventure sequences and puzzle-solving scenarios. The game was released under the title Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril for iOS, Android, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita handheld systems.
A spin-off, LEGO Marvel's Avengers, was released on January 26, 2016, while a direct sequel to this game, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, was released on November 14, 2017. A port for Nintendo Switch was released on October 5, 2021.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes provides examples of:
- Accidental Misnaming: One of the civilians is very excited to see characters such as "Dark Window" and "Insect Boy."
- Actor Allusion:
- There's a trophy called "Don't I Know You?" for playing as Captain America and Human Torch in co-op (two controllers active).
- Nick Fury:
- "Commander Fury said to get thesegoshdarnsnakes off thisgoshdarn Helicarrier!"
- At one point Fury is shown eating a cheeseburger during a meeting with his superiors. No doubt it's a tasty Royale with cheese.
- Upon building the DJ table in House Part Protocol , Fury also says an altered version of the Ezekiel 25:17 speech from Pulp Fiction.
- Stan Lee has the abilities of several different Marvel characters. Not all, exactly, but quite a few.
- The Super-Skrull has all the powers of the Fantastic Four.
Green Goblin: What? No Spider-Man? Shame. I do so enjoy winding him up.
Green Goblin: This is getting dull without the Spider to keep me entertained.- Shawarma is both seen and mentioned several times, and seems to have become Nick Fury's Trademark Favorite Food.
- A cutscene involving Doctor Octopus crashing through the offices of the Daily Bugle also has JJ shouting "Parker! Do your job!"
- The dev team apparently has fond memories of classic Marvel vs Capcom games, because Iron Man also refers to his 'superior tech'.
- A subtle one: Sleipnir has become a minor meme in the Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom. In the Asgard level, you destroy a statue of Loki riding the horse in question.
- Stan Lee is the recurring victim in the "In Peril" mechanic.
- Deadpool's cameos in the main levels tend towards this - for instance, Green Goblin destroys an elevator while he's standing in it.
- Spider-Man seems to think he's this.
- Space shots feature Ego the Living Planet.
- Deadpool cameos briefly in almost every story mission.
- Averted in Stan Lee's case. Not only does he show up in pretty much every single area, he's a playable character .
- Several non-playable (at least, at that point) X-Men show up in the X-Mansion level. Most obviously Gambit and Colossus, but also Emma Frost, and a blink-and-you'll-miss-it appearance of Archangel.
Captain America: Oscorp? What would Green Goblin be doing at a completely legitimate and not-at-all-suspicious office tower like Oscorp?
Maria Hill: We've collated all of our data from every SHIELD agent and Avenger throughout the world, and we've managed to ascertain that Doctor Doom. is definitely. up to something bad. I know that's not much to go on, but it is a start, right?
Coulson (over PA system): Congratulations to Agent Roberts for being named SHIELD Agent of the Month for that thing he did on that mission somewhere some time back.
- The obligatory Stan Lee appearance, making him a playable character as well as having the player rescue him multiple times.
- There's also a bonus level where the Vulture and Howard the Duck attack the Marvel offices, featuring other Marvel staff.
- Not in the portable version. There you get LEVEL FAILED, the first time that happens in the LEGO Adaptation Game franchise.
- When Magneto hijacks the Statue of Liberty using his magnetic powers, in between then and the end of the game, Liberty Island's pedestal will be vacant in free roam.
- When replaying "Bifrosty Reception" in Free Play mode, Loki has alternate dialogue.
- Sometimes, when you switch to Banner while playing as Hulk during missions or the story, Banner's lines are uniquely recorded to match the context of what the Hulk would say in that situation. Extending this, some other characters will change their lines if Banner is present instead of The Hulk (when meeting The Leader at The Raft, he notes that Banner isn't transformed, asking where his "green friend" is).
- Trying to web-sling aboard the Helicarrier or underwater in the "That Sinking Feeling" level will result in the character falling on his face, since theres nothing higher up to attach the web to.
- Doctor Doom in the grand Marvel tradition.
