Lego marvel super heroes playground
I've battled robots, supervillains, and henchmen beyond number through the streets of New York, through the halls of Asgard, under the sea, on the deck of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and in space. And I'm only moments away from foiling Doctor Doom's nefarious, world-threatening plans, whatever they may be. Lego Marvel Super Heroes has arrived, transforming the Marvel universe into a Lego playground bursting with wit and diversity.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes starts with a standard comic book plot and runs with it. In the game's opening cutscene, Doctor Doom has destroyed the Silver Surfer's surfboard and hired every available supervillain to gather the board's cosmic brick components in order to create his Doom Ray of Doom. The plot has various super teams, such as the Avengers, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four--as well as solo heroes--working to recover the cosmic bricks while various villains swoop in to stop them.
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Now Playing: Lego Marvel Super Heroes Video Review
Just three of the 150 characters you can unlock in Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
The game revels in the cheesiness and over-the-top attitude that characterize Marvel comics. The playful writing has the characters bouncing jokes off each other, and skilled voice actors chew up the scenery with every snarl. A series of background jokes--such as Nick Fury evoking the 2012 Avengers movie by asking about lunch, and a nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. agent quickly producing a takeout shawarma menu--rewards a keen eye and comic book knowledge. Upon finishing a level, you see Lego workers sweep up the damage you've caused, while Agent Coulson amusingly offers coffee and snacks to those around him.
The Lego games have always found ways to sing new songs to a familiar rhythm. You enter a level, smash or blast everything around you, snag the Lego pips that rain down, and perform superpowers and assemble machines that allow you to enter the next area. You've tapped your feet to this gameplay beat before, but Lego Marvel Super Heroes keeps things snappy, barely giving you time to breathe before ushering you to the next heroic task. The Marvel connection is a delightful complement to the spirited pace from the very beginning; the first characters you play with are Iron Man and the Hulk, and the first level involves smashing everything within New York’s Grand Central Station.
What better way to fight evil than Howard the Duck with a rocket launcher?
Unlocking new playable characters is another returning joy, thanks to the varied array of superpowers at your disposal. You can dive into a group of enemies as Wolverine and claw through everything in front of you, or harness Jean Grey's significant powers and hurl opponents into each other like human bowling pins. Either way, your slain opponents explode into dozens of tiny Lego blocks that serve as the game's primary currency. Each major character offers a different kind of gameplay mechanic, making it fun to jump into the battle and take down groups of enemies--even if your character of choice is Howard the Duck toting a powerful rocket launcher.
Your first campaign runthrough is only the starter course: you unlock loads of characters and content that make Lego Marvel Super Heroes worth returning to. Dizzying numbers of characters, locations, vehicles, and landmarks you've loved from the Marvel world have been translated into Lego form, and once you discover the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, you may explore New York as any character you've unlocked and take on missions as you see fit. The game's Free Play mode taps into the compulsive need to unearth every secret and unlock every door by encouraging you to replay levels as different characters, thus gaining access to areas previously closed off.
Inviting graphics, surging music, and great interactions between characters make for breezy entertainment.
Lego Marvel Super Heroes looks and sounds lovely, but its presentation quirks often prove distracting. Certain characters repeat the same lines of dialogue ad infinitum, which can get tiresome; there are only so many times you can hear Tony Stark proudly describe himself as "Tony Stark. genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" before it gets old. The frame rate occasionally drops, particularly upon entering co-op mode, and a small black box occasionally appeared in the air over my characters' heads towards the end of the game. At one point, my character would respawn directly next to his still-present corpse, while a boss fight against Red Skull had me wandering around the room for several minutes looking for scenery to smash before I realized I had encountered a bug and had to restart the level.
In spite of such troubles, inviting visuals, surging music, and hilarious character interactions make for breezy entertainment. Weird moments, such as accidentally turning Mr. Fantastic into a tea kettle, and Iron Man doing the robot, further widen the smile you're sure to be wearing on your face. It's moments like these, along with taking down a suit of flying Hulkbuster armor via the House Party protocol from Iron Man 3--wherein half a dozen Iron Man suits soar in to pound on your opponent--that keep you coming back for more. Whether you're looking for a way to take down the Juggernaut or working to help a random citizen in Free Play mode, Lego Marvel Super Heroes is all sorts of web-slinging, shield-flinging, Hulk-smashing fun.
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Опять LEGO, опять платформер, опять охота за монетками. Только теперь — с людьми Х, Фантастической четверкой и присными.
