Lego marvel super heroes super venom
76115 Spider Mech vs Venom
Building Instructions (1/1)
Зелёный Гоблин на своём чудовищном роботе несёт хаос, уничтожая всё на своём пути. Есть только один способ остановить его: посадить Человека-паука в кабину его громадного робота. Длинные гибкие руки и встроенное оружие: эти гигантские боевые машины превращают любое сражение в битву монстров!
Вечные перед лицом Аришема
Когда Серси, Икарис, Кинго и Айяк сражаются со злобным Девиантом, может произойти всё что угодно! Серси может превращать предметы, Икарис обладает силой суперчеловека, Кинго стреляет энергией, а Айяк может общаться с целестиалами. Аришем, предводитель целестиалов, может даже вступить в бой, взяв в руки по шипомёту. Если вы коллекционируете минифигурки LEGO®, то помните, что фигурки Айяка и Кинго есть только в этом потрясающем наборе.
«Мстители: Финал» — решающая битва
Корабль Стражей
Капитан Картер и штурмовик «Гидры»
Отправляйтесь в новое измерение кинематографической вселенной Marvel, воссоздавая сцены из выходящего на Disney+ оригинального мультсериала «Что, если. » студии Marvel. Красный Череп стреляет в Капитана Картер, чтобы не дать ей спасти Тессеракт. Поместите Стива Роджерса в робота-штурмовика «Гидры», чтобы помочь ей. Подвижный робот участвует в приключениях супергероев, стреляя из своих двух шипометов по Красному Черепу. Сможете ли вы спасти Тессеракт?
Железный Человек Тони Старка на Сакааре
Откройте новое измерение кинематографической вселенной Marvel, воссоздав сцены из выходящего на Disney+ оригинального мультсериала «Что, если. » студии Marvel. Поместите Тони Старка в подвижного сакаарского робота — Железного человека и отправляйтесь навстречу супергеройским историям вместе с Валькирией и Наблюдателем. Если же Тони нужна будет скорость, вы сможете перестроить костюм в мощный автомобиль и умчаться к новым веселым приключениям.
Дуэль дронов Человека-Паука
Устремитесь в битву Человека-паука со злобным Грифом. Когда крылатый злодей поднимается в воздух, Человек-паук с помощью длинной паутины прикрепляется к огромному четырёхроторному дрону. Он летит на Грифа, стреляя паутиной и шипами из дрона. Когда битва окончена, Человек-паук садится в дрон и летит навстречу новым приключениям.
Взлёт Домо
Исследуйте космический корабль Вечных вместе с Маккари, Икарисом, Теной, Серси, Друигом и Фастосом. Откройте боковые панели, чтобы увидеть интерьер. Взгляните на рубку, оружейную комнату и лабораторию, а когда появится предводитель Девиантов со своими спутниками, вступите в бой на этом космическом корабле! Если вы коллекционируете минифигурки Вечных LEGO®, то учтите, что фигурки Друига и Фастоса есть только в этом потрясающем наборе!
Воздушное нападение Вечных
Ты сможешь помочь Икарису и Спрайт одолеть злобного Девианта, когда он появится из джунглей? Эти двое Вечных обладают удивительными силами: Спрайт создаёт похожие на реальность иллюзии, а Икарис может летать, и для того чтобы победить крылатого Девианта, тебе придётся использовать все их суперспособности. А если ты коллекционируешь минифигурки Вечных LEGO®, то помни, что фигурка Спрайт есть только в этом потрясающем наборе!
Схватка с Гаргантосом
Гаргантос, гигантский одноглазый монстр, замечает Доктора Стрэнджа, Вонга и Америку Чавес и ползет к трем героям на своих длинных зеленых извивающихся щупальцах. Сможет ли команда победить монстра, пользуясь своими суперспособностями и оружием, или они запутаются в щупальцах? Это решать вам!
Новый Асгард Бро Тора
Козья лодка
Тор, Могучий Тор, Валькирия и Корг находятся на борту могучего корабля викингов, который летит по небу, ведомый легендарными козлами Зубоскрёбом и Зубоскрипом. Но когда нападает Горр, супергероям понадобятся все их навыки и невероятное оружие, чтобы выжить.
Real Name:
Figure Type:
- Super Sense
- Wall Crawl- Symbiote
Voice Actor:
Venom is a playable character in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes The Video Game - Venom free roam
Role in the Story
Venom is trapped in the lower levels of Oscorp, where he waits to ambush the unexpecting. When Spider-Man, Black Widow, and Hawkeye arrive, however, he is outnumbered and defeated.
During a time of hysteria when Sin-Eater was at large, journalist Eddie Brock took advantage of the situation by unknowingly popularizing a claim by a compulsive confessor that he was the Sin-Eater. When the real Sin-Eater was unmasked by Spider-Man, Brock's integrity was put into question, and he was put out of a job.