- Thor.
This list shows the known playable characters in Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and in some cases their Lego Marvel Super Heroes costumes. All in alphabetical order.
1. A-Bomb — downloadable only
2. Abomination [Lego Big Figure]
3. Absorbing Man
4. Agent Phil Coulson
5. Agent M
6. A.I.M. Agent
7. Aldrich Killian
8. Arnim Zola
9. Archangel
10. Ant-Man
11. Aunt May
12. Axel Alonso
13. Beast
14. Beetle
15. Beta Ray Bill — downloadable only
16. Black Bolt
17. Black Cat
18. Black Panther
19. Black Widow
20. Blade
21. Blob [Lego Big Figure]
22. Bruce Banner
23. Bullseye
24. Captain America
25. Captain America (Classic / Comics)
26. Captain Britain
27. Carnage
28. Colossus [Lego Big Figure]
29. Cyclops
30. Damage Control
31. Daredevil
32. Dark Phoenix
33. Deadpool
34. Doombot
35. Doombot (V-Series)
36. Dormammu
37. Doctor Doom
38. Doctor Octopus
39. Doc Ock (Ultimate Spider-Man)
40. Doctor Strange
41. Drax the Destroyer
42. Elektra
43. Electro
44. Electro (Ultimate Spider-Man)
45. Emma Frost
46. Extremis Soldier
47. Falcon
48. Fandral — downloadable only
49. Frost Giant
50. Galactus (Playable Mini-Version)
51. Gambit
52. Gamora
53. General Ross
54. Ghost Rider
55. Green Goblin
56. Green Goblin (Ultimate) [Lego Big Figure]
57. Groot [Lego Big Figure]
58. Gwen Stacy
59. Havok
60. Hawkeye
61. Hawkeye (Classic Suit) — downloadable only
62. Heimdall
63. H.E.R.B.I.E. AKA Humanoid Experimental Robot, B-type, Integrated Electronics
64. Hogun — downloadable only
65. Howard the Duck
66. Hulk [Lego Big Figure]
67. Human Torch
68. HYDRA Agent AKA Hydra Goon/Soldier
69. HYDRA Agent (Golden Armor)
70. Invisible Woman
71. Invisible Woman (Future Foundation)
72. Iceman
73. Iron Fist
74. Iron Man (Heroic Age)
75. Iron Man (Mark 1)
76. Iron Man (Mark 6)
77. Iron Man (Mark 7)
78. Iron Man (Mark 17 / Heart Breaker)
79. Iron Man (Mark 38 / Hulkbuster) [Lego Big Figure]
80. Iron Man (Mark 42)
81. Iron Patriot
82. J. Jonah Jameson
83. Jane Foster — downloadable only
84. Jean Grey
85. Joe Quesada
86. Juggernaut [Lego Big Figure]
87. Kingpin [Lego Big Figure]
88. Kingpin Henchman
89. Kraven the Hunter
90. Kurse — downloadable only
91. Lady Deathstrike
92. Lady Liberty Statue (Playable Mini-Version)
93. Laufey
94. Leader
95. Curt Connors
96. Lizard [Lego Big Figure]
97. Loki
98. Magneto
99. Magneto Acolyte
100. Malekith the Accursed
101. Malekith the Accursed (Thor 2: The Dark World) — downloadable only
102. Maria Hill
103. Mary Jane Watson
104. Mastermind
105. Mini Sentinel
106. M.O.D.O.K. AKA Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing
107. Moon Knight
108. Mister Fantastic
109. Mister Fantastic (Future Foundation)
110. Ms. Marvel
111. Mysterio
112. Mystique
113. Nick Fury
114. Nightmare
115. Nova
116. Odin — downloadable only
117. Pepper Potts
118. Peter Parker
119. Phoenix
120. Polaris
121. Power Man
122. Prisoner
123. Professor X
124. Psylocke
125. Punisher
126. Pyro
127. Red Hulk
128. Red Skull
129. Rescue AKA Iron Man Armor Mark 1616
130. Rhino [Lego Big Figure]
131. Ronan the Accuser
132. Roxxon Guard
133. Rocket Raccoon
134. Sabretooth
135. Sandman
136. Sand Enemy
137. Symbiote Scientist
138. Symbiote Scientist (Normal)
139. Symbiote Scientist (Hazmat)
140. She-Hulk
141. SHIELD Agent
142. Shocker
143. Lady Sif — downloadable only
144. Silver Samurai
145. Silver Surfer
146. Spider-Man
147. Superior Spider-Man
148. Spider-Man (Future Foundation)
149. Spider-Man (Symbiote) — downloadable only
150. Spider-Woman
151. Squirrel Girl
152. Star-Lord
153. Stan Lee
154. Storm
155. Super-Skrull
156. Taskmaster
157. The Destroyer (Playable Mini-Version)
158. The Mandarin
159. Thanos [Lego Big Figure] — downloadable only
160. Thing [Lego Big Figure]
161. Thing (Future Foundation) [Lego Big Figure]
162. Thor
163. Thor (Classic / Comics)
164. Toad
165. Tom Brevoort
166. Tony Stark
167. Tony Stark (Underwear)
168. Union Jack
169. Venom
170. Venom (Ultimate) [Lego Big Figure]
171. Viper
172. Volstagg — downloadable only
173. Vulture
174. War Machine AKA Iron Man Armor Mark 2
175. Wasp
176. Whiplash
177. Winter Soldier
178. Wizard
179. Wolverine
180. Wolverine (With Hood / Cowl)Unconfirmed Lego Marvel Super Heroes characters include:
