Lego how to train your dragon
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I’m a huge fan of Hiccup and Toothless, so you can imagine my excitement upon seeing a LEGO Ideas – How To Train Your Dragon submission! Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine myself such a fangirl, but after finding myself crying at the cartoon series and then balling at the second movie, I knew I was hooked.
And I know I’m not alone… which is why I truly hope this MOC makes the voting stages:
This is what the creator, master builder Bilbo1915, has to say about his MOC:
“This 412 piece set enables you to recreate the magic of all two films and play out epic scenes featuring the most iconic characters from this all time classic. Or you can make up new adventures for them as they discover uncharted territory above the clouds!
Toothless has many joints for poising. His wings are attached by a ball joint, enabling them move in any direction. His head also has a ball joint. His legs can move forward and backwards for fly or standing, and his tail has three hinges so his tail can flap up and down.
As you can see in the picture here, Tootless has many details. Plus, he comes with two tails – a red one and brown – so that you can play out scenes from the first and second movies!”
Also, if you look at the MOC, it comes with 4 minifigures: Stoick, Hiccup from second film, Hiccup from first film, and Astrid.
A similar MOC was created previously (with some excellent digital drawings, I might add). There are also other active HTTYD contenders (see here and here) but they have some issues such as illegal building methods and just lackluster modeling. However, none of them gathered or are gathering the support needed to make it into the review phase. I’m hoping this one has what it takes or that maybe the dinosaur sets…while not the same as dragons…might give it the attention it needs to go the distance.
The only other thing I see holding this set back from getting made would be licensing issues. If I remember correctly, Ionix is currently making a HTTYD build toy (saw them at Toys-R-Us around Christmas time last year). It’s quite possible that even if this build makes it to the review stage, it would not get green-lit due to licensing.
Regardless, I would buy this set in a heartbeat.
If you want go keep up with the project, you can check out the LEGO Ideas – How To Train Your LEGO Dragon project page. Please show your support and vote!
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- Originality: How original is this - never seen before?
- Building Techniques: How much skill do you think the creator of this MOC has, in terms of building technique?
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Hello. This is another Brick Well project and first of all the Well does acknowledge that the How to Train Your Dragon has been glossed over before and that all the ideas contained there in are new and original. The Brick Well was hoping to take a different view on the project so as to introduce new models and different ideas not previously seen! First off all as seen above the obvious choice for a iconic first model was Hiccup and his loyal dragon Toothless. The above preliminary design was constructed on Digital Designer 4.2 to provide maximum availability of pieces and a nice finished look for the model! The only elements not seen here that probably would be included are a basket and one or more fish so Hiccup can feed Toothless. However a detailed design has been attempted to make up for a loss of accessories. Toothless has a completely moving lower jaw and his wings are constructed from Lego pieces so they can flex and turn in almost any direction. He also has moveable legs and claws. So Hiccup is also able to ride on him there is also a saddle between the wings and detailed chains linking the flight controls to the synthetic tail flap. This set is mainly designed for basic play or display and as such does not contain any functions such as launching missiles. A lot of the coming designs in the theme will be similar but will also be designed for a decent build and a large model. This mainly dragon model themed line will be aimed at builders roughly eight and above! An expanded minifigure collection will also be designed for maximum play possibilities and unseen dragon models such as the Gronckle! The Brick Well will return soon and will be repeatedly updating the project this week! See you soon.
As mentioned above in the previous addition to expand the How to Train Your Dragon minifigure universe the Brick Well has added a collection of the main film characters to expand ideas of possible characters in set designs and because the minfigures are not as much the stars in all the dragon themed sets. Above are all the main characters who appear regulary in the film and from left to right they are Hiccup (far front left), Astrid (front left), Stoick (front right), Gobber (far front right), Fishlegs-an addition with hair (far back left), Snotlout (back left), Tuffnut-that might be mixed up (back right) and Roughnut (far back right). Some of the characters may not be as realistically represented as they have to wear helmets, but this will vary in many of the coming designs as characters will be altered to suit a set and for maximum versitility. The above minifigures are really just a template for the designs of the main characters. There will also be new characters in many of the set designs with different accessories. Especially look out for characters in set where they match the dragon they ride!The Brick Well is already working on designs for a Deadly Nadder and the never-seen before Gronckle. The Well will update this project in the next few days. See you all again soon!
