Lego mad max car
Недавно состоялась премьера фантастического боевика Безумный Макс: Дорога ярости. В настоящий момент фильм собирает хорошую кассу по всему миру и имеет все шансы стать одним из самых популярных в этом году. Тем не менее, из-за своего рейтинга «для взрослых», вряд ли «Безумный макс» дождётся официальной версии в виде детского конструктора Лего. Слава Богу — существуют в мире энтузиасты, которые решили взять дело в свои руки и воссоздать великолепные пост-апокалиптические автомобили из фильма в виде конструкций из лего-блоков — смотрим!
1. Энтузиаст творчества под псевдонимом LEGO Will создал модели трёх автомобилей из фильма Безумный Макс: Дорога ярости. Ранее он уже создавал подобные проекты по мотивам фильмов «Чужие» и «Трансформеры». (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
2. Для модели гигантского авто Бессмертного Джо, LEGO Will «одолжил» у охотников за привидениями их знаменитый Ecto-1 из официальной серии Лего. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
3. Благодаря использованию дополнительных деталей, броневик воинов получился весьма убедительным. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
4. Броневик воинов — вид сбоку. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
5. Для «экипажей» своих моделей LEGO Will использовал стандартные лего-фигурки, снабжая их причёсками и нарядами персонажей фильма. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
6. Художник позаботился также и о других деталях — каждый «воин дорог» из экипажа фантастического автомобиля имеет собственное автокресло. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
7. Детализация моделей автомобилей и персонажей впечатляет. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
8. Надеемся, что эти работы попадутся на глаза кому-нибудь из руководства Lego и концерн всё-таки создаст официальную серию игрушек на основе фильма Mad Max: Fury Road. (Фото: LEGO Will/flickr).
Безумный Макс: Дорога Ярости Mad Max: Fury Road вышел на экраны 14 мая 2015 года, и за это время фильм снискал кучу поклонников по всей стране.
Безумный Макс: Дорога Ярости (Mad Max: Fury Road) вышел на экраны 14 мая 2015 года, и за это время фильм снискал кучу поклонников по всей стране. Самые ярые фанаты фильма даже успели уже воссоздать автомобили из Mad Max при помощи детского конструктора lego. Посмотрите с какой точностью воспроизведены безумные транспортные средства из лего.
Берегите глаза: Подборка фото «колхозного» автотюнинга — 12
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Besides Megan Fox , TLCB Elves’ greatest televisual delight is ‘Mad Max – Fury Road’. Although they haven’t seen ‘Death Race’ yet.
The combination of wild vehicle chases and considerable violence ticks all the Elves’ boxes, albeit there are only two (wild vehicle chases and considerable violence).
Recreating the mechanised mayhem from Mad Max in miniature is the aptly-named iluvkillerobots of Flickr, who is here making their TLCB debut with suite of ‘Fury Road’ vehicles.
Despite their small size, all are immediately recognisable as their movie-star counterparts, and include the incredible ‘War Rig’ (top), the tracked Howe & Howe Ripsaw ‘Peacemaker’ (middle), and the ‘People Eaters Limousine’ (below).
There’s more to see of all killerobots’ creations at his ‘Fury Road’ album on Flickr. Click the link above to join the Elves imagining post-apoc vehicle chases and considerable violence. Only smaller.
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Mad Max’s post-apocalyptic future is set in… er, 1983. But what if it were set one-hundred years later? Sergio Batista re-imagines George Miller’s vision for a dystopian Australian outback a century after the film is set, and although the original movie tagline is somewhat problematic, Mad Max and hover cars do seem to work rather well! There’s more to see of Sergio’s ‘V8 Hover Interceptor’ (and a host of other hover vehicles) on Flickr via the link.
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If – like this TLCB Writer – you think that Land Rover’s new Defender is just another version of the Range Rover to be bought by wealthy but unimaginative financiers for driving between the electric gates of their mock-tudor house and the golf club, then this post if for you.
You see, underneath the utter madness of this build is the new Land Rover Defender, or rather the official LEGO 42110 set , and we know which we’d rather have.