General (villain), and Foot Soldier (villain).It’s logical to think these minifigures from the Lego Marvel Super Heroes Play Sets will eventually make it into the video game as well. We’ll have to wait for the developer Traveller’s Tales Games to confirm more characters throughout the year. So stay tuned to this page, as we’ll keep it updated! 😀
Here is an artwork gallery of the Lego Marvel Super Heroes characters.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes Characters List
This trailer from Comic-Con 2013 shows the new LEGO Big Figure characters:
This next super long video shows all of the characters revealed so far by the makers of the game!
Please leave a comment if you see missing Lego Marvel Super Heroes characters. Thanks for visiting!
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a Video Game released October 22, 2013 [2] in North America, and on November 15, 2013 in Europe. It was later released on PlayStation 4 on November 15, and Xbox One on November 22 [3] and PS4 on November 15 [3] .Contents
Synopsis [ edit ]
The Silver Surfer comes to Earth to herald Galactus' arrival. He is chased by Iron Man and is attacked by Doctor Doom. His surfboard is destroyed and becomes cosmic bricks, that are spread all over the world. Loki and Doctor Doom assemble a team of villains (including Venom, Doctor Octopus, Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants , Sandman, Arnim Zola, Green Goblin and the Abomination) to collect the bricks to build "Doctor Doom's Doom Ray of Doom". [5] With the ray Doctor Doom wishes to defeat the Devourer of Worlds and show the people of Earth he will guide them all to peace. Nick Fury calls upon the Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye), the Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and Thing), Spider-Man, the X-Men (Professor X, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Iceman, Beast and Gambit) and various other Marvel heroes, to deal with the threat against the world.
Gameplay [ edit ]
Like a majority of the LEGO games created by TT Games, players take control of characters that are modeled like actual LEGO parts (but with far more mobility) and are divided into groups according to certain skills. The player progresses through a number of levels following a linear plot, but can return to the levels later on in free play mode, using any of the characters they unlocked up until that point. In addition, there are a variety of side-levels to embark on. [6] LEGO Marvel Superheroes also carries over a large number of features that were included in LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. For example, heat-related characters can destroy gold bricks, rocket-using characters can destroy silver bricks, super heroes that have the power of flight in the comic books can fly in the game, and characters with super strength can destroy or manipulate LEGO objects that normal characters cannot. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes includes some new powers and abilities as well, however. For example, Spider-Man has his "spider senses" that allow him to locate hidden bricks required for advancing the gameplay in levels, and the "big-figs" like the Hulk and Abomination can destroy or manipulate objects in ways even different than characters with normal super strength. Not counting DLC characters, there are 155 playable characters in the game. [7]
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, like its two predecessors LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game, contains a large open world that also acts as the game's hub. The open world is the Marvel universe version of New York, and it also includes a helicarrier above the city that one can access. Players may at any time in the game skydive from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier down to New York hub. In the open world, players can also find the side-levels separate from the main storyline. These are hidden throughout New York City that feature characters not in the main story, have a comic style intro and outro, and are narrated by Deadpool.