Contemplating suicide, Brock sought solace in a church, the very same church where Spider-Man rid himself of his alien costume by exploiting its vulnerability to large vibrations. When the alien bonded with Brock, he learned of Spider-Man's true identity as Peter Parker and traumatized Mary Jane Watson before hunting down his adversary. Spider-Man defeated Venom by forcing him to waste too much of the symbiotes organic material.
Venom made his comeback and took a position as Spider-Man's archenemy. Spider-Man, upon being frozen by Venom and put on an isolated, remote island, put an end to their rivalry by faking his death, but Spider-Man was forced to make his survival known to Venom to enlist help against Carnage, Venoms' symbiote offspring.
Venom, then, became the "Lethal Protector" of San Francisco, his home city This too, like his truce with Spider-Man, was not to last, after his ex-wife's suicide, apparently due to Spider-Man.
Venom's symbiote takes the form of a full-body black suit with a large white spider insignia extending across the torso. He has white lenses and a monstrous grin in the mask area. He also has symbiotic tentacles that extend from him.
Venom is a Marvel Super Heroes minifigure released in 2013.
Venom is mainly black in color. His head is printed with a face that has large rugged white eyes and a large smile filled with pink gums and fanged teeth. His torso is the same as the black suited version of Spider-Man and is printed with muscles and a large spider symbol. There is back printing featuring the large white spider from the front and back muscles. He has a black part which is round with four clips (introduced in Toy Story 3) that attaches to his torso that holds four vines to represent his symbiotic tendrils.
A slight variation of him of appears in 10665 Spider-Man: Spider-Car Pursuit. The only noticeable change is his mouth is large and the teeth are closer, and the gums are missing.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Venom's appearance is LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is identical to its physical minifigure, and he crawls around. He has the abilities of Super Sense, which allows him to detect hidden objects, and web swing.
He was shown to climb a wall that the game hint said only Wolverine could climb.
He is also able to transform into a larger version of himself.
Venom is the combination of two beings. The first one is an alien symbiote that once joined Spider-Man in the form of a black suit, but was repelled by the latter to avoid assimilation. The other one is Eddie Brock, a news reporter who hated Spider-Man for exposing his fake news. When the symbiote found and joined Eddie, it gave him powers identical to Spider-Man's, plus knowledge about his secret identity so that the two could feed off of one-another's rage and hatred for Spider-Man. As Venom, they were obsessed with destroying Spider-Man for a long time, but in recent years they have become more of an anti-hero than a villain, even mending their relationship with the web-slinger.
Ultimate Spider-Man
Doc Ock was hired by Norman Osborn to capture Spider-Man and use his DNA to create super soldiers. Ock's first attempt was to send an Octobot to get a sample of Spider-Man's blood, which was completed successfully. The Venom symbiote was created after a failure to figure out Spider-Man's blood. The symbiote then broke free out of Ock's lab and went looking for Spider-Man. Harry Osborn, who was jealous of Peter's new friends (actually his teammates' alter-egos), decided to throw a huge party. The symbiote then crashed the party, jumped from host to host, which culminated into a huge battle on the roof tops, trying to get to Spider-Man while the team (Spider-Man, Nova, Iron Fist, Power Man, and White Tiger) fought the symbiote. Peter then decided to let the symbiote bond to him and used his electric webbing to shock it off. The symbiote then gained a more humanoid shape, the ability to speak properly, Spider-Man's powers, and named itself Venom. Spider-Man then electrocuted Venom and the symbiote is seemingly destroyed. Harry then captured a bit of the symbiote underneath a glass and Norman orders Doc Ock to make another Venom symbiote.
Harry then used the symbiote, controlled through a watch, to parade around as a hero (looking like the black suited version of Spider-Man) defeating Dragon Man and was praised by J. Jonah Jameson. Peter, sick with a cold, became jealous, and then worried when he found out that it is Harry. Harry told Peter that he had the symbiote under control, but it ended up controlling him. Peter fought Venom and threw him into a large screen, seemingly destroying Venom again. Doc Ock found out that Harry was Venom, but refused to tell Norman. The symbiote was shown to be in Harry's ear, hinting that part of the symbiote survived.
Venom resurfaced and attacked Batroc the Leaper, and beating him up badly. Spider-Man was then blamed for Venom's attack, as it looked like he did it. Peter knew Venom was back and using Harry as its host, forcing Peter into a dilemma on whether to reveal who Venom's identity to Nick Fury and his teammates or not. Nick ordered the team to finish Venom off, much to Peter's anger. Harry's neglecting father, Norman Osborn became Venom's target, and he attacked him twice at Oscorp before Spider-Man and his team intervened. Peter then revealed the secret to his teammates and tried to create an Anti-Venom cure at the school while his team tried to hold Venom off from reaching Spider-Man. The end result was Venom getting shocked by lightning on the school antenna, Spider-Man gave Harry the Anti-Venom, and Venom was once again seemingly destroyed. Norman delivered a sample of Harry's blood to Doc Ock to better create a new Venom and asked Ock if he knew Harry was Venom, which he denied.