Loosely based on a late ’60s Plymouth Barracuda, “grohl”‘s 42110 alternate replicates the movie car superbly, and it’s packed with Technical functions too. Some of which the Elves have found very amusing.
Four-wheel-drive, a four-speed gearbox, a mid-mounted V8 engine, and working steering and suspension make this a qualified ‘Technic Supercar’, plus there are a few items of additional equipment that Land Rover didn’t see fit to include with their Defender…
Firstly there’s a roof mounted gun with two axis of movement, followed by a working harpoon gun mounted inside the engine bay. Said harpoon gun fires a Technic axle around two metres, which the Elves have found particularly fun today. Finally there’s the rear-mounted plough; a huge ratchet-operated claw for slowing down harpooned tanker trucks.
If that’s hard to picture in action then check out “grohl”‘s excellent video below, and you can see full details, imagery, and find a link to building instructions by clicking here .
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Don’t worry, we’re not referring to one of your Mom’s old movies.
TLCB Elves are grumpy today. Despite a slew of finds they missed this one, which we instead saw on The Brothers Brick. And they love Mad Max. We’re not sure they follow the plot, but stuff explodes quite regularly and that seems to please them.
Anyway, those of you with a keener eye will have noticed that something is amiss with Michael Kanemoto‘s rendition of the ‘V8 Interceptor’ from the movie, what with it being red and yellow and driven by a cartoon dog.
That’s because Michael’s ‘V8 Interceptor’ is part of a wider ‘Fab Max’ collaboration, mixing LEGO’s primary-coloured 1980s Fabuland theme with George Miller’s post-apocalyptic road movie, and in doing so creating a desolate wasteland inhabited by cute (but violent) anthropomorphic critters. Kinda like TLCB Towers.
Complete with officer Max “Bark”-tansky of the Fab Force Patrol there’s more to see of Micheal’s ‘Fab Max V8 Interceptor’ via the link above (plus you can also find the original black version of the car which is frankly boring by comparison), and – if you’re as in to this theme as we are – you can see another ‘Fab Max – Furry Road’ creation blogged at TLCB by clicking here.
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Not our title, but the words of TLCB debutant Blair Archer (aka Slick_Bricks), who has taken Fabuland’s well-documented descent into violence and chaos to its ultimate conclusion. It’s enough to make you lose your head.
Slick’s ‘Doom Buggy’, part of a wider ‘Fab Max – Furry Road’ initiative, equips ‘I am the Walrus’ and his crew of cut-throat critters with a variety of weaponry, not least a tailgate-mounted guillotine for the removal of heads whilst on the road. Makes sense to us.
Head to Slick’s photostream via the link above for all the imagery. Goo goo g’joob*.
*If you don’t know what we’re on about, click these words. Which probably won’t help at all.
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The way things are going at the moment you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s the end of civilisation as we know it. What’s that? It is? OK, well we’ll have one of these then please.
Built by Flickr’s Eero Okkonen, and very much inspired by ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’, this post-apoc hot rod is just the sort of vehicle we need to survive a trip to the supermarket. The spiky wedge arrangement on the front looks perfect for pushing weaker members of society aside, whilst the counterbalanced pole thingy mounted on the rear would allow us to swoop down and steal toilet paper from right out of rival shoppers’ trollies.
Head to Eero’s photostream via the link above to see more, but remember we saw it first!
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The Future Belongs to the Mad. Especially when they collaborate. 2015’s ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ thundered into cinemas to surprising critical acclaim. Directed my George Miller (he of Happy Feet fame!), ‘Fury Road’ followed the terribly-named ‘Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome’ film released a full three decades previously, and it was bloody brilliant!
It’s not often that TLCB Staff and TLCB Elves are in agreement, but this is a movie that brought harmony between TLCB’s human overlords and its irritating mythical workforce. Until the little turds started reenacting scenes from the film in the corridors of TLCB Towers at least.
‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ starred many incredible vehicles, all of which were build for real, and many of these have been recreated in Lego form over the past five years (you can use the search function to find those that have appeared here). However, despite only appearing briefly in the third Mad Max instalment, it’s the V8 Interceptor that has endured as the franchise’s most iconic car.