Still more features from past LEGO games return in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, albeit slightly changed. There will be a character creator that is much more advanced than in previous games: in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, players can choose what abilities they want their character to have, such as super strength, flight, etc (by equipping things like Magneto's helmet, Woverine's claws, ect.). Certain pieces can also be recolored to make the character look more like whoever the player is trying to create, and players can save up to 12 custom characters at a time. The minikits return as well, with 10 in each level. By finding all 10 for a level, a unique comic book is unlocked, something that differs from past games where a small LEGO build (or, in the case of LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars, a minifigure) is unlocked instead. [8] In addition, the red power bricks are now known as "Deadpool" bricks. When players find one, then they can buy it off of Deadpool in his room aboard the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. [8] Also the citizen in peril is replaced by "Stan Lee in Peril" and if you find all 50, Stan Lee will be unlocked as a playable character.
One of the major difference between current (PS3, Xbox 360, etc.) and next generation (Wii U, PS4, Xbox One) versions is there are no loading times. It's instant because it comes straight off the hard drive. [9]
Voice Actors [ edit ]
- Adrian Pasdar - Iron Man[10]
- Andrew Kishino - Juggernaut[10]
- Clark Gregg - Phil Coulson[10][11]
- Danielle Nicolet - Storm[10]
- Dave Boat - Venom[10]
- David Sobolov - Kraven the Hunter[source?]
- Dee Bradley Baker - Mister Fantastic[10]
- Fred Tatasciore - Hulk/Bruce Banner[10]
- Greg Cipes - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
- James Arnold Taylor - Spider-Man[10] , Silver Surfer[source?] , Professor X[source?]
- James Horan - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
- JB Blanc - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
- Jeff Combs - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
- John Bentley - Nick Fury[10]
- John DiMaggio - Galactus[10][12]
- Kari Wahlgren - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
- Laura Bailey - Black Widow[10]
- Nolan North - Deadpool[10][11] , Green Goblin[12]
- Phil LaMarr - War Machine[10]
- Robin Atkin Downes - Rhino[10]
- Roger Craig Smith - Captain America[10][11]
- Stan Lee - Himself [10][11]
- Steve Blum - Wolverine[10][11]
- Tara Strong - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
- Travis Willingham - Thor[10]
- Troy Baker - Loki[10][11]
- Yuri Lowenthal - (character not yet revealed) [source?]
Characters [ edit ]
♣ Indicates that a character is available as downloadable content.
Levels [ edit ]
Vehicles [ edit ]
♣ Indicates that a vehicle is available as downloadable content.
Locations [ edit ]
- New York City [1]
- Bryant Park [81]
- Central Park [66]
- Circus [66]
- Central Park Zoo [66]
- Reptile House [66]
- Basement [27]
- Main Level Platform [27]
- Top Floor Platform [66]
- Oscorp Tower [33]
- Oscorp Labs [33]
- Hydra Base [6]
- Maximum Security Penitentiary [67]
- The Raft [67]
- Control Room [84]
- Character Creator Room [source?]