Культурный контекст
В руках мастеров легоизации из студии Traveller’s Tales побывали герои «Властелина колец», «Гарри Поттера», «Пиратов Карибского моря», комиксов от DC и так далее, причем почти все — по нескольку раз. А теперь из приметных деталек собрали супергероев Marvel.
Но, пожалуй, именно эта вселенная меньше всего нуждалась в LEGO. Прежде успех подобных забав строился на юморе и гротеске, на высмеивании стереотипов, сюжетов, персонажей. У Marvel тоже найдутся поводы позубоскалить, но в недавних экранизациях комиксов это уже сделали.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes основана на длиннющей эпопее фильмов по комиксам Marvel — от «Железного человека» и вплоть до «Мстителей». Иными словами, здесь есть и Тони «Миллиардер-и-Филантроп» Старк, и зеленеющий от злости Брюс Баннер, и Тор с несносным Локи. Traveller’s Tales не преминули впихнуть в игру столько персонажей, сколько позволит растяжимость атомных связей. Результат — более сотни героев разной маститости, лишь часть из которых задействована в сюжете.
► Отношения между героями — на уровне «Принеси-подай-сходи-за-шаурмой». Лишь изредка они позволяют себе подурачиться.
Отсюда и недоумение. История в Marvel Super Heroes — серьезная, как в недавней LEGO Lord of the Rings, но насыщенная своеобразным юмором. Сюжет сам по себе ничего комического не содержит: просто Серебряный Серфер пролетал мимо Земли, его сбила ракета, и доска Серфера разлетелась на несколько ценнейших деталей. Детали понадобились злодеям для их коварных планов, а хорошие парни собрались вместе и отправились расстраивать их козни — вот и весь сказ.
Не за тем мы пришли в LEGO-игру. Здесь должен царить дух скоморошества и клоунады — и таки где он? Вроде бы есть. Вроде бы герои перешучиваются, попадают в нелепые ситуации и, кажется, играют комедию. Но подавляющее большинство шуток — лишь бледная тень иронии из последних экранизаций Marvel.
Предмет основной доли хохм сводится к уборке после очередного разрушительного геройского акта. или к тому, что кто-то шумно пьет кофе. Процент «своих» шуток катастрофически мал. Мы уже вдоволь посмеялись над тем, как Тони Старк дразнит Капитана Америку в тех же «Мстителях», а прихлебывание напитков со звуком тонущей баржи — это даже не сортирный юмор, а детский сад! Мы, конечно, понимаем, что не ради искусства Traveller’s Tales клепает одну LEGO-игру за другой, но с таким материалом, как богатейший зверинец Marvel, можно было обойтись и заботливее.
Фундамент геймплея в играх про LEGO был и остается неизменным: бежим по уровню, забитому объектами из деталек упомянутого конструктора, разбиваем объекты (если это враги, то попутно превозмогаем сопротивление), чтобы собрать бесценные монетки, и скачем дальше.
► Замшелый Капитан Америка словно и не прожил всю жизнь в эпоху нуара, плащей и наци. На конфликте с современностью в фильмах строилось немало шуток.
Ставки и приоритеты не изменились и измениться не способны. Главный инструмент удержания игроков в Marvel Super Heroes — мародерство. Круши, ломай, собирай — безо всякой угрозы для жизни! Враги слабые, предсказуемые, а в случае гибели персонажи просто возрождаются, расставшись с парой монеток. Геймплей для всех возрастов, от сопливого детства до солидных седин.
В каждой главе — несколько потайных комнат, до которых не добраться без героев с нужными способностями. Через решетку пролезает только Мистер Фантастика, а Росомаха дергает тяжелые переключатели. В потайных комнатах обязательно лежат трофеи: синие или фиолетовые монетки, дающие тонны очков, бандуры с лампочками — по десять штук на уровень, или даже сам Стэн Ли, попавший в беду в пятнадцатый раз за игру. Чтобы завладеть всеми богатствами, придется неоднократно перепроходить главы с новым составом команды.
► Автоматический split-screen работает странно: граница регулярно совершает сальто и запутывает игроков. Вертикальное разделение еще неудобнее.
Хочется спросить: с какой стати нам снова и снова шляться по исхоженным тропам? Но вопрос отпадет сам собой, если вы не сможете сопротивляться чарующему звуку сыплющихся в карман блестящих монеток. Не так уж много усилий нужно, чтобы завладеть вниманием игрока.