Hello everybody. As the project is still relatively new the Brick Well thought it was worth jumping straight into the game and introducing a new concept: the Gronckle. This dragon model has been included in a set which was particually styled around a concept of the film which usually featured this fearsome dragon! Constructed on Digital Designer 4.2 and containing about 250 pieces in the dragon model itself it is probably the most comapact design yet featured. The Gronckle model was especially designed to be a large and compact model just like the actual dragon as it is large and stocky! The Gronckle also features small wings as it only has little fast beating wings in the film and a large, stocky tail to smash through boulders! The Gronckle is fighting the young vikings in training just like in the film when Gobber (included here) is teaching them to fight dragons. Likewise the set also conatins appropriate minifigures which include Hiccup with a sword and sprig of grass to sooth the dragon, Astrid armed with her battle axe and shoulder armour and Fishlegs with a sword and shield as he of course ends up riding the Gronckle. The set also comes with training barriers for experience in a rugged environment and a weapons rack for the vikings to arm themselves in other dragon fights. Gobber is also pictured here to help the young trainees if things get sticky! The Brick Well be be back again soon to publish a new design for the Deadly Nadder! See you all then!
This is the Brick Well again! First of all the Well would like to show the huge amount of appreciation for the fantastic eight new supporters this week, as you all know this project has been posted before and there is tough competition! The Brick Well has really made an effort to try and make all the models included within this project of a new style and original design so as there is no plagirism involved and everybody presenting this idea is being given creative liscense. The Well also acknowledges that other projects have put in the hard work to present their ideas and that the Well is not trying to take credit for it. On the subject of the project as said above the Brick Well has posted a new design: The Deadly Nadder. This is by far one of the larger and more detailed models as it contains a large amount of pieces at about 720 and contains several small pieces like Lego fangs for explicit detail! The Nadder like the above models does not contain any functions such as launching parts but it does have features such as fully articulated wings for maximum play. It also features moving legs, a hinged jaw, movable head spikes and a sectioned tail with five movable sections! This concept is based on the section of the film were Gobber is teaching the vikings to fight the Nadder in a maze construction within the arena. As such it also includes minifigures appropriate to the situation which are Snotlout armed with a hammer and shield and Astrid armed with a broad sword and a shield to protect from dragon flame. As this is a preliminary design it has had to forgo a few added details such as a few additional minifigures and a battle wall/s for a training environment. This will be made up for though when new pictures are posted. Designs for the Monstrous Nightmare and Hideous Zippleback are being worked on including a large project which at the moment is secret. Thanks for voting and see you soon.
Hello! Here is the next project update from the Brick Well. As mentioned in the above description for the Deadly Nadder it is the Hideous Zippleback that has been added next to the expanding menagerie of dragons because it was a unique and different type of dragon compared with others and provided some new and exciting oppurtunities for a building model-(E.G:Having two heads). If supporters are wondering why it has taken a little while for this next update to appear it is because it was rather more difficult to design around its structure of two heads and tails. There was also a difficulty in designing rather smaller and streamline heads so they did not look oddly large on long and thin necks. However thanks to the delay the Well has been able to add lots of detail and attention to the model which paid off by making it the largest model at about 1,200 pieces! As in the actual film it boosts many spikes-52 to be exact-down its back (hence the name) so as to give it a real living look. It also has large flexible wings and moving legs and jointed tails. As usual it does not include any extra play functions like missiles, but if the idea comes through it can be modified. Relevant to the film there are minifigures included of Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs when they must fight a Zippleback during training. Each also holds a bucket of water to put out dragon flame just like in the film sequence. There are also green fire flames representing the dragon breath gas and some pine trees not actually in this particular sequence but included for extra playability! The dragon for an extra touch is also shown breathing Lego flames. Sorry for any complaints, but I have only just found out a few weeks back that Cuusoo only allows four pictures. A design for the monsterous nightmare may not be posted.
Детям с богатым воображением нужно нечто особенное. Хорошо, если у этого существа есть крылья. И ещё лучше, если оно умеет дышать огнём! Ходят слухи, что некоторые драконы отлично танцуют брейк-данс, но всё зависит только от ребёнка, который их обучает.
Ниндзя NINJAGO® спасают мир!
Дракон Колдуна-скелета (71721)
Может быть, этого дракона-скелета, стреляющего ракетами и кишащего пауками, просто неправильно поняли? Возможно ли такое? Только игра покажет.
На старт, выдох, огонь!