Harry was later shown to have the symbiote still in his system, only showing itself at severe emotional times, such as after his father was turned into the Green Goblin. He was then brought onto the Helicarrier to be protected by S.H.I.E.L.D.. He attempted to save his father, believing he could talk the Goblin into sense. Goblin then shocked Harry, causing him to turn into Venom. Venom then fights with Spider-Man as Spider-Man tries to talk Harry out of it. Harry tried to free himself of the symbiote, with help from Spider-Man, and was successful. The Goblin then took the symbiote to find someone who was actually worthy of wearing it.
The Green Goblin returned, abducted Peter Parker (unaware he was Spider-Man) and injected him with a mixture of the Goblin serum, Harry's blood, and the Venom symbiote which resulted in turning Peter into Carnage. S.H.I.E.L.D. and his teammates had to protect Harry from Carnage. Harry realized Peter was Carnage and when it tried to attack him, he commanded it to stop, and it obeyed as Harry was the host for the Venom symbiote, but when he touched Carnage, the symbiote left Peter and attached itself back onto Harry to become Venom again. Venom then went after the Goblin and Spider-Man and Venom formed a truce to take him down. Spider-Man then had to talk sense into the both of them, and had to turn into Peter to talk sense into Harry. Harry managed to free himself form the symbiote and placed it in a beaker. The Goblin then grew suspicious of Peter and assumed Peter was Spider-Man, until the team (with Iron Fist filling in for Spider-Man to avoid suspicion) showed up and fought with the Goblin. The Venom symbiote ended up in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody while the Goblin escaped.
After the Goblin was captured and enroute to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s prison on the moon aboard Helicarrier, he released a sample of Venom which reunited with the one in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. The symbiote the latched itself onto S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, Agent Coulson, and Fury, and freed Goblin from his prison. Spider-Man and Ock formed a truce to develop an antidote and stop Goblin who had now bonded with the symbiote. Spider-Man dispersed a cure aboard the ship, curing the agents and turning Goblin back to Norman Osborn. Spider-Man then opened the hatch to outside and drove the symbiote into space.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
In the game Venom is one of the super villains assembled by Dr. Doom and Loki to gather up the pieces of the Silver Surfer's surfboard.
Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and Black Widow pursued Green Goblin who had a Cosmic Brick at Oscorp. He escapes, but releases Venom, and he fought the heroes.
How to fight Venom
Dueling with Venom is quite tough. The villain will summon enemies endlessly, so you shouldn't bother with them - just focus on the main problem. The boss is immortal for some reason: you must weaken him first to strike a crushing blow. To do that, destroy all objectsstanding on the left side of the arena and build radio from the debris. When it is working, run towards Venom and punch him in the face. The first stage of fight is over now.
Wait for some time struggling with infinite group of minions - you need to survive long enough to see a computer appearing on the central wall. Use it to unlock huge flame thrower, then climb on it and shoot at Venom. When he's burning, you can hit him in a conventional way.
When the enemy is hardly alive, turn right and approach to the crane. Use spider sense to uncover two attachable points and yank them, scattering some bricks. Build a bellfrom the debris and switch your character into Hawkeye to shoot an arrow at the constructed object. After that approach to Venom and strike him with the final blow.
Created by Doc Ock from a sample of Spider-Man’s irradiated blood, Venom is a liquid-like symbiote that can attach itself to a human host, creating an almost unstoppable super-villain with many of Spidey’s powers… and then some!
Набор конструктора Лего: красно-черный бюст Венома, персонаж, появляющийся в комиксах издательства Marvel Comics, обычно связанных с Человеком-пауком. Поклонники фильмов «Веном» и «Человек-паук» получат удовольствие от строительства, поскольку они воссоздают подлинные черты ужасного инопланетного симбиота. Огромная челюсть с острыми зубами, длинный извилистый язык и низкий черный надбровный край — все вместе создают экспонат, который нельзя пропустить. Благодаря стильной табличке с именем, прикрепленной к прочному основанию, эта замечательная модель будет выглядеть еще более впечатляюще рядом с другими творениями из комиксов LEGO.
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Количество деталей Venom 76187 LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: 565 шт.
Набор конструктора Лего: красно-черный бюст Венома, персонаж, появляющийся в комиксах издательства Marvel Comics, обычно связанных с Человеком-пауком. Поклонники фильмов «Веном» и «Человек-паук» получат удовольствие от строительства, поскольку они воссоздают подлинные черты ужасного инопланетного симбиота. Огромная челюсть с острыми зубами, длинный извилистый язык и низкий черный надбровный край — все вместе создают экспонат, который нельзя пропустить. Благодаря стильной табличке с именем, прикрепленной к прочному основанию, эта замечательная модель будет выглядеть еще более впечатляюще рядом с другими творениями из комиксов LEGO.
🧐 Этим конструктором интересовались: 761 чел.
👉 А вы знали? Что самый большой конструктор Лего это модель корабля Титаник 10294 LEGO Creator Expert, который состоит из 9 090 деталей. Корабль разделяется на три части, позволяя осмотреть детально проработанный интерьер. Эта колоссальная модель корабля «Титаник» — предмет для коллекции, который войдет в историю.
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