Каким бы типичным ни был геймплей в легоизациях от Traveller’s Tales, сбор монеток все равно гипнотизирует, как семечки. Остановиться невозможно. Даже если вы решили, что просто пробежитесь по сюжету, вашей воли не хватит противостоять непобедимому инстинкту собирательства. Иначе — вы робот.
Заметно, что Traveller’s Tales старались разнообразить игру ровно до той отметки, перед которой заканчиваются возгласы «Лентяи, то же самое продали!» и после которой как-то неловко рычать о недостаче. Скудной Marvel Super Heroes не назовешь.
Для начала — кооператив. Он ни на йоту не отступил от стандартов, заданных LEGO Star Wars. За одну клавиатуру садятся два человека и, сражаясь с отмороженным управлением, веселятся от души. Чаще, конечно, берутся за геймпады.
► Принцип разделения обязанностей во плоти: пока один игрок разбирается с боссом (решает головоломку, собирает механизм и т.д.), другой обеспечивает прикрытие.
Вдвоем искать звонкие детальки куда забавнее, проявляется соревновательный элемент — кто больше награбит. Плечом к плечу с другом намного приятнее отражать натиск врагов, особенно если поделить обязанности: пусть Тор носится под потолком и швыряет во врагом Мьёльнир, а Капитан Америка собирает выпадающие монетки и добивает тех, кто пережил удар кувалды из металла нейтронной звезды. И friendly fire, разумеется: «Куда ты руками машешь, да я тебя заживо зажарю. »
Сами уровни при этом построены не слишком удачно. Они перенасыщены деталями и секретами, от которых голова идет кругом, но при этом линейны и все равно умудряются запутать. Сюда же добавьте и излишнюю пестроту. Битвы превращаются в разноцветную круговерть, в которой герои моментально теряются.
► Асгард, родина Тора и Локи, — живописнейший, великолепный мир, но и градус бешеной цветомузыки здесь опасно близок к критическому.
Между миссиями глаза отдыхают. В распоряжении игрока — здоровенный вертоносец конторы Щ.И.Т., фигурировавший в «Мстителях», и, конечно, Нью-Йорк. Все, что есть на улице, само собой, подлежит слому: всякие столбы, скамейки, машины (на последних и покататься можно, если вы не Халк). Не свое, не жалко!
Зато песочница набита дополнительными заданиями: она появилась не так давно, в LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, но уже успела стать приятной и незаменимой. Ничего сверхъестественного: тут попросят отыскать потерявшийся гаечный ключ, там — найти сбежавшую обезьянку, кое-где назревают стычки со Стражами, противомутантными роботами из комиксов X-Men.
ЭТО ИНТЕРЕСНО: в ткань игры заботливо вплетен вездесущий Дедпул, известный балагур и любитель ломать хлипкую «четвертую стену». Он мелькает то там, то сям, а на борту вертоносца вы найдете его каюту. Должное усердие позволит почитать в ней комиксы, а залежи монеток здесь можно превратить в улучшения — например, модификатор к числу найденных монеток.
Занятий достаточно, чтобы отвлечься от напряженных поисков секретов, полюбоваться мирным небом и уютным городом, полетать между небоскребами — и раздобыть несколько золотых блоков. Зачем они нужны? Для коллекции, конечно!
Черт, да даже во время десантирования в чей-нибудь замок надо ловить серебро и золото. Кто сказал — «помешательство»?
Marvel Super Heroes — несерьезная, раздолбайская и по-глупому приятная (или приятно глупая?) игра. Она умудряется развиваться — и притом ни на миллиметр не сдвигаться с места, словно парадоксальные Эзоповы животные. Шутка ли, почти два десятка серий, а без знакомства с источником вдохновения различить их почти невозможно.
Свою культурную задачу — высмеивание супергеройских штампов — она умудрилась провалить. Нравятся вам творения Marvel? Просто покупайте и радуйтесь, но если вы ждали чего-то принципиально нового, то. зря.
Fallout: London is a highly ambitious project aimed at creating the city of London (post-apocalypse of course) in Fallout 4. They have been showcasing their development since their announcement and have recently released a gameplay trailer. We have the privilege and pleasure to be talking to the project lead of Fallout: London today about their development and what to expect from this game sized mod.
Prilladog, thanks for chatting with us during this busy t.
Morrowind is turning 20 today! To celebrate this anniversary, our good friend darkelfguy is running a special edition of his yearly Morrowind May Modathon and we're also giving away fabulous prizes in our Morrowind quiz!