Огненный дракон (31102)
Разыскивается: защитник сундука с сокровищами. Штатная должность. Наличие крыльев обязательно. Умение выпускать изо рта огненные шары желательно. Защитная чешуя приветствуется. Оплата в дублонах. Рассмотрим только серьезно настроенных кандидатов.
Потрясающие приключения легендарного игрушечного дракона
Кибердракон Джея (71711)
Не бывает ниндзя без драконов! То есть бывает, конечно. Просто мы хотим сказать, что LEGO® NINJAGO® развивает у детей навыки, которые им очень пригодятся в жизни: например, как использовать драконов против злодеев на ховербордах.
Осмелитесь встретиться с венгерской хвосторогой?
«Турнир трёх волшебников: венгерская хвосторога» LEGO® Harry Potter™ (75946)
Это самый страшный дракон на Турнире трёх волшебников. Гарри Поттер, конечно, смог её победить, но нет никакой гарантии, что вы сможете это повторить! (Впрочем, мы бы точно не смогли.)
Настоящие драконы
Побег галлимима и птеранодона (75940)
Гигантский загадочный крылатый ящер! Единственное различие между ним и драконом — драконы умеют дышать огнём. К счастью, фигурки динозавров LEGO® можно с лёгкостью модернизировать. Всё, что вам нужно, — это несколько элементов пламени и большой запас воображения.
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Познакомьтесь с этими невероятными превращениями моделей
Игрушечные драконы станут отличным подарком для детей. Почему?
Почему дети так очарованы драконами? Это же очевидно! Они огромные, волшебные и дышат огнём. Мы в LEGO Group тоже большие фанаты драконов.
Но стоит сказать и о том, как драконы помогают детям справляться с эмоциями, например страхом. Потому что драконы, какими бы впечатляющими и фантастическими они ни были, — это по своей сути устрашающие существа. Вот почему, когда дети впервые играют с ними, они обычно дают им роли «злодеев», которых надо победить.
Но рано или поздно этот сюжет уступает место чему-то ещё более интересному. Поиграв с драконами достаточно времени, дети понимают, что гораздо веселее сделать их союзниками, а не врагами. Невзирая на внешность, они начинают видеть их внутреннюю ценность. Именно такое отношение мы всегда стараемся передать.
Building dragons out of LEGO® bricks has proven to be pretty challenging. We were thinking that Toothless was probably going to be our only dragon character. But then my 8 year old came running downstairs one day last week, saying “Look! I figured out how to make Hookfang’s head!”
He and I worked together on Hookfang for the next couple of days until he looked just right. The head is Gresham’s original design, but Aidan and I added the horns. I helped with the body and added the jointed tail.
If you don’t have the pieces we used, hopefully you can find something to substitute. And maybe you’ll improve on our design!
Here’s how to build Hookfang:
Step 1: Start with a 2 x 8 flat brick and a 2 x 4 flat brick.
Step 2: Add another 2 x 4 flat brick.
Step 3: This step could have been accomplished with a 2 x 6 flat brick, but we didn’t have one. Add two white round one stud bricks for teeth.
Step 4: Build the lower jaw. The curved red bricks came from a stunt plane set. (There are some advantages to taking your sets apart and combining all the pieces, although it would be difficult to actually ever build that set again…)
Step 5: Build the upper jaw (pieces also from the same stunt plane set). Add a flat 2 x 4 brick to the head.
Step 6: Attach the lower jaw as shown.
Step 7: Add the upper jaw pieces.
Step 8: Add two 2 x 1 bricks behind the head. We also built horns for the back of the head.
Step 9: Add the red horns on top of the two 2 x 1 bricks from the last step. We also added a second set of brown horns. The real Hookfang has four brown horns, but that looked funny in LEGO® form, we thought…
Build the Body:
The body is pretty simple. Use whatever you have on hand for spikes on the back. The best way to get the white toenails if you don’t already have them is in the Mixel’s sets (teeth). Watch out – some of the Mixel’s appear to have them, but they are really bricks that are 3 teeth on one brick.
Here are the pieces we used for wings. It doesn’t matter which pieces you use exactly. Just go for symmetrical!
Jointed Tail:
The jointed tail adds a lot of personality to the completed Hookfang. We had a tail with just one joint a first, and this one is so much better!
Here’s another view of the completed Hookfang:
Click here to see how to make a LEGO® Toothless! Toothless Building Instructions
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® group of companies which does not sponsor. authorize, or endorse this site.