Based on a 1970s Ford Falcon XB GT Hardtop, the V8 Interceptor appeared in all three movies, and is arguably more associated with the Mad Max story than the fleshy meatbag/s that drove it. This is the version of the Interceptor from the final (for now) film, and it’s been created through the collaboration of builders Mikhail Biktimirov, FX6000, and photographer Nikolay Gamurar.
With remote control drive and steering, working independent front and solid-axle rear suspension, and opening doors and hood, Mikhail, FX6000 and Nikolay’s beautifully presented V8 Interceptor is definitely worth a closer look. FX6000 has also made building instructions available too, should you wish to pretend your kitchen floor is post-apocalyptic wasteland and reenact scenes from the movies.
The Elves will certainly be doing that, so whilst we keep a careful eye on proceedings you can see more of Mikhail, FX6000 and Nikolay’s brilliant Mad Max V8 Interceptor collaboration at the Eurobricks discussion forum by clicking here.
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It’s been a while since we featured a vehicle from Mad Max – Fury Road, but thanks to a reader we’re back in the apocalyptic wastelands of George Miller’s 2015 epic. The Elves – despite not finding this creation themselves – are watching a screening of the movie in their cage room, so we can probably expect extreme violence from them tomorrow. In the meantime let’s take a closer look at today’s build.
Based on an AM General M814 military truck with a Mercedes-Benz W123 limousine body mounted atop it, this is the ‘People Eater’s Limousine’. Like all the vehicles from the movie the truck/limo hybrid was built for real, using two salvaged Mercedes-Benz limousines due to be scrapped by a wedding car company.
In the film the truck is used by the Mayor of Gastown as his own personal transportation and can also refine oil on the move, allowing his business to continue earning revenue even while he traverses the desert between Gastown and the Citadel. A smart man then, but he also wears nipple-clamps at all times, so that probably cancels out.
Nipple-clamp wearing businessman aside, this Lego recreation of the People Eater’s Limousine is about an accurate a replica of a Mad Max – Fury Road vehicle as we’ve seen yet, and includes a highly detailed engine, a perfectly replicated interior, and the two oil-refining trailers in tow.
It’s the work of Scott of Flickr and there’s a huge gallery of images available to view at his photostream, which also includes some of the other vehicles from the Mad Max – Fury Road film. Click on the link above to make the jump to Scott’s photostream, and if you want to see what happened to the real vehicle (clue: fire and explosions!) then click here!
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The Lego Car Blog Set Review Competition has just a few short weeks remaining! We’ve asked you, our readers, to join us to add even more LEGO sets to the Set Review Library, and those that made the grade have seen their words published here reaching over a million readers annually!
If you’d like to add your own set to our Set Reviews and be in with a chance of winning some awesome prizes then get in touch via the comments – but be quick as the competition closes December 31st!
Still up for grabs are several superb Lego books from the great guys at No Starch Press, including the 5-star rated Tiny Lego Wonders, and the brilliant Manner-Spielzeug Mad Max Interceptor set, making a prize pot worth over $130!
You can read all of the Set Reviews submitted so far, as well as those written by our in-house reviewers, by visiting The Lego Car Blog Set Review Library here, and we’ll announce the winner (based on a combination of views and a judges’ vote) in early 2017.
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If the Elves went to school, this is what they’d ride in. This would be to ensure the safety of the community, but we have a feeling that they would love it too. Suggested by a reader, you can see more of James Cox’s post-apoc Mad Max-esque school (of hard knocks) bus on Flickr.
Today’s second Mad Max creation comes from Flickr’s Doctor Mobius for the LUGNuts ‘100 Way to Win’ challenge, and it’s… er, we’re not entirely sure. But we’ll trust him. He’s a doctor. See more here.