- Deadpool's Room [84]
- Bifrost [32]
- Throne Room [32]
- Doctor Doom's Castle [33]
Achievements [ edit ]
Picture Achievement Name Description Sand Central Station Complete Level 1 - Sand Central Station Times Square Off Complete Level 2 - Times Square Off Exploratory Laboratory Complete Level 3 - Exploratory Laboratory Rock Up at the Lock Up Complete Level 4 - Rock Up at the Lock Up Rebooted, Resuited Complete Level 5 - Rebooted, Resuited Red Head Detention Complete Level 6 - Red Head Detention Bifrosty Reception Complete Level 7 - Bifrosty Reception Juggernauts and Crosses Complete Level 8 - Juggernauts and Crosses Doctor in the House Complete Level 9 - Doctor in the House That Sinking Feeling Complete Level 10 - That Sinking Feeling Taking Liberties Complete Level 11 - Taking Liberties Rapturous Rise Complete Level 12 - Rapturous Rise Magnetic Personality Complete Level 13 - Magnetic Personality A Doom With a View Complete Level 14 - A Doom With a View The Good, the Bad, and the Hungry Complete Level 15 - The Good, the Bad, and the Hungry Falling. With Style Complete first Helicarrier skydive Don't I Know You? Team up Captain America with Human Torch (Co-op) Stan-tastic Rescue Stan Lee from every peril (Single Player) Road Rage Destroy 100 vehicles in the Manhattan hub It's Clobberin' Time! Defeat 100 enemies as the Thing I'm Always Angry! Transform into the Hulk 50 times Billionaire Philanthropist Collect 1,000,000,000 studs (Single Player) This Is fantastic! First time turning Mister Fantastic into a teapot You Win a No-Prize! Complete game 100% (Single Player) Avengers Assembled Collect all Avengers characters in the game (Single Player) Sinister Six Collect Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Electro and Vulture (Single Player) To Me, My X-Men Collect all traditionally heroic mutants (Single Player) Brotherhood Collect all traditionally evil mutants (Single Player) I Am Iron Man Collect all Iron Man armors (Single Player) Stan's Soapbox Turn into Stan Hulk Post-Credit Party Complete House Party Protocol The Toast of Croydon Create a character named "Trevor" in the character customizer Puny God Perform Hulk's special move on Loki Welcome to Level 7 Play as Agent Coulson It's Me Time! Read a comic in Deadpool's room on the Helicarrier Bad Luck? Unlock Black Cat (Single Player) Zoo Believer Unlock all animal-themed characters (Single Player) Guardians of the Galaxy Unlock all the Guardians of the Galaxy (Single Player) Fastball Special Perform a special throwing move as Colossus on Wolverine Menace of Magneto Drive to the Baxter Building as Magneto in the Magneto-mobile Alter Ego Perform all big LEGO figure transformations Can't Hurt Me Bub Regenerate as Wolverine Cosplay Create a custom character Ultimate True Believer Unlock all True Believers (Single Player) Really? Collect Howard the Duck (Single Player) Notes [ edit ]
- There is 132 playable characters in the game, not including DLC characters and alternate costumes. [30] Along with 10 custom characters and 16 unidentified big fig slots. [30]
- The core story includes 18 different playable characters. [28]
- Doc Ock's Lair from 6873 Spider-Man's Doc Ock Ambush
- The Truck from 6867 Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape
- Wolverine's Motorcycle from 6866 Wolverine's Chopper Showdown
- The Daily Bugle building from 76005 Spider-Man: Daily Bugle Showdown
- The Malibu Mansion from 76007 Iron Man-Malibu Mansion Attack
- The Emporium from 10211 Grand Emporium
- A Combo Mambo model built by Mark Roe out of 76007 Iron Man-Malibu Mansion Attack and 76006 Iron Man-Extremis Harbor Battle. The model can be seen at here in the United States.
- Sandman says the famous melting line said by the wicked witch, replacing melting with solidifying.
- When Thing, Mr. Fantastic, and the Invisible Woman jump out of the Fantasticar, Mr. Fantastic becomes a parachute, similar to Elastigirl from "The Incredibles". Mr. Fantastic even goes to the point of saying he saw it in a movie once.
- In the circus bonus mission, Black Widow quotes Harley Quinn's line from before her boss fight in the hub world of LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.