Did you know that our site started out as a fansite for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind? That's right, and that was back in 2001 when the site launched under the name "Morrowind Chronicles" in anticipation of and leading up to the game's release exactly 20 years ag.
The Creation Kit - the official SDK for creating Skyrim and Fallout 4 mods - could only be acquired exclusively through this launcher which would of course be a problem for new modders once the service is taken offline.
Luckily, Bethesda has already made both the Fallout 4 and Skyrim Sp.
Without mod authors sharing their creations our modding community wouldn’t exist. As you know, many mod authors put countless hours into their mods, maintaining documentation for users, and supporting their mods. It’s because of this fact that, over the years, we’ve added a number of ways for users to say “thank you” by donating to their favourite mod author - be it through our mod rewards system, the donation options we provide (donation button on the mod page), or by allowing mod aut.
Starfield, the first game in a brand new series from Bethesda Game Studios, is coming to PC and Xbox in November and while that may seem to be a long way off yet, we're already excitedly preparing for the release.
Update 12 May 2022: Bethesda has announced on Twitter that Starfield has been delayed until the first half of 2023.
If you haven't heard about it yet, Starfield is going to be the debut entry in an entirely new franchise and marks the first single-player RPG.
Applications are now closed for this position.
With 20 full-time staff now working from the Nexus Mods office in Exeter, we're on the lookout for someone who can help us with the day to day running of our office space, looking after all of us and our beloved workplace.
We're naming this role the "Office Manager" role, however, it will involve a range of different tasks that could fit into all sorts of job descriptions, including "Facilities Manager".
Two weeks ago, we launched a donation drive to raise funds and support the Red Cross in its mission to bring medical aid to the people of Ukraine suffering the consequences of an unprovoked attack on their country.
We’re very happy to say that the community came out strong in support of Ukraine raising over £6,500 (~$8,474) in direct donations, with some individual donations as high as $100 or even $1,000 - which is just incredible! Thank you so much for your donations.
“So, do you want to overthrow the royalty or work to stand with us?”
Decide for yourself by joining the Closed Alpha of Elegos - a moddable RPG - playtesting now!
We’ve partnered with Perpetual Games who are making an open-world RPG with modding at its front and centre! Today, Elegos is moving into the Closed Alpha playtesting phase. With this comes an open invitation to anyone in the community who would like to try out an early build of the game, so that .
In the feature, we are looking at a very special project for the game Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. The mod in question is called "Life in Calradia" by the author OneDrop. If you haven't played Bannerlord, it is a medieval-style action strategy game involving the huge world map of Calradia, several factions inspired by human history, hundreds of Nobles, and an assortment of beautifully created towns, castles, and villages.
However, those of you who have played will know that one.
I’m sure you’re all aware of the horrible assault on Ukraine that started on 24 February. Along with the leadership and people of the vast majority of countries in the world, we strongly condemn this unprovoked attack on another sovereign nation at the orders of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
At this moment the people of Ukraine are suffering the consequences of Putin’s war of aggression which is bringing nothing but death, destruction, and displacement to countless familie.
It's time to reveal the answers and announce the winners of our quiz which we launched two weeks ago. Thousands of you participated, and I'm sure you can't wait to see how well you did in the quiz.
We wanted to try something a little different this time, so here's a video revealing the answers and winners. Enjoy!
Thank you for playing! I hope you all had fun, and, of course, congratulations to the winners! Please make sure to check your PM inbox fo.
Answer our quiz questions correctly and win one of three amazing prizes - including a game of your choice! The better you do in the quiz, the better your chance of winning. The deadline for the quiz is 18 February 2022. Good luck and have fun!
Simply submit your answers to the quiz questions until 18 February 2022 03:00 PM (GMT) for your stab at winning a prize. There's a total of eleven quiz questions. Some are a bit harder, while others are a bit easier a.
Happy (belated) new year everyone! For most people around the world, 2021 was still very much a year affected by the pandemic, so it probably won't make its way into any "Top 10 Best Years Ever" lists anytime soon. Looking at our site usage data and overall statistics, however, 2021 was indeed a very good year in terms of site growth. We're happy to say we're now serving more users and hosting more mods for many more games!
A significant project we completed in 2021 was the total ove.
Today we are talking to the modding team CND Modworks, aka DAZAssassin100 and Claymaver2000. CND Modworks are the authors of many of the most popular Star Wars Battlefront II mods including live-action Ahsoka, Medieval Darth Vader, and more.