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There have been three Mad Max movies to date, and with the latest re-ignition of the franchise promising a few more films to come our Elven workforce, whose second love after Megan Fox in Transformers is post-apocalyptic violence, are very excited. The Elf that discovered this photo is something of a hero amongst its colleagues today then, and it has also earned itself three meal tokens. We have seen a couple of these builds from Flickr’s Tim Inman aka rabidnovaracer before, but they look damn cool together don’t they? You can see more of his three Mad Max – Fury Road vehicles at his photostream via the link above.
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There’s a movie out in cinemas at the moment that all the proper Lego Blogs are talking about, so here’s a post-apoc classic Buick from ‘Mad Max – Fury Road’. Yup, we like to stay on top of current events here at TLCB…
It’s (probably) our final MOC of 2015, so it’s somewhat fitting that Tim Inman’s Buick from the latest Mad Max instalment is one of the last vehicles left on earth. There’s more to see of this top-quality build at Tim’s photostream – click here to make the jump and get mad.
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TLCB Elves only like two types of movies; those with robots, explosions and car chases, and those with Megan Fox in. Handily the Transformers franchise provides them with all of this, but Mad Max is a fairly close second, despite the Megan Fox shaped hole in it.
We haven’t let them watch the newest addition to the saga yet (the Elves are banned from our local cinema due a series of unfortunate incidents), but the late ’70s original and its ’80s sequel are regular fodder for the old TV/VHS combo situated in their cage room. But only once they’ve brought a Mad Max creation back for us to blog of course.
Today one Elf has been fed and lots more are happily cheering and whooping at the TV downstairs, because this most excellent Mad Max creation was brought into the office.
Hailing from the early original movies, Paave’s V8 Interceptor ‘Pursuit Special’ features Buggy Motor propulsion, a servo for steering, an on-board Li-Po battery, working suspension, and a whirling supercharger pulley.
There’s more to see of his brilliant creation on both MOCpages and Eurobricks – click the links to make the jump.
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This insane looking vehicle is – of course – the brutal War Rig from the 2015 movie epic Mad Max – Fury Road.
Built by MOCpages’ Desert752 Kirill the War Rig features a multitude of remotely operated functions and, rather than the real truck’s 6×4 drive train, a full 6×6 system. Plus 6-wheel-drive for the trailer. And 4-wheel-drive for the trailer’s trailer. Yup, this marvellous beast has a 16×16 drivetrain, which has got to be a TLCB first.
16×16 is also incredibly effective at squashing TLCB Elves, as many of them discovered today thanks to the delighted Elf at the controls.
You can see more of Desert’s incredible build on MOCpages at the link above, plus you can check the Rig out in action via the video below, which is complete with a suitably ridiculous soundtrack.
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Lego versions of the Mad Max – Fury Road vehicles are appearing e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e, but we don’t mind – they are the perfect cars for this little corner of the internet. This one comes from Jin Kei, and it’s one of the key cars from the epic post-apoc movie. Join the madness at the link above.
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This is, quite simply, the most effective Elf-smushing vehicle that has ever graced the halls of TLCB Towers.
It’s Sariel‘s incredible newest creation, taken from the equally incredible Mad Max – Fury Road movie, and it’s one of our favourite cars of the year so far.
Underneath the ruined muscle car bodywork, and above the brilliant suspended track system, sit a pair of LEGO batteries connected to twin LEGO RC buggy motors, each controlled by the superb SBrick third-party bluetooth system.
And that makes the Peacemaker one of the fastest, most agile and most highly manoeuvrable Lego vehicles that this site has ever published. And none of this was good news for our Elves.
You can see more of Sariel’s awesome creation on MOCpages by clicking here, you can read more about the builder through our interviews page here, and you can witness the Peacemaker in action via the epic YouTube video below.
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There are a few vehicles that you don’t want to see looming in your rearview mirror. If you’re Mad Max, the first of today’s two creations is one of them; the lead chase car in Mad Max 2 ‘The Road Warrior’.
As it turns out, it doesn’t end well for the pink-mowhawked maniac riding in the convertible truck, but Max doesn’t fare much better either. This excellent mini-figure version of the car from the 1981 movie comes from TLCB regular _Tiler, and there’s more to see at his Flickr Photostream.