- Human Torch mentions that the Bifrost makes him want to go race, a reference to the "Rainbow Road" track in the Mario Kart series.
- The TARDIS from the Doctor Who series appears as the heroes travel to Asgard.
Press Statement [ edit ]
Marvel Super Heroes are assembling for an action-packed, brick-smashing good time! Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games, The LEGO Group and Marvel Entertainment announced today that LEGO® Marvel™ Super Heroes will be available beginning Fall 2013 for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Wii U™ system and Windows PC, as well as the Nintendo DS™ handheld system, Nintendo 3DS™ handheld system and PlayStation®Vita handheld entertainment system. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is the first instalment in the highly successful LEGO videogame franchise to feature famous Marvel characters.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes complements the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes construction toy collection, which brings the characters, vehicles and action of Marvel’s renowned universe to the world of LEGO build-and-play adventure. There are currently eight iconic scenes from the X-Men, Iron Man and Spider-Man franchises available and more construction sets tied to the new Iron Man 3 feature film will launch later this spring.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes offers an original storyline in which Nick Fury calls upon Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine and other heroes spanning the Marvel Universe to save Earth from such threats as the vengeance of Loki and the hunger of Galactus, Devourer of the Worlds. LEGO and Marvel fans will enjoy classic LEGO videogame adventure and humor, while playing as their favorite Marvel characters.
“We’re very excited to bring a myriad of classic Marvel characters to life in LEGO form for some fun, family-friendly gameplay in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes,” said Tom Stone, Managing Director, TT Games Publishing. “Players will brave the ultimate mission to save the world as they explore famous landmarks in LEGO New York and take the adventure beyond Earth to iconic locations in the Marvel Universe.”
“Fans of both LEGO and Marvel have wanted this game for years, and we’re addressing that demand with more Marvel Universe characters than ever in a console game,” said TQ Jefferson, Vice President, Games Production, Marvel Entertainment. “If you’re a fan of Spider-Man, the Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy or scores of other Marvel characters, this is the game for you.”
In LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, players will unlock more than 100 characters from across the Marvel Universe, including fan favorites like Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Deadpool, Loki and Galactus! The game will pack in a plethora of super-cool character abilities, combat-like action sequences, epic battle scenes, puzzle-solving and a unique story told with playful LEGO humor.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is being developed by TT Games and will be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
The confirmed characters to be featured in the upcoming video game LEGO Marvel Superheroes. Hope you all enjoy!
List items
Hank Pym
Black Widow
Captain America
1. Movie version
2. Classic version (DLC only)
Iron Man
8. Tony Stark with Helmet
9. Tony Stark (underwear)
War Machine
Carol Danvers
2. Symbiote Suit (DLC only)
4. Superior Spider-Man
5. Future Foundation Spider-Man
Squirrel Girl
Doctor Strange
Bucky Barnes
As Winter Soldier (DLC only)
Jean Grey
1. Jim Lee version
3. Dark Phoenix (DLC only)
Mr. Fantastic
2. Future Foundation
Invisible Woman
1. Invisible Woman
2. Future Foundation
Human Torch
2. Future Foundation
Howard the Duck
Doctor Doom
Doctor Octopus
1. Doctor Octopus
2. Spider-Man Cartoon
Norman Osborn
2. Ultimate Spider Man version
4. Hazmat Henchmen
Silver Samurai
Phil Coulson
Nick Fury
Maria Hill
Arnim Zola
Axel Alonso
Joe Quesada
Stan Lee
Tom Brevoort
2. Thor: Dark World (DLC)
Silver Surfer
Rocket Raccoon
Mini playable version
As Mini Sentinel
Captain Britain
Thunderbolt Ross
Ghost Rider (Blaze)
2. Powered Agent
J. Jonah Jameson
Professor X
Betsy Braddock
Rick Jones
As A-Bomb (DLC only)
Beta Ray Bill
There have been four characters sighted, all wearing something that resemble the costume of the Acolytes. There have been three females and one male. One blonde female, red headed female, black haired female, and one blond male.
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