Thanks for taking the time to speak with us guys. Could you start us off by telling us a bit about yourselves?
Claymaver2000: My name is Clay and I make mods for EA's Battlefront II and help WoofWoofWolffe and Cinematic C.
The Morrowind Modjam is back!
For anyone who hasn't heard of it, the Modjam is a competition where modders will be given 48 hours to make a themed mod. The theme in question will be revealed when the event starts.
Thank you to Danae123 for organizing it once again. Over to you.
SAVE THE DATE: January 14-16
January 7-14: vote for themes
The themes have been suggested by the participants and judges of the previous modjam.
Today, our upcoming Collections feature is moving into the Open Alpha testing phase. This means we're extending an open invitation to anyone in the community who would like to try out an early build of the system so that we can continue to fine-tune it for the full, public release.
This new wave of volunteers will join our existing testers who have already provided lots of incredibly valuable feedback over the past few months to help us in shaping the core experience of the Collectio.
All the way back in August we launched the biggest giveaway in Nexus Mods history, in partnership with Republic of Gamers. It's taken a fair bit longer than I had initially hoped, but we are finally ready to announce the lucky winners of the RTX 3070TI, accessory bundles and - perhaps most importantly - the Nexus Mods mugs!
As a quick refresher, between 10 August and 10 October 2021, we opened three categories to enter into the prize draw.
Main Category - Uploa.
Last week, season 2 of the Witcher launched on Netflix and just like when the first season came out back in 2019, we're happy to see that many of you have returned to, or started, modding The Witcher 3.
So that you can join in on the fun, and to celebrate the occasion, we are giving away 10x GOG keys for The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition.
For your chance to win, all you need to do is click the banner below and submit your entries via the Gleam widget before 05 January 2022 (1.
Earlier this year, we put out a call for a new Community Manager to join our team at Nexus Mods. We completed the hiring process for the new CM in June and our new recruit has since been eagerly working away in the background, helping us manage the day-to-day of running the website, and learning the ropes. There's been quite a lot going on here at Nexus Mods over the last few months, so they're definitely overdue a proper introduction. So, without further ado.
I'd like you all to g.
As you may have heard, Skyrim Anniversary Edition is coming out in a few weeks to commemorate the initial release of Skyrim in 2011 - a whopping 10 years ago! Along with this release, Skyrim Special Edition will also be receiving an update including new, free content. Great news, but this update also comes with some consequences for the modding scene regarding mods dependent on the popular utility Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE). There is no reason to panic though! In this post, we've put togethe.
the alex ross suits seen in Spider-Man 2 enter electro in Lego Marvel Superheroes!
the alex ross suits seen in Spider-Man 2 enter electro in Lego Marvel Superheroes!
Scorpion MK mod for lego marvel super heroes
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Adds Spider-man from Nwh
Adds Spider-man from Nwh
Adds the black and gold suit from Spider-man Nwh
Adds the black and gold suit from Spider-man Nwh
Adds the suit from Spider-man Nwh that Peter wears at the beginning of the movie
Adds the suit from Spider-man Nwh that Peter wears at the beginning of the movie
Makes Spider-man look like the one from Spider-man PS4/PS5 Remastered's ANAD 2099 Suit
Makes Spider-man look like the one from Spider-man PS4/PS5 Remastered's ANAD 2099 Suit
Adds Spider-man (Tobey Maguire)
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Taskmaster Ultimate. Additional character for LEGO Marvel
Taskmaster Ultimate. Additional character for LEGO Marvel
Batman. Additional character for LEGO Marvel
Batman. Additional character for LEGO Marvel
Mikey. Additional character for Lego Marvel
Mikey. Additional character for Lego Marvel
Joker. Additional character for Lego Marvel
Joker. Additional character for Lego Marvel
this is the Iron Spider Skin for Spider-Man for Lego Marvel Superheroes.
this is the Iron Spider Skin for Spider-Man for Lego Marvel Superheroes.
This is the Iron Spider for Lego Marvel Superheroes unlike the other one this character can Fly!
This is the Iron Spider for Lego Marvel Superheroes unlike the other one this character can Fly!
three reskins for iron man in Lego Marvel Superheroes via CMM
three reskins for iron man in Lego Marvel Superheroes via CMM
deathstroke mod for lego marvel super heroes 1 you will need CMM only , this is a new char no replace
deathstroke mod for lego marvel super heroes 1 you will need CMM only , this is a new char no replace
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