Today’s second creation is a from a brand that we’re all used to seeing in our rearview mirror, two feet from our rear bumper, being driven by a sunglasses-wearing douchebag who really must get to that next meeting asap.
Yes, Audi have become the manufacturer of choice for tailgating muppets everywhere, but there was a time when Audi’s class of driver was altogether different. Coincidentally it was back in the ’80s when Max was being terrorised by the vehicle above, and Audi stood for understated excellence.
It was the car below that really put the brand on the map, and – unfortunately – went a long way in adding Audi to the buying lists of the aforementioned clientele. It is of course the legendary early ’80s quattro with a small ‘q’. This neat Lego version has been built by Ben, and is available to view on Flickr.
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This gloriously nuts Mad Max-esque RV/Truck/Armoured Car, entitled ‘Clan’s Moving House’, was discovered by a delighted TLCB Elf on Flickr today. It’s been built by Luis Baixinho and it looks like the perfect vehicle to make it through any one of the variety of apocalyptic events that the weird guy on the outskirts of town hoarding canned food and ammunition thinks is imminent. Get prepared on Flickr via the link above!
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Following our review of the excellent Manner-Spielzeug Interceptor set from the original 1980s Mad Max movies, we’re back to the 2015 incarnation, with another superb Town-scale recreation from TLCB regular _Tiler. His latest replica is probably the weirdest yet, and you can see more of this and his previous Fury Road vehicles via the link to Flickr above.
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A few days ago a little brown bag arrived at TLCB Towers, and the Elves have never been so excited! It came from custom set builders Manner-Spielzeug, and the excitement was due to a few words printed at the top of the packaging:
Violence Level / Medium
This is something that is – for those that know The Lego Car Blog – right up our alley, and it’s also something we’d like to see on every LEGO set… although it’s probably quite unlikely!
The guys at Manner-Spielzeug have a few custom sets available, in themes that The LEGO Group are unable – for sound ethical reasons – to explore.
Our set comes from the original Mad Max movie, and features Max’s famous V8 Interceptor, a mini-figure Mel Gibson, and a host of the coolest parts possible. The genius behind the Manner-Spielzeug products is that they use the very best pieces from all available sources, whether that’s LEGO themselves, third party accessory makers, or their own print-works, to make the sets that LEGO can’t.
The instructions come in digital format, with a QR code included so that a simple scan with a smart phone can bring up the PDF, which is optimised for multiple device types. This is worth bearing in mind as although it’s unlikely to impact anyone reading this review it may restrict builders for whom the Interceptor is bought as a gift.
The instructions themselves are very nearly as good as LEGO’s own, being logical, neat and clear. They do perhaps lack a few sub-assemblies when compared to those from an official LEGO set, and this does make the build slightly more challenging than you might expect. However for us this made the familiar ‘spot the difference’ between the part built model in our hands and the part built model pictured in the instructions a more fun experience, and certainly didn’t detract from an enjoyable build.
36 steps later and the finished model proves to be excellent, being both true to the Mad Max movie and gloriously playable. The Interceptor is a comparable size to LEGO’s newer vehicles at 6-studs wide, and features a removable roof, detailed engine with supercharger and some trunk space for the aforementioned gas-can and Brickarms weaponry.
The two Brickarms pieces are well suited to the set, and the real surprise was Manner-Spielzeug’s own printed part – a can of Dinki Di dog food from the movie – which is of a quality as high (if not higher) than anything LEGO make themselves.
Overall the Interceptor is something of a delight. It’s different from anything that LEGO produces, but is totally true to LEGO’s ‘Play Well’ ethos. Only with a bit more violence. Perhaps the only sticking point is the price, as for €69 (just over $75/£50) the piece count is quite low. The quality however, couldn’t be higher, and if you’re a fan of the Mad Max movie franchise we expect you’ll find little better than this. 4 stars – Highly Recommended.
You can check out the Manner-Speilzeug Mad Max Interceptor set by clicking on the link below, where you can also read more about their mission and view the other products that they have available. Let them know we sent you and you can take advantage of a 10% discount too.
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