Nicola Apr 14, 2015
Kristianne Apr 29, 2015
I have bee reading your site for a while. I have mostly boys and they continue to remind me about how little I know of about boys. LOL
My oldest loved building this and made it his own. I on he other hand need a cheat sheet so these are great!
How to Train Your Dragon 2 came out on Netflix this month, which inspired a new round of dragon mania in my house!
This LEGO® Toothless was an especially fun project because almost every member of our family had a part in building it. Toothless is definitely a challenging character to build! Dad was the one who finally came up with a good shape for the head, Aidan gave him posable wings, and Gresham created the posable tail. I built the body and legs. So it was truly a family effort!
The hair that we used for Hiccup was from a young Han Solo character that came with a LEGO Star Wars movie. We think that you can also find similar hair on some of the Lord of the Rings mini figures.
The eyes were the hardest part. It would have been fun to make eyes with black pupils, but we just could not figure out how to do it with the pieces we own! We also wanted to add a tongue, but couldn’t figure that out either.
Toothless can turn his head, move his tail, and move his wings two ways.
Ready to build one? Here’s how we made our Toothless.
Build the Head
Step 1:
Step 2: Add a 2 x 3 flat brick and two 1 stud flat bricks. The only reason that we used a round one on one side was because we couldn’t find another square one! Square would be better. The slanted brick goes on the front two studs.
Step 3: Add two 2 x 1 bricks.
Step 4: Add two round green bricks and a flat 2 x 1 black brick between them.
Step 5: Find these two bricks.
Step 6: Add a 4 x 1 flat brick.
Step 7: Build the top of the head. This is a new section! Start with two flat bricks the same shape as the ones in step 1.
Step 8: This is what the back looks like for the top of the head.
Step 9: Assemble the three parts of the head. I have included a couple of views.
Step 10: Add pieces like this to fill in the head.
Step 11: Add a slanted brick to give the bottom side of the head more shape and two 2 x 1 flat bricks for stability.
Step 12: Add the horns/ears/whatever they are.
Build the Body
The body is pretty straightforward, so I am not including step-by-step instructions for this.
You can see how the body attaches to the head to allow the head to swivel.
Here’s how we built the tail:
Build the Wings
The wings are made out of two sections.
Aidan put a round one stud brick on the wing to keep it from swiveling all the way around. That would look a little weird!
In the picture below, you can see how the black stud keeps the wing from spinning the wrong way.
The completed Toothless can moves his wings two ways, move his tail up and down, and turn his head!
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® group of companies which does not sponsor. authorize, or endorse this site.
Bridget Apr 2, 2015
You guys are MASTER BUILDERS!! What a great toothless. He looks great! Happy Easter.
Bridget and Matthew
Theres Just One Mommy Apr 2, 2015
That is so awesome! My son is obsessed with dragons, and he loves Toothless. I'm not sure we have enough black Legos in our collection, but we might have to try to build a rainbow colored Toothless tomorrow!
Samantha Jan 22, 2016
I bought my son this as a present, I cant wait to see his face tomorrow.
Alice May 30, 2015
Thank you so much for this, my 4 year old and I built one today. It's eating Lego fish now :)
Sarah May 31, 2015
So fun! I'm glad you were able to make one!
Vincent Mar 7, 2016
Thanks a lot for sharing this :) It helped a lot to build an awesome Toothless for my daughter, she is fond of it!
Jenifer Jul 13, 2016
Looks wonderful! Do you have the lego set name for the pieces you've used or a suggestion of where to get them?
Leon Nov 29, 2016
I built a rainbow one today. You should create a set.
dawn Nov 27, 2017
i'd like to collect the legos for this build and put together a kit for this and hookfang and whatever other "how to train your dragon" characters i can. Do you have a list of the pieces you used?
Gabrielle Holyman Sep 30, 2018
I have been following most of your post and I must confess, you really have a lot of positive things to offer for newbie bloggers.
Bella McCathie Sep 30, 2018
Amazing, Thanks you very much for share such a great post to help us build backlinks. Fantastic!
H Flores Oct 26, 2021
Dear MS. Dees,
Toothless and Hookfang are awesome! Great design. You should make Stormfly and Meatlug or maybe some of the Vikings.
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About Sarah
I'm mom to four boys and one little girl. Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls is a place to find fun activities that kids will LOVE! We specialize in LEGO building ideas, STEM activities, and play ideas for active kids!
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